Google Dorking, also known as Google Hacking, is a technique used to uncover sensitive information on the internet by utilizing advanced search techniques with the Google search engine. This involves using specific search operators
and search queries to identify vulnerable websites and servers that may contain exploitable information.
There are two types of google Operators...
Basic operators are simple and easy to use. Here are some examples of basic operators:
No. | Operator | Description |
1 | + | Used to include a specific keyword in the search results |
2 | - | Used to exclude a specific keyword from the search results |
3 | "" | Used to search for an exact phrase |
4 | * | Used to match any word in a search query |
5 | . | Used to search for a range of numbers |
6 | ~ | Used to search for pages that contain similar words |
7 | OR | Used to search for pages that contain either one or both keywords |
Advanced operators are more specific and can be used to target your search more effectively. Here are some examples of advanced operators:
No. | Operator | Description | Usage |
1 | intitle: | Search for a keyword in the title | intitle:keyword |
2 | allintitle: | Search for multiple keywords in the title | allintitle:keyword1 keyword2 |
3 | inurl: | Search for a keyword in the URL | inurl:keyword |
4 | allinurl: | Search for multiple keywords in the URL | allinurl:keyword1 keyword2 |
5 | intext: | Search for a keyword in the body of a page | intext:keyword |
6 | allintext: | Search for multiple keywords in the body of a page | allintext:keyword1 keyword2 |
7 | filetype: | Search for a specific file type | filetype:pdf |
8 | site: | Search for pages on a specific website | |
9 | cache: | Search for cached pages | |
10 | link: | Search for pages that link to a specific page | |
11 | related: | Search for pages related to a specific URL | |
12 | info: | Display information about a specific web page | |
13 | inachor: | Search for a keyword in the anchor text of links to a page | inachor:keyword |
- There should be no space between the operator and the search term.
- Searches are NOT case sensitive.
- Use quotation marks if a search term has a space or use a period instead.
- Combine multiple operators for more specific and targeted search results.
No. | Dork | Description |
1 | "intitle:index.of" site:. | Search for directory listings on any website |
2 | "intitle:Index of /wp-content/uploads" site: | Search for WordPress uploads directory |
3 | intitle:"index of /files" site: | Search for files directory |
4 | intitle:"index of /Doc" site: | Search for documents directory |
5 | allinurl:wp-login.php?action=register | Search for WordPress registration pages |
6 | "Apache" intitle:"index.of /dist" | Search for Apache directory listings |
7 | inurl: */vendor/ site:. | Search for vendor directory |
8 | intitle:"index of /wp-content/plugins" | Search for WordPress plugins directory |
9 | intitle:"Index of /dist" | Search for software distribution directories |
10 | filetype:txt username password | Search for plain text login credentials |
11 | allintitle:"index of /logs" | Search for log files directory |
12 | intitle:"index of" /authorize_payment | Search for authorize_payment directory |
13 | intitle:"index of" /backup | Search for backup directories |
14 | intitle:"index of *password" | Search for password files |
15 | intitle:"index of" *username *password filetype:txt | Search for username and password files |
16 | intitle:"index.of /database" | Search for database directory |
17 | intitle:"index of" database.yml | Search for database configuration files |
18 | intitle:"index of */vendor/drupal/console-en/" | Search for Drupal Console directory |
19 | intitle:"index of" */admin+password | Search for admin and password directories on a specific website |
20 | intitle:"Index of c:\Windows" | Search for directory listings in Windows folders |
21 | intitle:"index of" inurl:ftp (pub OR incoming) | Search for FTP directory listings |
22 | intitle:index.of passwd passwd.bak | Search for password files |
23 | intext:"Index of /" +password.txt | Search for password files in directory listings |
24 | intitle:"index of" /private | Search for private directories |
25 | intitle:index of */private_key | Search for private key files |
26 | intitle:"index of" /wp-includes/ | Search for WordPress includes directory |
27 | intitle:"index of" */wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart | Search for WordPress shopping cart plugins directory |
28 | inurl:/wp-includes/Requests/ -site:* | Search for WordPress Requests directory |
29 | intitle:index.of db | Search for database files |
30 | intitle:"index of" * | Search for WordPress configuration files |
31 | intitle:"index of" * | Search for configuration files |
32 | intitle:"index of" "ftp" | Search for FTP servers query |
33 | intitle:"index of" /wp-content/plugins/ "documentation" | A search query for finding documentation on specific WordPress plugins |
34 | intitle:"index of" /wp-content/plugins/ "user guide" | A search query can be helpful in finding user guides or manuals related to specific WordPress plugins |
35 | intitle:"index of" *.php | Finding directory listings of PHP files |
36 | intext:"Index of /" +password.txt | Search Publicly Accessible Password Listings |
37 | intitle:index of | Searching for web pages that contain directory listings of files that include the "" file |
38 | inurl:/wp-content intitle:"index of" */passwd | Finding Potentially Sensitive Information in WordPress wp-content Directory Listings |
Dorks |
intitle:"index of" /source= |
intitle:"index of" ".ssh" |
intitle:"index of" "config.php" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php" |
intitle:"index of" ".htpasswd" |
intitle:"index of" ".git" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-admin" |
intitle:"index of" "db.php" |
intitle:"index of" "database.php" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.bak" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.old" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.txt" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php~" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.bak~" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.old~" |
filetype:env intext:APP_ENV |
filetype:env intext:DB_PASSWORD |
filetype:env intext:DB_USERNAME |
filetype:env intext:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID |
filetype:env intext:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY |
filetype:env intext:DB_HOST |
filetype:env intext:DB_NAME |
filetype:log inurl:"access.log" intext:"POST /wp-login.php" |
filetype:log inurl:"access.log" intext:"POST /login.php" | "password" filename:.env | "api_key" filename:.env | "client_secret" filename:.env | "secret_key" filename:.env | "username" filename:.env | "password" filename:.yml | "api_key" filename:.yml | "client_secret" filename:.yml | "secret_key" filename:.yml | "username" filename:.yml |
intitle:"index of" intext:"logins.json" |
intitle:"index of" intext:"config.yml" |
intitle:"index of" intext:"config.json" |
intitle:"index of" intext:"" |
intitle:"index of" intext:"application.yml" |
intitle:"index of" intext:"application.json" |
intitle:"index of" intext:"appsettings.json" |
intitle:"index of" intext:"appsettings.yml" |
intitle:"index of" intext:"secrets.yml" |
intitle:"index of" intext:"secrets.json" |
inurl:"/wp-admin/" intitle:"login" |
inurl:"/wp-login.php" |
intext:"error establishing a database connection" |
inurl:"/wp-admin/" filetype:log |
inurl:"/wp-admin/" filetype:php |
inurl:"/wp-admin/" filetype:sql |
inurl:"/wp-admin/" filetype:txt |
inurl:"/wp-admin/" filetype:xml |
inurl:"/wp-admin/" intitle:"index of" |
inurl:"/wp-includes/" intitle:"index of" |
inurl:"/wp-content/plugins/" intitle:"index of" |
filetype:env DB_USERNAME |
inurl:/wp-config.php |
inurl:config.php intext:DB_USERNAME |
intext:"DB_PASSWORD" filetype:env |
intitle:"index of" ".ssh" |
inurl:admin inurl:userlist |
filetype:sql "insert into" (pass |
inurl:/config/ "root:" "admin:" "user:" OR "password:" |
intitle:"index of" "config.yml" OR "config.toml" OR "config.ini" |
inurl:proftpdpasswd |
intitle:"index of" "auth.json" |
intitle:"index of" "wallet.dat" |
inurl:web.config "Password" |
inurl:admin.php intext:"password" -stackoverflow -quora |
intext:"" OR "" OR "" OR "" filetype:txt |
intext:"List of users" intext:"password" filetype:xls |
intitle:"index of" ".git/config" |
intitle:"index of" ".npmrc" |
intitle:"index of" ".env" |
intitle:"index of" "sftp-config.json" |
intitle:"index of" "composer.json" |
intitle:"index of" "credentials.json" |
intitle:"index of" "secrets.yml" |
intitle:"index of" "secrets.json" |
intitle:"index of" "aws.yml" |
intitle:"index of" "docker-compose.yml" |
intitle:"index of" "jenkinsfile" |
intitle:"index of" "" |
intitle:"index of" "db.php" |
intitle:"index of" "mysql.php" |
intitle:"index of" "mysqli_connect" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config-sample.php" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.bak" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.old" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php~" |
intitle:"index of" "" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.bak" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.old" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.orig" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.txt" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.swp" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.swo" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.dist" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.example" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.sample" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.default" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.example" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.orig" |
intitle:"index of" "" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.original" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.install" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.dist-sample" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.dist.bak" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.dist.old" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.dist.txt" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.dist.swp" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php.dist.swo" |
filetype:env DB_USERNAME NOT homestead |
intitle:"index of" intext:"config.yml" |
inurl:"/wp-content/" "wp-config.php" |
"password" | ext:sql | ext:sql | ext:php intext:"$dbpassword" | ext:php intitle:"Login" intext:"password" | ext:php intitle:"phpinfo" "PHP Version" | ext:xml | ext:log | inurl:"config.php" | intitle:"index of" "wp-content/uploads" | intitle:"index of" "config.php" | intitle:"index of" dbconnect.php | intitle:"index of" wp-config.php | intitle:"phpinfo" "PHP Version" | intitle:"index of" ".env" | intitle:"index of" "db.sqlite" | intitle:"index of" "wp-content/uploads" | intitle:"index of" "sftp-config.json" | intitle:"index of" ".ftpconfig" | intitle:"index of" ".remote-sync.json" | intitle:"index of" ".s3cfg" | intitle:"index of" ".npmrc" | intitle:"index of" ".env" | intitle:"index of" ".gitconfig" | intitle:"index of" ".dockerconfig" | intitle:"index of" ".dockercfg" | intitle:"index of" ".bash_history" | intitle:"index of" ".bashrc" | intitle:"index of" ".zshrc" | intitle:"index of" ".zsh_history" | intitle:"index of" ".viminfo" | intitle:"index of" ".ssh" | intitle:"index of" ".aws" | intitle:"index of" ".credentials" | intitle:"index of" ".pgpass" | intitle:"index of" ".my.cnf" | intitle:"index of" ".bashrc" | intitle:"index of" ".mysql_history" | intitle:"index of" ".htpasswd" | intitle:"index of" ".htaccess" | intitle:"index of" ".git-credentials" | intitle:"index of" ".dockercfg" | intitle:"index of" ".DS_Store" | intitle:"index of" "composer.json" | intitle:"index of" ".env.backup" | int |
filetype:env DB_PASSWORD |
inurl:wp-config.php DB_PASSWORD |
inurl:config/database.yml |
inurl:config/database.yml intext:password |
inurl:wp-config.php |
intext:"db_password" filetype:env |
inurl:connections/ OR inurl:db/ OR inurl:sql/ |
intext:"mongodb://" |
intext:"redis://" |
intitle:"index of" ".env" |
intext:"" accessKeyId |
intext:"" secretAccessKey |
inurl:config/paypal.yml |
intitle:"index of" ".ssh" |
intitle:"index of" "id_rsa" |
intitle:"index of" "id_dsa" |
intitle:"index of" "known_hosts" |
intext:"PRIVATE KEY" -inurl:git |
intext:"BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY" -inurl:git |
intext:"BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY" -inurl:git |
inurl:wp-config.php.bak | |
inurl:wp-config.php.swp |
inurl:wp-config.php~ |
inurl:config.php.bak | |
inurl:config.php.swp |
inurl:config.php~ |
inurl:config.php.old |
inurl:config.php.orig |
intext:"Joomla! License Guidelines" inurl:administrator |
inurl:"/admin/config.php" intext:"password" |
intext:"SNMPv2-SMI::mib-2" inurl:"/snmp.php" |
intitle:"index of" ".git" |
inurl:admin.php inurl:login.php |
intext:"Certificate Information" intext:"Certificate Policies" intext:"Certification Authority" |
intext:"username=" AND "password=" site:edu |
inurl:/phpmyadmin/index.php intitle:phpmyadmin |
intext:"Powered by phpMyAdmin" intitle:"phpMyAdmin Setup" |
intext:"Welcome to phpMyAdmin" intitle:"phpMyAdmin Setup" |
intitle:phpMyAdmin "Welcome to phpMyAdmin *" |
intext:"mysql dump" filetype:sql |
intext:"BEGIN WordPress" filetype:txt |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php" -git |
intitle:"index of" "config.php" -git |
inurl:wp-config.php.bak | |
inurl:wp-config.php.swp |
inurl:wp-config.php~ |
inurl:config.php.bak | |
inurl:config.php.swp |
inurl:config.php~ |
inurl:config.php.old |
inurl:config.php.orig |
inurl:env |
inurl:properties | |
inurl:database.yml |
intext:"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" |
intext:"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" |
intext:"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" |
intitle:"index of" "*.pem" |
site:[website URL] filetype:sql (to find SQL database dumps) |
intext:"username=" password (to find login credentials) |
intitle:"Index of" db.key OR server.key OR ftp.key OR ssh.key OR "secret.key" OR "secrets.yml" OR "secrets.json" OR "secrets.xml" (to find private keys and secret files) |
intext:"BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY" filetype:key (to find RSA private keys) |
intitle:"Index of" "config.yml" OR "database.yml" OR "secrets.yml" (to find configuration files) |
intitle:"Index of" "wp-config.php" (to find WordPress configuration files) |
site:[website URL] inurl:wp-content/uploads/ (to find uploaded files) |
intitle:"index of" inurl:config (to find configuration files) |
intitle:"Index of" "wp-includes" OR "wp-content" (to find WordPress files) |
site:[website URL] ext:log (to find log files) |
site:[website URL] ext:sql (to find SQL database dumps) |
intext:"password" ext:conf OR ext:cnf OR ext:ini (to find configuration files with passwords) |
intext:"root:" ext:log (to find logs with references to root accounts) |
intitle:"index of" .env (to find .env files) |
intitle:"index of" .htpasswd (to find htpasswd files) |
intitle:"index of" db_key OR private_key OR server_key OR ssh_key OR "secrets.yml" OR "secrets.json" OR "secrets.xml" (to find secret files) |
intext:"password" filetype:txt OR filetype:log OR filetype:cfg (to find text files with passwords) |
intext:"apikey" OR intext:"api_key" OR intext:"api token" filetype:env (to find environment files with API keys) |
filetype:sql intext:password |
inurl:wp-config.php |
intitle:index.of wallet.dat |
intitle:index.of .ssh |
intitle:index.of id_rsa |
intitle:index.of aws_keys |
intitle:index.of google_drive_private_key |
intitle:index.of oauth |
intitle:index.of aws-config.php |
intitle:index.of aws-credentials |
intitle:index.of s3cfg |
intitle:index.of .env |
intitle:index.of .env.bak |
intitle:index.of .gitconfig |
intitle:index.of database |
intitle:index.of .htpasswd |
intitle:index.of jenkins |
intitle:index.of config |
intitle:index.of access.log |
intitle:index.of error.log |
intitle:index.of appsettings.json |
intitle:index.of web.config |
intitle:index.of |
intitle:index.of application.yml |
intitle:index.of secrets.yml |
intitle:index.of service-account.json |
intitle:index.of client_secret.json |
intitle:index.of .npmrc |
intitle:index.of .yarnrc |
intitle:index.of .dockerconfigjson |
intitle:index.of .dockercfg |
intitle:index.of .gemrc |
intitle:index.of .bash_history |
intitle:index.of .bashrc |
intitle:index.of .bash_profile |
intitle:index.of .zshrc |
intitle:index.of .zsh_history |
intitle:index.of .zshrc_history |
intitle:index.of .aws |
intitle:index.of .aws/credentials |
intitle:index.of .aws/config |
intitle:index.of .aws/credentials.csv |
intitle:index.of .aws/credentials.txt |
intitle:index.of .aws/credentials.yml |
intitle:index.of .aws/credentials.yaml |
intitle:index.of .aws/credentials.json |
intitle:index.of .aws/config.csv |
intitle:index.of .aws/config.txt |
intitle:index.of .aws/config.yml |
intitle:index.of .aws/config.yaml |
intitle:index.of .aws/config.json |
intitle:index.of .aws/accounts |
intitle:index.of .aws/accounts.csv |
intitle:index.of .aws/accounts.txt |
intitle:index.of .aws/accounts.yml |
intitle:index.of .aws/accounts.yaml |
intitle:index.of .aws/accounts.json |
intitle:"index of" db_passwords |
intitle:"index of" admin password |
intitle:"index of" ".ssh" OR "ssh_config" OR "ssh_known_hosts" OR "authorized_keys" OR "id_rsa" OR "id_dsa" |
intitle:"index of" "sftp-config.json" |
intitle:"index of" "wp-config.php" |
intitle:"index of" ".git" OR ".gitignore" |
intitle:"index of" ".svn" |
intitle:"index of" "filezilla.xml" OR "filezilla.xml.bak" |
intitle:"index of" "phpmyadmin" OR "dbadmin" |
intitle:"index of" ".htpasswd" OR ".htaccess" |
intitle:"index of" "config.yml" |
intitle:"index of" "deploy.rake" |
intitle:"index of" "jenkins.config.xml" |
intitle:"index of" "jenkins.plugins.publish_over_ssh.BapSshPublisherPlugin.xml" |
intitle:"index of" "credentials.xml" |
intitle:"index of" "vncpasswd" |
intitle:"index of" "my.cnf" OR "mysql.cnf" OR "mysql.conf" OR "mysql-config.cnf" OR "mysql_config.cnf" |
intitle:"index of" "web.config" OR "applicationHost.config" OR "machine.config" OR "redirection.config" OR "global.asax" OR "packages.config" |
intitle:"index of" "" OR "config.php" |
intitle:"index of" "configuration.php" |
intitle:"index of" "secrets.yml" |
intitle:"index of" "docker-compose.yml" OR "docker-compose.yaml" OR "docker-compose.json" |
intitle:"index of" "dockerfile" |
intitle:"index of" "makefile" |
intitle:"index of" ".npmrc" OR ".yarnrc" OR ".bower.rc" OR ".bowerrc" |
intitle:"index of" ".env" OR ".env.local" OR ".env.development" OR ".env.test" OR ".env.production" |
intitle:"index of" "composer.json" OR "composer.lock" |
intitle:"index of" "package.json" OR "package-lock.json" OR "yarn.lock" |
intitle:"index of" "nuget.config" |
intitle:"index of" "" OR "gradlew" |
intitle:"index of" "local.settings.json" |
intitle:"index of" "secrets.json" |
intitle:"index of" "appsettings.json" OR "appsettings.production.json" OR "appsettings.development.json" OR "appsettings.staging.json" |
intitle:"index of" "" |
intitle:"index of" "" OR "" OR "" OR "" |
intitle:"index of" "server.xml" OR "context.xml" OR "web.xml" OR "tomcat-users.xml" OR "tomcat-users.xsd" OR "tomcat-users.dtd" OR "" OR "catalina.policy" OR "" |
intitle:"index of" "" OR "oim-config.xml" OR "oim-config-env.xml" OR "jps-config.xml" |
intitle:"index of" intext:credentials OR passwords OR usernames |
filetype:sql intext:password |
intitle:"index of" |
inurl:/wp-content/uploads/ intitle:index.of intext:config |
inurl:"wp-config.php" intext:DB_PASSWORD -stackoverflow -github |
intitle:"index of" intext:.env |
intext:"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" filetype:key |
inurl:wp-config-backups/ intitle:index.of "wp-config.php" |
filetype:json inurl:config.json password -github |
inurl:admin intitle:"admin panel" +intext:"username" +intext:"password" |
intitle:"index of" intext:"secring.skr" |
intitle:"index of" "secrets.yml" OR "secrets.json" OR "secrets.yaml" |
inurl:"auth.json" ext:json |
intitle:"index of" intext:web.config |
intitle:"index of" "" OR "application.yml" OR "application.yaml" |
intitle:"index of" "serviceAccount.json" |
filetype:pem "PRIVATE KEY" -github |
inurl:admin intitle:index.of config.php |
intitle:"index of" intext:firebase.json |