This document highlights the most important fields in the configuration file.
Those with 🔴 are important config options that should be checked before running any optimization job.
This section contains configurations for transforming the graph file into a position dataframe using cuGraph's forceatlas2 layout algorithm.
🔴Note: Refer to
Sample Graph Generation
for more details on the graph inputting format for the GraphOptima framework.
- 🔴GRAPHML_FILE: The GraphML file path. Note: Test GraphML files were generated using graph-tool.
- 🔴CSV_FILE: The destination CSV file path. The CSV is in the edgelist format.
- CSV_COLUMNS: Column names to be used in the CSV file.
- CSV_SOURCE and CSV_DESTINATION: Source and destination node column names, respectively.
- CSV_DTYPES: Data types for the CSV columns.
- SEPARATOR: Character used for field separation in the CSV file.
- CUDF_EDGELIST_SLICE: Slice of the edgelist to be converted into a dataframe.
- DEBUG: Enable or disable debug mode (true/false).
Settings related to the External API.
- INSTRUCTION_PATH: Directory where to save API's instructions.
- MAIL: Contains email notification settings.
- FROM and TO: Sender and receiver's email addresses.
- SMTP_SERVER and SMTP_PORT: SMTP server details.
- KEY_PATH: The path to your
file. SeeSetting up email
for more details. - KEY: Email encryption key details.
- SLURM: Settings for Slurm jobs.
- UPDATE_INTERVAL: Time (in seconds) between Slurm updates.
- EVENT_LOG_DISPLAY_LINES: Number of log lines to display.
Settings for the optimization database.
- DATABASE_PATH: Path to the database file.
- MAX_ERROR_PERCENTAGE: Maximum allowed percentage of errors.
- COSINE_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD: Threshold for cosine similarity.
Settings for the optimizer.
- 🔴SINGLE_OBJECTIVE_OPTIMIZATION: Enable/disable single-objective optimization.
- MAX_ALLOWABLE_ERROR_RETRY: Maximum number of retries in case of an error.
- DATABASE_WRITE_FREQUENCY: Frequency for writing to the database.
- METADATA: Settings for the optimization.
- 🔴OPTIMIZATION_BUDGET: Budget for optimization. Refer to the scipy.differential_evolution documentation for more details.
- SUBSTITUTION_BY_FINDING_SIMILAR_TESTED_PARAM: Enable/disable substitution by finding similar tested parameters.
- SUBSTITUTION_BY_FINDING_EXACT_TESTED_ITERATION_NUM: Enable/disable substitution by finding exact tested iteration numbers.
- BREAKPOINT_SKIP: What to do when resuming from a breakpoint: Skip all the tested weighting schemes or rerun all the tested weighting schemes (true/false).
- REWARD: The reward function.
- BOUNDS: Boundaries for the optimization parameters.
- INITIAL_GUESS: Initial guess for the optimization parameters.
- NUM_OF_DESIGN_PARAMS and NUM_OF_OBJECTIVE_PARAMS: Number of design and objective parameters, respectively.
- differential_evolution_optimization_params: Settings for differential evolution optimization.
- 🔴email_notification: Settings for email notifications related to the optimization process (true/false).
- 🔴scalarization_granularity: Sets the granularity for scalarization in the multivariable optimization process.
Settings for the verification of optimized parameters.
- REPEAT_EVAL_TIMES: Number of times to repeat the evaluation process for verification.
- 🔴PLOT_RESOLUTION: Resolution for the output plot.
Settings for the reward calculation.
- 🔴CROSSLESSNESS_WEIGHT, NUM_EDGE_CROSSINGS_WEIGHT, EDGE_LENGTH_CV_WEIGHT, NORMALIZED_CV_WEIGHT, MIN_ANGLE_WEIGHT, SHAPE_DELAUNAY_WEIGHT, SHAPE_GABRIEL_WEIGHT: Weights given to each component in the reward calculation. The weights (such as crosslessness, edge crossing, and edge length CV) are set as default. To exclude a weight from optimization, set it to zero.
- FORMULA: Formula for reward calculation.
Settings for converting DOT language graphs to readability scores.
- DEBUG: Enable or disable debug mode (true/false).
- GLAM_PATH: Path to the GLAM (Graph Layout Aesthetics Metrics) tool. See
Setting up GLAM layout
for more details.