The IosReceipt package allows you to easily fetch the App Store receipt in your Flutter application on the iOS platform.
Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
ios_receipt: ^0.0.1 # Use the latest version of the package
Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.
To obtain the App Store receipt, use the following code:
final receiptInBase64 = await IosReceipt.getAppleReceipt();
This package is based on the appStoreReceiptURL from the official Apple documentation.
- The receipt isn't necessary if you use AppTransaction to validate the app download, or Transaction to validate in-app purchases.
- If the receipt is invalid or missing in your app, use SKReceiptRefreshRequest to request a new receipt.
Keep in mind that receipts aren't initially present in iOS and iPadOS apps in the sandbox environment and in Xcode. Apps receive a receipt after the tester completes the first in-app purchase.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.