Material UI:
1. Install all packages by running the following command in the main folder "is4103_project":npm run setup
- Start all projects(server, client-frontend, admin-frontend) by running the following command in the main folder "is4103_project":
npm run dev
- To run just the backend server, access folder "server" and run the following command:
node server.js
npm run format
- To check format using prettier from respective folders run the following command:
npm run check
- To run project from respective folders run the following commmand:
npm start
"is4103_project" folder
- npm install concurrently (to run all projects at once)
- npm install --save-dev husky pretty-quick (auto format code when committing)
"server" folder
- npm install express cors dotenv mongodb mongoose (external libraries required for backend)
- npm install --save-dev prettier (to format code)
"client-frontend" and "admin-frontend" folder
- npm install zustand axios (external libraries required for frontend state and http function)
- npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material (design library)
- npm install --save-dev prettier (to format code)