Links to useful tools and products for building web and mobile software.
- Feathers - REST and WebSocket framework
- next.js - Isomorphic React framework
- after.js - Next.js-like framework
- HyperApp - Micro-framework for web applications
- immer - Create immutable state from previous state
- Gatsby - React static site generator using GraphQL
- react-static - React static site generator
- Phenomic - Technology agnostic static site generator
- recompose - Functional component and HOC helpers
- reselect - Selector library
- Bits - React component sharing
- react-final-form - Form managment
- redux - The currently most popular state management library
- unstated - React-like API for state management
- undux - RxJS based state management with type safety
- CSS-blocks - Building blocks with CSS
- hygen - Code generation/scaffolding tool
- hyper - Electron based terminal
- - CI/CD application, free for open source
- Greenkeeper - automatically keep your dependencies up to date
- Coveralls - Code coverage tool
- Github Pages
- zeit - Serverless platform
- serverless - Framework for deploying to AWS Lambda and others
- up - Serverless app framework