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+title: "June 19th 2024: third Kokkos tea-time"
+subtitle: "Kokkos MPI Interop for all"
+date: 2024-06-04
+- icon_pack: fas
+ name: 'Get the slides'
+ icon: file-pdf
+ url: '2024-06-19-Third-Kokkos-tea-time-slides.pdf'
+ cta_new_tab: true
+{{< cta cta_text="Register to be notified about future events" cta_link="https://lists.cexa-project.org/sympa/subscribe/network" >}}
+CExA organizes its third international **Kokkos tea-time** on Wednesday, June the 19th, 2024 for 45min starting at 8AM MT, 10AM EST, 2PM UTC, 4PM CEST.
+It can be followed on [Zoom](https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/97834891802?pwd=NXhzd2paY051S3dQekVQVllvTW5MUT09), by [phone]({{< ref "#by-phone" >}}), from [a visio room]({{< ref "#from-a-visio-room" >}}) or from the [Mandelbrot room in the Digiteo Saclay building, France]({{< ref "#come-to-the-mandelbrot-room" >}}).
+{{< cta cta_text=" Add to calendar" cta_link="/kokkos-tea-time.ics" >}}
+Cédric Chevalier will animate a discussion around the theme: "Kokkos MPI Interop for all"
+{{% cta cta_text="Get the slides" cta_link="2024-06-19-Third-Kokkos-tea-time-slides.pdf" cta_new_tab="true" %}}
+## Kokkos MPI Interop for all
+We will present a new effort to provide a standard wrapper library to ease the use of MPI in Kokkos applications.
+We will describe the main short-term and long-term goals and give an overview of the code development.
+We also want to collect your use cases to ensure this new library will fit the needs of the various Kokkos or soon-to-be Kokkos applications.
+## Contribute
+Any subject is welcome if it is related to the Kokkos ecosystem (developments, usage, projects, issues, etc.) or even to GPU programming at large.
+Feel free to contact us to propose a talk: contact@cexa-project.org
+We target very informal discussion in English. You can propose any subject for discussion even if you don't have a dedicated slide deck.
+## Additional info
+### Join us physically in the Mandelbrot room
+The Mandelbrot room of [Digiteo Saclay building](https://maps.app.goo.gl/dWmfDSAyc6TLkrnC9) is in Saclay center, near the Orphée entrance.
+### Zoom link
+In a web browser or from the application.
+* Meeting ID: 978 3489 1802
+* Passcode: VdCL7d
+### From a visio room
+#### in SIP
+* 97834891802@zoomcrc.com
+#### in H.323
+* (Germany)
+* (Amsterdam Netherlands)
+* (US West)
+* (US East)
+Meeting ID: 978 3489 1802
+Passcode: 712542
+### One tap mobile
++33170950350,,97834891802#,,,,*712542# France
++33186995831,,97834891802#,,,,*712542# France
+### By phone
+* Meeting ID: 978 3489 1802
+* Passcode: 712542
+* Find your local number: https://cnrs.zoom.us/u/adb4LKJbkK
+Dial by your location
+* +33 1 7095 0350 France
+* +33 1 8699 5831 France
+* +33 1 7037 2246 France
+* +33 1 7037 9729 France
+* +33 1 7095 0103 France
+* +34 91 787 0058 Spain
+* +34 917 873 431 Spain
+* +34 84 368 5025 Spain
+* +358 9 4245 1488 Finland
+* +358 9 7252 2471 Finland
+* +358 3 4109 2129 Finland
+* +372 660 1699 Estonia
+* +372 880 1188 Estonia
+* +36 1 701 0488 Hungary
+* +36 1 779 9126 Hungary
+* +36 1 408 8456 Hungary
+* +353 1 653 3898 Ireland
+* +353 6 163 9031 Ireland
+* +353 1 240 8941 Ireland
+* +353 1 536 9320 Ireland
+* +353 1 653 3895 Ireland
+* +353 1 653 3897 Ireland
+* +39 021 241 28 823 Italy
+* +39 069 480 6488 Italy
+* +39 020 066 7245 Italy
+* +371 6303 1808 Latvia
+* +371 6303 1888 Latvia
+* +370 3799 9260 Lithuania
+* +370 5214 1488 Lithuania
+* +352 2786 4277 Luxembourg
+* +352 342 080 9265 Luxembourg
+* +352 2786 1188 Luxembourg
+* +49 695 050 2596 Germany
+* +49 69 7104 9922 Germany
+* +49 69 3807 9883 Germany
+* +49 69 3807 9884 Germany
+* +49 69 5050 0951 Germany
+* +49 69 5050 0952 Germany
+* +43 670 309 0165 Austria
+* +43 72 011 5988 Austria
+* +43 120 609 3072 Austria
+* +43 12 535 501 Austria
+* +43 12 535 502 Austria
+* +32 2 788 0172 Belgium
+* +32 2 788 0173 Belgium
+* +32 1579 5132 Belgium
+* +32 2 290 9360 Belgium
+* +32 2 585 5574 Belgium
+* +32 2 588 4188 Belgium
+* +359 2 492 5688 Bulgaria
+* +359 3 257 1633 Bulgaria
+* +385 1300 0988 Croatia
+* +385 1777 6333 Croatia
+* +45 47 37 25 75 Denmark
+* +45 89 88 37 88 Denmark
+* +45 32 70 12 06 Denmark
+* +45 32 71 31 57 Denmark
+* +45 32 72 80 10 Denmark
+* +45 32 72 80 11 Denmark
+* +30 211 198 4488 Greece
+* +30 231 118 0599 Greece
+* +47 2400 4735 Norway
+* +47 2400 4736 Norway
+* +31 20 794 7345 Netherlands
+* +31 707 006 526 Netherlands
+* +31 20 241 0288 Netherlands
+* +31 20 794 0854 Netherlands
+* +31 20 794 6519 Netherlands
+* +31 20 794 6520 Netherlands
+* +48 22 307 3488 Poland
+* +48 22 398 7356 Poland
+* +48 22 306 5342 Poland
+* +351 308 804 188 Portugal
+* +351 308 810 988 Portugal
+* +351 211 202 618 Portugal
+* +40 31 630 1088 Romania
+* +40 37 170 0418 Romania
+* +44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom
+* +44 208 080 6591 United Kingdom
+* +44 208 080 6592 United Kingdom
+* +44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom
+* +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
+* +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom
+* +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom
+* +7 499 951 6379 Russia
+* +7 499 951 6380 Russia
+* +420 2 3901 8272 Czech Republic
+* +420 5 3889 0161 Czech Republic
+* +420 2 2888 2388 Czech Republic
+* +41 43 210 71 08 Switzerland
+* +41 44 529 92 72 Switzerland
+* +41 22 591 00 05 Switzerland
+* +41 22 591 01 56 Switzerland
+* +41 31 528 09 88 Switzerland
+* +41 43 210 70 42 Switzerland
+* +46 8 5052 0017 Sweden
+* +46 850 539 728 Sweden
+* +46 8 4468 2488 Sweden
+* +46 8 5016 3827 Sweden
+* +46 8 5050 0828 Sweden
+* +46 8 5050 0829 Sweden
+* +1 564 217 2000 US
+* +1 646 931 3860 US
+* +1 669 444 9171 US
+* +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+* +1 689 278 1000 US
+* +1 719 359 4580 US
+* +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+* +1 253 205 0468 US
+* +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+* +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+* +1 305 224 1968 US
+* +1 309 205 3325 US
+* +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+* +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+* +1 360 209 5623 US
+* +1 386 347 5053 US
+* +1 507 473 4847 US