A python library to create minecraft data packs
You can view the documentation here.
First, install the package with pip install onyx-mclib
Next, create a python script and import onyx. It is also recommended you import all of nbtlib.tag
like so: from nbtlib.tag import *
Here's a sample script to get you started:
import onyx
class MyPack(onyx.DataPack):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__("My data pack name")
self.function("namespace:function", self.function_obj)
def function_obj(self):
onyx.commands.say("Hello, World!")
- fizzy/vberlier - Creator of nbtlib, beet, and mudkip, helped walk me through using GitHub actions
- Arcensoth, rx, vdvman1 - Library design help
- Jayfin, Lue, lolad/lolgeny, MulverineX, Speedy2025 - Motivating me to work on this project after nearly abandoning it
- You - For using this (hopefully, heh)