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Releases: GEOS-ESM/mepo

Better mepo compare display

25 Jan 13:17
Choose a tag to compare


Previous to this release, if an original branch name is very long, this can cause odd output of mepo compare on narrow (relative to the branch name) terminals even if the repo wasn't changed. The compare command would use the maximum length of all repos, and not just those that changed.

With this fix, mepo compare will use only the repos that change to figure out how wide to make the output rather than all the branches on all the repos.

Of course, if you do mepo compare --all, it will base the output on all the repos as usual.

What's Changed

  • Compare headers based on changed branch length by @mathomp4 in #249
  • GitFlow: Merge Develop into Main for release by @mathomp4 in #250

Full Changelog: v1.48.0...v1.49.0

Add mepo reset command

09 Dec 19:21
Choose a tag to compare


This release adds a new mepo reset command:

❯ mepo reset -h
usage: mepo reset [-h] [-f] [--reclone] [-n]

Reset the current mepo clone to the original state.This will delete all subrepos and does not check for uncommitted changes! Must be run in the root of
the mepo clone.

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -f, --force    Force action.
  --reclone      Reclone repos after reset.
  -n, --dry-run  Dry-run only

By default, it will not re-clone a repo and will require a user to answer another question to run (without force flag):

❯ mepo clone
Initializing mepo using components.yaml
ESMA_env   | (t) v4.8.0
ESMA_cmake | (t) v3.21.0
ecbuild    | (t) geos/v1.3.0
❯ mepo reset
Are you sure you want to reset the project? If so, type 'yes' and press enter. yes
Removing ESMA_cmake/ecbuild...done.
Removing ESMA_cmake...done.
Removing ESMA_env...done.
Removing .mepo...done.
❯ ls -1 ESMA_env | head -1
ls: ESMA_env: No such file or directory

You can do a reclone with --reclone:

❯ mepo clone
Initializing mepo using components.yaml
ESMA_env   | (t) v4.8.0
ESMA_cmake | (t) v3.21.0
ecbuild    | (t) geos/v1.3.0
❯ mepo reset --reclone -f
Removing ESMA_cmake/ecbuild...done.
Removing ESMA_cmake...done.
Removing ESMA_env...done.
Removing .mepo...done.
Re-cloning all subrepos
Initializing mepo using components.yaml
ESMA_env   | (t) v4.8.0
ESMA_cmake | (t) v3.21.0
ecbuild    | (t) geos/v1.3.0
Recloning done.
❯ ls -1 ESMA_env | head -1

Note we also require the user to be in the root of a fixture:

❯ mepo clone
Initializing mepo using components.yaml
ESMA_env   | (t) v4.8.0
ESMA_cmake | (t) v3.21.0
ecbuild    | (t) geos/v1.3.0
❯ cd ESMA_cmake/ecbuild
❯ mepo reset
Error! As a safety precaution, you must be in the root directory of the project to reset

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.47.0...v1.48.0

Add mepo tag push --delete

14 Nov 19:47
Choose a tag to compare


This release of mepo adds a capability to delete tags on the remote with:

mepo tag push --delete tagname repo1 repo2



  • Added ability to do mepo tag push --delete so you can delete a tag on the remote

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.46.0...v1.47.0

Add changed-files command

18 Oct 13:26
Choose a tag to compare


This release adds a new changed-files command to mepo. Essentially it will list all files that are different compared to the original tags/branches in the components.yaml (technically the mepo state, so if mepo save was run, the new components.yaml).

For example, if there are no changes:

❯ mepo compare
No repositories have changed
❯ mepo changed-files

Now we checkout a branch:

❯ mepo develop MAPL
Checking out development branch develop in MAPL
❯ mepo changed-files

This shows that compared to where we started, we have two new files. Now let us alter a file and add a file:

❯ touch foo
❯ echo "bobob" >> src/Components/@GEOSgcm_GridComp/
❯ mepo changed-files

Finally, it has a --full-path option for a full path.

❯ mepo changed-files --full-path



  • Add new changed-files command to list all changed files vs original state

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.45.0...v1.46.0

Add tag support to checkout-if-exists

10 Aug 12:56
Choose a tag to compare


This release now allows for checkout-if-exists to work on tags or branches. For a branch:

❯ mepo checkout-if-exists feature/mathomp4/add-shared-baselibs-support -n
Branch feature/mathomp4/add-shared-baselibs-support exists in env
Branch feature/mathomp4/add-shared-baselibs-support exists in cmake
Branch feature/mathomp4/add-shared-baselibs-support exists in MAPL
Branch feature/mathomp4/add-shared-baselibs-support exists in GEOSgcm_GridComp

and for a tag:

❯ mepo checkout-if-exists sdr_r21c_v01 -n
Tag sdr_r21c_v01 exists in GEOSgcm_GridComp
Tag sdr_r21c_v01 exists in GEOSgcm_App

Before tags were just ignored.



  • Allow checkout-if-exists to work on tags or branches

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.44.0...v1.45.0

Add typechange support

28 Apr 17:35
Choose a tag to compare


This release adds support for typechange commits. At the moment, mepo status will say:

GOCART      | (b) main
   | ESMF/GOCART2G_GridComp/DU2G_GridComp/AMIP.20C/DU2G_instance_DU.rc: unknown (please contact mepo maintainer)

because it doesn't know about this. But with this releas we can now translate those:

GOCART      | (b) main
   | ESMF/GOCART2G_GridComp/DU2G_GridComp/AMIP.20C/DU2G_instance_DU.rc: typechange, staged but deleted, not staged

Note this might not be a complete support for typechange, but at least should cover the "main" commits.



  • Add support for typechange in mepo status

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.43.0...v1.44.0

Fixes for mepo clone

18 Apr 19:14
Choose a tag to compare


This release fixes a bug in mepo clone.

First, it makes the error a bit more clear when you try to mepo clone in a fixture already cloned (see #224):

$ mepo clone [email protected]:GEOS-ESM/MAPL.git
Initializing mepo using components.yaml
ESMA_env   | (t) v3.11.0
ESMA_cmake | (t) v3.10.0
ecbuild    | (t) geos/v1.2.0
$ cd MAPL
$ mepo clone
fatal: destination path '/Users/mathomp4/Models/MAPL/ESMA_env' already exists and is not an empty directory.

Error! Repo [ESMA_env] already cloned

Note it will always error out with the first repo mepo tries to clone again.

But, it also fixes a bug where you could re-mepo clone in any subdirectory! For example this:

$ mepo clone [email protected]:GEOS-ESM/MAPL.git
Initializing mepo using components.yaml
ESMA_env   | (t) v3.11.0
ESMA_cmake | (t) v3.10.0
ecbuild    | (t) geos/v1.2.0
$ cd MAPL/shared
$ mepo clone
ESMA_env   | (t) v3.11.0
ESMA_cmake | (t) v3.10.0
ecbuild    | (t) geos/v1.2.0

should be an obvious failure. But, nope, there was a bug in the code such that what you'd get is an entire new set of subrepos in that subdirectory!

Now the failure is caught:

$ mepo clone [email protected]:GEOS-ESM/MAPL.git
Initializing mepo using components.yaml
ESMA_env   | (t) v3.11.0
ESMA_cmake | (t) v3.10.0
ecbuild    | (t) geos/v1.2.0
$ cd MAPL/shared
$ mepo clone
fatal: destination path '/Users/mathomp4/Models/MAPL/ESMA_env' already exists and is not an empty directory.

Error! Repo [ESMA_env] already cloned

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.42.0...v1.43.0

Add ability to ignore whitespace with diff

29 Mar 19:04
Choose a tag to compare


This release adds a -b/--ignore-space-change flag to the mepo diff command, a la git diff -b. This allows diffing to ignore whitespace changes.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.41.0...v1.42.0

Make compare brief by default

25 Mar 16:01
Choose a tag to compare

This release changes the default behavior of mepo compare. Now, mepo compare will only show differing repos:

❯ mepo compare
Repo                   | Original                         | Current
---------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------
env                    | (t) v3.11.0 (DH)                 | (b) main
cmake                  | (t) v3.10.0 (DH)                 | (b) develop
MAPL                   | (t) v2.17.2 (DH)                 | (b) develop

To see all repos, use --all:

❯ mepo compare --all
Repo                   | Original                         | Current
---------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------
GEOSgcm                | (b) main                         | (b) main
env                    | (t) v3.11.0 (DH)                 | (b) main
cmake                  | (t) v3.10.0 (DH)                 | (b) develop
ecbuild                | (t) geos/v1.2.0 (DH)             | (t) geos/v1.2.0 (DH)
NCEP_Shared            | (t) v1.2.0 (DH)                  | (t) v1.2.0 (DH)
GMAO_Shared            | (t) v1.5.1 (DH)                  | (t) v1.5.1 (DH)
MAPL                   | (t) v2.17.2 (DH)                 | (b) develop
FMS                    | (t) geos/2019.01.02+noaff.7 (DH) | (t) geos/2019.01.02+noaff.7 (DH)
GEOSgcm_GridComp       | (t) v1.15.0 (DH)                 | (t) v1.15.0 (DH)
FVdycoreCubed_GridComp | (t) v1.6.0 (DH)                  | (t) v1.6.0 (DH)
fvdycore               | (t) geos/v1.3.0 (DH)             | (t) geos/v1.3.0 (DH)
GEOSchem_GridComp      | (t) v1.8.1 (DH)                  | (t) v1.8.1 (DH)
HEMCO                  | (t) geos/v2.2.2 (DH)             | (t) geos/v2.2.2 (DH)
geos-chem              | (t) geos/v13.0.0-rc1 (DH)        | (t) geos/v13.0.0-rc1 (DH)
GOCART                 | (t) v2.0.4 (DH)                  | (t) v2.0.4 (DH)
mom                    | (t) geos/5.1.0+1.2.0 (DH)        | (t) geos/5.1.0+1.2.0 (DH)
mom6                   | (t) geos/v2.0.2 (DH)             | (t) geos/v2.0.2 (DH)
RRTMGP                 | (t) geos/v1.5+1.0.0 (DH)         | (t) geos/v1.5+1.0.0 (DH)
GEOSgcm_App            | (t) v1.7.0 (DH)                  | (t) v1.7.0 (DH)
UMD_Etc                | (t) v1.0.4 (DH)                  | (t) v1.0.4 (DH)
CPLFCST_Etc            | (t) v1.0.1 (DH)                  | (t) v1.0.1 (DH)

If no repos differ, you see:

❯ mepo compare
No repositories have changed
❯ mepo compare --all
No repositories have changed

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.40.0...v1.41.0

Fix for compare and add ignore-case to whereis

12 Jan 20:07
Choose a tag to compare


This release has a few updates.

First, a bugfix to mepo compare where the table layout was broken in 1.39.0. The new hashes-for-detached-branches messed up the logic for pretty printing the table.

Next, mepo whereis has a new --ignore-case option. Before you had to know the exact case of component's name for mepo whereis to work:

mepo whereis mapl
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/mathomp4/bin/mepo", line 17, in <module>
  File "/Users/mathomp4/mepo/mepo.d/", line 6, in main
  File "/Users/mathomp4/mepo/mepo.d/command/", line 11, in run
  File "/Users/mathomp4/mepo/mepo.d/command/whereis/", line 15, in run
    verify.valid_components([args.comp_name], allcomps, ignore_case=args.ignore_case)
  File "/Users/mathomp4/mepo/mepo.d/utilities/", line 23, in valid_components
    _validate_component(component_to_find, all_component_names)
  File "/Users/mathomp4/mepo/mepo.d/utilities/", line 35, in _validate_component
    raise Exception('Unknown component name [{}]'.format(component))
Exception: Unknown component name [mapl]mepo whereis MAPL

With the option this is not the case:

mepo whereis -i mapl

The main use of this is in mepo-cd which now defaults to case-insensitive use so mepo-cd mapl will work.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.39.0...v1.40.0