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Releases: CharafeddineMechalikh/PureEdgeSim

Big update

28 Oct 18:06
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New version 2.0.0 (oct 24th 2019)

  • The code has been revisited and cleaned, now it is more readable
  • New mobility model and new parameters for mobility update Now it uses speed in m/s instead of intervals The new mobility model works on demand, instead of generating a list for each device containing all its location changes (from the beginning of the simulation). The egde devices will request the next location only when needed (which reduces the use of memory)
  • New and more realistic energy model
  • Added initialization time to simulation parameters (in order to ignore the time when the resources are being generated)
  • Some bugs here and there has been fixed
  • Added ram as a propoerty to EdgeDataCenter class
  • Added real time simulation map (now you can verify and check how your mobility model is working)
  • Added some real time charts Showing the CPU utilization of Cloud, Fog and Edge resources, the WAN utilization, and the tasks success rate
  • Adding the possibility to generate charts at the end of the simulation and to save them in a *.PNG format More than 64 high resolution charts can be generated with one click, in order to make it easier for the user to check his simlation results The user can always generate other charts using the generated CSV file.
  • Adding new simulation parameters regarding charts (displaying them, the refresh delay, saving them..)
  • The ability to enable or desable orchestrators If disabled, the device will orchestrate its tasks by itself. If enabled, the user can select any devices/datacenters to be the orchestrators, Then, the tasks will be sent to the nearest orchestrator in order to find the best offloading destination
  • Now the containers network usage can be found in the CSV file. A quick chart is also generated by the simulator to show the network used by containers if the registry is enabled.

8th release

21 Apr 13:04
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Minor fixes

7th release

11 Mar 07:21
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Fixed some bugs:

  • network bandwidth calculation
  • Parralel simulation

6th release

03 Mar 15:37
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Fixed dependencies

5th release

03 Mar 14:13
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Improved the parallel simulation

PureEdgeSim: A simulation toolkit for performance evaluation of fog and pure edge computing environments.

02 Mar 13:53
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Third release

26 Feb 07:55
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V 1.1
1/added support for registry and containers
2/improved the network model:
support for containers,bugs fixing,
adding fog servers coverage,
adding edge wireless range.
the ability to chose edge network type (fully peer to peer or sharing a same access point).
3/ improved mobility model
more realistic mobility model
added a map (heigh x width)
4/ adding support for physical depolyement of the orchestrator
deploying the orchestrator on the cloud for example, on fog servers...etc
5/ new simulation parameters
new simulation parameters for the aforementioned changes
new simulation parameters in order to trade off between simulation accuracy and simulation time, etc.
6/improved the overall performance and simulation time

Second Release, Fixed some bugs

16 Feb 10:49
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First release

28 Dec 22:19
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First commit