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NoCL is an ultra lightweight library for writing CUDA-like compute kernels in plain C++ (no special compute language required, hence the name). It has been developed to allow CUDA kernels to be ported to our CHERI-enabled SIMTight GPGPU SoC without needing any new compiler work. The NoCL API tries to abstract over the target architecture, so alternative implementations should be possible. Our current implementation is defined in a single header file. This document starts at a fairly high level of abstraction and gradually introduces details that are increasingly specific to our current implementation for SIMTight.

Device side example

Here's a basic compute kernel written in NoCL:

#include <NoCL.h>

// Kernel for pointwise addition of two input arrays
struct VecAdd : Kernel {
  int len;
  int *a, *b, *result;

  void kernel() {
    for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < len; i += blockDim.x)
      result[i] = a[i] + b[i];

Like in CUDA, a kernel is a piece of code that runs for every block in a grid, and for every thread in a block. Kernels have implicit access to the dimensions of the grid and block (gridDim and blockDim), and to the unique ids of the block and thread (blockIdx and threadIdx).

Unlike in CUDA, a kernel is defined as a class rather than a function. This is a natural way to capture the implicit CUDA variables in C++; by subclassing the generic Kernel class, methods gain access to gridDim, blockDim, blockIdx, threadIdx, and other bits of implicit state discussed later. Using a class also makes it easy to copy kernel invocations, e.g. from host to device; this is not really true of function applications. Another attraction is that programmers are encouraged to set each argument by name, aiding readability for kernel invocations with many parameters.

The example kernel above assumes that the entire computation will be performed by a single one-dimensional thread block. Each thread starts at an array index equal to the id of the thread, and walks through both input arrays with a stride equal to the size of the thread block.

Host side example

On the host side, the kernel can be invoked as follows.

int main()
  // Array size for testing
  const int N = 65536;

  // Input and output vectors
  nocl_aligned int a[N], b[N], result[N];

  // Initialise inputs
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    a[i] = i;
    b[i] = 2*i;

  // Instantiate kernel
  VecAdd k;

  // Use a single block of threads
  // (All threads in SIMTight)
  k.blockDim.x = SIMTWarps * SIMTLanes;

  // Assign parameters
  k.len = N;
  k.a = a;
  k.b = b;
  k.result = result;

  // Invoke kernel

  // Check result
  bool ok = true;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) ok = ok && result[i] == 3*i;

  // Display result
  puts("Self test: ");
  puts(ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

  return 0;

We use the nocl_aligned macro to specify an alignment requirement on all arrays passed to the kernel; this is not necessary but can be important for efficiency. For simplicity, we declare all arrays on the host's stack (residing in DRAM); the SIMTight software framework is baremetal and there is no heap allocator available yet. Global variables could also be used, and these would be accessible by the host and device without the need for parameter passing.

The block size is set to the number of warps available multiplied by the warp size, i.e. all hardware threads in the SIMTight core. The function noclRunKernel starts the kernel and waits for it to complete, i.e. performs synchronous kernel invocation. Asynchronous invocation is also possible but not yet provided by the API.

Single executable

An unusual and somewhat restrictive assumption made by NoCL is that the host and device processors use the same instruction set (SIMTight uses RISC-V for both) and that an application containing host and device code is compiled to a single executable. This doesn't mean that all device code can run on the host or viceversa (e.g. there may be CSRs and custom instructions available on one but not the other), but host and device do share data and code sections, and can refer to common symbols.

Private memory

Every hardware thread has its own register file and stack. There is no need to explicitly mark variables as private; anything that would normally be allocated on the stack is private. In SIMTight, the stacks of all device threads reside in a region of DRAM; they are interleaved at word granularity for efficiency of coalescing (see later), but this is invisible to software provided the host does not have access to the region. When CHERI is enabled, capabilities can be used to ensure that the host cannot access the device stacks region, and also that device threads cannot access each others stacks or the host stack.

Shared local memory, atomics, and barrier synchronisation

A key feature of CUDA is efficient local memory that is shared by all threads in a block. In NoCL, shared local memory can be allocated using the impllict shared variable (inherited from the Kernel class) of type SharedLocalMem. Here's an example kernel that declares a 256-element shared local array per thread block:

// Kernel for computing 256-bin histograms
struct Histogram : Kernel {
  int len;
  unsigned char* input;
  int* bins;

  void kernel() {
    // Store histogram bins in shared local memory
    int* histo = shared.array<int, 256>();

    // Initialise bins
    for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < 256; i += blockDim.x)
      histo[i] = 0;


    // Update bins
    for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < len; i += blockDim.x)
      atomicAdd(&histo[input[i]], 1);


    // Write bins to global memory
    for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < 256; i += blockDim.x)
      bins[i] = histo[i];

As the memory is shared, we must take care to avoid race conditions by using atomics (e.g. atomicAdd) and/or a synchronisation barriers (__syncthreads() synchronises all threads in a block).

Shared local memory is optimised for parallel random access using an array of SRAM banks and a fast switching network. However, programmers should be aware of bank conflicts and try to minimise them. A bank conflict occurs when multiple threads in a warp access the same SRAM bank at the same time. The SRAM banks are interleaved, so the precise condition for a bank conflict between two accesses is:

isBankConflict :: (Int, Int) -> Bool
isBankConflict (addrA, addrB) =
  (addrA `mod` SIMTSRAMBanks) == (addrB `mod` SIMTSRAMBanks)

When CHERI is enabled, we can enforce the desirable property that threads in different blocks cannot access each others shared local data, even though they may all reside in the same physical memory.

Global memory

Any memory that is not private or shared local is global, i.e. accessible by the host and the device, and is stored in shared DRAM.

Constant memory

In CUDA, constant memory is small region of read-only memory that is cached on-chip for efficient simultaneous access by multiple threads. NoCL does not yet support CUDA-style constant memory.

Memory coalescing

Access to DRAM in SIMTight is optimised by coalescing. For efficient NoCL kernels targetting SIMTight, the programmer should be aware of SIMTight's two coalescing strategies:

  • SameAddress: If all active threads in a warp access the same address, these accesses will be coalesced to a single DRAM transaction.

  • SameBlock: If all active threads in a warp access the same block of memory in a lane-aligned manner, this will be coalesced into a single DRAM transaction.

These two strategies are repeatedly applied until all the requests from the warp have been resolved. More details can be found in SIMTight's coalescing unit. Note that the SameAddress strategy is also applied to shared local memory accesses, avoiding bank conflicts in a fairly common case.

Thread divergence/convergence

Thread divergence occurs when threads executing in lock-step (i.e. in the same warp) take different execution paths through the kernel. This will usually result in reduced IPC because a SIMT core may only be capable of fetching one instruction at a time, and diverged threads may well be executing different instructions. Therefore it is desirable for diverged threads to reconverge as soon as possible. In CUDA, the compiler will insert extra instructions to handle divergence/convergence behind the scenes. In NoCL, we currently assume an unmodified compiler. Instead, the user provides divergence/convergence information explicitly.

SIMTight's divergence/convergence model is captured very concisely as follows: the SIMT core will always activate the threads in a warp with the largest nesting level and the same PC. The nesting level of a thread is controlled by two primitive functions: noclPush() and noclPop(). The former increments the nesting level, and the latter decrements it. Initially, when a kernel starts executing, the nestling level will be one.

Suppose we have a kernel with a nested conditional statement

  if (a < b) {
    if (c < d) {
      // Do something
    // Do something else

To specify convergence in NoCL, we can write

  if (a < b) {
    if (c < d) {
      // Do something
    // Do something else

Another way to understand these primitives is as follows: noclPop() will cause the SIMT core to wait for all threads in the warp that were active at the previous respective call to noclPush().

Sometimes this level of detail is unecessary and we can use the following helper function.

inline void noclConverge { noclPop(); noclPush(); }

Think of noclConverge() as follows: wait for all threads that were active at the last call to noclConverge() (or at the start of kernel execution, whichever is closest in program order). Often we write seqeuences of conditionals as:

  if (a < b) {
    // Do something

  if (e > g) {
    // Do something else

Note that __syncthreads() includes an implicit call to noclConverge().

In future, we may look at automatic insertion of these instructions by the compiler. But for now they're something the NoCL programmer should be aware of when targetting SIMT-style hardware.

Example mapping of CUDA threads to hardware threads

One of the jobs of the NoCL implementation is to map an abritrary number of CUDA/NoCL software threads to a finite number of hardware threads. Suppose there are 2048 hardware threads and the programmer requests 8192 software threads; specifically, a block size of 64x2 and a grid size of 8x8. The NoCL mapper will proceed as follows

  • First, the mapper requires that the X dimension of the block must be a multiple of the warp size, which is 32 by default. This is satisifed by the requested X dimension of 64. Two warps (64 hardware threads) will therefore be allocated to the block X dimension.

  • The mapper will then consider the requested block Y dimension of 2. There are sufficient hardware threads to allocate 2 warps to the block Y dimension. The total number of warps used is now 4; that's 128 hardware threads in total.

  • Now NoCL will consider the requested grid X dimension of 8. There asre sufficient hardware threads to map 8 blocks of 128 threads to the grid X dimension. The total number of hardware threads now in use is 1024.

  • Finally NoCL will consider the requested grid Y dimenion of 8. There are only enough resources available to allocate 2 rows of 1024 threads to hardware threads. NoCL will therefore use a loop of 4 iterations to handle all 8 rows of the grid.

In summary, the NoCL mapper is greedy. It first allocates hardware threads to the block X dimension, then the block Y dimension, then grid X dimension, then the grid Y dimension. When it runs out of hardware threads, it will resort to looping.

The current mapper has various restrictions for simplicity, but it will complain if these restrictions are violated. For example, it currently requires the block size to be less than the number of hardware threads available, and does not yet support the Z dimension.

SIMTight command/response protocol

SIMTight's scalar core and SIMT core communicate via a management stream in each direction. In the CPU -> SIMT direction, the following commands are available:

  • SetWarpsPerBlockCmd: The SIMT core has very little understanding of CUDA/NoCL thread blocks, but the hardware barrier synchronisation mechanism needs to know which warps belong to which block so that it can correctly synchronise only threads belonging to the same block. Synchronising between blocks would not meet the semantics of CUDA's __syncthreads(). So this command tells the SIMT core the number of warps per block; it must be a power of two, and the SIMT core will assume that warp ids are allocated to blocks contiguously.

  • SetKernelAddrCmd writes a pointer (or capability) to the kernel invocation into a special register on the SIMT core.

  • StartKernelCmd causes the SIMT core to start executing code at a given PC.

  • GetStatCmd requests the value of one of the SIMT core's performance counters.

In the SIMT -> CPU direction, the following command responses are possible:

  • After a StartKernelCmd, and after the kernel completes execution on the SIMT core, an exit code will be returned to the scalar core.

  • After a GetStatCmd command, the SIMT core will sent a response containing the value of the performance counter requested.

For a full set of commands, responses, and performance counters, see the SIMT management interface.

Memory Map

Memory is mapped into the address spaces of the CPU and SIMT cores as follows.