Author: Maurice Rahme
This package makes the turtle in turtlesim trace a rectangular trajectory while showing a plot of the absolute position error (x, y, theta) between the pure-feedforward and the actual turtle position as read from the turtle1/pose
topic. It also has a service, traj_reset
, which teleports the turtle back to its initial configuration whenever called.
A separate launchfile within this package makes the turtlesim trace a pentagon by default - although you may change the trajectory shape by updating turtle_way.yaml
- and launches Rviz to make the diff_drive
robot trace the same trajectory using an kinematic model. The turtle_pent.launch
launchfile performs the turtlesim portion of this task.
Resultant Simulation for both launchfiles respectively:
To launch the turtle_rect
node without showing the position error plot, run: roslaunch tsim trect.launch
To launch the turtle_rect
node while showing the position error plot, run: roslaunch tsim trect.launch plot_gui:=1
To launch the turtle_way
node, which traces the pentagon by default with no position error plot, run: roslaunch tsim turtle_pent.launch
To launch the turtle_way
node while showing the position error plot, run: roslaunch tsim turtle_pent.launch plot_gui:=1
To launch the Rviz tracing subset of the package without the position error plot, run: roslaunch tsim turtle_odom.launch
To launch the Rviz tracing subset of the package while showing the position error plot, run: roslaunch tsim turtle_odom.launch plot_gui:=1
This node uses functionality from the rigid2d
package, namely the DiffDrive
and Waypoints
classes, which model a differential drive robot and actuate the waypoint following sequence respectively. It uses open-loop Proportional control with the fordward-predicted differential drive model pose as an input to the control loop, to send appropriate Twist commands to the turtlesim. The poseCallback (void)
, position callback function subscribes to turtle1/pose
and uses this information to create the position error plot alongside the forward-predicted differential drive model pose. Note that the Twist sent to the turtlesim is divided by the loop rate before it is fed to the differential drive model for forward propagation.
This node reads the Twist commanded to the turtle via the cmd_vel
topic, divides it by the loop rate of the turtle_way_node
node, and uses it to forward-propagate the differential drive model using DiffDrive::feedforward()
to retrieve the resultant wheel angles from performing this twist. These are then published to the /joint_states
topic, which Rviz reads to assign the wheel angles.
This node subscribes to /joint_states
to get the wheel angle values from the joint state publisher, and uses these to forward-propagate the differential drive model using DiffDrive::updateOdometry
, which also returns the resultant wheel velocities and internally updates the robot's pose. These wheel velocities are fed to DiffDrive::wheelsToTwist()
to return the corresponding Twist of the robot. Finally, the pose and Twist retrieved from these operations are published as tf2
frames to simulate the robot's motion in RViz.
This is the executable node, which initialises the node, creates a Node Handle
, and includes the TurtleRect
class to make the turtle in turtlesim trace a rectangular trajectory while showing a plot of the absolute position error (x, y, theta) by calling its public control
method, making it loop indefinitely until it is interrupted.
This is the Class Constructor for TurtleRect
containing the following methods:
traj_resetCallback (bool)
: callback fortraj_reset service
, which teleports turtle back to initial config.poseCallback (void)
: callback forturtle1/pose
subscriber, which records the turtle's pose for use elsewhere.move (void)
: helper function which publishesTwist
messages toturtle1/cmd_vel
to actuate the turtle.predict(void)
: helper function which forward propagates the open-loop model and publishesPoseError
: main class method. Houses state machine and calls helper function to perform trajectory and plot.
Header file for the TurtleRect
Calls the roaming_turtle
node from turtlesim
, as well as the turtle_rect_node
node from this package, and gives the user an option to show the error plot using the plot_gui
argument, which defaults to False
Contains the parameters for executing the rectangular trajectory.
x (int)
: x coordinate for lower left corner of rectangle.y (int)
: y coordinate for lower left corner of rectangle.width (int)
: width of rectangle.height (int)
: height of rectangle.trans_vel (int)
: translational velocity of robot.rot_vel (int)
: rotational velocity of robot.frequency (int)
: frequency of control loop.threshold (float)
: specifies when the target pose has been reached.
Note that the plot increases in drift over time as the forward propagated controls would result in several superimposed but slanted rectangular trajectories (as you saw from Josh ealier today) were it not for the feedback control implemented here to stop and start the linear and angular velocity commands. The error plot hence descibres the difference between pure feedforward control and the implementation done here. Calling the traj_reset
service resets this error to zero temporarily, before re-commencing the trajectory and ensuing in drift as seen below.