;; Leiningen project
[com.brunobonacci/mulog-filesystem-metrics "x.x.x"]
;; deps.edn format
{:deps { com.brunobonacci/mulog-filesystem-metrics {:mvn/version "x.x.x"}}}
It is possible to sample filesystem metrics such as total and available disk space for each mounted filesystem using a special publisher.
;; configuration options
{:type :filesystem-metrics
;; the interval in millis between two samples (default: 60s)
:sampling-interval 60000
;; Transformation to apply to the samples before publishing.
;; It is a function that takes a sequence of samples and
;; returns and updated sequence of samples:
;; `transform-samples -> sample-seq -> sample-seq`
;; (e.g. filter only volumes over 1 GB)
(partial filter #(> (:total-bytes %) 1e9))}
Sample usage:
(μ/start-publisher! {:type :filesystem-metrics})
NOTE: with Java 16+ you need to add the following in your project.clj
["--add-opens" "java.base/sun.nio.fs=ALL-UNNAMED"]
Here an example of the metrics sampled for one filesystem
{:mulog/event-name :mulog/filesystem-metrics-sampled,
:mulog/timestamp 1601629811722,
:mulog/trace-id #mulog/flake "4YcWozKEUcfE9JxfQMnuwb-NnO8ygEpE",
{:name "/dev/disk1s1"
:type "apfs"
:path "/"
:readonly? false
:total-bytes 499963170816
:unallocated-bytes 40646381568
:usable-bytes 30255194112}}
NOTE: values will change depending on available disks.