A payment method for the Ubercart shopping cart for Drupal.
New Version 0.8.6, renamed 'ccStore'. Install/extract: ccStore or the previously named package, uc_cc (not both)
- Automatically generate payment address to customer on site at checkout and via email.
- PHP5
- cURL support
- Orders for downloadables are not tagged as "shipped" once paid.
- No localization support.
- Install Drupal 7.26 http://drupal.org/documentation/install.
- Install Ubercart 3 http://www.ubercart.org/docs/user/8075/installing_ubercart.
- Place the uc_cc module in /sites//modules/ to install for a single site, or /sites/all/modules to install for all sites.
Log into your Drupal installation as an administrator.
Navigate to Modules and enable the CheckoutCrypto module
Navigate to Store->Configuration->Payment methods
Find Checkout Crypto in the list and click on settings
Enter your CheckoutCrypto API key.
Click Save configuration
You are now all set to accept cryptocurrency payments via CheckoutCrypto!
Optional configuration
Set the default store currency to a crypto currency.
Navigate to Store->Configuration->Store
Click on Currency format"
Enter the "Default currency". For a list of supported formats see here: http://checkoutcrypto.com/docs/api
Save configuration
Login to your server's shell,
copy getrate.php, ratesconfig.php, cryptorates.php to an appropriate folder for any user account, we'll call this $ABSOLUTEPATH, remember it or write it down.
edit ratesconfig for your mysql database info, specifically the IP, table, user settings for your CMS
edit getrate.php for any preferred coins you need to add/remove, if the row doesn't exist in table you'll have to create one in cc_coin.
run the following, replace user with the preferred cron user.
sudo su $USER -c "crontab -e"
- add a new line at the bottom of the file:
15,45 * * * * cd $ABSOLUTEPATH && php -f getrate.php
CheckoutCrypto - [email protected]
uc_cc is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see http://unlicense.org/ or the accompanying UNLICENSE file.
CheckoutCrypto: http://checkoutcrypto.com/ uc_cc: http://checkoutcrypto.com/clients/ubercart Ubercart: http://www.ubercart.org/ Drupal: http://www.drupal.org/