Biodegradable Origami Gripper Actuated with Gelatin Hydrogel for Aerial Sensor Attachment to Tree Branches [Abstract]
PARSEC: An Aerial Platform for Autonomous Deployment of Self-Anchoring Payloads on Natural Vertical Surfaces [Abstract]
Autonomous Control for Orographic Soaring of Fixed-Wing UAVs [Abstract]
Stable Contact Guaranteeing Motion/Force Control for an Aerial Manipulator on an Arbitrarily Tilted Surface [Abstract]
Design and Control of a Micro Overactuated Aerial Robot with an Origami Delta Manipulator [Abstract]
Simplifying Aerial Manipulation Using Intentional Collisions [Abstract]
Hierarchical Whole-Body Control of the Cable-Suspended Aerial Manipulator Endowed with Winch-Based Actuation [Abstract]
Heading for the Abyss: Control Strategies for Exploiting Swinging of a Descending Tethered Aerial Robot [Abstract]
Vector Field Aided Trajectory Tracking by a 10-Gram Flapping-Wing Micro Aerial Vehicle [Abstract]
Globally Defined Dynamic Modelling and Geometric Tracking Controller Design for Aerial Manipulator [Abstract]
FlowDrone: Wind Estimation and Gust Rejection on UAVs Using Fast-Response Hot-Wire Flow Sensors [Abstract]
AutoCharge: Autonomous Charging for Perpetual Quadrotor Missions [Abstract]