title | description | author |
1.5.37 Release |
Sound volume sliders, area sound mute, and new Jagex statement |
Adam |
The music plugin now changes the volume sliders on the in-game sound interface to slide:
The plugin additionally offers a new setting which will mute area sounds caused from animations of other players (mostly skilling animations like woodcutting).
Jagex has released a new third party client statement which builds on their previous statement. The vast majority of the statement seems targeted at features of clients other than RuneLite; most features listed are not and have never been features of RuneLite. However there are some changes required to RuneLite to make it compliant, so the following changes have been made:
- Removal of the Cerberus plugin
- Removal of the reorder prayers plugin
- Remove "opponent's opponent" part of the opponent info overlay
- Remove the pickpocket/talk-to swap from the menu entry swapper
- Remove the minimap overlay from the barrows plugin
- Remove the Walk here/Attack swap on the Corporeal beast dark core
I would also like to thank Mod Bonsai for providing us with draft statements and allowing us to provide feedback directly to Jagex. The collaboration between us and Jagex over the last few weeks on this has been more than all of the last 2 years combined.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
- Fix the random event plugin hiding menu options for your own randoms
- Fix the combat level plugin not showing combat level range in the wilderness
- Fix world map tooltip for Prifddinas farming patch
- Fix the PvP kill/death counter to once again be moveable
- Fix full teleblock timer
- Add pyramid plunder start-minigame and quick-leave to the menu entry swapper
- Add Fremennik Exiles to the world map and add tooltips for the new transportation icons
- The fishing overlay colors are now configurable
- Add coordinate clue descriptor for Island of Stone clue
- Add fishing trawler to the loot tracker
- The loot tracker can now use High Alchemy price for item valuation
- Show price check when examining items on the trade interface
- The wiki plugin can now have its "cast" feature used on items in the bank and all other interfaces with items other than the inventory
- The loot tracker on the website now shows total value of loot
- Adam
We had 19 contributors this release!
15987632 (1):
widgets: fix wilderness level widget
Abex (1):
wiki: support wiki-casting on non-inventory items
Adam (16):
random events: fix menu being hidden for own events
achievement diary: remove requirements for Karamja hard kill a metal dragon task
client: update mockito
client: remove Cerberus plugin
client: remove reorderprayers plugin
opponentinfo: remove Opponent's opponent
corp plugin: remove dark core attack deprioritization
menuentryswapper: remove pickpocket swap
cache: update npc definition and loader
api: add source to sound effect events
devtools: add source to sound effect overlay
music plugin: add option to mute other players area sounds
http-service: make mongo database configurable
menu swapper: add pyramid plunder start-minigame and quick-leave
barrows plugin: remove minimap
http-api: centralize json mediatype
Alex (1):
menu entry swapper: add shift click teleport spell swap
Alexsuperfly (6):
world map: correct waterbirth ship transportation icon
world map: correct pirates' cove ship transportation icon
world map: correct lunar diplomacy quest start icon
world map: add island of stone ship transport icon
quest: add fremennik exiles quest to enum
world map: add fremennik exiles quest start
David (4):
farming calc: fix white lily level
fletching calc: add dragon crossbow
mining calc: add soft clay
hunter calc: add crystal impling
Desetude (1):
Make the PvP kill/death counter moveable
Elpan (1):
world map: fix Prifddinas farming patch tooltip
Harry Freeborough (1):
Correct capitalisations of "RuneScape" (#10142)
Hydrox6 (5):
loot tracker: rename price to gePrice
clues: fix Shayzien supply armour Sherlock clue
loot tracker: add HA prices
loot tracker: add price type display
clues: fix MultipleOfItemRequirement not working with non-stacking items
Joel (1):
Add item mapping for Berserker Necklace (or) (#10158)
Lotto (2):
fishing: make overlay colors configurable
feed: use RuneLiteClient's Twitter list
Max Weber (2):
music: Add ingame granular volume adjustment
music: check parent and siblings for null
Nathaniel Pather (2):
clues: add Island of Stone location descriptor
npc health: add lvl 44 zombie health (#10121)
SebastiaanVanspauwen (2):
timers plugin: update full teleblock text
Worldmap: Fix incorrect Zeah quest start locations (#10135)
Tomas Slusny (1):
raids plugin: add option to manually broadcast layout
dekvall (7):
skill calc: clear combined action slot on skill change
fishing: reset trawler start time when back on land
loottracker: add fishing trawler
loottracker: add confirm dialog to reset all
random events: fix npe on login
examine plugin: add pricecheck for trade interface
chat timestamps: add timestamps to split private chat
ln (1):
GPU: Floating point screen coordinates to eliminate vertex snapping
trimbe (1):
tabinterface: remember search after clicking deposit-x