Releases: F5Networks/f5-azure-arm-templates
In addition to minor enhancements and fixes, this release contains the following:
- Azure's Accelerated Networking is now supported on multi-NIC BIG-IPs. This feature is enabled by default on BIG-IP versions 15.X.X and later. For more information about this feature, see the documentation.
- Added a 10GB Pay-As-You-Go option to Azure ARM templates.
- Corrected an issue with template validation error for Azure Failover BIG-IQ solution.
In addition to minor enhancements and fixes, this release contains the following:
For all templates, when licensing is done with BIG-IQ, the tenant field on the BIG-IQ side will be populated with hostname and BIG-IP private mgmt ip address using JSON format. For example:
{ "hostname": "", "mgmtAddress": "<private_mgmt_ip>"} -
Azure Autoscale templates now allow you to specify a timeout setting for the autoscale process. This setting will terminate process execution when it takes longer than expected.
Azure templates now use the BIG-IP private management IP address as "Device Address" while requesting the license from BIG-IQ. You can also configure it to use the BIG-IP public management IP as the "Device Address."
Azure Autoscale templates now include new parameters to pass existent cloud resources:
- mgmtNsgName - management security group name
- externalLoadBalancerName - external load balancer name
- internalLoadBalancerName - internal load balancer name
- useAvailabilityZones - toggle for enabling azure availability zones on provisioned solution
Corrected an issue with availability zones: the issue occurred when a solution was provisioned in an Azure location that does not support availability zones and/or Azure Compute returns 'null' value for availability zones.
Documentation updates:
- Added more information, including examples, to parameters descriptions in the README and YAML files.
- Added support for BIG-IP VE 15.0.1.
- Cloud-Libs updates:
- Enabled retry logic for TMSH command execution to mitigate a problem where the TMSH command fails due to MCP un-availability.
- Added validation for the generated UCS file.
- Updated condition (define timeout value) for triggering master re-election for the autoscale solution. This corrects an issue where the master host is stuck at BECOMING_MASTER state.
- Added a wait check to ensure iControl is up/running.
- Documentation updates:
- Added Known Issues section to main README.
In addition to minor enhancements and fixes, this release contains the following:
- All templates now updated to use the new BIG-IP VE images for 14.1.2
- Added support for Azure CLI 2.0
- Corrected an issue that caused the template (f5-azure-arm-templates/supported/failover/same-net/via-lb/3nic/existing-stack/bigiq/azuredeploy.json) to fail validation
- Corrected an issue that caused regex to fail for autoscale solution templates
In addition to minor enhancements and fixes, this maintenance release contains the following:
- All templates have been updated to use the latest versions of f5-cloud-libs and f5-cloud-libs-azure.
- All templates now deploy Standard SKU Azure Public IP Addresses.
- All autoscale and failover-lb templates now deploy Standard SKU Azure Load Balancers.
- All templates deploy Azure Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Scale Sets into Availability Zones in supported regions; Availability Sets are still created in unsupported regions. Virtual Machine Scale Sets are distributed across zones 1, 2, and 3; failover Virtual Machines across zones 1 and 2. Standalone Virtual Machines are placed in zone 1 by default; however, you may select zone 1, 2, or 3 using the new zoneChoice parameter.
Bug fixes in this release
- Fixed a bug where ASM was incorrectly provisioned when deploying the autoscale LTM template, causing deployments to fail when Per-App VE licensing is used.