We generally appreciate any contributions to the LDAP Server Library. Please note, that whilst this aims to be a general-purpose library, this library was ultimately created to implement an LDAP Server in the Gatekeeper application.
The repository includes a dev container that ships all the required dependencies to set this up. Either use GitHub Codespaces or Visual Studio Code Remote Containers.
The sample application provided in the "Sample" folder can easily be intercepted with tcpdump:
cd Sample/ && dotnet run
ldapsearch -w test -H ldap://localhost:3389 -b "dc=example,dc=com" -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" "cn=test1"
tcpdump -i lo -w output.dump port 3389
Once done, download "output.dump" and open it in Wireshark. This will give you a good overview of the behaviour.