This package is used to deploy and configure the environment.
Below are the input parameter variables for the environement.
Domain name:
Key | Type | Default | Description |
domain_name | string | Domain name for hosted zone (ex. | |
sub_domain_name | string | Sub Domain name for hosted zone used to create NS record in Route53(ex. dev-app) | |
create_route53_hosted_zone | boolean | true | Do you want to create a public hosted zone? |
Modernization Infrastructure VPC:
Key | Type | Default | Description |
modern-name | string | Name of your VPC | |
modern-cidr | string | CIDR block of your VPC | |
modern-azs | list | List of AWS availability zones in current region | |
modern-private_subnets | list | List of CIDR blocks for each private subnets to be created | |
modern-public_subnets | list | List of CIDR blocks for each public subnets to be created | |
modern-create_igw | boolean | true |
Create an internet gateway(requires public subnet)? |
modern-enable_nat_gateway | boolean | true |
Create NAT Gateway? |
modern-single_nat_gateway | boolean | true |
Use a single NAT Gateway (low availability)? |
modern-one_nat_gateway_per_az | boolean | false |
Use a single NAT Gateway for each availability zone? |
modern-enable_dns_hostnames | boolean | true |
Should be true to enable DNS hostnames in the VPC |
modern-enable_dns_support | boolean | true |
Should be true to enable DNS support in the VPC |
Legacy Infrastructure VPC:
Key | Type | Default | Description |
legacy-name | string | Name of your VPC | |
legacy-cidr | string | CIDR block of your VPC | |
legacy-azs | list | List of AWS availability zones in current region | |
legacy-private_subnets | list | List of CIDR blocks for each private subnets to be created | |
legacy-public_subnets | list | List of CIDR blocks for each public subnets to be created | |
legaacy-create_igw | boolean | true |
Create an internet gateway(requires public subnet)? |
legacy-enable_nat_gateway | boolean | true |
Create NAT Gateway? |
legacy-single_nat_gateway | boolean | true |
Use a single NAT Gateway (low availability)? |
legacy-one_nat_gateway_per_az | boolean | false |
Use a single NAT Gateway for each availability zone? |
legacy-enable_dns_hostnames | boolean | true |
Should be true to enable DNS hostnames in the VPC |
legacy-enable_dns_support | boolean | true |
Should be true to enable DNS support in the VPC |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
Project | string | The name of the project | |
Environment | string | development |
The environment, either 'development' or 'production' |
Owner | string | true | The name of the owner |
Terraform | boolean | true | Is it created by Terraform? |
Modern Variables:
Key | Type | Default | Description |
eks_disk_size | string | Size of EKS volumes in GB | |
eks_instance_types | list | Instance type to use in EKS cluster |
Classic EC2 Instance:
Key | Type | Default | Description |
ami | string | AMI for EC2 instance | |
instance_type | string | Instance type for EC2 instance | |
ec2_key_name | string | EC2 key name to manage instance | |
shared_vpc_cidr_block | string | VPC CIDR block in shared services account | |
db_instance_type | string | Databae instance type | |
db_snapshot_identifier | string | Database snapshot to use for RDS instance | |
route53_url_name | string | URL name for Classic App as an A record in route53 (ex. | |
create_cert | string | Do you want to create a public AWS Certificate (if false, must provide certificate ARN) | |
artifacts_bucket_name | string | S3 bucket name used to store build artifacts | |
deployment_package_key | string | Deployment package S3 key for NBS application | |
nbs_db_dns | string | NBS database server DNS |
Amazon Service for Kafka (MSK):
Key | Type | Default | Description |
environment | string | development |
The environment, either 'development' or 'production' |
msk_ebs_volume_size | number | 20 |
EBS volume size for the MSK broker nodes in GB |