This is an attempt to provide the functionality of through python.
Currently supports conversion to mp3 file format with subsequent splitting into
chapters derived from file metadata.
- ffmpeg findable by the default shell
- Python 3.7 (probably works with some lower versions, but I don't know which features came when...)
- Your personal audible activation bytes. See or on how you can obtain them.
This script now has command line options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i [INFILE [INFILE ...]], --infile [INFILE [INFILE ...]]
Input files, if given, the .aax files among them will be converted. If not given, an input dir has to be given with -d
Directory/ies from which .aax files will be converted.
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
Format abbreviation for the file format the input files will be converted to. See ffmpeg documentation on which ones are possible. Default: mp3
-c CODEC, --codec CODEC
Encoder that ffmpeg should use, see their documentation on possible options.
-b, --debug Set logging level to debug.
-a AUTHCODE, --authcode AUTHCODE
Personal audible activation code, see github page on how to obtain it. If not given, a '.authcode' file containing nothing but the activation
code needs to be in the current directory.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output directory path.
Tested only on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
with python 3.9
and ffmpeg version