diff --git a/src/bam/bai.jl b/src/bam/bai.jl
index a017ca92..6237979f 100644
--- a/src/bam/bai.jl
+++ b/src/bam/bai.jl
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ function BAI(input::IO)
return read_bai(input)
+function findbai(filepath::AbstractString)
+ baipath = string(filepath, ".bai")
+ return isfile(baipath) ? Nullable(BAI(baipath)) : Nullable{BAI}()
# Read a BAI object from `input`.
function read_bai(input::IO)
# check magic bytes
diff --git a/src/bam/overlap.jl b/src/bam/overlap.jl
index 378fc14b..54904e86 100644
--- a/src/bam/overlap.jl
+++ b/src/bam/overlap.jl
@@ -31,7 +31,10 @@ end
# Iterator
# --------
-mutable struct OverlapIteratorState
+mutable struct OverlapIteratorState{S}
+ # reader's state
+ readerstate::ReaderState{S,Record}
# reference index
@@ -40,30 +43,31 @@ mutable struct OverlapIteratorState
# current chunk index
- # pre-allocated record
- record::Record
function Base.start(iter::OverlapIterator)
- refindex = findfirst(iter.reader.refseqnames, iter.refname)
+ readerstate = ReaderState(iter.reader)
+ reader = readerstate.reader
+ refindex = findfirst(reader.refseqnames, iter.refname)
if refindex == 0
throw(ArgumentError("sequence name $(iter.refname) is not found in the header"))
- @assert !isnull(iter.reader.index)
- chunks = GenomicFeatures.Indexes.overlapchunks(get(iter.reader.index).index, refindex, iter.interval)
+ @assert !isnull(reader.index)
+ chunks = GenomicFeatures.Indexes.overlapchunks(get(reader.index).index, refindex, iter.interval)
if !isempty(chunks)
- seek(iter.reader, first(chunks).start)
+ seek(reader.input, first(chunks).start)
- return OverlapIteratorState(refindex, chunks, 1, Record())
+ return OverlapIteratorState(readerstate, refindex, chunks, 1)
function Base.done(iter::OverlapIterator, state)
+ reader = state.readerstate.reader
+ record = state.readerstate.record
while state.chunkid ≤ endof(state.chunks)
chunk = state.chunks[state.chunkid]
- while BGZFStreams.virtualoffset(iter.reader.stream) < chunk.stop
- read!(iter.reader, state.record)
- c = compare_intervals(state.record, (state.refindex, iter.interval))
+ while BGZFStreams.virtualoffset(reader.input) < chunk.stop
+ read!(reader, record)
+ c = compare_intervals(record, (state.refindex, iter.interval))
if c == 0
# overlapping
return false
@@ -74,14 +78,14 @@ function Base.done(iter::OverlapIterator, state)
state.chunkid += 1
if state.chunkid ≤ endof(state.chunks)
- seek(iter.reader, state.chunks[state.chunkid].start)
+ seek(reader.input, state.chunks[state.chunkid].start)
return true
function Base.next(::OverlapIterator, state)
- return copy(state.record), state
+ return copy(state.readerstate.record), state
function compare_intervals(record::Record, interval::Tuple{Int,UnitRange{Int}})
diff --git a/src/bam/reader.jl b/src/bam/reader.jl
index e7b08f47..bfc39127 100644
--- a/src/bam/reader.jl
+++ b/src/bam/reader.jl
@@ -2,47 +2,100 @@
# ==========
- BAM.Reader(input::IO; index=nothing)
+ BAM.Reader(input; index=nothing)
Create a data reader of the BAM file format.
# Arguments
-* `input`: data source
-* `index=nothing`: filepath to a random access index (currently *bai* is Supported)
+* `input`: data source (filepath or readable `IO` object)
+* `index=nothing`: filepath to a random access index (currently *bai* is supported)
-mutable struct Reader{T} <: Bio.IO.AbstractReader
- stream::BGZFStreams.BGZFStream{T}
+mutable struct Reader{T<:Union{String,BGZFStreams.BGZFStream}} <: Bio.IO.AbstractReader
+ # data source
+ input::T
+ # BAM index
+ index::Nullable{BAI}
+ # header data
- start_offset::BGZFStreams.VirtualOffset
- index::Nullable{BAI}
-function Base.eltype{T}(::Type{Reader{T}})
- return Record
+function Reader(input::BGZFStreams.BGZFStream; index=nothing)
+ if index == nothing
+ index = Nullable{BAI}()
+ elseif index isa BAI
+ index = Nullable(index)
+ elseif index isa AbstractString
+ index = Nullable(BAI(index))
+ elseif index isa Nullable{BAI}
+ # ok
+ else
+ error("unrecognizable index argument: $(typeof(index))")
+ end
-function Bio.IO.stream(reader::Reader)
- return reader.stream
+ # magic bytes
+ B = read(input, UInt8)
+ A = read(input, UInt8)
+ M = read(input, UInt8)
+ x = read(input, UInt8)
+ if B != UInt8('B') || A != UInt8('A') || M != UInt8('M') || x != 0x01
+ error("input was not a valid BAM file")
+ end
+ # SAM header
+ textlen = read(input, Int32)
+ samreader = SAM.Reader(IOBuffer(read(input, UInt8, textlen)))
+ # reference sequences
+ refseqnames = String[]
+ refseqlens = Int[]
+ n_refs = read(input, Int32)
+ for _ in 1:n_refs
+ namelen = read(input, Int32)
+ data = read(input, UInt8, namelen)
+ seqname = unsafe_string(pointer(data))
+ seqlen = read(input, Int32)
+ push!(refseqnames, seqname)
+ push!(refseqlens, seqlen)
+ end
+ return Reader(input, index, samreader.header, refseqnames, refseqlens)
function Reader(input::IO; index=nothing)
- if isa(index, AbstractString)
- index = BAI(index)
- else
- if index != nothing
- error("unrecognizable index argument")
+ return Reader(BGZFStreams.BGZFStream(input), index=index)
+function Reader(filepath::AbstractString; index=:auto)
+ if index isa Symbol
+ if index == :auto
+ index = findbai(filepath)
+ else
+ throw(ArgumentError("invalid index: ':$(index)'"))
+ elseif index isa AbstractString
+ index = BAI(index)
- reader = init_bam_reader(input)
- reader.index = index
- return reader
+ return Reader(filepath, index, SAM.Header(), String[], Int[])
+function Base.open(reader::Reader{String})
+ return Reader(open(reader.input), index=reader.index)
+function Base.eltype{T}(::Type{Reader{T}})
+ return Record
+function Bio.IO.stream(reader::Reader)
+ return reader.input
function Base.show(io::IO, reader::Reader)
- println(io, summary(reader), ":")
- print(io, " number of contigs: ", length(reader.refseqnames))
+ print(io, summary(reader), "()")
@@ -70,81 +123,36 @@ function Bio.header(reader::Reader)
return header(reader)
-function Base.seek(reader::Reader, voffset::BGZFStreams.VirtualOffset)
- seek(reader.stream, voffset)
+#function Base.seek(reader::Reader, voffset::BGZFStreams.VirtualOffset)
+# seek(reader.stream, voffset)
+#function Base.seekstart(reader::Reader)
+# seek(reader.stream, reader.start_offset)
+struct ReaderState{S,T}
+ reader::S
+ record::T
-function Base.seekstart(reader::Reader)
- seek(reader.stream, reader.start_offset)
+function ReaderState(reader::Reader{<:BGZFStreams.BGZFStream})
+ return ReaderState(reader, Record())
-function Base.start(reader::Reader)
- return Record()
+function ReaderState(reader::Reader{String})
+ return ReaderState(open(reader), Record())
-function Base.done(reader::Reader, rec)
- return eof(reader)
+function Base.start(reader::Reader)
+ return ReaderState(reader)
-function Base.next(reader::Reader, rec)
- read!(reader, rec)
- return copy(rec), rec
+function Base.done(::Reader, state)
+ return eof(state.reader.input)
-# Initialize a BAM reader by reading the header section.
-function init_bam_reader(input::BGZFStreams.BGZFStream)
- # magic bytes
- B = read(input, UInt8)
- A = read(input, UInt8)
- M = read(input, UInt8)
- x = read(input, UInt8)
- if B != UInt8('B') || A != UInt8('A') || M != UInt8('M') || x != 0x01
- error("input was not a valid BAM file")
- end
- # SAM header
- textlen = read(input, Int32)
- samreader = SAM.Reader(IOBuffer(read(input, UInt8, textlen)))
- # reference sequences
- refseqnames = String[]
- refseqlens = Int[]
- n_refs = read(input, Int32)
- for _ in 1:n_refs
- namelen = read(input, Int32)
- data = read(input, UInt8, namelen)
- seqname = unsafe_string(pointer(data))
- seqlen = read(input, Int32)
- push!(refseqnames, seqname)
- push!(refseqlens, seqlen)
- end
- voffset = isa(input.io, Pipe) ?
- BGZFStreams.VirtualOffset(0, 0) :
- BGZFStreams.virtualoffset(input)
- return Reader(
- input,
- samreader.header,
- voffset,
- refseqnames,
- refseqlens,
- Nullable{BAI}())
-function init_bam_reader(input::IO)
- return init_bam_reader(BGZFStreams.BGZFStream(input))
-function _read!(reader::Reader, record)
- unsafe_read(
- reader.stream,
- pointer_from_objref(record),
- dsize = data_size(record)
- if length(record.data) < dsize
- resize!(record.data, dsize)
- end
- unsafe_read(reader.stream, pointer(record.data), dsize)
- record.reader = reader
- return record
+function Base.next(::Reader, state)
+ read!(state.reader, state.record)
+ return copy(state.record), state
diff --git a/src/bam/record.jl b/src/bam/record.jl
index 965eeb28..69c23324 100644
--- a/src/bam/record.jl
+++ b/src/bam/record.jl
@@ -86,7 +86,17 @@ function Base.show(io::IO, record::Record)
function Base.read!(reader::Reader, record::Record)
- return _read!(reader, record)
+ unsafe_read(
+ reader.input,
+ pointer_from_objref(record),
+ dsize = data_size(record)
+ if length(record.data) < dsize
+ resize!(record.data, dsize)
+ end
+ unsafe_read(reader.input, pointer(record.data), dsize)
+ record.reader = reader
+ return record
diff --git a/transcript_depth.jl b/transcript_depth.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc2a55b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transcript_depth.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+@everywhere begin
+ using BioAlignments
+ using GenomicFeatures
+ # The main algorithm.
+ function compute_depth(reader, interval)
+ range = interval.first:interval.last
+ depth = zeros(Int, length(range))
+ for record in eachoverlap(reader, interval)
+ if !BAM.ismapped(record) || !BAM.isprimary(record)
+ continue
+ end
+ aln = BAM.alignment(record)
+ for i in 1:BAM.seqlength(record)
+ j, op = seq2ref(aln, i)
+ if ismatchop(op) && j in range
+ @inbounds depth[j - first(range) + 1] += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return depth
+ end
+# Sequential computation.
+function transcript_depth0(bamfile, intervals)
+ reader = BAM.Reader(bamfile)
+ return map(intervals) do interval
+ return compute_depth(reader, interval)
+ end
+# Parallel computation using pmap (open BAM.Reader inside the closure).
+function transcript_depth1(bamfile, intervals, batchsize)
+ pmap(intervals, batch_size=batchsize) do interval
+ reader = BAM.Reader(bamfile)
+ return compute_depth(reader, interval)
+ end
+# Parallel computation using pmap (open BAM.Reader outside the closure).
+function transcript_depth2(bamfile, intervals, batchsize)
+ reader = BAM.Reader(bamfile)
+ return pmap(intervals, batch_size=batchsize) do interval
+ return compute_depth(reader, interval)
+ end
+bamfile = expanduser("./data/SRR1238088.sort.bam")
+gff3file = expanduser("./data/TAIR10_GFF3_genes.gff")
+intervals = collect(Interval, Iterators.filter(r->GFF3.seqid(r)=="Chr1" && GFF3.featuretype(r)=="gene", GFF3.Reader(open(gff3file))))
+using DocOpt
+args = docopt("Usage: main.jl [--batch_size=] ")
+batch_size = args["--batch_size"]
+if batch_size == nothing
+ batch_size = 30
+ batch_size = parse(Int, batch_size)
+f = eval(parse(args[""]))
+func = () -> f == transcript_depth0 ? f(bamfile, intervals) : f(bamfile, intervals, batch_size)
+println(STDERR, sum(map(sum, func())))
+for i in 1:3
+ gc()
+ println(@elapsed func())