This is a fornightly coding club talking place every other Friday at 2pm ran out of the Department of Health and Social Care. Our next session is on 8th February.
You can sign up on eventbrite to find all the dates and get reminders before each event.
Each week a dataset and topic/question will be provided and a walk through exploration given. You can follow along or explore the data on your own to try to find alternative findings or presentations.
Syntax highlighted code block
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
- Bulleted
- List
1. Numbered
2. List
**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text
[Link](url) and ![Image](src)
For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.
For this weeks session we use data from Spotify's API, this data is provided for download here, but you can also explore how to use the API in the additional tutorial: How to access the Spotify API. The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll _config.yml
configuration file.