Puppeteer and Marionette: Learning Anticipatory Quadrupedal Locomotion Based on Interactions of a Central Pattern Generator and Supraspinal Drive [Abstract]
A Performance Optimization Strategy Based on Improved NSGA-II for a Flexible Robotic Fish [Abstract]
Swarm Robotics Search and Rescue: A Bee-Inspired Swarm Cooperation Approach without Information Exchange [Abstract]
Achieving Extensive Trajectory Variation in Impulsive Robotic Systems [Abstract]
Towards Safe Landing of Falling Quadruped Robots Using a 3-DoF Morphable Inertial Tail [Abstract]
Bioinspired Tearing Manipulation with a Robotic Fish [Abstract]
Learnable Tegotae-Based Feedback in CPGs with Sparse Observation Produces Efficient and Adaptive Locomotion [Abstract]
Multi-Segmented, Adaptive Feet for Versatile Legged Locomotion in Natural Terrain [Abstract]
Burst Stimulation for Enhanced Locomotion Control of Terrestrial Cyborg Insects [Abstract]
Twisting Spine or Rigid Torso: Exploring Quadrupedal Morphology Via Trajectory Optimization [Abstract]
Dynamic Locomotion of a Quadruped Robot with Active Spine Via Model Predictive Control [Abstract]