x x x x x _ dst0 dst1 dst2
0 0 _ lsrc0 lsrc1 lsrc2 _ rsrc0 rsrc1 rsrc2
IMPLEMENTATION | N bytes | CODE | OP | Inputs (Registers) | Outputs (Registers) | Description |
✅ | 1 | 0b0000_0000 |
NOP | [] |
[] |
ø |
✅ | 2 | 0b1000_0xxx |
ADD | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc + rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1000_1xxx |
SUB | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc - rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1001_0xxx |
LTEQ | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc <= rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1001_1xxx |
GTEQ | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc >= rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1010_0xxx |
LT | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc < rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1010_1xxx |
GT | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc > rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1011_0xxx |
EQ | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc == rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1011_1xxx |
AND | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc & rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1100_0xxx |
OR | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc | rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1100_1xxx |
XOR | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc ^ rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1101_0xxx |
NOT | [lsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = ~lsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1101_1xxx |
LDX | [] |
[dst] |
dst = next byte |
❌ | 2 | 0b1110_0xxx |
RI | [lsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = IO[lsrc] |
✅ | 2 | 0b1110_1xxx |
CARRY | [] |
[dst] |
dst = carry |
❌ | 2 | 0b1111_0xxx |
WI | [lsrc, rsrc] |
[] |
IO[lsrc] = rsrc |
✅ | 2 | 0b1111_1xxx |
COPY | [lsrc] |
[dst] |
dst = lsrc |
✅ | 1 | 0b0010_0xxx |
JUMP | [] |
[] |
pc = HL |
✅ | 1 | 0b0010_1xxx |
JUMPI | [dst] |
[] |
pc = HL if dst == 0xFF |
✅ | 1 | 0b0011_0xxx |
JUMPZ | [dst] |
[] |
pc = HL if dst == 0x00 |
✅ | 1 | 0b0011_1xxx |
JUMPC | [] |
[] |
pc = HL if carry == 1 |
✅ | 1 | 0b0100_0xxx |
MWRITE | [dst] |
[] |
ram[HL] = lsrc |
✅ | 1 | 0b0100_1xxx |
MREAD | [] |
[dst] |
dst = ram[HL] |
Free data slots; Up to the programmer to use them as they wish.
Used as a pointer to the ram/rom. H means high, L means low. The HL register is 16 bits long, so it can point to 64kb of memory.
Program counter, points to the current instruction being executed. The PC register is 16 bits long, so it can point to 64kb of memory.
Used for flags, here is a representation of the register structure:
Bit | Name | Usage | Related Instructions |
0 | Carry | Set by an arithmetic operation, tells if the last operation had an overflow or underflow. Can be retrieved using the CARRY instruction |
Instructions run on 5 ticks, here is a representation of the tick structure:
Tick | Name | Usage |
0 | Fetch | Nothing should actually run on this tick, it is used to load the instruction from the rom |
1 | Fetch | This tick sets the content of the rom (the instruction) to a separate register |
2 | Execute | The instruction should execute here |
3 | Execute | The instruction should execute here |
No special layout for now. If I develop a higher level programming language for this computer, I might add a more structured layout.