Example usage:
var fakeAmqp = require("exp-fake-amqp");
connection = fakeAmqp.createConnection();
var exchange = connection.exchange("testExchange", {});
connection.queue("theQueue", {}, function (queue) {
queue.bind("testExchange", "route", function () {
queue.subscribe(function (message) {
exchange.publish("route", "hello!", {});
For further examples see the tests.
You might want to override amqp
with fake-amqp
in tests. This can be done this way:
var amqp = require("amqp");
var fakeAmqp = require("exp-fake-amqp");
amqp.Connection = fakeAmqp.Connection;
amqp.createConnection = fakeAmqp.createConnection;
If you are using exp-amqp-connection you can use proxyquire to replace amqp
with exp-fake-amqp
in your tests like this:
var fakeAmqp = require("exp-fake-amqp");
var proxyquire = require("proxyquire");
proxyquire("exp-amqp-connection", {
amqp: fakeAmqp