Teresa Davison
Explored the data by turning the sqldatabase into DataFrames in Project_exploration notebook. Concluded that I will be using LanguageTable, FormTable, and ParameterTable for analyses. Updated project plan.
Data Sharing Plan After cursorally exploring the data, I decided to use three of the tables: LanguageTable (l_df), FormTable (f_df), and ParameterTable (p_df) for my analysis. Since these data are licensed under CC BY 4.0 by these contributors, I will make smaller versions of these dfs and pickle them to share in a folder named 'data_samples'.
What I accomplished Working in progress_report1.ipynb I explored each of the three tables more thouroughly, investigating things like how many languages were included, their language families and physical locations, number of concepts represented, and most importantly the links between the tables that can help me do analysis later.
I then did a little test attempt to come up with colexifications for the concept named 'dust'. During this test, I found out that the use of parameter IDs for the concepts in the form df was troubling. There are multiple different PIDs for the same concept because they come from different databases. I found a temporary fix where I added the corresponding concepticon IDs to the form df. The process I used to create the dataframe of colexifications took a while to run, so I will have to be careful to come up with the most efficient way to create data structures to house the colexifications and then analyze them.
- Summary of what I accomplished In this phase, I worked in progress_report2.ipynb and decided to make a data frame for a specific language with each row corresponding to a different form in the language. Then I made a column with a list of different concepts colexified for each form. I did this first with German, since I'm familiar with the language. I then added the semantic field and ontological category corresponding to each concept per form and made dictionaries to show the number of occurences of colexification between centain semantic categories or ontological fields to see if there would be differences between languages and if those differences would be more stark for languages less closely related or further geographically.
Then I made a function to streamline the process and repeated the process for Russian and Tamil to have a language semi similar to German and one not related to either German or Russian. Just looking at the dictionaries for each, it seemed like there were bigger differences in terms of frequency of semantic field bieng colexified for lless similar languages, but that could easily be chance.
- Data sharing: I will be sharing the dfs for German, Russian and Tamil as csvs in the data_sample folder, along with the other samples. Additionally, people could use the function I used for other languages easily.
- License: I have decided to use the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v 3.0 because I would like my work to be accesible but stay as I made it.
- Summary: In this phase, I worked the colexifications into features by getting counts for each of the possible combinations of semantic fields or ontological categories. The work was done in the progress report 3 notebook. There will be another NBViewer link at the top because there are mor einteractive maps. I then took a sample from the 8 largest language families of 30 or fewer languages that had macroarea, family, lat/longitude data and a good number of data based on how many forms were present. This gave me a sample of 210 languages. I then made dataframes of colexifications for each language and produced the feature dataframe with the counts of sem fields and ont categories. Then I fitted some multinomial naive bayes models for different combinations of semantic field and ontological category as the predictors and macroarea and language family as the possible categories for classification. Preliminarily the semantic field worked better than the ontological category and macroarea was easier to predict with the given features. Next, I would like to look into the records the models got wrong and possibly try some clustering for the macroarea. Then I will make my final report.
- Summary: In this final phase, done in Final_pr notebook, I made some visualizations for the models, extracted top features for analysis, and made more visualizations of the dataset for the final report.