The application requires multiple backends to function.
- The eenvplus-geoloket application requires a specific rest backend service that serves the sewer-data, the eenvplus-sdi. For development purposes the following service is available: , the production url is:
- The authentication service needs to be available to. The production version of eenvplus uses the integrated authentication service of the wildfly webserver. For development purposes you can use a local standalone keycloak server. You can download it here: How to configure this application you can follow this guide: .
- The 3th component you need is the GeoSmartCity crowdsource component. The installation of this component is explained in the following chapter.
This application requires the The geosmartcity crowdsourcing backend to install this application, you can follow steps outlined below:
Install tomcat (webserver) and postgis (database) on
Installers Windows:
Linux using apt:
sudo apt-get install tomcat7 sudo service tomcat7 start sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
create the db (in this case named 'cs'), configure schema and load extensions and create users in postgis for development on localhost (in 2 separate sql files, found in the sql folder):
createuser --createdb --login --createrole --pwprompt --superuser rszturc psql -f createCS_db.sql psql -f configCS_db.sql cs
when you have database with postgis and a user with write privileges, you can create the correct tables:
psql -f tablesCS_db.sql <database name>
Download the backend as war-file:
Load the crowd-sourcing backend into tomcat or other java application server: http://localhost:8080/manager/html
Configure the application:
edit: [apache-tomcat-home]\webapps\CrowdSourcing\WEB-INF\web.xml
... <context-param> <param-name>db-url</param-name> <param-value>jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cs</param-value> </context-param> <context-param> <param-name>db-user</param-name> <param-value>rszturc</param-value> </context-param> <context-param> <param-name>db-password</param-name> <param-value>123</param-value> </context-param> ...
edit or create: [apache-tomcat-home]\webapps\CrowdSourcing\META-INF\context.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Context allowCasualMultipartParsing="true" ></Context>
Checkout the source code:
$ git clone
Install build tools on linux using apt:
$ cd eenvplus-geoloket
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
$ sudo npm install -g bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
Install nodejs on windows using installer: Then run the follwing from the nodejs DOS-window in eenvplus project folder:
> npm install -g grunt-cli
> npm install -g bower
> npm install
> bower install
Configure the application:
- The url of the crowdsource service needs to be set in the src/config.json file.
"csurl": "http://localhost:8081/CrowdSourcing"
- Other parameters including the url of the eenvplus-sdi and the authentication service need to be set in the grunt.js file. The authentication service can be integrated in a wildfly webserver or a standalone keycloak service.
dev: {
versionslashed: '',
apache_base_path: '',
api_url: '//', //the url of the eenvplus-sdi exclude the '/rest/services/'
auth_url: '//localhost:8080/auth', //the url of the keycloak authentication service
wmts_url: '//', //the url of the wmts used for the background
mode: 'dev'
$ grunt build-dev
Or to build a .war file for Java servers
$ maven clean install
or use the grunt task for this as well
$ grunt build-war
Run on localhost
$ grunt http
More info, eenvplus-geoloket install guide: