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Favr Project Details

Favr is an on-demand task app for UCSC students. It is built with React and Web2Py.

Myron Pow - [email protected]

Dustin Palea - [email protected]


Setup and Commands

  • React injects elements into the DOM at runtime.
  • React and all of our front-end source code can be found within favr/applications/favr/react-files. We will refer to this as the React root directory.
  • Before changing the source code or running any of the below commands, make sure that NodeJS is installed and run npm install from the React root directory.
  • We've used Webpack with React in order to bundle all of our javascript and style files. These files are exported to the single minified file favr/applications/favr/static/js/default_index.js (style files exist as objects within this bundle).
  • To recompile this bundle, run npm run build from the React root directory.
  • To run a development server (irrespective of Web2Py) run npm start from the React root directory. This will host at localhost:8080. Keep in mind that this development server is kept in memory and does not read from the bundle file mentioned in the fourth bullet above. EDIT: Won't work in current branch (last minute global var changes that haven't been updated in the index that this server uses)

Organization and Execution

We use ~ to denote the React root directory (see bullet two in the above section).

Within the React root directory there is a src file which contains all of our front-end source code. This includes .js, .jsx, and .css/.scss files. Quick note, jsx files are a combined syntax of html and javascript. All of our API calls are defined in ~/src/stateStoreAndFunctions.js

The following is a high level overview of how our React app executes.

  1. ~/app.jsx mounts to the DOM, taking control of the element with id="app".
  2. It then renders components on a conditional basis, that condition being the URL route. Our router is defined in ~/routers/App.Routers.jsx.
  3. Based on the route, this router then renders the appropriate component(s) out of those defined in ~/components/.
  4. Each of these components in turn importing other components and passing data downward via one-way data binding.

Our style files are located at ~/styles with partials being defined within sub-directories. All partials are eventually aggregated via imports into the main style file ~/styles/styles.scss. As mentioned earlier, on compilation these styles are converted to objects within the single bundled javascript file.


Organization and Execution

In this section we use $ to denote the favr application root directory favr/applications/favr.

Web2Py operates as it would with any other web application, simply hosting $/views/default/index.html which in turn runs the bundle script that was exported by WebPack $/static/js/bundle.js (explained in the React section above).

Useful commands

  • run from favr/applications/favr/react-files
    • Need to install all modules before running any commands npm install
    • Recompile javascript bundle and save to Web2Py's static/js file npm run build
    • Same as above but automatic, re-compiles js bundle by watching react-files folder for changes npm run watch
    • Local host of react only (doesn't work with API but is useful for testing styles) npm start
  • run from favr/applications/favr
    • Start web2py python Will likely need to delete all database files on first launch. Delete all contents of favr/applications/favr/databases.

Note: we've found that the best workflow is to keep both the npm run watch command running at the same time as the python server (in separate terminal tabs)