WorkerThread.js is a lightweight multi-thread lib that allow jsers to write code run between workers and DOM.
Start Http Server
node httpd
Add WorkerThread.js to your HTML File
<script src="WorkerThread.js"></script>
Write your code as:
///there are two ways to do task on work thread var t1 = new WorkerThread({i: 100} /*shared obj*/); ///1. use setInterval setInterval(function(){{ return sharedObj.i++; }, function(r){ console.log("t1>" + r.returnValue + ":" + r.error); } ); }, 500); var t2 = new WorkerThread({i: 50}); ///2. use sleep{ while(this.threadSignal){ sharedObj.i++; this.runOnUiThread(function(sharedObj){ ///you can interact with dom here W("body ul").appendChild("<li>"+sharedObj.i+"</li>"); }); this.sleep(500); } return sharedObj.i; }, function(r){ window.console && console.log("t2>" + r.returnValue + ":" + r.error); });