This page details how to configure your harambot instance once it is up and running. ## Add the bot to your guild 1. Generate a OAuth url from the discord developer portal using the bot scope and the following permissions: * Send Messages * Send Messages in Threads * Embed Links * Attach Files * Read Message History * Add Reactions * Use Slash Commands * Manage WebHooks The permission value should be 277562378304 ![discord-oauth]( 2. Navigate to the generated url in a web browser and authorize the bot for your guild ![discord-oauth-url-1]( ![discord-oauth-url-2]( ### Configure your guild * Once your bot is added to your guild you can configure it by using the /configure command: ![discord-config-commnd]( * Use the Login with Yahoo button to authenticate with Yahoo and get your Yahoo token ![discord-config-yahoo]( * Use the Configure Guild button to configure your guild for the bot ![discord-config-guild]( * You can reconfigure your guild by running the configure command and clicking the Configure Guild button. ![discord-config-guild](