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End User Guide
D2-docker uses a single executable with subcommands (start, stop, ...) with this structure:
The complete interface:
The complete interface:
$ d2-docker --help
usage: d2-docker [-h] [--dhis2-docker-images-directory DIRECTORY]
positional arguments:
{start,logs,stop,commit,push,copy,export,import,list,run-sql,create} Subcommands
Start a container from an existing dhis2-data Docker image or from an exported file
Show docker logs
Stop docker containers
Commit docker images
Push dhis2-data docker image
Copy databases from/to docker containers
Export d2-docker images to a single file
Import d2-docker images from file
List d2-docker data images
Run SQL or open interactive session in a d2-docker container
Create d2-docker images
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--dhis2-docker-images-directory DIRECTORY
Directory containing dhis2-data docker source code
Run command with the given log level
You can start a dhis2-data image existing on Docker Hub, an example:
$ d2-docker start -d eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento -p 8080
This will pull some images from _hub.docker.com_ (only the first time), and it will start a DHIS2 instance on the background (-d / --detach) on port 8080 (if the port option is not specified, it will use the first free port starting at 8080). If the detach option is not used, you may stop the server pressing Control + C.
You can check all the running instances with the list command.
$ d2-docker list
You can run multiple instances, but only one instance for a specific image.
**WARNING:** Any change you make in the server will be lost on the next run of the Docker image. To save the data of an active instance, you must commit it:
$ d2-docker commit
This change will affect only your local machine, the remote image in Docker Hub will remain untouched. Finally, stop the instance when finished:
$ d2-docker stop
Sometimes it might be useful to just download an image without starting it yet. In that case, you can use pull command:
$ d2-docker pull eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento
If you received a .tgz (or .tar.gz) bundle file containing all the docker images, import it:
$ d2-docker import dhis2-ento.tgz
[d2-docker:INFO] Load images from file: dhis2-ento.tgz
[d2-docker:DEBUG] Run: docker load -i dhis2-ento.tgz
Loaded image: eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento
Loaded image: mdillon/postgis:10-alpine
Loaded image: jwilder/nginx-proxy:alpine
Loaded image: eyeseetea/dhis2-core:2.30
And now start the _dhis2-data_ image:
$ d2-docker start -d eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento
If you want to copy a docker, with its DB and installed apps, just to generate a backup, to avoid modifying an existing image or because you want to extract the database, the copy command is the one you need to use. You can copy an image into a new one (beware, if you provide the name of an existing image it will replace it):
$ d2-docker copy eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento-copy
You can also copy to a folder (just providing a name that cannot be recognized as a docker image, so without xxx/yyy:zzz format):
$ d2-docker copy eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento dhis2-data-2.30-ento-copy
That will generate a folder called “dhis2-data-2.30-ento-copy with the apps and the database inside
You can copy back from a folder to an image with
$ d2-docker copy dhis2-data-2.30-ento-copy eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento-copy
That will generate an image called “eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento-copy” using the database and apps contained in the folder.
There’s an advanced use of d2-docker that is, however, very useful for certain common situations. In some scenarios, an organization plans to migrate its DHIS2 server to a new version. As you know, DHIS2 is, since 2.30 version, using Flyway , which controls the DB migrations between one DHIS2 version and the following one. To do so, DHIS2 core developers embed inside the war file, the scripts that need to be run against the DB, to make the proper upgrade between each version.
In d2-docker we have added a command called upgrade, that can be used in combination with some scripts to prepare some upgrades that might be delicate due to some specs of your organization. A typical example is the 2.31 → 2.32 upgrade, where DHIS2 started using geometry data type from postgresql databases, producing some deletions of coordinates if the DB is not previously prepared for the Flyway script upgrade.
usage: d2-docker upgrade [-h] [--core-image-suffix IMAGE]
[--from-version VERSION] [--to-version VERSION]
--from IMAGE --to IMAGE [-r] [--migrations DIRECTORY]
[-p N]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--core-image-suffix IMAGE Image core name suffix
--from-version VERSION Source DHIS2 version
--to-version VERSION Destination DHIS2 version
--from IMAGE Source image
--to IMAGE Destination image data name
-r, --keep-running Keep last image running
--migrations DIRECTORY Directory with migration scripts
-p N, --port N DHIS2 instance port
The most basic upgrade (without applying any script and just creating all intermediate images) would be performed by executing:
$ d2-docker upgrade --from eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento --to eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.31-ento
That will create 2.31 version of the image, downloading the latest 2.31 war file from UiO CI server
But if you want to do something more complex, you can create a folder structure as follows: → upgrade → 2.31 → dhis.war → drop-views.sql
→ 2.32 → dhis.war → drop-views.sql → orgunits-geometry-fix.sql → script_to_execute_before_tomcat.sh → post_script_to_execute_after_tomcat.sh
--migrations parameter will recognize:
- Any “version” folder and will consider that it is what has to be applied for the upgrade to that version
- Inside each folder, if a dhis.war file is found, instead of downloading it from CI server, it will use that one
- Inside each folder, if .sql files are found, they will be executed against the DB before the tomcat is run
- Inside each folder, if .sh files are found, they will be executed after the sql files, but before running the tomcat, unless the script name starts by “post” in which case it will be executed after tomcat is running
With that folder, a typical execution would be:
$ d2-docker upgrade --from eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento --to eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.31-ento --migrations upgrade
After some time working with d2-docker images, it’s possible that you have plenty of downloaded images you will very unlikely use in the future. When that happens, deleting old images becomes handy. That can be done with the rm command:
$ d2-docker rm eyeseetea/dhis2-data:2.30-ento-todelete
(remember this will only delete the image locally, if you want to delete it in dockerhub you will have to use its web interface)
Docker infrastructure (images, networks, containers, volumes) takes up a lot of hard-disk space. Those are some commands to do some cleaning-up:
To remove all local volumes not used by at least one container:
$ docker volume prune
Remove all stopped containers:
$ docker container prune
Remove all dangling images (the temporal images that have on its name/tag):
$ docker image prune
[WARNING: Dangerous operation] To delete all stopped containers, networks, volumes, images and cache:
$ docker system prune -a --volumes