This example assumes that the Yardarm.MicrosoftExtensionsHttp
extension was used when
the SDK was generated. For further details see
Make HTTP requests using IHttpClientFactory in ASP.NET Core.
In it's simple form this is sufficient:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Other services are registered here
services.AddXXXApis() // AddXXXApis name will vary based on the SDK name, and returns an IApiBuilder
However, there is support for a high degree of customization, such as:
- Configuring default authentication
- Setting the BaseAddress, default timeouts, etc
- Redacting sensitive headers from logs
- Configuring the primary HttpMessageHandler
- Add DelegatingHandler instances to the handler stack
- Setting all of the above differently for specific APIs within the SDK
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Other services are registered here
services.AddXXXApis() // AddXXXApis name will vary based on the SDK name, and returns an IApiBuilder
.ConfigureAuthenticators(authenticators => {
// Apply any global authentication rules here.
// There is also an overload which provides an IServiceProvider parameter.
.ConfigureHttpClient(client => {
// Apply global configuration to the HttpClient, such as the BaseAddress or timeouts
// There is also an overload which provides an IServiceProvider parameter.
// For simply setting the BaseAddress, there is also a ConfigureBaseAddress method.
.ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(() =>
// Configure or substitute the primary HttpMessageHandler.
// There are also overloads which provides an IServiceProvider or accepts the type
// of the handler as a generic type parameter.
return new HttpClientHandler();
.AddHttpMessageHandler(() =>
// Add a DelegatingHandler to the stack which is applied to all APIs within the SDK.
// There are also overloads which provides an IServiceProvider or accepts the type
// of the handler as a generic type parameter.
return new MyDelegatingHandler();
.RedactLoggedHeaders(new[] {"Authorization"}) // Redact one or more headers from logging
.AddApi<IApiType, ApiType>(builder => {
// This adds a specific API from the SDK (IApiType) along with its concrete implementation (ApiType).
// The builder is an IHttpClientBuilder which is used to further customize behaviors for
// this specific API.
// Any builder.ConfigureHttpClient calls are executed after the global configurations.
// Any builder.ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler call will completely replace the global configuration.
// Any builder.AddHttpMessageHandler calls will add further message handlers, in addition to the global configuration.
// Any builder.RedactLoggedHeaders call will completely replace the global configuration.
.AddAllOtherApis((type, builder) =>
// Adds all other APIs which have not been manually registered above.
// The type parameter is the IApiType of the API being added.
// The builder parameter allows further customization of the HttpClient in the same way as AddApi above.
// .AddAllApis((type, builder) => { }) may also be used to add all APIs from the SDK.
// The AddAllApis method will throw an InvalidOperationException if any APIs are manually registered.
public class MyService
private readonly IMyApi api;
public MyService(IMyApi api)
_api = api;
public async Task DoSomethingAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// Call methods on _api here, all handling of HttpClient is automatic.
// Default authenticators are received from DI, but may overridden per-request.
This example is for manual registration when not using Yardarm.MicrosoftExtensionsHttp
public static IServiceCollection AddApiServices(this IServiceCollection services)
// For a simple, static set of authenticators.
services.TryAddSingleton(new Authenticators());
// Or, for authenticators configured from appsettings.json in ASP.NET Core.
// Note: Only choose one or the other, not both.
services.TryAddSingleton(serviceProvider =>
var options = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<MyOptions>>().Value;
return new Authenticators
// Configure from options here.
// This assumes you are using the Microsoft.Extensions.Http NuGet package.
// Repeat this step for each API interface in the SDK you intend to consume.
if (!services.Any(s => s.ServiceType == typeof(IMyApi)))
var builder = services.AddHttpClient<IMyApi, MyApi>((serviceProvider, httpClient) => {
var options = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<MyOptions>>().Value;
// This could also be a constant instead of using IOptions to acquire from configuration.
// Use IOptionsSnapshot<T> if you desire options that dynamically update at runtime.
httpClient.BaseAddress = options.MyBaseUri;
// Make additional calls to register middleware on the HttpClient, if desired.
// This can also be used to add Polly policies, such as retries and circuit breakers,
// via the Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly NuGet package.