This validation attribute rule evaluates connected lines and if the diamter is different, require a reducer fitting.
A water main with diamater of 6" connected to a water main with a diameter of 4"
Using ArcGIS Pro, use the Add Attribute Rule geoprocessing tool to define this rule on a feature class and optionally on a subtype in that feature class. Use the following values when defining the rule, the other options are not required or depend on your situation.
- Rule Name Validate Reducer
- Rule Type: Validation
- Error Number:
- Error Message: Pipe Diameter Validation
- Severity: 4
// This rule will evaluates connected lines and if the diameter is different, require a reducer fitting.
// ************* User Variables *************
// This section has the functions and variables that need to be adjusted based on your implementation
// The field the rule is assigned to
var diameter_field = 'diameter';
var source_diameter = $feature.diameter;
var source_globalid = $feature.GlobalID;
// These fittings must change diameter
var reducer_codes = [49];
// These fittings require at least one change in diameter
var reducer_tees = [50, 51];
var line_feature_set = FeatureSetByName($datastore, 'WaterLine', ['globalID', diameter_field], false);
var junction_feature_set = FeatureSetByName($datastore, 'WaterJunction', ['globalID', 'assettype'], false);
var device_feature_set = FeatureSetByName($datastore, 'WaterDevice', ['globalID', 'assettype'], false);
var line_requires_reducer_msg = "Lines requires reducer - Fitting ID: ";
var line_does_not_need_reducer_msg = "Lines connects to another line via a reducer fitting but diameter does not change - Fitting ID: ";
var reducer_only_connects_to_two_lines = "A reducer must connect to two lines - Fitting ID: ";
// ************* End User Variables Section *************
// Function to pop empty values in a dict
function pop_empty(dict) {
var new_dict = {};
for (var k in dict) {
if (IsNan(dict[k])) {
if (IsEmpty(dict[k])) {
new_dict[k] = dict[k];
return new_dict
function check_snapped_features(geom, source_diameter, source_globalid) {
// Get intersecting lines
var intersection_lines = Intersects(line_feature_set, geom);
if (Count(intersection_lines) == 0) {
return null
// Any device is a valid diameter change
var intersection_device = Intersects(device_feature_set, geom);
if (Count(intersection_device) >= 1) {
return null;
// Get the fittings, if there is no fitting, there still may be a diameter error
var fitting_type = "not_reducing";
var intersection_fitting = Intersects(junction_feature_set, geom);
if (IsEmpty(intersection_fitting) || Count(intersection_fitting) == 0) {
return null
// TODO: What to do if more than one fitting?
var fitting = First(intersection_fitting);
if (IndexOf(reducer_codes, fitting['assettype']) != -1) {
fitting_type = 'reducer';
} else if (IndexOf(reducer_tees, fitting['assettype']) != -1) {
fitting_type = 'reducing_tee';
var diameters = [];
// Get an array of all diamaters
for (var intersected_line in intersection_lines) {
if (intersected_line['globalid'] == source_globalid) {
diameters[Count(diameters)] = intersected_line[diameter_field]
var unq_diameters = Distinct(diameters);
// If the fitting is not a reducing fitting, ensure only items of the same diameter are connected
if (fitting_type == "not_reducing") {
if (Count(diameters) == 0) {
} else if (Count(unq_diameters) == 1 && IndexOf(unq_diameters, source_diameter) == -1) {
return line_requires_reducer_msg + fitting.globalid;
} else if (Count(unq_diameters) > 1) {
return line_requires_reducer_msg + fitting.globalid;
// If the fitting is a reducing fitting, ensure only different diameters and 2 pipes
if (fitting_type == "reducer") {
if (Count(diameters) == 0) {
return reducer_only_connects_to_two_lines + fitting.globalid;
} else if (Count(diameters) != 1) {
return reducer_only_connects_to_two_lines + fitting.globalid;
} else if (IndexOf(diameters, source_diameter) != -1) {
return line_does_not_need_reducer_msg + fitting.globalid;
// If the fitting is a reducing tee, we do not care about the number of pipes, as it could be midspan
if (fitting_type == "reducing_tee") {
// If there is only one other diameter, ensure it is not the same as the source pipe
if (Count(diameters) == 0) {
return reducer_only_connects_to_two_lines + fitting.globalid;
} else if (Count(unq_diameters) == 1 && unq_diameters[0] == source_diameter) {
return line_does_not_need_reducer_msg + fitting.globalid;
return null
// get the paths of the line
var geo = Geometry($feature);
var paths = geo['paths'];
var first_point = Point(pop_empty(paths[0][0]));
var last_point = Point(pop_empty(paths[-1][-1]));
var results = [];
var result = check_snapped_features(first_point, source_diameter, source_globalid);
if (IsEmpty(result) == false) {
results[Count(results)] = result
result = check_snapped_features(last_point, source_diameter, source_globalid);
if (IsEmpty(result) == false) {
results[Count(results)] = result
if (Count(results) > 0) {
return {
"errorMessage": Concatenate(results, TextFormatting.NewLine)
return true;