Distributed Data-Driven Predictive Control for Multi-Agent Collaborative Legged Locomotion [Abstract]
On the Use of Torque Measurement in Centroidal State Estimation [Abstract]
DMMGAN: Diverse Multi Motion Prediction of 3D Human Joints Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial Network [Abstract]
Contact Optimization for Non-Prehensile Loco-Manipulation Via Hierarchical Model Predictive Control [Abstract]
Optimal Scheduling of Models and Horizons for Model Hierarchy Predictive Control [Abstract]
STPOTR: Simultaneous Human Trajectory and Pose Prediction Using a Non-Autoregressive Transformer for Robot Follow-Ahead [Abstract]
Visual-Inertial and Leg Odometry Fusion for Dynamic Locomotion [Abstract]
Getting Air: Modelling and Control of a Hybrid Pneumatic-Electric Legged Robot [Abstract]
Enhanced Balance for Legged Robots Using Reaction Wheels [Abstract]
Versatile Real-Time Motion Synthesis Via Kino-Dynamic MPC with Hybrid-Systems DDP [Abstract]
Distributed Model Predictive Formation Control with Gait Synchronization for Multiple Quadruped Robots [Abstract]