Odoo Agreement App does not provide an easy way to access RMAs related to an agreement. Some organizations needs to have a quick access to RMAs to track the performance of an agreement.
This module allows you to link a RMA to an agreement and adds a smart button on the agreement to look at the list of related RMAs.
You need to have the rma modules from https://github.com/eficent/stock-rma in your addons_path.
To use this module, you need to:
- Go to Inventory > Customer RMA > RMA
- Select or create a RMA and set the agreement
- Go to Agreement > Agreements
- Open the previous agreement
- Click on the smart button "RMA Orders" to see the list of related RMA Orders
- Sandip Mangukiya <[email protected]>
- Open Source Integrators <[email protected]>
- Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. <[email protected]>