- Restart PC
- Run zoom tool
- Close down Slack, Teams, Discord, Outlook, Skype
- Turn on silent mode in windows
- Open slides, VS Code, Chrome
- Close Chrome tabs
- Set resolution - 1080p
- Set up timer
VS code:
- Zen mode -
ctrl + k, z
- Hide menu bar
- zoom editor twice, zoom font twice
- Disable powershell customisation (or
Set-Theme robbyrussell
) - Open terminal -
ctrl + j
- Run application -
dotnet watch run
- Open sidebar as needed -
ctrl + b
- Open Chrome, VS code next to each other. Chrome should be ~720px
- Open
in VS Code - Open site in Chrome
- Set terminal font size to 20
45 mins total:
- 5 mins intro
- 15 mins demo
- 10 mins - how it works
- 10 mins - what it's like to use
- 5 mins questions
Test timings:
- 2 mins intro
- Basic demo: 5 mins
- Fetched dishes: 8 minutes
- Finished demo: 25 minutes
- What's it like to use: 36 minutes
- End: 50 minutes