CloudNativePG candidate releases are pre-release versions made available for testing before the community issues a new generally available (GA) release. These versions are feature-frozen, meaning no new features are added, and are intended for public testing prior to the final release.
!!! Important CloudNativePG release candidates are not intended for use in production systems.
Release candidates are provided to the community for extensive testing before the official release. While a release candidate aims to be identical to the initial release of a new minor version of CloudNativePG, additional changes may be implemented before the GA release.
The stability of each CloudNativePG minor release significantly depends on the community's efforts to test the upcoming version with their workloads and tools. Identifying bugs and regressions through user testing is crucial in determining when we can finalize the release.
The CloudNativePG Community strongly advises against using preview versions of CloudNativePG in production environments or active development projects. Although CloudNativePG undergoes extensive automated and manual testing, beta releases may contain serious bugs. Features in preview versions may change in ways that are not backwards compatible and could be removed entirely.
There are currently no preview versions available.