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tudorgroza edited this page Mar 23, 2021 · 40 revisions

Table of contents


Domain knowledge



Data creation / import endpoints

General data setup

  1. Create a project
  2. Create at least a source in the context of a project
  3. Add entities associated with the source via the Data import endpoint
  4. Optional - add additional users to the project using the User management endpoints
    • Note: only the project ADMIN (i.e., the user who created the project) will be able to perform this operation. The target users will have to exist in the platform.

Use the data described here for testing purposes.

Sandbox environment details

  • Previous app entry point:
  • Current sandbox API entry point:
    • Accessing Sandbox requires VPN
    • Authentication mechanisms supported at this time: AAP or special tokens


  • Currently, all operations run live - including the file upload and the matchmaking