All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- update compat
- support Julia greater than or equals to v1.9
- update compat
- update compat
- adapt to new NNlib API
- fix
- fix tests
- update doc
- replace GraphMLDatasets in favor of MLDatasets
- update examples and docs
- support GraphSignals to 0.7
- update doc for
- fix doc
- implement
layer with nested design - support positional encoding from GraphSignals
- add
- replace
- update doc for graph network
- replace
- remove @deprecate
- add roadmap
- add
layer - support dynamic graph update
- fix link
- Adds GATv2 layer
- add DeepSet model and digit sum example
- fix GAT example
- add tutorials
- replace
- fix VGAE example and correct precision
- implement new message-passing scheme, including
layers - fix tests for
- add
- update docs and add defining GNN layer to doc
- update GAE example
- fix neural GDE example
- add semisupervised gcn and gcn with fixed graph example
- implement new GCNConv
- add node2vec
- bug fix
- correct GCNConv with normalized_adjacency_matrix
- add L2 regularization to gcn example
- migrate Graphs, GraphSignals, GraphLaplacians and examples
- resolve gradient bug for GatedGraphConv
- drop support of julia v1.4 and v1.5
- support CUDA v3.3
- support Flux v0.12
- fix stable doc
- add benchmark script
- migrate scatter to NNlib
- make gradient of GatedGraphConv available
- Implement GINConv layer. (#186)
- check consistency for vertex or edge number between graph and features
- add manual for pooling layers and bypass_graph
- deprecate FeatureSelector
- not export GraphNetwork and MessagePassing APIs
- new implementation for message-passing scheme
- Add dimensional check for each layer
- Support Flux up to v0.12
- Support CUDA up to v2.6
- Support Zygote up to v0.6
- FeaturedGraph API change
- Refactor graph net and message passing framework
- Improve differentiability test
- Refactor GCNConv and ChebConv operator
- Fix bug in GATConv layer
- Update GAT example
- Cast testing data to Float32
- Support CUDA up to v2.2
- Support transpose input of a layer
- Replace Travis CI by Github Action CI
- Adjust edge_index_table API for directed
- apply_batch_message as API
- Support CUDA v2.1
- Refactor
- Fix bug
- Add bypass_graph
- Support FeaturedGraph as input graph for GCNConv
- Add node index for message/update function
- Add activation function for GraphConv
- Reexport GraphSignals
- Support FillArrays v0.10
- Bug fix
- Differentiability test
- Refactor GN for differentiability
- Remove cache argument from layer
- Add docs
- Bump CUDA to v2.0
- Add paper
- Add GraphMLDatasets as dependency to provide datasets
- VGAE example available
- Add Planetoid and Cora dataset
- GDE, GAE VGAE examples available
- Correct GCNConv show
- Add FeatureSelector
- Correct ChebConv computation
- Make scaled_laplacian differentiable
- Add ScatterNNlib and GraphSignals as deps
- Improve GAT example
- Upgrade to CUDA
- Maintain Travis CI
- Update to CUDA 1.2 and Flux 0.11
- Refactor graph-related API
- Improve learning rate in example
- Rewrite graph network
and message passingMessagePassing
framework - Expand functionality of FeaturedGraph to support
- Speed up ChebConv layer
- Speed up scatter functions
- Add graph index-related functions
- GCN example works and increase training stablility
- Fix show GCNConv
- Add more test for linear algebra
- Update cpu scatter benchmark plot and scripts
- Add scaled Laplacian
- Support CuArrays v2.0 and Flux v0.10.4
- ChebConv, GraphConv, GATConv, GatedGraphConv and EdgeConv support FeaturedGraph
- Add SimpleWeightedGraphs and MetaGraphs as deps
- Fix broadcastly casting error
- GCNConv layer supports FeaturedGraph (#34)
- Support linear algebra for FeaturedGraph
- Add
API for FeaturedGraph - Add LightGraphs as dependency
- Correct normalized laplacian type
- Fix bug in normalized_laplacian
- Fix on GCNConv
- Add docs (#35)
- Support scatter operations for MArray (#32)
- Support GCNConv layer accepting graph input (#31)
- Compatible with Julia v1.4 while not support before v1.3
- Not support old version CuArrays, CUDAnative and CUDAapi
- Improve performance of scatter operations for CPU and new benchmark (#29)
- Scatters support almost all Real numbers except Bool on CPU
- Add benchmark for scatter operations
- Implement TopKPool layer (#22)
- Improve performance of scatter operations in both CPU/CUDA version
- Add benchmark result
- Add multihead GAT on graph support
- Move
- Available on Julia v1.2 and v1.3
- Convolution layers works with CUDA
- Provide scatter add, sub, mul, div, max, min, mean for CPU and CUDA
- Provide pool add, sub, mul, div, max, min, mean for CPU and CUDA
- Provide gradient of scatter add, sub, mul, div, max, min, mean for CPU and CUDA
- Provide gradient of pool add, sub, mul, div, max, min, mean for CPU and CUDA
- Provide gather
- Provide good abstract for graph network block
- Integrate message passing scheme and graph network block
- Add logo
- Add docs
- Add layer docs and
- Provide dynamically change graph in runtime
- Provide GlobalPool layer