title | description | author |
1.5.43 Release |
Camera plugin right-click rotate, clan chat confirm kick dialog, and bugfixes |
Jordan |
The newly-renamed Camera plugin now offers an option to rotate the camera using your right mouse button when no menu options are available. It also offers further options to map the middle mouse button to open the right-click menu and to ignore the "Examine" menu option for right-click camera rotation. Thanks to @Wynadorn for this contribution!
The Clan Chat plugin now has an option to display a chat prompt to confirm kicking a player to help avoid accidental kicks! Thanks to @TheStonedTurtle for this feature.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
- The Chat Commands plugin's chatbox clearing keybinds are now configurable
- The Kourend Library plugin has an option (enabled by default) to display a tutorial overlay to help get started with it
- Messages displayed via the Twitch plugin now have timestamps
- Captain Khaled and Arceuus library customers now have menu entry swaps for their "Task" and "Help" options, respectively
- A menu entry swap for previous destinations of your POH Jewellery box has been added
- The "Chat Leagues Icons plugin" has been renamed to the easier-to-understand League Chat Icons plugin
- League Chat icons no longer display usernames without their appropriate chat colors applied
- The Slayer plugin has learned to recognize Konar giving a player their first slayer task in the Twisted League
- The Object Markers plugin now properly allows unmarking objects which may have a different name than when they spawned
- Jordan
We had 15 contributors this release!
Adam (10):
client: fix world hopper not populating worlds on startup and when refreshed
woodcutting plugin: disable by default
client: rename zoom plugin to camera plugin
camera plugin: add option to rotate camera with right click
object indicators: fix unmarking objects matched by name
object indicators: fix checkObjectPoints to check plane
client loader: fix incorrect applet world when using fallback config
clientloader: don't lazy load client classes
http-api: update for boss hiscores
hiscore result builder: fix building hiscore result with no boss hiscores
Alexsuperfly (1):
woodcutting: show respawn timers after GameState change
Hydrox6 (8):
kourendlibrary: replace `final static` with `static final`
kourendlibrary: fix prediction not resetting when layout changes
kourendlibrary: add tutorial overlay
kourendlibrary: remove unneeded hidden flag from overlay
kourendlibrary: add option to hide Varlamore Envoy
kourendlibrary: optimize NPC marking code
kourendlibrary: remove LibraryCustomer
twitch: add timestamps to messages
JZomerlei (1):
chatcommands: Make chat clearing keybinds configurable (#10308)
Justinmcnabb (1):
woodcutting: Add missing Willow Tree Object IDs (#10391)
KC Sparks (1):
menu entry swapper: add captain khaled talk-to/task swap
Linda Lapinlampi (1):
npc highlight: skip noninteractible npcs on minimap
Max Weber (3):
Update Scripts to 2019-12-05-rev182
poh: Update jewelery box ids
fix ChatSplitBuilder crashing when receiving a friend login/out message
Shaun Dreclin (1):
menu entry swapper: Add 'help' swap to Arceuus library customers
Shawn Shadrix (1):
kourendlibrary: highlight the customer's desired book in the overlay
TheStonedTurtle (1):
clanchat plugin: add option to confirm kicks
Thomas (2):
chat message manager: deprioritize chat message hook
league chat icons: fix plugin name
dekvall (1):
prayer-reorder: remove test
h3half (1):
slayer plugin: fix detecting Konar's first assignment
whartd (1):
menu swapper: add jewellery box