gsc-sos.js is a JavaScript library that encapsulates calls to a web service with SOS 2.0 implementation. Communication messages are XML formatted. The code is agnostic JavaScript, with no dependencies on other javascript libraries and it has the same 52North SOS client front-end to facilitate integration and evolutive development.
All functions handled the request to capabilities, so it is not necessary call it before any request like "getOffering", "getFeatureOfInterest" or "getObservation”.
<!-- minified -->
<script src="../gsc-sos/gsc-sos.min.js"></script>
<!-- debug -->
<script src="../gsc-sos/gsc-sos.debug.js"></script>
var urlService = 'http://server:8080/sosws/service';
var sos = new SOS({ url: urlService, bindingType: SOS.bindingType.XML });
spatial: {
srs: 4326,
lowerCorner: [-180, -90],
upperCorner: [180, 90]
}).then(function (foi) {
if (sos.foiFormatter.allowedFOIs.length > 0) {
var foiID = sos.foiFormatter.allowedFOIs[0].idFOI;
sos.getOfferingsForFeatureOfInterestId(foiID).then(function (offering) {
sos.getCapabilities().then(function (caps) {
console.log('caps are in SOS.Capabilities[urlService]');
sos.getOfferings().then(function (data) {
console.log('offerings OK');
sos.foiFormatter.getFeatureOfInterestByPoint(4326, [42.843, -1.5804], 0.01)
.then(function (foi) {
foi = foi || [];
console.log('getFeatureOfInterestByPoint: ' + fois.length);
The library is under development. Release 0.3.0-beta
Please read the contributors' guide.
gsc-sos.js is under the GNU GPL version 2.