Find and operate from points of highest leverage – We strive to find a path forward in all situations and are always refining our approach to solve problems from the points of highest leverage. This allows us to do more with less, and is embodied both by our work practice as well as how we grow ourselves.
Maximize the rate of learning – We learn in all spheres of project/team/self and we maximize our learning by minimizing the time to try new ideas.
Reason in actuals and improve signal to noise – We spend little time arguing right and wrong, but rather seek to learn quickly about any new problem via direct experience and observation. These are called ‘actuals.’ Conjectures and guesses are used to create experiments, not to reason with. This, and other communication and work practices, help to keep a high signal to noise ratio.
Develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills – We seek to grow new leaders by continuous investment in our fellows and ourselves. We actively create opportunities for each team member to step up and own critical responsibilities in ways that expand them.
Create Net Benefit to Society – Ultimately, we work to improve the world. Anything we create must be seen as a net benefit by all parties involved/affected by the work. We use this principle as our compass to guide how we select and refine ideas.