- गनियारी, जिला - बिलासपुर
- दिनाँक
{{patient.registrationDate | bahmniDate}}
- रजिस्ट्रेशन
- नाम
- {{patient.fullNameLocal()}}
- उम्र
{{patient.age | age}}
- लिंग
- पिता/पति
- गाँव
- तहसील
+ Facility Name :
+ Full Names:
+ {{patient.fullNameLocal()}}
+ Age: {{patient.age | age}}
+ Sex: {{patient.gender}}
+ ART No: {{patient.primaryIdentifier.identifier}}
+ HEI No: .............
+ ART Start Date:
+ .... / .... / ....
Initial ART Regimen:
+ .......................
Carry this card and present it to the health worker at every visit.
Keep the appointment date as indicated in this card.
In case of new symptoms, visit the facility or call health worker.
If you can't come, call health worker on number below.
Health Facility Telephone No. ......................
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/facilityReports.json b/openmrs/apps/reports/facilityReports.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7c2d9f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/facilityReports.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "missedAppointmentReport": {
+ "name": "Missed Appointment Report",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/missedAppointments.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "summaryAppointmentReport": {
+ "name": "Appointment Summary Report",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/summaryAppointmentReport.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "visitAppointmentReport": {
+ "name": "Visit Appointment Report",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/visitAppointmentReport.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "walkinAppointmentReport": {
+ "name": "WalkIn Visit Report",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/walkinAppointmentReport.sql"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/monthlyReports.json b/openmrs/apps/reports/monthlyReports.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a3d54c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/monthlyReports.json
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ "artRegisterReport": {
+ "name": "ART Register Report",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artRegister.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "artDispensingReport": {
+ "name": "ART Dispensing Report",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artDispensingReport.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "artMonthlyStartedOnArtReport": {
+ "name": "ART Monthly Report - Started on ART (New and cumulative number of persons)",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artMonthlyStartedOnArtReport.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "artMonthlyViralLoadReport": {
+ "name": "ART Monthly Report - Viral Load",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artMonthlyViralLoadReport.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "ancMonthlyReport": {
+ "name": "ANC PMTCT Register",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/ancreport.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "highViralloadReport": {
+ "name": "High Viral Load Monthly Report",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/highViralloadReport.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "hivExposedInfants": {
+ "name": "HIV Exposed Infant Monthly Reporting",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfants.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "PMTCTAllreports": {
+ "name": "PMTCT All Reporting",
+ "type": "concatenated",
+ "config": {
+ "reports": [
+ {
+ "name": "PMTCT ANC Reporting",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctAnc.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "PMTCT HIV Reporting",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtcHiv.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "PMTCT ART And Tb Reporting",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctArtandTb.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "PMTCT ANC Partner-Index contact HIV Counseling and testing",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtcANCpartnerindex.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "PMTCT HIV Counseling and Testing at Maternity",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctHIVcounselling.sql"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "ArtCohortAnalysisForm": {
+ "name": "ART Cohort Analysis Form",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/ArtCohortAnalysisForm.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "Maternity": {
+ "name": "Maternity PMTCT",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/maternitypmtct.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ "hivExposedInfantRegisterReport": {
+ "name": "HIV Exposed Infant Register Report",
+ "type": "concatenated",
+ "config": {
+ "reports": [
+ {
+ "name": "HIV Exposed Infant Register Report Page 1",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfantRegisterReportTabFirst.sql"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "HIV Exposed Infant Register Report Page 2",
+ "type": "MRSGeneric",
+ "config": {
+ "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfantRegisterReportTabSecond.sql"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/reports.json b/openmrs/apps/reports/reports.json
index 056c565d6..ec16d89ed 100644
--- a/openmrs/apps/reports/reports.json
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/reports.json
@@ -26,635 +26,8 @@
- "testReport": {
- "name": "Test Observation Report",
- "type": "observations",
- "config": {
- "patientAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "class",
- "education",
- "occupation",
- "primaryContact"
- ],
- "patientAddresses": [
- "address3",
- "city_village"
- ],
- "visitAttributes": [
- "Visit Status",
- "Admission Status"
- ],
- "showVisitInfo": true,
- "showProvider": true,
- "conceptNamesToFilter": [
- ],
- "conceptNameDisplayFormat": "shortNamePreferred",
- "conceptValuesToFilter": ["0..20","100..","True"],
- "conceptClassesToFilter": [],
- "locationTagsToFilter": [],
- "programsToFilter": [],
- "applyDateRangeFor": "obsDate",
- "encounterPerRow": true,
- "forDataAnalysis": true,
- "visitTypesToFilter": [
- "OPD"
- ]
- }
- },
- "testFormReport":{
- "name": "Test Forms Report",
- "type": "forms",
- "config": {
- "patientAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "class",
- "education",
- "occupation",
- "primaryContact"
- ],
- "patientAddresses": [
- "address3",
- "city_village"
- ],
- "visitAttributes": [
- "Visit Status",
- "Admission Status"
- ],
- "showVisitInfo": true,
- "showProvider": true,
- "formNamesToFilter": ["Vitals"],
- "conceptNameDisplayFormat": "shortNamePreferred",
- "locationTagsToFilter": [],
- "programsToFilter": [],
- "applyDateRangeFor": "obsDate",
- "visitTypesToFilter": []
- }
- },
- "formBuilderReport":{
- "name": "Form builder form Report",
- "type": "formBuilder",
- "config": {
- "patientAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "class",
- "education",
- "occupation"
- ],
- "patientAddresses": [
- "address3",
- "city_village"
- ],
- "visitAttributes": [
- "Visit Status"
- ],
- "showVisitInfo": true,
- "showProvider": true,
- "formNamesToFilter": [ "Test Form"],
- "conceptNameDisplayFormat": "shortNamePreferred",
- "locationTagsToFilter": [],
- "programsToFilter": [],
- "applyDateRangeFor": "obsDate",
- "visitTypesToFilter": []
- }
- },
- "chiefComplaintReport": {
- "name": "Chief Complaint Report",
- "type": "obsCount",
- "config": {
- "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
- "conceptNames": [
- "Chief Complaint"
- ],
- "countOnlyClosedVisits": "false",
- "visitTypes": [
- "IPD",
- "OPD"
- ]
- }
- },
- "inpatientMorbidity": {
- "name": "Inpatient Morbidity",
- "type": "diagnosisCount",
- "config": {
- "visitTypes": [
- "IPD"
- ]
- }
- },
- "outpatientMorbidity": {
- "name": "Outpatient Morbidity",
- "type": "diagnosisCount",
- "config": {
- "visitTypes": [
- "OPD"
- ]
- }
- },
- "laboratoryServices": {
- "name": "Laboratory Services",
- "type": "TestCount"
- },
- "genericLaboratoryServices": {
- "name": "Generic Laboratory Services",
- "type": "ElisGeneric",
- "config": {
- "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/testCount.sql"
- }
- },
- "bloodPressure": {
- "name": "Blood Pressure",
- "type": "obsCount",
- "config": {
- "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
- "conceptNames": [
- "Systolic",
- "Diastolic"
- ],
- "countOnlyClosedVisits": "false",
- "countOncePerPatient": "false",
- "visitTypes": [
- "OPD",
- "IPD"
- ]
- }
- },
- "smokingHistoryReport": {
- "name": "Smoking History Report",
- "type": "obsCount",
- "config": {
- "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
- "conceptNames": [
- "Smoking History"
- ],
- "countOnlyClosedVisits": "false",
- "countOncePerPatient": "true"
- }
- },
- "vitalsTemplateReport": {
- "name": "Vitals Template Report",
- "type": "obsTemplate",
- "config": {
- "templateName": "Vitals",
- "patientAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "education"
- ],
- "applyDateRangeFor": "encounterCreateDate"
- }
- },
- "tuberculosisIntakeTemplateReport": {
- "name": "Tuberculosis Intake Template Report",
- "type": "obsTemplate",
- "config": {
- "templateName": "Tuberculosis Intake Template"
- }
- },
- "diabetes": {
- "name": "Diabetes",
- "type": "obsCount",
- "config": {
- "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
- "conceptNames": [
- "Diabetes Intake"
- ],
- "visitTypes": [
- "OPD",
- "IPD"
- ]
- }
- },
- "codedValueRangeBasedReport": {
- "name": "Coded Value Range Based Report",
- "type": "obsCount",
- "config": {
- "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
- "conceptNames": [
- "Diabetes, Cormorbidities"
- ],
- "countOncePerPatient": "true"
- }
- },
- "OPD/IPDVisitCount": {
- "name": "OPD/IPD Visit Count",
- "type": "IpdOpdVisitCount"
- },
- "haemoglobinRangeBasedReport": {
- "name": "Haemoglobin Range Based Report",
- "type": "NumericConceptValuesCount",
- "config": {
- "rangeGroupName": "Haemoglobin",
- "ageGroupName": "Haemoglobin",
- "conceptNames": [
- "Haemoglobin"
- ],
- "countOncePerPatient": "false"
- }
- },
- "radiology(X-Ray)Count": {
- "name": "Radiology(X-Ray) Count",
- "type": "ObsCountByConceptClass",
- "config": {
- "conceptClassNames": [
- "Radiology"
- ]
- }
- },
- "obsValuesCountsForAlbuminMCHOperationDateAndPosture(bloodPressure)": {
- "name": "Obs Values Counts for Albumin, MCH, Operation Date and Posture(blood pressure)",
- "type": "ObsValueCount",
- "config": {
- "conceptNames": [
- "Albumin",
- "MCH",
- "Date of Operation",
- "Posture"
- ]
- }
- },
- "tuberculosisTreatmentCompletionDates": {
- "name": "Tuberculosis Treatment Completion dates",
- "type": "DateConceptValuesPatientsList",
- "config": {
- "conceptNames": [
- "Tuberculosis, Treatment Completion Date"
- ],
- "templateName": "Tuberculosis Outcome Template"
- }
- },
- "patientsListWithAlbuminMCHAndHIVELISA(Blood)TestsResults": {
- "name": "Patients list with Albumin, MCH and HIV ELISA (Blood) tests results",
- "type": "PatientsWithLabtestResults",
- "config": {
- "conceptNames": [
- "HIV ELISA (Blood)",
- "Albumin",
- "MCH"
- ],
- "testOutcome": [
- "abnormal",
- "normal"
- ]
- }
- },
- "IPDPatientsReport": {
- "name": "IPD Patients Report",
- "type": "ipdPatients",
- "config": {
- "addressAttributes": [
- "address1",
- "city_village"
- ],
- "patientAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "education"
- ],
- "conceptNames": [
- "Height",
- "Weight"
- ],
- "filterBy": "Date of Discharge"
- }
- },
- "nutritionProgramNutritionalStatusOfRegisteredChildren": {
- "name": "Nutrition Program - Nutritional status of registered children",
- "type": "obsCount",
- "config": {
- "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
- "conceptNames": [
- "Nutrition, Nutritional Status"
- ],
- "countOncePerPatient": "true",
- "countOnlyClosedVisits": "false"
- }
- },
- "patientsProgramStateCountReport": {
- "name": "Patients Program State Count Report",
- "type": "programStateCount",
- "config": {
- "programName": "Malaria Program"
- }
- },
- "programPatientStateReport": {
- "name": "Program Patient State Report",
- "type": "PatientProgramReport",
- "config": {
- "programName": "Malaria Program"
- }
- },
- "programStateTransitionReport": {
- "name": "Program State Transition Report",
- "type": "programStateTransitionReport",
- "config": {
- "programName": "Malaria Program"
- }
- },
- "OrderFulfillmentReport": {
- "name": "Order Fulfillment Report",
- "type": "OrderFulfillmentReport",
- "config": {
- "type": "OrderFulfillmentReport",
- "orderTypes": [
- "Order",
- "Drug Order"
- ]
- }
- },
- "visitReport": {
- "name": "Visit Report",
- "type": "visitReport",
- "config": {
- "personAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "class",
- "education",
- "occupation",
- "primaryContact"
- ],
- "visitAttributes": [
- "Visit Status"
- ]
- }
- },
"patientReport": {
"name": "Patient Information",
"type": "PatientReport"
- },
- "obsCannedReport": {
- "name": "Obs Canned Report",
- "type": "obsCannedReport",
- "config": {
- "patientAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "education"
- ],
- "applyDateRangeFor": "ObsRecording",
- "addressAttributes": [
- "postal_code",
- "city_village"
- ],
- "conceptNames": [
- "Pulse",
- "Vitals, Systolic",
- "Temperature"
- ],
- "visitIndependentConcept": [
- "Temperature"
- ],
- "enrolledProgram": "HIV Program",
- "showObsOnlyForProgramDuration": false
- }
- },
- "drugOrderReport": {
- "name": "Drug Order report",
- "type": "DrugOrder"
- },
- "SampleGenericProgramReport": {
- "name": "Generic program sample report",
- "type": "programs",
- "config": {
- "patientAttributes": [
- "education",
- "primaryContact",
- "secondaryContact",
- "class",
- "cluster"
- ],
- "patientAddresses": [
- "city_village",
- "address3"
- ],
- "programAttributes": [],
- "forDataAnalysis": true,
- "showAllStates": true,
- "programNamesToFilter": [
- "HIV Program"
- ]
- }
- },
- "pivotReport": {
- "name": "Blood Pressure",
- "type": "aggregation",
- "config": {
- "report":{
- "type": "observations",
- "config": {
- "conceptNamesToFilter":["Diastolic Data", "Systolic Data"],
- "showVisitInfo" : true,
- "forDataAnalysis": true,
- "visitAttributes": ["Visit Status", "Admission Status"],
- "visitTypesToFilter": ["IPD"]
- }
- },
- "rowGroups": [
- "Gender"
- ],
- "columnGroups": [
- "Concept Name", "value"
- ],
- "distinctGroups": [
- "Patient Identifier"
- ]
- }
- },
- "pivotReportOfVisits": {
- "name": "Aggregation report for visits",
- "type": "aggregation",
- "config": {
- "report":{
- "type": "visits",
- "config": {
- "forDataAnalysis": true,
- "patientAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "class",
- "education",
- "occupation",
- "primaryContact"
- ],
- "visitAttributes": [
- "Visit Status",
- "Admission Status"
- ],
- "patientAddresses": [
- "address3",
- "city_village"
- ],
- "applyDateRangeFor": "visitStopDate",
- "visitTypesToFilter": [
- "OPD"
- ]
- }
- },
- "rowGroups": [
- "Gender"
- ],
- "columnGroups": [
- "Visit Status"
- ],
- "distinctGroups": [
- "Patient Identifier"
- ]
- }
- },
- "pivotReportForPrograms": {
- "name": "HIV Program Pivot Report",
- "type": "aggregation",
- "config": {
- "report": {
- "type": "programs",
- "config": {
- "patientAttributes": [
- ],
- "patientAddresses": [
- "city_village",
- "address3"
- ],
- "programAttributes": [],
- "forDataAnalysis": true,
- "showAllStates": true,
- "programNamesToFilter": [
- "TB Program",
- "HIV Program"
- ]
- }
- },
- "columnGroups": [
- "Program name"
- ],
- "rowGroups": [
- "Gender"
- ],
- "distinctGroups": [
- "Patient Identifier"
- ],
- "showTotalRow":true,
- "showTotalColumn":true
- }
- },
- "concatenatedReport": {
- "name": "ConcatenatedReport",
- "type": "concatenated",
- "config": {
- "reports": [
- {
- "name": "Visit Report",
- "type": "visits",
- "config": {
- "forDataAnalysis": true,
- "patientAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "class",
- "education",
- "occupation",
- "primaryContact"
- ],
- "visitAttributes": [
- "Visit Status",
- "Admission Status"
- ],
- "patientAddresses": [
- "address3",
- "city_village"
- ],
- "applyDateRangeFor": "visitStopDate",
- "visitTypesToFilter": [
- "OPD"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "Obs Canned Report",
- "type": "obsCannedReport",
- "config": {
- "patientAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "education"
- ],
- "applyDateRangeFor": "ObsRecording",
- "addressAttributes": [
- "postal_code",
- "city_village"
- ],
- "conceptNames": [
- "Pulse",
- "Vitals, Systolic",
- "Temperature"
- ],
- "visitIndependentConcept": [
- "Temperature"
- ],
- "enrolledProgram": "HIV Program",
- "showObsOnlyForProgramDuration": false
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "GenericLabOrderReport": {
- "name": "Lab Order Results",
- "type": "labOrders",
- "config": {
- "patientAttributes": [
- "caste",
- "class",
- "education",
- "occupation",
- "primaryContact"
- ],
- "patientAddresses": [
- "address3",
- "city_village"
- ],
- "visitAttributes": [
- "Visit Status"
- ],
- "showVisitInfo": true,
- "showProvider": true,
- "programsToFilter": [],
- "showReferredOutTests": true,
- "conceptNamesToFilter": [
- "Haemoglobin (Blood)"
- ],
- "conceptValuesToFilter": [
- "10..100"
- ],
- "forDataAnalysis": true,
- "excludeColumns": [
- "address3"
- ],
- "showOrderDateTime": true
- }
- },
- "GenericLabOrderReportAggregation": {
- "name": "Test Name vs Gender",
- "type": "aggregation",
- "config": {
- "report": {
- "type": "labOrders",
- "config": {
- "forDataAnalysis": true,
- "showVisitInfo": true
- }
- },
- "rowGroups": [
- "Test Name"
- ],
- "columnGroups": [
- "Gender"
- ],
- "distinctGroups": [
- "Patient Identifier"
- ]
- }
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/ArtCohortAnalysisForm.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/ArtCohortAnalysisForm.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e98f666cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/ArtCohortAnalysisForm.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+select 'Started ART In this Clinic (original Cohort)',
+(case when startdate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+ from
+select distinct(o.patient_id) , min(o.date_created) as 'startdate',o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , pa.person_id from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+left join person_attribute pa on o.patient_id = pa.person_id
+left join person p on pa.person_id = p.person_id
+where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where uuid = '95955de4-7440-4482-88f6-e5daefc2d738') and pa.person_attribute_type_id = 33 and
+pa.value not in (SELECT concept_id FROM openmrs.concept_name where name = 'Transfer-in' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED')
+group by o.patient_id ) patients
+union all
+select 'Transfer in',
+(case when startdate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+ from
+select distinct(o.patient_id) , min(o.date_created) as 'startdate',o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , pa.person_id from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+left join person_attribute pa on o.patient_id = pa.person_id
+left join person p on pa.person_id = p.person_id
+where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where uuid = '95955de4-7440-4482-88f6-e5daefc2d738') and pa.person_attribute_type_id = 33 and
+pa.value = (SELECT concept_id FROM openmrs.concept_name where name = 'Transfer-in' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED')
+group by o.patient_id ) patients
+union all
+select 'Transfer out',
+(case when obs.value_datetime between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+left join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs obs on o.patient_id = obs.person_id
+where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where uuid = '95955de4-7440-4482-88f6-e5daefc2d738')
+and obs.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'Transferred Out Date' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+and obs.status = 'FINAL')
+union all
+select 'Net Current Cohort', (@initial1 + @tranferIn1 - @transferOut1) as 'start' , (@initial2 + @tranferIn2 - @transferOut2) as '6mo' , (@initial3 + @tranferIn3 - @transferOut3) as '12mo'
+,(@initial4 + @tranferIn4 - @transferOut4) as '24mo', (@initial5 + @tranferIn5 - @transferOut5) as '36mo', (@initial6 + @tranferIn6 - @transferOut6) as '48mo'
+,(@initial7 + @tranferIn7 - @transferOut7) as '60mo'
+from (
+@initial1 := (case when startdate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@initial2 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@initial3 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@initial4 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@initial5 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@initial6 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@initial7 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end)
+ from
+select distinct(o.patient_id) , min(o.date_created) as 'startdate',o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , pa.person_id from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+left join person_attribute pa on o.patient_id = pa.person_id
+left join person p on pa.person_id = p.person_id
+where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where uuid = '95955de4-7440-4482-88f6-e5daefc2d738') and pa.person_attribute_type_id = 33 and
+pa.value not in (SELECT concept_id FROM openmrs.concept_name where name = 'Transfer-in' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED')
+group by o.patient_id ) patients
+union all
+@tranferIn1 := (case when startdate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@tranferIn2 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@tranferIn3 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@tranferIn4 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@tranferIn5 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@tranferIn6 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@tranferIn7 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end)
+ from
+select distinct(o.patient_id) , min(o.date_created) as 'startdate',o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , pa.person_id from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+left join person_attribute pa on o.patient_id = pa.person_id
+left join person p on pa.person_id = p.person_id
+where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where uuid = '95955de4-7440-4482-88f6-e5daefc2d738') and pa.person_attribute_type_id = 33 and
+pa.value = (SELECT concept_id FROM openmrs.concept_name where name = 'Transfer-in' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED')
+group by o.patient_id ) patients
+union all
+@transferOut1 := (case when obs.value_datetime between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@transferOut2 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+@transferOut3 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+@transferOut4 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+@transferOut5 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+@transferOut6 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+@transferOut7 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+left join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs obs on o.patient_id = obs.person_id
+where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where uuid = '95955de4-7440-4482-88f6-e5daefc2d738')
+and obs.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'Transferred Out Date' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+and obs.status = 'FINAL')
+) tNetCohort limit 1
+union all
+select 'On Original 1st Line Regimen',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('1a = AZT/3TC+EFV' , '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP', '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG','1d=ABC/3TC (600/300)/DTG',
+'1e = AZT/3TC +DTG','1f = TDF/3TC+EFV','1g = TDF/3TC+NVP', '1h = TDF/FTC/EFV') and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) = 1) pp
+union all
+select 'On Alternate 1st Line Regimen (Substituted)',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('1a = AZT/3TC+EFV' , '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP', '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG','1d=ABC/3TC (600/300)/DTG',
+'1e = AZT/3TC +DTG','1f = TDF/3TC+EFV','1g = TDF/3TC+NVP', '1h = TDF/FTC/EFV') and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 1) tAltenateFirstLine
+union all
+select 'On 2nd Line Regimen (Switched)',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+ from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('2a=AZT/3TC+DTG' , '2b=ABC/3TC+DTG', '2c=TDF+3TC+LPV/r','2d=TDF/3TC+ATV/r',
+'2e=TDF/FTC-LPV/r','2f=TDF/FTC-ATV/r','2g=AZT/3TC+LPV/r', '2h=AZT/3TC+ATV/r','2i=ABC/3TC+LPV/r','2j=ABC/3TC+ATV/r','2k=TDF/3TC/DTG') and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0) tSecondSubstitutedLine
+union all
+select 'Stopped',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs ob on o.patient_id = ob.person_id
+where cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen'
+and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'Interruption type' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.value_coded = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'Stop' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0) tRegimenStopped
+union all
+select 'Died',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs ob on o.patient_id = ob.person_id
+where cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen'
+and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'End Of Follow Up Reason' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.value_coded = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'Death during treatment' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0 ) tPatientDied
+union all
+select 'Lost to Follow-up (DROP)',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59')then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH)then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs ob on o.patient_id = ob.person_id
+where cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen'
+and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'End Of Follow Up Reason' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.value_coded = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'Lost Follow Up(< 28days)' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0) tLostToFollowup
+union all
+select 'Alive and on ART (E+F+G)',sum(start) as 'start' , sum(6mo) as '6mo' , sum(12mo) as '12mo' , sum(24mo) as '24mo' , sum(36mo) as '36mo' , sum(48mo) as '48mo' , sum(60mo) as '60mo' from (
+select 'On Original 1st Line Regimen',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('1a = AZT/3TC+EFV' , '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP', '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG','1d=ABC/3TC (600/300)/DTG',
+'1e = AZT/3TC +DTG','1f = TDF/3TC+EFV','1g = TDF/3TC+NVP', '1h = TDF/FTC/EFV') and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) = 1) pp
+union all
+select 'On Alternate 1st Line Regimen (Substituted)',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('1a = AZT/3TC+EFV' , '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP', '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG','1d=ABC/3TC (600/300)/DTG',
+'1e = AZT/3TC +DTG','1f = TDF/3TC+EFV','1g = TDF/3TC+NVP', '1h = TDF/FTC/EFV') and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 1) tAltenateFirstLine
+union all
+select 'On 2nd Line Regimen (Switched)',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+ from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('2a=AZT/3TC+DTG' , '2b=ABC/3TC+DTG', '2c=TDF+3TC+LPV/r','2d=TDF/3TC+ATV/r',
+'2e=TDF/FTC-LPV/r','2f=TDF/FTC-ATV/r','2g=AZT/3TC+LPV/r', '2h=AZT/3TC+ATV/r','2i=ABC/3TC+LPV/r','2j=ABC/3TC+ATV/r','2k=TDF/3TC/DTG') and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0) tSecondSubstitutedLine
+union all
+select 'Percent of cohort alive and on ART[K / D * 100 ]', CEIL(@perc1) as 'start', CEIL(@perc2) as '6mo' , CEIL(@perc3) as '12mo' ,CEIL(@perc4) as '24mo' , CEIL(@perc5) as '36mo', CEIL(@perc6) as '48mo', CEIL(@perc7) as '60mo' from (
+select @perc1 := CEIL((@original1+@alternate1+@switched1) / (@initial1 + @tranferIn1 - @transferOut1) * 100) as 'start', @perc2 := CEIL((@original2+@alternate2+@switched2) / (@initial2 + @tranferIn2 - @transferOut2) * 100) as '6mo',@perc3 := CEIL((@original3+@alternate3+@switched3) / (@initial3 + @tranferIn3 - @transferOut3) * 100) as '12mo',
+@perc4 := CEIL((@original4+@alternate4+@switched4)/(@initial4 + @tranferIn4 - @transferOut4) * 100) as '24mo',
+@perc5 := CEIL((@original5+@alternate5+@switched5) / (@initial5 + @tranferIn5 - @transferOut5) * 100) as '36mo',@perc6 := CEIL((@original6+@alternate6+@switched6) / (@initial2 + @tranferIn2 - @transferOut2) * 100) as '48mo', @perc7 := CEIL((@original7+@alternate7+@switched7) /(@initial2 + @tranferIn2 - @transferOut2) * 100)as '60mo'from (
+select 'On Original 1st Line Regimen',
+@original1 := (case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@original2 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+@original3 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+@original4 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+@original5 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+@original6 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+@original7 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('1a = AZT/3TC+EFV' , '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP', '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG','1d=ABC/3TC (600/300)/DTG',
+'1e = AZT/3TC +DTG','1f = TDF/3TC+EFV','1g = TDF/3TC+NVP', '1h = TDF/FTC/EFV') and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) = 1) pp
+union all
+select 'On Alternate 1st Line Regimen (Substituted)',
+@alternate1 := (case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@alternate2 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+@alternate3 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+@alternate4 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+@alternate5 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+@alternate6 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+@alternate7 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('1a = AZT/3TC+EFV' , '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP', '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG','1d=ABC/3TC (600/300)/DTG',
+'1e = AZT/3TC +DTG','1f = TDF/3TC+EFV','1g = TDF/3TC+NVP', '1h = TDF/FTC/EFV') and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 1) tAltenateFirstLine
+union all
+select 'On 2nd Line Regimen (Switched)',
+@switched1 := (case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@switched2 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+@switched3 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+@switched4 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+@switched5 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+@switched6 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+@switched7 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+ from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('2a=AZT/3TC+DTG' , '2b=ABC/3TC+DTG', '2c=TDF+3TC+LPV/r','2d=TDF/3TC+ATV/r',
+'2e=TDF/FTC-LPV/r','2f=TDF/FTC-ATV/r','2g=AZT/3TC+LPV/r', '2h=AZT/3TC+ATV/r','2i=ABC/3TC+LPV/r','2j=ABC/3TC+ATV/r','2k=TDF/3TC/DTG') and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0) tSecondSubstitutedLine
+)tefg limit 1
+union all
+@initial1 := (case when startdate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@initial2 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@initial3 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@initial4 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@initial5 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@initial6 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@initial7 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end)
+ from
+select distinct(o.patient_id) , min(o.date_created) as 'startdate',o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , pa.person_id from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+left join person_attribute pa on o.patient_id = pa.person_id
+left join person p on pa.person_id = p.person_id
+where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where uuid = '95955de4-7440-4482-88f6-e5daefc2d738') and pa.person_attribute_type_id = 33 and
+pa.value not in (SELECT concept_id FROM openmrs.concept_name where name = 'Transfer-in' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED')
+group by o.patient_id ) patients
+union all
+@tranferIn1 := (case when startdate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@tranferIn2 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@tranferIn3 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@tranferIn4 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@tranferIn5 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@tranferIn6 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end),
+@tranferIn7 := (case when startdate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end)
+ from
+select distinct(o.patient_id) , min(o.date_created) as 'startdate',o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , pa.person_id from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+left join person_attribute pa on o.patient_id = pa.person_id
+left join person p on pa.person_id = p.person_id
+where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where uuid = '95955de4-7440-4482-88f6-e5daefc2d738') and pa.person_attribute_type_id = 33 and
+pa.value = (SELECT concept_id FROM openmrs.concept_name where name = 'Transfer-in' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED')
+group by o.patient_id ) patients
+union all
+@transferOut1 := (case when obs.value_datetime between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@transferOut2 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+@transferOut3 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+@transferOut4 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+@transferOut5 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+@transferOut6 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+@transferOut7 := (case when obs.value_datetime <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+left join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs obs on o.patient_id = obs.person_id
+where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where uuid = '95955de4-7440-4482-88f6-e5daefc2d738')
+and obs.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'Transferred Out Date' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+and obs.status = 'FINAL') limit 1
+) hh
+union all
+select 'Fraction CD4 <200 (of adults with available CD4 at baseline)', CEIL(@baselineStart / @baseStart ) as 'start', CEIL(@baseline6 / @base6) as '6mo', CEIL(@baseline12 / @base12 ) as '12mo', CEIL(@baseline24 / @base24 ) as '24mo', CEIL(@baseline36 / @base36 ) as '36mo',
+CEIL(@baseline48 / @base48 ) as '48mo', CEIL(@baseline60 / @base60 ) as '60mo' from (
+select 'Fraction CD4 <200 (of adults with available CD4 at baseline)',
+@baselineStart := (case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@baseline6 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+@baseline12 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+@baseline24 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+@baseline36 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+@baseline48 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+@baseline60 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs ob on o.patient_id = ob.person_id
+left join person pa on ob.person_id = pa.person_id
+where cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen'
+and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.value_numeric < 200 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,pa.birthdate,NOW()) >= 18
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0) tb2
+union all
+select 'Fraction CD4 <200 (of adults with available CD4 at baseline)',
+@baseStart := (case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as 'start',
+@base6 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+@base12 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+@base24 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+@base36 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+@base48 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+@base60 := (case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs ob on o.patient_id = ob.person_id
+left join person pa on ob.person_id = pa.person_id
+where cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen'
+and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.value_numeric > 0 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,pa.birthdate,NOW()) >= 18
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0) tb1
+)tcd4lessthan200 LIMIT 1
+union all
+select 'Done Viral Load (VL)',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+ from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs ob on o.patient_id = ob.person_id
+where cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen'
+and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'VL Results' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.value_numeric > 0
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0) tDoneViralload
+union all
+select 'Viral Load < 1000 copies /ml',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs ob on o.patient_id = ob.person_id
+where cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen'
+and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'VL Results' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.value_numeric < 1000
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0) tVllessthanthousand
+union all
+select 'Presumptive TB (Pr TB)',
+(case when mindate between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then count(patient_id) else 0 end) as 'start',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '6mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '12mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '24mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '36mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 48 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '48mo',
+(case when mindate <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 60 MONTH) then count(distinct(patient_id)) else 0 end) as '60mo'
+ from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+left join obs ob on o.patient_id = ob.person_id
+where cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen'
+and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'On TB Treatment' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+and ob.value_coded = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'True' and concept_name_type =
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0) tPresumptiveTb
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/ancreport.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/ancreport.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7cdf47db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/ancreport.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+select tDemographics.fullnames as 'Full Names', tDemographics.UniqueARTs as 'Unique ART' , tDemographics.TelephoneNumber as 'Telephone Number',
+tDemographics.Age, tOccupation.Occupation , tRetestingDate.Retesting as 'HIV Retesting for ART initiation?' , tARTStartDate.ARTStartDate as 'ART Start Date',
+tLNMPDate.LNMP as 'LNMP' , tEDDDate.EDD as 'EDD' , tGestationPeriod.Gestationalage as 'Gestational age in weeks (GA)', tWeight.weight as 'Weight(Kg)', tMUAC.muac as 'Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC)',
+tTBDiagnosd.TBStatus , tWHOStage.whostage as 'WHO Stage' , tCdfour.cdfour as 'CD4 COUNT', tHivResult.partnerResult as 'Partner Result', tCotrimoxazole.Cotrimoxazole as 'CTX=Contrimoxazole or DAP=Dapsone',
+tBrx.tbrx as 'Date Started TBrx', tbRegNumber.tbRegNo as 'TB Reg No.', tDateVLCollected.dateVLSampleCollected as 'Date VL SampleCollected' , tVLResults.VLResults as 'VL result (Value)',
+tHeiNumber.HeiNumber as 'Unique ART No/HEI No', tOriginaFirstlineRegimen.originalfirstlineregimen as 'Original Firstline Regimen' , tOriginalRegimen.substitutionwithinfirstregimen as ' Substitutions within 1st line ',
+tSwitchedSecondlineRegimen.secondlineregimenchanged as '2nd: Substitution drug code', concat('weight(kgs)',"\n",'---------------',"\n",' CD4/VL') as month3,
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month4) as '4',concat(tttweight.weightMonth5,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month5) as '5',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth6,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month6) as '6',concat(tttweight.weightMonth7,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month7) as '7',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth8,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month8) as '8',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month9) as '9',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth10,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month10) as '10',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month11) as '11',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth12,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month12) as '12',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month13) as '13',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth14,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month14) as '14',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month15) as '15',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth16,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month16) as '16',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month17) as '17',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth18,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month18) as '18',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month19) as '19',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth20,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month20) as '20',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month21) as '21',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth22,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month22) as '22',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month23) as '23',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth24,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month24) as '24',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month25) as '25',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth26,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month26) as '26',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month27) as '27',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth28,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month28) as '28',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month29) as '29',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth30,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month30) as '30',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month31) as '31',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth32,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month32) as '32',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month33) as '33',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth34,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month34) as '34',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month35) as '35',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth36,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month34) as '36',concat(tttweight.weightMonth4,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month34) as '37',
+concat(tttweight.weightMonth38,"\n",'------',"\n",' ',ttcd44.cd4month34) as '38'
+from (
+select tART.person_id, tART.FullNames as 'fullnames' , tART.UNIQUEART as 'UniqueARTs' ,tMobile.TelephoneNumber as 'TelephoneNumber' ,
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,birthdate,NOW()) as 'Age'from ( select distinct(pn.person_id) as pid ,CONCAT(pn.given_name, ' ', pn.middle_name) as 'FullNames',
+ pa.value as 'UNIQUEART',p.birthdate , p.person_id
+ from person_name pn
+ left join person p on pn.person_id = p.person_id
+ left join person_attribute pa on p.person_id = pa.person_id
+ where p.gender = 'F'
+ and pa.person_attribute_type_id = (select person_attribute_type_id from person_attribute_type where name = 'UniqueArtNo')) tART
+ left join
+ (select * from ( select distinct(pn.person_id) as pid ,CONCAT(pn.given_name, ' ', pn.middle_name),
+ pa.value as 'TelephoneNumber' from person_name pn left join person p on pn.person_id = p.person_id
+ left join person_attribute pa on p.person_id = pa.person_id
+ where p.gender = 'F' and pa.person_attribute_type_id = (select person_attribute_type_id
+ from person_attribute_type where name = 'MobileNumber')) tART ) tMobile on tART.pid = tMobile.pid
+ )tDemographics
+ inner join
+ (
+select person_id , concept_id ,value_coded ,date_created from obs
+where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIV - Entry Point'
+and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' ) and
+value_coded = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'ANC Clinic' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified')
+and date_created between '#startDate#' and '#endDate#'
+ )tAncPatients on tDemographics.person_id = tAncPatients.person_id
+ left join
+ (
+select distinct(person_id) , concept_short_name as 'Occupation' from(
+select obs.person_id , obs.value_coded,concept_view.concept_short_name,obs.obs_id
+from obs inner join concept_view on obs.value_coded=concept_view.concept_id inner join concept on obs.concept_id=concept.concept_id
+where concept.concept_id= (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified') and obs.voided = 0
+)tOccupation on tDemographics.person_id = tOccupation.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_datetime as 'Dateretested' ,
+(case when obs.value_datetime is not null then 'Yes' else 'No' end) as 'Retesting'
+ from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'Date of HIV Retesting Before ART' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' group by obs.person_id
+)tRetestingDate on tDemographics.person_id = tRetestingDate.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_datetime as 'ARTStartDate'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'ANC, ART Start Date' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+) tARTStartDate on tDemographics.person_id = tARTStartDate.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_datetime as 'LNMP'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'Date of the first Day of LNMP' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+)tLNMPDate on tDemographics.person_id = tLNMPDate.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_datetime as 'EDD'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'EDD' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+)tEDDDate on tDemographics.person_id = tEDDDate.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_numeric as 'Gestationalage'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'Gestation(Weeks)' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+)tGestationPeriod on tDemographics.person_id = tGestationPeriod.person_id
+left join
+select t1.person_id , t1.concept_id , t1.value_numeric as 'weight',t1.date_created from obs t1
+where t1.date_created =
+(select MAX(t2.date_created) from obs t2 where t2.person_id = t1.person_id and t2.concept_id =
+(select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified')) and t1.concept_id =
+(select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified')
+and t1.date_created between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#endDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59')
+)tWeight on tDemographics.person_id = tWeight.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_numeric as 'muac'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'MUAC, Pregnancy Visit' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+)tMUAC on tDemographics.person_id = tMUAC.person_id
+left join (
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id,
+(case when obs.value_coded = 1 then 'Positive' else 'Negative' end) as 'TBStatus'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'TB Diagnosed?' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+) tTBDiagnosd on tDemographics.person_id = tTBDiagnosd.person_id
+left join
+select person_id , concept_short_name as 'whostage' from(
+select obs.person_id , obs.value_coded,concept_view.concept_short_name,obs.obs_id
+from obs inner join concept_view on obs.value_coded=concept_view.concept_id inner join concept on obs.concept_id=concept.concept_id
+where concept.concept_id= (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'WHO Stage' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified') and obs.voided = 0 group by person_id
+)tWHOStage on tDemographics.person_id = tWHOStage.person_id
+left join
+select t1.person_id , t1.concept_id , t1.value_numeric as 'cdfour',t1.date_created from obs t1
+where t1.date_created =
+(select MAX(t2.date_created) from obs t2 where t2.person_id = t1.person_id and t2.concept_id =
+(select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified')) and t1.concept_id =
+(select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified')
+and t1.date_created between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#endDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59')
+)tCdfour on tDemographics.person_id = tCdfour.person_id
+left join
+select person_id , concept_short_name as 'partnerResult'
+ from(
+select obs.person_id , obs.value_coded,concept_view.concept_short_name,obs.obs_id
+from obs inner join concept_view on obs.value_coded=concept_view.concept_id inner join concept on obs.concept_id=concept.concept_id
+where concept.concept_id= (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'Result' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified') and obs.voided = 0 group by person_id
+)tHivResult on tDemographics.person_id = tHivResult.person_id
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id,
+(case when obs.value_coded = 1 then 'YES' else 'NO' end) as 'Cotrimoxazole'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'Cotrimoxazole/Dapsone' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+) tCotrimoxazole on tDemographics.person_id = tCotrimoxazole.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_datetime as 'tbrx'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'Date Started TB RX' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+)tBrx on tDemographics.person_id = tBrx.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_text as 'tbRegNo'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'TB Unit Number' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+)tbRegNumber on tDemographics.person_id = tbRegNumber.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_datetime as 'dateVLSampleCollected'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'Date VL Sample Collected? ' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+)tDateVLCollected on tDemographics.person_id = tDateVLCollected.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_numeric as 'VLResults'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'VL Results' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+)tVLResults on tDemographics.person_id = tVLResults.person_id
+left join
+select obs.person_id,obs.concept_id , obs.value_text as 'HeiNumber'
+from obs obs
+left join concept_name cn on obs.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'Unique ART No/HEI No' and cn.concept_name_type = 'fully_specified' and obs.voided = 0 group by obs.person_id
+)tHeiNumber on tDemographics.person_id = tHeiNumber.person_id
+left join
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , min(o.date_created) as 'mindate' , cn.name as 'originalfirstlineregimen' from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('1a = AZT/3TC+EFV' , '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP', '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG','1d=ABC/3TC (600/300)/DTG',
+'1e = AZT/3TC +DTG','1f = TDF/3TC+EFV','1g = TDF/3TC+NVP', '1h = TDF/FTC/EFV') and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) >= 1
+)tOriginaFirstlineRegimen on tDemographics.person_id = tOriginaFirstlineRegimen.patient_id
+left join
+select ts.patient_id , ts.name as 'substitutionwithinfirstregimen' from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , cn.name , max(o.date_created)
+from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('1a = AZT/3TC+EFV' , '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP', '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG','1d=ABC/3TC (600/300)/DTG',
+'1e = AZT/3TC +DTG','1f = TDF/3TC+EFV','1g = TDF/3TC+NVP', '1h = TDF/FTC/EFV')
+and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and
+ dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+ group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id)> 1
+ ) tt
+ left join
+ (
+ select o.patient_id , o.concept_id ,o.date_created , cn.name from orders o
+ left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+ left join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ inner join (select patient_id, concept_id , max(date_created) maxdate from orders group by patient_id ) b on o.patient_id = b.patient_id and o.date_created = b.maxdate
+ where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+ and cn.name in ('1a = AZT/3TC+EFV' , '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP', '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG','1d=ABC/3TC (600/300)/DTG',
+'1e = AZT/3TC +DTG','1f = TDF/3TC+EFV','1g = TDF/3TC+NVP', '1h = TDF/FTC/EFV')
+and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified'
+) ts on tt.patient_id = ts.patient_id
+)tOriginalRegimen on tDemographics.person_id= tOriginalRegimen.patient_id
+left join
+select tst.patient_id , tst.name as 'secondlineregimenchanged' from (
+select o.patient_id, o.concept_id , dr.dosage_form , cn.name , max(o.date_created)
+from orders o
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+where cn.name in ('1a = AZT/3TC+EFV' , '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP', '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG','1d=ABC/3TC (600/300)/DTG',
+'1e = AZT/3TC +DTG','1f = TDF/3TC+EFV','1g = TDF/3TC+NVP', '1h = TDF/FTC/EFV')
+and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified' and
+ dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+ group by o.patient_id having count(o.patient_id) > 0
+ ) tt
+ left join
+ (
+ select o.patient_id , o.concept_id ,o.date_created , cn.name from orders o
+ left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+ left join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ inner join (select patient_id, concept_id , max(date_created) maxdate from orders group by patient_id ) b on o.patient_id = b.patient_id and o.date_created = b.maxdate
+ where dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen' and concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified')
+ and cn.name in ('2a=AZT/3TC+DTG' , '2b=ABC/3TC+DTG', '2c=TDF+3TC+LPV/r','2d=TDF/3TC+ATV/r',
+'2e=TDF/FTC-LPV/r','2f=TDF/FTC-ATV/r','2g=AZT/3TC+LPV/r', '2h=AZT/3TC+ATV/r','2i=ABC/3TC+LPV/r','2j=ABC/3TC+ATV/r','2k=TDF/3TC/DTG')
+and cn.concept_name_type = 'Fully_specified'
+) tst on tt.patient_id = tst.patient_id
+) tSwitchedSecondlineRegimen on tDemographics.person_id = tSwitchedSecondlineRegimen.patient_id
+left join
+select * from (
+select tcd4month0.person_id , month0,cd4month4 ,cd4month5 ,cd4month6 ,cd4month7 ,cd4month8,cd4month9,cd4month10,cd4month11,cd4month12,
+cd4month13 ,cd4month14 ,cd4month15 ,cd4month16,cd4month17,cd4month18,cd4month19,cd4month20,cd4month21 ,cd4month22 ,cd4month23 ,
+cd4month24,cd4month25,cd4month26,cd4month27,cd4month28 ,cd4month29,cd4month30,cd4month31,cd4month32,cd4month33,cd4month34,cd4month35 from (
+select person_id,
+(case when date_created between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then value_numeric else 0 end) as 'month0'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') group by person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month4'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 4 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 4 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month4 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month4.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month5'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 5 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 5 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month5 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month5.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month6'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month6 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month6.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month7'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 7 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 7 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month7 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month7.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month8'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 8 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 8 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month8 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month8.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month9'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 9 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 9 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month9 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month9.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month10'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 10 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 10 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month10 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month10.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month11'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 11 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 11 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month11 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month11.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month12'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month12 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month12.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month13'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 13 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 13 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month13 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month13.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month14'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 14 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 14 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month14 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month14.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month15'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 15 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 15 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month15 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month15.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month16'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 16 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 16 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month16 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month16.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month17'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 17 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 17 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month17 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month17.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month18'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 18 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 18 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month18 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month18.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month19'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 19 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 19 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month19 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month19.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month20'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 20 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 20 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month20 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month20.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month21'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 21 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 21 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month21 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month21.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month22'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 22 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 22 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month22 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month22.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month23'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 23 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 23 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month23 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month23.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month24'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month24 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month24.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month25'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 25 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 25 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month25 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month25.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month26'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 26 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 26 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month26 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month26.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month27'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 27 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 27 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month27 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month27.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month28'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 28 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 28 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month28 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month28.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month29'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 29 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 29 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month29 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month29.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month30'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 30 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 30 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month30 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month30.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month31'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 31 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 31 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month31 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month31.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month32'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 32 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 32 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month32 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month32.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month33'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 33 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 33 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month33 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month33.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month34'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 34 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 34 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month34 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month34.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month35'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 35 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 35 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month35 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month35.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month36'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month36 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month36.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month37'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 37 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 37 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month37 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month37.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'cd4month38'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'CD4' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 38 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 38 MONTH) group by person_id
+)ttcd4month38 on tcd4month0.person_id = ttcd4month38.person_id
+)ttcd44 on tDemographics.person_id = ttcd44.person_id
+left join
+select * from (
+select tWeightmonth0.person_id , weightMonth4 , weightMonth5, weightMonth6, weightMonth7,weightMonth8 , weightMonth9, weightMonth10, weightMonth11,weightMonth12 , weightMonth13, weightMonth14, weightMonth15,
+weightMonth16 , weightMonth17, weightMonth18, weightMonth19,weightMonth20 , weightMonth21, weightMonth22, weightMonth23,weightMonth24 , weightMonth25, weightMonth26, weightMonth27,
+weightMonth28 , weightMonth29, weightMonth30, weightMonth31,weightMonth32 , weightMonth33, weightMonth34, weightMonth35 , weightMonth36, weightMonth37, weightMonth38 from (
+select person_id,
+(case when date_created between DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01') and DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then value_numeric else 0 end) as 'month0'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') group by person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth4'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 4 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 4 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth4 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth4.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth5'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 5 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 5 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth5 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth5.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth6'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth6 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth6.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth7'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 7 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 7 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth7 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth7.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth8'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 8 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 8 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth8 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth8.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth9'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 9 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 9 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth9 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth9.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth10'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 10 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 10 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth10 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth10.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth11'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 11 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 11 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth11 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth11.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth12'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth12 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth12.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth13'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 13 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 13 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth13 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth13.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth14'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 14 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 14 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth14 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth14.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth15'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 15 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 15 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth15 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth15.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth16'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 16 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 16 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth16 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth16.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth17'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 17 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 17 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth17 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth17.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth18'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 18 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 18 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth18 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth18.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth19'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 19 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 19 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth19 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth19.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth20'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 20 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 20 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth20 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth20.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth21'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 21 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 21 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth21 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth21.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth22'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 22 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 22 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth22 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth22.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth23'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 23 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 23 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth23 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth23.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth24'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 24 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth24 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth24.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth25'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 25 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 25 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth25 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth25.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth26'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 26 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 26 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth26 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth26.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth27'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 27 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 27 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth27 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth27.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth28'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 28 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 28 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth28 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth28.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth29'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 29 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 29 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth29 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth29.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth30'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 30 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 30 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth30 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth30.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth31'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 31 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 31 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth31 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth31.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth32'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 32 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 32 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth32 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth32.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth33'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 33 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 33 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth33 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth33.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth34'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 34 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 34 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth34 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth34.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth35'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 35 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 35 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth35 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth35.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth36'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 36 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth36 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth36.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth37'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 37 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 37 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth37 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth37.person_id
+left join (
+select person_id, value_numeric as 'weightMonth38'
+from obs where concept_id = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'weight' and concept_name_type = 'fully_specified') and date_created between DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#','%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 38 MONTH) and
+ DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#startDate#'),'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'), INTERVAL 38 MONTH) group by person_id
+)tWeightmonth38 on tWeightmonth0.person_id = tWeightmonth38.person_id
+)tttweight on tDemographics.person_id = tttweight.person_id
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artDispensingReport.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artDispensingReport.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbf1d834d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artDispensingReport.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+select pa.value as 'Unique ART Number' , concat(coalesce(given_name, ''), " ", coalesce(middle_name, ''), '', coalesce(family_name , '') ) as 'Client Name', e2.value as 'Clients Contact' ,
+ gender as sex ,floor(datediff(curdate(),p.birthdate) / 365) as 'Age', o.date_created As Date,
+GROUP_CONCAT(case when c.uuid = '13382e01-9f18-488b-b2d2-58ab54c82d82' and o.date_created BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#' , '%Y-%m-01 00:00:00')
+AND DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#endDate#'), '%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then concat(dr.name," = (" , do.quantity , ") " , " " , cm.name) end) as RegimenNames,
+GROUP_CONCAT(case when c.uuid in ('e2acae74-9559-49b7-a5a7-36b633a5427d','9844649e-0411-4011-a1f8-4a0da4155c76','f8c61966-0a8a-425f-858c-93dfabc1c82c') and o.date_created BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#', '%Y-%m-01 00:00:00')
+AND DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#endDate#'), '%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then concat(dr.name, " = (" , do.quantity , ") " , " " , cm.name) end) as CTXDapsone,
+GROUP_CONCAT(case when c.uuid NOT IN ('13382e01-9f18-488b-b2d2-58ab54c82d82' , 'e2acae74-9559-49b7-a5a7-36b633a5427d', '9844649e-0411-4011-a1f8-4a0da4155c76','f8c61966-0a8a-425f-858c-93dfabc1c82c') and o.date_created BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT('#startDate#' , '%Y-%m-01 00:00:00')
+AND DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY('#endDate#'), '%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') then concat(dr.name, " = (" , do.quantity , ") " , " " , cm.name) end) as OtherDrugs
+from person_attribute as pa
+INNER JOIN person_attribute_type as pat on pa.person_attribute_type_id = pat.person_attribute_type_id
+INNER JOIN person as p on pa.person_id = p.person_id
+LEFT JOIN person_name as pn on p.person_id = pn.person_id
+LEFT JOIN patient as pt on p.person_id = pt.patient_id
+inner join person_attribute e2 on pa.person_id = e2.person_id
+inner JOIN orders as o on o.patient_id = pt.patient_id
+LEFT JOIN drug_order do on o.order_id = do.order_id
+INNER JOIN drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+LEFT JOIN concept_name as cm on cm.concept_id = do.quantity_units
+left join concept as c on dr.dosage_form = c.concept_id
+where pa.person_attribute_type_id = 29 and e2.person_attribute_type_id =32
+group by o.patient_id
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artMonthlyStartedOnArtReport.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artMonthlyStartedOnArtReport.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10140a4bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artMonthlyStartedOnArtReport.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+-- ART Monthly Report - New and cumulative number of persons started on ART
+ '<1 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '1-4 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 1 and 4 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '5-9 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '10-14 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '15-19 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '20-24 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '25-29 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '30-34 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '35-39 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '40-44 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '45-49 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '50-54 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '55+ YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ 'Total' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat the end of the previous reporting period\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomens) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod) as 'New persons started on ART at this facility\nduring the reporting period (Month)\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Female',
+ count(totalGenderSoFar) as 'Cumulative number of persons ever started on ART at this facility\nat end of the current reporting period (Month)\n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (MONTH(artStartDate) < MONTH(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderPreviousReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'M' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (pregnant = 1 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (breastFeeding = 1 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomens,
+ CASE WHEN (MONTH(artStartDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(artStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalGenderCurrentReportingPeriod,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'M' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END maleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSoFar,
+ CASE WHEN (artStartDate is not NULL and artStartDate is not NULL) THEN 1 END totalGenderSoFar
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS asd ON (asd.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artMonthlyViralLoadReport.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artMonthlyViralLoadReport.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4391c41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artMonthlyViralLoadReport.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+-- ART Monthly Report - Viral Load
+ '<1 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE())< 1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '1-4 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '5-9 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 5 and 9 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '10-14 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '15-19 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '20-24 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '25-29 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '30-34 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '35-39 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '40-44 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '45-49 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '50-54 YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 54 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ '55+ YRS' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) >= 55 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p
+ 'Total' as 'Age Group',
+ count(maleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalSampleCollected) as 'Sample Collected\n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected999) as 'Results Received\n <1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected1000) as 'Results Received\n >=1000 copies/ml \n Total',
+ count(maleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Male',
+ count(femaleGenderResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Female',
+ count(pregnantWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Pregnant',
+ count(breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Breastfeeding',
+ count(totalResultCollected11000) as 'Clients with high VL\n (>=11000copies/ml) Traced \n Total'
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'M' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END maleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END femaleGenderSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (MONTH(viralSampleDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(viralSampleDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())) THEN 1 END totalSampleCollected,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult < 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected999,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 1000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected1000,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'M' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END maleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END femaleGenderResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and pregnant=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END pregnantWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and breastFeeding=1 and MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END breastFeedingWomensResultCollected11000,
+ CASE WHEN (MONTH(vlResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(vlResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and vlResult >= 11000) THEN 1 END totalResultCollected11000
+ FROM person
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'viralSampleDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date VL Sample Collected?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vl ON (vl.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'vlResultDate', o.value_numeric AS 'vlResult' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="VL Results" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'pregnant' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'breastFeeding' FROM obs o JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS bf ON (bf.visitPatientId = person_id)
+) p;
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artRegister.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artRegister.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98297ed79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/artRegister.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+SELECT DISTINCT IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(artStartDate, "%d/%m/%Y"), '') AS "ART Start Date",
+IFNULL(IF(retestBeforeArt IS NULL OR retestBeforeArt = '', '0', '1'), '') AS "HIV Retesting for ART initiation",
+IFNULL(pUART.UniqueArtNo, '') AS "Unique ART Number", concat(pn.given_name, ' ', IF(pn.middle_name IS NULL OR pn.middle_name = '', '', concat(pn.middle_name, ' ')),
+IF(pn.family_name IS NULL OR pn.family_name = '', '', pn.family_name)) AS "Name in full", IFNULL(pai.identifier, '') AS "patient ID", IFNULL(pMobile.telephoneNo, '') AS "Telephone No.", IFNULL(p.gender, '') AS "Gender",
+TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, p.birthdate, CURDATE()) AS "Age", IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(v.date_started, "%d/%m/%Y"), '') AS "Appointment Date", IFNULL(HEIGHT, '') HEIGHT, IFNULL(WEIGHT, '') WEIGHT, IFNULL(BMI, '') BMI, IFNULL(CD4, '') CD4,
+IFNULL((select name from concept_name where concept_name_type="FULLY_SPECIFIED" and concept_id = WHOS), '') WHOS, IFNULL(CTX, '') CTX, IFNULL(date_startedTBRX, '') "Date Started TB RX",
+IFNULL(Breastfeeding, '') "Breast feeding", IFNULL((select name from concept_name where concept_name_type="FULLY_SPECIFIED" and concept_id = SR1stLA ), '') "Substitution Regimen (1st Line Adults)",
+IFNULL((select name from concept_name where concept_name_type="FULLY_SPECIFIED" and concept_id = RFRC), '') "Reason For Regimen Change",
+IFNULL((select name from concept_name where concept_name_type="FULLY_SPECIFIED" and concept_id = ARSW1L), '') "ART Regimen - Substitution within 1st Line",
+IFNULL((select name from concept_name where concept_name_type="FULLY_SPECIFIED" and concept_id = SR2LA), '') "Substitution Regimen (2nd Line Adults)",
+IFNULL((select name from concept_name where concept_name_type="FULLY_SPECIFIED" and concept_id = C1LR), '') "Child 1st Line Regimens",
+IFNULL((select name from concept_name where concept_name_type="FULLY_SPECIFIED" and concept_id = C2LR), '') "Child 2nd Line Regimens"
+FROM visit v
+LEFT JOIN person p ON p.person_id = v.patient_id AND v.voided IS FALSE
+LEFT JOIN person_name pn ON p.person_id = pn.person_id AND pn.voided IS FALSE
+LEFT JOIN patient_identifier pai ON (pai.patient_id = v.patient_id AND pai.preferred = 1)
+LEFT JOIN encounter e ON e.visit_id = v.visit_id
+LEFT JOIN (select paMobile.person_id as 'pMobilePersonId', paMobile.value AS 'telephoneNo' from person_attribute paMobile
+JOIN person_attribute_type patMobile ON patMobile.name = "MobileNumber" AND patMobile.retired IS FALSE AND patMobile.person_attribute_type_id = paMobile.person_attribute_type_id) AS pMobile ON v.patient_id = pMobile.pMobilePersonId
+LEFT JOIN (select paUART.person_id as 'pUARTPersonId', paUART.value AS 'UniqueArtNo' from person_attribute paUART
+JOIN person_attribute_type patUART ON patUART.name = "UniqueArtNo" AND patUART.retired IS FALSE AND patUART.person_attribute_type_id = paUART.person_attribute_type_id) AS pUART ON v.patient_id = pUART.pUARTPersonId
+LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate' FROM obs o
+JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS obsConcept ON obsConcept.visitPatientId = v.patient_id
+ SELECT obs.person_id, obs.encounter_id,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3731, obs.value_coded, "")), ",", "") AS retestBeforeArt,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3767, obs.value_coded, "")), ",", "") AS WHOS,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 118, obs.value_numeric, "")), ",", "") AS HEIGHT,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 119, obs.value_numeric, "")), ",", "") AS WEIGHT,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 120, obs.value_numeric, "")), ",", "") AS BMI,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 1187, obs.value_numeric, "")), ",", "") AS CD4,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3764, obs.value_datetime, "")), ",", "") AS CTX,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3782, obs.value_datetime, "")), ",", "") AS date_startedTBRX,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 2041, obs.value_numeric, "")), ",", "") AS Breastfeeding,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3652, obs.value_coded, "")), ",", "") AS SR1stLA,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3654, obs.value_coded, "")), ",", "") AS RFRC,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3679, obs.value_coded, "")), ",", "") AS ARSW1L,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3663, obs.value_coded, "")), ",", "") AS SR2LA,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3664, obs.value_coded, "")), ",", "") AS ARS2L,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3958, obs.value_coded, "")), ",", "") AS C1LR,
+ REPLACE(Group_concat(IF (obs.concept_id = 3968, obs.value_coded, "")), ",", "") AS C2LR
+ FROM obs
+ WHERE obs.concept_id IN ( 3731, 3767, 118, 119, 120,1187, 3767, 3764, 3782, 2041, 3652, 3654, 3679, 3663, 3664, 3958, 3968) and obs.voided=0
+ GROUP BY person_id, encounter_id
+) AS nutvalues ON e.encounter_id = nutvalues.encounter_id;
+-- WHERE pa.start_date_time BETWEEN '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#' ORDER BY pa.start_date_time DESC;
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/highViralloadReport.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/highViralloadReport.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0e14a5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/highViralloadReport.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+SELECT tVlresults.registrationdate as 'Registration Date', tDemographics.artnumber as 'ART Number', tDemographics.ClientName as 'Client Fullnames' , tDemographics.ClientsContact as 'Clients Contacts',tDemographics.sex as 'Sex', tDemographics.Age as 'Age',
+tSampleCollectDate.DateSampleCollected as 'Date Sample Collected' , tSampleReceived.DateSampleReceived, tVlresults.VLResults as 'Results(Copies/ml)' ,
+tFirstEACsessionDate.FirstEACSession as 'First EAC Session', tSecondEACDate.SecondEACSession as 'Second EAC Session',
+tThirdEACDate.ThirdEACSession as 'Third EAC Session' , tadherence.Adherence_status as 'Classification of Adherence After EAC' ,
+tRepeatViralCollDate.samplecolldaterviral as 'Sample Collection Date (Repeat Viral)' , tResultsarrivaldate.arrivalresultsrepeatviral as 'Results Arrival Date (Repeat Viral)',
+tRepeatviralresults.repeatviralresults as 'Results(Repeat Viral) copies/ml' ,
+tadherenceOutcome.Adherence_outcome as 'Adherence Outcome' , tMdtheld.mdtheldQstn as 'MDT HELD?' , tregimenSwitched.regimenSwitched as 'Was Regimen Switched?' , tregimenSwitched.actualRegimenSwitchedDate as 'Actual Regimen Change Date'
+select pa.person_id, pa.value as 'artnumber' , concat(coalesce(given_name, ''), " ", coalesce(middle_name, ''), ' ', coalesce(family_name , '') ) as 'ClientName', e2.value as 'ClientsContact' ,
+gender as sex ,floor(datediff(curdate(),p.birthdate) / 365) as 'Age'
+from person_attribute as pa
+INNER JOIN person_attribute_type as pat on pa.person_attribute_type_id = pat.person_attribute_type_id
+INNER JOIN person as p on pa.person_id = p.person_id
+LEFT JOIN person_name as pn on p.person_id = pn.person_id
+LEFT JOIN patient as pt on p.person_id = pt.patient_id
+inner join person_attribute e2 on pa.person_id = e2.person_id
+where pa.person_attribute_type_id = 29 and e2.person_attribute_type_id =32 ) tDemographics
+inner join
+(select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_numeric as VLResults , o.obs_datetime as 'registrationdate'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'VL Results' and cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final' and o.value_numeric >= 1000 and o.obs_datetime between '#startDate#' and '#endDate#') tVlresults
+on tVlresults.person_id = tDemographics.person_id
+(select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_datetime as DateSampleCollected
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id
+where cn.name = 'Date VL Sample Collected?' and cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final') tSampleCollectDate
+ON tVlresults.person_id=tSampleCollectDate.person_id
+select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_datetime as 'DateSampleReceived'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Date Sample Received at Testing Lab' and
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final') tSampleReceived
+on tVlresults.person_id = tSampleReceived.person_id
+(select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_datetime as 'FirstEACSession'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'First EAC Session Date'
+and cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final') tFirstEACsessionDate
+on tVlresults.person_id = tFirstEACsessionDate.person_id
+(select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_datetime as 'SecondEACSession'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Second EAC Session Date' and cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final') tSecondEACDate
+on tVlresults.person_id = tSecondEACDate.person_id
+(select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_datetime as 'ThirdEACSession'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Third EAC Session Date' and cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final') tThirdEACDate
+on tVlresults.person_id = tThirdEACDate.person_id
+(select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_coded as 'Adherence'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Classification Of Adherence After EAC'
+and cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final' ) tAdherence
+on tVlresults.person_id = tAdherence.person_id
+select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_datetime as 'samplecolldaterviral'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Repeat Viral,Sample Collection Date' and
+cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final') tRepeatViralCollDate
+on tVlresults.person_id = tRepeatViralCollDate.person_id
+select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_datetime as 'arrivalresultsrepeatviral'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Repeat Viral,Date of Arrival Of Results' and
+cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final') tResultsarrivaldate
+on tVlresults.person_id = tResultsarrivaldate.person_id
+select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_numeric as 'repeatviralresults'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Viral Load Value , Adherence Failure' and
+cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final') tRepeatviralresults
+on tVlresults.person_id = tRepeatviralresults.person_id
+select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_coded as 'repeatviraloutcome'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Repeat Viral,Outcome Action' and
+cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final') tRepeatviraloutcome
+on tVlresults.person_id = tRepeatviraloutcome.person_id
+select tadherencestatus.Adherence , ans.name as 'Adherence_status' , tadherencestatus.personid as 'person_id' from (
+select tadherence.name, tadherence.Adherence , tadherence.person_id as 'personid' from (
+select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_coded as 'Adherence'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Classification Of Adherence After EAC'
+and cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final' ) tadherence
+left join
+(select A.concept_id, name from concept_name A
+where A.concept_id in ( select B.value_coded from obs B where B.value_coded = B.value_coded
+and A.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+)) tgetAdherence
+on tadherence.concept_id = tgetAdherence.concept_id
+) tadherencestatus
+left join
+concept_name ans on tadherencestatus.Adherence = ans.concept_id and ans.concept_name_type = 'SHORT') tadherence
+on tVlresults.person_id = tadherence.person_id
+select tadherenceAfterEAC.Adherence , ans.name as 'Adherence_outcome' , tadherenceAfterEAC.personid as 'person_id' from (
+select tadherenceOutcome.name, tadherenceOutcome.Adherence , tadherenceOutcome.person_id as 'personid' from (
+select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_coded as 'Adherence'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Repeat Viral,Outcome Action'
+and cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final' ) tadherenceOutcome
+left join
+(select A.concept_id, name from concept_name A
+where A.concept_id in ( select B.value_coded from obs B where B.value_coded = B.value_coded
+and A.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+)) tgetAdherence
+on tadherenceOutcome.concept_id = tgetAdherence.concept_id
+) tadherenceAfterEAC
+left join
+concept_name ans on tadherenceAfterEAC.Adherence = ans.concept_id and ans.concept_name_type = 'SHORT') tadherenceOutcome
+on tVlresults.person_id = tadherenceOutcome.person_id
+select tadherenceAfterEAC.Adherence , ans.name as 'mdtheldQstn' , tadherenceAfterEAC.personid as 'person_id' from (
+select tMdtheld.name, tMdtheld.Adherence , tMdtheld.person_id as 'personid' from (
+select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_coded as 'Adherence'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'MDT Held?'
+and cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final' ) tMdtheld
+left join
+(select A.concept_id, name from concept_name A
+where A.concept_id in ( select B.value_coded from obs B where B.value_coded = B.value_coded
+and A.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+)) tgetAdherence
+on tMdtheld.concept_id = tgetAdherence.concept_id
+) tadherenceAfterEAC
+left join
+concept_name ans on tadherenceAfterEAC.Adherence = ans.concept_id and ans.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED') tMdtheld
+on tVlresults.person_id = tMdtheld.person_id
+select o.person_id, cn.concept_id , cn.name , cn.concept_name_type , o.value_datetime as 'dateMdtHeld'
+from concept_name cn
+left join obs o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id where cn.name = 'Date MDT Held' and
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' and o.voided = false and o.status = 'final') tDateMDTHeld
+on tVlresults.person_id = tDateMDTHeld.person_id
+select dr.dosage_form, o.patient_id ,
+(case when dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen') then count(distinct(cn.concept_id)) else null end) as 'Count',
+(case when ((case when dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen') then count(distinct(cn.concept_id)) else null end)) > 1 then 'True' else 'False' end) as 'regimenSwitched',
+(case when ((case when dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen') then count(distinct(cn.concept_id)) else null end)) > 1 then max(o.date_created) else 'N/A' end) as 'actualRegimenSwitchedDate'
+from concept_name cn
+left join orders o on cn.concept_id = o.concept_id
+left join drug dr on o.concept_id = dr.concept_id
+where concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' and dr.dosage_form = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = 'HIVTC, ART Regimen') group by o.patient_id) tregimenSwitched
+on tVlresults.person_id = tregimenSwitched.patient_id
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfantRegisterReportTabFirst.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfantRegisterReportTabFirst.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34ce1fe3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfantRegisterReportTabFirst.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+-- HIV Exposed Infant Register Report page 1
+SELECT (@row_number1 := @row_number1 + 1) AS 'Serial No.',
+ DATE_FORMAT(v1.date_enrolled,'%d-%m-%Y') AS 'Date Of Enrollment', p1.hei_no AS 'Exposed Infant Number',
+ CONCAT(pn.given_name, ' ', IFNULL(pn.family_name, ''), '\n', IFNULL(pn.middle_name,'')) AS 'Infant\'s Name',
+ CONCAT(IF(paddr.country IS NULL OR paddr.country = '', '',CONCAT(paddr.country, ' ')),
+ IF(paddr.address4 IS NULL OR paddr.address4 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address4, ' ')),
+ IF(paddr.address3 IS NULL OR paddr.address3 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address3, ' ')),
+ IF(paddr.address2 IS NULL OR paddr.address2 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address2, ' ')),
+ IF(paddr.address1 IS NULL OR paddr.address1 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address1, ' ')),
+ IF(paddr.address5 IS NULL OR paddr.address5 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address5, ' ')),
+ IF(paddr.address6 IS NULL OR paddr.address6 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address6, ' ')),
+ IF(paddr.city_village IS NULL OR paddr.city_village = '', '', paddr.city_village)) AS 'Physical Address',
+ CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(p.birthdate, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, p.birthdate, CURDATE())) AS 'Date of Birth\n Age',
+ p.gender AS 'Sex\n(M/F)',
+ v3.entryPointEnrollment AS 'Clinic\nReferred\nFrom',
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, p.birthdate, CURDATE()) - TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, v4.ageAtArv, CURDATE()) AS 'Age at ARV\nProphylaxis\nInitiation\n(Months)',
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, p.birthdate, CURDATE()) - TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, v5.ageAtCtx, CURDATE()) AS 'Age at\nCotrimaxazole\nInitiation\n(Months)',
+ CONCAT(p2.caregiverName,'\n\n',p3.caregiverContact) AS 'Mother/Caregiver\'s Name\n\nTelephone Number',
+ p4.caregiverArtNo AS 'Mother\'s ART No.',
+ '' AS 'Antenatal',
+ '' AS 'Delivery',
+ '' AS 'Post natal',
+ '' AS 'Infant\'s Risk\nStatus\n(Low or High)',
+ v6.infantsArv AS 'Infant\'s ARVs\nfor PMTCT:\n(1=NVP;\n2=NVP+AZT;\n3=None)',
+ CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(v7.firstPcrTestDate, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',DATE_FORMAT(v8.repeatPcrTestDate, '%d-%m-%Y')) AS 'Initial\nSample\n-------\nRepeat',
+ DATE_FORMAT(v7.firstPcrTestDate, '%d-%m-%Y') AS 'Date DBS\nwas\ncollected',
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, p.birthdate, v7.firstPcrTestDate) AS 'Age at\n1st DBS\n(Weeks/\nMonth)',
+ v9.infantFeeding AS 'Infant\nFeeding\nStatus',
+ v10.firstPcrTestResults AS 'Test\nResult',
+ DATE_FORMAT(v10.firstPcrTestResultsDate, '%d-%m-%Y') AS 'Date Result\nReceived',
+ DATE_FORMAT(v11.firstPcrResultDateCaregiver, '%d-%m-%Y') AS 'Date Result\ngiven to\nCaregiver'
+ patient pt
+ inner JOIN (SELECT @row_number1 := 0) AS r
+ LEFT JOIN person p ON p.person_id = pt.patient_id AND pt.voided is FALSE AND p.voided is FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN patient_identifier pin ON pin.patient_id = pt.patient_id and pin.preferred = 1
+ LEFT JOIN person_name pn ON p.person_id = pn.person_id
+ AND pn.voided IS FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN person_address paddr ON p.person_id = paddr.person_id
+ AND paddr.voided IS FALSE
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_coded AS 'enrol_atart'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Treatment - Enrolled AT ART Clinic'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v2 ON v2.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'date_enrolled'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Date)'
+ AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v1 ON v1.visitPatientId = p.person_id AND v2.enrol_atart = 1
+ select
+ distinct pa.person_id as 'paPersonId',
+ pa.value AS 'hei_no'
+ person_attribute pa
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat ON pat.name = 'HIVExposedInfant(HEI)No'
+ AND pat.retired IS FALSE
+ AND pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id
+ ) AS p1 ON p.person_id = p1.paPersonId
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entryPointEnrollment'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Entry Point(Enrollement)'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v3 ON v3.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'ageAtArv'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Date of ARV Prophylaxis Start'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v4 ON v4.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'ageAtCtx'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'CTX or Dapose Start Date'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v5 ON v5.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ select
+ distinct pa.person_id as 'paPersonId',
+ pa.value AS 'caregiverName'
+ person_attribute pa
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat ON pat.name = 'HeiChildMothersName'
+ AND pat.retired IS FALSE
+ AND pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id
+ ) AS p2 ON p.person_id = p2.paPersonId
+ select
+ distinct pa.person_id as 'paPersonId',
+ pa.value AS 'caregiverContact'
+ person_attribute pa
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat ON pat.name = 'MothersContactNumber'
+ AND pat.retired IS FALSE
+ AND pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id
+ ) AS p3 ON p.person_id = p3.paPersonId
+ select
+ distinct pa.person_id as 'paPersonId',
+ pa.value AS 'caregiverArtNo'
+ person_attribute pa
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat ON pat.name = 'MothersArtNo'
+ AND pat.retired IS FALSE
+ AND pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id
+ ) AS p4 ON p.person_id = p4.paPersonId
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'infantsArv'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Infant\'s PMTCT ARVS'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v6 ON v6.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'firstPcrTestDate'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (First PCR Test Date)'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v7 ON v7.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'repeatPcrTestDate'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Test Date)'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v8 ON v8.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'infantFeeding'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Infant Feeding'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v9 ON v9.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'firstPcrTestResultsDate',
+ (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'firstPcrTestResults'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (First PCR Results)'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v10 ON v10.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'firstPcrResultDateCaregiver'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (First PCR Date Result Given to Caregiver)'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v11 ON v11.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+order by CAST('Serial No.' AS UNSIGNED) asc;
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfantRegisterReportTabSecond.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfantRegisterReportTabSecond.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1fb6e460
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+-- HIV Exposed Infant Register Report page 2
+SELECT CONCAT(pn.given_name, ' ', IFNULL(pn.family_name, ''), '\n', IFNULL(pn.middle_name,'')) AS 'Infants Name',
+ CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(v1.secondPcrTestDate, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,p.birthdate,v1.secondPcrTestDate),'\n',v2.secondPcrTestResults)
+ AS 'Date of Test\nAge\n(Months)\nRapid Test Result\n(Pos/Neg)',
+ CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(v1.secondPcrTestDate, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',DATE_FORMAT(v3.repeatPcrTestDate, '%d-%m-%Y')) AS 'Initial\n-------\nRepeat',
+ DATE_FORMAT(v1.secondPcrTestDate, '%d-%m-%Y') AS 'Date DBS\nwas collected',
+ '' AS 'Reason for\n2nd PCR\n(see the code\nbelow:\n1, 2, 3)',
+ '' AS 'Age at\n2nd DBS\n(Months)',
+ v4.infantFeedingStatus AS 'Infant\nFeeding\nStatus',
+ v2.secondPcrTestResults AS 'Test Result',
+ DATE_FORMAT(v2.secondPcrTestResultsDate, '%d-%m-%Y') AS 'Date Result\nReceived',
+ DATE_FORMAT(v5.secondPcrResultDateCaregiver, '%d-%m-%Y') AS 'Date Result\ngiven to\nCaretaker',
+ CONCAT('Appointment Date:','\n','Date of Visit:','\n','Age (mo):','\n','Feeding Code:','\n','Immunization Codes:','\n','CTX/ARV Prophylaxis (Y/N):') AS 'Visit Details',
+ CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(v6.firstVisitAppointmentDate, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',DATE_FORMAT(v6.visitDate1, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, p.birthdate, CURDATE()),'\n','','\n','','\n',IF(v13.arvProphylaxisStartDate IS null OR v13.arvProphylaxisStartDate = '','No','Yes')) AS 'Visit 1',
+ CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(v10.secondVisitAppointmentDate, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',DATE_FORMAT(v10.visitDate2, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, p.birthdate, CURDATE()),'\n','','\n','','\n',IF(v13.arvProphylaxisStartDate IS NULL OR v13.arvProphylaxisStartDate = '','No','Yes')) AS 'Visit 2',
+ CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(v11.thirdVisitAppointmentDate, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',DATE_FORMAT(v11.visitDate3, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, p.birthdate, CURDATE()),'\n','','\n','','\n',IF(v13.arvProphylaxisStartDate IS NULL OR v13.arvProphylaxisStartDate = '','No','Yes')) AS 'Visit 3',
+ CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(v12.fourthVisitAppointmentDate, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',DATE_FORMAT(v12.visitDate4, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, p.birthdate, CURDATE()),'\n','','\n','','\n',IF(v13.arvProphylaxisStartDate IS NULL OR v13.arvProphylaxisStartDate = '','No','Yes')) AS 'Visit 4',
+ '' AS 'Visit 5', '' AS 'Visit 6', '' AS 'Visit 7', '' AS 'Visit 8', '' AS 'Visit 9', '' AS 'Visit 10',
+ CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(v7.months18RapidTestDate, '%d-%m-%Y'),'\n',TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, p.birthdate, CURDATE()),'\n',v8.months18RapidTestResults) AS 'Date of Test\nAge\n(months)\nRapid Test Result\n(Pos=Positive,\nNeg=Negative)',
+ v9.finalStatus AS 'Final Outcome'
+ patient pt
+ LEFT JOIN person p ON p.person_id = pt.patient_id AND pt.voided is FALSE AND p.voided is FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN person_name pn ON p.person_id = pn.person_id AND pn.voided IS FALSE
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'secondPcrTestDate'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (Second PCR Test Date)'
+ AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v1 ON v1.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'secondPcrTestResultsDate',
+ (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'secondPcrTestResults'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (Second PCR Results)'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v2 ON v2.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'repeatPcrTestDate'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Test Date)'
+ AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v3 ON v3.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'infantFeedingStatus'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Infant Feeding'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v4 ON v4.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'secondPcrResultDateCaregiver'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (Second PCR Date Result Given to Caregiver)'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v5 ON v5.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ enc.encounter_datetime AS 'visitDate1',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'firstVisitAppointmentDate'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Hei End Of Follow up (First Attempt Date)'
+ AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v6 ON v6.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'months18RapidTestDate'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Date)'
+ AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v7 ON v7.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'months18RapidTestResults'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Results)'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v8 ON v8.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'finalStatus'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Final Status'
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v9 ON v9.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ enc.encounter_datetime AS 'visitDate2',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'secondVisitAppointmentDate'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Hei End Of Follow up (Second Attempt Date)'
+ AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v10 ON v10.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ enc.encounter_datetime AS 'visitDate3',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'thirdVisitAppointmentDate'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Hei End Of Follow up (Third Attempt Date)'
+ AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v11 ON v11.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ enc.encounter_datetime AS 'visitDate4',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'fourthVisitAppointmentDate'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Hei End Of Follow up (Fourth Attempt Date)'
+ AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v12 ON v12.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+ distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ o.obs_datetime AS 'obs_datetime',
+ o.value_datetime AS 'arvProphylaxisStartDate'
+ obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (
+ cn.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'
+ AND cn.voided is false
+ AND cn.name = 'Date of ARV Prophylaxis Start'
+ AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id
+ )
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ ) AS v13 ON v13.visitPatientId = p.person_id
+group by CAST('Serial No.' AS UNSIGNED);
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfants.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfants.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f34ff895d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/hivExposedInfants.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+-- HIV-exposed Infants Monthly Report
+ 'Number of New HIV-Exposed Infants Enrolled' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 2 and gender = 'M' and MONTH(enrollmentDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(enrollmentDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and enrollmentResult is not null) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 2 and gender = 'F' and MONTH(enrollmentDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(enrollmentDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and enrollmentResult is not null) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 2 and MONTH(enrollmentDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(enrollmentDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and enrollmentResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ JOIN person pn on pn.person_id = v.patient_id
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'enrollmentDate', o.value_coded AS 'enrollmentResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Entry Point(Enrollement)"
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'Number Of HIV-Exposed Infants seen (New And Old)' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and enrollmentResult is not null) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and enrollmentResult is not null) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and enrollmentResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ JOIN person pn on pn.person_id = v.patient_id
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'enrollmentDate', o.value_coded AS 'enrollmentResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Entry Point(Enrollement)"
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'PCR test for HIV-Exposed Infants Upto 2 Months of age' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 2) and gender = 'M' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and pcrDateResult is not null and MONTH(heiResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(heiResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and heiResult = "HEI Results Positive") THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 2) and gender = 'F' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and pcrDateResult is not null and MONTH(heiResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(heiResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and heiResult = "HEI Results Positive") THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 2) and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and pcrDateResult is not null and MONTH(heiResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(heiResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and heiResult = "HEI Results Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_datetime AS 'pcrDateResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Test Date)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'heiResultDate', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'heiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'PCR test for HIV-Exposed Infants between 2-12 Months of age' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 2 and 12) and gender = 'M' and pcrResult is not null and rapidTestresult is not null and secondresult is not null and repeatresult is not null ) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 2 and 12) and gender = 'F' and pcrResult is not null and rapidTestresult is not null and secondresult is not null and repeatresult is not null ) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 2 and 12) and pcrResult is not null and rapidTestresult is not null and secondresult is not null and repeatresult is not null ) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'pcrResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Feeding Method)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate2', o.value_coded AS 'rapidTestresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Rapid Test At 9 Months Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate3', o.value_coded AS 'secondresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Second PCR Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS sr ON (sr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate4', o.value_coded AS 'repeatresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rr ON (rr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'PCR test for HIV-Exposed Infants between 12-18 Months of age' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 12 and 18) and gender = 'M' and pcrResult is not null and rapidTestresult is not null and secondresult is not null and repeatresult is not null and 18repeatresult is not null) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 12 and 18) and gender = 'F' and pcrResult is not null and rapidTestresult is not null and secondresult is not null and repeatresult is not null and 18repeatresult is not null ) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 12 and 18) and pcrResult is not null and rapidTestresult is not null and secondresult is not null and repeatresult is not null and 18repeatresult is not null ) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'pcrResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Feeding Method)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate2', o.value_coded AS 'rapidTestresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Rapid Test At 9 Months Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate3', o.value_coded AS 'secondresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Second PCR Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS sr ON (sr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate4', o.value_coded AS 'repeatresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rr ON (rr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate4', o.value_coded AS '18repeatresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rs ON (rs.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Total number of results received from Public Health laboratory\n(regardless sample collected)' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and datePhl is not null ) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and datePhl is not null) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and datePhl is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ JOIN person pn on pn.person_id = v.patient_id
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_datetime AS 'datePhl' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date sample receipt by PHL confirmed(First PCR Test)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Number of results received from Public Health Laboratory\n (Only from sample collected this month)' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and datePhl is not null ) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and datePhl is not null) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and datePhl is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ JOIN person pn on pn.person_id = v.patient_id
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_datetime AS 'datePhl' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date sample receipt by PHL confirmed(First PCR Test)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Total number of positive results received' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'heiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'rapidheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Rapid Test At 9 Months Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rr ON (rr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'secondheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Second PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS sr ON (sr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'repeatheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS er ON (er.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'eightrapidheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN concept_name cnpr ON (cnpr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnpr.voided is false AND cnpr.name="HEI Results Positive")
+ ) p
+ 'Total number of positive results received\n(only from samples collected this reporting months)' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'heiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'rapidheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Rapid Test At 9 Months Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rr ON (rr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'secondheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Second PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS sr ON (sr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'repeatheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS er ON (er.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'eightrapidheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN concept_name cnpr ON (cnpr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnpr.voided is false AND cnpr.name="HEI Results Positive")
+ ) p
+ 'Number of HIV Infected Infants started on ART' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and arvDateProphylaxis is not null ) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and arvDateProphylaxis is not null) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and arvDateProphylaxis is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ JOIN person pn on pn.person_id = v.patient_id
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_datetime AS 'arvDateProphylaxis' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Date of ARV Prophylaxis Start" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Number of EID Samples rejected by Public Health Laboratory' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and pcrResult is not null and pcrResult = 1 and rapidTestresult is not null and rapidTestresult = 1 and secondresult is not null and secondresult = 1 and repeatresult is not null and repeatresult = 1 and 18repeatresult is not null and 18repeatresult = 1) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and pcrResult is not null and pcrResult = 1 and rapidTestresult is not null and rapidTestresult = 1 and secondresult is not null and secondresult = 1 and repeatresult is not null and repeatresult = 1 and 18repeatresult is not null and 18repeatresult = 1 ) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ( (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and pcrResult is not null and pcrResult = 1 and rapidTestresult is not null and rapidTestresult = 1 and secondresult is not null and secondresult = 1 and repeatresult is not null and repeatresult = 1 and 18repeatresult is not null and 18repeatresult = 1 ) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'pcrResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Was Sample Rejected(First PCR Test)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate2', o.value_coded AS 'rapidTestresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Was Sample Rejected(Rapid Test At 9 Months)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate3', o.value_coded AS 'secondresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Was Sample Rejected(Second PCR Test)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS sr ON (sr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate4', o.value_coded AS 'repeatresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Was Sample Rejected(Repeat PCR Test)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rr ON (rr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate4', o.value_coded AS '18repeatresult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Was Sample Rejected(18Months Rapid Test)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rs ON (rs.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'HIV-Exposed Infants Upto 2 Months on Cotrimoxazole' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and cotrimoxazoleResult is not null and cotrimoxazoleResult = 1 ) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and cotrimoxazoleResult is not null and cotrimoxazoleResult = 1 ) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and cotrimoxazoleResult is not null and cotrimoxazoleResult = 1 ) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'cotrimoxazoleResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Cotrimoxazole/Dapsone" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Number HIV-exposed infants received NVP' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and nvpDateResult is not null and MONTH(nvpResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(nvpResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and nvpResult = "Daily NVP") THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and nvpDateResult is not null and MONTH(nvpResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(nvpResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and nvpResult = "Daily NVP") THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and nvpDateResult is not null and MONTH(nvpResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(nvpResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and nvpResult = "Daily NVP" ) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ LEFT JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_datetime AS 'nvpDateResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Daily NVP Date" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'nvpResultDate', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'nvpResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Infant's PMTCT ARVS" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Number HIV-exposed infants received AZT+NVP' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and aztnvpDateResult is not null and MONTH(aztnvpResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(aztnvpResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and aztnvpResult = "AZT+NV") THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and aztnvpDateResult is not null and MONTH(aztnvpResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(aztnvpResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and aztnvpResult = "AZT+NV" ) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and MONTH(obsDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(obsDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and aztnvpDateResult is not null and MONTH(aztnvpResultDate) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND YEAR(aztnvpResultDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and aztnvpResult = "AZT+NV" ) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ LEFT JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_datetime AS 'aztnvpDateResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="AZT+NV Date" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'aztnvpResultDate', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'aztnvpResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Infant's PMTCT ARVS" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'HIV-exposed infants whose \n feeding practice was assessed' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 2 and gender = 'M' and infantFeedResult is not null) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 2 and gender = 'F' and infantFeedResult is not null) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 2 and infantFeedResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ JOIN person pn on pn.person_id = v.patient_id
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'infantFeedResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Infant Feeding" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Total HIV-exposed Infants turned \n 12 months of age in this reporting period' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN ((pa.value = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = "HeiRelationship") or pa.value = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = "ExistingHeiRelationship")) and (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 12 and gender = 'M') ) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((pa.value = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = "HeiRelationship") or pa.value = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = "ExistingHeiRelationship")) and (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 12 and gender = 'F') ) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((pa.value = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = "HeiRelationship") or pa.value = (select concept_id from concept_name where name = "ExistingHeiRelationship")) and (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 12) ) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ LEFT JOIN person p1 on p1.person_id = v.patient_id
+ LEFT JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = p1.person_id
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+) p
+ 'Received initial PCR test between 2–12 months' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 2 and 12 and gender = 'M' and rapidTestResult is not null) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 2 and 12 and gender = 'F' and rapidTestResult is not null) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 2 and 12 and rapidTestResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ JOIN person pn on pn.person_id = v.patient_id
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'rapidTestResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Results)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'Received rapid HIV antibody test 9 months' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 9 and gender = 'M' and rapidTestResult is not null) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 9 and gender = 'F' and rapidTestResult is not null) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 9 and rapidTestResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ JOIN person pn on pn.person_id = v.patient_id
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'rapidTestResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Results)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Total HIV-exposed infants turned\n18 months in this reporting period' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18 and gender = 'M' ) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18 and gender = 'F' ) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18 ) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ JOIN person pn on pn.person_id = v.patient_id
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ ) p
+ 'Total number of children tested using Anti body rapid teast at 18 months' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18 and gender = 'M' and rapidTestResult is not null) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18 and gender = 'F' and rapidTestResult is not null) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18 and rapidTestResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM visit v
+ JOIN person pn on pn.person_id = v.patient_id
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'rapidTestResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Results)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Number of children tested HIV-positive' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'heiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'rapidheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Rapid Test At 9 Months Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rr ON (rr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'secondheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Second PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS sr ON (sr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'repeatheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS er ON (er.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'eightrapidheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN concept_name cnpr ON (cnpr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnpr.voided is false AND cnpr.name="HEI Results Positive")
+ ) p
+ 'Number of children tested HIV- negative and breastfeeding' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and pcrResult1 is not null and rapidTestresult1 is not null and secondresult1 is not null and repeatresult1 is not null ) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and pcrResult1 is not null and rapidTestresult1 is not null and secondresult1 is not null and repeatresult1 is not null ) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and pcrResult1 is not null and rapidTestresult1 is not null and secondresult1 is not null and repeatresult1 is not null ) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN concept_name cnpr ON (cnpr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnpr.voided is false AND cnpr.name="HEI Results Positive")
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'heiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'rapidheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Rapid Test At 9 Months Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rr ON (rr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'secondheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Second PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS sr ON (sr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'repeatheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS er ON (er.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'eightrapidheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'pcrResult1' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Feeding Method)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr1 ON (vr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate2', o.value_coded AS 'rapidTestresult1' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Rapid Test At 9 Months Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate3', o.value_coded AS 'secondresult1' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Second PCR Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS sr1 ON (sr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate4', o.value_coded AS 'repeatresult1' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rr1 ON (rr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Number of children tested HIV- negative and no longer breastfeeding' as 'Title',
+ count(maleGender) as 'Male',
+ count(femaleGender) as 'Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'M' and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and heiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and rapidheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and secondheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and repeatheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id) THEN 1 END maleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and gender = 'F' and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and heiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and rapidheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and secondheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and repeatheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id) THEN 1 END femaleGender,
+ CASE WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 18) and heiResult = cnpr.concept_id and rapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and secondheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and repeatheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult = cnpr.concept_id and heiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and rapidheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and secondheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and repeatheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id and eightrapidheiResult1 = cnpr1.concept_id) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN person_attribute pa on pa.person_id = pn.person_id and pa.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship"))
+ JOIN person_attribute_type pat on (pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id and pat.retired = 0 and pat.name = "TypeofPatient")
+ JOIN concept_name cnpr ON (cnpr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnpr.voided is false AND cnpr.name="HEI Results Negative")
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'heiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'rapidheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Rapid Test At 9 Months Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rr ON (rr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'secondheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Second PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS sr ON (sr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'repeatheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS er ON (er.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',o.value_coded AS 'eightrapidheiResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Results)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate', o.value_coded AS 'heiResult1' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="HEI Testing (First PCR Feeding Method)" AND o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr1 ON (vr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate2', o.value_coded AS 'rapidheiResult1' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Rapid Test At 9 Months Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate3', o.value_coded AS 'secondheiResult1' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Second PCR Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS sr1 ON (sr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate4', o.value_coded AS 'repeatheiresult1' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (Repeat PCR Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS rr1 ON (rr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.obs_datetime AS 'obsDate4', o.value_coded AS 'eightrapidheiResult1' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HEI Testing (18Months Rapid Test Feeding Method)" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr2 ON (vr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN concept_name cnpr1 ON (cnpr1.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnpr1.voided is false AND cnpr1.name="No longer Breastfeed")
+ ) p
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/maternitypmtct.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/maternitypmtct.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..943fb994e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/maternitypmtct.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+SELECT @a:=@a+1 Serial,
+(DATE_FORMAT(v.date_started, "%d/%m/%Y")) as "Date of visit",
+IFNULL(pa.value ,' ') as "Mother Name",
+IFNULL(pa1.value ,' ') as "Mothers Number",
+CONCAT (TIMESTAMPDIFF(Year, p.birthdate, CURDATE()) , 'Y ' ,TIMESTAMPDIFF(Month, p.birthdate, CURDATE()) , 'M') AS "Age",
+CONCAT(IF(paddr.country IS NULL OR paddr.country = '', '',CONCAT(paddr.country, ', ')),
+IF(paddr.address4 IS NULL OR paddr.address4 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address4, ', ')),
+ IF(paddr.address3 IS NULL OR paddr.address3 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address3, ', ')),
+ IF(paddr.address2 IS NULL OR paddr.address2 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address2, ', ')),
+ IF(paddr.address1 IS NULL OR paddr.address1 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address1, ', ')),
+ IF(paddr.address5 IS NULL OR paddr.address5 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address5, ', ')),
+ IF(paddr.address6 IS NULL OR paddr.address6 = '', '', CONCAT(paddr.address6, ', ')),
+ IF(paddr.city_village IS NULL OR paddr.city_village = '', '', paddr.city_village)) AS 'Name of village or Address',
+IFNULL(pa2.value ,' ') as "Next of Kin and Phone Number",
+'' as "ANC Number",
+'' as "Maternity No.",
+pai.identifier as "ART NO.",
+'' as "Previous HIV test result (recent/ within 6 months) \n Test result",
+'' as "Place Tested",
+'' as "Date tested",
+'' as "Date Tested in Maternity",
+'' as "Final Test result at maternity \n (Neg = Negative Pos = Positive INC = Inconclusive)",
+IFNULL(motherArt,' ') as "ART Regimen During Pregnancy",
+IFNULL(durationArt ,' ') as "Duration on ART During Pregnancy",
+'' as "Infant's risk status (Low or High)",
+'' as "ART: Newly started in Labor",
+IFNULL(infantArvs ,' ') as "Infant ARV Prophylaxis and Date 1=NVP 2=AZT+NVP",
+CONCAT((IFNULL(nvpDate,' ')),'/',(IFNULL(AZTDate,' '))) as "NVP/AZT Date given",
+'' as "ARV Baby Discharged with \n 1=NVP 2=AZT+NVP",
+IFNULL(infantFeed ,' ') as "Infant Feeding practice 1=EBF 2= RF 3=MF",
+IFNULL(pa3.value ,' ') as "Exposed Infant Number",
+'' as "Comments",
+'' as "Provider initials"
+From person p
+JOIN (SELECT @a:= 0) a
+JOIN person_name pn on pn.person_id= p.person_id
+LEFT JOIN visit v on v.patient_id=p.person_id
+LEFT JOIN patient_identifier pai ON (pai.patient_id = v.patient_id AND pai.preferred = 1)
+JOIN person_attribute par on par.person_id = p.person_id and par.value in (select concept_id from concept_name where name in ("HeiRelationship", "ExistingHeiRelationship" ))
+JOIN person_attribute_type patr on (patr.person_attribute_type_id = par.person_attribute_type_id and patr.retired = 0 and patr.name = "TypeofPatient")
+LEFT JOIN person_address paddr ON (p.person_id = paddr.person_id AND paddr.voided = 0 )
+Left JOIN person_attribute pa on p.person_id=pa.person_id
+JOIN person_attribute_type pat on pat.person_attribute_type_id = pa.person_attribute_type_id And pat.name = "HeiChildMothersName"
+Left JOIN person_attribute pa1 on p.person_id=pa1.person_id
+JOIN person_attribute_type pat1 on pat1.person_attribute_type_id = pa1.person_attribute_type_id And pat1.name = "MothersContactNumber"
+Left JOIN person_attribute pa2 on p.person_id=pa2.person_id
+JOIN person_attribute_type pat2 on pat1.person_attribute_type_id = pa2.person_attribute_type_id And pat2.name = "TreatmentSupporterTelephoneNumber"
+Left JOIN person_attribute pa3 on p.person_id=pa3.person_id
+JOIN person_attribute_type pat3 on pat3.person_attribute_type_id = pa3.person_attribute_type_id And pat3.name = "HIVExposedInfant(HEI)No"
+LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'motherArt' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Mother's ART Regimen"
+ and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = p.person_id)
+LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'durationArt' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn1 ON (cn1.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn1.voided is false AND cn1.name="Duration on ART?"
+ and o.concept_id = cn1.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr1 ON (vr1.visitPatientId = p.person_id)
+LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'infantArvs' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn2 ON (cn2.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn2.voided is false AND cn2.name="Infant's PMTCT ARVS"
+ and o.concept_id = cn2.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr2 ON (vr2.visitPatientId = p.person_id)
+LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'infantFeed' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn3 ON (cn3.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn3.voided is false AND cn3.name="Infant Feeding"
+ and o.concept_id = cn3.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr3 ON (vr3.visitPatientId = p.person_id)
+LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'nvpDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn4 ON (cn4.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn4.voided is false AND cn4.name="Daily NVP Date"
+ and o.concept_id = cn4.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr4 ON (vr4.visitPatientId = p.person_id)
+LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_datetime AS 'AZTDate' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn5 ON (cn5.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn5.voided is false AND cn5.name="AZT+NV Date"
+ and o.concept_id = cn5.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr5 ON (vr5.visitPatientId = p.person_id)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/missedAppointments.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/missedAppointments.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8010febdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/missedAppointments.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ pai.identifier AS 'patient ID',
+ pn.given_name AS 'First Name',
+ ifnull(pn.family_name,'') AS 'Last Name',
+ pMobile.telephoneNo AS 'Telephone No.',
+ p.gender AS 'Gender',
+ DATE_FORMAT(obsConcept.artStartDate, "%d/%m/%Y") AS 'ART Start Date',
+ DATE_FORMAT(start_date_time, "%d/%m/%Y") AS 'Appointment Date'
+FROM patient_appointment pa
+ LEFT JOIN person p ON p.person_id = pa.patient_id AND pa.voided IS FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN person_name pn ON p.person_id = pn.person_id AND pn.voided IS FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN patient_identifier pai ON (pai.patient_id = pa.patient_id AND pai.preferred = 1)
+ LEFT JOIN (select paMobile.person_id as 'pMobilePersonId', paMobile.value AS 'telephoneNo' from person_attribute paMobile
+ JOIN person_attribute_type patMobile ON patMobile.name = "MobileNumber" AND patMobile.retired IS FALSE
+ AND patMobile.person_attribute_type_id = paMobile.person_attribute_type_id) AS pMobile ON pa.patient_id = pMobile.pMobilePersonId
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT o.value_datetime AS 'artStartDate', v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', v.visit_id AS visitId FROM visit v
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="ANC, ART Start Date")
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.visit_id = v.visit_id
+ JOIN obs o ON (o.encounter_id = enc.encounter_id and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id AND o.person_id = v.patient_id)
+ HAVING v.visit_id = (SELECT MAX(maxV.visit_id) as maxVisitId
+ FROM visit maxV WHERE maxV.patient_id = v.patient_id)) AS obsConcept ON obsConcept.visitPatientId = pa.patient_id
+WHERE pa.status = 'Missed' and pa.start_date_time BETWEEN '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#' ORDER BY pa.start_date_time DESC;
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtcANCpartnerindex.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtcANCpartnerindex.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f15182345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtcANCpartnerindex.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+-- ANC Partner Index contact HIV Counseling and testing
+ 'Couples Pre-test counseled jointly' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Partners who had HIV testing' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'artResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Transferred in on ART?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Partners testing HIV positive' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'hivSampleResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV Sample" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Partners with discordant results' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'hivSampleResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV Sample" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Index case contacts Tested'as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypointhiv' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS hr ON (hr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'hivSampleResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV Sample" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Index Case contacts positive'as'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'artResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Transferred in on ART?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvsResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Were ARVS Received?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS ar ON (ar.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtcHiv.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtcHiv.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06046ca4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtcHiv.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+ 'Known positive status (at entry into) - ANC' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Known positive status at entry into ANC on ART' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'artResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Transferred in on ART?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Women of unknown status tested for HIV (1st ANC Visit)' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'hivSampleResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV Sample" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Women of unknown status testing HIV positive (1st ANC visit)' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'hivSampleResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV Sample" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Total of HIV Positive women \n attending ANC (a+b)'as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypointhiv' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS hr ON (hr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'hivSampleResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV Sample" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'HIV infected pregnant women newly started on ART (Option B+)'as'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'artResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Transferred in on ART?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvsResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Were ARVS Received?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS ar ON (ar.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Total of HIV Positive \n Pregnant women enrolled in PMTCT'as'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pmtcrResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="PMTCT - HIV & ART Follow up" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS ar ON (ar.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Known positive status on ART Breastfeeding 'as'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctAnc.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctAnc.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58c973f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctAnc.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+-- ANC Visits, Syphilis and HBV Testing
+ 'Total ANC Visits' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F'and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'visitNumberResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'First ANC visits' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'First ANC Mothers tested for Syphilis' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'First ANC Mothers testing Syphilis positive' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Mothers tested for Syphilis (None First ANC visit mothers)' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Mothers testing Syphilis positive (None First ANC visit mothers)' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Attending ANC four visits' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Attending ANC more than four visits' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Mothers tested for HBV ' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F'and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_text AS 'visitNumberResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Hepatitis - B Sample" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'Mothers tested HBV Positive' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_text AS 'hepBResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Hepatitis - B Sample" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'visitNumberResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr1 ON (vr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctAncvisitandHivcouselling.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctAncvisitandHivcouselling.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d57bc9a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctAncvisitandHivcouselling.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
+-- ANC Visits, Syphilis and HBV Testing
+ 'Total ANC Visits' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F'and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'visitNumberResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'First ANC visits' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'First ANC Mothers tested for Syphilis' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'First ANC Mothers testing Syphilis positive' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Mothers tested for Syphilis (None First ANC visit mothers)' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Mothers testing Syphilis positive (None First ANC visit mothers)' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Attending ANC four visits' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Attending ANC more than four visits' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Mothers tested for HBV ' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F'and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_text AS 'visitNumberResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Hepatitis - B Sample" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'Mothers tested HBV Positive' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_text AS 'hepBResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Hepatitis - B Sample" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'visitNumberResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr1 ON (vr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'Known positive status (at entry into) - ANC' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Known positive status at entry into ANC on ART' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint = "ANC Clinic" and artResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'artResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Transferred in on ART?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Women of unknown status tested for HIV (1st ANC Visit)' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'hivSampleResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV Sample" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Women of unknown status testing HIV positive (1st ANC visit)' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'hivSampleResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV Sample" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Total of HIV Positive women \n attending ANC (a+b)'as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypointhiv = "ANC Clinic" and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and hivSampleResult ="Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypointhiv' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS hr ON (hr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'hivSampleResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV Sample" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'HIV infected pregnant women newly started on ART (Option B+)'as'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and artResult = "True" and arvsResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'artResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Transferred in on ART?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvsResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Were ARVS Received?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS ar ON (ar.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Total of HIV Positive \n Pregnant women enrolled in PMTCT'as'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" and pmtcrResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pmtcrResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="PMTCT - HIV & ART Follow up" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS ar ON (ar.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Known positive status on ART Breastfeeding 'as'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ FROM (
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True" ) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and entrypoint not in ("ANC Clinic") and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'entrypoint' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="HIV - Entry Point" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctArtandTb.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctArtandTb.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a837d2fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctArtandTb.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,1164 @@
+-- Number of PMTCT Clients who received ART during this reporting period by Regimen (Current on OptionB+)
+ 'Adult 1st Line Regimens:' as 'Regimen',
+ 'M' as '<10 Male',
+ 'F' as '<10 Female',
+ 'M' as'10-15 Male' ,
+ 'F' as'10-15 Female',
+ 'M' as '15-49 Male',
+ 'F' as '15-49 Female',
+ 'M' as '50+ Male',
+ 'F' as '50+ Female',
+ '' as 'Total',
+ '' as'BreastFeeding',
+ '' as 'Pregnant'
+ From DUAL
+ '1a = AZT/3TC+ EFV' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1a") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1a") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1a") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1a") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1a") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1a") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1a") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1a") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1a") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1a" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1a" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ '1b = AZT/3TC/NVP' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1b") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1b") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1b") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1b") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1b") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1b") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1b") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1b") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1b") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1b" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1b" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '1c = TDF/3TC/DTG' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1c") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1c") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1c") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1c") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1c") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1c") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1c") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1c") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1c") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1c" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1c" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '1d = ABC/3TC (600/300) /DTG' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1d") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1d") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1d") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1d") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1d") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1d") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1d") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1d") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1d") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1d" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1d" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '1e = AZT/3TC + DTG' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1e") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1e") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1e") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1e") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1e") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1e") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1e") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1e") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1e") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1e" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1e" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '1f = TDF/3TC/EFV' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1f") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1f") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1f") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1f") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1f") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1f") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1f") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1f") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1f") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1f" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1f" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '1g = TDF/3TC+NVP' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1g") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1g") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1g") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1g") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1g") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1g") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1g") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1g") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1g") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1g" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1g" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '1h = TDF/FTC/ EFV' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1h") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1h") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1h") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1h") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1h") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1h") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1h") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1h") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1h") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1h" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1h" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '1J = TDF/FTC+NVP' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1j") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1j") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1j") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1j") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1j") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1j") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "1j") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "1j") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1j") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1j" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "1j" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Adult 2nd Line Regimens:' as 'Regimen',
+ '' as '<10 Male',
+ '' as '<10 Female',
+ '' as'10-15 Male' ,
+ '' as'10-15 Female',
+ '' as '15-49 Male',
+ '' as '15-49 Female',
+ '' as '50+ Male',
+ '' as '50+ Female',
+ '' as 'Total',
+ '' as'BreastFeeding',
+ '' as 'Pregnant'
+From DUAL
+ '2a = AZT/3TC + DTG' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2a") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2a") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2a") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2a") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2a") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2a") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2a") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2a") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2a") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2a" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2a" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '2b = ABC/3TC + DTG' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2b") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2b") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2b") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2b") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2b") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2b") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2b") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2b") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2b") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2b" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2b" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '2c = TDF+3TC+LPV/r' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2c") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2c") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2c") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2c") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2c") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2c") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2c") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2c") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2c") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2c" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2c" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '2d = TDF/3TC+ATV/r' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2d") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2d") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2d") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2d") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2d") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2d") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2d") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2d") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2d") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2d" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2d" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '2e = TDF/FTC-LPV/r' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2e") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2e") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2e") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2e") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2e") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2e") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2e") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2e") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2e") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2e" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2e" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '2f = TDF/FTC-ATV/r' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2f") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2f") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2f") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2f") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2f") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2f") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2f") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2f") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2f") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2f" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2f" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '2g = AZT/3TC+LPV/r' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2g") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2g") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2g") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2g") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2g") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2g") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2g") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2g") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2g") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2g" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2g" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '2h = AZT/3TC+ATV/r' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2h") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2h") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2h") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2h") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2h") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2h") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2h") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2h") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2h") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2h" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2h" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '2i = ABC/3TC + LPV/r' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2i") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2i") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2i") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2i") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2i") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2i") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2i") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2i") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2i") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2i" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2i" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '2J = ABC/3TC + ATV/r' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2j") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2j") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2j") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2j") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2j") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2j") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2j") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2j") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2j") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2j" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2j" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ '2k = TDF/3TC/DTG' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2k") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2k") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2k") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2k") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2k") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2k") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and arvResult = "2k") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and arvResult = "2k") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2k") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2k" and bresResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (arvResult = "2k" and pregResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'arvResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="ARV Regimen" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'pregResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="FP Pregnant" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ Left JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'bresResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Currently Breastfeeding?" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr2 ON (pr2.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'No signs of TB' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (cuCoughResult = "False" and tbFeverResult = "False" and tbWeightResult = "False" and tbNightsResult = "False") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'cuCoughResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Current Cough" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS cr ON (cr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'tbFeverResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="TB Screening , Fever" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS fr ON (fr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'tbWeightResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="TB Screening ,Weight loss" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS wr ON (wr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'tbNightsResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="TB Screening , Night Sweats" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS nr ON (nr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'Presumptive TB case' as 'Regimen',
+ count(belowtenmale) as '<10 Male',
+ count(belowtenfemale) as '<10 Female',
+ count(tenTofifteenmale) as '10-15 Male',
+ count(tenTofifteenfemale) as '10-15 Female',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninemale) as '15-49 Male',
+ count(fifteenTOfourtyninefemale) as '15-49 Female',
+ count(overFiftymale) as '50+ Male',
+ count(overFiftyfemale) as '50+ Female',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total',
+ count(breastfeeding) as 'BreastFeeding',
+ count(pregnant) as 'Pregnant'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'M' and cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END belowtenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 10 and gender = 'F' and cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END belowtenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'M' and cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenmale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 15 and gender = 'F' and cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END tenTofifteenfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'M' and cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 49 and gender = 'F' and cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END fifteenTOfourtyninefemale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'M' and cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END overFiftymale,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 115 and gender = 'F' and cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END overFiftyfemale,
+ CASE WHEN (cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END totalAll,
+ CASE WHEN (cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END breastfeeding,
+ CASE WHEN (cuCoughResult = "True" and tbFeverResult = "True" and tbWeightResult = "True" and tbNightsResult = "True") THEN 1 END Pregnant
+FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'cuCoughResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Current Cough" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS cr ON (cr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'tbFeverResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="TB Screening , Fever" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS fr ON (fr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'tbWeightResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="TB Screening ,Weight loss" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS wr ON (wr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'tbNightsResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="TB Screening , Night Sweats" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS nr ON (nr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctHIVcounselling.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctHIVcounselling.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5893fdc19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/pmtctHIVcounselling.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+-- HIV Counseling and Testing at Maternity
+ 'Mothers delivered in this facility (Total)' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F'and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'visitNumberResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'Known positive status at admision into maternity ' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Known positive status at\nadmision into maternity on ART' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Women of Unknown HIV Status at\nadmission into maternity' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "1 = Second Contact" and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Women of unknown status tested for HIV in maternity' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult in ("Positive","Negative")) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Women of unknown status testing HIV positive at maternity' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult not in ("1 = Second Contact") and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr1 ON (pr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'women testing HIV positive in maternity started on ART (new)' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult = "4 = Fourth Contact") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Total of HIV positive women delivered ' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (gender = 'F' and visitResult in ("5 = Fifth Contact","6 = Sixth Contact","7 = Seventh Contact","8 = Eight Contact","9 = Eight Contact")) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', (select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'visitResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ ) p
+ 'Infants started on Nevirapine Prohylaxis ' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F'and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and visitNumberResult is not null) THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_text AS 'visitNumberResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Hepatitis - B Sample" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
+ 'Infants linked to HEI Care ' as 'Title',
+ count(unkownage) as 'Unknown age',
+ count(tenTofourteen) as '10-14 YRS',
+ count(fifteenTonineteen) as '15-19 YRS',
+ count(twentyTotwentyfour) as '20-24 YRS',
+ count(twentyfiveTotwentynine) as '25-29 YRS',
+ count(thirtyTothirtyfour) as '30-34 YRS',
+ count(thirtyfiveTothirtynine) as '35-39 YRS',
+ count(fourtyToFourtyfour) as '40-44 YRS',
+ count(fourtyfiveToFourtynine) as '45-49 YRS',
+ count(overFifty) as '50+ YRS',
+ count(totalAll) as 'Total'
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END unkownage,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 10 and 14 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END tenTofourteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 15 and 19 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fifteenTonineteen,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 20 and 24 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyTotwentyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 25 and 29 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END twentyfiveTotwentynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 30 and 34 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyTothirtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 35 and 39 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END thirtyfiveTothirtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 40 and 44 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyToFourtyfour,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 45 and 49 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END fourtyfiveToFourtynine,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 50 and 100 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END overFifty,
+ CASE WHEN (TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, CURDATE()) between 0 and 100 and gender = 'F' and hepBResult is not null and visitNumberResult is not null and rprvdrlResult = "Positive") THEN 1 END totalAll
+ FROM person pn
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_text AS 'hepBResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Hepatitis - B Sample" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr ON (vr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId', o.value_coded AS 'visitNumberResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cn ON (cn.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cn.voided is false AND cn.name="Visit Number" and o.concept_id = cn.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS vr1 ON (vr1.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT distinct v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',(select name from concept_name where concept_id = o.value_coded and concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED") AS 'rprvdrlResult' FROM obs o
+ JOIN concept_name cnr ON (cnr.concept_name_type = "FULLY_SPECIFIED" AND cnr.voided is false AND cnr.name="RPR/VDRL" and o.concept_id = cnr.concept_id)
+ JOIN encounter enc ON enc.encounter_id = o.encounter_id
+ JOIN visit v ON v.visit_id = enc.visit_id
+ GROUP BY v.patient_id
+ ORDER BY v.visit_id DESC) AS pr ON (pr.visitPatientId = pn.person_id)
+) p
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/summaryAppointmentReport.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/summaryAppointmentReport.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..110152c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/summaryAppointmentReport.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ pai.identifier AS 'patient ID',
+ pn.given_name AS 'First Name',
+ ifnull(pn.family_name,'') AS 'Last Name',
+ DATE_FORMAT(pa.start_date_time, "%d/%m/%Y") AS 'Appointment Date',
+ pa.status AS 'Status',
+ pMobile.telephoneNo AS 'Contact No.',
+ p.gender AS 'Gender'
+FROM patient_appointment pa
+ LEFT JOIN person p ON p.person_id = pa.patient_id AND pa.voided IS FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN person_name pn ON p.person_id = pn.person_id AND pn.voided IS FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN patient_identifier pai ON (pai.patient_id = pa.patient_id AND pai.preferred = 1)
+ LEFT JOIN (select paMobile.person_id as 'pMobilePersonId', paMobile.value AS 'telephoneNo' from person_attribute paMobile
+ JOIN person_attribute_type patMobile ON patMobile.name = "MobileNumber" AND patMobile.retired IS FALSE
+ AND patMobile.person_attribute_type_id = paMobile.person_attribute_type_id) AS pMobile ON pa.patient_id = pMobile.pMobilePersonId
+WHERE pa.appointment_kind = 'Scheduled' AND pa.start_date_time BETWEEN '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#'
+ORDER BY pa.start_date_time DESC;
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/visitAppointmentReport.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/visitAppointmentReport.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d975d967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/visitAppointmentReport.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ pai.identifier AS 'patient ID',
+ pn.given_name AS 'First Name',
+ ifnull(pn.family_name,'') AS 'Last Name',
+ DATE_FORMAT(pa.start_date_time, "%d/%m/%Y") AS 'Visit Date',
+ pa.appointment_kind AS 'Visit Type',
+ pMobile.telephoneNo AS 'Contact No.',
+ p.gender AS 'Gender'
+FROM patient_appointment pa
+ LEFT JOIN person p ON p.person_id = pa.patient_id AND pa.voided IS FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN person_name pn ON p.person_id = pn.person_id AND pn.voided IS FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN patient_identifier pai ON (pai.patient_id = pa.patient_id AND pai.preferred = 1)
+ LEFT JOIN (select paMobile.person_id as 'pMobilePersonId', paMobile.value AS 'telephoneNo' from person_attribute paMobile
+ JOIN person_attribute_type patMobile ON patMobile.name = "MobileNumber" AND patMobile.retired IS FALSE
+ AND patMobile.person_attribute_type_id = paMobile.person_attribute_type_id) AS pMobile ON pa.patient_id = pMobile.pMobilePersonId
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT v.patient_id AS 'visitPatientId',
+ v.visit_id AS visitId, v.date_started AS visitStartDate, vt.name AS visitType FROM visit v
+ JOIN visit_type vt ON (v.visit_type_id = vt.visit_type_id and vt.retired IS FALSE)
+ HAVING v.visit_id = (SELECT MAX(maxV.visit_id) AS maxVisitId
+ FROM visit maxV WHERE maxV.patient_id = v.patient_id)) AS patientVisit ON patientVisit.visitPatientId = pa.patient_id
+WHERE pa.start_date_time BETWEEN '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#'
+ORDER BY pa.start_date_time DESC;
diff --git a/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/walkinAppointmentReport.sql b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/walkinAppointmentReport.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42b30d80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/walkinAppointmentReport.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ pai.identifier AS 'patient ID',
+ pn.given_name AS 'First Name',
+ ifnull(pn.family_name,'') AS 'Last Name',
+ DATE_FORMAT(pa.start_date_time, "%d/%m/%Y") AS 'Visit Date',
+ pa.appointment_kind AS 'Visit Type',
+ pMobile.telephoneNo AS 'Contact No.',
+ p.gender AS 'Gender'
+FROM patient_appointment pa
+ LEFT JOIN person p ON p.person_id = pa.patient_id AND pa.voided IS FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN person_name pn ON p.person_id = pn.person_id AND pn.voided IS FALSE
+ LEFT JOIN patient_identifier pai ON (pai.patient_id = pa.patient_id AND pai.preferred = 1)
+ LEFT JOIN (select paMobile.person_id as 'pMobilePersonId', paMobile.value AS 'telephoneNo' from person_attribute paMobile
+ JOIN person_attribute_type patMobile ON patMobile.name = "MobileNumber" AND patMobile.retired IS FALSE
+ AND patMobile.person_attribute_type_id = paMobile.person_attribute_type_id) AS pMobile ON pa.patient_id = pMobile.pMobilePersonId
+WHERE pa.appointment_kind = 'WalkIn' AND pa.start_date_time BETWEEN '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#'
+ORDER BY pa.start_date_time DESC;
diff --git a/openmrs/i18n/clinical/locale_en.json b/openmrs/i18n/clinical/locale_en.json
index aeae74e36..a75ccbb09 100644
--- a/openmrs/i18n/clinical/locale_en.json
+++ b/openmrs/i18n/clinical/locale_en.json
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
@@ -13,10 +16,13 @@
@@ -53,11 +59,11 @@
+ "MEDICATIONS_BOARD_LABEL_KEY":"ARV Regimen / Medications",
"CLINICAL_ORDER_RADIOLOGY_NEED_PRINT": "Need Print for this order.",
diff --git a/openmrs/i18n/registration/locale_en.json b/openmrs/i18n/registration/locale_en.json
index f3141e655..6cd53393d 100644
--- a/openmrs/i18n/registration/locale_en.json
+++ b/openmrs/i18n/registration/locale_en.json
@@ -21,5 +21,6 @@
"REGISTRATION_INSTITUTE_ADDRESS": "Ganiyari, District - Bilaspur",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openmrs/migrations/bedManagement/PatientWardDetails.sql b/openmrs/migrations/bedManagement/PatientWardDetails.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c0b463b1..000000000
--- a/openmrs/migrations/bedManagement/PatientWardDetails.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-DELETE FROM global_property WHERE property = 'emrapi.sqlGet.allWardsListDetails';
-SELECT uuid() INTO @uuid;
-INSERT INTO global_property (`property`, `property_value`, `description`, `uuid`)
-VALUES ('emrapi.sqlGet.allWardsListDetails',
- bed_tags.bed_tags AS 'Bed Tags',
- bed.bed_number AS 'Bed Number',
- patient_identifier.identifier AS 'Patient ID',
- CONCAT(pn.given_name, ' ', pn.family_name) AS 'Patient Name',
- TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, p.birthdate, CURDATE()) AS 'Age'
- bed
- INNER JOIN bed_location_map blm ON blm.bed_id = bed.bed_id
- INNER JOIN location l ON l.location_id = blm.location_id AND l.name = ${location_name} AND l.name LIKE '%Ward%' AND l.retired IS FALSE
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bed_patient_assignment_map bpam ON bpam.bed_id = bed.bed_id AND bpam.date_stopped IS NULL
- LEFT OUTER JOIN person p ON p.person_id = bpam.patient_id AND p.voided IS FALSE
- LEFT OUTER JOIN person_name pn ON pn.person_id = p.person_id AND pn.voided IS FALSE
- LEFT OUTER JOIN patient_identifier ON patient_identifier.patient_id = p.person_id AND patient_identifier.voided IS FALSE
- LEFT OUTER JOIN person_address address ON address.person_id = p.person_id AND address.voided IS FALSE
- bed_tag_map.bed_id AS 'bed_id',
- GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT bed_tag.name ORDER BY bed_tag.name) AS 'bed_tags'
- bed_tag_map
- INNER JOIN bed_tag ON bed_tag.bed_tag_id = bed_tag_map.bed_tag_id AND bed_tag_map.voided IS FALSE
- GROUP BY bed_tag_map.bed_id
- ) bed_tags ON bed_tags.bed_id = bed.bed_id
-GROUP BY bed.bed_number;",'SQL query to get list of bed details in ward',@uuid);
diff --git a/openmrs/migrations/liquibase.xml b/openmrs/migrations/liquibase.xml
index a70d1c277..064dc3d4f 100644
--- a/openmrs/migrations/liquibase.xml
+++ b/openmrs/migrations/liquibase.xml
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@
- Updating SQL query for Bed Management List View