diff --git a/_includes/layouts/jointts/jobs.html b/_includes/layouts/jointts/jobs.html
index b38cb71..8203c61 100644
--- a/_includes/layouts/jointts/jobs.html
+++ b/_includes/layouts/jointts/jobs.html
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
Open positions
We are hiring and will be sharing upcoming jobs and open positions as they are available.
-{% comment %}
-{% endcomment %}
diff --git a/_tests/addOpenJobsToDOM.js b/_tests/addOpenJobsToDOM.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ed3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_tests/addOpenJobsToDOM.js
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * @jest-environment jsdom
+ */
+const { addOpenJobsToDOM } = require("../js/positions");
+describe("addOpenJobsToDOM", () => {
+ let openJobsSection;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ // Set up a DOM structure for testing
+ document.body.innerHTML = `
+ openJobsSection = document.querySelector(".open-jobs");
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
+ document.body.innerHTML = "";
+ });
+ test("should append job list with correct details when jobs are available", () => {
+ const openJobs = [
+ {
+ title: "Frontend Developer",
+ url: "/join/frontend-developer/",
+ external_url: "",
+ closes: "2025-01-31",
+ max_applications: 50,
+ info_sessions: [],
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Backend Developer",
+ url: "/join/backend-developer/",
+ external_url: "https://external.com/job/backend",
+ closes: "2025-02-15",
+ max_applications: 0,
+ info_sessions: [],
+ },
+ ];
+ addOpenJobsToDOM(openJobs);
+ const jobList = openJobsSection.querySelector("ul");
+ expect(jobList).not.toBeNull();
+ expect(jobList.children.length).toBe(2);
+ const firstJob = jobList.children[0];
+ expect(firstJob.querySelector("a").textContent).toBe("Frontend Developer");
+ expect(firstJob.querySelector("a").href).toContain(
+ "/join/frontend-developer/",
+ );
+ expect(firstJob.textContent).toContain(
+ "Open now through Friday, January 31, 2025 at 11:59pm ET or until 50 applications have been received.",
+ );
+ const secondJob = jobList.children[1];
+ expect(secondJob.querySelector("a").textContent).toBe("Backend Developer");
+ expect(secondJob.querySelector("a").href).toBe(
+ "https://external.com/job/backend",
+ );
+ expect(secondJob.textContent).toContain(
+ "Open now through Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 11:59pm ET.",
+ );
+ expect(secondJob.querySelector("a").target).toBe("_blank"); // External link opens in new tab
+ });
+ test("should append no jobs message when no jobs are available", () => {
+ addOpenJobsToDOM([]);
+ const noJobsText = openJobsSection.querySelector("p");
+ expect(noJobsText).not.toBeNull();
+ expect(noJobsText.textContent).toContain("No open positions at this time.");
+ expect(noJobsText.innerHTML).toContain("Sign up for job alerts!");
+ });
+ test("should handle empty info sessions array gracefully", () => {
+ const openJobs = [
+ {
+ title: "Frontend Developer",
+ url: "/join/frontend-developer/",
+ external_url: "",
+ closes: "2025-01-31T23:59:59Z",
+ max_applications: 0,
+ info_sessions: [],
+ },
+ ];
+ addOpenJobsToDOM(openJobs);
+ const jobList = openJobsSection.querySelector("ul");
+ expect(jobList.children.length).toBe(1);
+ const firstJob = jobList.children[0];
+ expect(firstJob.textContent).toContain("Frontend Developer");
+ });
+ test("should correctly construct URLs for pages.cloud.gov", () => {
+ delete global.window.location; // Clear existing location mock
+ global.window.location = { href: "https://pages.cloud.gov/join/" };
+ const openJobs = [
+ {
+ title: "Frontend Developer",
+ url: "/join/frontend-developer/",
+ external_url: "",
+ closes: "2025-01-31",
+ max_applications: 0,
+ info_sessions: [],
+ },
+ ];
+ addOpenJobsToDOM(openJobs);
+ const jobLink = openJobsSection.querySelector("a");
+ expect(jobLink.href).toBe(
+ "https://pages.cloud.gov/join/frontend-developer/",
+ );
+ });
+ test("should use external URL if provided", () => {
+ const openJobs = [
+ {
+ title: "Backend Developer",
+ url: "/join/backend-developer/",
+ external_url: "https://external.com/job/backend",
+ closes: "2025-02-15",
+ max_applications: 0,
+ info_sessions: [],
+ },
+ ];
+ addOpenJobsToDOM(openJobs);
+ const jobLink = openJobsSection.querySelector("a");
+ expect(jobLink.href).toBe("https://external.com/job/backend");
+ expect(jobLink.target).toBe("_blank");
+ });
+ test("should apply correct inline styles to elements", () => {
+ const openJobs = [
+ {
+ title: "Frontend Developer",
+ url: "/join/frontend-developer/",
+ external_url: "",
+ closes: "2025-01-31",
+ max_applications: 0,
+ info_sessions: [],
+ },
+ ];
+ addOpenJobsToDOM(openJobs);
+ const jobList = openJobsSection.querySelector("ul");
+ expect(jobList.style.paddingLeft).toBe("3ch");
+ const listItem = jobList.children[0];
+ expect(listItem.style.marginBottom).toBe("0.25em");
+ const link = listItem.querySelector("a");
+ expect(link.style.color).toBe("rgb(0, 94, 162)"); // CSS color translated
+ });
diff --git a/_tests/addUpcomingJobsToDOM.js b/_tests/addUpcomingJobsToDOM.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d224d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_tests/addUpcomingJobsToDOM.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * @jest-environment jsdom
+ */
+const { addUpcomingJobsToDOM } = require("../js/positions");
+describe("addUpcomingJobsToDOM", () => {
+ let upcomingJobsSection;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ // Set up the mock DOM for testing
+ upcomingJobsSection = document.createElement("div");
+ upcomingJobsSection.className = "upcoming-jobs";
+ document.body.appendChild(upcomingJobsSection);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ // Clean up the DOM after each test
+ document.body.innerHTML = "";
+ });
+ it("removes the upcoming-jobs section if the jobs list is empty", () => {
+ addUpcomingJobsToDOM([]);
+ // Verify the section is removed
+ expect(document.querySelector(".upcoming-jobs")).toBeNull();
+ });
+ it("renders a list of jobs with correct links and styles", () => {
+ const upcomingJobs = [
+ {
+ title: "Job 1",
+ url: "/join/job1",
+ external_url: "",
+ info_sessions: [],
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Job 2",
+ url: "/join/job2",
+ external_url: "http://external.com/job2",
+ info_sessions: [],
+ },
+ ];
+ // Mock window.location.href for internal URL handling
+ Object.defineProperty(window, "location", {
+ value: { href: "https://example.pages.cloud.gov/" },
+ writable: true,
+ });
+ addUpcomingJobsToDOM(upcomingJobs);
+ const jobList = document.querySelector(".upcoming-jobs ul");
+ expect(jobList).not.toBeNull();
+ expect(jobList.children.length).toBe(2);
+ const [job1, job2] = jobList.children;
+ // Check Job 1
+ const job1Link = job1.querySelector("a");
+ expect(job1Link.textContent).toBe("Job 1");
+ expect(job1Link.href).toBe("https://example.pages.cloud.gov/job1");
+ expect(job1Link.style.color).toBe("rgb(0, 94, 162)");
+ // Check Job 2
+ const job2Link = job2.querySelector("a");
+ expect(job2Link.textContent).toBe("Job 2");
+ expect(job2Link.href).toBe("http://external.com/job2");
+ expect(job2Link.style.color).toBe("rgb(0, 94, 162)");
+ expect(job2Link.target).toBe("_blank");
+ });
+ it("does not append the list if there are no upcoming jobs", () => {
+ addUpcomingJobsToDOM([]);
+ const jobList = document.querySelector(".upcoming-jobs ul");
+ expect(jobList).toBeNull();
+ });
+ it("handles internal URLs correctly when not on pages.cloud.gov", () => {
+ const upcomingJobs = [
+ {
+ title: "Job 1",
+ url: "/join/job1",
+ external_url: "",
+ info_sessions: [],
+ },
+ ];
+ // Mock window.location to simulate the test environment
+ Object.defineProperty(window, "location", {
+ value: {
+ href: "https://localhost:8000/",
+ },
+ writable: true,
+ });
+ addUpcomingJobsToDOM(upcomingJobs);
+ const job1Link = document.querySelector(".upcoming-jobs ul li a");
+ expect(job1Link.href).toContain("/join/job1");
+ });
diff --git a/_tests/convertTimeToZone.js b/_tests/convertTimeToZone.js
index 5205722..1528509 100644
--- a/_tests/convertTimeToZone.js
+++ b/_tests/convertTimeToZone.js
@@ -11,4 +11,9 @@ describe("convertTimeToZone", () => {
const result = convertTimeToZone("12:30pm", "America/Los_Angeles");
expect(result).toBe("9:30 AM");
+ it("should show midnight as 00:00 AM", () => {
+ const result = convertTimeToZone("12:00am", "America/New_York");
+ expect(result).toBe("0:00 AM");
+ });
diff --git a/_tests/htmlDateString.js b/_tests/htmlDateString.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01094a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_tests/htmlDateString.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+const { htmlDateString } = require("../js/global");
+describe("htmlDateString", () => {
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ global.baseUrl = ""; // Mocking `baseUrl` for testing
+ });
+ test("should format a valid Date object to yyyy-LL-dd", () => {
+ const input = new Date(2024, 10, 21); // November 21, 2024
+ const result = htmlDateString(input);
+ expect(result).toBe("2024-11-21");
+ });
+ test("should add one day for local environment (`localhost` in baseUrl)", () => {
+ global.baseUrl = "http://localhost";
+ const input = new Date(2024, 10, 21); // November 21, 2024
+ const result = htmlDateString(input);
+ expect(result).toBe("2024-11-22");
+ });
+ test("should not add a day for production environment", () => {
+ global.baseUrl = "https://production.com";
+ const input = new Date(2024, 10, 21); // November 21, 2024
+ const result = htmlDateString(input);
+ expect(result).toBe("2024-11-21");
+ });
+ test("should throw an error if input is not a valid Date object", () => {
+ expect(() => htmlDateString("invalid-date")).toThrow();
+ expect(() => htmlDateString(12345)).toThrow();
+ expect(() => htmlDateString({})).toThrow();
+ });
diff --git a/_tests/renderGlobalInfoSessions.js b/_tests/renderGlobalInfoSessions.js
index fd01d36..7cd2dec 100644
--- a/_tests/renderGlobalInfoSessions.js
+++ b/_tests/renderGlobalInfoSessions.js
@@ -19,28 +19,44 @@ describe("renderGlobalInfoSessions", () => {
document.body.innerHTML = "";
- it("does not render anything if infoSessions is undefined", () => {
+ it("hides the info sessions box if infoSessions is undefined", () => {
+ const globalInfoSessionsBox = document.createElement("div");
+ globalInfoSessionsBox.id = "info-sessions-box";
+ document.body.appendChild(globalInfoSessionsBox);
- // Check that nothing is rendered
- expect(globalInfoSessionsWrapper.childElementCount).toBe(0);
+ // Verify that the info-sessions-box is hidden
+ expect(globalInfoSessionsBox.style.display).toBe("none");
- it("does not render anything if infoSessions is null", () => {
+ it("hides the info sessions box if infoSessions is null", () => {
+ const globalInfoSessionsBox = document.createElement("div");
+ globalInfoSessionsBox.id = "info-sessions-box";
+ document.body.appendChild(globalInfoSessionsBox);
- // Check that nothing is rendered
- expect(globalInfoSessionsWrapper.childElementCount).toBe(0);
+ // Verify that the info-sessions-box is hidden
+ expect(globalInfoSessionsBox.style.display).toBe("none");
- it("does not render anything if infoSessions is an empty array", () => {
+ it("hides the info sessions box if infoSessions is an empty array", () => {
+ const globalInfoSessionsBox = document.createElement("div");
+ globalInfoSessionsBox.id = "info-sessions-box";
+ document.body.appendChild(globalInfoSessionsBox);
- // Check that nothing is rendered
- expect(globalInfoSessionsWrapper.childElementCount).toBe(0);
+ // Verify that the info-sessions-box is hidden
+ expect(globalInfoSessionsBox.style.display).toBe("none");
- it("does not render anything if there are no future info sessions", () => {
+ it("hides the info sessions box if there are no future info sessions", () => {
+ const globalInfoSessionsBox = document.createElement("div");
+ globalInfoSessionsBox.id = "info-sessions-box";
+ document.body.appendChild(globalInfoSessionsBox);
const pastDate = new Date();
pastDate.setDate(pastDate.getDate() - 1); // Set a date in the past
@@ -54,9 +70,8 @@ describe("renderGlobalInfoSessions", () => {
- // Verify that no sessions are rendered
- expect(globalInfoSessionsWrapper.querySelector("ul")).toBeNull();
- expect(globalInfoSessionsWrapper.childElementCount).toBe(0);
+ // Verify that the info-sessions-box is hidden
+ expect(globalInfoSessionsBox.style.display).toBe("none");
it("renders only future info sessions if mixed with past sessions", () => {
diff --git a/_tests/sortByProp.js b/_tests/sortByProp.js
index 1227dcd..d25a94e 100644
--- a/_tests/sortByProp.js
+++ b/_tests/sortByProp.js
@@ -109,4 +109,11 @@ describe("sortByProp", () => {
{ id: "3", name: "Web Developer" },
+ test("should throw a TypeError if input is not an array", () => {
+ expect(() => sortByProp(null, "id")).toThrow(TypeError);
+ expect(() => sortByProp({}, "id")).toThrow(TypeError);
+ expect(() => sortByProp("string", "id")).toThrow(TypeError);
+ expect(() => sortByProp(123, "id")).toThrow(TypeError);
+ });
diff --git a/_tests/truncateText.js b/_tests/truncateText.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66985c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_tests/truncateText.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Importing the function to test
+const { truncateText } = require("../js/global");
+describe("truncateText", () => {
+ it("should truncate text to 200 characters, removing HTML tags", () => {
+ const post =
+ "
This is a long post that contains some HTML tags and will be truncated at 200 characters.
+ const result = truncateText(post);
+ // Ensure it truncates to a length of 200 characters and appends '...'
+ expect(result.length).toBeLessThanOrEqual(203); // 200 characters + "..."
+ expect(result).toMatch(/...$/); // Ensure the result ends with "..."
+ expect(result).not.toContain("<"); // Ensure no HTML tags are left
+ });
+ it("should handle posts with no spaces before 200 characters", () => {
+ const post =
+ "Thisisaverylongwordwithoutanyspacesbutitshouldstillbetruncatedcorrectlyintheoutput.";
+ const result = truncateText(post);
+ expect(result.length).toBeLessThanOrEqual(203); // 200 characters + "..."
+ expect(result).toMatch(/...$/); // Ensure the result ends with "..."
+ expect(result).not.toContain("<"); // Ensure no HTML tags are left
+ });
+ it("should return the original content if it's less than 200 characters", () => {
+ const post = "This is a short post.";
+ const result = truncateText(post);
+ expect(result).toBe(post); // Content should not change since it's less than 200 characters
+ });
+ it("should handle posts with multiple HTML tags correctly", () => {
+ const post =
+ "
This is a post with multiple HTML tags.
+ const result = truncateText(post);
+ expect(result.length).toBeLessThanOrEqual(203); // 200 characters + "..."
+ expect(result).toMatch(/...$/); // Ensure the result ends with "..."
+ expect(result).not.toContain("<"); // Ensure no HTML tags are left
+ });
+ it("should return an empty string if the post is empty", () => {
+ const post = "";
+ const result = truncateText(post);
+ expect(result).toBe(""); // Result should be an empty string
+ });
diff --git a/_tests/uswdsIconWithSize.js b/_tests/uswdsIconWithSize.js
index d267343..6c46770 100644
--- a/_tests/uswdsIconWithSize.js
+++ b/_tests/uswdsIconWithSize.js
@@ -50,4 +50,12 @@ describe("uswdsIconWithSize", () => {
expect(result).toContain('xlink:href="#svg-"'); // Should handle empty name gracefully
expect(result).toContain('class="usa-icon usa-icon--size-medium"'); // Size should still be handled correctly
+ test("should throw an error if icon name is not a string", () => {
+ expect(() => uswdsIconWithSize(123, "medium")).toThrow(Error);
+ expect(() => uswdsIconWithSize(null, "medium")).toThrow(Error);
+ expect(() => uswdsIconWithSize(undefined, "medium")).toThrow(Error);
+ expect(() => uswdsIconWithSize({}, "medium")).toThrow(Error);
+ expect(() => uswdsIconWithSize([], "medium")).toThrow(Error);
+ });
diff --git a/js/global.js b/js/global.js
index a37d770..872f2ed 100644
--- a/js/global.js
+++ b/js/global.js
@@ -263,16 +263,18 @@ function getStateFromDates(opens, closes) {
* @returns {string} - A string in the format `yyyy-LL-dd` (e.g., `2024-11-21`).
function htmlDateString(dateObj) {
- if (dateObj !== undefined && dateObj !== null) {
- let dateTime = DateTime.fromJSDate(dateObj);
+ if (!(dateObj instanceof Date) || isNaN(dateObj.getTime())) {
+ throw new TypeError("Input must be a valid Date object");
+ }
- // If working locally, add one day to the date to match what is in the actual environments.
- if (baseUrl.includes("localhost")) {
- dateTime = dateTime.plus({ days: 1 });
- return dateTime.toFormat("yyyy-LL-dd");
- } else {
- return dateTime.toFormat("yyyy-LL-dd");
- }
+ let dateTime = DateTime.fromJSDate(dateObj);
+ // If working locally, add one day to the date to match what is in the actual environments.
+ if (baseUrl.includes("localhost")) {
+ dateTime = dateTime.plus({ days: 1 });
+ return dateTime.toFormat("yyyy-LL-dd");
+ } else {
+ return dateTime.toFormat("yyyy-LL-dd");
@@ -382,8 +384,18 @@ async function imageWithClassShortcode(
function truncateText(post) {
+ // Remove all HTML tags
const content = post.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, "");
- return content.substr(0, content.lastIndexOf(" ", 200)) + "...";
+ // If the content is less than or equal to 200 characters, return it unchanged
+ if (content.length <= 200) {
+ return content;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, truncate at 200 characters and add an ellipsis
+ return (
+ content.substr(0, 200).substr(0, content.lastIndexOf(" ", 200)) + "..."
+ );
module.exports = {
diff --git a/js/positions.js b/js/positions.js
index ab1a6d4..a55f372 100644
--- a/js/positions.js
+++ b/js/positions.js
@@ -360,6 +360,9 @@ function renderGlobalInfoSessions(infoSessions) {
if (infoSessionsList.childElementCount !== 0) {
+ } else {
+ const globalInfoSessionsBox = document.getElementById("info-sessions-box");
+ globalInfoSessionsBox.style.display = "none";
@@ -395,7 +398,7 @@ function convertTimeToZone(time, timeZone) {
if (period.toLowerCase() === "pm" && hours24 !== 12) {
hours24 += 12;
} else if (period.toLowerCase() === "am" && hours24 === 12) {
- hours24 = 0;
+ hours24 = "00";
// Set the PT offset
@@ -428,6 +431,8 @@ module.exports = {
+ addOpenJobsToDOM,
+ addUpcomingJobsToDOM,
diff --git a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Cloud-gov-Account-Manager.md b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Cloud-gov-Account-Manager.md
index 5c9a8b9..0fb91cc 100644
--- a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Cloud-gov-Account-Manager.md
+++ b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Cloud-gov-Account-Manager.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: layouts/jointts/redirect
permalink: /join/{{ title | slugify }}.html
-tags: jobs
+tags: archive
# ###############################################################################
diff --git a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Communities-Collaboration-Branch-Chief.md b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Communities-Collaboration-Branch-Chief.md
index d4914d9..50f2383 100644
--- a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Communities-Collaboration-Branch-Chief.md
+++ b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Communities-Collaboration-Branch-Chief.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: layouts/jointts/redirect
permalink: /join/{{ title | slugify }}.html
-tags: jobs
+tags: archive
# ###############################################################################
# #
diff --git a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/FedRAMP-Security-Director.md b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/FedRAMP-Security-Director.md
index eee437a..f60352d 100644
--- a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/FedRAMP-Security-Director.md
+++ b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/FedRAMP-Security-Director.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: layouts/jointts/redirect
permalink: /join/{{ title | slugify }}.html
-tags: jobs
+tags: archive
# #
diff --git a/pages/jointts/positions/PIF-Deputy-Director.md b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PIF-Deputy-Director.md
similarity index 99%
rename from pages/jointts/positions/PIF-Deputy-Director.md
rename to pages/jointts/positions/archive/PIF-Deputy-Director.md
index 37b4f29..15111c3 100644
--- a/pages/jointts/positions/PIF-Deputy-Director.md
+++ b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PIF-Deputy-Director.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-layout: layouts/jointts/job-listing
+layout: layouts/jointts/redirect
permalink: /join/{{ title | slugify }}.html
-tags: jobs
+tags: archive
# ###############################################################################
# #
diff --git a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PIF-Director.md b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PIF-Director.md
index a2362e5..4941262 100644
--- a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PIF-Director.md
+++ b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PIF-Director.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: layouts/jointts/redirect
permalink: /join/{{ title | slugify }}.html
-tags: jobs
+tags: archive
# #
diff --git a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PX-Contact Center Analyst.md b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PX-Contact Center Analyst.md
index 777418f..8993642 100644
--- a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PX-Contact Center Analyst.md
+++ b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PX-Contact Center Analyst.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: layouts/jointts/redirect
permalink: /join/{{ title | slugify }}.html
-tags: jobs
+tags: archive
# ###############################################################################
# #
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index ae10507..28f5c78 100644
--- a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PX-Content-Outreach-BranchChief.md
+++ b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/PX-Content-Outreach-BranchChief.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: layouts/jointts/redirect
permalink: /join/{{ title | slugify }}.html
-tags: jobs
+tags: archive
# This is the position title and the org that is doing the hiring. Please format
# your title as "Org: Position Title" (in quotes!). The organization should be
diff --git a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Presidential-Innovation-Fellows.md b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Presidential-Innovation-Fellows.md
index 53b0f9c..d82a035 100644
--- a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Presidential-Innovation-Fellows.md
+++ b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Presidential-Innovation-Fellows.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: layouts/jointts/redirect
permalink: /join/{{ title | slugify }}.html
-tags: jobs
+tags: archive
# ###############################################################################
# #
diff --git a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Product Manager-15-Oct24.md b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Product Manager-15-Oct24.md
index 0603995..3b12969 100644
--- a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Product Manager-15-Oct24.md
+++ b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Product Manager-15-Oct24.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: layouts/jointts/redirect
permalink: /join/{{ title | slugify }}.html
-tags: jobs
+tags: archive
# ###############################################################################
# #
diff --git a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Senior-software-eng-15-Oct24.md b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Senior-software-eng-15-Oct24.md
index db1af3d..2633cec 100644
--- a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Senior-software-eng-15-Oct24.md
+++ b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/Senior-software-eng-15-Oct24.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: layouts/jointts/redirect
permalink: /join/{{ title | slugify }}.html
-tags: jobs
+tags: archive
# ###############################################################################
# #
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# #
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ qualifications: |
specialized_requirements: |
- Implementing and integrating appropriate technology, architecture, and tooling to support data science activities, including artificial intelligence/machine learning capabilities.
- Identifying data requirements and standards to support emerging IT and IT cybersecurity initiatives (e.g. cloud computing, DevSecOps, continuous integration and continuous delivery)
- - Developing models that can identify quality, anomalies, and concerning trends in structured/semistructured/unstructured data to provide near real time feedback.
+ - Developing models that can identify quality, anomalies, and concerning trends in structured/semi-structured/unstructured data to provide near real time feedback.
- Developing tooling, models, and visualizations using general-purpose programming languages (such as Python) and/or tools optimized for statistical and data analysis (such as R).
# This can be filled prior to the job posting going live or left blank
diff --git a/pages/jointts/positions/archive/login-technical-product-manager-2024.md b/pages/jointts/positions/archive/login-technical-product-manager-2024.md
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diff --git a/report.json b/report.json
index a40f9db..72e1a2d 100644
--- a/report.json
+++ b/report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
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- "numFailedTests": 2,
- "numPassedTestSuites": 21,
- "numPassedTests": 81,
+ "numFailedTestSuites": 0,
+ "numFailedTests": 0,
+ "numPassedTestSuites": 23,
+ "numPassedTests": 93,
"numPendingTestSuites": 0,
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"numRuntimeErrorTestSuites": 0,
"numTodoTests": 0,
- "numTotalTestSuites": 22,
- "numTotalTests": 83,
+ "numTotalTestSuites": 23,
+ "numTotalTests": 93,
"openHandles": [],
"snapshot": {
"added": 0,
@@ -26,54 +26,14 @@
"unmatched": 0,
"updated": 0
- "startTime": 1732228403293,
- "success": false,
+ "startTime": 1737599456902,
+ "success": true,
"testResults": [
- {
- "assertionResults": [
- {
- "ancestorTitles": ["imageShortcode"],
- "duration": 4,
- "failureDetails": [{}],
- "failureMessages": [
- "TypeError: imageShortcode is not a function\n at Object.imageShortcode (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/imageShortcode.js:14:26)\n at Promise.then.completed (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/utils.js:298:28)\n at new Promise (
)\n at callAsyncCircusFn (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/utils.js:231:10)\n at _callCircusTest (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/run.js:316:40)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)\n at _runTest (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/run.js:252:3)\n at _runTestsForDescribeBlock (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/run.js:126:9)\n at _runTestsForDescribeBlock (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/run.js:121:9)\n at run (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/run.js:71:3)\n at runAndTransformResultsToJestFormat (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/legacy-code-todo-rewrite/jestAdapterInit.js:122:21)\n at jestAdapter (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/legacy-code-todo-rewrite/jestAdapter.js:79:19)\n at runTestInternal (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-runner/build/runTest.js:367:16)\n at runTest (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-runner/build/runTest.js:444:34)\n at Object.worker (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-runner/build/testWorker.js:106:12)"
- ],
- "fullName": "imageShortcode should generate an img tag with the correct src and alt, using default class",
- "invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 7 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 0,
- "retryReasons": [],
- "status": "failed",
- "title": "should generate an img tag with the correct src and alt, using default class"
- },
- {
- "ancestorTitles": ["imageShortcode"],
- "duration": 0,
- "failureDetails": [{}],
- "failureMessages": [
- "TypeError: imageShortcode is not a function\n at Object.imageShortcode (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/imageShortcode.js:28:18)\n at Promise.then.completed (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/utils.js:298:28)\n at new Promise ()\n at callAsyncCircusFn (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/utils.js:231:10)\n at _callCircusTest (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/run.js:316:40)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)\n at _runTest (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/run.js:252:3)\n at _runTestsForDescribeBlock (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/run.js:126:9)\n at _runTestsForDescribeBlock (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/run.js:121:9)\n at run (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/run.js:71:3)\n at runAndTransformResultsToJestFormat (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/legacy-code-todo-rewrite/jestAdapterInit.js:122:21)\n at jestAdapter (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-circus/build/legacy-code-todo-rewrite/jestAdapter.js:79:19)\n at runTestInternal (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-runner/build/runTest.js:367:16)\n at runTest (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-runner/build/runTest.js:444:34)\n at Object.worker (/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/node_modules/jest-runner/build/testWorker.js:106:12)"
- ],
- "fullName": "imageShortcode should throw an error if image processing fails",
- "invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 23 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 0,
- "retryReasons": [],
- "status": "failed",
- "title": "should throw an error if image processing fails"
- }
- ],
- "endTime": 1732228403812,
- "message": "\u001b[1m\u001b[31m \u001b[1m● \u001b[22m\u001b[1mimageShortcode › should generate an img tag with the correct src and alt, using default class\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\n TypeError: imageShortcode is not a function\n\u001b[2m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[0m \u001b[90m 12 |\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[90m 13 |\u001b[39m \u001b[90m// Call imageShortcode and capture the result\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[31m\u001b[1m>\u001b[22m\u001b[2m\u001b[39m\u001b[90m 14 |\u001b[39m \u001b[36mconst\u001b[39m result \u001b[33m=\u001b[39m \u001b[36mawait\u001b[39m imageShortcode(\u001b[32m\"test-image.jpg\"\u001b[39m\u001b[33m,\u001b[39m \u001b[32m\"Test Image\"\u001b[39m)\u001b[33m;\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[90m |\u001b[39m \u001b[31m\u001b[1m^\u001b[22m\u001b[2m\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[90m 15 |\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[90m 16 |\u001b[39m \u001b[90m// Ensure the result matches the expected HTML string\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[90m 17 |\u001b[39m expect(result)\u001b[33m.\u001b[39mtoBe(mockResult)\u001b[33m;\u001b[39m \u001b[90m// Check if the result matches the mocked output\u001b[39m\u001b[0m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[2mat Object.imageShortcode (\u001b[22m\u001b[2m\u001b[0m\u001b[36m_tests/imageShortcode.js\u001b[39m\u001b[0m\u001b[2m:14:26)\u001b[22m\u001b[2m\u001b[22m\n\n\u001b[1m\u001b[31m \u001b[1m● \u001b[22m\u001b[1mimageShortcode › should throw an error if image processing fails\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\n TypeError: imageShortcode is not a function\n\u001b[2m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[0m \u001b[90m 26 |\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[90m 27 |\u001b[39m \u001b[90m// Test that the error is thrown correctly\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[31m\u001b[1m>\u001b[22m\u001b[2m\u001b[39m\u001b[90m 28 |\u001b[39m \u001b[36mawait\u001b[39m expect(imageShortcode(\u001b[32m\"test-image.jpg\"\u001b[39m\u001b[33m,\u001b[39m \u001b[32m\"Test Image\"\u001b[39m))\u001b[33m.\u001b[39mrejects\u001b[33m.\u001b[39mtoThrow(\u001b[32m\"Image processing failed\"\u001b[39m)\u001b[33m;\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[90m |\u001b[39m \u001b[31m\u001b[1m^\u001b[22m\u001b[2m\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[90m 29 |\u001b[39m })\u001b[33m;\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[90m 30 |\u001b[39m })\u001b[33m;\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[90m 31 |\u001b[39m\u001b[0m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[2m \u001b[2mat Object.imageShortcode (\u001b[22m\u001b[2m\u001b[0m\u001b[36m_tests/imageShortcode.js\u001b[39m\u001b[0m\u001b[2m:28:18)\u001b[22m\u001b[2m\u001b[22m\n",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/imageShortcode.js",
- "startTime": 1732228403441,
- "status": "failed",
- "summary": ""
- },
"assertionResults": [
"ancestorTitles": ["uswdsIconWithSize"],
- "duration": 14,
+ "duration": 5,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "uswdsIconWithSize should return correct SVG for a small icon",
@@ -86,7 +46,7 @@
"ancestorTitles": ["uswdsIconWithSize"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "uswdsIconWithSize should return correct SVG for a medium icon",
@@ -99,7 +59,7 @@
"ancestorTitles": ["uswdsIconWithSize"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "duration": 2,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "uswdsIconWithSize should return correct SVG for a large icon",
@@ -125,7 +85,7 @@
"ancestorTitles": ["uswdsIconWithSize"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "duration": 2,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "uswdsIconWithSize should handle empty icon name",
@@ -135,126 +95,201 @@
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
"title": "should handle empty icon name"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["uswdsIconWithSize"],
+ "duration": 6,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "uswdsIconWithSize should throw an error if icon name is not a string",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 54 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 5,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should throw an error if icon name is not a string"
- "endTime": 1732228404264,
+ "endTime": 1737599457647,
"message": "",
"name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/uswdsIconWithSize.js",
- "startTime": 1732228403440,
+ "startTime": 1737599457070,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
- "duration": 7,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["imageWithClassShortcode"],
+ "duration": 6,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "sortByProp should sort an array of objects by a numeric property (Data Analyst)",
+ "fullName": "imageWithClassShortcode should generate an img tag with all parameters",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 13 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should sort an array of objects by a numeric property (Data Analyst)"
+ "title": "should generate an img tag with all parameters"
- "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
- "duration": 11,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["imageWithClassShortcode"],
+ "duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "sortByProp should sort an array of objects by a string property alphabetically (Content Manager)",
+ "fullName": "imageWithClassShortcode should add BASEURL prefix when environment variable is set",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 19 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 33 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should sort an array of objects by a string property alphabetically (Content Manager)"
+ "title": "should add BASEURL prefix when environment variable is set"
- "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["imageWithClassShortcode"],
"duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "sortByProp should handle mixed data types (Web Developer)",
+ "fullName": "imageWithClassShortcode should return an img tag without height and width if not provided",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 34 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 54 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle mixed data types (Web Developer)"
+ "title": "should return an img tag without height and width if not provided"
- "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
- "duration": 7,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["imageWithClassShortcode"],
+ "duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "sortByProp should handle an empty array",
+ "fullName": "imageWithClassShortcode should throw an error if image processing fails",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 49 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 72 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle an empty array"
+ "title": "should throw an error if image processing fails"
- "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["imageWithClassShortcode"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "sortByProp should return a new array without modifying the original array",
+ "fullName": "imageWithClassShortcode should handle missing image extension gracefully",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 55 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 2,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 80 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return a new array without modifying the original array"
+ "title": "should handle missing image extension gracefully"
+ }
+ ],
+ "endTime": 1737599457646,
+ "message": "",
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/imageWithClassShortcode.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457070,
+ "status": "passed",
+ "summary": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "assertionResults": [
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
+ "duration": 18,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "numberWithCommas should format numbers with commas",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should format numbers with commas"
- "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
+ "duration": 1,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "numberWithCommas should format large numbers with commas",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 9 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should format large numbers with commas"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
"duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "sortByProp should handle properties that do not exist on all objects",
+ "fullName": "numberWithCommas should handle negative numbers correctly",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 73 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 14 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle properties that do not exist on all objects"
+ "title": "should handle negative numbers correctly"
- "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
- "duration": 9,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
+ "duration": 2,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "sortByProp should handle an array with non-object elements gracefully",
+ "fullName": "numberWithCommas should handle decimal numbers correctly",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 88 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 19 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle an array with non-object elements gracefully"
+ "title": "should handle decimal numbers correctly"
- "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "sortByProp should handle sorting with numeric strings correctly",
+ "fullName": "numberWithCommas should return non-number values unchanged",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 98 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 24 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 4,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should return non-number values unchanged"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
+ "duration": 0,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "numberWithCommas should return 0 as \"0\"",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 36 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle sorting with numeric strings correctly"
+ "title": "should return 0 as \"0\""
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
+ "duration": 0,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "numberWithCommas should return large decimal numbers correctly",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 41 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should return large decimal numbers correctly"
- "endTime": 1732228404272,
+ "endTime": 1737599457648,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/sortByProp.js",
- "startTime": 1732228403440,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/numberWithCommas.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457086,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
@@ -262,7 +297,7 @@
"assertionResults": [
"ancestorTitles": ["uswdsIcon"],
- "duration": 3,
+ "duration": 5,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "uswdsIcon should return a valid SVG string for a given icon name",
@@ -275,7 +310,7 @@
"ancestorTitles": ["uswdsIcon"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "duration": 2,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "uswdsIcon should handle an empty string as the icon name",
@@ -288,7 +323,7 @@
"ancestorTitles": ["uswdsIcon"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "duration": 3,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "uswdsIcon should handle special characters in the icon name",
@@ -301,7 +336,7 @@
"ancestorTitles": ["uswdsIcon"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "duration": 3,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "uswdsIcon should handle numeric icon names",
@@ -314,7 +349,7 @@
"ancestorTitles": ["uswdsIcon"],
- "duration": 15,
+ "duration": 30,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "uswdsIcon should throw an error if the name is not a string",
@@ -326,666 +361,702 @@
"title": "should throw an error if the name is not a string"
- "endTime": 1732228404307,
+ "endTime": 1737599457649,
"message": "",
"name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/uswdsIcon.js",
- "startTime": 1732228403443,
+ "startTime": 1737599457081,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidGitBranch"],
- "duration": 5,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
+ "duration": 30,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidGitBranch should return true for valid branch names",
+ "fullName": "getStateFromDates should return \"unknown\" if both opens and closes are undefined",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 5 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 8,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 13 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 2,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return true for valid branch names"
+ "title": "should return \"unknown\" if both opens and closes are undefined"
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidGitBranch"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
+ "duration": 34,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidGitBranch should return false for invalid branch names",
+ "fullName": "getStateFromDates should return \"upcoming\" if now is before opens",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 22 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 7,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 18 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return false for invalid branch names"
+ "title": "should return \"upcoming\" if now is before opens"
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidGitBranch"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
+ "duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidGitBranch should return false for empty string or null input",
+ "fullName": "getStateFromDates should return \"open\" if now is after opens and before closes",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 38 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 3,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 23 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return false for empty string or null input"
- }
- ],
- "endTime": 1732228404322,
- "message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidGitBranch.js",
- "startTime": 1732228403441,
- "status": "passed",
- "summary": ""
- },
- {
- "assertionResults": [
+ "title": "should return \"open\" if now is after opens and before closes"
+ },
- "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
- "duration": 3,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
+ "duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "numberWithCommas should format numbers with commas",
+ "fullName": "getStateFromDates should return \"closed\" if now is after closes",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 29 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should format numbers with commas"
+ "title": "should return \"closed\" if now is after closes"
- "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
+ "duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "numberWithCommas should format large numbers with commas",
+ "fullName": "getStateFromDates should handle cases with only opens defined",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 9 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 35 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should format large numbers with commas"
+ "title": "should handle cases with only opens defined"
- "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "numberWithCommas should handle negative numbers correctly",
+ "fullName": "getStateFromDates should handle cases with only closes defined",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 14 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 40 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle negative numbers correctly"
+ "title": "should handle cases with only closes defined"
- "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
- "duration": 0,
- "failureDetails": [],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
+ "duration": 1,
+ "failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "numberWithCommas should handle decimal numbers correctly",
+ "fullName": "getStateFromDates should handle edge cases for opens and closes on the same day",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 45 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should handle edge cases for opens and closes on the same day"
+ }
+ ],
+ "endTime": 1737599457671,
+ "message": "",
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/getStateFromDates.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457068,
+ "status": "passed",
+ "summary": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "assertionResults": [
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "duration": 7,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "sortByProp should sort an array of objects by a numeric property (Data Analyst)",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should sort an array of objects by a numeric property (Data Analyst)"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "duration": 49,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "sortByProp should sort an array of objects by a string property alphabetically (Content Manager)",
"invocations": 1,
"location": { "column": 3, "line": 19 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle decimal numbers correctly"
+ "title": "should sort an array of objects by a string property alphabetically (Content Manager)"
- "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "numberWithCommas should return non-number values unchanged",
+ "fullName": "sortByProp should handle mixed data types (Web Developer)",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 24 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 4,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 34 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return non-number values unchanged"
+ "title": "should handle mixed data types (Web Developer)"
- "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "numberWithCommas should return 0 as \"0\"",
+ "fullName": "sortByProp should handle an empty array",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 36 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 49 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return 0 as \"0\""
+ "title": "should handle an empty array"
- "ancestorTitles": ["numberWithCommas"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "duration": 3,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "sortByProp should return a new array without modifying the original array",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 55 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 2,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should return a new array without modifying the original array"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
"duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "numberWithCommas should return large decimal numbers correctly",
+ "fullName": "sortByProp should handle properties that do not exist on all objects",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 41 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 73 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return large decimal numbers correctly"
+ "title": "should handle properties that do not exist on all objects"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "duration": 20,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "sortByProp should handle an array with non-object elements gracefully",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 88 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should handle an array with non-object elements gracefully"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "duration": 1,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "sortByProp should handle sorting with numeric strings correctly",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 98 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should handle sorting with numeric strings correctly"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["sortByProp"],
+ "duration": 1,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "sortByProp should throw a TypeError if input is not an array",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 113 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 4,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should throw a TypeError if input is not an array"
- "endTime": 1732228404335,
+ "endTime": 1737599457685,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/numberWithCommas.js",
- "startTime": 1732228403442,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/sortByProp.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457071,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["readableDate"],
- "duration": 44,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["htmlDateString"],
+ "duration": 87,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "readableDate should return the formatted date in \"dd LLL yyyy\" format for valid dates",
+ "fullName": "htmlDateString should format a valid Date object to yyyy-LL-dd",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 5 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 8 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return the formatted date in \"dd LLL yyyy\" format for valid dates"
+ "title": "should format a valid Date object to yyyy-LL-dd"
- "ancestorTitles": ["readableDate"],
- "duration": 2,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["htmlDateString"],
+ "duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "readableDate should handle different time zones and return consistent output",
+ "fullName": "htmlDateString should add one day for local environment (`localhost` in baseUrl)",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 13 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 14 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle different time zones and return consistent output"
+ "title": "should add one day for local environment (`localhost` in baseUrl)"
- "ancestorTitles": ["readableDate"],
- "duration": 10,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["htmlDateString"],
+ "duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "readableDate should throw an error or handle gracefully when input is not a valid date",
+ "fullName": "htmlDateString should not add a day for production environment",
"invocations": 1,
"location": { "column": 3, "line": 21 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 6,
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should throw an error or handle gracefully when input is not a valid date"
+ "title": "should not add a day for production environment"
- "ancestorTitles": ["readableDate"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["htmlDateString"],
+ "duration": 16,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "readableDate should handle edge case dates correctly",
+ "fullName": "htmlDateString should throw an error if input is not a valid Date object",
"invocations": 1,
"location": { "column": 3, "line": 28 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 2,
+ "numPassingAsserts": 3,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle edge case dates correctly"
+ "title": "should throw an error if input is not a valid Date object"
- "endTime": 1732228404334,
+ "endTime": 1737599457684,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/readableDate.js",
- "startTime": 1732228403442,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/htmlDateString.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457069,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidSearchKey"],
- "duration": 2,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["formatSessionTimes"],
+ "duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidSearchKey should return true for valid search keys",
+ "fullName": "formatSessionTimes should format session times correctly for Eastern and Pacific Time",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 4,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 19 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return true for valid search keys"
+ "title": "should format session times correctly for Eastern and Pacific Time"
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidSearchKey"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["formatSessionTimes"],
+ "duration": 0,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "formatSessionTimes should handle edge cases, such as different times",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 28 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should handle edge cases, such as different times"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["formatSessionTimes"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidSearchKey should return false for invalid search keys",
+ "fullName": "formatSessionTimes should handle times with AM/PM in various formats",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 17 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 8,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 37 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return false for invalid search keys"
+ "title": "should handle times with AM/PM in various formats"
- "endTime": 1732228404360,
+ "endTime": 1737599457725,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidSearchKey.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404293,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/formatSessionTimes.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457663,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidAnalyticsId"],
- "duration": 4,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidSearchAffiliate"],
+ "duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidAnalyticsId should return true for valid Analytics IDs",
+ "fullName": "isValidSearchAffiliate should return true for valid search affiliates",
"invocations": 1,
"location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
"numPassingAsserts": 6,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return true for valid Analytics IDs"
+ "title": "should return true for valid search affiliates"
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidAnalyticsId"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidSearchAffiliate"],
+ "duration": 2,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidAnalyticsId should return false for invalid Analytics IDs",
+ "fullName": "isValidSearchAffiliate should return false for invalid search affiliates",
"invocations": 1,
"location": { "column": 3, "line": 19 },
"numPassingAsserts": 8,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return false for invalid Analytics IDs"
+ "title": "should return false for invalid search affiliates"
- "endTime": 1732228404374,
+ "endTime": 1737599457763,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidAnalyticsId.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404303,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidSearchAffiliate.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457670,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
- "duration": 6,
- "failureDetails": [],
- "failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "getStateFromDates should return \"unknown\" if both opens and closes are undefined",
- "invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 13 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 2,
- "retryReasons": [],
- "status": "passed",
- "title": "should return \"unknown\" if both opens and closes are undefined"
- },
- {
- "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
- "duration": 35,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["minNumber"],
+ "duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "getStateFromDates should return \"upcoming\" if now is before opens",
+ "fullName": "minNumber should return the smallest number from a list of numbers",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 18 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return \"upcoming\" if now is before opens"
+ "title": "should return the smallest number from a list of numbers"
- "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["minNumber"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "getStateFromDates should return \"open\" if now is after opens and before closes",
+ "fullName": "minNumber should return the only number when a single number is provided",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 23 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 9 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return \"open\" if now is after opens and before closes"
+ "title": "should return the only number when a single number is provided"
- "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["minNumber"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "getStateFromDates should return \"closed\" if now is after closes",
+ "fullName": "minNumber should handle negative numbers correctly",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 29 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 14 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return \"closed\" if now is after closes"
+ "title": "should handle negative numbers correctly"
- "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["minNumber"],
+ "duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "getStateFromDates should handle cases with only opens defined",
+ "fullName": "minNumber should handle a mix of positive and negative numbers",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 35 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 19 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle cases with only opens defined"
+ "title": "should handle a mix of positive and negative numbers"
- "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["minNumber"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "getStateFromDates should handle cases with only closes defined",
- "invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 40 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
- "retryReasons": [],
- "status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle cases with only closes defined"
- },
- {
- "ancestorTitles": ["getStateFromDates"],
- "duration": 0,
- "failureDetails": [],
- "failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "getStateFromDates should handle edge cases for opens and closes on the same day",
+ "fullName": "minNumber should return NaN if any of the inputs are not numbers",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 45 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 24 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle edge cases for opens and closes on the same day"
+ "title": "should return NaN if any of the inputs are not numbers"
- "endTime": 1732228404377,
+ "endTime": 1737599457774,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/getStateFromDates.js",
- "startTime": 1732228403441,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/minNumber.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457676,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidVerificationToken"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidTwitterHandle"],
+ "duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidVerificationToken should return true for valid verification tokens",
+ "fullName": "isValidTwitterHandle should return true for valid Twitter handles",
"invocations": 1,
"location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 3,
+ "numPassingAsserts": 4,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return true for valid verification tokens"
+ "title": "should return true for valid Twitter handles"
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidVerificationToken"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidTwitterHandle"],
"duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidVerificationToken should return false for invalid verification tokens",
+ "fullName": "isValidTwitterHandle should return false for invalid Twitter handles",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 16 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 7,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 17 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 8,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return false for invalid verification tokens"
+ "title": "should return false for invalid Twitter handles"
- "endTime": 1732228404377,
+ "endTime": 1737599457787,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidVerificationToken.js",
- "startTime": 1732228403818,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidTwitterHandle.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457705,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["imageWithClassShortcode"],
- "duration": 3,
- "failureDetails": [],
- "failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "imageWithClassShortcode should generate an img tag with all parameters",
- "invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 13 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
- "retryReasons": [],
- "status": "passed",
- "title": "should generate an img tag with all parameters"
- },
- {
- "ancestorTitles": ["imageWithClassShortcode"],
- "duration": 0,
- "failureDetails": [],
- "failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "imageWithClassShortcode should add BASEURL prefix when environment variable is set",
- "invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 33 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
- "retryReasons": [],
- "status": "passed",
- "title": "should add BASEURL prefix when environment variable is set"
- },
- {
- "ancestorTitles": ["imageWithClassShortcode"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidGitBranch"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "imageWithClassShortcode should return an img tag without height and width if not provided",
+ "fullName": "isValidGitBranch should return true for valid branch names",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 54 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 5 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 8,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return an img tag without height and width if not provided"
+ "title": "should return true for valid branch names"
- "ancestorTitles": ["imageWithClassShortcode"],
- "duration": 2,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidGitBranch"],
+ "duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "imageWithClassShortcode should throw an error if image processing fails",
+ "fullName": "isValidGitBranch should return false for invalid branch names",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 72 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 22 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 7,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should throw an error if image processing fails"
+ "title": "should return false for invalid branch names"
- "ancestorTitles": ["imageWithClassShortcode"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidGitBranch"],
"duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "imageWithClassShortcode should handle missing image extension gracefully",
+ "fullName": "isValidGitBranch should return false for empty string or null input",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 80 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 38 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 3,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle missing image extension gracefully"
+ "title": "should return false for empty string or null input"
- "endTime": 1732228404416,
+ "endTime": 1737599457788,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/imageWithClassShortcode.js",
- "startTime": 1732228403441,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidGitBranch.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457699,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["minNumber"],
- "duration": 0,
- "failureDetails": [],
- "failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "minNumber should return the smallest number from a list of numbers",
- "invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
- "retryReasons": [],
- "status": "passed",
- "title": "should return the smallest number from a list of numbers"
- },
- {
- "ancestorTitles": ["minNumber"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["readableDate"],
+ "duration": 24,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "minNumber should return the only number when a single number is provided",
+ "fullName": "readableDate should return the formatted date in \"LLL dd yyyy\" format for valid dates",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 9 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 5 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return the only number when a single number is provided"
+ "title": "should return the formatted date in \"LLL dd yyyy\" format for valid dates"
- "ancestorTitles": ["minNumber"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["readableDate"],
"duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "minNumber should handle negative numbers correctly",
+ "fullName": "readableDate should return consistent output regardless of input time zone",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 14 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 11 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle negative numbers correctly"
+ "title": "should return consistent output regardless of input time zone"
- "ancestorTitles": ["minNumber"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["readableDate"],
+ "duration": 9,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "minNumber should handle a mix of positive and negative numbers",
+ "fullName": "readableDate should throw an error when input is not a valid date",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 19 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 17 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 6,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle a mix of positive and negative numbers"
+ "title": "should throw an error when input is not a valid date"
- "ancestorTitles": ["minNumber"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["readableDate"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "minNumber should return NaN if any of the inputs are not numbers",
+ "fullName": "readableDate should handle edge case dates correctly",
"invocations": 1,
"location": { "column": 3, "line": 24 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "numPassingAsserts": 2,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return NaN if any of the inputs are not numbers"
+ "title": "should handle edge case dates correctly"
- "endTime": 1732228404429,
+ "endTime": 1737599457797,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/minNumber.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404356,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/readableDate.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457665,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidSearchAffiliate"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidVerificationToken"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidSearchAffiliate should return true for valid search affiliates",
+ "fullName": "isValidVerificationToken should return true for valid verification tokens",
"invocations": 1,
"location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 6,
+ "numPassingAsserts": 3,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return true for valid search affiliates"
+ "title": "should return true for valid verification tokens"
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidSearchAffiliate"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidVerificationToken"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidSearchAffiliate should return false for invalid search affiliates",
- "invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 19 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 8,
+ "fullName": "isValidVerificationToken should return false for invalid verification tokens",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 16 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 7,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return false for invalid search affiliates"
+ "title": "should return false for invalid verification tokens"
- "endTime": 1732228404411,
+ "endTime": 1737599457805,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidSearchAffiliate.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404345,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidVerificationToken.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457742,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["formatSessionTimes"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidAnalyticsId"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "formatSessionTimes should format session times correctly for Eastern and Pacific Time",
+ "fullName": "isValidAnalyticsId should return true for valid Analytics IDs",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 26 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 6,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should format session times correctly for Eastern and Pacific Time"
+ "title": "should return true for valid Analytics IDs"
- "ancestorTitles": ["formatSessionTimes"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidAnalyticsId"],
+ "duration": 4,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "formatSessionTimes should handle edge cases, such as different times",
+ "fullName": "isValidAnalyticsId should return false for invalid Analytics IDs",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 32 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 19 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 8,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle edge cases, such as different times"
- },
+ "title": "should return false for invalid Analytics IDs"
+ }
+ ],
+ "endTime": 1737599457844,
+ "message": "",
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidAnalyticsId.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457773,
+ "status": "passed",
+ "summary": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["formatSessionTimes"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["formatDate"],
+ "duration": 4,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "formatSessionTimes should handle times with AM/PM in various formats",
+ "fullName": "formatDate should format a Date object into yyyy-mm-dd",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 38 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should handle times with AM/PM in various formats"
+ "title": "should format a Date object into yyyy-mm-dd"
- "endTime": 1732228404439,
+ "endTime": 1737599457851,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/formatSessionTimes.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404405,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/formatDate.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457801,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
@@ -1006,7 +1077,7 @@
"ancestorTitles": ["isValidDapAgency"],
- "duration": 5,
+ "duration": 2,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "isValidDapAgency should return false for invalid agency names",
@@ -1018,59 +1089,82 @@
"title": "should return false for invalid agency names"
- "endTime": 1732228404416,
+ "endTime": 1737599457842,
"message": "",
"name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidDapAgency.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404346,
+ "startTime": 1737599457782,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidTwitterHandle"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidSearchKey"],
+ "duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidTwitterHandle should return true for valid Twitter handles",
+ "fullName": "isValidSearchKey should return true for valid search keys",
"invocations": 1,
"location": { "column": 3, "line": 4 },
"numPassingAsserts": 4,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return true for valid Twitter handles"
+ "title": "should return true for valid search keys"
- "ancestorTitles": ["isValidTwitterHandle"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["isValidSearchKey"],
+ "duration": 0,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "isValidTwitterHandle should return false for invalid Twitter handles",
+ "fullName": "isValidSearchKey should return false for invalid search keys",
"invocations": 1,
"location": { "column": 3, "line": 17 },
"numPassingAsserts": 8,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should return false for invalid Twitter handles"
+ "title": "should return false for invalid search keys"
- "endTime": 1732228404451,
+ "endTime": 1737599457862,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidTwitterHandle.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404365,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/isValidSearchKey.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457797,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["convertTimeToZone"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["sortJobs"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "sortJobs correctly sorts jobs into open and upcoming arrays",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 31 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 2,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "correctly sorts jobs into open and upcoming arrays"
+ }
+ ],
+ "endTime": 1737599457862,
+ "message": "",
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/sortJobs.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457807,
+ "status": "passed",
+ "summary": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "assertionResults": [
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["convertTimeToZone"],
+ "duration": 0,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "convertTimeToZone should convert time to Eastern Time",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 6 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 5 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
@@ -1078,7 +1172,7 @@
"ancestorTitles": ["convertTimeToZone"],
- "duration": 0,
+ "duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "convertTimeToZone should convert time to Pacific Time",
@@ -1090,131 +1184,173 @@
"title": "should convert time to Pacific Time"
- "endTime": 1732228404472,
+ "endTime": 1737599457862,
"message": "",
"name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/convertTimeToZone.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404409,
+ "startTime": 1737599457828,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["sortJobs"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["renderGlobalInfoSessions"],
+ "duration": 9,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "renderGlobalInfoSessions hides the info sessions box if infoSessions is undefined",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 22 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "hides the info sessions box if infoSessions is undefined"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["renderGlobalInfoSessions"],
"duration": 2,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "sortJobs correctly sorts jobs into open and upcoming arrays",
+ "fullName": "renderGlobalInfoSessions hides the info sessions box if infoSessions is null",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 27 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 2,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 33 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "correctly sorts jobs into open and upcoming arrays"
- }
- ],
- "endTime": 1732228404476,
- "message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/sortJobs.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404434,
- "status": "passed",
- "summary": ""
- },
- {
- "assertionResults": [
+ "title": "hides the info sessions box if infoSessions is null"
+ },
- "ancestorTitles": ["formatDate"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["renderGlobalInfoSessions"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "formatDate should format a Date object into yyyy-mm-dd",
+ "fullName": "renderGlobalInfoSessions hides the info sessions box if infoSessions is an empty array",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 5 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 44 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "should format a Date object into yyyy-mm-dd"
+ "title": "hides the info sessions box if infoSessions is an empty array"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["renderGlobalInfoSessions"],
+ "duration": 1,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "renderGlobalInfoSessions hides the info sessions box if there are no future info sessions",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 55 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "hides the info sessions box if there are no future info sessions"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["renderGlobalInfoSessions"],
+ "duration": 32,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "renderGlobalInfoSessions renders only future info sessions if mixed with past sessions",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 77 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 2,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "renders only future info sessions if mixed with past sessions"
- "endTime": 1732228404494,
+ "endTime": 1737599458006,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/formatDate.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404446,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/renderGlobalInfoSessions.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457658,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
- "ancestorTitles": ["renderGlobalInfoSessions"],
- "duration": 4,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["addOpenJobsToDOM"],
+ "duration": 43,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "renderGlobalInfoSessions does not render anything if infoSessions is undefined",
+ "fullName": "addOpenJobsToDOM should append job list with correct details when jobs are available",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 22 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 21 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 9,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "does not render anything if infoSessions is undefined"
+ "title": "should append job list with correct details when jobs are available"
- "ancestorTitles": ["renderGlobalInfoSessions"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["addOpenJobsToDOM"],
+ "duration": 3,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "renderGlobalInfoSessions does not render anything if infoSessions is null",
+ "fullName": "addOpenJobsToDOM should append no jobs message when no jobs are available",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 29 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 63 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 3,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "does not render anything if infoSessions is null"
+ "title": "should append no jobs message when no jobs are available"
- "ancestorTitles": ["renderGlobalInfoSessions"],
+ "ancestorTitles": ["addOpenJobsToDOM"],
+ "duration": 2,
+ "failureDetails": [],
+ "failureMessages": [],
+ "fullName": "addOpenJobsToDOM should handle empty info sessions array gracefully",
+ "invocations": 1,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 72 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 2,
+ "retryReasons": [],
+ "status": "passed",
+ "title": "should handle empty info sessions array gracefully"
+ },
+ {
+ "ancestorTitles": ["addOpenJobsToDOM"],
"duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "renderGlobalInfoSessions does not render anything if infoSessions is an empty array",
+ "fullName": "addOpenJobsToDOM should correctly construct URLs for pages.cloud.gov",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 36 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 93 },
"numPassingAsserts": 1,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "does not render anything if infoSessions is an empty array"
+ "title": "should correctly construct URLs for pages.cloud.gov"
- "ancestorTitles": ["renderGlobalInfoSessions"],
- "duration": 5,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["addOpenJobsToDOM"],
+ "duration": 2,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "renderGlobalInfoSessions does not render anything if there are no future info sessions",
+ "fullName": "addOpenJobsToDOM should use external URL if provided",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 43 },
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 114 },
"numPassingAsserts": 2,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "does not render anything if there are no future info sessions"
+ "title": "should use external URL if provided"
- "ancestorTitles": ["renderGlobalInfoSessions"],
- "duration": 12,
+ "ancestorTitles": ["addOpenJobsToDOM"],
+ "duration": 1,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
- "fullName": "renderGlobalInfoSessions renders only future info sessions if mixed with past sessions",
+ "fullName": "addOpenJobsToDOM should apply correct inline styles to elements",
"invocations": 1,
- "location": { "column": 3, "line": 62 },
- "numPassingAsserts": 2,
+ "location": { "column": 3, "line": 133 },
+ "numPassingAsserts": 3,
"retryReasons": [],
"status": "passed",
- "title": "renders only future info sessions if mixed with past sessions"
+ "title": "should apply correct inline styles to elements"
- "endTime": 1732228404762,
+ "endTime": 1737599458040,
"message": "",
- "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/renderGlobalInfoSessions.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404704,
+ "name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/addOpenJobsToDOM.js",
+ "startTime": 1737599457669,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
@@ -1222,7 +1358,7 @@
"assertionResults": [
"ancestorTitles": ["renderInfoSessions"],
- "duration": 30,
+ "duration": 22,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "renderInfoSessions renders valid upcoming info sessions into the link item",
@@ -1287,7 +1423,7 @@
"ancestorTitles": ["renderInfoSessions"],
- "duration": 1,
+ "duration": 2,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "renderInfoSessions renders only future info sessions when mixed with past sessions",
@@ -1325,10 +1461,10 @@
"title": "renders a styled wrapper with correct classes for position layout"
- "endTime": 1732228404784,
+ "endTime": 1737599458084,
"message": "",
"name": "/Users/ximenakilroe/Local Sites/gsa/tts.gsa.gov/_tests/renderInfoSessions.js",
- "startTime": 1732228404704,
+ "startTime": 1737599458017,
"status": "passed",
"summary": ""
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