Download the XKCD swagger file.
iwr -outfile xkcd.yaml
Then run AutoRest PowerShell:
autorest --powershell --input-file:./xkcd.yaml
AutoRest code generation utility [version: 3.0.5135; node: v10.15.0]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
Loading AutoRest core '.../autorest\@autorest\[email protected]\node_modules\@autorest\core\dist' (3.0.5330)
Installing AutoRest extension '@autorest/autorest.powershell' (beta)
Installing AutoRest extension '@autorest/autorest.remodeler' (beta)
Installing AutoRest extension '@autorest/autorest.csharp-v2' (beta)
The generator will create a ./generated
folder where the files will be
Inside that, you'll find a build-module.ps1
script that will compile up the module.
If you add -Run
to the build-module
script, it will launch a new instance of pwsh
and load the module so you can test it.
./generated/build-module.ps1 -Run
Spawning in isolated process.
Cleaning folders...
Compiling private module code
Private Module loaded (C:\...\generated\bin\XKCD.private.dll).
Processing cmdlet variants
Generating unified cmdlet proxies
PS C:\...\generated [ testing XKCD ] >
Now you can try out the cmdlets that have been generated:
List the commands from the module:
get-command -module XKCD
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Get-XkcdComic 0.1.0 XKCD
Try out a command
Get-XkcdComic | fl
Alt : Theres one person in Missouri who says "carbo bev" who the entire rest of the country HATES.
Day : 6
Img :
Link :
Month : 2
News :
Num : 2108
SafeTitle : Carbonated Beverage Language Map
Title : Carbonated Beverage Language Map
Transcript :
Year : 2019
A bit of fun:
invoke-webrequest (Get-XkcdComic).img -outfile image.png ; & ./image.png