Winfo is a Python Library for getting System Stats (Made for Windows)
List of all features:
- Get Brandname (Name you see in Taskmanager)
- Get "real" name
- Get Maximum Clock Speed
- Get amount of cores
- Get amount of threads
- Get Architecture
import Winfo
print("I have an " + Winfo.cpu.getbrandname())
print("It's real name is " + Winfo.cpu.getrealname())
print("This monster works at " + Winfo.cpu.maxclockspeed() + " Ghz")
print("It has" + str(Winfo.cpu.cores()) + " Cores and " + str(Winfo.cpu.threads) + " Threads")
print("CPU Architecture: " + Winfo.cpu.architecture())
- Get Brandname of GPU
- Get Refresh Rate
import Winfo
print("My GPU is the " + Winfo.gpu.getname())
print("I like my " + Winfo.gpu.getRefreshRate() + " Hz")
- Get Memory manufacturer
- Get total Memory capacity (MB)
- Get total Memory capacity (GB)
- Get Memory Speed
import Winfo
print("My Memory is from " + Winfo.memory.getmanufacturer())
print("I've " + Winfo.memory.getcapacityMB() + " of memory or in GB: " + Winfo.memory.getcapacityGB())
print("My memory works at " + Winfo.memory.getSpeed() + " Mhz")
print("All my memory's Speed in a Python list: " + Winfo.memory.getSpeedAll())
- If you want to list all Speed values in a prettier way, try this:
import Winfo
prettylist = ""
for i in Winfo.memory.getSpeedAll():
prettylist = prettylist + i + "\n"
- Instead of looking like this when printed:
[3000, 3000]
- It would now look like this:
- List all connected disks (Returns them in a Python list)
- Get Disk Size (Capacity) of disk 0, if you want to get the size of another disks set it's number as the index argument in the function
import Winfo
print("Here's a list of all my disks as a Python List: " + str(Winfo.disk.listall()))
print("The size of my primary disk is: " + Winfo.disk.getsize())
print("The size of my secondary disk is: " + Winfo.disk.getsize(1))
- Like with the getSpeedAll, if you want to list all disks in a prettier way try this:
import Winfo
prettylist = ""
for i in Winfo.disk.listall():
prettylist = prettylist + i + "\n"
- Instead of looking like this when printed:
['Disk 0', 'Disk 1', 'Disk 2']
- It would now look like this:
Disk 0
Disk 1
Disk 2
- Get MAC Address (Please read disclaimer, which can be found in the source code of this project)
- List all recognized Network Adapters
import Winfo
print("My MAC Address is: " + Winfo.ethernet.macaddr())
print("List of all Network Adapters as a Python list: " + str(Winfo.ethernet.listadapters()))
- Like with the Disklist and the getSpeedAll, you can make the list returned from Winfo.ethernet.listadapters() way prettier by doing this:
import Winfo
prettylist = ""
for i in Winfo.ethernet.listadapters():
prettylist = prettylist + i + "\n"
- Instead of looking like this when printed:
['Adapter 1', 'Adapter 2', 'Adapter 3']
- It would now look like this:
Adapter 1
Adapter 2
Adapter 3
- Get public IP address
- Check if you are connected to the internet
import Winfo
print("My IP is " + Winfo.internet.publicIP())
if Winfo.internet.isConnected():
print("I'm connected to the internet!")
print("I'm not connected to the internet :(")
- Get Brandname of your Motherboard
- Get Manufacturer of your Motherboard
import Winfo
print("My Motherboard is an " + Winfo.motherboard.getname() + " , made by " + Winfo.motherboard.getmanufacturer())
- Get a list of all connected audio devices (also shows virtual devices)
- Get a list of all the manufacturers of those
import Winfo
print("All my audio devices as a Python list: " + str(
print("And the manufacturers: " + str(
- Like all the other lists, you can make them look prettier, by doing it the same way, that was mentioned above
- Get current Windows version
- Get current Windows release
- Get device name
- Get user name
- Get where your system is located (Partition)
import Winfo
print("I'm current running Windows " + + " on version " +
print("I named my computer " +
print("I'm logged in as " +
print("My system partition is at " +
- Q: How can I install this library? A: pip install Winfo
- Q: MacOS/Linux/BSD Support? A: Windows-only.
- Q: What can I do with the code? A: Read the license (CC BY-SA 4.0)
If you've further questions, join our discord!
Winfo by BLUEAMETHYST Studios is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0