A Docker image that's configured to run OnEarth can be built using the ./bin/build_el7_docker_image.sh script. The script takes a single parameter, the tag to apply to the image.
The new images is built from a Docker image that has the gibs-gdal RPMs installed already. The name of that image is set in the docker/el7/gibs-gdal-image.txt file.
Example of building an OnEarth Docker image:
./bin/build_el7_docker_image.sh gibs/onearth:v1.3.2
The generated image will start Apache when it is run.
A Docker image that's configured to run OnEarth with a demo configuration can be built using the ./bin/build_el7_demo_docker_image.sh script. The script takes two parameters:
- BASE_IMAGE - the onearth image to build on top of
- TAG - the tag to be applied to the newly generated image
Example of building an onearth-demo Docker image using the "nasagibs/onearth:1.3.1-8.2":
./bin/build_el7_demo_docker_image.sh nasagibs/onearth:1.3.1-8.2 onearth-demo:1.3.1-8.2