title | description | author |
1.3.1 Release |
Prayer reordering, bank price evaluation, and NPC highlighting |
Adam |
A prayer reordering plugin has been added which lets you reorder the prayers in your prayer book. Big thanks to @devdennis for the excellent work on making this possible;
@McSwindler contributed a NPC highlight plugin which lets you tag npcs, and also configure a list of npcs which are highlighted.
A bank evaluator has been added, which is a combination of effort from myself, @jplsek, and @TheLonelyDev. It will tell you the overall GE and HA price of each tab of your bank.
The ground items plugin now supports quickly hiding and highlighting items. Thanks to @sethtroll.
A herbiboar plugin has been added from @Perterter. It highlights the starting rocks, trail, and the two objects to search at the end of each trail.
An item price plugin has been added, from @ChaoticConundrum, which shows the price of items when hovered over in the bank.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
- Ground items now support wildcards in both hidden and highlighted fields, so for example
will hide/highlight all bones - The boosted stats plugin now shows time until next change
- The agility plugin allows configuring of the hitbox overlay color
- Game menus options are no longer left broken when moving regions with the menu option
- Attack style plugin now hides attack styles better
- Fixed Kourend library plugin, which was broken last release
- Show glory location in POH plugin
- Common cannon placement spots have been added to the cannon plugin
- Remaining XP to level has been added to the hiscore panel
- Removed background from the prayer flick overlay, which made the quick prayers toggle hard to see
- Added godwars altar timer
- Superior slayer notifications have been added to the slayer plugin
- The slayer plugin infobox (with your current task) now has a configurable timeout
- The time until levelup has been added to the xp tracker panel
- Adam
We had 16 contributors this release!
Adam (26):
runelite-mixins: add null checks in region mixin
Bump for
runelite-mixins: add null checks in region mixin
boosts plugin: show time to next change
ground items: add support for wildcards
ge plugin: move item composition and image calls off of awt thread
runescape-client: export updateNote
runescape-client: fix sprite originalWidth<->width and export fields for loading sprites
cache: add provider interfaces for items, models, sprites, and textures
cache: add updateNote to ItemDefinition
cache: fix not invalidating vertexNormals in reset
cache: expand on texture definition and loader
cache: store original pixels and palette too, and add normalize()
cache: add resize, recolor, and retexture to modeldefinirtion
cache: add item sprite renderer
cache controller: expose item sprites
examine service: correct type column enum
item manager: add batch item price lookup
Hook to actor health being updated to detect death
gitignore: add eclipse files
runelite-api: move getConvexHull to Model
runelite-api: add getConvexHull to Actor
Add npc menu options to MenuManager
devtools: remove double npc transform call
utils: add wildcard matcher from grounditems
runelite-client: add npc highlight plugin
Cas (1):
Agility plugin: Agility configuration with Select Color
Charlie Waters (6):
Add items to item stats plugin: spinach roll, lava eel, sandwich lady items, jangerberries
Fix bug with rendering more than two tooltips following mouse
Add TooltipManager method to add tooltip to front of list, and always add mouse highlight tooltip to front
Add item prices plugin for item price/value tooltips
Add FocusChanged event from runescape client
Fix Groud Items plugin Alt+Tab bug by hooking FocusChanged event
Dennis (10):
restore menu entries after open/close widget
fix prayer order resetting after teleporting to a new area
injector: checkcast return values from replaced methods
runescape-client: export animation related symbols
runelite-api: expose dragging widget fields
runelite-api: add event for dragging widget
runelite-api: add widget open event
runelite-mixins: add null check for widget group in getGroup()
runelite-api: add widget config
runelite-client: add prayer reordering plugin
Dreyri (2):
Broadcast widget hidden changed recursively for each child too
Use isLocalHidden in attack indicator plugin
Jeremy Plsek (4):
http-api: add batch lookup to ItemClient
stack formatter: support larger stack sizes
bank item query: only search items in current tab
Add bank value plugin
Kamiel (1):
Add progress pie type overlay
Max Weber (5):
kourendlibrary: Fix NPE while loading
kourendlibrary: Use correct coordinate conversion
jarvis: allow null points
Add JShadowedLabel
Change colors in XPInfoPanel to be brighter
Seth (9):
poh plugin: change gameobject map to tile object
pog plugin: fix mounted glory minimap icon
cannon plugin: add common cannon spots
ground items: add support for quickly hiding/highlighting items
hiscore panel: make hiscores type more visible
hiscore panel: add Remaining XP to next level to hover text
hiscore panel: add loading label when searching
menu entry swapper: add bury swap
prayer flick overlay: remove background arc
Tomas Slusny (24):
Extract utlity methods to SwingUtil class
Remove the need to extend JFrame in ClientUI
Make plugins work with new ClientUI
Remove need to extend JToolBar in PluginToolbar
Make plugins work with the new PluginToolbar
Remove the need for custom TitleToolbar component
Make plugins work with new title toolbar
Add Discord button through DiscordPlugin
Add support for popups to navigation button
Change panel supplier to just getter for panel
Consistent behaviour between ClientUI and InfoPane
Set correct offsets to overlays, smaller panels
Reposition instance map correctly in resizeable
Use backgroundComponent for drawing border of map
Lower default width of the PanelComponent
Fix herbiboar plugin NPE on startup
Fix AgilityPlugin naming conventions
Fix Herbiboar plugin naming conventions
Correctly name Herbiboar classes
Remove unused variables in Herbiboar plugin
Fix ClientUI settings loading
Click the navigation button on selecting in
Fix tooltip modicon OutOfBounds
Do not display stack in price tooltips
Toocanzs (1):
Add God Wars Altar Timer
Tyler Hardy (4):
Add herbiboar varbits
Add herbiboar plugin
Move region check to loading
Fix improper varbit for trail 31372
Xavier Bergeron (1):
Add slayer superior foe notification
XrioBtw (1):
Fix net and harpoon swap for all fishing spots
joshpfox (1):
configurable slayer infobox expiry timer
nvisser (1):
Add time till next level to xptracker