From 258cf1a1d0ee531831ddb6055d678113e4691708 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dimsa Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 16:38:39 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update file(s) "/." from "aspose-gis/Aspose.GIS-API-Reference" --- .../aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/ | 17 + .../dbase/ | 445 +++++++ .../dbaseexception/ | 46 + .../dbasefield/ | 58 + .../dbaseoptions/ | 35 + .../ | 37 + .../gdbbeziersegment/ | 39 + .../gdbbinaryreaderextensions/ | 17 + .../gdbbinarywriterextensions/ | 17 + .../gdbcirculararcsegment/ | 44 + .../gdbcurvesegment/ | 22 + .../gdbcurvesegmenttype/ | 23 + .../gdbellipticarcsegment/ | 52 + .../gdbfielddescription/ | 45 + .../gdbfieldtype/ | 31 + .../gdbmultipartshape/ | 44 + .../gdbmultipointshape/ | 41 + .../gdbpointshape/ | 42 + .../gdbshape/ | 23 + .../gdbshapefielddescription/ | 56 + .../gdbtableexception/ | 46 + .../gdbtablefile/ | 284 +++++ .../gdbtableindexfile/ | 189 +++ .../gdbtablerowreader/ | 233 ++++ .../gdbtablerowwriter/ | 37 + .../gdbtableshapetype/ | 24 + 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| 36 + .../spatialreferencesystemmode/ | 21 + .../aspose.gis/vectorlayer/ | 1017 +++++++++++++++ 521 files changed, 73693 insertions(+) create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseexception/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbasefield/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseoptions/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbeziersegment/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinaryreaderextensions/ 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content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/attributesconverteractions/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/autoids/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/conversionoptions/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriver/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriveroptions/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/driver/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/drivers/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattributecollection/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featurestyle/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/geoconvert/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/iattributesconverter/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/ifeaturestyle/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/license/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/metered/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/pointformats/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriver/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/savingoptions/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode/ create mode 100644 content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/ diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1ca4702a22eb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [DBase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase/) | | +| [DBaseException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseexception/) | | +| [DBaseField](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbasefield/) | | +| [DBaseOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseoptions/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19aa1a490ba --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase/ @@ -0,0 +1,445 @@ +--- +title: DBase Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase.DBase + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | r | | +| fields | System.Collections.Generic.IList | r | | +| records_count | long | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| add_field(name, type, width, precision) | | +| [add_record()](#add_record__1) | | +| [create(path, options)](#create_path_options_2) | | +| [create(path, options)](#create_path_options_3) | | +| delete_record(record_index) | | +| [edit(path, options, encoding)](#edit_path_options_encoding_4) | | +| [is_null(record_index, field_index)](#is_null_record_index_field_index_5) | | +| [is_record_deleted(record_index)](#is_record_deleted_record_index_6) | | +| [open(path, encoding)](#open_path_encoding_7) | | +| [open(path, encoding)](#open_path_encoding_8) | | +| [read_binary_integer(record_index, field_index)](#read_binary_integer_record_index_field_index_9) | | +| [read_character(record_index, field_index)](#read_character_record_index_field_index_10) | | +| [read_date(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data)](#read_date_record_index_field_index_is_ignore_wrong_data_11) | | +| [read_field_value(record_index, field_index)](#read_field_value_record_index_field_index_12) | | +| [read_integer(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data)](#read_integer_record_index_field_index_is_ignore_wrong_data_13) | | +| [read_integer64(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data)](#read_integer64_record_index_field_index_is_ignore_wrong_data_14) | | +| [read_logical(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data)](#read_logical_record_index_field_index_is_ignore_wrong_data_15) | | +| [read_number(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data)](#read_number_record_index_field_index_is_ignore_wrong_data_16) | | +| [read_raw(record_index, field_index)](#read_raw_record_index_field_index_17) | | +| write_binary_float(record_index, field_index, value) | | +| write_binary_integer(record_index, field_index, value) | | +| write_binary_integer64(record_index, field_index, value) | | +| write_character(record_index, field_index, value) | | +| write_date(record_index, field_index, value) | | +| write_integer(record_index, field_index, value) | | +| write_integer64(record_index, field_index, value) | | +| write_logical(record_index, field_index, value) | | +| write_null(record_index, field_index) | | +| write_number(record_index, field_index, value) | | +| write_raw_bytes(record_index, field_index, bytes) | | + + +### Method: add_record() {#add_record__1} + + +``` + add_record() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| long | | + + +### Method: create(path, options) [static] {#create_path_options_2} + + +``` + create(path, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | +| options | [DBaseOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DBase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase) | | + + +### Method: create(path, options) [static] {#create_path_options_3} + + +``` + create(path, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | +| options | [DBaseOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DBase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase) | | + + +### Method: edit(path, options, encoding) [static] {#edit_path_options_encoding_4} + + +``` + edit(path, options, encoding) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | +| options | [DBaseOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseoptions) | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DBase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase) | | + + +### Method: is_null(record_index, field_index) {#is_null_record_index_field_index_5} + + +``` + is_null(record_index, field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: is_record_deleted(record_index) {#is_record_deleted_record_index_6} + + +``` + is_record_deleted(record_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: open(path, encoding) [static] {#open_path_encoding_7} + + +``` + open(path, encoding) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DBase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase) | | + + +### Method: open(path, encoding) [static] {#open_path_encoding_8} + + +``` + open(path, encoding) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DBase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbase) | | + + +### Method: read_binary_integer(record_index, field_index) {#read_binary_integer_record_index_field_index_9} + + +``` + read_binary_integer(record_index, field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: read_character(record_index, field_index) {#read_character_record_index_field_index_10} + + +``` + read_character(record_index, field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + +### Method: read_date(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data) {#read_date_record_index_field_index_is_ignore_wrong_data_11} + + +``` + read_date(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | +| field_index | int | | +| is_ignore_wrong_data | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| datetime | | + + +### Method: read_field_value(record_index, field_index) {#read_field_value_record_index_field_index_12} + + +``` + read_field_value(record_index, field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + +### Method: read_integer(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data) {#read_integer_record_index_field_index_is_ignore_wrong_data_13} + + +``` + read_integer(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | +| field_index | int | | +| is_ignore_wrong_data | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: read_integer64(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data) {#read_integer64_record_index_field_index_is_ignore_wrong_data_14} + + +``` + read_integer64(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | +| field_index | int | | +| is_ignore_wrong_data | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| long | | + + +### Method: read_logical(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data) {#read_logical_record_index_field_index_is_ignore_wrong_data_15} + + +``` + read_logical(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | +| field_index | int | | +| is_ignore_wrong_data | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: read_number(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data) {#read_number_record_index_field_index_is_ignore_wrong_data_16} + + +``` + read_number(record_index, field_index, is_ignore_wrong_data) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | +| field_index | int | | +| is_ignore_wrong_data | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: read_raw(record_index, field_index) {#read_raw_record_index_field_index_17} + + +``` + read_raw(record_index, field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| record_index | long | | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseexception/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseexception/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..502071cae97e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseexception/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: DBaseException Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseexception/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase.DBaseException + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [DBaseException()](#DBaseException__1) | Initializes a new instance of the DBaseException class | +| [DBaseException(message)](#DBaseException_message_2) | Initializes a new instance of the DBaseException class | + + +### Constructor: DBaseException() {#DBaseException__1} + + +``` + DBaseException() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the DBaseException class + +### Constructor: DBaseException(message) {#DBaseException_message_2} + + +``` + DBaseException(message) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the DBaseException class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| message | string | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbasefield/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbasefield/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0658ad076517 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbasefield/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: DBaseField Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbasefield/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase.DBaseField + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [DBaseField()](#DBaseField__1) | Initializes a new instance of the DBaseField class | +| [DBaseField(name, type, length, decimals, offset)](#DBaseField_name_type_length_decimals_offset_2) | Initializes a new instance of the DBaseField class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| decimals | int | r | | +| length | int | r | | +| name | string | r | | +| offset | int | r | | +| type | char | r | | + + +### Constructor: DBaseField() {#DBaseField__1} + + +``` + DBaseField() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the DBaseField class + +### Constructor: DBaseField(name, type, length, decimals, offset) {#DBaseField_name_type_length_decimals_offset_2} + + +``` + DBaseField(name, type, length, decimals, offset) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the DBaseField class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| type | char | | +| length | int | | +| decimals | int | | +| offset | int | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..497ac5d3a1da --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: DBaseOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/dbaseoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.dbase.DBaseOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [DBaseOptions()](#DBaseOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the DBaseOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| is_trim_long_data | bool | r/w | | +| write_code_page_file | bool | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: DBaseOptions() {#DBaseOptions__1} + + +``` + DBaseOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the DBaseOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..08bc0b91fbf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbBezierSegment](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbeziersegment/) | | +| [GdbBinaryReaderExtensions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinaryreaderextensions/) | | +| [GdbBinaryWriterExtensions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinarywriterextensions/) | | +| [GdbCircularArcSegment](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcirculararcsegment/) | | +| [GdbCurveSegment](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegment/) | | +| [GdbEllipticArcSegment](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbellipticarcsegment/) | | +| [GdbFieldDescription](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfielddescription/) | | +| [GdbMultiPartShape](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbmultipartshape/) | | +| [GdbMultiPointShape](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbmultipointshape/) | | +| [GdbPointShape](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbpointshape/) | | +| [GdbShape](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshape/) | | +| [GdbShapeFieldDescription](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshapefielddescription/) | | +| [GdbTableException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableexception/) | | +| [GdbTableFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablefile/) | | +| [GdbTableIndexFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableindexfile/) | | +| [GdbTableRowReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowreader/) | | +| [GdbTableRowWriter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowwriter/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbCurveSegmentType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegmenttype/) | | +| [GdbFieldType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfieldtype/) | | +| [GdbTableShapeType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableshapetype/) | | +| [GdbTableVersion](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableversion/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbeziersegment/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbeziersegment/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..819729745d9c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbeziersegment/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +--- +title: GdbBezierSegment Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbeziersegment/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbBezierSegment + +**Inheritance:** GdbCurveSegment + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbBezierSegment()](#GdbBezierSegment__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GdbBezierSegment class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| c1 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| c2 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| segment_type | [GdbCurveSegmentType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegmenttype) | r | | +| start_point_index | int | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: GdbBezierSegment() {#GdbBezierSegment__1} + + +``` + GdbBezierSegment() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GdbBezierSegment class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinaryreaderextensions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinaryreaderextensions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..461d4f09556b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinaryreaderextensions/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: GdbBinaryReaderExtensions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinaryreaderextensions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbBinaryReaderExtensions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinarywriterextensions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinarywriterextensions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..648489181344 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinarywriterextensions/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: GdbBinaryWriterExtensions Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbbinarywriterextensions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbBinaryWriterExtensions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcirculararcsegment/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcirculararcsegment/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e9e45a698862 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcirculararcsegment/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: GdbCircularArcSegment Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcirculararcsegment/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbCircularArcSegment + +**Inheritance:** GdbCurveSegment + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbCircularArcSegment()](#GdbCircularArcSegment__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GdbCircularArcSegment class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| coordinate_is_interior | bool | r/w | | +| is_counter_clockwise | bool | r/w | | +| is_empty | bool | r/w | | +| is_line | bool | r/w | | +| is_minor | bool | r/w | | +| is_point | bool | r/w | | +| segment_type | [GdbCurveSegmentType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegmenttype) | r | | +| start_point_index | int | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: GdbCircularArcSegment() {#GdbCircularArcSegment__1} + + +``` + GdbCircularArcSegment() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GdbCircularArcSegment class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegment/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegment/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..06e7d08b7ea4 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegment/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: GdbCurveSegment Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegment/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbCurveSegment + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| segment_type | [GdbCurveSegmentType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegmenttype) | r | | +| start_point_index | int | r/w | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegmenttype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegmenttype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2fd8efb08dc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegmenttype/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +--- +title: GdbCurveSegmentType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 180 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegmenttype/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbCurveSegmentType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BEZIER | | +| CIRCULAR_ARC | | +| ELLIPTIC_ARC | | +| LINE | | +| SPIRAL | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbellipticarcsegment/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbellipticarcsegment/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b8fd65027d71 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbellipticarcsegment/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +title: GdbEllipticArcSegment Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbellipticarcsegment/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbEllipticArcSegment + +**Inheritance:** GdbCurveSegment + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbEllipticArcSegment()](#GdbEllipticArcSegment__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GdbEllipticArcSegment class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| angle | double | r/w | | +| angle_delta | double | r/w | | +| center | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| center_from | bool | r/w | | +| center_to | bool | r/w | | +| is_circular | bool | r/w | | +| is_complete | bool | r/w | | +| is_counter_clockwise | bool | r/w | | +| is_empty | bool | r/w | | +| is_line | bool | r/w | | +| is_minor | bool | r/w | | +| is_point | bool | r/w | | +| minor_major_ratio | double | r/w | | +| rotation | double | r/w | | +| segment_type | [GdbCurveSegmentType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegmenttype) | r | | +| semi_major_radius | double | r/w | | +| start_point_index | int | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: GdbEllipticArcSegment() {#GdbEllipticArcSegment__1} + + +``` + GdbEllipticArcSegment() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GdbEllipticArcSegment class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfielddescription/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfielddescription/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b4ac7d9e2e55 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfielddescription/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +title: GdbFieldDescription Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfielddescription/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbFieldDescription + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbFieldDescription(type)](#GdbFieldDescription_type_1) | Initializes a new instance of the GdbFieldDescription class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| alias | string | r/w | | +| default_value | object | r/w | | +| field_type | [GdbFieldType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfieldtype) | r | | +| is_nullable | bool | r/w | | +| name | string | r/w | | +| width | uint | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: GdbFieldDescription(type) {#GdbFieldDescription_type_1} + + +``` + GdbFieldDescription(type) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GdbFieldDescription class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| type | [GdbFieldType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfieldtype) | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfieldtype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfieldtype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a43fc99f2feb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfieldtype/ @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: GdbFieldType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 190 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfieldtype/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbFieldType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BINARY | | +| DATE_TIME | | +| FLOAT32 | | +| FLOAT64 | | +| GLOBAL_ID | | +| GUID | | +| INT16 | | +| INT32 | | +| OBJECT_ID | | +| RASTER | | +| SHAPE | | +| STRING | | +| XML | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbmultipartshape/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbmultipartshape/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b10c6368452c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbmultipartshape/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: GdbMultiPartShape Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbmultipartshape/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbMultiPartShape + +**Inheritance:** GdbShape + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbMultiPartShape()](#GdbMultiPartShape__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GdbMultiPartShape class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bounding_box | [BoundingBox](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox) | r/w | | +| curves | [GdbCurveSegment[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbcurvesegment) | r/w | | +| has_curves | bool | r | | +| has_m | bool | r | | +| has_z | bool | r | | +| m | double | r/w | | +| parts_sizes | int | r/w | | +| xy | [Coordinate[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| z | double | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: GdbMultiPartShape() {#GdbMultiPartShape__1} + + +``` + GdbMultiPartShape() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GdbMultiPartShape class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbmultipointshape/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbmultipointshape/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6b9d2ca6cca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbmultipointshape/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +--- +title: GdbMultiPointShape Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbmultipointshape/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbMultiPointShape + +**Inheritance:** GdbShape + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbMultiPointShape()](#GdbMultiPointShape__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GdbMultiPointShape class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bounding_box | [BoundingBox](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox) | r/w | | +| has_m | bool | r | | +| has_z | bool | r | | +| m | double | r/w | | +| xy | [Coordinate[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| z | double | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: GdbMultiPointShape() {#GdbMultiPointShape__1} + + +``` + GdbMultiPointShape() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GdbMultiPointShape class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbpointshape/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbpointshape/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7de9eea682fd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbpointshape/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: GdbPointShape Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbpointshape/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbPointShape + +**Inheritance:** GdbShape + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbPointShape()](#GdbPointShape__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GdbPointShape class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bounding_box | [BoundingBox](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox) | r/w | | +| has_m | bool | r | | +| has_z | bool | r | | +| m | Nullable | r/w | | +| x | double | r/w | | +| y | double | r/w | | +| z | Nullable | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: GdbPointShape() {#GdbPointShape__1} + + +``` + GdbPointShape() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GdbPointShape class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshape/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshape/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3118384b4182 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshape/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +--- +title: GdbShape Class +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshape/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbShape + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bounding_box | [BoundingBox](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox) | r/w | | +| has_m | bool | r | | +| has_z | bool | r | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshapefielddescription/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshapefielddescription/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..72f61a95abd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshapefielddescription/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: GdbShapeFieldDescription Class +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshapefielddescription/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbShapeFieldDescription + +**Inheritance:** GdbFieldDescription + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbShapeFieldDescription()](#GdbShapeFieldDescription__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GdbShapeFieldDescription class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| alias | string | r/w | | +| bounding_box | [BoundingBox](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox) | r | | +| default_value | object | r/w | | +| field_type | [GdbFieldType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfieldtype) | r | | +| has_m | bool | r/w | | +| has_z | bool | r/w | | +| is_nullable | bool | r/w | | +| m_origin | double | r/w | | +| m_scale | double | r/w | | +| m_tolerance | double | r/w | | +| name | string | r/w | | +| srs_wkt | string | r/w | | +| unknown_srs_string [static] | string | r | | +| width | uint | r/w | | +| x_origin | double | r/w | | +| xy_scale | double | r/w | | +| xy_tolerance | double | r/w | | +| y_origin | double | r/w | | +| z_origin | double | r/w | | +| z_scale | double | r/w | | +| z_tolerance | double | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: GdbShapeFieldDescription() {#GdbShapeFieldDescription__1} + + +``` + GdbShapeFieldDescription() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GdbShapeFieldDescription class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableexception/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableexception/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7bb05690fe7c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableexception/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: GdbTableException Class +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableexception/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbTableException + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableException()](#GdbTableException__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GdbTableException class | +| [GdbTableException(message)](#GdbTableException_message_2) | Initializes a new instance of the GdbTableException class | + + +### Constructor: GdbTableException() {#GdbTableException__1} + + +``` + GdbTableException() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GdbTableException class + +### Constructor: GdbTableException(message) {#GdbTableException_message_2} + + +``` + GdbTableException(message) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GdbTableException class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| message | string | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablefile/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablefile/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..690d27bc094c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablefile/ @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +--- +title: GdbTableFile Class +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablefile/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbTableFile + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | | +| fields | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | +| gdb_table_version | [GdbTableVersion](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableversion) | r | | +| is_dirty | bool | r | | +| next_row_id | int | r | | +| object_id_field | [GdbFieldDescription](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfielddescription) | r | | +| shape_field | [GdbShapeFieldDescription](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshapefielddescription) | r | | +| shape_type | [GdbTableShapeType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableshapetype) | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| add_field(field) | | +| [add_row(row)](#add_row_row_1) | | +| [create(path)](#create_path_2) | | +| [create(path)](#create_path_3) | | +| [create_row()](#create_row__4) | | +| delete_row(row_id) | | +| delete_row_at(row_index) | | +| [has_field(name)](#has_field_name_5) | | +| [is_valid_and_unqiue_field_name(name, error)](#is_valid_and_unqiue_field_name_name_error_6) | | +| [is_valid_field_name(name, error)](#is_valid_field_name_name_error_7) | | +| [open(path)](#open_path_8) | | +| [open(path)](#open_path_9) | | +| [read_row(row_id)](#read_row_row_id_10) | | +| [read_row_at(row_index)](#read_row_at_row_index_11) | | +| update_row(row, row_index) | | + + +### Method: add_row(row) {#add_row_row_1} + + +``` + add_row(row) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| row | [GdbTableRowWriter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowwriter) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: create(path) [static] {#create_path_2} + + +``` + create(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablefile) | | + + +### Method: create(path) [static] {#create_path_3} + + +``` + create(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablefile) | | + + +### Method: create_row() {#create_row__4} + + +``` + create_row() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableRowWriter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowwriter) | | + + +### Method: has_field(name) {#has_field_name_5} + + +``` + has_field(name) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: is_valid_and_unqiue_field_name(name, error) {#is_valid_and_unqiue_field_name_name_error_6} + + +``` + is_valid_and_unqiue_field_name(name, error) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| error | String | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: is_valid_field_name(name, error) [static] {#is_valid_field_name_name_error_7} + + +``` + is_valid_field_name(name, error) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| error | String | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: open(path) [static] {#open_path_8} + + +``` + open(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablefile) | | + + +### Method: open(path) [static] {#open_path_9} + + +``` + open(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablefile) | | + + +### Method: read_row(row_id) {#read_row_row_id_10} + + +``` + read_row(row_id) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| row_id | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableRowReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowreader) | | + + +### Method: read_row_at(row_index) {#read_row_at_row_index_11} + + +``` + read_row_at(row_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| row_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableRowReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowreader) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableindexfile/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableindexfile/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fc43172a105c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableindexfile/ @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +--- +title: GdbTableIndexFile Class +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableindexfile/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbTableIndexFile + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| blocks_count | int | r | | +| last_row_id | int | r | | +| next_row_id | int | r | | +| number_of_offsets_in_block | int | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(offset)](#add_offset_1) | | +| [create(path)](#create_path_2) | | +| [create(path)](#create_path_3) | | +| delete(row_id) | | +| [get_offset(row_id)](#get_offset_row_id_4) | | +| [is_block_present(block_number)](#is_block_present_block_number_5) | | +| [open(path)](#open_path_6) | | +| [open(path)](#open_path_7) | | + + +### Method: add(offset) {#add_offset_1} + + +``` + add(offset) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| offset | long | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: create(path) [static] {#create_path_2} + + +``` + create(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableIndexFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableindexfile) | | + + +### Method: create(path) [static] {#create_path_3} + + +``` + create(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableIndexFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableindexfile) | | + + +### Method: get_offset(row_id) {#get_offset_row_id_4} + + +``` + get_offset(row_id) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| row_id | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| long | | + + +### Method: is_block_present(block_number) {#is_block_present_block_number_5} + + +``` + is_block_present(block_number) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| block_number | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: open(path) [static] {#open_path_6} + + +``` + open(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableIndexFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableindexfile) | | + + +### Method: open(path) [static] {#open_path_7} + + +``` + open(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbTableIndexFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableindexfile) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowreader/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowreader/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55da5a0d4e2b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowreader/ @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +--- +title: GdbTableRowReader Class +type: docs +weight: 160 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowreader/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbTableRowReader + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| field_description | [GdbFieldDescription](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfielddescription) | r | | +| has_field | bool | r | | +| is_field_null | bool | r | | +| row_id | int | r | | +| table | [GdbTableFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablefile) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [read_binary()](#read_binary__1) | | +| [read_date_time()](#read_date_time__2) | | +| [read_float32()](#read_float32__3) | | +| [read_float64()](#read_float64__4) | | +| [read_global_id()](#read_global_id__5) | | +| [read_guid()](#read_guid__6) | | +| [read_int16()](#read_int16__7) | | +| [read_int32()](#read_int32__8) | | +| [read_raster()](#read_raster__9) | | +| [read_shape()](#read_shape__10) | | +| [read_string()](#read_string__11) | | +| [read_xml()](#read_xml__12) | | +| skip_field() | | + + +### Method: read_binary() {#read_binary__1} + + +``` + read_binary() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: read_date_time() {#read_date_time__2} + + +``` + read_date_time() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| datetime | | + + +### Method: read_float32() {#read_float32__3} + + +``` + read_float32() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| float | | + + +### Method: read_float64() {#read_float64__4} + + +``` + read_float64() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: read_global_id() {#read_global_id__5} + + +``` + read_global_id() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| Guid | | + + +### Method: read_guid() {#read_guid__6} + + +``` + read_guid() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| Guid | | + + +### Method: read_int16() {#read_int16__7} + + +``` + read_int16() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| short | | + + +### Method: read_int32() {#read_int32__8} + + +``` + read_int32() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: read_raster() {#read_raster__9} + + +``` + read_raster() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: read_shape() {#read_shape__10} + + +``` + read_shape() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GdbShape](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbshape) | | + + +### Method: read_string() {#read_string__11} + + +``` + read_string() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + +### Method: read_xml() {#read_xml__12} + + +``` + read_xml() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowwriter/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowwriter/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ae05561d626e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowwriter/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: GdbTableRowWriter Class +type: docs +weight: 170 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtablerowwriter/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbTableRowWriter + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| field_description | [GdbFieldDescription](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbfielddescription) | r | | +| has_field | bool | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| write_binary(bytes) | | +| write_date_time(date_time) | | +| write_float32(value) | | +| write_float64(value) | | +| write_global_id(guid) | | +| write_guid(guid) | | +| write_int16(value) | | +| write_int32(value) | | +| write_null() | | +| write_shape(shape) | | +| write_string(value) | | +| write_xml(xml) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableshapetype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableshapetype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ce1aee84afab --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableshapetype/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: GdbTableShapeType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 200 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableshapetype/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbTableShapeType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| MULTI_PATCH | | +| MULTI_POINT | | +| NONE | | +| POINT | | +| POLYGON | | +| POLYLINE | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableversion/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableversion/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a5987b365fc --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableversion/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: GdbTableVersion Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 210 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/gdbtableversion/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.gdbtable.GdbTableVersion + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| VERSION10 | | +| VERSION9 | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..afbae8014ef0 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/ @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Arc](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/arc/) | | +| [Ellipse](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/ellipse/) | | +| [GraphicalCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalcollection/) | | +| [GraphicalObject](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobject/) | | +| [Line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/line/) | | +| [MultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/multipoint/) | | +| [None](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/none/) | | +| [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/point/) | | +| [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/polygon/) | | +| [Polyline](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/polyline/) | | +| [Rectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/rectangle/) | | +| [Region](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/region/) | | +| [RoundedRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/roundedrectangle/) | | +| [Text](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/text/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/arc/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/arc/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41606e13dbe7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/arc/ @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +--- +title: Arc Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/arc/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.Arc + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Arc()](#Arc__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Arc class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| ellipse_coordinate1 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| ellipse_coordinate2 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| end_angle | double | r/w | | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| pen | Nullable | r/w | | +| start_angle | double | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: Arc() {#Arc__1} + + +``` + Arc() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Arc class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/ellipse/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/ellipse/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..00927cfa4c82 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/ellipse/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +title: Ellipse Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/ellipse/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.Ellipse + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Ellipse()](#Ellipse__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Ellipse class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| brush | Nullable | r/w | | +| coordinate1 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| coordinate2 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| pen | Nullable | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: Ellipse() {#Ellipse__1} + + +``` + Ellipse() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Ellipse class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalcollection/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalcollection/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..05cfa00c8042 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalcollection/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +--- +title: GraphicalCollection Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalcollection/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.GraphicalCollection + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GraphicalCollection()](#GraphicalCollection__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GraphicalCollection class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| elements | System.Collections.Generic.List | r/w | | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: GraphicalCollection() {#GraphicalCollection__1} + + +``` + GraphicalCollection() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GraphicalCollection class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobject/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobject/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..20cc8f1877fb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobject/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +--- +title: GraphicalObject Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobject/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..90df2d7fcd17 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype/ @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: GraphicalObjectType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.GraphicalObjectType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| ARC | | +| ELLIPSE | | +| GRAPHICAL_COLLECTION | | +| LINE | | +| MULTI_POINT | | +| NONE | | +| POINT | | +| POLYLINE | | +| RECTANGLE | | +| REGION | | +| ROUNDED_RECTANGLE | | +| TEXT | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/line/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/line/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7a36d93bb9bd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/line/ @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +--- +title: Line Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/line/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.Line + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Line()](#Line__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Line class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| end | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| pen | Nullable | r/w | | +| start | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: Line() {#Line__1} + + +``` + Line() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Line class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/multipoint/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/multipoint/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..49c4d20fe17a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/multipoint/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: MultiPoint Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/multipoint/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.MultiPoint + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiPoint()](#MultiPoint__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MultiPoint class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinates | System.Collections.Generic.List | r/w | | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| symbol | Nullable | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: MultiPoint() {#MultiPoint__1} + + +``` + MultiPoint() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MultiPoint class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/none/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/none/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..191624b9edf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/none/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: None Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/none/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.None + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| instance [static] | [None](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/none) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/point/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/point/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..45d018bdc31d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/point/ @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +--- +title: Point Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/point/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.Point + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Point()](#Point__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Point class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| symbol | Nullable | r/w | | +| symbol_id | byte | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: Point() {#Point__1} + + +``` + Point() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Point class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/polygon/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/polygon/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d942dd5ece13 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/polygon/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: Polygon Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/polygon/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.Polygon + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Polygon()](#Polygon__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Polygon class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| exterior_ring | System.Collections.Generic.List | r/w | | +| interior_rings | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList> | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: Polygon() {#Polygon__1} + + +``` + Polygon() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Polygon class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/polyline/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/polyline/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3c06460006eb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/polyline/ @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +--- +title: Polyline Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/polyline/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.Polyline + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Polyline()](#Polyline__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Polyline class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| lines | System.Collections.Generic.List> | r/w | | +| pen | Nullable | r/w | | +| smooth | bool | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: Polyline() {#Polyline__1} + + +``` + Polyline() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Polyline class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/rectangle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/rectangle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..db540004060b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/rectangle/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +title: Rectangle Class +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/rectangle/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.Rectangle + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Rectangle()](#Rectangle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| brush | Nullable | r/w | | +| coordinate1 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| coordinate2 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| pen | Nullable | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: Rectangle() {#Rectangle__1} + + +``` + Rectangle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/region/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/region/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0b76dde09d6e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/region/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +title: Region Class +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/region/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.Region + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Region()](#Region__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Region class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| brush | Nullable | r/w | | +| center | Nullable | r/w | | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| pen | Nullable | r/w | | +| polygons | System.Collections.Generic.List | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: Region() {#Region__1} + + +``` + Region() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Region class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/roundedrectangle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/roundedrectangle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4b8e365c532e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/roundedrectangle/ @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +--- +title: RoundedRectangle Class +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/roundedrectangle/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.RoundedRectangle + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RoundedRectangle()](#RoundedRectangle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the RoundedRectangle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| brush | Nullable | r/w | | +| coordinate1 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| coordinate2 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| pen | Nullable | r/w | | +| x_radius | double | r/w | | +| y_radius | double | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: RoundedRectangle() {#RoundedRectangle__1} + + +``` + RoundedRectangle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the RoundedRectangle class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/text/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/text/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..205e775ef322 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/text/ @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +--- +title: Text Class +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/text/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects.Text + +**Inheritance:** GraphicalObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Text()](#Text__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Text class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate1 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| coordinate2 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r/w | | +| graphical_object_type | [GraphicalObjectType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/graphicalobjecttype) | r | | +| text_string | string | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: Text() {#Text__1} + + +``` + Text() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Text class + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..801b50e9ea27 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MidReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/midreader/) | | +| [MifReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/mifreader/) | | +| [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken/) | | +| [MifTokenizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokenizer/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MifTokenType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokentype/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/midreader/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/midreader/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0da59928520e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/midreader/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: MidReader Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/midreader/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat.MidReader + +**Inheritance:** IDataRowsFile + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MidReader(path, separator, encoding)](#MidReader_path_separator_encoding_1) | Initializes a new instance of the MidReader class | +| [MidReader(path, separator, encoding)](#MidReader_path_separator_encoding_2) | Initializes a new instance of the MidReader class | + + +### Constructor: MidReader(path, separator, encoding) {#MidReader_path_separator_encoding_1} + + +``` + MidReader(path, separator, encoding) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MidReader class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | +| separator | char | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | + +### Constructor: MidReader(path, separator, encoding) {#MidReader_path_separator_encoding_2} + + +``` + MidReader(path, separator, encoding) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MidReader class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | +| separator | char | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/mifreader/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/mifreader/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..924b3411bb6e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/mifreader/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +--- +title: MifReader Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/mifreader/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat.MifReader + +**Inheritance:** IGraphcialObjectsFile + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MifReader(path)](#MifReader_path_1) | Initializes a new instance of the MifReader class | +| [MifReader(path)](#MifReader_path_2) | Initializes a new instance of the MifReader class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| charset_encoding | System.Text.Encoding | r | | +| columns | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | +| common_graphical_objects_type | Nullable | r | | +| coordinate_system | [CoordinateSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/coordinatesystem) | r | | +| delimiter | char | r | | +| version | int | r | | + + +### Constructor: MifReader(path) {#MifReader_path_1} + + +``` + MifReader(path) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MifReader class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +### Constructor: MifReader(path) {#MifReader_path_2} + + +``` + MifReader(path) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MifReader class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41c1974a27e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken/ @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +--- +title: MifToken Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat.MifToken + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MifToken()](#MifToken__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MifToken class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close [static] | [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | r | | +| comma [static] | [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | r | | +| eof [static] | [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | r | | +| newline [static] | [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | r | | +| open [static] | [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | r | | +| text | string | r | | +| token_type | [MifTokenType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokentype) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [is_keyword(keyword)](#is_keyword_keyword_1) | | +| [keyword(text)](#keyword_text_2) | | +| [number(text)](#number_text_3) | | +| [string(text)](#string_text_4) | | + + +### Constructor: MifToken() {#MifToken__1} + + +``` + MifToken() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MifToken class + +### Method: is_keyword(keyword) {#is_keyword_keyword_1} + + +``` + is_keyword(keyword) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| keyword | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: keyword(text) [static] {#keyword_text_2} + + +``` + keyword(text) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | | + + +### Method: number(text) [static] {#number_text_3} + + +``` + number(text) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | | + + +### Method: string(text) [static] {#string_text_4} + + +``` + string(text) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokenizer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokenizer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..452023b0f3f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokenizer/ @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +--- +title: MifTokenizer Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokenizer/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat.MifTokenizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MifTokenizer(path)](#MifTokenizer_path_1) | Initializes a new instance of the MifTokenizer class | +| [MifTokenizer(path)](#MifTokenizer_path_2) | Initializes a new instance of the MifTokenizer class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | r/w | | +| line_number | long | r | | +| position | long | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [peek_token()](#peek_token__1) | | +| [read_char(description)](#read_char_description_2) | | +| [read_double(description)](#read_double_description_3) | | +| [read_int(description)](#read_int_description_4) | | +| [read_keyword(description)](#read_keyword_description_5) | | +| [read_string(description)](#read_string_description_6) | | +| [read_token()](#read_token__7) | | +| [read_token(expected_type, description)](#read_token_expected_type_description_8) | | +| seek(new_position, new_line_number) | | +| skip_to_new_line() | | + + +### Constructor: MifTokenizer(path) {#MifTokenizer_path_1} + + +``` + MifTokenizer(path) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MifTokenizer class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +### Constructor: MifTokenizer(path) {#MifTokenizer_path_2} + + +``` + MifTokenizer(path) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MifTokenizer class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + +### Method: peek_token() {#peek_token__1} + + +``` + peek_token() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | | + + +### Method: read_char(description) {#read_char_description_2} + + +``` + read_char(description) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| description | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| char | | + + +### Method: read_double(description) {#read_double_description_3} + + +``` + read_double(description) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| description | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: read_int(description) {#read_int_description_4} + + +``` + read_int(description) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| description | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: read_keyword(description) {#read_keyword_description_5} + + +``` + read_keyword(description) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| description | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + +### Method: read_string(description) {#read_string_description_6} + + +``` + read_string(description) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| description | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + +### Method: read_token() {#read_token__7} + + +``` + read_token() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | | + + +### Method: read_token(expected_type, description) {#read_token_expected_type_description_8} + + +``` + read_token(expected_type, description) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| expected_type | [MifTokenType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokentype) | | +| description | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MifToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftoken) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokentype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokentype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a54ec9f1617c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokentype/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: MifTokenType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/miftokentype/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.interchangeformat.MifTokenType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CLOSE | | +| COMMA | | +| EOF | | +| KEYWORD | | +| NEWLINE | | +| NUMBER | | +| OPEN | | +| STRING | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8442a37da4a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Brush](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/brush/) | | +| [Color](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color/) | | +| [Pen](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/pen/) | | +| [Symbol](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/symbol/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/brush/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/brush/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..132e30365f6a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/brush/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +title: Brush Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/brush/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling.Brush + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Brush()](#Brush__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Brush class | +| [Brush(pattern, fore_color, back_color)](#Brush_pattern_fore_color_back_color_2) | Initializes a new instance of the Brush class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| back_color | Nullable | r | | +| fore_color | [Color](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color) | r | | +| pattern | int | r | | + + +### Constructor: Brush() {#Brush__1} + + +``` + Brush() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Brush class + +### Constructor: Brush(pattern, fore_color, back_color) {#Brush_pattern_fore_color_back_color_2} + + +``` + Brush(pattern, fore_color, back_color) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Brush class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| pattern | int | | +| fore_color | [Color](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color) | | +| back_color | Nullable | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e7c2a21cf383 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +title: Color Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling.Color + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Color()](#Color__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Color class | +| [Color(r, g, b)](#Color_r_g_b_2) | Initializes a new instance of the Color class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| blue | byte | r | | +| green | byte | r | | +| red | byte | r | | + + +### Constructor: Color() {#Color__1} + + +``` + Color() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Color class + +### Constructor: Color(r, g, b) {#Color_r_g_b_2} + + +``` + Color(r, g, b) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Color class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| r | byte | | +| g | byte | | +| b | byte | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/pen/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/pen/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0e19270b1af3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/pen/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +title: Pen Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/pen/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling.Pen + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Pen()](#Pen__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Pen class | +| [Pen(width, pattern, color)](#Pen_width_pattern_color_2) | Initializes a new instance of the Pen class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| color | [Color](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color) | r | | +| pattern | int | r | | +| width | int | r | | + + +### Constructor: Pen() {#Pen__1} + + +``` + Pen() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Pen class + +### Constructor: Pen(width, pattern, color) {#Pen_width_pattern_color_2} + + +``` + Pen(width, pattern, color) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Pen class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | int | | +| pattern | int | | +| color | [Color](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color) | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/symbol/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/symbol/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cb055af3f070 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/symbol/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +title: Symbol Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/symbol/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling.Symbol + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Symbol()](#Symbol__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Symbol class | +| [Symbol(shape, color, size)](#Symbol_shape_color_size_2) | Initializes a new instance of the Symbol class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| color | [Color](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color) | r | | +| shape | int | r | | +| size | int | r | | + + +### Constructor: Symbol() {#Symbol__1} + + +``` + Symbol() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Symbol class + +### Constructor: Symbol(shape, color, size) {#Symbol_shape_color_size_2} + + +``` + Symbol(shape, color, size) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Symbol class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| shape | int | | +| color | [Color](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.styling/color) | | +| size | int | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..eca957424c79 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapBlockTypes](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [MapCoordinatesSection](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [MapHeader](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [MapHeaderConst](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [MapObjectsHeader](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [MapReader](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [MapTransform](/psd/python-net/ | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapObjectTypeCodes](/psd/python-net/ | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..61068549426b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: MapBlockTypes Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| COORDINATES [static] | short | r | | +| GARBAGE [static] | short | r | | +| HEADER [static] | short | r | | +| OBJECTS [static] | short | r | | +| RAW_BIN [static] | short | r | | +| SPATIAL_INDEX [static] | short | r | | +| TOOL [static] | short | r | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..257f18aac618 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +title: MapCoordinatesSection Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapCoordinatesSection()](#MapCoordinatesSection__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapCoordinatesSection class | +| [MapCoordinatesSection(coordinates_count, holes_count)](#MapCoordinatesSection_coordinates_count_holes_count_2) | Initializes a new instance of the MapCoordinatesSection class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinates_count | int | r | | +| holes_count | int | r | | + + +### Constructor: MapCoordinatesSection() {#MapCoordinatesSection__1} + + +``` + MapCoordinatesSection() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapCoordinatesSection class + +### Constructor: MapCoordinatesSection(coordinates_count, holes_count) {#MapCoordinatesSection_coordinates_count_holes_count_2} + + +``` + MapCoordinatesSection(coordinates_count, holes_count) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapCoordinatesSection class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| coordinates_count | int | | +| holes_count | int | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..85ac73b18d21 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: MapHeader Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapHeader()](#MapHeader__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapHeader class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| block_size | short | r/w | | +| bounding_box | [BoundingBox](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox) | r | | +| brushes_count | int | r/w | | +| coordinate_precision | byte | r/w | | +| coordinate_system | [CoordinateSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/coordinatesystem) | r | | +| coordinate_system_to_distance_units | double | r/w | | +| distance_units_code | byte | r/w | | +| first_block_size | short | r | | +| first_garbage_block_position | int | r/w | | +| first_index_block_position | int | r/w | | +| first_tool_block_position | int | r/w | | +| fonts_count | int | r/w | | +| lines_count | int | r/w | | +| map_file_version | short | r/w | | +| maximal_coordinates_buffer_size | int | r/w | | +| maximal_spatial_index_depth | byte | r/w | | +| objects_length_array_id | byte | r/w | | +| pens_count | int | r/w | | +| points_count | int | r/w | | +| reflect_x_axis_coordinate | byte | r/w | | +| regions_count | int | r/w | | +| symbols_count | int | r/w | | +| texts_count | int | r/w | | +| tool_blocks_count | int | r/w | | +| transform | [MapTransform](/psd/python-net/ | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: MapHeader() {#MapHeader__1} + + +``` + MapHeader() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapHeader class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ca9a2bf41d65 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: MapHeaderConst Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER [static] | int | r | | +| HEADER_OBJECT_SIZES [static] | byte | r | | +| MAP_VERSION [static] | short | r | | +| TAB_VERSION [static] | short | r | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..733902dfa290 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +--- +title: MapObjectsHeader Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapObjectsHeader()](#MapObjectsHeader__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapObjectsHeader class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| center_x | int | r/w | | +| center_y | int | r/w | | +| first_coordinate_block | int | r/w | | +| identifier | short | r/w | | +| last_coordinate_block | int | r/w | | +| used_bytes_count | short | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: MapObjectsHeader() {#MapObjectsHeader__1} + + +``` + MapObjectsHeader() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapObjectsHeader class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..706b106841ab --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: MapObjectTypeCodes Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| ARC | | +| COLLECTION | | +| CUSTOM_POINT | | +| ELLIPSE | | +| FONT_POINT | | +| LINE | | +| MULTI_POINT | | +| MULTI_POLYLINE | | +| NONE | | +| POINT | | +| POLYLINE | | +| RECTANGLE | | +| REGION | | +| ROUNDED_RECTANGLE | | +| TEXT | | +| UNKNOWN1 | | +| V450_MULTI_POLYLINE | | +| V450_REGION | | +| V800_COLLECTION | | +| V800_MULTI_POINT | | +| V800_MULTI_POLYLINE | | +| V800_REGION | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..665be09a596f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +--- +title: MapReader Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Inheritance:** IGraphcialObjectsFile + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapReader(path, encoding)](#MapReader_path_encoding_1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapReader class | +| [MapReader(path, encoding)](#MapReader_path_encoding_2) | Initializes a new instance of the MapReader class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| common_graphical_objects_type | Nullable | r | | +| coordinate_system | [CoordinateSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/coordinatesystem) | r | | + + +### Constructor: MapReader(path, encoding) {#MapReader_path_encoding_1} + + +``` + MapReader(path, encoding) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapReader class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | + +### Constructor: MapReader(path, encoding) {#MapReader_path_encoding_2} + + +``` + MapReader(path, encoding) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapReader class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..862e18fdfc76 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +--- +title: MapTransform Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapTransform(x_displacement, y_displacement, x_scale, y_scale, coordinates_origin_quadrant)](#MapTransform_x_displacement_y_displacement_x_scale_y_scale_coordinates_origin_quadrant_1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapTransform class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinates_origin_quadrant | [Quadrant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/quadrant) | r | | +| coordinates_origin_quadrant_byte | byte | r | | +| x_displacement | double | r | | +| x_scale | double | r | | +| y_displacement | double | r | | +| y_scale | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [apply(ix, iy)](#apply_ix_iy_1) | | +| to_int_coordinate(coordinate, n_x, n_y) | | + + +### Constructor: MapTransform(x_displacement, y_displacement, x_scale, y_scale, coordinates_origin_quadrant) {#MapTransform_x_displacement_y_displacement_x_scale_y_scale_coordinates_origin_quadrant_1} + + +``` + MapTransform(x_displacement, y_displacement, x_scale, y_scale, coordinates_origin_quadrant) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapTransform class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x_displacement | double | | +| y_displacement | double | | +| x_scale | double | | +| y_scale | double | | +| coordinates_origin_quadrant | [Quadrant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/quadrant) | | + +### Method: apply(ix, iy) {#apply_ix_iy_1} + + +``` + apply(ix, iy) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| ix | int | | +| iy | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0074fbd2bd30 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [DatReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/datreader/) | | +| [TabFileData](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/tabfiledata/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/datreader/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/datreader/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3fc98a6fd08d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/datreader/ @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +--- +title: DatReader Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/datreader/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat.DatReader + +**Inheritance:** IDataRowsFile + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [open_dbf(path, encoding, columns)](#open_dbf_path_encoding_columns_1) | | +| [open_dbf(path, encoding, columns)](#open_dbf_path_encoding_columns_2) | | +| [open_native(path, encoding, columns)](#open_native_path_encoding_columns_3) | | +| [open_native(path, encoding, columns)](#open_native_path_encoding_columns_4) | | + + +### Method: open_dbf(path, encoding, columns) [static] {#open_dbf_path_encoding_columns_1} + + +``` + open_dbf(path, encoding, columns) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | +| columns | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/datreader) | | + + +### Method: open_dbf(path, encoding, columns) [static] {#open_dbf_path_encoding_columns_2} + + +``` + open_dbf(path, encoding, columns) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | +| columns | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/datreader) | | + + +### Method: open_native(path, encoding, columns) [static] {#open_native_path_encoding_columns_3} + + +``` + open_native(path, encoding, columns) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | +| columns | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/datreader) | | + + +### Method: open_native(path, encoding, columns) [static] {#open_native_path_encoding_columns_4} + + +``` + open_native(path, encoding, columns) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | +| columns | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/datreader) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/tabfiledata/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/tabfiledata/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..484c817baf42 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/tabfiledata/ @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +--- +title: TabFileData Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/tabfiledata/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat.TabFileData + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| fields | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | +| table_encoding | System.Text.Encoding | r | | +| table_type | string | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [read(tab_file_path)](#read_tab_file_path_1) | | +| [read(tab_path)](#read_tab_path_2) | | + + +### Method: read(tab_file_path) [static] {#read_tab_file_path_1} + + +``` + read(tab_file_path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tab_file_path | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [TabFileData](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/tabfiledata) | | + + +### Method: read(tab_path) [static] {#read_tab_path_2} + + +``` + read(tab_path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tab_path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [TabFileData](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.tabformat/tabfiledata) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ecbb2183b349 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Column](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/column/) | | +| [CoordinateSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/coordinatesystem/) | | +| [Datum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/datum/) | | +| [IDataRow](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/idatarow/) | | +| [IDataRowsFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/idatarowsfile/) | | +| [IGraphcialObjectsFile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/igraphcialobjectsfile/) | | +| [MapInfoException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/mapinfoexception/) | | +| [MapInfoSizes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/mapinfosizes/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ColumnType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/columntype/) | | +| [UnitId](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/unitid/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/column/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/column/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..535f0f2f0415 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/column/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +--- +title: Column Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/column/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.Column + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Column()](#Column__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Column class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| column_type | [ColumnType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/columntype) | r/w | | +| name | string | r/w | | +| precision | int | r/w | | +| width | int | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_type(type_name)](#get_type_type_name_1) | | + + +### Constructor: Column() {#Column__1} + + +``` + Column() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Column class + +### Method: get_type(type_name) [static] {#get_type_type_name_1} + + +``` + get_type(type_name) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| type_name | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ColumnType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/columntype) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/columntype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/columntype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8c807dc321ff --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/columntype/ @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: ColumnType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 400 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/columntype/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.ColumnType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CHAR | | +| DATE | | +| DATE_TIME | | +| DECIMAL | | +| FLOAT | | +| INTEGER | | +| LARGE_INTEGER | | +| LOGICAL | | +| SMALL_INTEGER | | +| TIME | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/coordinatesystem/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/coordinatesystem/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5ed0dd9c3d14 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/coordinatesystem/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: CoordinateSystem Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/coordinatesystem/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.CoordinateSystem + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CoordinateSystem()](#CoordinateSystem__1) | Initializes a new instance of the CoordinateSystem class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| datum | [Datum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/datum) | r | | +| projection_id | byte | r/w | | +| projection_parameters | double | r | | +| unit_id | [UnitId](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/unitid) | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: CoordinateSystem() {#CoordinateSystem__1} + + +``` + CoordinateSystem() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the CoordinateSystem class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/datum/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/datum/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2674be4cf323 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/datum/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: Datum Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/datum/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.Datum + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Datum()](#Datum__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Datum class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| ellipsoid_id | byte | r/w | | +| has_datum_parameters | bool | r/w | | +| id | short | r/w | | +| prime_meridian | double | r/w | | +| rotation_x | double | r/w | | +| rotation_y | double | r/w | | +| rotation_z | double | r/w | | +| scale | double | r/w | | +| shift_x | double | r/w | | +| shift_y | double | r/w | | +| shift_z | double | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: Datum() {#Datum__1} + + +``` + Datum() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Datum class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/idatarow/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/idatarow/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..53d3093a6b3b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/idatarow/ @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +--- +title: IDataRow Class +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/idatarow/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.IDataRow + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| fields_count | int | r | | +| row_number | int | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [is_null(field_index)](#is_null_field_index_1) | | +| [read_character(field_index)](#read_character_field_index_2) | | +| [read_date(field_index)](#read_date_field_index_3) | | +| [read_date_time(field_index)](#read_date_time_field_index_4) | | +| [read_decimal(field_index)](#read_decimal_field_index_5) | | +| [read_float(field_index)](#read_float_field_index_6) | | +| [read_integer(field_index)](#read_integer_field_index_7) | | +| [read_large_integer(field_index)](#read_large_integer_field_index_8) | | +| [read_logical(field_index)](#read_logical_field_index_9) | | +| [read_small_integer(field_index)](#read_small_integer_field_index_10) | | +| [read_time(field_index)](#read_time_field_index_11) | | + + +### Method: is_null(field_index) {#is_null_field_index_1} + + +``` + is_null(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: read_character(field_index) {#read_character_field_index_2} + + +``` + read_character(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + +### Method: read_date(field_index) {#read_date_field_index_3} + + +``` + read_date(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| datetime | | + + +### Method: read_date_time(field_index) {#read_date_time_field_index_4} + + +``` + read_date_time(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| datetime | | + + +### Method: read_decimal(field_index) {#read_decimal_field_index_5} + + +``` + read_decimal(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: read_float(field_index) {#read_float_field_index_6} + + +``` + read_float(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: read_integer(field_index) {#read_integer_field_index_7} + + +``` + read_integer(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: read_large_integer(field_index) {#read_large_integer_field_index_8} + + +``` + read_large_integer(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| long | | + + +### Method: read_logical(field_index) {#read_logical_field_index_9} + + +``` + read_logical(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: read_small_integer(field_index) {#read_small_integer_field_index_10} + + +``` + read_small_integer(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| short | | + + +### Method: read_time(field_index) {#read_time_field_index_11} + + +``` + read_time(field_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| field_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| datetime | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/idatarowsfile/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/idatarowsfile/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a784b1384152 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/idatarowsfile/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: IDataRowsFile Class +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/idatarowsfile/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.IDataRowsFile + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/igraphcialobjectsfile/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/igraphcialobjectsfile/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dcb1db8c1994 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/igraphcialobjectsfile/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: IGraphcialObjectsFile Class +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/igraphcialobjectsfile/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.IGraphcialObjectsFile + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| common_graphical_objects_type | Nullable | r | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/mapinfoexception/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/mapinfoexception/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a60d1e677fa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/mapinfoexception/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: MapInfoException Class +type: docs +weight: 190 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/mapinfoexception/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.MapInfoException + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapInfoException()](#MapInfoException__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapInfoException class | +| [MapInfoException(message)](#MapInfoException_message_2) | Initializes a new instance of the MapInfoException class | + + +### Constructor: MapInfoException() {#MapInfoException__1} + + +``` + MapInfoException() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapInfoException class + +### Constructor: MapInfoException(message) {#MapInfoException_message_2} + + +``` + MapInfoException(message) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapInfoException class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| message | string | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/mapinfosizes/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/mapinfosizes/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ef8aedd0d156 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/mapinfosizes/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: MapInfoSizes Class +type: docs +weight: 200 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/mapinfosizes/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.MapInfoSizes + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapInfoSizes()](#MapInfoSizes__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapInfoSizes class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| COMPRESSED_COORDINATE [static] | short | r | | +| COORDINATE_HEADER [static] | short | r | | +| HEADER_SIZE [static] | short | r | | +| OBJECTS_HEADER [static] | short | r | | +| SEGMENT_HEADER [static] | short | r | | +| SEGMENT_HEADER450 [static] | short | r | | +| UNCOMPRESSED_COORDINATE [static] | short | r | | + + +### Constructor: MapInfoSizes() {#MapInfoSizes__1} + + +``` + MapInfoSizes() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapInfoSizes class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/unitid/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/unitid/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..187d7792919d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/unitid/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +--- +title: UnitId Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 440 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/unitid/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.UnitId + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CENTIMETER | | +| CHAIN | | +| EMPTY | | +| INCH | | +| INTERNATIONAL_FOOT | | +| KILOMETER | | +| LINK | | +| METER | | +| MILE | | +| MILLIMETER | | +| NAUTICAL_MILE | | +| ROD | | +| UNKNOWN | | +| US_SURVEY_FOOT | | +| YARD | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..27141da394b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/ +--- + + + + +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [EWkbFlags](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/ewkbflags/) | | +| [WkbByteOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/wkbbyteorder/) | | +| [WkbType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/wkbtype/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/ewkbflags/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/ewkbflags/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b6eb0be77a9a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/ewkbflags/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: EWkbFlags Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/ewkbflags/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb.EWkbFlags + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| M | | +| SRID | | +| Z | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/wkbbyteorder/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/wkbbyteorder/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f15075475171 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/wkbbyteorder/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: WkbByteOrder Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/wkbbyteorder/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb.WkbByteOrder + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BIG_ENDIAN | | +| LITTLE_ENDIAN | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/wkbtype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/wkbtype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..48b523387308 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/wkbtype/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +--- +title: WkbType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/wkbtype/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkb.WkbType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CIRCULAR_STRING | | +| COMPOUND_CURVE | | +| CURVE_POLYGON | | +| GEOMETRY_COLLECTION | | +| LINE_STRING | | +| MULTI_CURVE | | +| MULTI_LINE_STRING | | +| MULTI_POINT | | +| MULTI_POLYGON | | +| MULTI_SURFACE | | +| POINT | | +| POLYGON | | +| POLYHEDRAL_SURFACE | | +| TIN | | +| TRIANGLE | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5a185f1b4782 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue/) | | +| [WktDateTime](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktdatetime/) | | +| [WktKeyword](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktkeyword/) | | +| [WktNumber](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktnumber/) | | +| [WktString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktstring/) | | +| [WktToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttoken/) | | +| [WktTokenizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokenizer/) | | +| [WktValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktvalue/) | | +| [WktWriter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriter/) | | +| [WktWriterOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriteroptions/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WktTokenType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokentype/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..287fc5c970c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue/ @@ -0,0 +1,415 @@ +--- +title: WktCompositeValue Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktCompositeValue + +**Inheritance:** WktValue + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | | +| name | string | r | | +| parent | [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(wkt)](#create_wkt_1) | | +| [get_composite_value(index)](#get_composite_value_index_2) | | +| [get_composite_value(index, expected_name)](#get_composite_value_index_expected_name_3) | | +| [get_composite_value(other_names)](#get_composite_value_other_names_4) | | +| [get_composite_value(regular_name, other_name)](#get_composite_value_regular_name_other_name_5) | | +| [get_composite_value_index(value_name)](#get_composite_value_index_value_name_6) | | +| [get_double(index)](#get_double_index_7) | | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__8) | | +| [get_integer(index)](#get_integer_index_9) | | +| [get_keyword(index)](#get_keyword_index_10) | | +| [get_or_default_integer(index, default_value)](#get_or_default_integer_index_default_value_11) | | +| [get_string(index)](#get_string_index_12) | | +| [to_string()](#to_string__13) | | +| [try_get_composite_value(index, expected_name, output)](#try_get_composite_value_index_expected_name_output_14) | | +| [try_get_composite_value(index, output)](#try_get_composite_value_index_output_15) | | +| [try_get_composite_value(value_name, value)](#try_get_composite_value_value_name_value_16) | | +| [try_get_double(index, output)](#try_get_double_index_output_17) | | + + +### Method: create(wkt) [static] {#create_wkt_1} + + +``` + create(wkt) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + + +### Method: get_composite_value(index) {#get_composite_value_index_2} + + +``` + get_composite_value(index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + + +### Method: get_composite_value(index, expected_name) {#get_composite_value_index_expected_name_3} + + +``` + get_composite_value(index, expected_name) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | | +| expected_name | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + + +### Method: get_composite_value(other_names) {#get_composite_value_other_names_4} + + +``` + get_composite_value(other_names) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other_names | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + + +### Method: get_composite_value(regular_name, other_name) {#get_composite_value_regular_name_other_name_5} + + +``` + get_composite_value(regular_name, other_name) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| regular_name | string | | +| other_name | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + + +### Method: get_composite_value_index(value_name) {#get_composite_value_index_value_name_6} + + +``` + get_composite_value_index(value_name) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value_name | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: get_double(index) {#get_double_index_7} + + +``` + get_double(index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__8} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: get_integer(index) {#get_integer_index_9} + + +``` + get_integer(index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: get_keyword(index) {#get_keyword_index_10} + + +``` + get_keyword(index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + +### Method: get_or_default_integer(index, default_value) {#get_or_default_integer_index_default_value_11} + + +``` + get_or_default_integer(index, default_value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | | +| default_value | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: get_string(index) {#get_string_index_12} + + +``` + get_string(index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + +### Method: to_string() {#to_string__13} + + +``` + to_string() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + +### Method: try_get_composite_value(index, expected_name, output) {#try_get_composite_value_index_expected_name_output_14} + + +``` + try_get_composite_value(index, expected_name, output) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | | +| expected_name | string | | +| output | [WktCompositeValue[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: try_get_composite_value(index, output) {#try_get_composite_value_index_output_15} + + +``` + try_get_composite_value(index, output) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | | +| output | [WktCompositeValue[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: try_get_composite_value(value_name, value) {#try_get_composite_value_value_name_value_16} + + +``` + try_get_composite_value(value_name, value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value_name | string | | +| value | [WktCompositeValue[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: try_get_double(index, output) {#try_get_double_index_output_17} + + +``` + try_get_double(index, output) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | | +| output | float[] | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktdatetime/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktdatetime/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c035bb616d86 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktdatetime/ @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +--- +title: WktDateTime Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktdatetime/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktDateTime + +**Inheritance:** WktValue + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WktDateTime(value)](#WktDateTime_value_1) | Initializes a new instance of the WktDateTime class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| parent | [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | r | | +| value | string | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(wkt)](#create_wkt_1) | | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__2) | | +| [to_string()](#to_string__3) | | + + +### Constructor: WktDateTime(value) {#WktDateTime_value_1} + + +``` + WktDateTime(value) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the WktDateTime class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | string | | + +### Method: create(wkt) [static] {#create_wkt_1} + + +``` + create(wkt) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__2} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: to_string() {#to_string__3} + + +``` + to_string() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktkeyword/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktkeyword/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..62060494120a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktkeyword/ @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +--- +title: WktKeyword Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktkeyword/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktKeyword + +**Inheritance:** WktValue + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WktKeyword(value)](#WktKeyword_value_1) | Initializes a new instance of the WktKeyword class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| parent | [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | r | | +| value | string | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(wkt)](#create_wkt_1) | | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__2) | | +| [to_string()](#to_string__3) | | + + +### Constructor: WktKeyword(value) {#WktKeyword_value_1} + + +``` + WktKeyword(value) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the WktKeyword class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | string | | + +### Method: create(wkt) [static] {#create_wkt_1} + + +``` + create(wkt) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__2} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: to_string() {#to_string__3} + + +``` + to_string() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktnumber/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktnumber/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f5db2468caa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktnumber/ @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +--- +title: WktNumber Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktnumber/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktNumber + +**Inheritance:** WktValue + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WktNumber(value)](#WktNumber_value_1) | Initializes a new instance of the WktNumber class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| parent | [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | r | | +| value | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(wkt)](#create_wkt_1) | | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__2) | | +| [to_string()](#to_string__3) | | + + +### Constructor: WktNumber(value) {#WktNumber_value_1} + + +``` + WktNumber(value) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the WktNumber class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | | + +### Method: create(wkt) [static] {#create_wkt_1} + + +``` + create(wkt) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__2} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: to_string() {#to_string__3} + + +``` + to_string() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktstring/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktstring/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6338d311cf4c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktstring/ @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +--- +title: WktString Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktstring/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktString + +**Inheritance:** WktValue + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WktString(value)](#WktString_value_1) | Initializes a new instance of the WktString class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| parent | [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | r | | +| value | string | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(wkt)](#create_wkt_1) | | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__2) | | +| [to_string()](#to_string__3) | | + + +### Constructor: WktString(value) {#WktString_value_1} + + +``` + WktString(value) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the WktString class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | string | | + +### Method: create(wkt) [static] {#create_wkt_1} + + +``` + create(wkt) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__2} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: to_string() {#to_string__3} + + +``` + to_string() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttoken/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttoken/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c09e930a2aec --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttoken/ @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +--- +title: WktToken Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttoken/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktToken + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WktToken()](#WktToken__1) | Initializes a new instance of the WktToken class | +| [WktToken(type, text, position)](#WktToken_type_text_position_2) | Initializes a new instance of the WktToken class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| position | int | r | | +| text | string | r | | +| type | [WktTokenType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokentype) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [is_keyword_with_text(text)](#is_keyword_with_text_text_1) | | + + +### Constructor: WktToken() {#WktToken__1} + + +``` + WktToken() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the WktToken class + +### Constructor: WktToken(type, text, position) {#WktToken_type_text_position_2} + + +``` + WktToken(type, text, position) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the WktToken class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| type | [WktTokenType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokentype) | | +| text | string | | +| position | int | | + +### Method: is_keyword_with_text(text) {#is_keyword_with_text_text_1} + + +``` + is_keyword_with_text(text) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokenizer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokenizer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a0dd9063512d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokenizer/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: WktTokenizer Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokenizer/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktTokenizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WktTokenizer(text)](#WktTokenizer_text_1) | Initializes a new instance of the WktTokenizer class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| current_token | [WktToken](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttoken) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| extract_next_token() | | + + +### Constructor: WktTokenizer(text) {#WktTokenizer_text_1} + + +``` + WktTokenizer(text) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the WktTokenizer class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokentype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokentype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..eb1b2b782da5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokentype/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +title: WktTokenType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wkttokentype/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktTokenType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CLOSE | | +| COMMA | | +| DATE_TIME | | +| EOF | | +| EQUALS | | +| INVALID | | +| KEYWORD | | +| NUMBER | | +| OPEN | | +| SEMI_COLON | | +| STRING | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktvalue/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktvalue/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d992b81b063a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktvalue/ @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: WktValue Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktvalue/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktValue + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| parent | [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(wkt)](#create_wkt_1) | | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__2) | | +| [to_string()](#to_string__3) | | + + +### Method: create(wkt) [static] {#create_wkt_1} + + +``` + create(wkt) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WktCompositeValue](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktcompositevalue) | | + + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__2} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: to_string() {#to_string__3} + + +``` + to_string() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriter/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriter/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b1b855198416 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriter/ @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: WktWriter Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriter/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktWriter + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| options | [WktWriterOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriteroptions) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| write_composite_end() | | +| write_composite_start(composite_value_name) | | +| write_keyword(keyword) | | +| write_number(number) | | +| write_number(number) | | +| write_string(string) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriteroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriteroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..77c90cde1997 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriteroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: WktWriterOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/wktwriteroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.wkt.WktWriterOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WktWriterOptions()](#WktWriterOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the WktWriterOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dispose_writer | bool | r/w | | +| force_uppercase_keywords | bool | r/w | | +| use_square_brackets | bool | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: WktWriterOptions() {#WktWriterOptions__1} + + +``` + WktWriterOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the WktWriterOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4d3e049977eb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats.xml +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PurifyingXmlReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/purifyingxmlreader/) | | +| [TrackingXmlReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/trackingxmlreader/) | | +| [XmlIndex](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlindex/) | | +| [XmlIndex2](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlindex2/) | | +| [XmlName](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlname/) | | +| [XmlNamespacesBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlnamespacesbuilder/) | | +| [XmlQualifiedNamespace](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlqualifiednamespace/) | | +| [XmlReaderExtensions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlreaderextensions/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/purifyingxmlreader/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/purifyingxmlreader/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cc0001d2c4eb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/purifyingxmlreader/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: PurifyingXmlReader Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/purifyingxmlreader/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.xml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.xml.PurifyingXmlReader + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/trackingxmlreader/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/trackingxmlreader/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5015aea0262a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/trackingxmlreader/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +--- +title: TrackingXmlReader Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/trackingxmlreader/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.xml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.xml.TrackingXmlReader + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [TrackingXmlReader(stream, dispose_stream)](#TrackingXmlReader_stream_dispose_stream_1) | Initializes a new instance of the TrackingXmlReader class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| file_offset | long | r | | +| line_number | int | r | | +| line_position | int | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [has_line_info()](#has_line_info__1) | | + + +### Constructor: TrackingXmlReader(stream, dispose_stream) {#TrackingXmlReader_stream_dispose_stream_1} + + +``` + TrackingXmlReader(stream, dispose_stream) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the TrackingXmlReader class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | | +| dispose_stream | bool | | + +### Method: has_line_info() {#has_line_info__1} + + +``` + has_line_info() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlindex/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlindex/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..583d26d21292 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlindex/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: XmlIndex Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlindex/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.xml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.xml.XmlIndex + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlindex2/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlindex2/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9c13a9eac25d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlindex2/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: XmlIndex2 Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlindex2/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.xml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.xml.XmlIndex2 + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [XmlIndex2(stream)](#XmlIndex2_stream_1) | Initializes a new instance of the XmlIndex2 class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | | +| offsets_pos | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| build(root_name, split_name, symbol_to_replace_illegal) | | +| build(root_name, split_names, symbol_to_replace_illegal) | | + + +### Constructor: XmlIndex2(stream) {#XmlIndex2_stream_1} + + +``` + XmlIndex2(stream) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the XmlIndex2 class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlname/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlname/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d06cfa595e2e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlname/ @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +--- +title: XmlName Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlname/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.xml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.xml.XmlName + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [XmlName(local_name)](#XmlName_local_name_1) | Initializes a new instance of the XmlName class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| local_name | string | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [equals_name(name_of_local)](#equals_name_name_of_local_1) | | + + +### Constructor: XmlName(local_name) {#XmlName_local_name_1} + + +``` + XmlName(local_name) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the XmlName class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| local_name | string | | + +### Method: equals_name(name_of_local) {#equals_name_name_of_local_1} + + +``` + equals_name(name_of_local) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name_of_local | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlnamespacesbuilder/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlnamespacesbuilder/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3cbc93995196 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlnamespacesbuilder/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: XmlNamespacesBuilder Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlnamespacesbuilder/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.xml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.xml.XmlNamespacesBuilder + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlqualifiednamespace/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlqualifiednamespace/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..75e6fff505be --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlqualifiednamespace/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: XmlQualifiedNamespace Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlqualifiednamespace/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.xml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.xml.XmlQualifiedNamespace + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [XmlQualifiedNamespace()](#XmlQualifiedNamespace__1) | Initializes a new instance of the XmlQualifiedNamespace class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| prefix | string | r/w | | +| uri | string | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: XmlQualifiedNamespace() {#XmlQualifiedNamespace__1} + + +``` + XmlQualifiedNamespace() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the XmlQualifiedNamespace class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlreaderextensions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlreaderextensions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..33c0fba70691 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlreaderextensions/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: XmlReaderExtensions Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/xmlreaderextensions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats.xml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.xml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.xml.XmlReaderExtensions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5a8568f15222 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common.formats +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [DelayedReadWriteStream](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/delayedreadwritestream/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/delayedreadwritestream/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/delayedreadwritestream/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e035c52a00fb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/delayedreadwritestream/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: DelayedReadWriteStream Class +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/delayedreadwritestream/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common.formats](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.formats.DelayedReadWriteStream + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(path, initial_access)](#create_path_initial_access_1) | | + + +### Method: create(path, initial_access) [static] {#create_path_initial_access_1} + + +``` + create(path, initial_access) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | +| initial_access | System.IO.FileAccess | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DelayedReadWriteStream](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats/delayedreadwritestream) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a184b99ce3fb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BinaryDataReader](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [BinaryDataWriter](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [BomStream](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [BufferingReadStream](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [EventableStream](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [IndexableStreamReader](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [OutputBuffer](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [TextIndex](/psd/python-net/ | | +| [XmlReplacedStreamReader](/psd/python-net/ | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ByteOrder](/psd/python-net/ | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6386ce651c70 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +--- +title: BinaryDataReader Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| base_stream | _io.BufferedRandom | r | | +| is_little_endian | bool | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [big_endian(input, leave_open)](#big_endian_input_leave_open_1) | | +| [create(byte_order, input, leave_open)](#create_byte_order_input_leave_open_2) | | +| [little_endian(input, leave_open)](#little_endian_input_leave_open_3) | | +| [read_byte()](#read_byte__4) | | +| [read_double()](#read_double__5) | | +| [read_int16()](#read_int16__6) | | +| [read_int32()](#read_int32__7) | | +| [read_int64()](#read_int64__8) | | +| [read_s_byte()](#read_s_byte__9) | | +| [read_single()](#read_single__10) | | +| [read_u_int16()](#read_u_int16__11) | | +| [read_u_int32()](#read_u_int32__12) | | +| [read_u_int64()](#read_u_int64__13) | | + + +### Method: big_endian(input, leave_open) [static] {#big_endian_input_leave_open_1} + + +``` + big_endian(input, leave_open) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| input | _io.BufferedRandom | | +| leave_open | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [BinaryDataReader](/psd/python-net/ | | + + +### Method: create(byte_order, input, leave_open) [static] {#create_byte_order_input_leave_open_2} + + +``` + create(byte_order, input, leave_open) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| byte_order | [ByteOrder](/psd/python-net/ | | +| input | _io.BufferedRandom | | +| leave_open | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [BinaryDataReader](/psd/python-net/ | | + + +### Method: little_endian(input, leave_open) [static] {#little_endian_input_leave_open_3} + + +``` + little_endian(input, leave_open) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| input | _io.BufferedRandom | | +| leave_open | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [BinaryDataReader](/psd/python-net/ | | + + +### Method: read_byte() {#read_byte__4} + + +``` + read_byte() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: read_double() {#read_double__5} + + +``` + read_double() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: read_int16() {#read_int16__6} + + +``` + read_int16() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| short | | + + +### Method: read_int32() {#read_int32__7} + + +``` + read_int32() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: read_int64() {#read_int64__8} + + +``` + read_int64() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| long | | + + +### Method: read_s_byte() {#read_s_byte__9} + + +``` + read_s_byte() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| sbyte | | + + +### Method: read_single() {#read_single__10} + + +``` + read_single() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| float | | + + +### Method: read_u_int16() {#read_u_int16__11} + + +``` + read_u_int16() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| ushort | | + + +### Method: read_u_int32() {#read_u_int32__12} + + +``` + read_u_int32() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| uint | | + + +### Method: read_u_int64() {#read_u_int64__13} + + +``` + read_u_int64() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| ulong | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7ebb5462aa9d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: BinaryDataWriter Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| base_stream | _io.BufferedRandom | r | | +| is_little_endian | bool | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [big_endian(output, leave_open)](#big_endian_output_leave_open_1) | | +| [little_endian(output, leave_open)](#little_endian_output_leave_open_2) | | +| write(value) | | +| write(value) | | +| write(value) | | +| write(value) | | +| write(value) | | +| write(value) | | +| write(value) | | +| write(value) | | +| write(value) | | +| write(value) | | +| write(value) | | + + +### Method: big_endian(output, leave_open) [static] {#big_endian_output_leave_open_1} + + +``` + big_endian(output, leave_open) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output | _io.BufferedRandom | | +| leave_open | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [BinaryDataWriter](/psd/python-net/ | | + + +### Method: little_endian(output, leave_open) [static] {#little_endian_output_leave_open_2} + + +``` + little_endian(output, leave_open) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output | _io.BufferedRandom | | +| leave_open | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [BinaryDataWriter](/psd/python-net/ | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ce52b117b5f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: BomStream Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BomStream(stream)](#BomStream_stream_1) | Initializes a new instance of the BomStream class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bom_offset | int | r | | + + +### Constructor: BomStream(stream) {#BomStream_stream_1} + + +``` + BomStream(stream) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the BomStream class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..75db5b474be7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: BufferingReadStream Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BufferingReadStream(stream)](#BufferingReadStream_stream_1) | Initializes a new instance of the BufferingReadStream class | + + +### Constructor: BufferingReadStream(stream) {#BufferingReadStream_stream_1} + + +``` + BufferingReadStream(stream) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the BufferingReadStream class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..377d061039e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: ByteOrder Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BIG_ENDIAN | | +| LITTLE_ENDIAN | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cba1771e285 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: EventableStream Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ed669b6f8a11 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +title: IndexableStreamReader Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [IndexableStreamReader(stream)](#IndexableStreamReader_stream_1) | Initializes a new instance of the IndexableStreamReader class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| offsets_pos | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| set_split_settings(words) | | +| set_symbol_to_replace_illegal(symbol_to_replace_illegal) | | + + +### Constructor: IndexableStreamReader(stream) {#IndexableStreamReader_stream_1} + + +``` + IndexableStreamReader(stream) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the IndexableStreamReader class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | [BomStream](/psd/python-net/ | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..efbf69a4a109 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: OutputBuffer Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [OutputBuffer(initial_size)](#OutputBuffer_initial_size_1) | Initializes a new instance of the OutputBuffer class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| size | int | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| reset_and_fix_size(size_limit) | | +| reset_and_grow() | | +| set_value_at(offset, bytes) | | +| set_value_at(offset, value, is_big_endian) | | +| set_value_at(offset, value, is_big_endian) | | +| write_to_stream(stream) | | + + +### Constructor: OutputBuffer(initial_size) {#OutputBuffer_initial_size_1} + + +``` + OutputBuffer(initial_size) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the OutputBuffer class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| initial_size | int | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3d2d67d73f90 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +--- +title: TextIndex Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [TextIndex(stream, buffer_size)](#TextIndex_stream_buffer_size_1) | Initializes a new instance of the TextIndex class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| end_of_stream | bool | r | | +| position | long | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [read_line()](#read_line__1) | | + + +### Constructor: TextIndex(stream, buffer_size) {#TextIndex_stream_buffer_size_1} + + +``` + TextIndex(stream, buffer_size) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the TextIndex class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | | +| buffer_size | int | | + +### Method: read_line() {#read_line__1} + + +``` + read_line() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e3a563408258 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: XmlReplacedStreamReader Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [](/psd/python-net/ + +**Full Name:** + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [XmlReplacedStreamReader(stream)](#XmlReplacedStreamReader_stream_1) | Initializes a new instance of the XmlReplacedStreamReader class | +| [XmlReplacedStreamReader(stream, encoding, detect_encoding_from_byte_order_marks)](#XmlReplacedStreamReader_stream_encoding_detect_encoding_from_byte_order_marks_2) | Initializes a new instance of the XmlReplacedStreamReader class | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| set_symbol_to_replace_illegal(symbol_to_replace_illegal) | | + + +### Constructor: XmlReplacedStreamReader(stream) {#XmlReplacedStreamReader_stream_1} + + +``` + XmlReplacedStreamReader(stream) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the XmlReplacedStreamReader class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | | + +### Constructor: XmlReplacedStreamReader(stream, encoding, detect_encoding_from_byte_order_marks) {#XmlReplacedStreamReader_stream_encoding_detect_encoding_from_byte_order_marks_2} + + +``` + XmlReplacedStreamReader(stream, encoding, detect_encoding_from_byte_order_marks) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the XmlReplacedStreamReader class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | | +| encoding | System.Text.Encoding | | +| detect_encoding_from_byte_order_marks | bool | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2e78fc63e90e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.common +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/) | | +| [AbstractPathInternalExtensions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternalextensions/) | | +| [BezierCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/beziercurve/) | | +| [BinaryConverter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/binaryconverter/) | | +| [BoundingBox](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox/) | | +| [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/) | | +| [CharsetResolver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/charsetresolver/) | | +| [CircularArc](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/circulararc/) | | +| [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | +| [Ellipse](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipse/) | | +| [EllipticArc](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipticarc/) | | +| [Ensure](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ensure/) | | +| [GlobOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/globoptions/) | | +| [IdSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/idsequence/) | | +| [LocalFilePath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/localfilepath/) | | +| [MatrixTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/matrixtransformation/) | | +| [NumberOperations](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/numberoperations/) | | +| [Rectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/rectangle/) | | +| [SingleStreamPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/singlestreampath/) | | +| [Size](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size/) | | +| [StringOperations](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/stringoperations/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Quadrant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/quadrant/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0bf9f3fc95d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/ @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +--- +title: AbstractPathInternal Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.AbstractPathInternal + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| location | string | r | | +| separator | char | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [combine(path)](#combine_path_1) | | +| delete() | | +| [is_file()](#is_file__2) | | +| [list_directory()](#list_directory__3) | | +| [open(access)](#open_access_4) | | +| [with_extension(new_extension)](#with_extension_new_extension_5) | | +| [with_location(path)](#with_location_path_6) | | + + +### Method: combine(path) {#combine_path_1} + + +``` + combine(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + + +### Method: is_file() {#is_file__2} + + +``` + is_file() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: list_directory() {#list_directory__3} + + +``` + list_directory() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | | + + +### Method: open(access) {#open_access_4} + + +``` + open(access) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| access | System.IO.FileAccess | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | | + + +### Method: with_extension(new_extension) {#with_extension_new_extension_5} + + +``` + with_extension(new_extension) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| new_extension | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + + +### Method: with_location(path) {#with_location_path_6} + + +``` + with_location(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternalextensions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternalextensions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d319ed1c9e01 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternalextensions/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: AbstractPathInternalExtensions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternalextensions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.AbstractPathInternalExtensions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_or_open(path, created)](#create_or_open_path_created_1) | | + + +### Method: create_or_open(path, created) [static] {#create_or_open_path_created_1} + + +``` + create_or_open(path, created) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | +| created | Boolean | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/beziercurve/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/beziercurve/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..89dd172dc94d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/beziercurve/ @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +--- +title: BezierCurve Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/beziercurve/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.BezierCurve + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BezierCurve(c0, c1, c2, c3)](#BezierCurve_c0_c1_c2_c3_1) | Initializes a new instance of the BezierCurve class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| c0 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| c1 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| c2 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| c3 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [coordinate_at(t)](#coordinate_at_t_1) | | +| linearize(coordinates, step_size_in_degree) | | + + +### Constructor: BezierCurve(c0, c1, c2, c3) {#BezierCurve_c0_c1_c2_c3_1} + + +``` + BezierCurve(c0, c1, c2, c3) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the BezierCurve class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| c0 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| c1 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| c2 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| c3 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + +### Method: coordinate_at(t) {#coordinate_at_t_1} + + +``` + coordinate_at(t) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| t | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/binaryconverter/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/binaryconverter/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0a8f2e0b9722 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/binaryconverter/ @@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ +--- +title: BinaryConverter Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/binaryconverter/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.BinaryConverter + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| big_endian [static] | [BinaryConverter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/binaryconverter) | r | | +| little_endian [static] | [BinaryConverter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/binaryconverter) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_bytes(value)](#get_bytes_value_1) | | +| [get_bytes(value)](#get_bytes_value_2) | | +| [get_bytes(value)](#get_bytes_value_3) | | +| [get_bytes(value)](#get_bytes_value_4) | | +| [get_bytes(value)](#get_bytes_value_5) | | +| [get_bytes(value)](#get_bytes_value_6) | | +| [get_bytes(value)](#get_bytes_value_7) | | +| [get_bytes(value)](#get_bytes_value_8) | | +| [get_bytes(value)](#get_bytes_value_9) | | +| [get_bytes(value)](#get_bytes_value_10) | | +| [to_boolean(value, start_index)](#to_boolean_value_start_index_11) | | +| [to_char(value, start_index)](#to_char_value_start_index_12) | | +| [to_double(value, start_index)](#to_double_value_start_index_13) | | +| [to_int16(value, start_index)](#to_int16_value_start_index_14) | | +| [to_int32(value, start_index)](#to_int32_value_start_index_15) | | +| [to_int64(value, start_index)](#to_int64_value_start_index_16) | | +| [to_s_byte(value)](#to_s_byte_value_17) | | +| [to_single(value, start_index)](#to_single_value_start_index_18) | | +| [to_u_int16(value, start_index)](#to_u_int16_value_start_index_19) | | +| [to_u_int32(value, start_index)](#to_u_int32_value_start_index_20) | | +| [to_u_int64(value, start_index)](#to_u_int64_value_start_index_21) | | + + +### Method: get_bytes(value) {#get_bytes_value_1} + + +``` + get_bytes(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: get_bytes(value) {#get_bytes_value_2} + + +``` + get_bytes(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | short | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: get_bytes(value) {#get_bytes_value_3} + + +``` + get_bytes(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: get_bytes(value) {#get_bytes_value_4} + + +``` + get_bytes(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | long | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: get_bytes(value) {#get_bytes_value_5} + + +``` + get_bytes(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | char | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: get_bytes(value) {#get_bytes_value_6} + + +``` + get_bytes(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | ushort | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: get_bytes(value) {#get_bytes_value_7} + + +``` + get_bytes(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | uint | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: get_bytes(value) {#get_bytes_value_8} + + +``` + get_bytes(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | ulong | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: get_bytes(value) {#get_bytes_value_9} + + +``` + get_bytes(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | float | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: get_bytes(value) {#get_bytes_value_10} + + +``` + get_bytes(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | | + + +### Method: to_boolean(value, start_index) {#to_boolean_value_start_index_11} + + +``` + to_boolean(value, start_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | +| start_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: to_char(value, start_index) {#to_char_value_start_index_12} + + +``` + to_char(value, start_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | +| start_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| char | | + + +### Method: to_double(value, start_index) {#to_double_value_start_index_13} + + +``` + to_double(value, start_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | +| start_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: to_int16(value, start_index) {#to_int16_value_start_index_14} + + +``` + to_int16(value, start_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | +| start_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| short | | + + +### Method: to_int32(value, start_index) {#to_int32_value_start_index_15} + + +``` + to_int32(value, start_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | +| start_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: to_int64(value, start_index) {#to_int64_value_start_index_16} + + +``` + to_int64(value, start_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | +| start_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| long | | + + +### Method: to_s_byte(value) {#to_s_byte_value_17} + + +``` + to_s_byte(value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| sbyte | | + + +### Method: to_single(value, start_index) {#to_single_value_start_index_18} + + +``` + to_single(value, start_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | +| start_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| float | | + + +### Method: to_u_int16(value, start_index) {#to_u_int16_value_start_index_19} + + +``` + to_u_int16(value, start_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | +| start_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| ushort | | + + +### Method: to_u_int32(value, start_index) {#to_u_int32_value_start_index_20} + + +``` + to_u_int32(value, start_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | +| start_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| uint | | + + +### Method: to_u_int64(value, start_index) {#to_u_int64_value_start_index_21} + + +``` + to_u_int64(value, start_index) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | byte | | +| start_index | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| ulong | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ece14018f6bc --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox/ @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +--- +title: BoundingBox Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.BoundingBox + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BoundingBox()](#BoundingBox__1) | Initializes a new instance of the BoundingBox class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bounding_rectangle | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle) | r | | +| has_m | bool | r | | +| has_z | bool | r | | +| m_center | double | r | | +| m_length | double | r | | +| m_max | double | r/w | | +| m_min | double | r/w | | +| x_center | double | r | | +| x_length | double | r | | +| x_max | double | r/w | | +| x_min | double | r/w | | +| xy_center | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| y_center | double | r | | +| y_length | double | r | | +| y_max | double | r/w | | +| y_min | double | r/w | | +| z_center | double | r | | +| z_length | double | r | | +| z_max | double | r/w | | +| z_min | double | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| clear() | | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. | +| grow(other, has_z, has_m) | | +| grow_m(m) | | +| grow_x(x) | | +| grow_y(y) | | +| grow_z(z) | | +| [has_values()](#has_values__2) | | + + +### Constructor: BoundingBox() {#BoundingBox__1} + + +``` + BoundingBox() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the BoundingBox class + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [BoundingBox](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingbox) | | + + +### Method: has_values() {#has_values__2} + + +``` + has_values() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c518f71b6f38 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/ @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +--- +title: BoundingRectangle Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.BoundingRectangle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BoundingRectangle()](#BoundingRectangle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the BoundingRectangle class | +| [BoundingRectangle(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)](#BoundingRectangle_x_min_y_min_x_max_y_max_2) | Initializes a new instance of the BoundingRectangle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| area | double | r | | +| center | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| has_values | bool | r | | +| height | double | r | | +| max_coordinate | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| min_coordinate | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| width | double | r | | +| x_max | double | r/w | | +| x_min | double | r/w | | +| y_max | double | r/w | | +| y_min | double | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. | +| [contains(c)](#contains_c_2) | | +| [contains(other)](#contains_other_3) | | +| [contains(x, y)](#contains_x_y_4) | | +| [contains_x(x)](#contains_x_x_5) | | +| [contains_y(y)](#contains_y_y_6) | | +| [distance(coordinate)](#distance_coordinate_7) | | +| [distance(other)](#distance_other_8) | | +| [distance(x, y)](#distance_x_y_9) | | +| grow(c) | | +| grow(other) | | +| grow(x, y) | | +| grow_x(x) | | +| grow_y(y) | | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_10) | | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_11) | | +| [squared_distance(c)](#squared_distance_c_12) | | +| [squared_distance(other)](#squared_distance_other_13) | | +| [squared_distance(x, y)](#squared_distance_x_y_14) | | + + +### Constructor: BoundingRectangle() {#BoundingRectangle__1} + + +``` + BoundingRectangle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the BoundingRectangle class + +### Constructor: BoundingRectangle(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) {#BoundingRectangle_x_min_y_min_x_max_y_max_2} + + +``` + BoundingRectangle(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the BoundingRectangle class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x_min | double | | +| y_min | double | | +| x_max | double | | +| y_max | double | | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle) | | + + +### Method: contains(c) {#contains_c_2} + + +``` + contains(c) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| c | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: contains(other) {#contains_other_3} + + +``` + contains(other) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: contains(x, y) {#contains_x_y_4} + + +``` + contains(x, y) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | | +| y | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: contains_x(x) {#contains_x_x_5} + + +``` + contains_x(x) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: contains_y(y) {#contains_y_y_6} + + +``` + contains_y(y) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| y | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: distance(coordinate) {#distance_coordinate_7} + + +``` + distance(coordinate) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: distance(other) {#distance_other_8} + + +``` + distance(other) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: distance(x, y) {#distance_x_y_9} + + +``` + distance(x, y) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | | +| y | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_10} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle) | | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_11} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: squared_distance(c) {#squared_distance_c_12} + + +``` + squared_distance(c) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| c | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: squared_distance(other) {#squared_distance_other_13} + + +``` + squared_distance(other) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: squared_distance(x, y) {#squared_distance_x_y_14} + + +``` + squared_distance(x, y) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | | +| y | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/charsetresolver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/charsetresolver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..24f42be79835 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/charsetresolver/ @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +--- +title: CharsetResolver Class +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/charsetresolver/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.CharsetResolver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_encoding(charset_name)](#get_encoding_charset_name_1) | | + + +### Method: get_encoding(charset_name) [static] {#get_encoding_charset_name_1} + + +``` + get_encoding(charset_name) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| charset_name | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Text.Encoding | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/circulararc/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/circulararc/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c82f894d60e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/circulararc/ @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +--- +title: CircularArc Class +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/circulararc/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.CircularArc + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CircularArc()](#CircularArc__1) | Initializes a new instance of the CircularArc class | +| [CircularArc(start, mid, end)](#CircularArc_start_mid_end_2) | Initializes a new instance of the CircularArc class | +| [CircularArc(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)](#CircularArc_x0_y0_x1_y1_x2_y2_3) | Initializes a new instance of the CircularArc class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| circle_center | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| end | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| is_circle | bool | r | | +| is_clockwise | bool | r | | +| is_line | bool | r | | +| is_minor | bool | r | | +| is_point | bool | r | | +| length | double | r | | +| mid | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| radius | double | r | | +| start | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [equal(other)](#equal_other_1) | | +| [from_center(center, radius, start_angle_rad, end_angle_rad, clockwise)](#from_center_center_radius_start_angle_rad_end_angle_rad_clockwise_2) | | +| [from_center(center, start, end, clockwise)](#from_center_center_start_end_clockwise_3) | | +| [get_coordinate(angle)](#get_coordinate_angle_4) | | +| get_normalized_angles(start_angle, mid_angle, end_angle) | | +| grow_bounding_rectangle(brect) | | +| linearize(result, tolerance, add_endpoints) | | +| linearize(result, tolerance, add_endpoints, index_of_mid) | | + + +### Constructor: CircularArc() {#CircularArc__1} + + +``` + CircularArc() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the CircularArc class + +### Constructor: CircularArc(start, mid, end) {#CircularArc_start_mid_end_2} + + +``` + CircularArc(start, mid, end) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the CircularArc class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| start | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| mid | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| end | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + +### Constructor: CircularArc(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) {#CircularArc_x0_y0_x1_y1_x2_y2_3} + + +``` + CircularArc(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the CircularArc class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x0 | double | | +| y0 | double | | +| x1 | double | | +| y1 | double | | +| x2 | double | | +| y2 | double | | + +### Method: equal(other) {#equal_other_1} + + +``` + equal(other) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [CircularArc](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/circulararc) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: from_center(center, radius, start_angle_rad, end_angle_rad, clockwise) [static] {#from_center_center_radius_start_angle_rad_end_angle_rad_clockwise_2} + + +``` + from_center(center, radius, start_angle_rad, end_angle_rad, clockwise) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| center | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| radius | double | | +| start_angle_rad | double | | +| end_angle_rad | double | | +| clockwise | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CircularArc](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/circulararc) | | + + +### Method: from_center(center, start, end, clockwise) [static] {#from_center_center_start_end_clockwise_3} + + +``` + from_center(center, start, end, clockwise) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| center | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| start | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| end | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| clockwise | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CircularArc](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/circulararc) | | + + +### Method: get_coordinate(angle) {#get_coordinate_angle_4} + + +``` + get_coordinate(angle) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| angle | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d20e2b7a3e31 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/ @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +--- +title: Coordinate Class +type: docs +weight: 170 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.Coordinate + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Coordinate()](#Coordinate__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Coordinate class | +| [Coordinate(x, y)](#Coordinate_x_y_2) | Initializes a new instance of the Coordinate class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| max_value [static] | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| min_value [static] | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| x | double | r | | +| y | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [compare_to(other)](#compare_to_other_1) | | +| [distance_to(other)](#distance_to_other_2) | | +| [nearly_equal(other)](#nearly_equal_other_3) | | + + +### Constructor: Coordinate() {#Coordinate__1} + + +``` + Coordinate() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Coordinate class + +### Constructor: Coordinate(x, y) {#Coordinate_x_y_2} + + +``` + Coordinate(x, y) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Coordinate class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | | +| y | double | | + +### Method: compare_to(other) {#compare_to_other_1} + + +``` + compare_to(other) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + +### Method: distance_to(other) {#distance_to_other_2} + + +``` + distance_to(other) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: nearly_equal(other) {#nearly_equal_other_3} + + +``` + nearly_equal(other) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipse/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipse/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..27086f8433ab --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipse/ @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +--- +title: Ellipse Class +type: docs +weight: 260 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipse/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.Ellipse + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Ellipse(center, x_radius, y_radius, rotation)](#Ellipse_center_x_radius_y_radius_rotation_1) | Initializes a new instance of the Ellipse class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| center | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| rotation | double | r | | +| x_radius | double | r | | +| y_radius | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_angle(coordinate)](#get_angle_coordinate_1) | | +| [get_arc(start, end, clockwise)](#get_arc_start_end_clockwise_2) | | +| [get_coordinate(parametric_angle)](#get_coordinate_parametric_angle_3) | | +| linearize(coordinates, step_size_in_degrees) | | + + +### Constructor: Ellipse(center, x_radius, y_radius, rotation) {#Ellipse_center_x_radius_y_radius_rotation_1} + + +``` + Ellipse(center, x_radius, y_radius, rotation) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Ellipse class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| center | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| x_radius | double | | +| y_radius | double | | +| rotation | double | | + +### Method: get_angle(coordinate) {#get_angle_coordinate_1} + + +``` + get_angle(coordinate) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: get_arc(start, end, clockwise) {#get_arc_start_end_clockwise_2} + + +``` + get_arc(start, end, clockwise) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| start | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| end | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| clockwise | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [EllipticArc](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipticarc) | | + + +### Method: get_coordinate(parametric_angle) {#get_coordinate_parametric_angle_3} + + +``` + get_coordinate(parametric_angle) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parametric_angle | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipticarc/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipticarc/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..efe0427dc8db --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipticarc/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +--- +title: EllipticArc Class +type: docs +weight: 280 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/ellipticarc/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.EllipticArc + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [EllipticArc()](#EllipticArc__1) | Initializes a new instance of the EllipticArc class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| clockwise | bool | r | | +| ellipse | [Ellipse](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common.formats.mapinfo.graphicalobjects/ellipse) | r | | +| end_coordinate | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| start_coordinate | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| linearize(coordinates, step_size_in_degree) | | + + +### Constructor: EllipticArc() {#EllipticArc__1} + + +``` + EllipticArc() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the EllipticArc class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ensure/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ensure/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6cad678f442c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/ensure/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Ensure Class +type: docs +weight: 290 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/ensure/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.Ensure + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| in_range(arg, min, max_exclusive, parameter_name) | | +| in_range(arg, min, max_exclusive, parameter_name) | | +| multiples_to(arg, multiplier, parameter_name) | | +| not_special_double(arg, parameter_name) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/globoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/globoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4e263ba238bd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/globoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: GlobOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 480 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/globoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.GlobOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GlobOptions()](#GlobOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GlobOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| escape_char | char | r/w | | +| match_case | bool | r/w | | +| single_char | char | r/w | | +| wild_card | char | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: GlobOptions() {#GlobOptions__1} + + +``` + GlobOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GlobOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/idsequence/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/idsequence/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..124a40d923b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/idsequence/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: IdSequence Class +type: docs +weight: 540 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/idsequence/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.IdSequence + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [IdSequence(prefix)](#IdSequence_prefix_1) | Initializes a new instance of the IdSequence class | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_next()](#get_next__1) | | + + +### Constructor: IdSequence(prefix) {#IdSequence_prefix_1} + + +``` + IdSequence(prefix) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the IdSequence class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| prefix | string | | + +### Method: get_next() {#get_next__1} + + +``` + get_next() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/localfilepath/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/localfilepath/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3f3a1b767c26 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/localfilepath/ @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +--- +title: LocalFilePath Class +type: docs +weight: 570 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/localfilepath/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.LocalFilePath + +**Inheritance:** AbstractPathInternal + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LocalFilePath(path)](#LocalFilePath_path_1) | Initializes a new instance of the LocalFilePath class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| location | string | r | | +| separator | char | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [combine(filename)](#combine_filename_1) | | +| delete() | | +| [is_file()](#is_file__2) | | +| [list_directory()](#list_directory__3) | | +| [open(access)](#open_access_4) | | +| [with_extension(new_extension)](#with_extension_new_extension_5) | | +| [with_location(new_location)](#with_location_new_location_6) | | + + +### Constructor: LocalFilePath(path) {#LocalFilePath_path_1} + + +``` + LocalFilePath(path) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the LocalFilePath class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +### Method: combine(filename) {#combine_filename_1} + + +``` + combine(filename) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| filename | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + + +### Method: is_file() {#is_file__2} + + +``` + is_file() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: list_directory() {#list_directory__3} + + +``` + list_directory() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | | + + +### Method: open(access) {#open_access_4} + + +``` + open(access) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| access | System.IO.FileAccess | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | | + + +### Method: with_extension(new_extension) {#with_extension_new_extension_5} + + +``` + with_extension(new_extension) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| new_extension | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + + +### Method: with_location(new_location) {#with_location_new_location_6} + + +``` + with_location(new_location) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| new_location | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/matrixtransformation/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/matrixtransformation/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4b0c60c71d51 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/matrixtransformation/ @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +--- +title: MatrixTransformation Class +type: docs +weight: 670 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/matrixtransformation/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.MatrixTransformation + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MatrixTransformation()](#MatrixTransformation__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MatrixTransformation class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dx | double | r/w | | +| dy | double | r/w | | +| is_editable | bool | r | | +| is_null | bool | r | | +| m11 | double | r/w | | +| m12 | double | r/w | | +| m21 | double | r/w | | +| m22 | double | r/w | | +| rotation | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. | +| lock_from_editing() | | +| rotate(cos, sin) | | +| rotate(degrees) | | +| scale(zoom_x, zoom_y) | | +| [transform(coordinate)](#transform_coordinate_2) | | +| [transform(x, y)](#transform_x_y_3) | | +| translate(c) | | +| translate(x, y) | | + + +### Constructor: MatrixTransformation() {#MatrixTransformation__1} + + +``` + MatrixTransformation() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MatrixTransformation class + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MatrixTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/matrixtransformation) | | + + +### Method: transform(coordinate) {#transform_coordinate_2} + + +``` + transform(coordinate) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + + +### Method: transform(x, y) {#transform_x_y_3} + + +``` + transform(x, y) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | | +| y | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/numberoperations/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/numberoperations/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4b86695f1a4f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/numberoperations/ @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +--- +title: NumberOperations Class +type: docs +weight: 740 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/numberoperations/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.NumberOperations + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| EPSILON [static] | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clamp(value, min, max)](#clamp_value_min_max_1) | | +| [degrees_to_radians(degrees)](#degrees_to_radians_degrees_2) | | +| [degrees_to_radians(degrees)](#degrees_to_radians_degrees_3) | | +| [nearly_equal(a, b, epsilon)](#nearly_equal_a_b_epsilon_4) | | +| [nearly_equal_or_less(a, b, epsilon)](#nearly_equal_or_less_a_b_epsilon_5) | | +| [nearly_equal_or_more(a, b, epsilon)](#nearly_equal_or_more_a_b_epsilon_6) | | +| [radians_to_degrees(radians)](#radians_to_degrees_radians_7) | | +| [strictly_less(a, b, epsilon)](#strictly_less_a_b_epsilon_8) | | +| [strictly_more(a, b, epsilon)](#strictly_more_a_b_epsilon_9) | | +| [wrap_longitude(longitude_in_radians, tolerance)](#wrap_longitude_longitude_in_radians_tolerance_10) | | + + +### Method: clamp(value, min, max) [static] {#clamp_value_min_max_1} + + +``` + clamp(value, min, max) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | | +| min | double | | +| max | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: degrees_to_radians(degrees) [static] {#degrees_to_radians_degrees_2} + + +``` + degrees_to_radians(degrees) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| degrees | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: degrees_to_radians(degrees) [static] {#degrees_to_radians_degrees_3} + + +``` + degrees_to_radians(degrees) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| degrees | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: nearly_equal(a, b, epsilon) [static] {#nearly_equal_a_b_epsilon_4} + + +``` + nearly_equal(a, b, epsilon) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| a | double | | +| b | double | | +| epsilon | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: nearly_equal_or_less(a, b, epsilon) [static] {#nearly_equal_or_less_a_b_epsilon_5} + + +``` + nearly_equal_or_less(a, b, epsilon) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| a | double | | +| b | double | | +| epsilon | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: nearly_equal_or_more(a, b, epsilon) [static] {#nearly_equal_or_more_a_b_epsilon_6} + + +``` + nearly_equal_or_more(a, b, epsilon) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| a | double | | +| b | double | | +| epsilon | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: radians_to_degrees(radians) [static] {#radians_to_degrees_radians_7} + + +``` + radians_to_degrees(radians) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| radians | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: strictly_less(a, b, epsilon) [static] {#strictly_less_a_b_epsilon_8} + + +``` + strictly_less(a, b, epsilon) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| a | double | | +| b | double | | +| epsilon | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: strictly_more(a, b, epsilon) [static] {#strictly_more_a_b_epsilon_9} + + +``` + strictly_more(a, b, epsilon) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| a | double | | +| b | double | | +| epsilon | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: wrap_longitude(longitude_in_radians, tolerance) [static] {#wrap_longitude_longitude_in_radians_tolerance_10} + + +``` + wrap_longitude(longitude_in_radians, tolerance) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| longitude_in_radians | double | | +| tolerance | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/quadrant/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/quadrant/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ce28b05551b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/quadrant/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Quadrant Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 1200 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/quadrant/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.Quadrant + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| NORTH_EAST | | +| NORTH_WEST | | +| SOUTH_EAST | | +| SOUTH_WEST | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/rectangle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/rectangle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f99b686f9f76 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/rectangle/ @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +--- +title: Rectangle Class +type: docs +weight: 810 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/rectangle/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.Rectangle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Rectangle()](#Rectangle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class | +| [Rectangle(top_left, size)](#Rectangle_top_left_size_2) | Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class | +| [Rectangle(x, y, width, height)](#Rectangle_x_y_width_height_3) | Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| area | double | r | | +| bottom_left | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| bottom_right | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| center | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| height | double | r | | +| size | [Size](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size) | r | | +| top_left | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| top_right | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | r | | +| width | double | r | | +| x | double | r | | +| y | double | r | | + + +### Constructor: Rectangle() {#Rectangle__1} + + +``` + Rectangle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class + +### Constructor: Rectangle(top_left, size) {#Rectangle_top_left_size_2} + + +``` + Rectangle(top_left, size) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| top_left | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | +| size | [Size](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size) | | + +### Constructor: Rectangle(x, y, width, height) {#Rectangle_x_y_width_height_3} + + +``` + Rectangle(x, y, width, height) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | | +| y | double | | +| width | double | | +| height | double | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/singlestreampath/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/singlestreampath/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bb9c44ff4ed0 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/singlestreampath/ @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +--- +title: SingleStreamPath Class +type: docs +weight: 850 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/singlestreampath/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.SingleStreamPath + +**Inheritance:** AbstractPathInternal + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SingleStreamPath(stream)](#SingleStreamPath_stream_1) | Initializes a new instance of the SingleStreamPath class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| location | string | r | | +| separator | char | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [combine(path)](#combine_path_1) | | +| delete() | | +| [is_file()](#is_file__2) | | +| [list_directory()](#list_directory__3) | | +| [open(access)](#open_access_4) | | +| [with_extension(new_extension)](#with_extension_new_extension_5) | | +| [with_location(path)](#with_location_path_6) | | + + +### Constructor: SingleStreamPath(stream) {#SingleStreamPath_stream_1} + + +``` + SingleStreamPath(stream) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SingleStreamPath class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | | + +### Method: combine(path) {#combine_path_1} + + +``` + combine(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + + +### Method: is_file() {#is_file__2} + + +``` + is_file() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: list_directory() {#list_directory__3} + + +``` + list_directory() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | | + + +### Method: open(access) {#open_access_4} + + +``` + open(access) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| access | System.IO.FileAccess | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | | + + +### Method: with_extension(new_extension) {#with_extension_new_extension_5} + + +``` + with_extension(new_extension) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| new_extension | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + + +### Method: with_location(path) {#with_location_path_6} + + +``` + with_location(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d855fa4441ef --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size/ @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +--- +title: Size Class +type: docs +weight: 860 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/size/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.Size + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Size()](#Size__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Size class | +| [Size(width, height)](#Size_width_height_2) | Initializes a new instance of the Size class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| height | double | r | | +| width | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [to_coordinate()](#to_coordinate__1) | | + + +### Constructor: Size() {#Size__1} + + +``` + Size() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Size class + +### Constructor: Size(width, height) {#Size_width_height_2} + + +``` + Size(width, height) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Size class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | double | | +| height | double | | + +### Method: to_coordinate() {#to_coordinate__1} + + +``` + to_coordinate() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/stringoperations/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/stringoperations/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..468b5d990b50 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.common/stringoperations/ @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +--- +title: StringOperations Class +type: docs +weight: 870 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.common/stringoperations/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.common](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.common.StringOperations + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [is_ascii(text)](#is_ascii_text_1) | | +| [matches(text, pattern, options)](#matches_text_pattern_options_2) | | + + +### Method: is_ascii(text) [static] {#is_ascii_text_1} + + +``` + is_ascii(text) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: matches(text, pattern, options) [static] {#matches_text_pattern_options_2} + + +``` + matches(text, pattern, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | +| pattern | string | | +| options | [GlobOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/globoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f88b4ed2f959 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.epsg +type: docs +weight: 160 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundCrsEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/compoundcrsentry/) | | +| [EllipsoidEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/ellipsoidentry/) | | +| [EpsgDatabase](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/epsgdatabase/) | | +| [GeocentricCrsEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geocentriccrsentry/) | | +| [GeographicCrsEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographiccrsentry/) | | +| [GeographicDatumEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographicdatumentry/) | | +| [PrimeMeridianEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/primemeridianentry/) | | +| [ProjectedCrsEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectedcrsentry/) | | +| [ProjectionMethodEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionmethodentry/) | | +| [ProjectionParameterValueEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionparametervalueentry/) | | +| [ToWgs84Entry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/towgs84entry/) | | +| [UnitEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/unitentry/) | | +| [VerticalCrsEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticalcrsentry/) | | +| [VerticalDatumEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticaldatumentry/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/compoundcrsentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/compoundcrsentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86c3d3f84109 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/compoundcrsentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +--- +title: CompoundCrsEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/compoundcrsentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.CompoundCrsEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundCrsEntry()](#CompoundCrsEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the CompoundCrsEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| horizontal_crs_code | int | r | | +| name | string | r | | +| vertical_crs_code | int | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name, horizontal_crs_code, vertical_crs_code)](#create_name_horizontal_crs_code_vertical_crs_code_1) | | + + +### Constructor: CompoundCrsEntry() {#CompoundCrsEntry__1} + + +``` + CompoundCrsEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the CompoundCrsEntry class + +### Method: create(name, horizontal_crs_code, vertical_crs_code) [static] {#create_name_horizontal_crs_code_vertical_crs_code_1} + + +``` + create(name, horizontal_crs_code, vertical_crs_code) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| horizontal_crs_code | int | | +| vertical_crs_code | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundCrsEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/compoundcrsentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/ellipsoidentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/ellipsoidentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..976be90f8c76 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/ellipsoidentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +--- +title: EllipsoidEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/ellipsoidentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.EllipsoidEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [EllipsoidEntry()](#EllipsoidEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the EllipsoidEntry class | +| [EllipsoidEntry(name, semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening)](#EllipsoidEntry_name_semi_major_axis_inverse_flattening_2) | Initializes a new instance of the EllipsoidEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| inverse_flattening | double | r | | +| name | string | r | | +| semi_major_axis | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name, semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening)](#create_name_semi_major_axis_inverse_flattening_1) | | + + +### Constructor: EllipsoidEntry() {#EllipsoidEntry__1} + + +``` + EllipsoidEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the EllipsoidEntry class + +### Constructor: EllipsoidEntry(name, semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening) {#EllipsoidEntry_name_semi_major_axis_inverse_flattening_2} + + +``` + EllipsoidEntry(name, semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the EllipsoidEntry class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| semi_major_axis | double | | +| inverse_flattening | double | | + +### Method: create(name, semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening) [static] {#create_name_semi_major_axis_inverse_flattening_1} + + +``` + create(name, semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| semi_major_axis | double | | +| inverse_flattening | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [EllipsoidEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/ellipsoidentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/epsgdatabase/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/epsgdatabase/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fc69a8076f72 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/epsgdatabase/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: EpsgDatabase Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/epsgdatabase/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.EpsgDatabase + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geocentriccrsentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geocentriccrsentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..13c1249622af --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geocentriccrsentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +--- +title: GeocentricCrsEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geocentriccrsentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.GeocentricCrsEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeocentricCrsEntry()](#GeocentricCrsEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GeocentricCrsEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| datum_code | int | r | | +| name | string | r | | +| unit_code | int | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name, unit_code, datum_code)](#create_name_unit_code_datum_code_1) | | + + +### Constructor: GeocentricCrsEntry() {#GeocentricCrsEntry__1} + + +``` + GeocentricCrsEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GeocentricCrsEntry class + +### Method: create(name, unit_code, datum_code) [static] {#create_name_unit_code_datum_code_1} + + +``` + create(name, unit_code, datum_code) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| unit_code | int | | +| datum_code | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeocentricCrsEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geocentriccrsentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographiccrsentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographiccrsentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4c0bc61cd79e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographiccrsentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +--- +title: GeographicCrsEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographiccrsentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.GeographicCrsEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicCrsEntry()](#GeographicCrsEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GeographicCrsEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| datum_code | int | r | | +| deprecated | bool | r | | +| name | string | r | | +| three_dimensional | bool | r | | +| to_wgs_84_entry_index | int | r | | +| unit_code | int | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name, to_wgs_84_entry_index, datum_code, unit_code, three_dimensional, deprecated)](#create_name_to_wgs_84_entry_index_datum_code_unit_code_three_dimensional_deprecated_1) | | + + +### Constructor: GeographicCrsEntry() {#GeographicCrsEntry__1} + + +``` + GeographicCrsEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GeographicCrsEntry class + +### Method: create(name, to_wgs_84_entry_index, datum_code, unit_code, three_dimensional, deprecated) [static] {#create_name_to_wgs_84_entry_index_datum_code_unit_code_three_dimensional_deprecated_1} + + +``` + create(name, to_wgs_84_entry_index, datum_code, unit_code, three_dimensional, deprecated) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| to_wgs_84_entry_index | int | | +| datum_code | int | | +| unit_code | int | | +| three_dimensional | bool | | +| deprecated | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicCrsEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographiccrsentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographicdatumentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographicdatumentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6242f475da91 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographicdatumentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +--- +title: GeographicDatumEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographicdatumentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.GeographicDatumEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicDatumEntry()](#GeographicDatumEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GeographicDatumEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| ellipsoid_code | int | r | | +| name | string | r | | +| prime_meridian_code | int | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name, ellipsoid_code, prime_meridian_code)](#create_name_ellipsoid_code_prime_meridian_code_1) | | + + +### Constructor: GeographicDatumEntry() {#GeographicDatumEntry__1} + + +``` + GeographicDatumEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GeographicDatumEntry class + +### Method: create(name, ellipsoid_code, prime_meridian_code) [static] {#create_name_ellipsoid_code_prime_meridian_code_1} + + +``` + create(name, ellipsoid_code, prime_meridian_code) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| ellipsoid_code | int | | +| prime_meridian_code | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicDatumEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/geographicdatumentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/primemeridianentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/primemeridianentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a2f7975896e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/primemeridianentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +--- +title: PrimeMeridianEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/primemeridianentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.PrimeMeridianEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PrimeMeridianEntry()](#PrimeMeridianEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the PrimeMeridianEntry class | +| [PrimeMeridianEntry(name, longitude_in_degrees)](#PrimeMeridianEntry_name_longitude_in_degrees_2) | Initializes a new instance of the PrimeMeridianEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| longitude_in_degrees | double | r | | +| name | string | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name, longitude_in_degrees)](#create_name_longitude_in_degrees_1) | | + + +### Constructor: PrimeMeridianEntry() {#PrimeMeridianEntry__1} + + +``` + PrimeMeridianEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PrimeMeridianEntry class + +### Constructor: PrimeMeridianEntry(name, longitude_in_degrees) {#PrimeMeridianEntry_name_longitude_in_degrees_2} + + +``` + PrimeMeridianEntry(name, longitude_in_degrees) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PrimeMeridianEntry class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| longitude_in_degrees | double | | + +### Method: create(name, longitude_in_degrees) [static] {#create_name_longitude_in_degrees_1} + + +``` + create(name, longitude_in_degrees) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| longitude_in_degrees | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PrimeMeridianEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/primemeridianentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectedcrsentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectedcrsentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2468522aa5d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectedcrsentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +--- +title: ProjectedCrsEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectedcrsentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.ProjectedCrsEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectedCrsEntry()](#ProjectedCrsEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the ProjectedCrsEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| axises_orientation | string | r | | +| geographic_crs_code | int | r | | +| name | string | r | | +| projection_method_code | int | r | | +| projection_parameters_value_code | int | r | | +| unit_code | int | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name, geog_crs_code, unit_code, projection_method_code, projection_parameters_value_code, axises_orientation)](#create_name_geog_crs_code_unit_code_projection_method_code_projection_parameters_value_code_axises_orientation_1) | | + + +### Constructor: ProjectedCrsEntry() {#ProjectedCrsEntry__1} + + +``` + ProjectedCrsEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ProjectedCrsEntry class + +### Method: create(name, geog_crs_code, unit_code, projection_method_code, projection_parameters_value_code, axises_orientation) [static] {#create_name_geog_crs_code_unit_code_projection_method_code_projection_parameters_value_code_axises_orientation_1} + + +``` + create(name, geog_crs_code, unit_code, projection_method_code, projection_parameters_value_code, axises_orientation) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| geog_crs_code | int | | +| unit_code | int | | +| projection_method_code | int | | +| projection_parameters_value_code | int | | +| axises_orientation | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectedCrsEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectedcrsentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionmethodentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionmethodentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..180a043474ff --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionmethodentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +title: ProjectionMethodEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionmethodentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.ProjectionMethodEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectionMethodEntry()](#ProjectionMethodEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionMethodEntry class | +| [ProjectionMethodEntry(name)](#ProjectionMethodEntry_name_2) | Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionMethodEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name)](#create_name_1) | | + + +### Constructor: ProjectionMethodEntry() {#ProjectionMethodEntry__1} + + +``` + ProjectionMethodEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionMethodEntry class + +### Constructor: ProjectionMethodEntry(name) {#ProjectionMethodEntry_name_2} + + +``` + ProjectionMethodEntry(name) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionMethodEntry class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | + +### Method: create(name) [static] {#create_name_1} + + +``` + create(name) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectionMethodEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionmethodentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionparametervalueentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionparametervalueentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2fc9fa621b87 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionparametervalueentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +--- +title: ProjectionParameterValueEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionparametervalueentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.ProjectionParameterValueEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectionParameterValueEntry()](#ProjectionParameterValueEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionParameterValueEntry class | +| [ProjectionParameterValueEntry(parameter_code, value)](#ProjectionParameterValueEntry_parameter_code_value_2) | Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionParameterValueEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| parameter_code | int | r | | +| value | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(parameter_code, value)](#create_parameter_code_value_1) | | + + +### Constructor: ProjectionParameterValueEntry() {#ProjectionParameterValueEntry__1} + + +``` + ProjectionParameterValueEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionParameterValueEntry class + +### Constructor: ProjectionParameterValueEntry(parameter_code, value) {#ProjectionParameterValueEntry_parameter_code_value_2} + + +``` + ProjectionParameterValueEntry(parameter_code, value) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionParameterValueEntry class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameter_code | int | | +| value | double | | + +### Method: create(parameter_code, value) [static] {#create_parameter_code_value_1} + + +``` + create(parameter_code, value) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameter_code | int | | +| value | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectionParameterValueEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/projectionparametervalueentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/towgs84entry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/towgs84entry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..16ab43db0ee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/towgs84entry/ @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +--- +title: ToWgs84Entry Class +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/towgs84entry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.ToWgs84Entry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ToWgs84Entry()](#ToWgs84Entry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the ToWgs84Entry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dx | float | r | | +| dy | float | r | | +| dz | float | r | | +| rx | float | r | | +| ry | float | r | | +| rz | float | r | | +| scale | float | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz, scale)](#create_dx_dy_dz_rx_ry_rz_scale_1) | | + + +### Constructor: ToWgs84Entry() {#ToWgs84Entry__1} + + +``` + ToWgs84Entry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ToWgs84Entry class + +### Method: create(dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz, scale) [static] {#create_dx_dy_dz_rx_ry_rz_scale_1} + + +``` + create(dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz, scale) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dx | float | | +| dy | float | | +| dz | float | | +| rx | float | | +| ry | float | | +| rz | float | | +| scale | float | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ToWgs84Entry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/towgs84entry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/unitentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/unitentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..27f40ff71023 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/unitentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +--- +title: UnitEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/unitentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.UnitEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [UnitEntry()](#UnitEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the UnitEntry class | +| [UnitEntry(name, factor)](#UnitEntry_name_factor_2) | Initializes a new instance of the UnitEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| factor | double | r | | +| name | string | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name, factor)](#create_name_factor_1) | | + + +### Constructor: UnitEntry() {#UnitEntry__1} + + +``` + UnitEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the UnitEntry class + +### Constructor: UnitEntry(name, factor) {#UnitEntry_name_factor_2} + + +``` + UnitEntry(name, factor) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the UnitEntry class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| factor | double | | + +### Method: create(name, factor) [static] {#create_name_factor_1} + + +``` + create(name, factor) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| factor | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [UnitEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/unitentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticalcrsentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticalcrsentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2f62fca11c18 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticalcrsentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +--- +title: VerticalCrsEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticalcrsentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.VerticalCrsEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [VerticalCrsEntry()](#VerticalCrsEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the VerticalCrsEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| datum_code | int | r | | +| name | string | r | | +| unit_code | int | r | | +| up | bool | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name, unit_code, datum_code, up)](#create_name_unit_code_datum_code_up_1) | | + + +### Constructor: VerticalCrsEntry() {#VerticalCrsEntry__1} + + +``` + VerticalCrsEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the VerticalCrsEntry class + +### Method: create(name, unit_code, datum_code, up) [static] {#create_name_unit_code_datum_code_up_1} + + +``` + create(name, unit_code, datum_code, up) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | +| unit_code | int | | +| datum_code | int | | +| up | bool | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VerticalCrsEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticalcrsentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticaldatumentry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticaldatumentry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fb4ef56b7f14 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticaldatumentry/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +title: VerticalDatumEntry Class +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticaldatumentry/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.epsg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.epsg.VerticalDatumEntry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [VerticalDatumEntry()](#VerticalDatumEntry__1) | Initializes a new instance of the VerticalDatumEntry class | +| [VerticalDatumEntry(name)](#VerticalDatumEntry_name_2) | Initializes a new instance of the VerticalDatumEntry class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(name)](#create_name_1) | | + + +### Constructor: VerticalDatumEntry() {#VerticalDatumEntry__1} + + +``` + VerticalDatumEntry() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the VerticalDatumEntry class + +### Constructor: VerticalDatumEntry(name) {#VerticalDatumEntry_name_2} + + +``` + VerticalDatumEntry(name) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the VerticalDatumEntry class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | + +### Method: create(name) [static] {#create_name_1} + + +``` + create(name) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VerticalDatumEntry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.epsg/verticaldatumentry) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2a4e512bbe49 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.bmpw +type: docs +weight: 180 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BmpWDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/bmpwdriver/) | A driver for BmpW raster. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/bmpwdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/bmpwdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3458f7e4e89f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/bmpwdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +--- +title: BmpWDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/bmpwdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for BmpW raster. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.bmpw](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.bmpw.BmpWDriver + +**Inheritance:** WorldRasterDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open raster layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_1) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_2) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_3) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_4) | Opens the layer for reading. | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_1} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_2} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_3} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_4} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..37abdf3b43f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.csv +type: docs +weight: 190 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CsvDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvdriver/) | A driver for the CSV format. | +| [CsvOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvoptions/) | Driver-specific options for CSV format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3dea37cea24d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,708 @@ +--- +title: CsvDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the CSV format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.csv](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.csv.CsvDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CsvDriver()](#CsvDriver__1) | Initializes a new instance of the CsvDriver class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Constructor: CsvDriver() {#CsvDriver__1} + + +``` + CsvDriver() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the CsvDriver class + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [CsvOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [CsvOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [CsvOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvoptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [CsvOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [CsvOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7706dcc35474 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: CsvOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for CSV format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.csv](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.csv.CsvOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CsvOptions()](#CsvOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| column_m | string | r/w | Gets or sets a name of column contains M coordinate value.
Default is . | +| column_wkt | string | r/w | Gets or sets a name of column contains Well-Known Text for representing geometry.
Default is . | +| column_x | string | r/w | Gets or sets a name of column contains X coordinate value.
Default is . | +| column_y | string | r/w | Gets or sets a name of column contains Y coordinate value.
Default is . | +| column_z | string | r/w | Gets or sets a name of column contains Z coordinate value.
Default is . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| delimiter | char | r/w | Gets or sets a character that is used as delimiter to separate values.
Default is ','. | +| double_quote_escape | char | r/w | Gets or sets a character that is used as escape letter for double-quotes.
Default is '"'. | +| has_attribute_names | bool | r/w | Determines if a header row with attribute names exists.
Default is . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| start_line_number | int | r/w | Gets or sets a zero-based number of line that will be first when read the data.
Default is 0. | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: CsvOptions() {#CsvOptions__1} + + +``` + CsvOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ef47f2af688f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting +type: docs +weight: 210 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseEditableDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/databaseeditabledatasourcebuilder/) | Provides the ability to configure a database data object [IDatabaseEditableDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource/) with the ability to save modified features. | +| [IDatabaseEditableDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource/) | The object that implements this interface has the ability to accept a layer with the ability to track changes and save them to the database. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/databaseeditabledatasourcebuilder/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/databaseeditabledatasourcebuilder/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..39b5433fae6f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/databaseeditabledatasourcebuilder/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: DatabaseEditableDataSourceBuilder Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/databaseeditabledatasourcebuilder/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provides the ability to configure a database data object [IDatabaseEditableDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource/) with the ability to save modified features. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting.DatabaseEditableDataSourceBuilder + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [build()](#build__1) | Configures and builds [IDatabaseEditableDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource/) | + + +### Method: build() {#build__1} + + +``` + build() +``` + +Configures and builds [IDatabaseEditableDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource/) + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IDatabaseEditableDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource) | [IDatabaseEditableDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource/) | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..449d147c03e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +--- +title: IDatabaseEditableDataSource Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/idatabaseeditabledatasource/ +--- + +**Summary:** The object that implements this interface has the ability to accept a layer with the ability to track changes and save them to the database. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting.IDatabaseEditableDataSource + +**Inheritance:** IDatabaseDataSource + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86be8717d3ee --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition +type: docs +weight: 220 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder/) | Provides the ability to configure a data source object | +| [IFromDefinitionDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource/) | Provide the ability to read geospatial data from the database through LINQ and update them. | +| [QueryableLayerExtension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/queryablelayerextension/) | Helper class that contains extension methods to directly run the database extraction process. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5be96ba1cc2c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder/ @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +--- +title: FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provides the ability to configure a data source object + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition.FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_attribute(name, type)](#add_attribute_name_type_1) | Configures the name of the field that will contain information for the feature attribute. | +| [build()](#build__2) | The method retrieves an implementation of the [IFromDefinitionDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource/) | +| [geometry_field(name)](#geometry_field_name_3) | Configures the name of the field from which the geometry will be extracted. | +| [identity_attribute(name, overwrite_same_key)](#identity_attribute_name_overwrite_same_key_4) | Mandatory setting that allows tracking changes. | + + +### Method: add_attribute(name, type) {#add_attribute_name_type_1} + + +``` + add_attribute(name, type) +``` + +Configures the name of the field that will contain information for the feature attribute. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of database field for attribute. | +| type | [AttributeDataType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype) | Type of data into which data from the database should be converted. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder) | [FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder/) | + + +### Method: build() {#build__2} + + +``` + build() +``` + +The method retrieves an implementation of the [IFromDefinitionDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource/) + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IFromDefinitionDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource) | Implementation of the [IFromDefinitionDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource/) | + + +### Method: geometry_field(name) {#geometry_field_name_3} + + +``` + geometry_field(name) +``` + +Configures the name of the field from which the geometry will be extracted. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of gemetry field. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder) | [FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder/) | + + +### Method: identity_attribute(name, overwrite_same_key) {#identity_attribute_name_overwrite_same_key_4} + + +``` + identity_attribute(name, overwrite_same_key) +``` + +Mandatory setting that allows tracking changes. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | An attribute of a feature that will be treated as uniquely identifying the feature. | +| overwrite_same_key | bool | If this flag is set to true, then newly added features with a unique identifier the same that is already present in the layer,
the current one will be overwritten, and the data will be read as updated if differences are found.
Otherwise, an exception will be thrown. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder) | [FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder/) | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0c7fdc2da178 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: IFromDefinitionDataSource Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provide the ability to read geospatial data from the database through LINQ and update them. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition.IFromDefinitionDataSource + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_empty_layer()](#get_empty_layer__1) | Allows to create an empty layer. This can be useful when just adding a new record to the database.
But later the layer can be used to edit newly added records. | + + +### Method: get_empty_layer() {#get_empty_layer__1} + + +``` + get_empty_layer() +``` + +Allows to create an empty layer. This can be useful when just adding a new record to the database.
But later the layer can be used to edit newly added records. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/queryablelayerextension/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/queryablelayerextension/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d7c444a71d89 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/queryablelayerextension/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: QueryableLayerExtension Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/queryablelayerextension/ +--- + +**Summary:** Helper class that contains extension methods to directly run the database extraction process. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition.QueryableLayerExtension + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a47fbc4d23ac --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.database +type: docs +weight: 200 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasedatasourcebuilder/) | Provides the ability to configure a database data source object. | +| [DatabaseExternalSrsSettingsBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databaseexternalsrssettingsbuilder/) | Provides the possibility of configuring a database query to retrieve a list of used spatial reference systems. | +| [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/) | Provides the ability to configure a query to database to to extract geospatial information. | +| [IDatabaseDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/idatabasedatasource/) | Provide the ability to read geospatial data from the database. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasedatasourcebuilder/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasedatasourcebuilder/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..334485f8356e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasedatasourcebuilder/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: DatabaseDataSourceBuilder Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasedatasourcebuilder/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provides the ability to configure a database data source object. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.database](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.database.DatabaseDataSourceBuilder + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseDataSourceBuilder()](#DatabaseDataSourceBuilder__1) | Initializes a new instance of the DatabaseDataSourceBuilder class | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [from_query(query)](#from_query_query_1) | Configuring the data source for custom database queries. | + + +### Constructor: DatabaseDataSourceBuilder() {#DatabaseDataSourceBuilder__1} + + +``` + DatabaseDataSourceBuilder() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the DatabaseDataSourceBuilder class + +### Method: from_query(query) {#from_query_query_1} + + +``` + from_query(query) +``` + +Configuring the data source for custom database queries. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| query | string | Query string. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder) | [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/) | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databaseexternalsrssettingsbuilder/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databaseexternalsrssettingsbuilder/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ab9e7d1b811a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databaseexternalsrssettingsbuilder/ @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +--- +title: DatabaseExternalSrsSettingsBuilder Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databaseexternalsrssettingsbuilder/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provides the possibility of configuring a database query to retrieve a list of used spatial reference systems. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.database](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.database.DatabaseExternalSrsSettingsBuilder + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [end_external_srs()](#end_external_srs__1) | Complete the configuration of the external srs and return the parent context. | +| [external_srs_fields(auth_srid_field, sr_text_field)](#external_srs_fields_auth_srid_field_sr_text_field_2) | Specifies special field names from which to read information about additionally requested spatial reference systems. | + + +### Method: end_external_srs() {#end_external_srs__1} + + +``` + end_external_srs() +``` + +Complete the configuration of the external srs and return the parent context. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder) | [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/) | + + +### Method: external_srs_fields(auth_srid_field, sr_text_field) {#external_srs_fields_auth_srid_field_sr_text_field_2} + + +``` + external_srs_fields(auth_srid_field, sr_text_field) +``` + +Specifies special field names from which to read information about additionally requested spatial reference systems. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| auth_srid_field | string | Field for reading spatial reference id, default: auth_srid. | +| sr_text_field | string | Field for reading the spatial coordinate system represented by WKT, default: srtext. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseExternalSrsSettingsBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databaseexternalsrssettingsbuilder) | [DatabaseExternalSrsSettingsBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databaseexternalsrssettingsbuilder/) | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3a4aa8f53374 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/ @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +--- +title: DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provides the ability to configure a query to database to to extract geospatial information. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.database](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.database.DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_attribute(name, type)](#add_attribute_name_type_1) | Configures the name of the field that will contain information for the feature attribute. | +| [as_trackable_for_changes(table_name, identity_attribute, overwrite_same_key, db_func)](#as_trackable_for_changes_table_name_identity_attribute_overwrite_same_key_db_func_2) | Configure the resulting layer to track changes and create a data source to synchronize the changes made. | +| [build()](#build__3) | The method retrieves an implementation of the [IDatabaseDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/idatabasedatasource/) | +| [geometry_field(name)](#geometry_field_name_4) | Configures the name of the field from which the geometry will be extracted. | +| [srid_field(name)](#srid_field_name_5) | Configuring the name of the query field that will contain the spatial reference system identifier (srid). | +| [use_external_srs_from_query(srs_query)](#use_external_srs_from_query_srs_query_6) | Allows you to configure the data source to use third-party spatial reference system data, bypassing the pre-installed data in the Aspose.GIS library. | + + +### Method: add_attribute(name, type) {#add_attribute_name_type_1} + + +``` + add_attribute(name, type) +``` + +Configures the name of the field that will contain information for the feature attribute. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of query field for attribute. | +| type | [AttributeDataType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype) | Type of data into which data from the database should be converted. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder) | [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/) | + + +### Method: as_trackable_for_changes(table_name, identity_attribute, overwrite_same_key, db_func) {#as_trackable_for_changes_table_name_identity_attribute_overwrite_same_key_db_func_2} + + +``` + as_trackable_for_changes(table_name, identity_attribute, overwrite_same_key, db_func) +``` + +Configure the resulting layer to track changes and create a data source to synchronize the changes made. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| table_name | string | The name of the table where the changes will be made. | +| identity_attribute | string | An attribute of a feature that will be treated as uniquely identifying the feature. | +| overwrite_same_key | bool | If this flag is set to true, then newly added features with a unique identifier the same that is already present in the layer, the current one will be overwritten, and the data will be read as updated if differences are found. | +| db_func | string | Function that will be supplied in SQL query to transform binary data into geographic data representation of the current database. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseEditableDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/databaseeditabledatasourcebuilder/) | [DatabaseEditableDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.dataediting/databaseeditabledatasourcebuilder/) | + + +### Method: build() {#build__3} + + +``` + build() +``` + +The method retrieves an implementation of the [IDatabaseDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/idatabasedatasource/) + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IDatabaseDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/idatabasedatasource) | Implementation of the [IDatabaseDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/idatabasedatasource/) | + + +### Method: geometry_field(name) {#geometry_field_name_4} + + +``` + geometry_field(name) +``` + +Configures the name of the field from which the geometry will be extracted. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of gemetry field. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder) | [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/) | + + +### Method: srid_field(name) {#srid_field_name_5} + + +``` + srid_field(name) +``` + +Configuring the name of the query field that will contain the spatial reference system identifier (srid). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the query field containing the spatial reference system identifier. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder) | [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/) | + + +### Method: use_external_srs_from_query(srs_query) {#use_external_srs_from_query_srs_query_6} + + +``` + use_external_srs_from_query(srs_query) +``` + +Allows you to configure the data source to use third-party spatial reference system data, bypassing the pre-installed data in the Aspose.GIS library. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| srs_query | string | Query to retrieve information about additional spatial coordinate systems used in the main query to retrieve features. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseExternalSrsSettingsBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databaseexternalsrssettingsbuilder) | [DatabaseExternalSrsSettingsBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databaseexternalsrssettingsbuilder/) | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/idatabasedatasource/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/idatabasedatasource/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..abfbdda9cea5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/idatabasedatasource/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: IDatabaseDataSource Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/idatabasedatasource/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provide the ability to read geospatial data from the database. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.database](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.database.IDatabaseDataSource + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..13bc66c23a6c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.esriascii +type: docs +weight: 230 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [EsriAsciiDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciidriver/) | A driver for the Esri ASCII Grid. | +| [EsriAsciiOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciioptions/) | Driver-specific options for EsriAscii format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciidriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciidriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f7f9588a9bfd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciidriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +--- +title: EsriAsciiDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciidriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the Esri ASCII Grid. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.esriascii](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.esriascii.EsriAsciiDriver + +**Inheritance:** RasterDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open raster layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_1) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_2) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_3) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_4) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_5) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_6) | Opens the layer for reading. | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_1} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_2} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_3} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_4} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [EsriAsciiOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciioptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_5} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [EsriAsciiOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciioptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_6} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciioptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciioptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0efd470c5feb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciioptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +--- +title: EsriAsciiOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciioptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for EsriAscii format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.esriascii](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.esriascii.EsriAsciiOptions + +**Inheritance:** RasterDriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [EsriAsciiOptions()](#EsriAsciiOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: EsriAsciiOptions() {#EsriAsciiOptions__1} + + +``` + EsriAsciiOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a0c0b3da2c91 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.esrijson +type: docs +weight: 240 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [EsriJsonDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsondriver/) | A driver for the EsriJson format. | +| [EsriJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsonoptions/) | Driver-specific options for EsriJson format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsondriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsondriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b172a4abefff --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsondriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,695 @@ +--- +title: EsriJsonDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsondriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the EsriJson format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.esrijson](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.esrijson.EsriJsonDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [EsriJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [EsriJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [EsriJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [EsriJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [EsriJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsonoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsonoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..52022b40bd92 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsonoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: EsriJsonOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsonoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for EsriJson format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.esrijson](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.esrijson.EsriJsonOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [EsriJsonOptions()](#EsriJsonOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| nested_properties_separator | string | r/w | Gets or sets a string that is used to separate components of nested attributes.
Default is "_". | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: EsriJsonOptions() {#EsriJsonOptions__1} + + +``` + EsriJsonOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..28fd5153e75d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.filegdb +type: docs +weight: 250 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbcoordinateprecisiongrid/) | A coordinate precision grid inside a FileGDB layer. | +| [FileGdbDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbdriver/) | A driver for the ESRI File Geodatabase format. | +| [FileGdbOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions/) | Driver-specific options for FileGDB format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbcoordinateprecisiongrid/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbcoordinateprecisiongrid/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7894e3081896 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbcoordinateprecisiongrid/ @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +--- +title: FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbcoordinateprecisiongrid/ +--- + +**Summary:** A coordinate precision grid inside a FileGDB layer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.filegdb](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.filegdb.FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid()](#FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid__1) | Initializes a new instance of the FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| m_origin | Nullable | r/w | Gets or sets the origin of M coordinate. If set to the default is used. | +| m_scale | Nullable | r/w | Gets or sets the scale of M coordinate. If set to the default is used. | +| x_origin | Nullable | r/w | Gets or sets the origin of X coordinate. If set to the default is used. | +| xy_scale | Nullable | r/w | Gets or sets the scale of X and Y coordinates. If set to the default is used. | +| y_origin | Nullable | r/w | Gets or sets the origin of Y coordinate. If set to the default is used. | +| z_origin | Nullable | r/w | Gets or sets the origin of Z coordinate. If set to the default is used. | +| z_scale | Nullable | r/w | Gets or sets the scale of Z coordinate. If set to the default is used. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_from_rectangle(p1, p2)](#create_from_rectangle_p1_p2_1) | Creates new FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid such that all values within a rectangle are representable. | + + +### Constructor: FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid() {#FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid__1} + + +``` + FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid class + +### Method: create_from_rectangle(p1, p2) [static] {#create_from_rectangle_p1_p2_1} + + +``` + create_from_rectangle(p1, p2) +``` + +Creates new FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid such that all values within a rectangle are representable. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| p1 | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/) | One corner of the rectangle. | +| p2 | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/) | Opposite corner of the rectangle. Must have same dimensions as . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbcoordinateprecisiongrid) | The FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid such that all values within a rectangle are representable.
Values outside of the rectangle are not representable, so all coordinates that will be written to FileGDB layer
must be inside the rectangle. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7aa4d8dc7949 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,792 @@ +--- +title: FileGdbDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the ESRI File Geodatabase format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.filegdb](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.filegdb.FileGdbDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_5) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_6) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_7) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_8) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates a layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates a layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_16) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_17) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_18) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_19) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_22) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_23) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_24) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_25) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_26) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_27) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_28) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_29) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_30) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_31) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_32) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [FileGdbOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_5} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [FileGdbOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_6} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [FileGdbOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [FileGdbOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [FileGdbOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_16} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_17} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_18} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_19} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_22} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [FileGdbOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_23} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [FileGdbOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_28} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [FileGdbOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_29} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_30} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [FileGdbOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_31} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_32} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..33a8a84a7bfa --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +--- +title: FileGdbOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdboptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for FileGDB format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.filegdb](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.filegdb.FileGdbOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [FileGdbOptions()](#FileGdbOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| coordinate_precision_grid | [FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbcoordinateprecisiongrid) | r/w | A coordinate precision grid to use in new layer. | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| ensure_valid_coordinates_range | bool | r/w | Whether coordinates should be in valid range. | +| expected_geometry_type | Nullable | r/w | Expected geometry type for layer. If this option is set then we allow adding only geometries with this type | +| geometry_field_name | string | r/w | Name of the geometry field. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Can geometries of layer have 'm' coordinate. By defualt is true | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Can geometries of layer have 'z' coordinate. By defualt is true | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| m_tolerance | Nullable | r/w | M snapping tolerance. | +| object_id_field_name | string | r/w | Name of the object ID field. | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| xy_tolerance | Nullable | r/w | X and Y snapping tolerance. | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_tolerance | Nullable | r/w | Z snapping tolerance. | + + +### Constructor: FileGdbOptions() {#FileGdbOptions__1} + + +``` + FileGdbOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b9699f4684e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.gdal +type: docs +weight: 260 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdalDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaldriver/) | A driver for the GDAL format. | +| [GdalOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaloptions/) | Driver-specific options for GDAL format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaldriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaldriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4279889621dd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaldriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,598 @@ +--- +title: GdalDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaldriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the GDAL format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.gdal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.gdal.GdalDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_13) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_14) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_15) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_16) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_17) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_19) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_20) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_21) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_22) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_23) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_24) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_13} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_14} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_15} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_16} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_17} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_19} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_20} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GdalOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_24} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaloptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaloptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4fa7f3071bf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaloptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +--- +title: GdalOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaloptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for GDAL format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.gdal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.gdal.GdalOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GdalOptions(temp_directory)](#GdalOptions_temp_directory_1) | Create a new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| file_name | string | r/w | Name of the application to start | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| path_to_temp_file | string | r | Path to temporary files. | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: GdalOptions(temp_directory) {#GdalOptions_temp_directory_1} + + +``` + GdalOptions(temp_directory) +``` + +Create a new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| temp_directory | string | Path to temporary files. Users's temporary folder by Default. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5d06a313d299 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.geojson +type: docs +weight: 270 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeoJsonDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsondriver/) | A driver for the GeoJSON format. | +| [GeoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions/) | Driver-specific options for GeoJSON format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsondriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsondriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bd2ea61f3255 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsondriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,695 @@ +--- +title: GeoJsonDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsondriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the GeoJSON format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.geojson](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.geojson.GeoJsonDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8dc45c27b0a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: GeoJsonOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for GeoJSON format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.geojson](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.geojson.GeoJsonOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeoJsonOptions()](#GeoJsonOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| array_as_string | bool | r/w | Whether to expose JSon arrays of strings, integers or reals as string. | +| attributes_skip | bool | r/w | controls translation of attributes: yes - skip all attributes | +| auto_id | [AutoIds](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/autoids) | r/w | Auto-generate ids | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| date_as_string | bool | r/w | Whether to expose JSon date/time/date-time as string. | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| description | string | r/w | Description at feature collection level (for layer creation) | +| geometry_as_collection | bool | r/w | control translation of geometries: yes - wrap geometries with GeometryCollection type | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| name | string | r/w | Name at feature collection level (for layer creation) | +| nested_properties_separator | string | r/w | Gets or sets a string that is used to separate components of nested attributes.
Default is "_". | +| read_bounding_boxes | bool | r/w | Determines if Bounding Boxes ('bbox') should be read as attributes with a name 'bbox_0', 'bbox_1', etc.
Default value is .
The [GeoJsonOptions.nested_properties_separator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsonoptions/) string is used in bbox_0, bbox_1,.. names. | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_bounding_boxes | bool | r/w | Determines if GeoJSON objects should be included information on the coordinate range for its Geometries.
If set to , a member "bbox" is generated for each geometry (not null) when it's added to the layer.
Default value is . | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| write_unset_attribute | bool | r/w | Whether to write unset attributes by adding 'null' value | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: GeoJsonOptions() {#GeoJsonOptions__1} + + +``` + GeoJsonOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b7d35f99358f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq +type: docs +weight: 280 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeoJsonSeqDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqdriver/) | A driver for the GeoJSON Seq format. | +| [GeoJsonSeqOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqoptions/) | Driver-specific options for GeoJsonSeq. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..632990dead1a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,695 @@ +--- +title: GeoJsonSeqDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the GeoJSON Seq format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq.GeoJsonSeqDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoJsonSeqOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoJsonSeqOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoJsonSeqOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqoptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoJsonSeqOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoJsonSeqOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..eb5592e09f09 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +title: GeoJsonSeqOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for GeoJsonSeq. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq.GeoJsonSeqOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeoJsonSeqOptions()](#GeoJsonSeqOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| array_as_string | bool | r/w | Whether to expose JSon arrays of strings, integers or reals as string. | +| attributes_skip | bool | r/w | controls translation of attributes: yes - skip all attributes | +| auto_id | [AutoIds](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/autoids) | r/w | Auto-generate ids | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| date_as_string | bool | r/w | Whether to expose JSon date/time/date-time as string. | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| geometry_as_collection | bool | r/w | control translation of geometries: yes - wrap geometries with GeometryCollection type | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| nested_properties_separator | string | r/w | Gets or sets a string that is used to separate components of nested attributes.
Default is "_". | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| write_unset_attribute | bool | r/w | Whether to write unset attributes by adding 'null' value | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: GeoJsonSeqOptions() {#GeoJsonSeqOptions__1} + + +``` + GeoJsonSeqOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3cb51cc2f209 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.geotiff +type: docs +weight: 290 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeoTiffDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffdriver/) | A driver for the Geo TIFF raster. | +| [GeoTiffOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffoptions/) | Driver-specific options for GeoTiff format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..044f98b5df93 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +--- +title: GeoTiffDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the Geo TIFF raster. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.geotiff](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.geotiff.GeoTiffDriver + +**Inheritance:** RasterDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open raster layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_1) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_2) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_3) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_4) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_5) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_6) | Opens the layer for reading. | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_1} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_2} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_3} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_4} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoTiffOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_5} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GeoTiffOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_6} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7dafa0a3eb2b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +--- +title: GeoTiffOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for GeoTiff format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.geotiff](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.geotiff.GeoTiffOptions + +**Inheritance:** RasterDriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeoTiffOptions()](#GeoTiffOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: GeoTiffOptions() {#GeoTiffOptions__1} + + +``` + GeoTiffOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dcd274fd2b08 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.gml +type: docs +weight: 300 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GmlDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmldriver/) | A driver for the GML format. | +| [GmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmloptions/) | Driver-specific options for GML format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmldriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmldriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6446df883eda --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmldriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,671 @@ +--- +title: GmlDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmldriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the GML format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.gml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.gml.GmlDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_15) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_17) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_21) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_23) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_27) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_15} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_17} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_21} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_27} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmloptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmloptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bccdbe283180 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmloptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +--- +title: GmlOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmloptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for GML format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.gml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.gml.GmlOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GmlOptions()](#GmlOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| load_schemas_from_internet | bool | r/w | Determines whether Aspose.GIS is allowed to load XML schema from Internet.
If set to , schemas with absolute URIs that does not start with 'file://' would not be loaded.
Default is . | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| nested_properties_separator | string | r/w | Gets or sets a string that is used to separate components of nested attributes.
Default is "_". | +| restore_schema | bool | r/w | Determines whether Aspose.GIS is allowed to parse attributes in a Gml file in which an XML schema is missing or cannot be loaded.
If set to , Aspose.GIS reader does not require the presence of an XML Schema.
Default is . | +| schema_location | string | r/w | Space separated list of URI pairs. First URI in every pair is a URI of the namespace, second URI is a Path to XML schema of the namespace.
If set to , [GmlDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmldriver/) will try read schemaLocation from the root element of the document.
Default is . | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: GmlOptions() {#GmlOptions__1} + + +``` + GmlOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..902e5899b7f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.gpx +type: docs +weight: 310 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GpxDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxdriver/) | A driver for the GPX format. | +| [GpxOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions/) | Driver-specific options for GPX format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ef6b420deeb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,695 @@ +--- +title: GpxDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the GPX format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.gpx](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.gpx.GpxDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GpxOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GpxOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GpxOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [GpxOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [GpxOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..50d4bc1ef67c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +--- +title: GpxOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for GPX format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.gpx](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.gpx.GpxOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GpxOptions()](#GpxOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_attribute | string | r/w | Determines which GPX attribute will be exported as 'M' coordinate of waypoints, route points and track points.
Behavior is same with [GpxOptions.z_attribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxoptions/), defaults to . | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| nested_attribute_separator | string | r | A string to separate nested attribute name and its indexes. Defaults to double underscore "__". | +| read_nested_attributes | bool | r/w | Determines if GPX points, such as 'trkpt' and 'rtept', contain inner attributes and if it should be read. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_attribute | string | r/w | Determines which GPX attribute will be exported as 'Z' coordinate of waypoints, route points and track points.
If - no attribute will be exported as 'Z' coordinate.
Defaults to "ele".
Possible values are names of all GPX XML attribute that can be represented as double (e.g. "speed", "magvar", "geoidheight" etc.) | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: GpxOptions() {#GpxOptions__1} + + +``` + GpxOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d27d3d35099b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.infile +type: docs +weight: 320 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [InFileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infiledriver/) | A driver for work with data and temporary save in file. | +| [InFileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infileoptions/) | Driver-specific options for InFile layer. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infiledriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infiledriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2be19b8e7f22 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infiledriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,695 @@ +--- +title: InFileDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infiledriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for work with data and temporary save in file. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.infile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.infile.InFileDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [InFileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infileoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [InFileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infileoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [InFileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infileoptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [InFileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infileoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [InFileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infileoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infileoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infileoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cfd013ed08c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infileoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +--- +title: InFileOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infileoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for InFile layer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.infile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.infile.InFileOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [InFileOptions()](#InFileOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| array_as_string | bool | r/w | Whether to expose JSon arrays of strings, integers or reals as string. | +| attributes_skip | bool | r/w | controls translation of attributes: yes - skip all attributes | +| auto_id | [AutoIds](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/autoids) | r/w | Auto-generate ids | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| count_of_feature_in_part | int | r/w | Max count of features in every part of the file | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| date_as_string | bool | r/w | Whether to expose JSon date/time/date-time as string. | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| geometry_as_collection | bool | r/w | control translation of geometries: yes - wrap geometries with GeometryCollection type | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| nested_properties_separator | string | r/w | Gets or sets a string that is used to separate components of nested attributes.
Default is "_". | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| write_unset_attribute | bool | r/w | Whether to write unset attributes by adding 'null' value | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: InFileOptions() {#InFileOptions__1} + + +``` + InFileOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..723b7bf448dc --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.inmemory +type: docs +weight: 330 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [InMemoryDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/inmemorydriver/) | A driver for work with data in memory. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/inmemorydriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/inmemorydriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4112063e5b4a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/inmemorydriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,637 @@ +--- +title: InMemoryDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/inmemorydriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for work with data in memory. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.inmemory](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.inmemory.InMemoryDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer()](#create_layer__5) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(features_sequence)](#create_layer_features_sequence_6) | Creates a layer from features sequence and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_7) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_8) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_26) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer() {#create_layer__5} + + +``` + create_layer() +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(features_sequence) {#create_layer_features_sequence_6} + + +``` + create_layer(features_sequence) +``` + +Creates a layer from features sequence and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| features_sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features sequence. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_26} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dea6f1bdc7ab --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.jpegw +type: docs +weight: 340 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [JpegWDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/jpegwdriver/) | A driver for JpegW raster. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/jpegwdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/jpegwdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a12b203d776c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/jpegwdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +--- +title: JpegWDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/jpegwdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for JpegW raster. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.jpegw](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.jpegw.JpegWDriver + +**Inheritance:** WorldRasterDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open raster layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_1) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_2) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_3) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_4) | Opens the layer for reading. | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_1} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_2} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_3} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_4} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d0abba8d5f3b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/ @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles +type: docs +weight: 360 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlAbstractColorStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlabstractcolorstyle/) | Provides elements for specifying the color and color mode of style types that derive from it. | +| [KmlBalloonStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlballoonstyle/) | Specifies how the description balloon is drawn. | +| [KmlCoordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcoordinate/) | Specifies an image coordinate system. | +| [KmlFeatureStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlfeaturestyle/) | Styles affect how Geometry is presented.
Ths styles are encoded in the document section and have a unique identifier for each style.
These are known as 'shared styles' in the kml specification. | +| [KmlIconResource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconresource/) | Specifies an icon resource location | +| [KmlIconStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconstyle/) | Specifies how icons for kml:Placemarks and kml:PhotoOverlay with a kml:Point geometry are drawn
in an earth browser's list and geographic views. | +| [KmlItemIcon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemicon/) | Specifies an icon resource location in a list. | +| [KmlLabelStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllabelstyle/) | Specifies how the label is drawn in the geographic view. | +| [KmlLineStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllinestyle/) | Specifies how the name of a kml:AbstractFeatureGroup is drawn in the geographic view. | +| [KmlListStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlliststyle/) | Specifies how a Feature is displayed in the list view. | +| [KmlPolygonStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlpolygonstyle/) | Specifies the drawing style for a Polygon,
including a Polygon and the extruded portion of a kml:Polygon or LineString. | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlColorModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcolormodes/) | Specifies the color mode for a graphic element. | +| [KmlDisplayModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmldisplaymodes/) | Controls whether the element is displayed or hidden. | +| [KmlItemIconStates](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemiconstates/) | Specifies the current state of a kml:NetworkLink or kml:Folder. | +| [KmlItemTypes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemtypes/) | Specifies how a kml:Feature and its contents shall be displayed as items in a list view. | +| [KmlUnits](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlunits/) | Specifies units fof an image coordinate system. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlabstractcolorstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlabstractcolorstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6b1f6215ad24 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlabstractcolorstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: KmlAbstractColorStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlabstractcolorstyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provides elements for specifying the color and color mode of style types that derive from it. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlAbstractColorStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlAbstractColorStyle()](#KmlAbstractColorStyle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the KmlAbstractColorStyle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the color of the graphic element. Default value . | +| color_mode | [KmlColorModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcolormodes) | r/w | Specifies the color mode of the graphic element. Default Value: normal. | + + +### Constructor: KmlAbstractColorStyle() {#KmlAbstractColorStyle__1} + + +``` + KmlAbstractColorStyle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the KmlAbstractColorStyle class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlballoonstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlballoonstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..46604729aa8a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlballoonstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: KmlBalloonStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlballoonstyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** Specifies how the description balloon is drawn. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlBalloonStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlBalloonStyle()](#KmlBalloonStyle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the KmlBalloonStyle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| background_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the background color of the graphic element. Default value is . | +| display_mode | [KmlDisplayModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmldisplaymodes) | r/w | Controls whether the balloon is displayed or hidden. Default value is [KmlDisplayModes.SHOW](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmldisplaymodes/) | +| text | string | r/w | Specifies the text displayed in the balloon. Default value is . | +| text_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the foreground color of the text. Default value is . | + + +### Constructor: KmlBalloonStyle() {#KmlBalloonStyle__1} + + +``` + KmlBalloonStyle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the KmlBalloonStyle class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcolormodes/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcolormodes/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fa664ef1b45c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcolormodes/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: KmlColorModes Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcolormodes/ +--- + +Specifies the color mode for a graphic element. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlColorModes + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| NORMAL | Specifies a single color value. | +| RANDOM | Specifies to use a random color value. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcoordinate/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcoordinate/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cce6958c9489 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcoordinate/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: KmlCoordinate Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcoordinate/ +--- + +**Summary:** Specifies an image coordinate system. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlCoordinate + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlCoordinate()](#KmlCoordinate__1) | Initializes a new instance of the KmlCoordinate class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | r/w | The X component of a point. Default value is 0.5. | +| x_units | [KmlUnits](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlunits) | r/w | Units in which the X value is specified. Default value is [KmlUnits.FRACTION](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlunits/). | +| y | double | r/w | The Y component of a point. Default value is 0.5. | +| y_units | [KmlUnits](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlunits) | r/w | Units in which the Y value is specified. Default value is [KmlUnits.FRACTION](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlunits/). | + + +### Constructor: KmlCoordinate() {#KmlCoordinate__1} + + +``` + KmlCoordinate() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the KmlCoordinate class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmldisplaymodes/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmldisplaymodes/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8ff129487279 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmldisplaymodes/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: KmlDisplayModes Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmldisplaymodes/ +--- + +Controls whether the element is displayed or hidden. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlDisplayModes + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| HIDE | Specifies to hide the element. | +| SHOW | Specifies to show the element (known as 'default' in the kml specification). | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlfeaturestyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlfeaturestyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8e5cb577c31b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlfeaturestyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: KmlFeatureStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlfeaturestyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** Styles affect how Geometry is presented.
Ths styles are encoded in the document section and have a unique identifier for each style.
These are known as 'shared styles' in the kml specification. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlFeatureStyle + +**Inheritance:** IFeatureStyle, FeatureStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlFeatureStyle()](#KmlFeatureStyle__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| balloon | [KmlBalloonStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlballoonstyle) | r/w | Specifies how the description balloon for placemarks is drawn.
Use to indicate a missing style.
Default Value is . | +| icon | [KmlIconStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconstyle) | r/w | Specifies how icons for point Placemarks are drawn.
Use to indicate a missing style.
Default Value is . | +| label | [KmlLabelStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllabelstyle) | r/w | Specifies how labels of a Feature are drawn.
Use to indicate a missing style.
Default Value is . | +| line | [KmlLineStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllinestyle) | r/w | Specifies the drawing style (color, color mode, and line width) for all line geometry.
Use to indicate a missing style.
Default Value is . | +| list | [KmlListStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlliststyle) | r/w | Specifies how a Feature is displayed in the list view.
Use to indicate a missing style.
Default Value is . | +| null [static] | [IFeatureStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/ifeaturestyle) | r | Gets an instance of null style. | +| polygon | [KmlPolygonStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlpolygonstyle) | r/w | Specifies the drawing style for all polygons, including polygon extrusions and line extrusions.
Use to indicate a missing style.
Default Value is . | + + +### Constructor: KmlFeatureStyle() {#KmlFeatureStyle__1} + + +``` + KmlFeatureStyle() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconresource/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconresource/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ddcbc2329f17 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconresource/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: KmlIconResource Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconresource/ +--- + +**Summary:** Specifies an icon resource location + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlIconResource + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlIconResource()](#KmlIconResource__1) | Initializes a new instance of the KmlIconResource class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| href | string | r/w | Specifies the the resource location as a URL.
Default value is means the href is none. | + + +### Constructor: KmlIconResource() {#KmlIconResource__1} + + +``` + KmlIconResource() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the KmlIconResource class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9c3fe3c5364a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +--- +title: KmlIconStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconstyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** Specifies how icons for kml:Placemarks and kml:PhotoOverlay with a kml:Point geometry are drawn
in an earth browser's list and geographic views. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlIconStyle + +**Inheritance:** KmlAbstractColorStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlIconStyle()](#KmlIconStyle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the KmlIconStyle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the color of the graphic element. Default value . | +| color_mode | [KmlColorModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcolormodes) | r/w | Specifies the color mode of the graphic element. Default Value: normal. | +| heading | double | r/w | Direction (North, South, East, West), in decimal degrees. Values range from 0 (North) to 360 degrees. Default Value is '0'. | +| hot_spot | [KmlCoordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcoordinate) | r/w | Specifies the position of the reference point on the icon that is anchored to the Point specified in the Placemark.
Default value is means the HotSpot is missed. | +| resource | [KmlIconResource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmliconresource) | r/w | Specifies the resource location. Default value is means the Icon is missed. | +| scale | double | r/w | Specifies a scale factor that shall be applied to the graphic element. Default Value is '1'. | + + +### Constructor: KmlIconStyle() {#KmlIconStyle__1} + + +``` + KmlIconStyle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the KmlIconStyle class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemicon/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemicon/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f9be3a0bf2df --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemicon/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: KmlItemIcon Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemicon/ +--- + +**Summary:** Specifies an icon resource location in a list. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlItemIcon + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlItemIcon()](#KmlItemIcon__1) | Initializes a new instance of the KmlItemIcon class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| href | string | r/w | Specifies the resource location as a URL.
Default value is means the href is none. | +| state | [KmlItemIconStates](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemiconstates) | r/w | Specifies the current state of the NetworkLink or Folder.
Default value is [KmlItemIconStates.NONE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemiconstates/). | +| sub_state | [KmlItemIconStates](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemiconstates) | r/w | Specifies the additional state of the NetworkLink or Folder.
Default value is [KmlItemIconStates.NONE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemiconstates/). | + + +### Constructor: KmlItemIcon() {#KmlItemIcon__1} + + +``` + KmlItemIcon() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the KmlItemIcon class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemiconstates/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemiconstates/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..673c3aed8652 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemiconstates/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- +title: KmlItemIconStates Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemiconstates/ +--- + +Specifies the current state of a kml:NetworkLink or kml:Folder. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlItemIconStates + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CLOSED | Closed folder. | +| ERROR | Error in fetch. | +| FETCHING0 | Fetch state 0. | +| FETCHING1 | Fetch state 1. | +| FETCHING2 | Fetch state 2. | +| NONE | Undefined (none). | +| OPEN | Open folder. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemtypes/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemtypes/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c900e1c350df --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemtypes/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: KmlItemTypes Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemtypes/ +--- + +Specifies how a kml:Feature and its contents shall be displayed as items in a list view. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlItemTypes + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CHECK | The visibility is tied to its item's checkbox | +| CHECK_HIDE_CHILDREN | Use a normal checkbox for visibility but do not display the item's children in the list view. | +| CHECK_OFF_ONLY | Prevents all items from being made visible at once—that is,
the user can turn everything in the Container Group off but cannot turn everything on at the same time. | +| RADIO_FOLDER | Only one of items shall be visible at a time. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllabelstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllabelstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b12dcfd1212e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllabelstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: KmlLabelStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllabelstyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** Specifies how the label is drawn in the geographic view. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlLabelStyle + +**Inheritance:** KmlAbstractColorStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlLabelStyle()](#KmlLabelStyle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the KmlLabelStyle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the color of the graphic element. Default value . | +| color_mode | [KmlColorModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcolormodes) | r/w | Specifies the color mode of the graphic element. Default Value: normal. | +| scale | double | r/w | Specifies a scale factor to be applied to the label. Default value is '1'. | + + +### Constructor: KmlLabelStyle() {#KmlLabelStyle__1} + + +``` + KmlLabelStyle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the KmlLabelStyle class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllinestyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllinestyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3113d7eaf3e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllinestyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: KmlLineStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmllinestyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** Specifies how the name of a kml:AbstractFeatureGroup is drawn in the geographic view. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlLineStyle + +**Inheritance:** KmlAbstractColorStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlLineStyle()](#KmlLineStyle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the KmlLineStyle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the color of the graphic element. Default value . | +| color_mode | [KmlColorModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcolormodes) | r/w | Specifies the color mode of the graphic element. Default Value: normal. | +| width | double | r/w | Width of the line, in pixels. Default Value is '1'. | + + +### Constructor: KmlLineStyle() {#KmlLineStyle__1} + + +``` + KmlLineStyle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the KmlLineStyle class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlliststyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlliststyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4e29f84e9b8f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlliststyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: KmlListStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlliststyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** Specifies how a Feature is displayed in the list view. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlListStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlListStyle()](#KmlListStyle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the KmlListStyle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| background_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the background color of the graphic element. Default value is . | +| item_icons | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r/w | Icon used in the List view that reflects the state of a Folder or Link fetch.
Default value is means the icons are none. | +| item_type | [KmlItemTypes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemtypes) | r/w | Specifies how a kml:Folder and its contents shall be displayed as items in the list view.
Default value is [KmlItemTypes.CHECK](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlitemtypes/). | +| max_snippet_lines | int | r/w | Specifies the maximum number of lines to display in the list view. Default value is '2'. | + + +### Constructor: KmlListStyle() {#KmlListStyle__1} + + +``` + KmlListStyle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the KmlListStyle class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlpolygonstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlpolygonstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9707df71ffe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlpolygonstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +--- +title: KmlPolygonStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlpolygonstyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** Specifies the drawing style for a Polygon,
including a Polygon and the extruded portion of a kml:Polygon or LineString. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlPolygonStyle + +**Inheritance:** KmlAbstractColorStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlPolygonStyle()](#KmlPolygonStyle__1) | Initializes a new instance of the KmlPolygonStyle class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the color of the graphic element. Default value . | +| color_mode | [KmlColorModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlcolormodes) | r/w | Specifies the color mode of the graphic element. Default Value: normal. | +| fill | bool | r/w | Specifies whether to fill the polygon. Default value is . | +| outline | bool | r/w | Specifies whether to outline the polygon. Default value is . | + + +### Constructor: KmlPolygonStyle() {#KmlPolygonStyle__1} + + +``` + KmlPolygonStyle() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the KmlPolygonStyle class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlunits/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlunits/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8e7239c34773 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlunits/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: KmlUnits Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 160 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/kmlunits/ +--- + +Specifies units fof an image coordinate system. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.styles.KmlUnits + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| FRACTION | Indicates the x value is a fraction of the icon. | +| INSET_PIXELS | Indicates the indent from the right edge of the icon. | +| PIXELS | Indicates the x value in pixels. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b9685efc610e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.kml +type: docs +weight: 350 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmldriver/) | A driver for the KML format | +| [KmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmloptions/) | Driver-specific options for KML format. | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [AltitudeModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/altitudemodes/) | Altitude mode for KML geometries. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/altitudemodes/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/altitudemodes/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6a14fd50bb89 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/altitudemodes/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: AltitudeModes Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/altitudemodes/ +--- + +Altitude mode for KML geometries. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.AltitudeModes + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| ABSOLUTE | Interprets the altitude as a value in meters above sea level. | +| CLAMP_TO_GROUND | For a camera, this setting also places the camera relativeToGround,
since putting the camera exactly at terrain height would mean that
the eye would intersect the terrain (and the view would be blocked). | +| NONE | Without altitude mode. | +| RELATIVE_TO_GROUND | Interprets the altitude as a value in meters above the ground. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmldriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmldriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..23a1abe2665c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmldriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,695 @@ +--- +title: KmlDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmldriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the KML format + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.KmlDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [KmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [KmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [KmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [KmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [KmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmloptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmloptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..980562a3b33e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmloptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +--- +title: KmlOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmloptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for KML format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.kml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.kml.KmlOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [KmlOptions()](#KmlOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| altitude_mode | [AltitudeModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/altitudemodes) | r/w | Allows you to specify the AltitudeModes to use for KML geometries | +| auto_id | [AutoIds](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/autoids) | r/w | Auto-generate ids | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| document_id | string | r/w | Used to specified the id of the root 'Document' node | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| symbol_to_replace_invalid_chars | char | r/w | Determines which symbol will be used to replace invalid characters on reading.
Replacing is skipped if value is '\0'. By default value is '\0' char. | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: KmlOptions() {#KmlOptions__1} + + +``` + KmlOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c3798cd8fdfd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange +type: docs +weight: 370 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapInfoInterchangeDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangedriver/) | A driver for the MapInfo Interchange Format. | +| [MapInfoInterchangeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangeoptions/) | Driver-specific options for MapInfo Interchange format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangedriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangedriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..31c43e06f327 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangedriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,671 @@ +--- +title: MapInfoInterchangeDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangedriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the MapInfo Interchange Format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange.MapInfoInterchangeDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_15) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_17) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_21) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_23) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_27) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [MapInfoInterchangeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangeoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [MapInfoInterchangeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangeoptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_15} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_17} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_21} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [MapInfoInterchangeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangeoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [MapInfoInterchangeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangeoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_27} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangeoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangeoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5e09bb2d143f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangeoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: MapInfoInterchangeOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangeoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for MapInfo Interchange format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange.MapInfoInterchangeOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapInfoInterchangeOptions()](#MapInfoInterchangeOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| text_string_attribute | string | r/w | Specifies name of the attribute that represents text of 'Text' graphical object. | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: MapInfoInterchangeOptions() {#MapInfoInterchangeOptions__1} + + +``` + MapInfoInterchangeOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..85c3fb1cf270 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab +type: docs +weight: 380 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapInfoTabDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotabdriver/) | A driver for the MapInfo Tab format. | +| [MapInfoTabOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotaboptions/) | Driver-specific options for MapInfo Tab format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotabdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotabdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b9261ed75e4f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotabdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,695 @@ +--- +title: MapInfoTabDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotabdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the MapInfo Tab format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab.MapInfoTabDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [MapInfoTabOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotaboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [MapInfoTabOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotaboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [MapInfoTabOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotaboptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [MapInfoTabOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotaboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [MapInfoTabOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotaboptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotaboptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotaboptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..06e79decf9ce --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotaboptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +--- +title: MapInfoTabOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotaboptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for MapInfo Tab format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab.MapInfoTabOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapInfoTabOptions()](#MapInfoTabOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| block_size | int | r/w | Block size for '*.map' files (multiples of 512). Defaults to 16384. Valid values: 512 to 32256. | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| is_ignore_wrong_data | bool | r/w | Determines should we throw exception while work with wrong data or set default values for it | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| text_string_attribute | string | r/w | Specifies name of the attribute that represents text of 'Text' graphical object. | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: MapInfoTabOptions() {#MapInfoTabOptions__1} + + +``` + MapInfoTabOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..36dfb7b77a1e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.osmxml +type: docs +weight: 390 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [OsmXmlDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmldriver/) | A driver for the OSM XML format. | +| [OsmXmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmloptions/) | Driver-specific options for OSM XML format. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmldriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmldriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c8438bc4f0f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmldriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,696 @@ +--- +title: OsmXmlDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmldriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the OSM XML format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.osmxml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.osmxml.OsmXmlDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [OsmXmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [OsmXmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [OsmXmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [OsmXmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [OsmXmlOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmloptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmloptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmloptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c85c634268ee --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmloptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +--- +title: OsmXmlOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmloptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for OSM XML format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.osmxml](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.osmxml.OsmXmlOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [OsmXmlOptions()](#OsmXmlOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| report_all_nodes | bool | r/w | Report all nodes as features, even if they don't have any significant tags. | +| report_all_ways | bool | r/w | Report all ways as features, even if they don't have any significant tags or don't have any nodes. | +| report_common_attributes | bool | r/w | Report common OSM attributes: visible, version, changeset, timestamp, user and uid.
Common attributes will be reported as feature attributes with "osm_" prefix, e.g. osm_user, osm_timestamp, etc. | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_common_attributes | bool | r/w | Write common OSM attributes: visible, version, changeset, timestamp, user and uid. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: OsmXmlOptions() {#OsmXmlOptions__1} + + +``` + OsmXmlOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3ffcea95e06f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.pngw +type: docs +weight: 400 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PngWDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/pngwdriver/) | A driver for the PngW raster. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/pngwdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/pngwdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f6af6b084493 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/pngwdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +--- +title: PngWDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/pngwdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the PngW raster. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.pngw](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.pngw.PngWDriver + +**Inheritance:** WorldRasterDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open raster layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_1) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_2) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_3) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_4) | Opens the layer for reading. | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_1} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_2} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_3} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_4} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..511d422c4fec --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.postgis +type: docs +weight: 410 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PostGisDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisdriver/) | A driver for the PostGIS database. | +| [PostGisOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisoptions/) | Driver-specific options for PostGis format.
At the moment, the driver provides no customizable options. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..65d5de361c17 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +--- +title: PostGisDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the PostGIS database. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.postgis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.postgis.PostGisDriver + +**Inheritance:** DatabaseDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [from_definition(table_name)](#from_definition_table_name_1) | Allows the start of the process of configuring the data source [IFromDefinitionDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource/) for further work with it. | +| [from_query(query)](#from_query_query_2) | Configuring the data source for custom database queries. | + + +### Method: from_definition(table_name) {#from_definition_table_name_1} + + +``` + from_definition(table_name) +``` + +Allows the start of the process of configuring the data source [IFromDefinitionDataSource](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/ifromdefinitiondatasource/) for further work with it. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| table_name | string | Name of the database table from which the data will be extracted | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder/) | [FromDefinitionDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database.fromdefinition/fromdefinitiondatasourcebuilder/) | + + +### Method: from_query(query) {#from_query_query_2} + + +``` + from_query(query) +``` + +Configuring the data source for custom database queries. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| query | string | Query string. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/) | [DatabaseQueryDataSourceBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.database/databasequerydatasourcebuilder/) | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..12c493fb30b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: PostGisOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for PostGis format.
At the moment, the driver provides no customizable options. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.postgis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.postgis.PostGisOptions + +**Inheritance:** DatabaseDriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PostGisOptions()](#PostGisOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| spatial_reference_system_mode | [SpatialReferenceSystemMode](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode) | r/w | Determines how the unknown geometries' SRS for the database should be handle when they are added to the layer.
The default value is [SpatialReferenceSystemMode.THROW_EXCEPTION](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode/). | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: PostGisOptions() {#PostGisOptions__1} + + +``` + PostGisOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..59bd515a1b74 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.shapefile +type: docs +weight: 420 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ShapefileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefiledriver/) | A driver for the Shapefile format. | +| [ShapefileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefileoptions/) | Driver-specific options for Shapefile format.
At the moment, the driver provides no customizable options. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefiledriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefiledriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..852adf00696b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefiledriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,695 @@ +--- +title: ShapefileDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefiledriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the Shapefile format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.shapefile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.shapefile.ShapefileDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [ShapefileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefileoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [ShapefileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefileoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [ShapefileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefileoptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [ShapefileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefileoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [ShapefileOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefileoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefileoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefileoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7aa8b29198ed --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefileoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: ShapefileOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefileoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for Shapefile format.
At the moment, the driver provides no customizable options. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.shapefile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.shapefile.ShapefileOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ShapefileOptions()](#ShapefileOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| is_ignore_wrong_data | bool | r/w | Determines should we throw exception while parse wrong data or set default values for it | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: ShapefileOptions() {#ShapefileOptions__1} + + +``` + ShapefileOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..43211a9bf0e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver +type: docs +weight: 430 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SqlServerDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserverdriver/) | A driver for the SQL Server database. | +| [SqlServerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserveroptions/) | Driver-specific options for SqlServer format.
At the moment, the driver provides no customizable options. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserverdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserverdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..88cf83788ddc --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserverdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +--- +title: SqlServerDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserverdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the SQL Server database. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver.SqlServerDriver + +**Inheritance:** DatabaseDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserveroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserveroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fcb17c07b58b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserveroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: SqlServerOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserveroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for SqlServer format.
At the moment, the driver provides no customizable options. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver.SqlServerOptions + +**Inheritance:** DatabaseDriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SqlServerOptions()](#SqlServerOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| spatial_reference_system_mode | [SpatialReferenceSystemMode](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode) | r/w | Determines how the unknown geometries' SRS for the database should be handle when they are added to the layer.
The default value is [SpatialReferenceSystemMode.THROW_EXCEPTION](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode/). | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: SqlServerOptions() {#SqlServerOptions__1} + + +``` + SqlServerOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ae20a210e62a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.tiffw +type: docs +weight: 440 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [TiffWDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/tiffwdriver/) | A driver for TiffW raster. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/tiffwdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/tiffwdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1b845b49c97a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/tiffwdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +--- +title: TiffWDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/tiffwdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for TiffW raster. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.tiffw](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.tiffw.TiffWDriver + +**Inheritance:** WorldRasterDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open raster layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_1) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_2) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_3) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_4) | Opens the layer for reading. | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_1} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_2} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_3} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_4} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7def8db2cad2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.topojson +type: docs +weight: 450 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [TopoJsonDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsondriver/) | A driver for the TopoJSON format. | +| [TopoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsonoptions/) | Driver-specific options for TopoJSON format. | +| [TopoJsonTransform](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsontransform/) | A transform object that can be used in order to quantize coordinates when writing a TopoJSON file. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsondriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsondriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..634c81743685 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsondriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,695 @@ +--- +title: TopoJsonDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsondriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the TopoJSON format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.topojson](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.topojson.TopoJsonDriver + +**Inheritance:** FileDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_9) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_10) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13) | Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_16) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_17) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_19) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_20) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_21) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_23) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_24) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_25) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_26) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_27) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [TopoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [TopoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [TopoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_13} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_14} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_16} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_17} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_19} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_20} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_23} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_24} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [TopoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_25} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_26} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [TopoJsonOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsonoptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_27} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_28} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsonoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsonoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0f6e0ae3cc7b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsonoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +title: TopoJsonOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsonoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Driver-specific options for TopoJSON format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.topojson](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.topojson.TopoJsonOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [TopoJsonOptions()](#TopoJsonOptions__1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| default_object_name | string | r/w | Name of the object where features are put by default. | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| nested_properties_separator | string | r/w | Gets or sets a string that is used to separate components of nested attributes.
Default is "_". | +| object_name_attribute | string | r/w | Name of the attribute, that reflects the name of the object that contains a feature. | +| quantization_number | Nullable | r/w | Specifies quantization number to use to quantize coordinates and delta-encode arcs in output TopoJSON. | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| transform | [TopoJsonTransform](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsontransform) | r/w | Specifies transform object to use to quantize coordinates and delta-encode arcs in output TopoJSON. | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + +### Constructor: TopoJsonOptions() {#TopoJsonOptions__1} + + +``` + TopoJsonOptions() +``` + +Create new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsontransform/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsontransform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1c2272cdb34c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsontransform/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: TopoJsonTransform Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsontransform/ +--- + +**Summary:** A transform object that can be used in order to quantize coordinates when writing a TopoJSON file. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.topojson](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.topojson.TopoJsonTransform + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [TopoJsonTransform(x_translate, y_translate, x_scale, y_scale)](#TopoJsonTransform_x_translate_y_translate_x_scale_y_scale_1) | Create new instance of [TopoJsonTransform](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsontransform/). | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| x_scale | double | r/w | Scale to apply to X coordinate. | +| x_translate | double | r/w | Translate to apply to X coordinate. | +| y_scale | double | r/w | Scale to apply to Y coordinate. | +| y_translate | double | r/w | Translate to apply to Y coordinate. | + + +### Constructor: TopoJsonTransform(x_translate, y_translate, x_scale, y_scale) {#TopoJsonTransform_x_translate_y_translate_x_scale_y_scale_1} + + +``` + TopoJsonTransform(x_translate, y_translate, x_scale, y_scale) +``` + +Create new instance of [TopoJsonTransform](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsontransform/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x_translate | double | Translate to apply to X coordinate. | +| y_translate | double | Translate to apply to Y coordinate. | +| x_scale | double | Scale to apply to X coordinate. | +| y_scale | double | Scale to apply to Y coordinate. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4d927c113ebb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.worldfile +type: docs +weight: 460 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WorldRasterDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/worldrasterdriver/) | A driver for raster formats with world file | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/worldrasterdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/worldrasterdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..026d8167b5dd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/worldrasterdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +--- +title: WorldRasterDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/worldrasterdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for raster formats with world file + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.worldfile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.worldfile.WorldRasterDriver + +**Inheritance:** RasterDriver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open raster layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_1) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_2) | Opens a layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_3) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_4) | Opens the layer for reading. | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_1} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_2} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens a layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_3} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_4} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0ce6ed8937ff --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.formats.xyztile +type: docs +weight: 470 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [XyzConnection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyzconnection/) | A connection for the XyzTiles format. | +| [XyzTiles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztiles/) | A XyzTiles provide access to [XyzTile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztile/) objects. | +| [XyzTilesDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztilesdriver/) | A driver for the XYZ tiled web maps. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyzconnection/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyzconnection/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b28b80d2df60 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyzconnection/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: XyzConnection Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyzconnection/ +--- + +**Summary:** A connection for the XyzTiles format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.xyztile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.xyztile.XyzConnection + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [XyzConnection(url_template)](#XyzConnection_url_template_1) | Create a new instance of [XyzConnection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyzconnection/). | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| url | string | r | Url template. | + + +### Constructor: XyzConnection(url_template) {#XyzConnection_url_template_1} + + +``` + XyzConnection(url_template) +``` + +Create a new instance of [XyzConnection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyzconnection/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| url_template | string | Tile server URL template. This template contains {z}, {x} and {y} placeholders. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztiles/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztiles/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..933cf691e978 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztiles/ @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +--- +title: XyzTiles Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztiles/ +--- + +**Summary:** A XyzTiles provide access to [XyzTile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztile/) objects. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.xyztile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.xyztile.XyzTiles + +**Inheritance:** WebTiles + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [XyzTiles(connection)](#XyzTiles_connection_1) | Create an instance of [XyzTiles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztiles/). | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_tile(zoom, x, y)](#get_tile_zoom_x_y_1) | Loads the specified tile. | +| [get_tiles(zoom, extent)](#get_tiles_zoom_extent_2) | Loads tiles by the spatial bounding box and zoom level. | + + +### Constructor: XyzTiles(connection) {#XyzTiles_connection_1} + + +``` + XyzTiles(connection) +``` + +Create an instance of [XyzTiles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztiles/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| connection | [XyzConnection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyzconnection) | A connection containing web options. | + +### Method: get_tile(zoom, x, y) {#get_tile_zoom_x_y_1} + + +``` + get_tile(zoom, x, y) +``` + +Loads the specified tile. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| zoom | int | The zoom level for loading tiles. The highest zoom level is 0. Most tile providers have about 22 maximum zoom levels. | +| x | int | An x-column of a tile. | +| y | int | A y-row of a tile. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WebTile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtile/) | The web tile. | + + +### Method: get_tiles(zoom, extent) {#get_tiles_zoom_extent_2} + + +``` + get_tiles(zoom, extent) +``` + +Loads tiles by the spatial bounding box and zoom level. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| zoom | int | The zoom level for loading tiles. The highest zoom level is 0. Most tile providers have about 22 maximum zoom levels. | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The bounding box to load tiles. The Wgs84 spatial reference will be used if it is missed. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The web tiles. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztilesdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztilesdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..24ef10388491 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztilesdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: XyzTilesDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztilesdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for the XYZ tiled web maps. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.formats.xyztile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.formats.xyztile.XyzTilesDriver + +**Inheritance:** Driver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [XyzTilesDriver()](#XyzTilesDriver__1) | Initializes a new instance of the XyzTilesDriver class | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [open_layer(connection)](#open_layer_connection_1) | Opens the tiles set. | + + +### Constructor: XyzTilesDriver() {#XyzTilesDriver__1} + + +``` + XyzTilesDriver() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the XyzTilesDriver class + +### Method: open_layer(connection) {#open_layer_connection_1} + + +``` + open_layer(connection) +``` + +Opens the tiles set. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| connection | [XyzConnection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyzconnection) | A connection for the XyzTiles format. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [XyzTiles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztiles) | An instance of [XyzTiles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztiles/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..81fd2605467c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.geometries +type: docs +weight: 480 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/) | A multi-vertex curve with circular interpolation between points. | +| [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/) | A curve that represents a sequence of contiguous curves such that adjacent curves are joined at their end points. | +| [Curve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/) | A [Curve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/) is a sequence of points. | +| [CurvePolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/) | A planar surface, defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries. | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) | The abstract root class of the geometries hierarchy. | +| [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/) | A [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/) is a [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) that is a collection of one or more geometries. | +| [ICircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/) | A multi-vertex curve with circular interpolation between points. | +| [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/) | A curve that represents a sequence of contiguous curves such that adjacent curves are joined at their end points. | +| [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve/) | An interface for ICurve type [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve/) is a sequence of points. | +| [ICurvePolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurvepolygon/) | A planar surface, defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries. | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | The interface root class of Geometries hierarchy | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/) | A [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/) is a [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) that is a collection of one or more geometries. | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) | A multi-vertex curve with linear interpolation between points. | +| [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) | A multi-vertex ring. | +| [IMultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/) | A [MultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/)
whose elements are [Curve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/)s. | +| [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) | A [MultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/)
whose elements are [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/)s. | +| [IMultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipoint/) | A [IMultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipoint/) is a one-dimensional [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/)
whose elements are [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/)s. | +| [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) | A [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) is a one-dimensional
[IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/) whose elements are [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/)s. | +| [IMultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/) | A [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) is a one-dimensional [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/) whose elements are [ISurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/)s. | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/) | A single location in coordinate space. | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) | A [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) whose boundaries are defined by linear rings. | +| [ISurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/) | A [ISurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/) is a two-dimensional geometric object. | +| [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/) | A multi-vertex line. | +| [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/) | A [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/) is a [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/) that is both closed and simple. | +| [MultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/) | A [MultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/)
whose elements are [Curve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/)s. | +| [MultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/) | A [MultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/)
whose elements are [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/)s. | +| [MultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint/) | A [MultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/)
whose elements are [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/)s. | +| [MultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon/) | A [MultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon/) is a one-dimensional
[GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/) whose elements are [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/)s. | +| [MultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface/) | A [MultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/) whose elements are [ISurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/)s. | +| [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) | A [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) represents a single location in coordinate space. | +| [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) | A [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) is a planar surface,
defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries. | +| [Surface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/surface/) | A [Surface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/surface/) is a two-dimensional geometric object. | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) | Topological dimension of a [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) | The type of a geometry in a layer. | +| [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant/) | The variant of Well-Known Binary | +| [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant/) | The variant of Well-Known Text | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4c49092d69e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/ @@ -0,0 +1,1106 @@ +--- +title: CircularString Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/ +--- + +**Summary:** A multi-vertex curve with circular interpolation between points. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.CircularString + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, ICurve, ICircularString, Curve + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CircularString()](#CircularString__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [CircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/) class. | +| [CircularString(collection)](#CircularString_collection_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [CircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/) class. | +| [CircularString(other)](#CircularString_other_3) | Initializes a new instance of the [CircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| end_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the end point of the curve. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Gets a values indicating whether a curve is closed.
A curve is closed if its start point is equal to its end point. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unset.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +| start_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_point(point)](#add_point_point_1) | Adds a point to the end of the circular string. | +| [add_point(x, y)](#add_point_x_y_2) | Adds a point to the end of the circular string. | +| [add_point(x, y, z)](#add_point_x_y_z_3) | Adds a point to the end of the circular string. | +| [add_point(x, y, z, m)](#add_point_x_y_z_m_4) | Adds a point to the end of the circular string. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__5) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_8) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_9) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__10) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_11) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_12) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__13) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_14) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_15) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_16) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_17) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_18) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_20) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_21) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_22) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__23) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_24) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__25) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__26) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_27) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__28) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__29) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_30) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_31) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_32) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_33) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_34) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__35) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| reverse() | Reverses order of points in this [CircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/). | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_36) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_37) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_38) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_39) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_40) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_41) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__42) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__43) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_45) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_46) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_47) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_48) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_49) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: CircularString() {#CircularString__1} + + +``` + CircularString() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [CircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/) class. + +### Constructor: CircularString(collection) {#CircularString_collection_2} + + +``` + CircularString(collection) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [CircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| collection | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The collection of points. | + +### Constructor: CircularString(other) {#CircularString_other_3} + + +``` + CircularString(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [CircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [ICircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring) | The other string to copy data from. | + +### Method: add_point(point) {#add_point_point_1} + + +``` + add_point(point) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the circular string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The point to add. | + +### Method: add_point(x, y) {#add_point_x_y_2} + + +``` + add_point(x, y) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the circular string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | + +### Method: add_point(x, y, z) {#add_point_x_y_z_3} + + +``` + add_point(x, y, z) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the circular string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | +| z | double | The value for Z coordinate. | + +### Method: add_point(x, y, z, m) {#add_point_x_y_z_m_4} + + +``` + add_point(x, y, z, m) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the circular string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | +| z | double | The value for Z coordinate. | +| m | double | The value for M coordinate. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__5} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_6} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_8} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_9} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__10} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_11} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_12} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__13} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_14} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_15} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_16} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_17} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_18} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_19} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_20} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_21} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_22} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__23} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_24} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__25} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__26} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_27} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__28} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__29} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_30} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_31} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_32} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_33} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_34} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__35} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_36} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_37} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_38} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_39} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_40} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_41} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__42} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__43} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve.
This is the equivalent of .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve:

    If this object is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is [ICircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/) the result is the circular string linearized with the specified
    If this object is [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/) - all curves from it are linearized and then joined into [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/)
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_45} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_46} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_47} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_48} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_49} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bf610115e085 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/ @@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@ +--- +title: CompoundCurve Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/ +--- + +**Summary:** A curve that represents a sequence of contiguous curves such that adjacent curves are joined at their end points. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.CompoundCurve + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, ICurve, ICompoundCurve, Curve + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundCurve()](#CompoundCurve__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/) class. | +| [CompoundCurve(curves)](#CompoundCurve_curves_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/) class. | +| [CompoundCurve(other)](#CompoundCurve_other_3) | Initializes a new instance of the [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of curves in the [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| end_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the end point of the curve. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Gets a values indicating whether a curve is closed.
A curve is closed if its start point is equal to its end point. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unset.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +| start_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_curve(curve)](#add_curve_curve_1) | Adds a curve to the end of this [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/). | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_3) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_9) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__10) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_12) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_13) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_14) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_15) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_16) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__20) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_21) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__22) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__23) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_24) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__25) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__26) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_27) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_28) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_29) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_30) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_31) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__32) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| reverse() | Reverses this [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/). That is - reverse order of curves and every curve inside this compound curve. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_33) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_34) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_35) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_36) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_37) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_38) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__39) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__40) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_41) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_42) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_43) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_44) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_45) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_46) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: CompoundCurve() {#CompoundCurve__1} + + +``` + CompoundCurve() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/) class. + +### Constructor: CompoundCurve(curves) {#CompoundCurve_curves_2} + + +``` + CompoundCurve(curves) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| curves | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The collection of curves. | + +### Constructor: CompoundCurve(other) {#CompoundCurve_other_3} + + +``` + CompoundCurve(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve) | The other line to copy data from. | + +### Method: add_curve(curve) {#add_curve_curve_1} + + +``` + add_curve(curve) +``` + +Adds a curve to the end of this [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| curve | [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve) | Curve to add. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__2} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_3} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__7} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_9} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__10} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_11} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_12} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_13} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_14} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_15} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_16} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_17} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_18} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_19} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__20} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_21} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__22} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__23} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_24} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__25} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__26} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_27} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_28} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_29} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_30} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_31} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__32} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_33} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_34} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_35} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_36} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_37} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_38} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__39} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__40} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve.
This is the equivalent of .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_41} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve:

    If this object is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is [ICircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/) the result is the circular string linearized with the specified
    If this object is [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/) - all curves from it are linearized and then joined into [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/)
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_42} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_43} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_44} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_45} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_46} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b228f0012c8a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/ @@ -0,0 +1,991 @@ +--- +title: Curve Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [Curve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/) is a sequence of points. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.Curve + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, ICurve, Geometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| end_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the end point of the curve. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Gets a values indicating whether a curve is closed.
A curve is closed if its start point is equal to its end point. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , is SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +| start_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_15) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_16) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__19) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_20) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__21) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__22) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_23) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__24) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__25) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_26) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_27) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_28) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_30) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__31) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| reverse() | Reverses this curve. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_32) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_33) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_34) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_35) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_36) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_37) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__38) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__39) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_40) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_41) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_42) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_43) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_44) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_45) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_15} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_16} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_17} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__19} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_20} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width. | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__21} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__22} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_23} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [Geometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__24} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__25} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_26} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_27} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_28} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_29} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_30} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__31} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_32} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_33} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_34} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_35} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_36} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_37} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__38} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Curve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__39} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve.
This is the equivalent of .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_40} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve:

    If this object is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is [ICircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/) the result is the circular string linearized with the specified
    If this object is [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/) - all curves from it are linearized and then joined into [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/)
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_41} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_42} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_43} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_44} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_45} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3f8699ae65e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/ @@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@ +--- +title: CurvePolygon Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/ +--- + +**Summary:** A planar surface, defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.CurvePolygon + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, ISurface, ICurvePolygon, Surface + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CurvePolygon()](#CurvePolygon__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [CurvePolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/) class. | +| [CurvePolygon(exterior_ring)](#CurvePolygon_exterior_ring_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [CurvePolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/) class. | +| [CurvePolygon(exterior_ring, interior_rings)](#CurvePolygon_exterior_ring_interior_rings_3) | Initializes a new instance of the [CurvePolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| exterior_ring | [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve) | r/w | Gets the exterior ring. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| interior_rings_count | int | r | Gets the number of interior rings. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , is SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_interior_ring(ring)](#add_interior_ring_ring_1) | Adds an interior ring. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_3) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_9) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__10) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_12) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_13) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_14) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_15) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_16) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__20) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_21) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__22) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__23) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_24) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__25) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_interior_ring(index)](#get_interior_ring_index_26) | Gets the interior ring by its index. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__27) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__28) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this curved polygon. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_29) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_30) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_31) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_32) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__34) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_35) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_36) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_37) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_38) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_39) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_40) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__41) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__42) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_43) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_44) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_45) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_46) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_47) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_48) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: CurvePolygon() {#CurvePolygon__1} + + +``` + CurvePolygon() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [CurvePolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/) class. + +### Constructor: CurvePolygon(exterior_ring) {#CurvePolygon_exterior_ring_2} + + +``` + CurvePolygon(exterior_ring) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [CurvePolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| exterior_ring | [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve) | The exterior ring. | + +### Constructor: CurvePolygon(exterior_ring, interior_rings) {#CurvePolygon_exterior_ring_interior_rings_3} + + +``` + CurvePolygon(exterior_ring, interior_rings) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [CurvePolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| exterior_ring | [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve) | The exterior ring. | +| interior_rings | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The interior rings. | + +### Method: add_interior_ring(ring) {#add_interior_ring_ring_1} + + +``` + add_interior_ring(ring) +``` + +Adds an interior ring. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| ring | [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve) | The ring to add. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__2} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_3} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__7} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_9} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__10} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_11} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_12} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_13} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_14} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_15} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_16} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_17} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_18} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_19} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__20} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_21} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__22} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__23} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_24} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__25} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_interior_ring(index) {#get_interior_ring_index_26} + + +``` + get_interior_ring(index) +``` + +Gets the interior ring by its index. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | The index. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve) | The interior ring. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__27} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__28} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this curved polygon. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on this curved polygon. An empty point if this curved polygon has no interior. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_29} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_30} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_31} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_32} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__34} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_35} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_36} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_37} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_38} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_39} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_40} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__41} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CurvePolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curvepolygon) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__42} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this ISurface.
This is the equivalent of .ISurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .ISurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_43} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this ISurface:

    If this object is [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is not [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) it is linearized and [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) is created
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_44} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_45} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_46} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_47} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_48} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9d6fbbb73f37 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/ @@ -0,0 +1,987 @@ +--- +title: Geometry Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/ +--- + +**Summary:** The abstract root class of the geometries hierarchy. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.Geometry + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , is SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_15) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_16) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__19) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_20) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__21) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__22) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_23) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__24) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__25) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_26) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_27) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_28) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_30) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__31) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_32) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_33) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_34) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_35) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_36) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_37) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__38) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__39) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_40) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_41) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_42) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_43) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_44) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_45) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_15} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_16} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_17} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__19} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_20} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width. | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__21} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__22} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_23} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [Geometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__24} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__25} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_26} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_27} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_28} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_29} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_30} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__31} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_32} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_33} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_34} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_35} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_36} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_37} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__38} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__39} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_40} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_41} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_42} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_43} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_44} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_45} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d9bb5a1c0db8 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/ @@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@ +--- +title: GeometryCollection Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/) is a [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) that is a collection of one or more geometries. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.GeometryCollection + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, IGeometryCollection, Geometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeometryCollection()](#GeometryCollection__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If collection is Empty, [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , is SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(geometry)](#add_geometry_1) | Adds the specified geometry to the collection. | +| [add_range(geometries)](#add_range_geometries_2) | Adds the specified geometries to the collection. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__3) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_4) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_9) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_10) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__11) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_12) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_13) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_14) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_15) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_16) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__21) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__23) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__24) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_25) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__26) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__27) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__28) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_29) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_30) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_31) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_32) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [remove_at(index)](#remove_at_index_34) | Removes the specified geometry from the collection. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__35) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_36) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_37) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_38) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_39) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_40) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_41) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__42) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__43) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_45) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_46) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_47) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_48) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_49) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: GeometryCollection() {#GeometryCollection__1} + + +``` + GeometryCollection() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/) class. + +### Method: add(geometry) {#add_geometry_1} + + +``` + add(geometry) +``` + +Adds the specified geometry to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | The geometry to add. | + +### Method: add_range(geometries) {#add_range_geometries_2} + + +``` + add_range(geometries) +``` + +Adds the specified geometries to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometries | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The geometries to add. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__3} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_4} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__8} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_9} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_10} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__11} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_12} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_13} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_14} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_15} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_16} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_17} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_19} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__21} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width. | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__23} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__24} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_25} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [Geometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__26} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__27} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__28} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_29} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_30} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_31} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_32} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: remove_at(index) {#remove_at_index_34} + + +``` + remove_at(index) +``` + +Removes the specified geometry from the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the geometry to remove. | + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__35} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_36} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_37} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_38} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_39} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_40} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_41} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__42} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__43} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometryCollection.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometryCollection.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_45} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_46} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_47} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_48} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_49} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e04304aeca8c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: GeometryDimension Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 330 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/ +--- + +Topological dimension of a [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.GeometryDimension + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| LINE | 1-dimensional (a line). | +| POINT | 0-dimensional (a point). | +| SURFACE | 2-dimensional (a surface). | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5bd34626c94e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +--- +title: GeometryType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 340 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/ +--- + +The type of a geometry in a layer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.GeometryType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CIRCULAR_STRING | The geometry is an [ICircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/). | +| COMPOUND_CURVE | The geometry is an [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/). | +| CURVE_POLYGON | The geometry is an [ICurvePolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurvepolygon/). | +| GEOMETRY_COLLECTION | The geometry is an [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/). | +| LINEAR_RING | The geometry is an [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/). | +| LINE_STRING | The geometry is an [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/). | +| MIXED | The geometry type is mixed. | +| MULTI_CURVE | The geometry is an [IMultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/). | +| MULTI_LINE_STRING | The geometry is an [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/). | +| MULTI_POINT | The geometry is an [IMultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipoint/). | +| MULTI_POLYGON | The geometry is an [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | +| MULTI_SURFACE | The geometry is an [IMultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/). | +| NULL | The geometry type is not set. | +| POINT | The geometry is an [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/). | +| POLYGON | The geometry is an [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/). | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..02c8fe24240c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/ @@ -0,0 +1,822 @@ +--- +title: ICircularString Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/ +--- + +**Summary:** A multi-vertex curve with circular interpolation between points. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.ICircularString + +**Inheritance:** ICurve, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| end_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the end point of the curve. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Gets a values indicating whether a curve is closed.
A curve is closed if its start point is equal to its end point. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +| start_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_22) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_23) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_24) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_25) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__27) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_28) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_29) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_30) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__31) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__32) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_34) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_35) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_36) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_22} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_23} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_24} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_25} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__27} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_28} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_30} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__31} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/circularstring) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__32} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_34} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_35} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_36} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_37} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..02c18c87f3e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/ @@ -0,0 +1,823 @@ +--- +title: ICompoundCurve Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/ +--- + +**Summary:** A curve that represents a sequence of contiguous curves such that adjacent curves are joined at their end points. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.ICompoundCurve + +**Inheritance:** ICurve, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of curves in the [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| end_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the end point of the curve. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Gets a values indicating whether a curve is closed.
A curve is closed if its start point is equal to its end point. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +| start_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_22) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_23) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_24) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_25) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__27) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_28) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_29) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_30) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__31) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__32) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_34) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_35) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_36) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_22} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_23} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_24} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_25} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__27} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_28} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_30} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__31} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/compoundcurve) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__32} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_34} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_35} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_36} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_37} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..35f1a1f90d58 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve/ @@ -0,0 +1,822 @@ +--- +title: ICurve Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve/ +--- + +**Summary:** An interface for ICurve type [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve/) is a sequence of points. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.ICurve + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| end_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the end point of the curve. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Gets a values indicating whether a curve is closed.
A curve is closed if its start point is equal to its end point. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +| start_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_22) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_23) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_24) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_25) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__27) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_28) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_29) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_30) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__31) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__32) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_34) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_35) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_36) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_22} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_23} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_24} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_25} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__27} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_28} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_30} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__31} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Curve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__32} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve.
This is the equivalent of .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve:

    If this object is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is [ICircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/) the result is the circular string linearized with the specified
    If this object is [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/) - all curves from it are linearized and then joined into [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/)
| + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_34} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_35} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_36} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_37} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurvepolygon/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurvepolygon/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..576b9d85e3b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurvepolygon/ @@ -0,0 +1,861 @@ +--- +title: ICurvePolygon Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurvepolygon/ +--- + +**Summary:** A planar surface, defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.ICurvePolygon + +**Inheritance:** ISurface, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| exterior_ring | [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve) | r | Gets the exterior ring. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| interior_rings_count | int | r | Gets the number of interior rings. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_interior_ring(index)](#get_interior_ring_index_21) | Gets the interior ring by its index. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__22) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__23) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this surface. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_24) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_25) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_26) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_27) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_28) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__29) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_30) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_31) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_32) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__33) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__34) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_35) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_36) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_37) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_38) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_39) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_interior_ring(index) {#get_interior_ring_index_21} + + +``` + get_interior_ring(index) +``` + +Gets the interior ring by its index. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | The index. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ICurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icurve) | The interior ring value | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__22} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__23} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this surface. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on this surface. An empty point if this surface has no interior. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_24} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_25} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_26} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_27} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_28} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__29} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_30} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_31} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_32} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__33} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Surface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/surface) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__34} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_35} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_36} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_37} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_38} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_39} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7a5eb2caeba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/ @@ -0,0 +1,800 @@ +--- +title: IGeometry Class +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/ +--- + +**Summary:** The interface root class of Geometries hierarchy + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_22) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_23) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_24) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_25) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__27) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_28) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_29) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_30) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__31) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_32) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_33) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_34) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_35) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_36) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_22} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_23} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_24} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_25} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__27} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_28} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_30} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__31} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_32} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_33} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_34} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_35} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_36} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0eac7ee79d7b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/ @@ -0,0 +1,837 @@ +--- +title: IGeometryCollection Class +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/) is a [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) that is a collection of one or more geometries. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.IGeometryCollection + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__22) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_23) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_24) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_25) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_26) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__28) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_30) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_31) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__32) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_35) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_36) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_38) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__22} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_23} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_24} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_25} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_26} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__28} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_30} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_31} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__32} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometryCollection.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometryCollection.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_35} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_36} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_37} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_38} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..90b1c0c7ce69 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/ @@ -0,0 +1,839 @@ +--- +title: ILinearRing Class +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/ +--- + +**Summary:** A multi-vertex ring. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.ILinearRing + +**Inheritance:** ILineString, ICurve, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| end_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the end point of the curve. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Gets a values indicating whether a curve is closed.
A curve is closed if its start point is equal to its end point. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +| start_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_22) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_23) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_24) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [is_clockwise()](#is_clockwise__25) | Determines if the ring has clockwise winding | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_26) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__28) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_30) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_31) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__32) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_35) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_36) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_38) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_22} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_23} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_24} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: is_clockwise() {#is_clockwise__25} + + +``` + is_clockwise() +``` + +Determines if the ring has clockwise winding + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if clockwise; otherwise . | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_26} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__28} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_30} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_31} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__32} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_35} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_36} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_37} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_38} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fb7274a036c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/ @@ -0,0 +1,822 @@ +--- +title: ILineString Class +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/ +--- + +**Summary:** A multi-vertex curve with linear interpolation between points. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.ILineString + +**Inheritance:** ICurve, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| end_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the end point of the curve. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Gets a values indicating whether a curve is closed.
A curve is closed if its start point is equal to its end point. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +| start_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_22) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_23) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_24) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_25) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__27) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_28) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_29) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_30) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__31) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__32) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_34) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_35) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_36) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_22} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_23} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_24} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_25} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__27} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_28} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_30} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__31} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__32} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_34} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_35} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_36} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_37} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b4c496f040b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/ @@ -0,0 +1,837 @@ +--- +title: IMultiCurve Class +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [MultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/)
whose elements are [Curve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/)s. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.IMultiCurve + +**Inheritance:** IGeometryCollection, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__22) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_23) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_24) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_25) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_26) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__28) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_30) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_31) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__32) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_35) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_36) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_38) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__22} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_23} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_24} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_25} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_26} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__28} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_30} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_31} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__32} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring) | A [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/).
This is the equivalent of .IMultiCurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IMultiCurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring) | A [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/):

    If this object is [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is not [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) - all curves are linearized and new IMultiLineString is created
| + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_35} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_36} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_37} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_38} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..741a145b5052 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/ @@ -0,0 +1,837 @@ +--- +title: IMultiLineString Class +type: docs +weight: 160 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [MultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/)
whose elements are [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/)s. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.IMultiLineString + +**Inheritance:** IMultiCurve, IGeometryCollection, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__22) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_23) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_24) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_25) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_26) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__28) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_30) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_31) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__32) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_35) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_36) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_38) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__22} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_23} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_24} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_25} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_26} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__28} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_30} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_31} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__32} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_35} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_36} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_37} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_38} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipoint/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipoint/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..192f7f5d1877 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipoint/ @@ -0,0 +1,837 @@ +--- +title: IMultiPoint Class +type: docs +weight: 170 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipoint/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [IMultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipoint/) is a one-dimensional [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/)
whose elements are [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/)s. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.IMultiPoint + +**Inheritance:** IGeometryCollection, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__22) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_23) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_24) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_25) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_26) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__28) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_30) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_31) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__32) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_35) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_36) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_38) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__22} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_23} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_24} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_25} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_26} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__28} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_30} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_31} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__32} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_35} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_36} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_37} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_38} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bcb756baec79 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/ @@ -0,0 +1,837 @@ +--- +title: IMultiPolygon Class +type: docs +weight: 180 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) is a one-dimensional
[IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/) whose elements are [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/)s. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.IMultiPolygon + +**Inheritance:** IMultiSurface, IGeometryCollection, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__22) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_23) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_24) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_25) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_26) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__28) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_30) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_31) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__32) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_35) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_36) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_38) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__22} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_23} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_24} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_25} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_26} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__28} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_30} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_31} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__32} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_35} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_36} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_37} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_38} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..33e117c1c777 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/ @@ -0,0 +1,837 @@ +--- +title: IMultiSurface Class +type: docs +weight: 190 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) is a one-dimensional [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection/) whose elements are [ISurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/)s. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.IMultiSurface + +**Inheritance:** IGeometryCollection, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__22) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_23) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_24) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_25) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_26) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__28) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_30) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_31) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__32) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_35) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_36) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_38) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__22} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_23} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_24} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_25} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_26} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__28} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_30} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_31} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__32} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon) | A [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/).
This is the equivalent of .IMultiSurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IMultiSurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon) | A [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/):

    If this object is [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is not [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) - all surfaces are linearized and new IMultiPolygon is created
| + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_35} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_36} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_37} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_38} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0f75bf5adf1c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/ @@ -0,0 +1,823 @@ +--- +title: IPoint Class +type: docs +weight: 200 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/ +--- + +**Summary:** A single location in coordinate space. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.IPoint + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| m | double | r | Gets the m-coordinate. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +| x | double | r | Gets the x-coordinate. | +| y | double | r | Gets the y-coordinate. | +| z | double | r | Gets the z-coordinate. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_22) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_23) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_24) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_25) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__27) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_28) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_29) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_30) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__31) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__32) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_34) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_35) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_36) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_22} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_23} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_24} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_25} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_26} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__27} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_28} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_30} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__31} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__32} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_34} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_35} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_36} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_37} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0121bb87bbea --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/ @@ -0,0 +1,861 @@ +--- +title: IPolygon Class +type: docs +weight: 210 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) whose boundaries are defined by linear rings. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.IPolygon + +**Inheritance:** ICurvePolygon, ISurface, IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| exterior_ring | [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring) | r | Gets the exterior ring. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| interior_rings_count | int | r | Gets the number of interior rings. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_interior_ring(index)](#get_interior_ring_index_21) | Gets the interior ring by its index. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__22) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__23) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this surface. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_24) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_25) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_26) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_27) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_28) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__29) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_30) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_31) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_32) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__33) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__34) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_35) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_36) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_37) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_38) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_39) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_interior_ring(index) {#get_interior_ring_index_21} + + +``` + get_interior_ring(index) +``` + +Gets the interior ring by its index. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | The index. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring) | The interior ring. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__22} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__23} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this surface. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on this surface. An empty point if this surface has no interior. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_24} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_25} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_26} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_27} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_28} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__29} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_30} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_31} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_32} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__33} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__34} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_35} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_36} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_37} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_38} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_39} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..26901a93c16e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/ @@ -0,0 +1,836 @@ +--- +title: ISurface Class +type: docs +weight: 220 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [ISurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/) is a two-dimensional geometric object. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.ISurface + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__15) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__17) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__18) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_19) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__20) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__21) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__22) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this surface. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_23) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_24) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_25) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_26) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__28) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_30) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_31) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__32) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__33) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_35) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_36) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_37) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_38) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__15} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_16} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__17} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__18} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_19} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__20} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__21} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__22} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this surface. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on this surface. An empty point if this surface has no interior. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_23} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_24} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_25} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_26} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_27} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__28} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_29} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_30} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_31} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__32} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Surface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/surface) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__33} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this ISurface.
This is the equivalent of .ISurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .ISurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_34} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this ISurface:

    If this object is [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is not [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) it is linearized and [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) is created
| + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_35} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_36} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_37} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_38} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..61b0d690d608 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/ @@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@ +--- +title: LinearRing Class +type: docs +weight: 240 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/) is a [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/) that is both closed and simple. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.LinearRing + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, ICurve, ILineString, ILinearRing, LineString + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LinearRing()](#LinearRing__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/) class. | +| [LinearRing(collection)](#LinearRing_collection_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/) class. | +| [LinearRing(other)](#LinearRing_other_3) | Initializes a new instance of the [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/).
If the dimension is unknown (e.g. for an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) [GeometryDimension.POINT](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension/) is returned. | +| end_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the end point of the curve. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Gets a values indicating whether a curve is closed.
A curve is closed if its start point is equal to its end point. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unset.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +| start_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_point(point)](#add_point_point_1) | Adds a point to the end of the line. | +| [add_point(x, y)](#add_point_x_y_2) | Adds a point to the end of the line. | +| [add_point(x, y, z)](#add_point_x_y_z_3) | Adds a point to the end of the line. | +| [add_point(x, y, z, m)](#add_point_x_y_z_m_4) | Adds a point to the end of the line. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__5) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_8) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_9) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__10) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_11) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_12) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__13) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_14) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_15) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_16) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_17) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_18) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_20) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_21) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_22) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__23) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_24) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__25) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__26) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_27) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__28) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__29) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_30) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_31) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_32) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [is_clockwise()](#is_clockwise__33) | Determines if the ring has clockwise winding. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_34) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_35) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__36) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| reverse() | Reverses order of points in this [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/). | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_37) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_38) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_39) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_40) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_41) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_42) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__43) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__44) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_45) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_46) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_47) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_48) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_49) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_50) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: LinearRing() {#LinearRing__1} + + +``` + LinearRing() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/) class. + +### Constructor: LinearRing(collection) {#LinearRing_collection_2} + + +``` + LinearRing(collection) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| collection | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The collection of points. | + +### Constructor: LinearRing(other) {#LinearRing_other_3} + + +``` + LinearRing(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | The other line to copy data from. | + +### Method: add_point(point) {#add_point_point_1} + + +``` + add_point(point) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the line. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The point to add. | + +### Method: add_point(x, y) {#add_point_x_y_2} + + +``` + add_point(x, y) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the line. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | + +### Method: add_point(x, y, z) {#add_point_x_y_z_3} + + +``` + add_point(x, y, z) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the line. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | +| z | double | The value for Z coordinate. | + +### Method: add_point(x, y, z, m) {#add_point_x_y_z_m_4} + + +``` + add_point(x, y, z, m) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the line. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | +| z | double | The value for Z coordinate. | +| m | double | The value for M coordinate. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__5} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_6} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_8} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_9} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__10} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_11} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_12} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__13} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_14} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_15} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_16} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_17} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_18} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_19} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_20} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_21} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_22} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__23} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_24} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__25} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__26} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_27} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__28} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__29} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_30} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_31} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_32} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: is_clockwise() {#is_clockwise__33} + + +``` + is_clockwise() +``` + +Determines if the ring has clockwise winding. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if clockwise; otherwise . | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_34} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_35} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__36} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_37} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_38} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_39} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_40} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_41} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_42} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__43} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linearring) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__44} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve.
This is the equivalent of .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_45} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve:

    If this object is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is [ICircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/) the result is the circular string linearized with the specified
    If this object is [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/) - all curves from it are linearized and then joined into [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/)
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_46} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_47} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_48} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_49} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_50} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9be375d31009 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/ @@ -0,0 +1,1106 @@ +--- +title: LineString Class +type: docs +weight: 230 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/ +--- + +**Summary:** A multi-vertex line. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.LineString + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, ICurve, ILineString, Curve + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LineString()](#LineString__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/) class. | +| [LineString(collection)](#LineString_collection_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/) class. | +| [LineString(other)](#LineString_other_3) | Initializes a new instance of the [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| end_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the end point of the curve. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Gets a values indicating whether a curve is closed.
A curve is closed if its start point is equal to its end point. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unset.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +| start_point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | r | Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_point(point)](#add_point_point_1) | Adds a point to the end of the line. | +| [add_point(x, y)](#add_point_x_y_2) | Adds a point to the end of the line. | +| [add_point(x, y, z)](#add_point_x_y_z_3) | Adds a point to the end of the line. | +| [add_point(x, y, z, m)](#add_point_x_y_z_m_4) | Adds a point to the end of the line. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__5) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_8) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_9) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__10) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_11) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_12) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__13) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_14) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_15) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_16) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_17) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_18) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_20) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_21) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_22) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__23) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_24) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__25) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__26) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_27) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__28) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__29) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_30) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_31) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_32) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_33) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_34) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__35) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| reverse() | Reverses order of points in this [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/). | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_36) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_37) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_38) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_39) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_40) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_41) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__42) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__43) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_45) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_46) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_47) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_48) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_49) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: LineString() {#LineString__1} + + +``` + LineString() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/) class. + +### Constructor: LineString(collection) {#LineString_collection_2} + + +``` + LineString(collection) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| collection | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The collection of points. | + +### Constructor: LineString(other) {#LineString_other_3} + + +``` + LineString(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | The other line to copy data from. | + +### Method: add_point(point) {#add_point_point_1} + + +``` + add_point(point) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the line. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The point to add. | + +### Method: add_point(x, y) {#add_point_x_y_2} + + +``` + add_point(x, y) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the line. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | + +### Method: add_point(x, y, z) {#add_point_x_y_z_3} + + +``` + add_point(x, y, z) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the line. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | +| z | double | The value for Z coordinate. | + +### Method: add_point(x, y, z, m) {#add_point_x_y_z_m_4} + + +``` + add_point(x, y, z, m) +``` + +Adds a point to the end of the line. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | +| z | double | The value for Z coordinate. | +| m | double | The value for M coordinate. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__5} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_6} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_8} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_9} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__10} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_11} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_12} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__13} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_14} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_15} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_16} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_17} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_18} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_19} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_20} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_21} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_22} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__23} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_24} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__25} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__26} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_27} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__28} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__29} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_30} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_31} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_32} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_33} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_34} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__35} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_36} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_37} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_38} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_39} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_40} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_41} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__42} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__43} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve.
This is the equivalent of .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .ICurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring) | A [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this curve:

    If this object is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is [ICircularString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icircularstring/) the result is the circular string linearized with the specified
    If this object is [ICompoundCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/icompoundcurve/) - all curves from it are linearized and then joined into [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/)
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_45} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_46} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_47} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_48} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_49} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..24bdab74eb1a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/ @@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@ +--- +title: MultiCurve Class +type: docs +weight: 250 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [MultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/)
whose elements are [Curve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/curve/)s. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.MultiCurve + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, IGeometryCollection, IMultiCurve, GeometryCollection + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiCurve()](#MultiCurve__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [MultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Determines whether this curve is closed. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , is SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(geometry)](#add_geometry_1) | Adds the specified geometry to the collection. | +| [add_range(geometries)](#add_range_geometries_2) | Adds the specified geometries to the collection. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__3) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_4) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_9) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_10) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__11) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_12) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_13) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_14) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_15) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_16) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__21) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__23) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__24) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_25) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__26) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__27) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__28) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_29) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_30) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_31) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_32) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [remove_at(index)](#remove_at_index_34) | Removes the specified geometry from the collection. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__35) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_36) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_37) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_38) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_39) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_40) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_41) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__42) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__43) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_45) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_46) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_47) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_48) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_49) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: MultiCurve() {#MultiCurve__1} + + +``` + MultiCurve() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve/) class. + +### Method: add(geometry) {#add_geometry_1} + + +``` + add(geometry) +``` + +Adds the specified geometry to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | The geometry to add. | + +### Method: add_range(geometries) {#add_range_geometries_2} + + +``` + add_range(geometries) +``` + +Adds the specified geometries to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometries | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The geometries to add. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__3} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_4} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__8} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_9} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_10} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__11} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_12} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_13} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_14} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_15} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_16} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_17} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_19} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__21} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__23} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__24} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_25} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__26} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__27} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__28} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_29} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_30} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_31} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_32} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: remove_at(index) {#remove_at_index_34} + + +``` + remove_at(index) +``` + +Removes the specified geometry from the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the geometry to remove. | + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__35} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_36} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_37} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_38} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_39} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_40} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_41} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__42} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multicurve) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__43} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring) | A [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/).
This is the equivalent of .IMultiCurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IMultiCurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring) | A [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/):

    If this object is [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is not [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) - all curves are linearized and new IMultiLineString is created
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_45} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_46} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_47} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_48} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_49} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..159a41455b37 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/ @@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@ +--- +title: MultiLineString Class +type: docs +weight: 260 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [MultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/)
whose elements are [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/)s. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.MultiLineString + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, IGeometryCollection, IMultiCurve, IMultiLineString, MultiCurve + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiLineString()](#MultiLineString__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [MultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_closed | bool | r | Determines whether this curve is closed. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(geometry)](#add_geometry_1) | Adds the specified geometry to the collection. | +| [add_range(geometries)](#add_range_geometries_2) | Adds the specified geometries to the collection. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__3) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_4) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_9) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_10) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__11) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_12) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_13) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_14) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_15) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_16) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__21) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__23) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__24) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_25) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__26) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__27) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__28) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_29) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_30) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_31) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_32) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [remove_at(index)](#remove_at_index_34) | Removes the specified geometry from the collection. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__35) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_36) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_37) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_38) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_39) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_40) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_41) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__42) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__43) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_45) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_46) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_47) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_48) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_49) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: MultiLineString() {#MultiLineString__1} + + +``` + MultiLineString() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring/) class. + +### Method: add(geometry) {#add_geometry_1} + + +``` + add(geometry) +``` + +Adds the specified geometry to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | The geometry to add. | + +### Method: add_range(geometries) {#add_range_geometries_2} + + +``` + add_range(geometries) +``` + +Adds the specified geometries to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometries | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The geometries to add. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__3} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_4} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__8} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_9} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_10} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__11} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_12} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_13} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_14} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_15} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_16} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_17} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_19} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__21} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__23} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__24} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_25} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__26} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__27} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__28} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_29} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_30} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_31} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_32} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: remove_at(index) {#remove_at_index_34} + + +``` + remove_at(index) +``` + +Removes the specified geometry from the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the geometry to remove. | + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__35} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_36} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_37} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_38} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_39} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_40} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_41} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__42} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multilinestring) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__43} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring) | A [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/).
This is the equivalent of .IMultiCurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IMultiCurve.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring) | A [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiCurve](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imulticurve/):

    If this object is [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is not [IMultiLineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultilinestring/) - all curves are linearized and new IMultiLineString is created
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_45} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_46} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_47} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_48} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_49} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e76e54d7e5dd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint/ @@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@ +--- +title: MultiPoint Class +type: docs +weight: 270 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [MultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/)
whose elements are [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/)s. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.MultiPoint + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, IGeometryCollection, IMultiPoint, GeometryCollection + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiPoint()](#MultiPoint__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [MultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , is SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(geometry)](#add_geometry_1) | Adds the specified geometry to the collection. | +| [add_range(geometries)](#add_range_geometries_2) | Adds the specified geometries to the collection. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__3) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_4) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_9) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_10) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__11) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_12) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_13) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_14) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_15) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_16) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__21) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__23) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__24) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_25) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__26) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__27) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__28) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_29) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_30) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_31) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_32) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [remove_at(index)](#remove_at_index_34) | Removes the specified geometry from the collection. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__35) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_36) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_37) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_38) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_39) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_40) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_41) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__42) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__43) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_45) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_46) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_47) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_48) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_49) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: MultiPoint() {#MultiPoint__1} + + +``` + MultiPoint() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint/) class. + +### Method: add(geometry) {#add_geometry_1} + + +``` + add(geometry) +``` + +Adds the specified geometry to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | The geometry to add. | + +### Method: add_range(geometries) {#add_range_geometries_2} + + +``` + add_range(geometries) +``` + +Adds the specified geometries to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometries | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The geometries to add. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__3} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_4} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__8} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_9} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_10} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__11} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_12} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_13} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_14} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_15} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_16} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_17} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_19} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__21} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__23} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__24} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_25} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__26} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__27} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__28} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_29} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_30} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_31} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_32} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: remove_at(index) {#remove_at_index_34} + + +``` + remove_at(index) +``` + +Removes the specified geometry from the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the geometry to remove. | + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__35} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_36} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_37} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_38} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_39} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_40} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_41} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__42} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipoint) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__43} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometryCollection.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometryCollection.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_45} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_46} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_47} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_48} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_49} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..568fd931454f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon/ @@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@ +--- +title: MultiPolygon Class +type: docs +weight: 280 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [MultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon/) is a one-dimensional
[GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/) whose elements are [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/)s. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.MultiPolygon + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, IGeometryCollection, IMultiSurface, IMultiPolygon, MultiSurface + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiPolygon()](#MultiPolygon__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [MultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty (represents the empty point set). | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , if SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(geometry)](#add_geometry_1) | Adds the specified geometry to the collection. | +| [add_range(geometries)](#add_range_geometries_2) | Adds the specified geometries to the collection. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__3) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_4) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_9) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_10) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__11) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_12) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_13) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_14) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_15) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_16) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__21) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__23) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__24) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_25) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__26) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__27) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__28) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_29) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_30) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_31) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_32) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [remove_at(index)](#remove_at_index_34) | Removes the specified geometry from the collection. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__35) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_36) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_37) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_38) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_39) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_40) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_41) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__42) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__43) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_45) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_46) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_47) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_48) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_49) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: MultiPolygon() {#MultiPolygon__1} + + +``` + MultiPolygon() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon/) class. + +### Method: add(geometry) {#add_geometry_1} + + +``` + add(geometry) +``` + +Adds the specified geometry to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | The geometry to add. | + +### Method: add_range(geometries) {#add_range_geometries_2} + + +``` + add_range(geometries) +``` + +Adds the specified geometries to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometries | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The geometries to add. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__3} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_4} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__8} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_9} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_10} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__11} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_12} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_13} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_14} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_15} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_16} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_17} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_19} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__21} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__23} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__24} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_25} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__26} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__27} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__28} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_29} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_30} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_31} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_32} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: remove_at(index) {#remove_at_index_34} + + +``` + remove_at(index) +``` + +Removes the specified geometry from the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the geometry to remove. | + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__35} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_36} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_37} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_38} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_39} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_40} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_41} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__42} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multipolygon) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__43} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon) | A [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/).
This is the equivalent of .IMultiSurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IMultiSurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon) | A [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/):

    If this object is [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is not [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) - all surfaces are linearized and new IMultiPolygon is created
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_45} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_46} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_47} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_48} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_49} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cc5d61f7a3fe --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface/ @@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@ +--- +title: MultiSurface Class +type: docs +weight: 290 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [MultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface/) is a one-dimensional [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/) whose elements are [ISurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/isurface/)s. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.MultiSurface + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, IGeometryCollection, IMultiSurface, GeometryCollection + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiSurface()](#MultiSurface__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [MultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of geometries in this collection. | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , is SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(geometry)](#add_geometry_1) | Adds the specified geometry to the collection. | +| [add_range(geometries)](#add_range_geometries_2) | Adds the specified geometries to the collection. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__3) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_4) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_9) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_10) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__11) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_12) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_13) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_14) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_15) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_16) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__21) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__23) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__24) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_25) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__26) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__27) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__28) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_29) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_30) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_31) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_32) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [remove_at(index)](#remove_at_index_34) | Removes the specified geometry from the collection. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__35) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_36) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_37) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_38) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_39) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_40) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_41) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__42) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__43) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_45) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_46) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_47) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_48) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_49) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: MultiSurface() {#MultiSurface__1} + + +``` + MultiSurface() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface/) class. + +### Method: add(geometry) {#add_geometry_1} + + +``` + add(geometry) +``` + +Adds the specified geometry to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | The geometry to add. | + +### Method: add_range(geometries) {#add_range_geometries_2} + + +``` + add_range(geometries) +``` + +Adds the specified geometries to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometries | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The geometries to add. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__3} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_4} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_7} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__8} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_9} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_10} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__11} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_12} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_13} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_14} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_15} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_16} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_17} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_19} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_20} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__21} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_22} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__23} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__24} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_25} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__26} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__27} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__28} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the surfaces in this collection. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on one of the surfaces. An empty point if this collection does not contain surfaces or all surfaces are empty. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_29} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_30} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_31} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_32} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: remove_at(index) {#remove_at_index_34} + + +``` + remove_at(index) +``` + +Removes the specified geometry from the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the geometry to remove. | + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__35} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometrycollection) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_36} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_37} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_38} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_39} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_40} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_41} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__42} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/multisurface) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__43} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon) | A [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/).
This is the equivalent of .IMultiSurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IMultiSurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_44} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon) | A [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this [IMultiSurface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultisurface/):

    If this object is [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is not [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/) - all surfaces are linearized and new IMultiPolygon is created
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_45} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_46} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_47} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_48} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_49} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..983751fc337c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/ @@ -0,0 +1,1074 @@ +--- +title: Point Class +type: docs +weight: 300 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) represents a single location in coordinate space. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.Point + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, IPoint, Geometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Point()](#Point__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) class. | +| [Point(other)](#Point_other_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) class. | +| [Point(x, y)](#Point_x_y_3) | Initializes a new instance of the [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) class. | +| [Point(x, y, z)](#Point_x_y_z_4) | Initializes a new instance of the [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) class. | +| [Point(x, y, z, m)](#Point_x_y_z_m_5) | Initializes a new instance of the [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has an M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| m | double | r/w | Gets or sets a value for the m-coordinate. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , is SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +| x | double | r/w | Gets or sets a value for the x-coordinate. | +| y | double | r/w | Gets or sets a value for the y-coordinate. | +| z | double | r/w | Gets or sets a value for the z-coordinate. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_15) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_16) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__19) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_20) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__21) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__22) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_23) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__24) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__25) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_26) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_27) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_28) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_29) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_30) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__31) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_32) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_33) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_34) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_35) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_36) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_37) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__38) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__39) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_40) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_41) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_42) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_43) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_44) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_45) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: Point() {#Point__1} + + +``` + Point() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) class. + +### Constructor: Point(other) {#Point_other_2} + + +``` + Point(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The other [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/) to copy data from. | + +### Constructor: Point(x, y) {#Point_x_y_3} + + +``` + Point(x, y) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | + +### Constructor: Point(x, y, z) {#Point_x_y_z_4} + + +``` + Point(x, y, z) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | +| z | double | The value for Z coordinate. | + +### Constructor: Point(x, y, z, m) {#Point_x_y_z_m_5} + + +``` + Point(x, y, z, m) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | The value for X coordinate. | +| y | double | The value for Y coordinate. | +| z | double | The value for Z coordinate. | +| m | double | The value for M coordinate. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_15} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_16} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_17} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__19} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_20} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width. | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__21} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__22} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_23} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [Geometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__24} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__25} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_26} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_27} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_28} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_29} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_30} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__31} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_32} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_33} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_34} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_35} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_36} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_37} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__38} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__39} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that has no curve geometries. This is the equivalent of .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerance is defined by [IGeometry.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .IGeometry.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_40} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum
which is currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no curve geometries. The following transformations are applied:

  • [GeometryType.CIRCULAR_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s with specified )

  • [GeometryType.COMPOUND_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into LineStrings

  • [GeometryType.CURVE_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_CURVE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_SURFACE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are transformed into [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

As a result, [IGeometry.has_curve_geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) of output geometry is . | + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_41} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_42} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_43} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_44} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_45} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..889c975fcc5a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/ @@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@ +--- +title: Polygon Class +type: docs +weight: 310 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) is a planar surface,
defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.Polygon + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, ISurface, IPolygon, ICurvePolygon, Surface + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Polygon()](#Polygon__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) class. | +| [Polygon(exterior_ring)](#Polygon_exterior_ring_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) class. | +| [Polygon(exterior_ring, interior_rings)](#Polygon_exterior_ring_interior_rings_3) | Initializes a new instance of the [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| exterior_ring | [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring) | r/w | Gets the exterior ring. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| interior_rings_count | int | r | Gets the number of interior rings. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , is SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_interior_ring(ring)](#add_interior_ring_ring_1) | Adds an interior ring. | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_3) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_9) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__10) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_12) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_13) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_14) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_15) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_16) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_19) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__20) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_21) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__22) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__23) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_24) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__25) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_interior_ring(index)](#get_interior_ring_index_26) | Gets the interior ring by its index. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__27) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__28) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this polygon. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_29) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_30) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_31) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_32) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__34) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_35) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_36) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_37) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_38) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_39) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_40) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__41) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__42) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_43) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_44) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_45) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_46) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_47) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_48) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Constructor: Polygon() {#Polygon__1} + + +``` + Polygon() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) class. + +### Constructor: Polygon(exterior_ring) {#Polygon_exterior_ring_2} + + +``` + Polygon(exterior_ring) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| exterior_ring | [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring) | The exterior ring. | + +### Constructor: Polygon(exterior_ring, interior_rings) {#Polygon_exterior_ring_interior_rings_3} + + +``` + Polygon(exterior_ring, interior_rings) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| exterior_ring | [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring) | The exterior ring. | +| interior_rings | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The interior rings. | + +### Method: add_interior_ring(ring) {#add_interior_ring_ring_1} + + +``` + add_interior_ring(ring) +``` + +Adds an interior ring. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| ring | [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring) | The ring to add. | + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__2} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_3} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_6} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__7} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_9} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__10} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_11} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_12} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_13} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_14} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_15} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_16} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_17} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_18} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_19} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__20} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_21} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width (in Spatial Reference units). | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__22} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__23} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_24} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [IGeometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__25} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_interior_ring(index) {#get_interior_ring_index_26} + + +``` + get_interior_ring(index) +``` + +Gets the interior ring by its index. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | The index. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring) | The interior ring. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__27} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__28} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this polygon. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on this polygon. An empty point if this polygon has no interior. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_29} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_30} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_31} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_32} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_33} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__34} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_35} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_36} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_37} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_38} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_39} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_40} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__41} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__42} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this ISurface.
This is the equivalent of .ISurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .ISurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_43} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this ISurface:

    If this object is [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is not [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) it is linearized and [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) is created
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_44} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_45} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_46} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_47} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_48} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/surface/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/surface/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..413ba8e33dc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/surface/ @@ -0,0 +1,1004 @@ +--- +title: Surface Class +type: docs +weight: 320 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/surface/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [Surface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/surface/) is a two-dimensional geometric object. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.Surface + +**Inheritance:** IGeometry, ISurface, Geometry + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate_dimension | int | r | Gets the number of coordinate dimensions for this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| dimension | [GeometryDimension](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrydimension) | r | Gets the topological dimension of this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/). | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype) | r | Gets the type of the geometry. | +| has_curve_geometry | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this geometry is or contains curve (not linear) geometry. | +| has_m | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. | +| has_z | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has Z coordinate. | +| is_empty | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. | +| is_simple | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is simple from SFA point of view. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. | +| null [static] | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | r | Gets an instance of null geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance.
This property can be , is SpatialReferenceSystem is unknown.
Assigning new SpatialReferenceSystem will not perform any coordinate transformation, only reference will change. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_binary()](#as_binary__1) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_binary(variant)](#as_binary_variant_2) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer)](#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5) | Export this geometry to an image representation. | +| [as_text()](#as_text__6) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant)](#as_text_variant_7) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [as_text(variant, format)](#as_text_variant_format_8) | Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [clone()](#clone__9) | Clones this instance. | +| [covered_by(other)](#covered_by_other_10) | Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. | +| [covers(other)](#covers_other_11) | Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. | +| [crosses(other)](#crosses_other_12) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. | +| [difference(other)](#difference_other_13) | Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. | +| [disjoint(other)](#disjoint_other_14) | Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. | +| [from_binary(wkb)](#from_binary_wkb_15) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system)](#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_16) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. | +| [from_text(wkt)](#from_text_wkt_17) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system)](#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. | +| [get_area()](#get_area__19) | Computes the area of this geometry. | +| [get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments)](#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_20) | Computes a buffer region around this geometry. | +| [get_centroid()](#get_centroid__21) | Computes the centroid of this geometry. | +| [get_convex_hull()](#get_convex_hull__22) | Computes the convex hull of this geometry. | +| [get_distance_to(other)](#get_distance_to_other_23) | Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__24) | Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. | +| [get_length()](#get_length__25) | Computes the length of this geometry. | +| [get_point_on_surface()](#get_point_on_surface__26) | Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this surface. | +| [intersection(other)](#intersection_other_27) | Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_28) | Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. | +| [intersects(other)](#intersects_other_29) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. | +| [overlaps(other)](#overlaps_other_30) | Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. | +| [relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix)](#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_31) | Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. | +| [replace_polygons_by_lines()](#replace_polygons_by_lines__32) | Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. | +| [round_m(digits)](#round_m_digits_33) | Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_xy(digits)](#round_xy_digits_34) | Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| [round_z(digits)](#round_z_digits_35) | Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. | +| set_empty() | Makes this [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) empty. | +| [spatially_contains(other)](#spatially_contains_other_36) | Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. | +| [spatially_equals(other)](#spatially_equals_other_37) | Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. | +| [sym_difference(other)](#sym_difference_other_38) | Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [to_editable()](#to_editable__39) | Gets an editable copy of this geometry. | +| [to_linear_geometry()](#to_linear_geometry__40) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. | +| [to_linear_geometry(tolerance)](#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_41) | Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. | +| [to_svg(extent)](#to_svg_extent_42) | Translates this geometry to Svg representation. | +| [touches(other)](#touches_other_43) | Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. | +| [union(other)](#union_other_44) | Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. | +| [within(extent)](#within_extent_45) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. | +| [within(other)](#within_other_46) | Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary() {#as_binary__1} + + +``` + as_binary() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_binary(variant) {#as_binary_variant_2} + + +``` + as_binary(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WkbVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant) | Well-Known Binary variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | Well-Known Binary representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_3} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_output_path_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_4} + + +``` + as_image(output_path, width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output image. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) {#as_image_width_height_renderer_symbolizer_5} + + +``` + as_image(width, height, renderer, symbolizer) +``` + +Export this geometry to an image representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | Height of the map. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | Renderer to use. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | The image as stream | + + +### Method: as_text() {#as_text__6} + + +``` + as_text() +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant) {#as_text_variant_7} + + +``` + as_text(variant) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: as_text(variant, format) {#as_text_variant_format_8} + + +``` + as_text(variant, format) +``` + +Translates this geometry to its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| variant | [WktVariant](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant) | Well-Known Text variant to use. | +| format | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | Coordinate format for conversion to string. See the [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) to get it. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Well-Known Text representation of this geometry. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__9} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Geometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry) | The clone of this instance | + + +### Method: covered_by(other) {#covered_by_other_10} + + +``` + covered_by(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is covered by a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covered by" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: covers(other) {#covers_other_11} + + +``` + covers(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry covers a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially covers" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: crosses(other) {#crosses_other_12} + + +``` + crosses(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially crosses" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: difference(other) {#difference_other_13} + + +``` + difference(other) +``` + +Subtracts a specified geometry from this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to subtract. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry but not present in an argument. | + + +### Method: disjoint(other) {#disjoint_other_14} + + +``` + disjoint(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry is disjoint from a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially disjoint" from another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_15} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_binary_wkb_spatial_reference_system_16} + + +``` + from_binary(wkb, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Binary representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkb | byte | Well-Known Binary representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt) [static] {#from_text_wkt_17} + + +``` + from_text(wkt) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#from_text_wkt_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + from_text(wkt, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a geometry from its Well-Known Text representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | Well-Known Text representation of a geometry. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial Reference System to be assigned to the geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry represented by the argument. | + + +### Method: get_area() {#get_area__19} + + +``` + get_area() +``` + +Computes the area of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The area of this geometry.
Sum of areas of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) {#get_buffer_distance_quadrant_segments_20} + + +``` + get_buffer(distance, quadrant_segments) +``` + +Computes a buffer region around this geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | The buffer region width. | +| quadrant_segments | int | Number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree of curvature.
The larger this number is the better approximation of curves is produced.
Default is 30. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents all points that are within a specified distance from
this geometry.
The type of result is either [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/), [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) or [IMultiPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/imultipolygon/). | + + +### Method: get_centroid() {#get_centroid__21} + + +``` + get_centroid() +``` + +Computes the centroid of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | The centroid of this geometry. If this geometry is empty an empty point returned.
The centroid is equal to the centroid of the highest dimension geometries in this geometry
(e.g. if both points and lines are contained in the geometry, only lines contribute to centroid). | + + +### Method: get_convex_hull() {#get_convex_hull__22} + + +``` + get_convex_hull() +``` + +Computes the convex hull of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a convex hull of this geometry.
If this geometry has no points then the result is [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/).
If this geometry has only one point then the result is this point.
If this geometry has only two points then the result is [ILineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinestring/) with the points.
If this geometry has three or more points then the result is [ILinearRing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ilinearring/) that represents a convex
hull around all geometries points. | + + +### Method: get_distance_to(other) {#get_distance_to_other_23} + + +``` + get_distance_to(other) +``` + +Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to find distance to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | If both geometries are not [Geometry.is_empty](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) - a distance between closest points of the geometries.
If at least one geometry is empty -1 is returned. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__24} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Computes and returns a bounding extent of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A bounding extent of this geometry. | + + +### Method: get_length() {#get_length__25} + + +``` + get_length() +``` + +Computes the length of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The length of this geometry.
Perimeter if this is a [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/).
Sum of lengths of elements of this geometry if this geometry is a [GeometryCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrycollection/). | + + +### Method: get_point_on_surface() {#get_point_on_surface__26} + + +``` + get_point_on_surface() +``` + +Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on this surface. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint) | A point on this surface. An empty point if this surface has no interior. | + + +### Method: intersection(other) {#intersection_other_27} + + +``` + intersection(other) +``` + +Builds an intersection between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute intersection with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents an intersection of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contain
point set that present in both this geometry and an argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_28} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry intersects a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry intersects the extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: intersects(other) {#intersects_other_29} + + +``` + intersects(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry intersects. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially intersects" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: overlaps(other) {#overlaps_other_30} + + +``` + overlaps(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially overlaps" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) {#relate_other_intersection_pattern_matrix_31} + + +``` + relate(other, intersection_pattern_matrix) +``` + +Determines if DE-9IM intersection matrix of this geometry and a specified geometry matches provided pattern. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | +| intersection_pattern_matrix | string | A patter to match with.
This should be a string with length equal to 9.
Each character of the string represent expected dimension of an intersection:

  • character 0 - between interiors of the geometries.

  • character 1 - between interior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 2 - between interior of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 3 - between boundary of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 4 - between boundaries of the geometries.

  • character 5 - between boundary of this geometry and exterior of another geometry.

  • character 6 - between exterior of this geometry and interior of another geometry.

  • character 7 - between exterior of this geometry and boundary of another geometry.

  • character 8 - between exteriors of the geometries.

Possible values of each characters are:

  • * - any value;

  • F - no intersection;

  • T - any intersection;

  • 0 - point intersection (e.g. shared point);

  • 1 - line intersection (e.g. shared segment of line);

  • 2 - area intersection (e.g. shared part of polygon);

For example, an intersection pattern "F0*******" means, that there should not be intersection between geometries interiors
and intersection between geometries boundaries must be a point.
See OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for more details about intersection matrix pattern. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this intersection matrix matches patter; otherwise. | + + +### Method: replace_polygons_by_lines() {#replace_polygons_by_lines__32} + + +``` + replace_polygons_by_lines() +``` + +Gets polygons represented as lines of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry, that has no polygon geometries. The following transformation are applied:

  • [GeometryType.POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are linearized
    (transformed into [GeometryType.LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s)

  • [GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s are joined into [GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/)s

| + + +### Method: round_m(digits) {#round_m_digits_33} + + +``` + round_m(digits) +``` + +Rounds M coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_xy(digits) {#round_xy_digits_34} + + +``` + round_xy(digits) +``` + +Rounds X and Y coordinates to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: round_z(digits) {#round_z_digits_35} + + +``` + round_z(digits) +``` + +Rounds Z coordinate to a specified number of fractional digits. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| digits | int | Number of fractional digits. | + +### Method: spatially_contains(other) {#spatially_contains_other_36} + + +``` + spatially_contains(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry spatially contains a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially contains" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: spatially_equals(other) {#spatially_equals_other_37} + + +``` + spatially_equals(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry "spatially equals" to specified geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: sym_difference(other) {#sym_difference_other_38} + + +``` + sym_difference(other) +``` + +Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to compute symmetric difference with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a symmetric difference of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in one of the geometries but not present in both of them. | + + +### Method: to_editable() {#to_editable__39} + + +``` + to_editable() +``` + +Gets an editable copy of this geometry. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Surface](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/surface) | An editable copy of this geometry. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry() {#to_linear_geometry__40} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry() +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the default tolerance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this ISurface.
This is the equivalent of .ISurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) with
default tolerance. Default tolerances value is dependent on [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/)
of this geometry:

  • For projected SRS Tolerance is 0.001 meters (in SRS units)

  • For geographic SRS Tolerance is 1e-5 degrees (in SRS units)

  • For unknown SRS Tolerance is 1e-5

For more details on what transformations are applied refer to .ISurface.to_linear_geometry()(float) specification. | + + +### Method: to_linear_geometry(tolerance) {#to_linear_geometry_tolerance_41} + + +``` + to_linear_geometry(tolerance) +``` + +Gets approximate or equivalent non-curve version of this geometry using the specified tolerance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tolerance | double | The tolerance to use. The result is guaranteed to be less than tolerance away from the
curved geometry, unless the number of points needed to linearize the geometry exceeds the per-quadrant maximum,
currently equal to 10000 points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon) | A [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) that approximates or equivalent to this ISurface:

    If this object is [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) itself the result is equivalent to this object
    If this object is not [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) it is linearized and [IPolygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipolygon/) is created
| + + +### Method: to_svg(extent) {#to_svg_extent_42} + + +``` + to_svg(extent) +``` + +Translates this geometry to Svg representation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Extent for translation this geometry to Svg | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The Svg representation. | + + +### Method: touches(other) {#touches_other_43} + + +``` + touches(other) +``` + +Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially touches" another geometry. otherwise. | + + +### Method: union(other) {#union_other_44} + + +``` + union(other) +``` + +Unites this geometry and a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry to unite with. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry that represents a union of this geometry and an argument. The result geometry contains
point set that present in this geometry or in an argument. | + + +### Method: within(extent) {#within_extent_45} + + +``` + within(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is within extent; otherwise. | + + +### Method: within(other) {#within_other_46} + + +``` + within(other) +``` + +Determines whether this geometry is within a specified geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry) | A geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if this geometry is "spatially within" another geometry. otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f1a000954607 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: WkbVariant Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 350 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wkbvariant/ +--- + +The variant of Well-Known Binary + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.WkbVariant + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| EXTENDED_POST_GIS | Extended Well-Known Binary variant designed by PostGIS that exports Spatial Reference System identifier (EPSG code). | +| ISO | Well-Known Binary compliant with ISO standard "SQL Multimedia and application packages - Part 3: Spatial" and
Simple Feature Access specification, version 1.2. | +| SIMPLE_FEATURE_ACCESS_OUTDATED | Well-Known Binary compliant with Simple Feature Access specification, version 1.1. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..df5b42bf5fde --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: WktVariant Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 360 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/wktvariant/ +--- + +The variant of Well-Known Text + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geometries](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geometries.WktVariant + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| EXTENDED_POST_GIS | Extended Well-Known Text variant designed by PostGIS that exports Spatial Reference System identifier (EPSG code). | +| ISO | Well-Known Text compliant with ISO standard "SQL Multimedia and application packages - Part 3: Spatial" and
Simple Feature Access specification, version 1.2. | +| SIMPLE_FEATURE_ACCESS_OUTDATED | Well-Known Text compliant with Simple Feature Access specification, version 1.1. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.extensions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.extensions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bf8c228ef2e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.extensions/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.geotools.extensions +type: docs +weight: 500 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.extensions/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayerExtention](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.extensions/vectorlayerextention/) | Vector Layer Extention. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.extensions/vectorlayerextention/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.extensions/vectorlayerextention/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4f4cfa194f97 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.extensions/vectorlayerextention/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +title: VectorLayerExtention Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.extensions/vectorlayerextention/ +--- + +**Summary:** Vector Layer Extention. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.extensions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.extensions/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.extensions.VectorLayerExtention + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_features(layer, geometries)](#add_features_layer_geometries_1) | Add Features using generic list. | +| [read_geometries(layer)](#read_geometries_layer_2) | Read only geometries from layer. | + + +### Method: add_features(layer, geometries) [static] {#add_features_layer_geometries_1} + + +``` + add_features(layer, geometries) +``` + +Add Features using generic list. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | The Layer to add. | +| geometries | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | Input geometries. | + +### Method: read_geometries(layer) [static] {#read_geometries_layer_2} + + +``` + read_geometries(layer) +``` + +Read only geometries from layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | The Layer to read. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | The features. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..13d3a760de89 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap +type: docs +weight: 510 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/) | Contains a method for creating maps and all the functions it depends on. | +| [MapLayerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maplayeroptions/) | Vector Layer Options for creating maps using [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/) | +| [MapOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapoptions/) | Map Options for creating maps using [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/) | +| [MapRasterOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maprasteroptions/) | Raster layer options for creating maps using [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/) | +| [MapTilesOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maptilesoptions/) | Tiles options for creating maps using [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/) | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapSizeModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapsizemodes/) | Map size modes for [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/). | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d376c4d800b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/ @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: LayersMapBuilder Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/ +--- + +**Summary:** Contains a method for creating maps and all the functions it depends on. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap.LayersMapBuilder + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LayersMapBuilder()](#LayersMapBuilder__1) | Initializes a new instance of the LayersMapBuilder class | + + +### Constructor: LayersMapBuilder() {#LayersMapBuilder__1} + + +``` + LayersMapBuilder() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the LayersMapBuilder class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maplayeroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maplayeroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dd19ea22c73c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maplayeroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: MapLayerOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maplayeroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Vector Layer Options for creating maps using [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/) + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap.MapLayerOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapLayerOptions()](#MapLayerOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapLayerOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/) | r/w | Labeling of the features. Defaults to null. | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | r/w | Vector layer. | +| layer_spatial_ref_sys | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Specifies a value for a layer spatial reference. | +| symbolyzer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | r/w | Vector symbolyzer. | + + +### Constructor: MapLayerOptions() {#MapLayerOptions__1} + + +``` + MapLayerOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapLayerOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f0983a0dea39 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: MapOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Map Options for creating maps using [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/) + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap.MapOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapOptions()](#MapOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| background_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Background color of the map. Defaults to System.Drawing.Color.Transparent. | +| height | int | r/w | Visual height of the map. Defaults to 400. Used when [MapSizeModes.CUSTOM](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapsizemodes/). | +| layers | [MapLayerOptions[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maplayeroptions) | r/w | A collection of options for vector layers to represent by Aspose.Gis.GeoTools.LayersMap.MapLayerOptions. | +| rasters | [MapRasterOptions[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maprasteroptions) | r/w | A collection of options for rasters layers to represent by Aspose.Gis.GeoTools.LayersMap.MapRasterOptions. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | r/w | Renderer to use. Defaults to Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Renders.Jpeg. | +| size_mode | [MapSizeModes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapsizemodes) | r/w | Size Mode. Defaults to [MapSizeModes.AUTO](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapsizemodes/) | +| spatial_reference | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Spatial Reference. Defaults to Aspose.Gis.SpatialReferencing.SpatialReferenceSystem.WebMercator. | +| tiles | [MapTilesOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maptilesoptions) | r/w | Tiles options. | +| width | int | r/w | Visual width of the map. Defaults to 400. Used when [MapSizeModes.CUSTOM](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapsizemodes/). | + + +### Constructor: MapOptions() {#MapOptions__1} + + +``` + MapOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maprasteroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maprasteroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..df93d0a2f166 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maprasteroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: MapRasterOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maprasteroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Raster layer options for creating maps using [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/) + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap.MapRasterOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapRasterOptions()](#MapRasterOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapRasterOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| layer_spatial_ref_sys | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Specifies a value for a layer spatial reference. | +| pixel_per_column | int | r/w | Width of the raster in pixels. | +| pixel_per_row | int | r/w | Height of the raster in pixels. | +| raster | [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | r/w | Raster layer. | + + +### Constructor: MapRasterOptions() {#MapRasterOptions__1} + + +``` + MapRasterOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapRasterOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapsizemodes/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapsizemodes/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..00edbe92dfc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapsizemodes/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: MapSizeModes Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapsizemodes/ +--- + +Map size modes for [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap.MapSizeModes + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| AUTO | Auto map sizes. | +| CUSTOM | Use sizes from options [MapOptions.width](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapoptions/) and [MapOptions.height](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/mapoptions/). | +| NONE | Unknown Size Mode. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maptilesoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maptilesoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b2062632643 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maptilesoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: MapTilesOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/maptilesoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Tiles options for creating maps using [LayersMapBuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/layersmapbuilder/) + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.layersmap.MapTilesOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapTilesOptions()](#MapTilesOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapTilesOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| level | int | r/w | The zoom level for loading tiles. Defaults to 3. | +| url | string | r/w | Url or Path to a file. | + + +### Constructor: MapTilesOptions() {#MapTilesOptions__1} + + +``` + MapTilesOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapTilesOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dc4d96f38c59 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder +type: docs +weight: 520 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/mapgeneratoroptions/) | Options from produce geometries on surface or area. | +| [MapLayersGenerator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/maplayersgenerator/) | Map layers generator | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/mapgeneratoroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/mapgeneratoroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4105e23fed27 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/mapgeneratoroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +--- +title: MapGeneratorOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/mapgeneratoroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options from produce geometries on surface or area. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder.MapGeneratorOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapGeneratorOptions()](#MapGeneratorOptions__1) | Create an instance using default options. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| height | int | r/w | Height of the map (rows count). | +| width | int | r/w | Width of the map (columns count). | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clone object to one another. | + + +### Constructor: MapGeneratorOptions() {#MapGeneratorOptions__1} + + +``` + MapGeneratorOptions() +``` + +Create an instance using default options. + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clone object to one another. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [MapGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/mapgeneratoroptions) | Clone object to one another [MapGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/mapgeneratoroptions/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/maplayersgenerator/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/maplayersgenerator/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5feca4b3fd22 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/maplayersgenerator/ @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +--- +title: MapLayersGenerator Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/maplayersgenerator/ +--- + +**Summary:** Map layers generator + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder.MapLayersGenerator + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MapLayersGenerator()](#MapLayersGenerator__1) | Initializes a new instance of the MapLayersGenerator class | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_list_of_layers(options)](#get_list_of_layers_options_1) | Get list of layers: roadLayer, buildingLayer, parkLayer, parkRoadLayer, industrialLayer. | +| [produce_map(options)](#produce_map_options_2) | Produce map. | + + +### Constructor: MapLayersGenerator() {#MapLayersGenerator__1} + + +``` + MapLayersGenerator() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MapLayersGenerator class + +### Method: get_list_of_layers(options) [static] {#get_list_of_layers_options_1} + + +``` + get_list_of_layers(options) +``` + +Get list of layers: roadLayer, buildingLayer, parkLayer, parkRoadLayer, industrialLayer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| options | [MapGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/mapgeneratoroptions) | Map generator options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.List | The list of layers with generated geometry. | + + +### Method: produce_map(options) [static] {#produce_map_options_2} + + +``` + produce_map(options) +``` + +Produce map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| options | [MapGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.mapbuilder/mapgeneratoroptions) | Map generator options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) | The completed map. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e1800f5f919e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer +type: docs +weight: 530 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WayLayerGenerator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/waylayergenerator/) | Way layers generator | +| [WayOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/wayoptions/) | Options to find a way on the map | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/waylayergenerator/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/waylayergenerator/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f6eff2fe6b07 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/waylayergenerator/ @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +--- +title: WayLayerGenerator Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/waylayergenerator/ +--- + +**Summary:** Way layers generator + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer.WayLayerGenerator + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WayLayerGenerator(options)](#WayLayerGenerator_options_1) | Create an instance of [WayLayerGenerator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/waylayergenerator/) | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_block(x, y, size_x, size_y, velocity)](#add_block_x_y_size_x_size_y_velocity_1) | Add block to the cell | +| [add_road(start_point, end_point, velocity)](#add_road_start_point_end_point_velocity_2) | Add road to the cell | +| [find_the_way(start_point, goal_point, radius)](#find_the_way_start_point_goal_point_radius_3) | Find the way from start point to goal | + + +### Constructor: WayLayerGenerator(options) {#WayLayerGenerator_options_1} + + +``` + WayLayerGenerator(options) +``` + +Create an instance of [WayLayerGenerator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/waylayergenerator/) + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| options | [WayOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/wayoptions) | the options of generator. | + +### Method: add_block(x, y, size_x, size_y, velocity) {#add_block_x_y_size_x_size_y_velocity_1} + + +``` + add_block(x, y, size_x, size_y, velocity) +``` + +Add block to the cell + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | int | the x of block | +| y | int | the y of block | +| size_x | int | the sizeX of block | +| size_y | int | the sizeY of block | +| velocity | double | the velocity of block | + +### Method: add_road(start_point, end_point, velocity) {#add_road_start_point_end_point_velocity_2} + + +``` + add_road(start_point, end_point, velocity) +``` + +Add road to the cell + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| start_point | [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) | the start point. | +| end_point | [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) | the end point. | +| velocity | double | the velocity. | + +### Method: find_the_way(start_point, goal_point, radius) {#find_the_way_start_point_goal_point_radius_3} + + +``` + find_the_way(start_point, goal_point, radius) +``` + +Find the way from start point to goal + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| start_point | [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) | the start Point | +| goal_point | [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) | the goa lPoint | +| radius | double | the radius to look for | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LineString](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/linestring/) | The Found Way. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/wayoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/wayoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4234826f6823 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/wayoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +--- +title: WayOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/wayoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options to find a way on the map + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer.WayOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WayOptions(scale)](#WayOptions_scale_1) | Create an instance using default options. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| goal_point | [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) | r/w | Goal point of the way | +| is_move_only_road | bool | r/w | Find the way only by road | +| is_scale_fixed | bool | r | Is scale constant | +| radius | double | r/w | Radius for search | +| scale | int | r/w | Scale of the map | +| start_point | [Point](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/point/) | r/w | Start point of the way | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clone object to one another. | + + +### Constructor: WayOptions(scale) {#WayOptions_scale_1} + + +``` + WayOptions(scale) +``` + +Create an instance using default options. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| scale | int | the scale constant | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clone object to one another. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [WayOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/wayoptions) | Clone object to one another [WayOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools.wayanalyzer/wayoptions/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..62a21105d7ed --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.geotools +type: docs +weight: 490 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeneratorTiles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortiles/) | Generator of tiles | +| [GeneratorTilesRenderOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortilesrenderoptions/) | Options to render tiles | +| [GeoGenerator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geogenerator/) | Generator of random points, lines and polygons on given planes. | +| [GeometryOperations](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geometryoperations/) | The geometry operations class provides additional geoprocessing algorithms for geometries. | +| [LineGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/linegeneratoroptions/) | Options from produce lines on surface or area. | +| [NearPointsCleanerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/nearpointscleaneroptions/) | Options for deleting points that are too close to each other. | +| [PointGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/pointgeneratoroptions/) | Options from produce points on surface or area. | +| [PolygonGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/polygongeneratoroptions/) | Options from produce lines on surface or area. | +| [SimplifySegmentsOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/simplifysegmentsoptions/) | Options for Aspose.Gis.GeoTools.GeometryOperations.SimplifySegments(Aspose.Gis.Geometries.IGeometry,Aspose.Gis.GeoTools.SimplifySegmentsOptions). | +| [StarGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/stargeneratoroptions/) | Generator-specific options for [GeoGenerator.produce_polygons(rect, options)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geogenerator/). | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeneratorPlaces](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatorplaces/) | Describes the object places using by the [GeoGenerator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geogenerator/). | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatorplaces/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatorplaces/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5115df51c2f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatorplaces/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: GeneratorPlaces Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 210 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatorplaces/ +--- + +Describes the object places using by the [GeoGenerator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geogenerator/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.GeneratorPlaces + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| RANDOM | Places by random. | +| REGULAR | Places in centers | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortiles/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortiles/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f6378aedda13 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortiles/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: GeneratorTiles Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortiles/ +--- + +**Summary:** Generator of tiles + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.GeneratorTiles + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [generate_tiles(layer, out_directory, zoom, options)](#generate_tiles_layer_out_directory_zoom_options_1) | Generate tiles with zoom to output directory | +| [generate_tiles(layers, out_directory, zoom, options)](#generate_tiles_layers_out_directory_zoom_options_2) | Generate tiles with zoom to output directory | + + +### Method: generate_tiles(layer, out_directory, zoom, options) [static] {#generate_tiles_layer_out_directory_zoom_options_1} + + +``` + generate_tiles(layer, out_directory, zoom, options) +``` + +Generate tiles with zoom to output directory + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | | +| out_directory | string | Output directory | +| zoom | int | Zoom level for tiles | +| options | [GeneratorTilesRenderOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortilesrenderoptions) | Options to render tiles | + +### Method: generate_tiles(layers, out_directory, zoom, options) [static] {#generate_tiles_layers_out_directory_zoom_options_2} + + +``` + generate_tiles(layers, out_directory, zoom, options) +``` + +Generate tiles with zoom to output directory + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layers | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | Imput layers | +| out_directory | string | Output directory | +| zoom | int | Zoom level for tiles | +| options | [GeneratorTilesRenderOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortilesrenderoptions) | Options to render tiles | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortilesrenderoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortilesrenderoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..899a3957b60f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortilesrenderoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: GeneratorTilesRenderOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatortilesrenderoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options to render tiles + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.GeneratorTilesRenderOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeneratorTilesRenderOptions()](#GeneratorTilesRenderOptions__1) | Create an instance with init fields by default. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| background_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Background color | +| geometry_symbolizer | [MixedGeometrySymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/mixedgeometrysymbolizer/) | r/w | Applies correct symbolizer to a feature geometry according to its geometry type | +| tile_name_template | string | r | Tile name template | +| tile_size | double | r | Size of tile | + + +### Constructor: GeneratorTilesRenderOptions() {#GeneratorTilesRenderOptions__1} + + +``` + GeneratorTilesRenderOptions() +``` + +Create an instance with init fields by default. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geogenerator/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geogenerator/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2ab72e2d0021 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geogenerator/ @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +--- +title: GeoGenerator Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geogenerator/ +--- + +**Summary:** Generator of random points, lines and polygons on given planes. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.GeoGenerator + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [produce_lines(rect, options)](#produce_lines_rect_options_1) | Creates a new ILineString Enumerator with a given number of random items, all of them within a given extent. | +| [produce_points(rect, options)](#produce_points_rect_options_2) | Creates an array of points belonging to the specified area. | +| [produce_polygons(rect, options)](#produce_polygons_rect_options_3) | Creates a new IPolygon Enumerator with a given number of random items, all of them within a given extent. | +| [produce_stars(rect, options)](#produce_stars_rect_options_4) | Creates an array of stars, all of them within a given extent. | + + +### Method: produce_lines(rect, options) [static] {#produce_lines_rect_options_1} + + +``` + produce_lines(rect, options) +``` + +Creates a new ILineString Enumerator with a given number of random items, all of them within a given extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| rect | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Specified area (see Extent) | +| options | [LineGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/linegeneratoroptions) | Line creation options (see LineGeneratorOptions) | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | Array of lines (see enumeration of ILineString) | + + +### Method: produce_points(rect, options) [static] {#produce_points_rect_options_2} + + +``` + produce_points(rect, options) +``` + +Creates an array of points belonging to the specified area. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| rect | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Specified area (see Extent). | +| options | [PointGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/pointgeneratoroptions) | Point creation options (see PointGeneratorOptions). | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | Array of points (see enumeration of IGeometry). | + + +### Method: produce_polygons(rect, options) [static] {#produce_polygons_rect_options_3} + + +``` + produce_polygons(rect, options) +``` + +Creates a new IPolygon Enumerator with a given number of random items, all of them within a given extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| rect | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Specified area (see Extent) | +| options | [PolygonGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/polygongeneratoroptions) | Polygon creation options (see PolygonGeneratorOptions) | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | Array of polygons (see enumeration of IPolygon) | + + +### Method: produce_stars(rect, options) [static] {#produce_stars_rect_options_4} + + +``` + produce_stars(rect, options) +``` + +Creates an array of stars, all of them within a given extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| rect | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Specified area (see Extent) | +| options | [StarGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/stargeneratoroptions) | Polygon creation options (see StarGeneratorOptions) | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | Array of stars (see enumeration of IPolygon) | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geometryoperations/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geometryoperations/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..77de2300f1fe --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geometryoperations/ @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +--- +title: GeometryOperations Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geometryoperations/ +--- + +**Summary:** The geometry operations class provides additional geoprocessing algorithms for geometries. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.GeometryOperations + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [build_centerline(polygon)](#build_centerline_polygon_1) | Build centerline diagram for polygon | +| [build_centerline(sites)](#build_centerline_sites_2) | Build centerline diagram for collection of points (sites) | +| [close_linear_ring(geometry)](#close_linear_ring_geometry_3) | Closes geometric segments in rings if it needs. | +| [create_midpoints(geometry)](#create_midpoints_geometry_4) | Create midpoints by adding a new point in the middle to each segment. | +| [delete_near_points(geometry, options)](#delete_near_points_geometry_options_5) | Delete points that are too close to each other. | +| [extract_geometry_collection(layer)](#extract_geometry_collection_layer_6) | Extract geometry collection from layer | +| [get_centerline_length(polygon)](#get_centerline_length_polygon_7) | Get centerline Length | +| [get_centerline_length(sites)](#get_centerline_length_sites_8) | Get centerline Length | +| [make_voronoi_graph(sites)](#make_voronoi_graph_sites_9) | Build "Voronoi" diagram for collection of points (sites) | +| [order_geometry_collection(geometry)](#order_geometry_collection_geometry_10) | Order geometry collection by type to four collection (point, line, polygon and other type) | +| [simplify_segments(geometry, options)](#simplify_segments_geometry_options_11) | Delete points lying on the same segment. | + + +### Method: build_centerline(polygon) [static] {#build_centerline_polygon_1} + + +``` + build_centerline(polygon) +``` + +Build centerline diagram for polygon + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| polygon | [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) | Polygon for centerline diagram | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.List | Collection of centerline edges | + + +### Method: build_centerline(sites) [static] {#build_centerline_sites_2} + + +``` + build_centerline(sites) +``` + +Build centerline diagram for collection of points (sites) + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| sites | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | Collection of points (sites) | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.List | Collection of centerline edges | + + +### Method: close_linear_ring(geometry) [static] {#close_linear_ring_geometry_3} + + +``` + close_linear_ring(geometry) +``` + +Closes geometric segments in rings if it needs. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | Geometry for closing. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | The geometry after closing. | + + +### Method: create_midpoints(geometry) [static] {#create_midpoints_geometry_4} + + +``` + create_midpoints(geometry) +``` + +Create midpoints by adding a new point in the middle to each segment. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | Geometry for processing. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | The geometry after processing. | + + +### Method: delete_near_points(geometry, options) [static] {#delete_near_points_geometry_options_5} + + +``` + delete_near_points(geometry, options) +``` + +Delete points that are too close to each other. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | Geometry for deleting the nearest points. | +| options | [NearPointsCleanerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/nearpointscleaneroptions) | Options for deleting the nearest points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | The geometry after deleting nearest point. | + + +### Method: extract_geometry_collection(layer) [static] {#extract_geometry_collection_layer_6} + + +``` + extract_geometry_collection(layer) +``` + +Extract geometry collection from layer + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | Input layer | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | The collection contains all geometries of input layer | + + +### Method: get_centerline_length(polygon) [static] {#get_centerline_length_polygon_7} + + +``` + get_centerline_length(polygon) +``` + +Get centerline Length + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| polygon | [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) | Polygon for centerline diagram | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | Length of centerline edges | + + +### Method: get_centerline_length(sites) [static] {#get_centerline_length_sites_8} + + +``` + get_centerline_length(sites) +``` + +Get centerline Length + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| sites | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | Collection of points (sites) | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | Length of centerline edges | + + +### Method: make_voronoi_graph(sites) [static] {#make_voronoi_graph_sites_9} + + +``` + make_voronoi_graph(sites) +``` + +Build "Voronoi" diagram for collection of points (sites) + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| sites | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | Collection of points (sites) | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.List | Collection of edges voronoi's diagram | + + +### Method: order_geometry_collection(geometry) [static] {#order_geometry_collection_geometry_10} + + +``` + order_geometry_collection(geometry) +``` + +Order geometry collection by type to four collection (point, line, polygon and other type) + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | Geometry collection for order | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | The collection contains four collections (point, line, polygon and other type) | + + +### Method: simplify_segments(geometry, options) [static] {#simplify_segments_geometry_options_11} + + +``` + simplify_segments(geometry, options) +``` + +Delete points lying on the same segment. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | Geometry for deleting extra point | +| options | [SimplifySegmentsOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/simplifysegmentsoptions) | Options for deleting extra point | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | The geometry after deleting extra point | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/linegeneratoroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/linegeneratoroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0d604e7952ab --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/linegeneratoroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: LineGeneratorOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/linegeneratoroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options from produce lines on surface or area. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.LineGeneratorOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LineGeneratorOptions()](#LineGeneratorOptions__1) | Create an instance with init fields by default. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r/w | Number of lines to create. | +| place | [GeneratorPlaces](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatorplaces) | r/w | Placing mode in generated cells. | +| seed | int | r/w | A number used to calculate the seed value for a sequence of pseudo-random numbers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clone object to one another. | + + +### Constructor: LineGeneratorOptions() {#LineGeneratorOptions__1} + + +``` + LineGeneratorOptions() +``` + +Create an instance with init fields by default. + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clone object to one another. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LineGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/linegeneratoroptions) | Clone object to one another [LineGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/linegeneratoroptions/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/nearpointscleaneroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/nearpointscleaneroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6196ca653a12 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/nearpointscleaneroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +--- +title: NearPointsCleanerOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/nearpointscleaneroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for deleting points that are too close to each other. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.NearPointsCleanerOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [NearPointsCleanerOptions()](#NearPointsCleanerOptions__1) | Create an instance with init fields by default. | +| [NearPointsCleanerOptions(source)](#NearPointsCleanerOptions_source_2) | Create copy of instance [NearPointsCleanerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/nearpointscleaneroptions/). | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | r/w | Parameter for check is point near to another point. Default value is 0. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Create copy of object. | + + +### Constructor: NearPointsCleanerOptions() {#NearPointsCleanerOptions__1} + + +``` + NearPointsCleanerOptions() +``` + +Create an instance with init fields by default. + +### Constructor: NearPointsCleanerOptions(source) {#NearPointsCleanerOptions_source_2} + + +``` + NearPointsCleanerOptions(source) +``` + +Create copy of instance [NearPointsCleanerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/nearpointscleaneroptions/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| source | [NearPointsCleanerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/nearpointscleaneroptions) | The source object. | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Create copy of object. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [NearPointsCleanerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/nearpointscleaneroptions) | The options clone. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/pointgeneratoroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/pointgeneratoroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a62d3eea315e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/pointgeneratoroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: PointGeneratorOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/pointgeneratoroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options from produce points on surface or area. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.PointGeneratorOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PointGeneratorOptions()](#PointGeneratorOptions__1) | Create an instance using default options. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r/w | Number of points to create. | +| place | [GeneratorPlaces](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatorplaces) | r/w | Placing mode in generated cells. | +| seed | int | r/w | A number used to calculate the seed value for a sequence of pseudo-random numbers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clone object to one another. | + + +### Constructor: PointGeneratorOptions() {#PointGeneratorOptions__1} + + +``` + PointGeneratorOptions() +``` + +Create an instance using default options. + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clone object to one another. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PointGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/pointgeneratoroptions) | Clone object to one another [PointGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/pointgeneratoroptions/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/polygongeneratoroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/polygongeneratoroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ea0e44ce8a0d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/polygongeneratoroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: PolygonGeneratorOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/polygongeneratoroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options from produce lines on surface or area. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.PolygonGeneratorOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PolygonGeneratorOptions()](#PolygonGeneratorOptions__1) | Create an instance with init fields by default. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r/w | Number of polygons to create. | +| maximum_polygon_points | int | r/w | The maximum length of the generated polygon. | +| minimum_polygon_points | int | r/w | The minimum length of the generated polygon. | +| place | [GeneratorPlaces](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatorplaces) | r/w | Placing mode in generated cells. | +| seed | int | r/w | A number used to calculate the seed value for a sequence of pseudo-random numbers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clone object to one another. | + + +### Constructor: PolygonGeneratorOptions() {#PolygonGeneratorOptions__1} + + +``` + PolygonGeneratorOptions() +``` + +Create an instance with init fields by default. + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clone object to one another. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PolygonGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/polygongeneratoroptions) | Clone object to one another [PolygonGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/polygongeneratoroptions/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/simplifysegmentsoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/simplifysegmentsoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..069523eada6e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/simplifysegmentsoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +--- +title: SimplifySegmentsOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 160 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/simplifysegmentsoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for Aspose.Gis.GeoTools.GeometryOperations.SimplifySegments(Aspose.Gis.Geometries.IGeometry,Aspose.Gis.GeoTools.SimplifySegmentsOptions). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.SimplifySegmentsOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SimplifySegmentsOptions()](#SimplifySegmentsOptions__1) | Create an instance with init fields by default. | +| [SimplifySegmentsOptions(source)](#SimplifySegmentsOptions_source_2) | Create copy of instance [SimplifySegmentsOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/simplifysegmentsoptions/). | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| distance | double | r/w | Parameter for check is point near to line segment. Default value is 0. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Create copy of object. | + + +### Constructor: SimplifySegmentsOptions() {#SimplifySegmentsOptions__1} + + +``` + SimplifySegmentsOptions() +``` + +Create an instance with init fields by default. + +### Constructor: SimplifySegmentsOptions(source) {#SimplifySegmentsOptions_source_2} + + +``` + SimplifySegmentsOptions(source) +``` + +Create copy of instance [SimplifySegmentsOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/simplifysegmentsoptions/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| source | [SimplifySegmentsOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/simplifysegmentsoptions) | The source object. | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Create copy of object. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SimplifySegmentsOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/simplifysegmentsoptions) | The options clone. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/stargeneratoroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/stargeneratoroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..03243046bac2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/stargeneratoroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: StarGeneratorOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 170 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/stargeneratoroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Generator-specific options for [GeoGenerator.produce_polygons(rect, options)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/geogenerator/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.geotools](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.geotools.StarGeneratorOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [StarGeneratorOptions()](#StarGeneratorOptions__1) | Create an instance with init fields by default. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r/w | Number of polygons to create. | +| maximum_star_vertex | int | r/w | The maximum outside vertex of the generated side. | +| minimum_star_vertex | int | r/w | The minimum outside vertex of the generated side. | +| place | [GeneratorPlaces](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/generatorplaces) | r/w | Placing mode in generated cells. | +| seed | int | r/w | A number used to calculate the seed value for a sequence of pseudo-random numbers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clone object to one another. | + + +### Constructor: StarGeneratorOptions() {#StarGeneratorOptions__1} + + +``` + StarGeneratorOptions() +``` + +Create an instance with init fields by default. + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clone object to one another. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [StarGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/stargeneratoroptions) | Clone object to one another [PolygonGeneratorOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geotools/polygongeneratoroptions/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c8ae7f29d686 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.imagemetadata +type: docs +weight: 540 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeoLocation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/geolocation/) | The class representing a geographic location | +| [ImageData](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagedata/) | Class containing all extracted supported EXIF tags | +| [ImageMetadataReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagemetadatareader/) | Class for editing, adding some EXIF tags | +| [ImageSize](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagesize/) | The class representing image size | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ImageFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imageformat/) | Specifies the file format of the image. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/geolocation/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/geolocation/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..937d8c2bb86c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/geolocation/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: GeoLocation Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/geolocation/ +--- + +**Summary:** The class representing a geographic location + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.imagemetadata](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.imagemetadata.GeoLocation + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| latitude | double | r | Latitude of GeoLocation | +| longitude | double | r | Longitude of GeoLocation | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagedata/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagedata/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b3dfaefeba10 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagedata/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- +title: ImageData Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagedata/ +--- + +**Summary:** Class containing all extracted supported EXIF tags + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.imagemetadata](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.imagemetadata.ImageData + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| artist | string | r | EXIF tag Artist | +| description | string | r | EXIF tag ImageDescription | +| geo_location | [GeoLocation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/geolocation) | r | EXIF tags tags GPSLatitude, GPSLongitude | +| image_size | [ImageSize](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagesize) | r | EXIF tags tags ImageWidth and ImageHeight | +| modify_date | datetime | r | EXIF tag ModifyDate (DataTime) | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imageformat/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imageformat/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8aae9a5f7cf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imageformat/ @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: ImageFormat Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imageformat/ +--- + +Specifies the file format of the image. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.imagemetadata](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.imagemetadata.ImageFormat + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BMP | Bmp image format | +| EMF | Emf image format | +| EXIF | Exif image format | +| GIF | Gif image format | +| ICON | Icon image format | +| JPEG | Jpeg image format | +| MEMORY_BMP | MemoryBmp image format | +| PNG | Png image format | +| TIFF | Tiff image format | +| WMF | Wmf image format | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagemetadatareader/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagemetadatareader/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8edd76683328 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagemetadatareader/ @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +--- +title: ImageMetadataReader Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagemetadatareader/ +--- + +**Summary:** Class for editing, adding some EXIF tags + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.imagemetadata](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.imagemetadata.ImageMetadataReader + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_reader(file_name)](#get_reader_file_name_1) | Creates a reader instance for EXIF tags | +| [get_reader(stream)](#get_reader_stream_2) | Creates a reader instance for EXIF tags | +| [read_data()](#read_data__3) | Extracts all supported EXIF tags | +| [save(file_name)](#save_file_name_4) | Save to new file since the original one is locked for changes | +| [save(file_name, format)](#save_file_name_format_5) | Save to new file since the original one is locked for changes | +| [save(stream)](#save_stream_6) | Saving changes to a separate stream | +| [save(stream, format)](#save_stream_format_7) | Saving changes to a separate stream | +| [set_artist(artist)](#set_artist_artist_8) | Saving the EXIF Artist tag, adding or overwriting the data. | +| [set_description(description)](#set_description_description_9) | Saving the EXIF ImageDescription tag, adding or overwriting the data. | +| [set_geo_location(latitude, longitude)](#set_geo_location_latitude_longitude_10) | Saving the EXIF GPSLatitudeRef, GPSLongitudeRef, GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude tags, adding or overwriting the data. | +| [set_image_size(width, height)](#set_image_size_width_height_11) | Saving the EXIF ImageWidth and ImageHeight tags, adding or overwriting the data. | +| [set_modify_date(modify_date)](#set_modify_date_modify_date_12) | Saving the EXIF ModifyDate (DataTime) tag, adding or overwriting the data. | +| [try_get_artist(artist)](#try_get_artist_artist_13) | It tries to find EXIF tag Artist, if the tag is not found it returns null | +| [try_get_description(description)](#try_get_description_description_14) | It tries to find EXIF tag ImageDescription, if the tag is not found it returns null | +| [try_get_geo_location(geo_location)](#try_get_geo_location_geo_location_15) | It tries to find EXIF set of tags GPSLatitudeRef, GPSLongitudeRef, GPSLatitude, GPSLongitude, if the tags does not presented it returns null | +| [try_get_image_size(image_size)](#try_get_image_size_image_size_16) | It tries to find EXIF set of tags ImageWidth and ImageHeight, if the tags does not presented it returns null | +| [try_get_modify_date(modify_date)](#try_get_modify_date_modify_date_17) | It tries to find EXIF tag ModifyDate (DataTime), if the tag is not found it returns default DataTime value | + + +### Method: get_reader(file_name) [static] {#get_reader_file_name_1} + + +``` + get_reader(file_name) +``` + +Creates a reader instance for EXIF tags + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| file_name | string | Full name of the image file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ImageMetadataReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagemetadatareader) | Metadata reader instance | + + +### Method: get_reader(stream) [static] {#get_reader_stream_2} + + +``` + get_reader(stream) +``` + +Creates a reader instance for EXIF tags + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | Image data source stream | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ImageMetadataReader](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagemetadatareader) | Metadata reader instance | + + +### Method: read_data() {#read_data__3} + + +``` + read_data() +``` + +Extracts all supported EXIF tags + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ImageData](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagedata) | ImageData that represented set of supported tags | + + +### Method: save(file_name) {#save_file_name_4} + + +``` + save(file_name) +``` + +Save to new file since the original one is locked for changes + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| file_name | string | Full name of the destination file | + +### Method: save(file_name, format) {#save_file_name_format_5} + + +``` + save(file_name, format) +``` + +Save to new file since the original one is locked for changes + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| file_name | string | Full name of the destination file | +| format | [ImageFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imageformat) | Specifies the format for saving | + +### Method: save(stream) {#save_stream_6} + + +``` + save(stream) +``` + +Saving changes to a separate stream + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | Destination stream | + +### Method: save(stream, format) {#save_stream_format_7} + + +``` + save(stream, format) +``` + +Saving changes to a separate stream + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | Destination stream | +| format | [ImageFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imageformat) | Specifies the format for saving | + +### Method: set_artist(artist) {#set_artist_artist_8} + + +``` + set_artist(artist) +``` + +Saving the EXIF Artist tag, adding or overwriting the data. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| artist | string | The artist. | + +### Method: set_description(description) {#set_description_description_9} + + +``` + set_description(description) +``` + +Saving the EXIF ImageDescription tag, adding or overwriting the data. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| description | string | The description. | + +### Method: set_geo_location(latitude, longitude) {#set_geo_location_latitude_longitude_10} + + +``` + set_geo_location(latitude, longitude) +``` + +Saving the EXIF GPSLatitudeRef, GPSLongitudeRef, GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude tags, adding or overwriting the data. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| latitude | double | The latitude. | +| longitude | double | The longitude. | + +### Method: set_image_size(width, height) {#set_image_size_width_height_11} + + +``` + set_image_size(width, height) +``` + +Saving the EXIF ImageWidth and ImageHeight tags, adding or overwriting the data. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | int | The width. | +| height | int | The height. | + +### Method: set_modify_date(modify_date) {#set_modify_date_modify_date_12} + + +``` + set_modify_date(modify_date) +``` + +Saving the EXIF ModifyDate (DataTime) tag, adding or overwriting the data. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| modify_date | datetime | The modify date. | + +### Method: try_get_artist(artist) {#try_get_artist_artist_13} + + +``` + try_get_artist(artist) +``` + +It tries to find EXIF tag Artist, if the tag is not found it returns null + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| artist | String | The artist. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | True if successful | + + +### Method: try_get_description(description) {#try_get_description_description_14} + + +``` + try_get_description(description) +``` + +It tries to find EXIF tag ImageDescription, if the tag is not found it returns null + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| description | String | The description. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | True if successful | + + +### Method: try_get_geo_location(geo_location) {#try_get_geo_location_geo_location_15} + + +``` + try_get_geo_location(geo_location) +``` + +It tries to find EXIF set of tags GPSLatitudeRef, GPSLongitudeRef, GPSLatitude, GPSLongitude, if the tags does not presented it returns null + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geo_location | [GeoLocation[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/geolocation) | The geo location. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | True if successful | + + +### Method: try_get_image_size(image_size) {#try_get_image_size_image_size_16} + + +``` + try_get_image_size(image_size) +``` + +It tries to find EXIF set of tags ImageWidth and ImageHeight, if the tags does not presented it returns null + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| image_size | [ImageSize[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagesize) | Size of the image. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | True if successful | + + +### Method: try_get_modify_date(modify_date) {#try_get_modify_date_modify_date_17} + + +``` + try_get_modify_date(modify_date) +``` + +It tries to find EXIF tag ModifyDate (DataTime), if the tag is not found it returns default DataTime value + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| modify_date | datetime[] | The modify date. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | True if successful | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagesize/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagesize/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..52971ebdf730 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagesize/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: ImageSize Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/imagesize/ +--- + +**Summary:** The class representing image size + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.imagemetadata](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.imagemetadata/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.imagemetadata.ImageSize + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| height | int | r | Height of Image | +| width | int | r | Width of Image | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6d82955c4dba --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree +type: docs +weight: 560 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BPlusTreeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree/bplustreeoptions/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree/bplustreeoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree/bplustreeoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f6aec7356208 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree/bplustreeoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: BPlusTreeOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree/bplustreeoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.indexing.bplustree.BPlusTreeOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BPlusTreeOptions()](#BPlusTreeOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the BPlusTreeOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| cache_size | int | r/w | | +| dirty_nodes_capacity | int | r/w | | +| max_values_per_node | int | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: BPlusTreeOptions() {#BPlusTreeOptions__1} + + +``` + BPlusTreeOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the BPlusTreeOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2afa01069eb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree +type: docs +weight: 570 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [QixTree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtree/) | | +| [QixTreeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtreeoptions/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtree/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtree/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0551cac2a450 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtree/ @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +--- +title: QixTree Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtree/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree.QixTree + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [nearest_candidate_to(point)](#nearest_candidate_to_point_1) | | +| [open(path)](#open_path_2) | | +| [open(path, options)](#open_path_options_3) | | +| [where_intersects_candidates(search_rectangle)](#where_intersects_candidates_search_rectangle_4) | | + + +### Method: nearest_candidate_to(point) {#nearest_candidate_to_point_1} + + +``` + nearest_candidate_to(point) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| point | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| list[int] | | + + +### Method: open(path) [static] {#open_path_2} + + +``` + open(path) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [QixTree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtree) | | + + +### Method: open(path, options) [static] {#open_path_options_3} + + +``` + open(path, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/) | | +| options | [QixTreeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtreeoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [QixTree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtree) | | + + +### Method: where_intersects_candidates(search_rectangle) {#where_intersects_candidates_search_rectangle_4} + + +``` + where_intersects_candidates(search_rectangle) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| search_rectangle | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| list[int] | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtreeoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtreeoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cc09a92c9d4b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtreeoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: QixTreeOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/qixtreeoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.indexing.qixtree.QixTreeOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [QixTreeOptions()](#QixTreeOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the QixTreeOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| cache_size | int | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: QixTreeOptions() {#QixTreeOptions__1} + + +``` + QixTreeOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the QixTreeOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a78734852817 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.indexing.rtree +type: docs +weight: 580 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RTree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtree/) | | +| [RTreeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtreeoptions/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtree/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtree/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..31b109361ce7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtree/ @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +--- +title: RTree Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtree/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.indexing.rtree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.indexing.rtree.RTree + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| is_new | bool | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| insert(data_extent, data_id) | | +| [nearest_candidate_to(point)](#nearest_candidate_to_point_1) | | +| [open(filename, options)](#open_filename_options_2) | | +| [open(path, max_values_per_node)](#open_path_max_values_per_node_3) | | +| [open(path, options)](#open_path_options_4) | | +| [open_in_memory(max_values_per_node)](#open_in_memory_max_values_per_node_5) | | +| [where_intersects(search_rectangle)](#where_intersects_search_rectangle_6) | | + + +### Method: nearest_candidate_to(point) {#nearest_candidate_to_point_1} + + +``` + nearest_candidate_to(point) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| point | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| list[int] | | + + +### Method: open(filename, options) [static] {#open_filename_options_2} + + +``` + open(filename, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| filename | string | | +| options | [RTreeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtreeoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RTree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtree) | | + + +### Method: open(path, max_values_per_node) [static] {#open_path_max_values_per_node_3} + + +``` + open(path, max_values_per_node) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/) | | +| max_values_per_node | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RTree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtree) | | + + +### Method: open(path, options) [static] {#open_path_options_4} + + +``` + open(path, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/) | | +| options | [RTreeOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtreeoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RTree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtree) | | + + +### Method: open_in_memory(max_values_per_node) [static] {#open_in_memory_max_values_per_node_5} + + +``` + open_in_memory(max_values_per_node) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| max_values_per_node | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RTree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtree) | | + + +### Method: where_intersects(search_rectangle) {#where_intersects_search_rectangle_6} + + +``` + where_intersects(search_rectangle) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| search_rectangle | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| list[int] | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtreeoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtreeoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b7055f75ebba --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtreeoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: RTreeOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/rtreeoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.indexing.rtree](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing.rtree/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.indexing.rtree.RTreeOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RTreeOptions()](#RTreeOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the RTreeOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| cache_size | int | r/w | | +| dirty_nodes_capacity | int | r/w | | +| max_values_per_node | int | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: RTreeOptions() {#RTreeOptions__1} + + +``` + RTreeOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the RTreeOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..14ee065cb9b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.indexing +type: docs +weight: 550 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [IndexingException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/indexingexception/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ValuesFilterType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/valuesfiltertype/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/indexingexception/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/indexingexception/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55ab4e13524d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/indexingexception/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: IndexingException Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/indexingexception/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.indexing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.indexing.IndexingException + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [IndexingException()](#IndexingException__1) | Initializes a new instance of the IndexingException class | +| [IndexingException(message)](#IndexingException_message_2) | Initializes a new instance of the IndexingException class | + + +### Constructor: IndexingException() {#IndexingException__1} + + +``` + IndexingException() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the IndexingException class + +### Constructor: IndexingException(message) {#IndexingException_message_2} + + +``` + IndexingException(message) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the IndexingException class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| message | string | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/valuesfiltertype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/valuesfiltertype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..28c17e4a77fd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/valuesfiltertype/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: ValuesFilterType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/valuesfiltertype/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.indexing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.indexing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.indexing.ValuesFilterType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| EQUAL | | +| GREATER | | +| GREATER_OR_EQUAL | | +| NOT_EQUAL | | +| SMALLER | | +| SMALLER_OR_EQUAL | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..42d4f9fb714a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.labeling.line +type: docs +weight: 600 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundLabelPosition](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/compoundlabelposition/) | | +| [CurvedLinePlacer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/curvedlineplacer/) | | +| [IAlongLinePlacer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/ialonglineplacer/) | | +| [LineGeometryUtils](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/linegeometryutils/) | | +| [LinePlacerContext](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/lineplacercontext/) | | +| [MeasuredLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredline/) | | +| [MeasuredLineSegment](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredlinesegment/) | | +| [ParallelLinePlacer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/parallellineplacer/) | | +| [StraightenSegments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/straightensegments/) | | +| [SymbolTetragon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/symboltetragon/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/compoundlabelposition/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/compoundlabelposition/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2d91b59100c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/compoundlabelposition/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +title: CompoundLabelPosition Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/compoundlabelposition/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling.line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.line.CompoundLabelPosition + +**Inheritance:** LabelPosition + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundLabelPosition(parts, cost)](#CompoundLabelPosition_parts_cost_1) | Initializes a new instance of the CompoundLabelPosition class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bounding_rectangle | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/) | r | | +| cost | double | r | | +| parts | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | + + +### Constructor: CompoundLabelPosition(parts, cost) {#CompoundLabelPosition_parts_cost_1} + + +``` + CompoundLabelPosition(parts, cost) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the CompoundLabelPosition class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parts | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | | +| cost | double | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/curvedlineplacer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/curvedlineplacer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a1c41d2354c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/curvedlineplacer/ @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +--- +title: CurvedLinePlacer Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/curvedlineplacer/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling.line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.line.CurvedLinePlacer + +**Inheritance:** IAlongLinePlacer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CurvedLinePlacer(context, label_widths)](#CurvedLinePlacer_context_label_widths_1) | Initializes a new instance of the CurvedLinePlacer class | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| accumulate_candidates(candidates, line) | | + + +### Constructor: CurvedLinePlacer(context, label_widths) {#CurvedLinePlacer_context_label_widths_1} + + +``` + CurvedLinePlacer(context, label_widths) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the CurvedLinePlacer class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| context | [LinePlacerContext](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/lineplacercontext) | | +| label_widths | double | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/ialonglineplacer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/ialonglineplacer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..368a9d61b892 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/ialonglineplacer/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: IAlongLinePlacer Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/ialonglineplacer/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling.line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.line.IAlongLinePlacer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| accumulate_candidates(candidates, line) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/linegeometryutils/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/linegeometryutils/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9c841dced25a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/linegeometryutils/ @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +--- +title: LineGeometryUtils Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/linegeometryutils/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling.line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.line.LineGeometryUtils + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [angle(end, start)](#angle_end_start_1) | | +| [angle_anti(end, start)](#angle_anti_end_start_2) | | +| [find_line_circle_intersection(charter_start, diameter, segment_start, segment_end)](#find_line_circle_intersection_charter_start_diameter_segment_start_segment_end_3) | | +| [normalized_angle(angle)](#normalized_angle_angle_4) | | + + +### Method: angle(end, start) [static] {#angle_end_start_1} + + +``` + angle(end, start) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| end | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | +| start | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: angle_anti(end, start) [static] {#angle_anti_end_start_2} + + +``` + angle_anti(end, start) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| end | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | +| start | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: find_line_circle_intersection(charter_start, diameter, segment_start, segment_end) [static] {#find_line_circle_intersection_charter_start_diameter_segment_start_segment_end_3} + + +``` + find_line_circle_intersection(charter_start, diameter, segment_start, segment_end) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| charter_start | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | +| diameter | double | | +| segment_start | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | +| segment_end | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | + + +### Method: normalized_angle(angle) [static] {#normalized_angle_angle_4} + + +``` + normalized_angle(angle) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| angle | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/lineplacercontext/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/lineplacercontext/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..95876a71fd4f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/lineplacercontext/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +--- +title: LinePlacerContext Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/lineplacercontext/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling.line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.line.LinePlacerContext + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LinePlacerContext()](#LinePlacerContext__1) | Initializes a new instance of the LinePlacerContext class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| candidates_limit | double | r/w | | +| label_height | double | r/w | | +| label_width | double | r/w | | +| line_offset | double | r/w | | +| max_angle_inside | double | r/w | | +| max_angle_outside | double | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: LinePlacerContext() {#LinePlacerContext__1} + + +``` + LinePlacerContext() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the LinePlacerContext class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredline/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredline/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..52eb6af56649 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredline/ @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +--- +title: MeasuredLine Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredline/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling.line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.line.MeasuredLine + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MeasuredLine(line)](#MeasuredLine_line_1) | Initializes a new instance of the MeasuredLine class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| distance_to_segment | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | +| is_closed | bool | r | | +| line | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | +| middle_of_line | double | r | | +| segment_lengths | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | +| total_line_length | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_point_by_distance(distance_along_line)](#get_point_by_distance_distance_along_line_1) | | +| [get_segment_index(distance_along_line)](#get_segment_index_distance_along_line_2) | | + + +### Constructor: MeasuredLine(line) {#MeasuredLine_line_1} + + +``` + MeasuredLine(line) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MeasuredLine class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| line | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | | + +### Method: get_point_by_distance(distance_along_line) {#get_point_by_distance_distance_along_line_1} + + +``` + get_point_by_distance(distance_along_line) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance_along_line | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | + + +### Method: get_segment_index(distance_along_line) {#get_segment_index_distance_along_line_2} + + +``` + get_segment_index(distance_along_line) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance_along_line | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredlinesegment/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredlinesegment/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5bcac40eb37f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredlinesegment/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: MeasuredLineSegment Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredlinesegment/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling.line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.line.MeasuredLineSegment + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MeasuredLineSegment(measured_line, start_index, end_index)](#MeasuredLineSegment_measured_line_start_index_end_index_1) | Initializes a new instance of the MeasuredLineSegment class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| along_line_center | double | r | | +| along_line_end | double | r | | +| along_line_start | double | r | | +| angle | double | r | | +| length | double | r | | + + +### Constructor: MeasuredLineSegment(measured_line, start_index, end_index) {#MeasuredLineSegment_measured_line_start_index_end_index_1} + + +``` + MeasuredLineSegment(measured_line, start_index, end_index) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the MeasuredLineSegment class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| measured_line | [MeasuredLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredline) | | +| start_index | int | | +| end_index | int | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/parallellineplacer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/parallellineplacer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6d8c96a65c74 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/parallellineplacer/ @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +--- +title: ParallelLinePlacer Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/parallellineplacer/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling.line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.line.ParallelLinePlacer + +**Inheritance:** IAlongLinePlacer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ParallelLinePlacer(context, is_parallel)](#ParallelLinePlacer_context_is_parallel_1) | Initializes a new instance of the ParallelLinePlacer class | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| accumulate_candidates(candidates, line) | | + + +### Constructor: ParallelLinePlacer(context, is_parallel) {#ParallelLinePlacer_context_is_parallel_1} + + +``` + ParallelLinePlacer(context, is_parallel) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ParallelLinePlacer class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| context | [LinePlacerContext](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/lineplacercontext) | | +| is_parallel | bool | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/straightensegments/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/straightensegments/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ebc7216c36a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/straightensegments/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +--- +title: StraightenSegments Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/straightensegments/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling.line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.line.StraightenSegments + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [StraightenSegments(measured_line)](#StraightenSegments_measured_line_1) | Initializes a new instance of the StraightenSegments class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| longest_length | double | r | | +| segments | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | + + +### Constructor: StraightenSegments(measured_line) {#StraightenSegments_measured_line_1} + + +``` + StraightenSegments(measured_line) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the StraightenSegments class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| measured_line | [MeasuredLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/measuredline) | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/symboltetragon/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/symboltetragon/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..21f6e6c0c4ea --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/symboltetragon/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +--- +title: SymbolTetragon Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/symboltetragon/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling.line](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling.line/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.line.SymbolTetragon + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SymbolTetragon(x, y, width, height, angle, symbol_index)](#SymbolTetragon_x_y_width_height_angle_symbol_index_1) | Initializes a new instance of the SymbolTetragon class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| angle | double | r | | +| symbol_index | int | r | | +| tetragon | [Tetragon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/tetragon) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| translate(delta) | | + + +### Constructor: SymbolTetragon(x, y, width, height, angle, symbol_index) {#SymbolTetragon_x_y_width_height_angle_symbol_index_1} + + +``` + SymbolTetragon(x, y, width, height, angle, symbol_index) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SymbolTetragon class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | | +| y | double | | +| width | double | | +| height | double | | +| angle | double | | +| symbol_index | int | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2389da79b928 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.labeling +type: docs +weight: 590 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ILabelStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ilabelstyle/) | | +| [Label](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/label/) | | +| [LabelPosition](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelposition/) | | +| [LabelPositionIntersector](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelpositionintersector/) | | +| [LabelsIndex](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelsindex/) | | +| [LabelsPlacer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelsplacer/) | | +| [PlacedLabel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/placedlabel/) | | +| [SimpleLabelPosition](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/simplelabelposition/) | | +| [Tetragon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/tetragon/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ilabelstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ilabelstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55ea4d95d2e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ilabelstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +--- +title: ILabelStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ilabelstyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.ILabelStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [measure_text(text)](#measure_text_text_1) | | +| [measure_text_characters(text)](#measure_text_characters_text_2) | | + + +### Method: measure_text(text) {#measure_text_text_1} + + +``` + measure_text(text) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Size](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size/) | | + + +### Method: measure_text_characters(text) {#measure_text_characters_text_2} + + +``` + measure_text_characters(text) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.List | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/label/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/label/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f06601e198fc --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/label/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: Label Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/label/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.Label + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Label(text, style, positions, priority)](#Label_text_style_positions_priority_1) | Initializes a new instance of the Label class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| possible_positions | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | +| priority | int | r | | +| style | [ILabelStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ilabelstyle) | r | | +| text | string | r | | + + +### Constructor: Label(text, style, positions, priority) {#Label_text_style_positions_priority_1} + + +``` + Label(text, style, positions, priority) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Label class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | +| style | [ILabelStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/ilabelstyle) | | +| positions | System.Collections.Generic.List | | +| priority | int | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelposition/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelposition/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e2ab737eeac1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelposition/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: LabelPosition Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelposition/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.LabelPosition + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bounding_rectangle | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/) | r | | +| cost | double | r | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelpositionintersector/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelpositionintersector/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..02136f73b9b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelpositionintersector/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: LabelPositionIntersector Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelpositionintersector/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.LabelPositionIntersector + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [intersects(position1, position2)](#intersects_position1_position2_1) | | + + +### Method: intersects(position1, position2) [static] {#intersects_position1_position2_1} + + +``` + intersects(position1, position2) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| position1 | [LabelPosition](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelposition) | | +| position2 | [LabelPosition](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelposition) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelsindex/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelsindex/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..aec7664911b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelsindex/ @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +--- +title: LabelsIndex Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelsindex/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.LabelsIndex + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LabelsIndex()](#LabelsIndex__1) | Initializes a new instance of the LabelsIndex class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | | +| labels | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| add_label(label) | | +| [has_intersections(position)](#has_intersections_position_1) | | + + +### Constructor: LabelsIndex() {#LabelsIndex__1} + + +``` + LabelsIndex() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the LabelsIndex class + +### Method: has_intersections(position) {#has_intersections_position_1} + + +``` + has_intersections(position) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| position | [LabelPosition](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelposition) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelsplacer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelsplacer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cca354720483 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelsplacer/ @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +--- +title: LabelsPlacer Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelsplacer/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.LabelsPlacer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LabelsPlacer(bounding_rectangle)](#LabelsPlacer_bounding_rectangle_1) | Initializes a new instance of the LabelsPlacer class | +| [LabelsPlacer(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)](#LabelsPlacer_x_min_y_min_x_max_y_max_2) | Initializes a new instance of the LabelsPlacer class | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| add_label_to_place(label) | | +| add_label_to_place(text, style, positions) | | +| [place_labels()](#place_labels__1) | | + + +### Constructor: LabelsPlacer(bounding_rectangle) {#LabelsPlacer_bounding_rectangle_1} + + +``` + LabelsPlacer(bounding_rectangle) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the LabelsPlacer class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| bounding_rectangle | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/) | | + +### Constructor: LabelsPlacer(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) {#LabelsPlacer_x_min_y_min_x_max_y_max_2} + + +``` + LabelsPlacer(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the LabelsPlacer class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x_min | double | | +| y_min | double | | +| x_max | double | | +| y_max | double | | + +### Method: place_labels() {#place_labels__1} + + +``` + place_labels() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/placedlabel/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/placedlabel/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..183bd8f17d41 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/placedlabel/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: PlacedLabel Class +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/placedlabel/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.PlacedLabel + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PlacedLabel(label, position_index)](#PlacedLabel_label_position_index_1) | Initializes a new instance of the PlacedLabel class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| label | [Label](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.topology.graph/label) | r | | +| position | [LabelPosition](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/labelposition) | r | | + + +### Constructor: PlacedLabel(label, position_index) {#PlacedLabel_label_position_index_1} + + +``` + PlacedLabel(label, position_index) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PlacedLabel class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| label | [Label](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.topology.graph/label) | | +| position_index | int | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/simplelabelposition/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/simplelabelposition/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cc7e13913f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/simplelabelposition/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: SimpleLabelPosition Class +type: docs +weight: 160 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/simplelabelposition/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.SimpleLabelPosition + +**Inheritance:** LabelPosition + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SimpleLabelPosition(rectangle, rotation, cost)](#SimpleLabelPosition_rectangle_rotation_cost_1) | Initializes a new instance of the SimpleLabelPosition class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bottom_left | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | r | | +| bounding_rectangle | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/) | r | | +| bounding_tetragon | [Tetragon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/tetragon) | r | | +| cost | double | r | | +| rotation | double | r | | + + +### Constructor: SimpleLabelPosition(rectangle, rotation, cost) {#SimpleLabelPosition_rectangle_rotation_cost_1} + + +``` + SimpleLabelPosition(rectangle, rotation, cost) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SimpleLabelPosition class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| rectangle | [Rectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/rectangle/) | | +| rotation | double | | +| cost | double | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/tetragon/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/tetragon/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0746e4fb8867 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/tetragon/ @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +--- +title: Tetragon Class +type: docs +weight: 190 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/tetragon/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.labeling.Tetragon + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Tetragon()](#Tetragon__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Tetragon class | +| [Tetragon(rectangle, angle)](#Tetragon_rectangle_angle_2) | Initializes a new instance of the Tetragon class | +| [Tetragon(x, y, width, height, angle)](#Tetragon_x_y_width_height_angle_3) | Initializes a new instance of the Tetragon class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| angle | double | r | | +| bounding_rectangle | [BoundingRectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/boundingrectangle/) | r | | +| c0 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | r | | +| c1 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | r | | +| c2 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | r | | +| c3 | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [intersects(tetragon)](#intersects_tetragon_1) | | +| [translate(delta)](#translate_delta_2) | | + + +### Constructor: Tetragon() {#Tetragon__1} + + +``` + Tetragon() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Tetragon class + +### Constructor: Tetragon(rectangle, angle) {#Tetragon_rectangle_angle_2} + + +``` + Tetragon(rectangle, angle) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Tetragon class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| rectangle | [Rectangle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/rectangle/) | | +| angle | double | | + +### Constructor: Tetragon(x, y, width, height, angle) {#Tetragon_x_y_width_height_angle_3} + + +``` + Tetragon(x, y, width, height, angle) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Tetragon class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | | +| y | double | | +| width | double | | +| height | double | | +| angle | double | | + +### Method: intersects(tetragon) {#intersects_tetragon_1} + + +``` + intersects(tetragon) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| tetragon | [Tetragon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/tetragon) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: translate(delta) {#translate_delta_2} + + +``` + translate(delta) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| delta | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Tetragon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.labeling/tetragon) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..575485230986 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.painting +type: docs +weight: 610 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintEngine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine/) | | +| [PaintEngineOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions/) | | +| [PaintEngineState](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintenginestate/) | | +| [PaintEngines](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengines/) | | +| [PaintLayerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions/) | | +| [Painter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painter/) | | +| [PainterBrush](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterbrush/) | | +| [PainterPen](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpen/) | | +| [PainterPenOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpenoptions/) | | +| [PaintingExtensions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintingextensions/) | | +| [PlacedCharacter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/placedcharacter/) | | +| [PolylinesShape](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/polylinesshape/) | | +| [SolidPainterBrush](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/solidpainterbrush/) | | +| [StrokeTemplates](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/stroketemplates/) | | +| [SvgGeometryOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svggeometryoptions/) | | +| [SvgOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgoptions/) | | +| [SvgTextureBrush](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgtexturebrush/) | | +| [SystemDrawingAdapter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingadapter/) | | +| [SystemDrawingPaintEngine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingpaintengine/) | | +| [SystemDrawingTextureBrush](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingtexturebrush/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BrushStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/brushstyle/) | | +| [PenCapStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/pencapstyle/) | | +| [PenLineJoin](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penlinejoin/) | | +| [PenStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penstyle/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/brushstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/brushstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..42893b10d118 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/brushstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: BrushStyle Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 210 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/brushstyle/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.BrushStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BACKWARD_DIAGONAL_HATCH | | +| CROSS_HATCH | | +| DIAGONAL_CROSS_HATCH | | +| FORWARD_DIAGONAL_HATCH | | +| HORIZONTAL_HATCH | | +| NONE | | +| SOLID | | +| VERTICAL_HATCH | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d7ebf0a11308 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine/ @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +--- +title: PaintEngine Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PaintEngine + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| rounded_height | double | r | | +| rounded_width | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| close() | | +| draw_characters(path) | | +| draw_ellipse(center, rx, ry) | | +| draw_image(stream, width, height, opacity) | | +| draw_polyline(polyline) | | +| draw_rectangle(rectangle) | | +| draw_shape(shape) | | +| draw_text(bottom_left, text) | | +| [measure_text(text, font)](#measure_text_text_font_1) | | +| [measure_text_characters(text, font)](#measure_text_characters_text_font_2) | | +| start_new_layer(new_options) | | +| update_state(state) | | + + +### Method: measure_text(text, font) {#measure_text_text_font_1} + + +``` + measure_text(text, font) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | +| font | System.Drawing.Font | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Size](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size/) | | + + +### Method: measure_text_characters(text, font) {#measure_text_characters_text_font_2} + + +``` + measure_text_characters(text, font) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | +| font | System.Drawing.Font | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.List | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..49a17f908492 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +--- +title: PaintEngineOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PaintEngineOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintEngineOptions()](#PaintEngineOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the PaintEngineOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| background_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | | +| height | int | r/w | | +| resolution | int | r/w | | +| width | int | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. | + + +### Constructor: PaintEngineOptions() {#PaintEngineOptions__1} + + +``` + PaintEngineOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PaintEngineOptions class + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintEngineOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengines/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengines/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..483f076544de --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengines/ @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +--- +title: PaintEngines Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengines/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PaintEngines + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [bmp(path, options)](#bmp_path_options_1) | | +| [g_svg(path, options)](#g_svg_path_options_2) | | +| [jpeg(path, options)](#jpeg_path_options_3) | | +| [png(path, options)](#png_path_options_4) | | +| [svg(path, options)](#svg_path_options_5) | | + + +### Method: bmp(path, options) [static] {#bmp_path_options_1} + + +``` + bmp(path, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/) | | +| options | [PaintEngineOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintEngine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine) | | + + +### Method: g_svg(path, options) [static] {#g_svg_path_options_2} + + +``` + g_svg(path, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/) | | +| options | [SvgGeometryOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svggeometryoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintEngine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine) | | + + +### Method: jpeg(path, options) [static] {#jpeg_path_options_3} + + +``` + jpeg(path, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/) | | +| options | [PaintEngineOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintEngine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine) | | + + +### Method: png(path, options) [static] {#png_path_options_4} + + +``` + png(path, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/) | | +| options | [PaintEngineOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintEngine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine) | | + + +### Method: svg(path, options) [static] {#svg_path_options_5} + + +``` + svg(path, options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPathInternal](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/abstractpathinternal/) | | +| options | [SvgOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintEngine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintenginestate/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintenginestate/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1b545ec1cbb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintenginestate/ @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: PaintEngineState Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintenginestate/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PaintEngineState + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintEngineState()](#PaintEngineState__1) | Initializes a new instance of the PaintEngineState class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| brush | [PainterBrush](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterbrush) | r/w | | +| font | System.Drawing.Font | r/w | | +| is_brush_dirty | bool | r | | +| is_dirty | bool | r | | +| is_font_dirty | bool | r | | +| is_pen_dirty | bool | r | | +| is_transfromation_dirty | bool | r | | +| pen | [PainterPen](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpen) | r/w | | +| transformation | [MatrixTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/matrixtransformation/) | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| rotate(cos, sin) | | +| rotate(degrees) | | +| scale(x, y) | | +| translate(x, y) | | + + +### Constructor: PaintEngineState() {#PaintEngineState__1} + + +``` + PaintEngineState() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PaintEngineState class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painter/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painter/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e1f095bfdf49 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painter/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +--- +title: Painter Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painter/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.Painter + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Painter(engine)](#Painter_engine_1) | Initializes a new instance of the Painter class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| brush | [PainterBrush](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterbrush) | r/w | | +| font | System.Drawing.Font | r/w | | +| pen | [PainterPen](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpen) | r/w | | +| rounded_height | double | r | | +| rounded_width | double | r | | +| tranformation | [MatrixTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/matrixtransformation/) | r/w | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| draw_characters(path) | | +| draw_ellipse(center, rx, ry) | | +| draw_image(image_path, width, height, opacity) | | +| draw_line(c0, c1) | | +| draw_polyline(polyline) | | +| draw_rectangle(rectangle) | | +| draw_shape(shape) | | +| draw_text(bottom_left, text) | | +| [measure_text(text, font)](#measure_text_text_font_1) | | +| [measure_text_characters(text, font)](#measure_text_characters_text_font_2) | | +| rotate(cos, sin) | | +| rotate(degrees) | | +| scale(zoom_x, zoom_y) | | +| start_new_layer(opacity) | | +| start_new_layer(options) | | +| translate(c) | | +| translate(x, y) | | + + +### Constructor: Painter(engine) {#Painter_engine_1} + + +``` + Painter(engine) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Painter class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| engine | [PaintEngine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengine) | | + +### Method: measure_text(text, font) {#measure_text_text_font_1} + + +``` + measure_text(text, font) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | +| font | System.Drawing.Font | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Size](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size/) | | + + +### Method: measure_text_characters(text, font) {#measure_text_characters_text_font_2} + + +``` + measure_text_characters(text, font) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | +| font | System.Drawing.Font | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.List | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterbrush/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterbrush/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..21da1aca808f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterbrush/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: PainterBrush Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterbrush/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PainterBrush + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpen/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpen/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..70e6a687fc29 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpen/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +title: PainterPen Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpen/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PainterPen + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PainterPen()](#PainterPen__1) | Initializes a new instance of the PainterPen class | +| [PainterPen(color, width, style, line_join)](#PainterPen_color_width_style_line_join_2) | Initializes a new instance of the PainterPen class | +| [PainterPen(options)](#PainterPen_options_3) | Initializes a new instance of the PainterPen class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| cap_style | [PenCapStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/pencapstyle) | r | | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | r | | +| dash_offset | double | r | | +| dash_pattern | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList | r | | +| line_join | [PenLineJoin](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penlinejoin) | r | | +| no_pen [static] | [PainterPen](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpen) | r | | +| style | [PenStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penstyle) | r | | +| width | double | r | | + + +### Constructor: PainterPen() {#PainterPen__1} + + +``` + PainterPen() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PainterPen class + +### Constructor: PainterPen(color, width, style, line_join) {#PainterPen_color_width_style_line_join_2} + + +``` + PainterPen(color, width, style, line_join) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PainterPen class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | | +| width | double | | +| style | [PenStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penstyle) | | +| line_join | [PenLineJoin](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penlinejoin) | | + +### Constructor: PainterPen(options) {#PainterPen_options_3} + + +``` + PainterPen(options) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PainterPen class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| options | [PainterPenOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpenoptions) | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpenoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpenoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8ef9519de2c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpenoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: PainterPenOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpenoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PainterPenOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PainterPenOptions()](#PainterPenOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the PainterPenOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| cap_style | [PenCapStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/pencapstyle) | r/w | | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | | +| dash_offset | Nullable | r/w | | +| dash_pattern | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | r/w | | +| line_join | [PenLineJoin](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penlinejoin) | r/w | | +| style | [PenStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penstyle) | r/w | | +| width | double | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: PainterPenOptions() {#PainterPenOptions__1} + + +``` + PainterPenOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PainterPenOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintingextensions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintingextensions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c4ba35b5f9fc --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintingextensions/ @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +--- +title: PaintingExtensions Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintingextensions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PaintingExtensions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [customize_background_to_white(options)](#customize_background_to_white_options_1) | | + + +### Method: customize_background_to_white(options) [static] {#customize_background_to_white_options_1} + + +``` + customize_background_to_white(options) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| options | [PaintEngineOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintEngineOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintengineoptions) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0c9fe1fe6966 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +--- +title: PaintLayerOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PaintLayerOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| by_default [static] | [PaintLayerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions) | r | | +| crisp_edges | bool | r | | +| opacity | double | r | | +| scale_x | double | r | | +| scale_y | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [allow_crisp_edges()](#allow_crisp_edges__1) | | +| [clone()](#clone__2) | Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. | +| [nearly_equal(other)](#nearly_equal_other_3) | | +| [with_opacity(new_opacity)](#with_opacity_new_opacity_4) | | +| [with_scale(new_scale_x, new_scale_y)](#with_scale_new_scale_x_new_scale_y_5) | | + + +### Method: allow_crisp_edges() {#allow_crisp_edges__1} + + +``` + allow_crisp_edges() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintLayerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions) | | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__2} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintLayerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions) | | + + +### Method: nearly_equal(other) {#nearly_equal_other_3} + + +``` + nearly_equal(other) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [PaintLayerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: with_opacity(new_opacity) {#with_opacity_new_opacity_4} + + +``` + with_opacity(new_opacity) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| new_opacity | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintLayerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions) | | + + +### Method: with_scale(new_scale_x, new_scale_y) {#with_scale_new_scale_x_new_scale_y_5} + + +``` + with_scale(new_scale_x, new_scale_y) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| new_scale_x | double | | +| new_scale_y | double | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PaintLayerOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/paintlayeroptions) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/pencapstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/pencapstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..23ec4e23a15e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/pencapstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: PenCapStyle Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 220 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/pencapstyle/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PenCapStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BUTT | | +| ROUND | | +| SQUARE | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penlinejoin/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penlinejoin/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4293f892eb12 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penlinejoin/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: PenLineJoin Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 230 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penlinejoin/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PenLineJoin + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BEVEL | | +| MITER | | +| ROUND | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fc86a5de867f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- +title: PenStyle Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 240 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/penstyle/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PenStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CUSTOM | | +| DASH | | +| DASH_DOT | | +| DASH_DOT_DOT | | +| DOT | | +| NONE | | +| SOLID | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/placedcharacter/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/placedcharacter/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e63cc7bffbd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/placedcharacter/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: PlacedCharacter Class +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/placedcharacter/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PlacedCharacter + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PlacedCharacter()](#PlacedCharacter__1) | Initializes a new instance of the PlacedCharacter class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bottom_left | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | r/w | | +| rotate | double | r/w | | +| symbol | char | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: PlacedCharacter() {#PlacedCharacter__1} + + +``` + PlacedCharacter() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PlacedCharacter class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/polylinesshape/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/polylinesshape/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5b28a38b73b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/polylinesshape/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +--- +title: PolylinesShape Class +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/polylinesshape/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.PolylinesShape + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PolylinesShape()](#PolylinesShape__1) | Initializes a new instance of the PolylinesShape class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| polylines | System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList> | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| add_polyline(coordinates) | | +| add_rectangle(rectangle) | | + + +### Constructor: PolylinesShape() {#PolylinesShape__1} + + +``` + PolylinesShape() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the PolylinesShape class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/solidpainterbrush/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/solidpainterbrush/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..17639ce850c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/solidpainterbrush/ @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +--- +title: SolidPainterBrush Class +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/solidpainterbrush/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.SolidPainterBrush + +**Inheritance:** PainterBrush + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SolidPainterBrush()](#SolidPainterBrush__1) | Initializes a new instance of the SolidPainterBrush class | +| [SolidPainterBrush(color, style)](#SolidPainterBrush_color_style_2) | Initializes a new instance of the SolidPainterBrush class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | r | | +| no_brush [static] | [SolidPainterBrush](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/solidpainterbrush) | r | | +| style | [BrushStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/brushstyle) | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: SolidPainterBrush() {#SolidPainterBrush__1} + + +``` + SolidPainterBrush() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SolidPainterBrush class + +### Constructor: SolidPainterBrush(color, style) {#SolidPainterBrush_color_style_2} + + +``` + SolidPainterBrush(color, style) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SolidPainterBrush class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | | +| style | [BrushStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/brushstyle) | | + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/stroketemplates/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/stroketemplates/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d8fce5b1c03f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/stroketemplates/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +--- +title: StrokeTemplates Class +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/stroketemplates/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.StrokeTemplates + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [StrokeTemplates()](#StrokeTemplates__1) | Initializes a new instance of the StrokeTemplates class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| DASH_DOT_DOT_MULTIPLIERS [static] | double | r | | +| DASH_DOT_MULTIPLIERS [static] | double | r | | +| DASH_MULTIPLIERS [static] | double | r | | +| DOT_MULTIPLIERS [static] | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [is_equal_pattern(multipliers, pattern)](#is_equal_pattern_multipliers_pattern_1) | | + + +### Constructor: StrokeTemplates() {#StrokeTemplates__1} + + +``` + StrokeTemplates() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the StrokeTemplates class + +### Method: is_equal_pattern(multipliers, pattern) [static] {#is_equal_pattern_multipliers_pattern_1} + + +``` + is_equal_pattern(multipliers, pattern) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| multipliers | double | | +| pattern | float | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svggeometryoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svggeometryoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..52081ab4d0ca --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svggeometryoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: SvgGeometryOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svggeometryoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.SvgGeometryOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SvgGeometryOptions()](#SvgGeometryOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the SvgGeometryOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| background_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: SvgGeometryOptions() {#SvgGeometryOptions__1} + + +``` + SvgGeometryOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SvgGeometryOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9d05e616c4c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +--- +title: SvgOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 160 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.SvgOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SvgOptions()](#SvgOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the SvgOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| background_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | | +| height | string | r/w | | +| pixel_height | double | r/w | | +| pixel_width | double | r/w | | +| view_box | Nullable | r/w | | +| width | string | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: SvgOptions() {#SvgOptions__1} + + +``` + SvgOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SvgOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgtexturebrush/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgtexturebrush/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1c827fa42ea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgtexturebrush/ @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +--- +title: SvgTextureBrush Class +type: docs +weight: 170 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/svgtexturebrush/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.SvgTextureBrush + +**Inheritance:** PainterBrush + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SvgTextureBrush(url_pattern_id)](#SvgTextureBrush_url_pattern_id_1) | Initializes a new instance of the SvgTextureBrush class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| url_pattern_id | string | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: SvgTextureBrush(url_pattern_id) {#SvgTextureBrush_url_pattern_id_1} + + +``` + SvgTextureBrush(url_pattern_id) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SvgTextureBrush class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| url_pattern_id | string | | + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingadapter/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingadapter/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f3d08cffea41 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingadapter/ @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +--- +title: SystemDrawingAdapter Class +type: docs +weight: 180 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingadapter/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.SystemDrawingAdapter + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| string_format [static] | System.Drawing.StringFormat | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [convert_brush(brush)](#convert_brush_brush_1) | | +| [convert_coordinate(coordinate)](#convert_coordinate_coordinate_2) | | +| [convert_pen(pen)](#convert_pen_pen_3) | | +| [convert_shape(shape)](#convert_shape_shape_4) | | +| [convert_transformation(transformation)](#convert_transformation_transformation_5) | | +| [font_design_units_to_pixels(font, value_in_design_units)](#font_design_units_to_pixels_font_value_in_design_units_6) | | +| [get_cell_ascent(font)](#get_cell_ascent_font_7) | | +| [get_cell_descent(font)](#get_cell_descent_font_8) | | +| [measure_text(graphics, text, font)](#measure_text_graphics_text_font_9) | | + + +### Method: convert_brush(brush) [static] {#convert_brush_brush_1} + + +``` + convert_brush(brush) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| brush | [SolidPainterBrush](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/solidpainterbrush) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Drawing.Brush | | + + +### Method: convert_coordinate(coordinate) [static] {#convert_coordinate_coordinate_2} + + +``` + convert_coordinate(coordinate) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| coordinate | [Coordinate](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/coordinate/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Drawing.PointF | | + + +### Method: convert_pen(pen) [static] {#convert_pen_pen_3} + + +``` + convert_pen(pen) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| pen | [PainterPen](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/painterpen) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Drawing.Pen | | + + +### Method: convert_shape(shape) [static] {#convert_shape_shape_4} + + +``` + convert_shape(shape) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| shape | [PolylinesShape](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/polylinesshape) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath | | + + +### Method: convert_transformation(transformation) [static] {#convert_transformation_transformation_5} + + +``` + convert_transformation(transformation) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| transformation | [MatrixTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/matrixtransformation/) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix | | + + +### Method: font_design_units_to_pixels(font, value_in_design_units) [static] {#font_design_units_to_pixels_font_value_in_design_units_6} + + +``` + font_design_units_to_pixels(font, value_in_design_units) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| font | System.Drawing.Font | | +| value_in_design_units | int | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: get_cell_ascent(font) [static] {#get_cell_ascent_font_7} + + +``` + get_cell_ascent(font) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| font | System.Drawing.Font | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: get_cell_descent(font) [static] {#get_cell_descent_font_8} + + +``` + get_cell_descent(font) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| font | System.Drawing.Font | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | | + + +### Method: measure_text(graphics, text, font) [static] {#measure_text_graphics_text_font_9} + + +``` + measure_text(graphics, text, font) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| graphics | System.Drawing.Graphics | | +| text | string | | +| font | System.Drawing.Font | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Size](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size/) | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingpaintengine/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingpaintengine/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d95778674366 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingpaintengine/ @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +--- +title: SystemDrawingPaintEngine Class +type: docs +weight: 190 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingpaintengine/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.SystemDrawingPaintEngine + +**Inheritance:** PaintEngine + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| rounded_height | double | r | | +| rounded_width | double | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| close() | | +| draw_characters(text_path) | | +| draw_ellipse(center, rx, ry) | | +| draw_image(image_path, width, height, opacity) | | +| draw_polyline(polyline) | | +| draw_rectangle(rectangle) | | +| draw_shape(shape) | | +| draw_text(bottom_left, text) | | +| [measure_text(text, text_font)](#measure_text_text_text_font_1) | | +| [measure_text_characters(text, text_font)](#measure_text_characters_text_text_font_2) | | +| start_new_layer(new_options) | | +| update_state(state) | | + + +### Method: measure_text(text, text_font) {#measure_text_text_text_font_1} + + +``` + measure_text(text, text_font) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | +| text_font | System.Drawing.Font | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Size](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.common/size/) | | + + +### Method: measure_text_characters(text, text_font) {#measure_text_characters_text_text_font_2} + + +``` + measure_text_characters(text, text_font) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | | +| text_font | System.Drawing.Font | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.List | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingtexturebrush/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingtexturebrush/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5a28373cd471 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingtexturebrush/ @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +--- +title: SystemDrawingTextureBrush Class +type: docs +weight: 200 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.painting/systemdrawingtexturebrush/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.painting](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.painting/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.painting.SystemDrawingTextureBrush + +**Inheritance:** PainterBrush + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SystemDrawingTextureBrush(brush)](#SystemDrawingTextureBrush_brush_1) | Initializes a new instance of the SystemDrawingTextureBrush class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| brush | System.Drawing.TextureBrush | r | | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_hash_code()](#get_hash_code__1) | | + + +### Constructor: SystemDrawingTextureBrush(brush) {#SystemDrawingTextureBrush_brush_1} + + +``` + SystemDrawingTextureBrush(brush) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SystemDrawingTextureBrush class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| brush | System.Drawing.TextureBrush | | + +### Method: get_hash_code() {#get_hash_code__1} + + +``` + get_hash_code() +``` + + + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..26b8af9f0846 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.projections +type: docs +weight: 620 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.projections/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [EllipsoidProperties](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/ellipsoidproperties/) | | +| [Projection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projection/) | | +| [ProjectionException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionexception/) | | +| [ProjectionParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionparameters/) | | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectionMethodIdentifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionmethodidentifier/) | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/ellipsoidproperties/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/ellipsoidproperties/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..12b8719a918d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/ellipsoidproperties/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +--- +title: EllipsoidProperties Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.projections/ellipsoidproperties/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.projections](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.projections.EllipsoidProperties + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [EllipsoidProperties(semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening)](#EllipsoidProperties_semi_major_axis_inverse_flattening_1) | Initializes a new instance of the EllipsoidProperties class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| first_eccentricity | double | r | | +| first_eccentricity_squared | double | r | | +| inverse_flattening | double | r | | +| is_sphere | bool | r | | +| is_valid | bool | r | | +| semi_major_axis | double | r | | +| semi_minor_axis | double | r | | + + +### Constructor: EllipsoidProperties(semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening) {#EllipsoidProperties_semi_major_axis_inverse_flattening_1} + + +``` + EllipsoidProperties(semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the EllipsoidProperties class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| semi_major_axis | double | | +| inverse_flattening | double | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projection/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projection/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e026ceb1a7d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projection/ @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +--- +title: Projection Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projection/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.projections](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.projections.Projection + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(projection_method_id, parameters)](#create_projection_method_id_parameters_1) | | +| [to_geographic(easting, northing, longitude, latitude)](#to_geographic_easting_northing_longitude_latitude_2) | | +| [to_projected(longitude, latitude, easting, northing)](#to_projected_longitude_latitude_easting_northing_3) | | + + +### Method: create(projection_method_id, parameters) [static] {#create_projection_method_id_parameters_1} + + +``` + create(projection_method_id, parameters) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| projection_method_id | [ProjectionMethodIdentifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionmethodidentifier) | | +| parameters | [ProjectionParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionparameters) | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Projection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projection) | | + + +### Method: to_geographic(easting, northing, longitude, latitude) {#to_geographic_easting_northing_longitude_latitude_2} + + +``` + to_geographic(easting, northing, longitude, latitude) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| easting | double | | +| northing | double | | +| longitude | float[] | | +| latitude | float[] | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + +### Method: to_projected(longitude, latitude, easting, northing) {#to_projected_longitude_latitude_easting_northing_3} + + +``` + to_projected(longitude, latitude, easting, northing) +``` + + + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| longitude | double | | +| latitude | double | | +| easting | float[] | | +| northing | float[] | | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionexception/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionexception/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8005f3e7539d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionexception/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: ProjectionException Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionexception/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.projections](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.projections.ProjectionException + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectionException()](#ProjectionException__1) | Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionException class | +| [ProjectionException(message)](#ProjectionException_message_2) | Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionException class | + + +### Constructor: ProjectionException() {#ProjectionException__1} + + +``` + ProjectionException() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionException class + +### Constructor: ProjectionException(message) {#ProjectionException_message_2} + + +``` + ProjectionException(message) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionException class + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| message | string | | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionmethodidentifier/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionmethodidentifier/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4f0922f5c685 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionmethodidentifier/ @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +--- +title: ProjectionMethodIdentifier Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionmethodidentifier/ +--- + + + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.projections](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.projections.ProjectionMethodIdentifier + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| ALBERS_CONIC_EQUAL_AREA | | +| AZIMUTHAL_EQUIDISTANT | | +| AZIMUTHAL_EQUIDISTANT_GUAM | | +| BONNE | | +| CASSINI_SOLDNER | | +| COLOMBIA_URBAN | | +| CYLINDRICAL_EQUAL_AREA | | +| EQUIRECTANGULAR | | +| GNOMONIC | | +| GOOGLE_MERCATOR | | +| HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR | | +| HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR_AZIMUTH_CENTER | | +| INVALID | | +| KROVAK | | +| LABORDE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR | | +| LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA | | +| LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_BELGIUM | | +| LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_ONE_STANDARD_PARALLEL | | +| LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_TWO_STANDARD_PARALLELS | | +| MERCATOR_ONE_STANDARD_PARALLEL | | +| MERCATOR_TWO_STANDARD_PARALLELS | | +| NEW_ZEALAND_MAP_GRID | | +| OBLIQUE_STEREOGRAPHIC | | +| ORTHOGRAPHIC | | +| POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC | | +| POLYCONIC | | +| PSEUDO_PLATE_CARREE | | +| STEREOGRAPHIC | | +| SWISS_OBLIQUE_CYLINDRICAL | | +| TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR | | +| TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_SOUTH_ORIENTED | | +| TUNISIA_MINING_GRID | | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionparameters/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionparameters/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..723ac488080e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionparameters/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +title: ProjectionParameters Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.projections/projectionparameters/ +--- + +**Summary:** + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.projections](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.projections.ProjectionParameters + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectionParameters()](#ProjectionParameters__1) | Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionParameters class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| azimuth | Nullable | r/w | | +| ellipsoid_properties | [EllipsoidProperties](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.projections/ellipsoidproperties) | r/w | | +| false_easting | double | r/w | | +| false_northing | double | r/w | | +| height_of_origin | double | r/w | | +| latitude_of_first_standard_parallel | Nullable | r/w | | +| latitude_of_origin | double | r/w | | +| latitude_of_pseudo_standard_parallel | Nullable | r/w | | +| latitude_of_second_standard_parallel | Nullable | r/w | | +| longitude_of_origin | double | r/w | | +| rectified_grid_angle | Nullable | r/w | | +| scale_factor | Nullable | r/w | | + + +### Constructor: ProjectionParameters() {#ProjectionParameters__1} + + +``` + ProjectionParameters() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ProjectionParameters class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6ad0193fbbc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.raster.web +type: docs +weight: 640 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WebTile](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtile/) | Abstract Web Tile Model. | +| [WebTiles](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtiles/) | Provides access to web tiles. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtile/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtile/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..456186ed617d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtile/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +title: WebTile Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtile/ +--- + +**Summary:** Abstract Web Tile Model. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster.web](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.web.WebTile + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| cell_x | int | r | The X-Column of a tile. | +| cell_y | int | r | The Y-Row of a tile. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_path()](#as_path__1) | Presents the tile content as a Url or Path to a file. | +| [as_raster()](#as_raster__2) | Presents the tile content as a Raster layer. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__3) | Presents a spatial extent of this layer. | + + +### Method: as_path() {#as_path__1} + + +``` + as_path() +``` + +Presents the tile content as a Url or Path to a file. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Url or Path to a file | + + +### Method: as_raster() {#as_raster__2} + + +``` + as_raster() +``` + +Presents the tile content as a Raster layer. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer) | The Raster. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__3} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Presents a spatial extent of this layer. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A spatial extent of this layer. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtiles/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtiles/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f793aa734b14 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtiles/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: WebTiles Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/webtiles/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provides access to web tiles. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster.web](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster.web/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.web.WebTiles + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4a26e80598d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.raster +type: docs +weight: 630 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [IRasterBand](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irasterband/) | Contains metadata about a raster band. | +| [IRasterCellSize](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastercellsize/) | Describes the size, scale and rotation of a raster cell on a map. | +| [IRasterValues](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastervalues/) | Provides access to the values of raster bands. | +| [RasterBand](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterband/) | Contains data about a raster Band. | +| [RasterCellSize](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rastercellsize/) | Describes the size, scale and rotation of a raster cell on a map. | +| [RasterExpressionContext](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterexpressioncontext/) | This class describes the value context when it reads raster a band. | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | Represents a raster layer. | +| [RasterRect](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterrect/) | Block of raster cells. | +| [RasterStatistics](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterstatistics/) | The statistics for any raster layer. | +| [WarpOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/warpoptions/) | Options for raster warping. | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BandTypes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/bandtypes/) | The types of a raster band. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/bandtypes/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/bandtypes/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d097c467ad06 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/bandtypes/ @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: BandTypes Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/bandtypes/ +--- + +The types of a raster band. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.BandTypes + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BIT | 1-bit. It known as bool. | +| BYTE | 8-bit unsigned integer. It known as int. | +| DOUBLE | 64-bit float. It known as float. | +| FLOAT | 64-bit float. float. It known as float. | +| INTEGER | 32-bit integer. It known as int. | +| LONG | 64-bit integer. It known as int. | +| RAW_BITS | Unknown band type. See Aspose.Gis.Raster.IRasterValues.AsRawBits for values. | +| SHORT | 16-bit signed integer. It known as int. | +| S_BYTE | 8-bit signed integer. It known as int. | +| U_INTEGER | 32-bit unsigned integer. It known as int. | +| U_LONG | 64-bit unsigned integer. It known as . | +| U_SHORT | 16-bit unsigned integer. It known as int. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irasterband/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irasterband/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..708c677fabbf --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irasterband/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: IRasterBand Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irasterband/ +--- + +**Summary:** Contains metadata about a raster band. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.IRasterBand + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| data_type | [BandTypes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/bandtypes) | r | Gets type of values stored in each cell. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastercellsize/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastercellsize/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c883c0a9731f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastercellsize/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: IRasterCellSize Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastercellsize/ +--- + +**Summary:** Describes the size, scale and rotation of a raster cell on a map. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.IRasterCellSize + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| height | double | r | Gets the cell or pixel height, always positive. | +| scale_x | double | r | Gets x-component of the cell or pixel width (x-scale). | +| scale_y | double | r | Gets y-component of the cell or pixel height (y-scale), typically negative. | +| skew_x | double | r | Gets x-component of the cell or pixel height (x-skew). | +| skew_y | double | r | Gets y-component of the cell or pixel width (y-skew). | +| width | double | r | Gets the cell or pixel width, always positive. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastervalues/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastervalues/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..062d66bc23c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastervalues/ @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +--- +title: IRasterValues Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastervalues/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provides access to the values of raster bands. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.IRasterValues + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_boolean(band_index)](#as_boolean_band_index_1) | Converts the specified band data to a value. | +| [as_byte(band_index)](#as_byte_band_index_2) | Converts the specified band data to a value. | +| [as_double(band_index)](#as_double_band_index_3) | Converts the specified band data to a value. | +| [as_float(band_index)](#as_float_band_index_4) | Converts the specified band data to a value. | +| [as_integer(band_index)](#as_integer_band_index_5) | Converts the specified band data to a value. | +| [as_long(band_index)](#as_long_band_index_6) | Converts the specified band data to a value. | +| [as_short(band_index)](#as_short_band_index_7) | Converts the specified band data to a value. | +| [equals_no_data(band_index)](#equals_no_data_band_index_8) | Checks if the value represents background or 'no data' in the specified band. | +| [get_data_type(band_index)](#get_data_type_band_index_9) | Gets type of values. | +| [is_null(band_index)](#is_null_band_index_10) | Checks if the raster value is set in the specified band. | + + +### Method: as_boolean(band_index) {#as_boolean_band_index_1} + + +``` + as_boolean(band_index) +``` + +Converts the specified band data to a value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | The converted value. | + + +### Method: as_byte(band_index) {#as_byte_band_index_2} + + +``` + as_byte(band_index) +``` + +Converts the specified band data to a value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| byte | The converted value. | + + +### Method: as_double(band_index) {#as_double_band_index_3} + + +``` + as_double(band_index) +``` + +Converts the specified band data to a value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | The converted value. | + + +### Method: as_float(band_index) {#as_float_band_index_4} + + +``` + as_float(band_index) +``` + +Converts the specified band data to a value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| float | The converted value. | + + +### Method: as_integer(band_index) {#as_integer_band_index_5} + + +``` + as_integer(band_index) +``` + +Converts the specified band data to a value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | The converted value. | + + +### Method: as_long(band_index) {#as_long_band_index_6} + + +``` + as_long(band_index) +``` + +Converts the specified band data to a value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| long | The converted value. | + + +### Method: as_short(band_index) {#as_short_band_index_7} + + +``` + as_short(band_index) +``` + +Converts the specified band data to a value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| short | The converted value. | + + +### Method: equals_no_data(band_index) {#equals_no_data_band_index_8} + + +``` + equals_no_data(band_index) +``` + +Checks if the value represents background or 'no data' in the specified band. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Return 'true' if represents background or 'no data'. | + + +### Method: get_data_type(band_index) {#get_data_type_band_index_9} + + +``` + get_data_type(band_index) +``` + +Gets type of values. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [BandTypes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/bandtypes) | The type of values. | + + +### Method: is_null(band_index) {#is_null_band_index_10} + + +``` + is_null(band_index) +``` + +Checks if the raster value is set in the specified band. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Return 'false' if not exist. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterband/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterband/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..aa0f726cbced --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterband/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: RasterBand Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterband/ +--- + +**Summary:** Contains data about a raster Band. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.RasterBand + +**Inheritance:** IRasterBand + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterBand(data_type)](#RasterBand_data_type_1) | Create an instance of [RasterBand](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterband/). | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| data_type | [BandTypes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/bandtypes) | r | Gets type of values stored in each cell. | + + +### Constructor: RasterBand(data_type) {#RasterBand_data_type_1} + + +``` + RasterBand(data_type) +``` + +Create an instance of [RasterBand](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterband/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| data_type | [BandTypes](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/bandtypes) | Specifies the type and size of values stored in each pixel or cell. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rastercellsize/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rastercellsize/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..601b25aa22db --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rastercellsize/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +--- +title: RasterCellSize Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rastercellsize/ +--- + +**Summary:** Describes the size, scale and rotation of a raster cell on a map. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.RasterCellSize + +**Inheritance:** IRasterCellSize + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterCellSize()](#RasterCellSize__1) | Create an instance of [RasterCellSize](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rastercellsize/). | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| height | double | r | Compute the pixel height. | +| scale_x | double | r/w | Gets or sets x-component of the pixel width (x-scale). | +| scale_y | double | r/w | Gets or sets y-component of the pixel height (y-scale), typically negative. | +| skew_x | double | r/w | Gets or sets x-component of the pixel height (x-skew). | +| skew_y | double | r/w | Gets or sets y-component of the pixel width (y-skew). | +| width | double | r | Compute the pixel width. | + + +### Constructor: RasterCellSize() {#RasterCellSize__1} + + +``` + RasterCellSize() +``` + +Create an instance of [RasterCellSize](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rastercellsize/). + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterexpressioncontext/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterexpressioncontext/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d4432846f9c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterexpressioncontext/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +title: RasterExpressionContext Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterexpressioncontext/ +--- + +**Summary:** This class describes the value context when it reads raster a band. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.RasterExpressionContext + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterExpressionContext()](#RasterExpressionContext__1) | Initializes a new instance of the RasterExpressionContext class | +| [RasterExpressionContext(cell_x, cell_y)](#RasterExpressionContext_cell_x_cell_y_2) | Create an instance of [RasterExpressionContext](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterexpressioncontext/) | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| cell_x | int | r | Gets or sets column value (x-coordinate). Numbering starts at 0. | +| cell_y | int | r | Gets or sets row value (y-coordinate). Numbering starts at 0. | + + +### Constructor: RasterExpressionContext() {#RasterExpressionContext__1} + + +``` + RasterExpressionContext() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the RasterExpressionContext class + +### Constructor: RasterExpressionContext(cell_x, cell_y) {#RasterExpressionContext_cell_x_cell_y_2} + + +``` + RasterExpressionContext(cell_x, cell_y) +``` + +Create an instance of [RasterExpressionContext](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterexpressioncontext/) + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| cell_x | int | Column value (x-coordinate). | +| cell_y | int | Row value (y-coordinate). | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e147cef5037e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/ @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +--- +title: RasterLayer Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/ +--- + +**Summary:** Represents a raster layer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.RasterLayer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| band_count | int | r | Gets the number of bands in the raster layer. | +| bounds | [RasterRect](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterrect) | r | Gets the raster bounds. | +| cell_size | [IRasterCellSize](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastercellsize) | r | Gets cell or pixel size of the raster. | +| driver | [Driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driver) | r | Gets the [RasterLayer.driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) that instantiated this layer. | +| height | int | r | Gets the height of the raster in pixels. Also it is known as rows count. | +| no_data_values | [IRasterValues](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastervalues) | r | Gets the values that represents background or 'no data' of the raster. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets a spatial reference system of raster.
Can be if it is unknown. | +| upper_left_x | double | r | Gets x-coordinate of the raster upper left corner. | +| upper_left_y | double | r | Gets y-coordinate of the raster upper left corner. | +| width | int | r | Gets the width of the raster in pixels. Also it is known as columns count. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [crop(geometry, masks)](#crop_geometry_masks_1) | Crops the raster layer using a shape form (and band mask). | +| [crop(masks)](#crop_masks_2) | Crops the raster layer using a band mask). | +| [get_band(index)](#get_band_index_3) | Gets a band by the specified index. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__4) | Calculates a spatial extent of this layer. | +| [get_spatial_point(cell_x, cell_y)](#get_spatial_point_cell_x_cell_y_5) | Converts the specified column and row to the spatial coordinate. | +| [get_statistics(band_index, exclude_nodata_value)](#get_statistics_band_index_exclude_nodata_value_6) | Calculate summary statistics consisting of count, sum, mean, min, max. | +| [get_values(cell_x, cell_y)](#get_values_cell_x_cell_y_7) | Reads the values in the specified cell. | +| [get_values_dump(rect)](#get_values_dump_rect_8) | Reads the values in the specified block as a 1-dimension array. | +| [warp(options)](#warp_options_9) | Warps the raster layer to another. | + + +### Method: crop(geometry, masks) {#crop_geometry_masks_1} + + +``` + crop(geometry, masks) +``` + +Crops the raster layer using a shape form (and band mask). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | Geometry represented the shape form. | +| masks | double | Mask for crop layer | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer) | The cropped raster layer. If no intersections found returns . | + + +### Method: crop(masks) {#crop_masks_2} + + +``` + crop(masks) +``` + +Crops the raster layer using a band mask). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| masks | double | Mask for crop layer | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer) | The cropped raster layer. If no intersections found returns . | + + +### Method: get_band(index) {#get_band_index_3} + + +``` + get_band(index) +``` + +Gets a band by the specified index. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Band numbers start at 0 and band is assumed to be 0 if not specified. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IRasterBand](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irasterband) | Returns basic meta data about a raster band. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__4} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Calculates a spatial extent of this layer. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A spatial extent of this layer. | + + +### Method: get_spatial_point(cell_x, cell_y) {#get_spatial_point_cell_x_cell_y_5} + + +``` + get_spatial_point(cell_x, cell_y) +``` + +Converts the specified column and row to the spatial coordinate. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| cell_x | int | The value for column (x-coordinate). Numbering starts at 0. | +| cell_y | int | The value for row (y-coordinate). Numbering starts at 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/) | Returns the x-coordinate of upper left corner given a column and row. | + + +### Method: get_statistics(band_index, exclude_nodata_value) {#get_statistics_band_index_exclude_nodata_value_6} + + +``` + get_statistics(band_index, exclude_nodata_value) +``` + +Calculate summary statistics consisting of count, sum, mean, min, max. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | The index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | +| exclude_nodata_value | bool | Allows to exclude 'nodata' values. If 'excludeNodataValue' is set to false, then all pixels are considered. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterStatistics](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterstatistics) | The summary statistics. | + + +### Method: get_values(cell_x, cell_y) {#get_values_cell_x_cell_y_7} + + +``` + get_values(cell_x, cell_y) +``` + +Reads the values in the specified cell. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| cell_x | int | The value for column (x-coordinate). Numbering starts at 0. | +| cell_y | int | The value for row (y-coordinate). Numbering starts at 0. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IRasterValues](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastervalues) | The raster values. | + + +### Method: get_values_dump(rect) {#get_values_dump_rect_8} + + +``` + get_values_dump(rect) +``` + +Reads the values in the specified block as a 1-dimension array. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| rect | [RasterRect](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterrect) | Block of raster cells where dump is read. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IRasterValues[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/irastervalues) | The dump of values. | + + +### Method: warp(options) {#warp_options_9} + + +``` + warp(options) +``` + +Warps the raster layer to another. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| options | [WarpOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/warpoptions) | Options for the reprojection procedure. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer) | The warp raster layer. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterrect/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterrect/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d320070ed908 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterrect/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: RasterRect Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterrect/ +--- + +**Summary:** Block of raster cells. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.RasterRect + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterRect(x, y, width, height)](#RasterRect_x_y_width_height_1) | Create an instance of [RasterRect](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterrect/). | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| height | int | r | Gets height (row count). | +| width | int | r | Gets width (columns count). | +| x | int | r | Gets start column (x-coordinate). | +| y | int | r | Gets start row (y-coordinate). | + + +### Constructor: RasterRect(x, y, width, height) {#RasterRect_x_y_width_height_1} + + +``` + RasterRect(x, y, width, height) +``` + +Create an instance of [RasterRect](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterrect/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | int | The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner (start column). Numbering starts at 0. | +| y | int | The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner (start row). Numbering starts at 0. | +| width | int | The value for width (column count). | +| height | int | The value for height (row count). | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterstatistics/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterstatistics/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4b7aee14c43d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterstatistics/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- +title: RasterStatistics Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterstatistics/ +--- + +**Summary:** The statistics for any raster layer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.RasterStatistics + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | Nullable | r | Number of cells or pixels counted for the summary statistics. | +| max | Nullable | r | Maximum value of counted cells or pixel values. | +| mean | Nullable | r | Arithmetic mean of all counted cells or pixel values. | +| min | Nullable | r | Minimum value of counted cells or pixel values. | +| sum | Nullable | r | Sum of all counted cells or pixel values. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/warpoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/warpoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d80707881921 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/warpoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: WarpOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.raster/warpoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for raster warping. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.raster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.raster.WarpOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [WarpOptions()](#WarpOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the WarpOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| cell_height | double | r/w | Specifies a new height of the raster cell (in target georeferenced units).
If the value is set to 0, the [WarpOptions.cell_height](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/warpoptions/) is automatically computed. The default value is "0". | +| cell_width | double | r/w | Specifies a new width of the raster cell (in target georeferenced units).
If the value is set to 0, the [WarpOptions.cell_width](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/warpoptions/) is automatically computed. The default value is "0". | +| default_spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Specifies a value for a source spatial reference if that is missing. | +| height | int | r/w | Specifies output raster height in pixels and columns.
If the value is set to 0, the height is automatically computed. The default value is "0". | +| target_extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | r/w | Specifies bounds of raster layer to warp.
If set to , extent is calculated during warping to include all cells from raster. | +| target_spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Specifies target spatial reference.
If set to , default or source spatial reference is used. | +| width | int | r/w | Specifies output raster width in pixels and columns.
If the value is set to 0, the width is automatically computed. The default value is "0". | + + +### Constructor: WarpOptions() {#WarpOptions__1} + + +``` + WarpOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the WarpOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0f7242169254 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.relationship.joins +type: docs +weight: 660 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [JoinByGeometryOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinbygeometryoptions/) | Options for layers joining. | +| [JoinOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinoptions/) | Options for layers joining. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinbygeometryoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinbygeometryoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3c655bf3a9a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinbygeometryoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: JoinByGeometryOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinbygeometryoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for layers joining. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.relationship.joins](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.relationship.joins.JoinByGeometryOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [JoinByGeometryOptions()](#JoinByGeometryOptions__1) | Create a new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| joined_attributes_prefix | string | r/w | Specifies a prefix string for the joined attribute's names. Default is "joined_". | +| radius | double | r/w | Specifies a radius to look for the joined geometry. | + + +### Constructor: JoinByGeometryOptions() {#JoinByGeometryOptions__1} + + +``` + JoinByGeometryOptions() +``` + +Create a new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ee0a931bd943 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: JoinOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for layers joining. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.relationship.joins](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.relationship.joins.JoinOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [JoinOptions()](#JoinOptions__1) | Create a new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| join_attribute_name | string | r/w | Specifies an attribute name of the joined layer which value will be used into [None](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinoptions/). | +| join_attribute_names | list[str] | r/w | Specifies a list of attribute names to be joined.
If it is or empty, all attributes of the joined layer will be joined. | +| joined_attributes_prefix | string | r/w | Specifies a prefix string for the joined attribute's names. Default is "joined_". | +| target_attribute_name | string | r/w | Specifies an attribute name of the main layer which value will be used into [None](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinoptions/). | + + +### Constructor: JoinOptions() {#JoinOptions__1} + + +``` + JoinOptions() +``` + +Create a new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..23b5795b21e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers +type: docs +weight: 680 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor/) | Associates band values and a color component for specified band index.
There are band values between min and max will be interpolated linearly. | +| [MultiBandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/multibandcolor/) | Multiband colorizer specifies red, green and blue components for a raster. | +| [NullColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer/) | The NullColorizer draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a raster cell it is applied to. | +| [RasterColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/rastercolorizer/) | The abstract root class for the colorizer that render a raster. | +| [SingleBandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/singlebandcolor/) | Single band colorizer specifies a gray component for a raster. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..918a283e63f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: BandColor Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor/ +--- + +**Summary:** Associates band values and a color component for specified band index.
There are band values between min and max will be interpolated linearly. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers.BandColor + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BandColor()](#BandColor__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [BandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| band_index | int | r/w | Specifies the index of the band. Numbering starts from 0. | +| max | double | r/w | Specifies the max value. | +| min | double | r/w | Specifies the min value. | + + +### Constructor: BandColor() {#BandColor__1} + + +``` + BandColor() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [BandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor/) class. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/multibandcolor/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/multibandcolor/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6ccfc3183b46 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/multibandcolor/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: MultiBandColor Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/multibandcolor/ +--- + +**Summary:** Multiband colorizer specifies red, green and blue components for a raster. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers.MultiBandColor + +**Inheritance:** RasterColorizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MultiBandColor()](#MultiBandColor__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [MultiBandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/multibandcolor/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| alpha_band | [BandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor) | r/w | Specifies the alpha component for our raster. | +| blue_band | [BandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor) | r/w | Specifies the blue component for our raster. | +| green_band | [BandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor) | r/w | Specifies the green component for our raster. | +| null [static] | [NullColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer) | r | The [NullColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips the rendering of cells it is applied to. | +| red_band | [BandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor) | r/w | Specifies the red component for our raster. | + + +### Constructor: MultiBandColor() {#MultiBandColor__1} + + +``` + MultiBandColor() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MultiBandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/multibandcolor/) class. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e136958b0448 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: NullColorizer Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer/ +--- + +**Summary:** The NullColorizer draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a raster cell it is applied to. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers.NullColorizer + +**Inheritance:** RasterColorizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| instance [static] | [NullColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer) | r | Gets an instance of NullColorizer. | +| null [static] | [NullColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer) | r | The [NullColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips the rendering of cells it is applied to. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/rastercolorizer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/rastercolorizer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..aff431f940a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/rastercolorizer/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: RasterColorizer Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/rastercolorizer/ +--- + +**Summary:** The abstract root class for the colorizer that render a raster. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers.RasterColorizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| null [static] | [NullColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer) | r | The [NullColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips the rendering of cells it is applied to. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/singlebandcolor/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/singlebandcolor/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..390d2f1cdbeb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/singlebandcolor/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: SingleBandColor Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/singlebandcolor/ +--- + +**Summary:** Single band colorizer specifies a gray component for a raster. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers.SingleBandColor + +**Inheritance:** RasterColorizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SingleBandColor()](#SingleBandColor__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [SingleBandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/singlebandcolor/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| gray_band | [BandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/bandcolor) | r/w | Specifies the gray component for our raster. | +| null [static] | [NullColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer) | r | The [NullColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/nullcolorizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips the rendering of cells it is applied to. | + + +### Constructor: SingleBandColor() {#SingleBandColor__1} + + +``` + SingleBandColor() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [SingleBandColor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/singlebandcolor/) class. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8de37fce1e10 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp +type: docs +weight: 700 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BmpRenderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/bmprenderer/) | A [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) that renders [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) into BMP file. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/bmprenderer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/bmprenderer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1dad6479e1ff --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/bmprenderer/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: BmpRenderer Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/bmprenderer/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) that renders [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) into BMP file. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp.BmpRenderer + +**Inheritance:** Renderer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [render(map, output_path)](#render_map_output_path_1) | Renders map. | +| [render(map, output_path)](#render_map_output_path_2) | Renders map. | + + +### Method: render(map, output_path) {#render_map_output_path_1} + + +``` + render(map, output_path) +``` + +Renders map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map | [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map) | Map to render. | +| output_path | string | Path to the output file. | + +### Method: render(map, output_path) {#render_map_output_path_2} + + +``` + render(map, output_path) +``` + +Renders map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map | [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map) | Map to render. | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output file. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..45827643460d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg +type: docs +weight: 710 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [JpegRenderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/jpegrenderer/) | A [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) that renders [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) into JPEG file. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/jpegrenderer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/jpegrenderer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..99c4320dc596 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/jpegrenderer/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: JpegRenderer Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/jpegrenderer/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) that renders [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) into JPEG file. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg.JpegRenderer + +**Inheritance:** Renderer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [render(map, output_path)](#render_map_output_path_1) | Renders map. | +| [render(map, output_path)](#render_map_output_path_2) | Renders map. | + + +### Method: render(map, output_path) {#render_map_output_path_1} + + +``` + render(map, output_path) +``` + +Renders map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map | [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map) | Map to render. | +| output_path | string | Path to the output file. | + +### Method: render(map, output_path) {#render_map_output_path_2} + + +``` + render(map, output_path) +``` + +Renders map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map | [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map) | Map to render. | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output file. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2bb0ad0884d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png +type: docs +weight: 720 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PngRenderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/pngrenderer/) | A [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) that renders [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) into PNG file. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/pngrenderer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/pngrenderer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2044f4845111 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/pngrenderer/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: PngRenderer Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/pngrenderer/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) that renders [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) into PNG file. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png.PngRenderer + +**Inheritance:** Renderer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [render(map, output_path)](#render_map_output_path_1) | Renders map. | +| [render(map, output_path)](#render_map_output_path_2) | Renders map. | + + +### Method: render(map, output_path) {#render_map_output_path_1} + + +``` + render(map, output_path) +``` + +Renders map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map | [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map) | Map to render. | +| output_path | string | Path to the output file. | + +### Method: render(map, output_path) {#render_map_output_path_2} + + +``` + render(map, output_path) +``` + +Renders map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map | [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map) | Map to render. | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output file. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..78b7473afc7a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg +type: docs +weight: 730 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SvgRenderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/svgrenderer/) | A [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) that renders [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) into SVG file. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/svgrenderer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/svgrenderer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..71f509da41a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/svgrenderer/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: SvgRenderer Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/svgrenderer/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) that renders [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) into SVG file. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg.SvgRenderer + +**Inheritance:** Renderer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [render(map, output_path)](#render_map_output_path_1) | Renders map. | +| [render(map, output_path)](#render_map_output_path_2) | Renders map. | + + +### Method: render(map, output_path) {#render_map_output_path_1} + + +``` + render(map, output_path) +``` + +Renders map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map | [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map) | Map to render. | +| output_path | string | Path to the output file. | + +### Method: render(map, output_path) {#render_map_output_path_2} + + +``` + render(map, output_path) +``` + +Renders map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map | [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map) | Map to render. | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output file. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1cdaa93d2d83 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.rendering.labelings +type: docs +weight: 740 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelplacement/) | Label placement specifies how labels are placed relatively to feature's geometry. | +| [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/) | The abstract root class for labelings, classes that describe how to place labels on features. | +| [LabelingRule](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelingrule/) | A user-defined rule for [RuleBasedLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/rulebasedlabeling/). | +| [LineLabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelplacement/) | Line label placement places labels along line. | +| [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/) | The [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/) skips labeling of a geometry it is applied to. | +| [PointLabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/pointlabelplacement/) | Points label placement places labels near geometries centers. | +| [RuleBasedLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/rulebasedlabeling/) | Applies a labeling to feature according to user-defined rules. | +| [SimpleLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) | A simple labeling places label on every feature. | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [FontStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/fontstyle/) | Specifies style to be applied to text. | +| [LineLabelAlignment](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelalignment/) | Specifies how the label is aligned with the line. | +| [MultipartMode](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/multipartmode/) | Specifies how labels are rendered for features that contain multipart geometries. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/fontstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/fontstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fcabac089c68 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/fontstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +--- +title: FontStyle Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/fontstyle/ +--- + +Specifies style to be applied to text. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.FontStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BOLD | Bold text. | +| ITALIC | Italic text. | +| REGULAR | Regular text. | +| STRIKEOUT | Text with a line through the middle. | +| UNDERLINE | Underlined text. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..138fa7ec5547 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: Labeling Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/ +--- + +**Summary:** The abstract root class for labelings, classes that describe how to place labels on features. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.Labeling + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| null [static] | [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling) | r | Gets an instance of [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelingrule/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelingrule/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7875732dac2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelingrule/ @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: LabelingRule Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelingrule/ +--- + +**Summary:** A user-defined rule for [RuleBasedLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/rulebasedlabeling/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.LabelingRule + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| is_else_rule | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this rule is "else-rule". | +| is_filter_rule | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this rule is "filter-rule". | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling) | r | Labeling to apply to the feature. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_else_rule(labeling)](#create_else_rule_labeling_1) | Creates new rule that applies a labeling to feature whenever it doesn't match any filter rule. | + + +### Method: create_else_rule(labeling) [static] {#create_else_rule_labeling_1} + + +``` + create_else_rule(labeling) +``` + +Creates new rule that applies a labeling to feature whenever it doesn't match any filter rule. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling) | Labeling to apply. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LabelingRule](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelingrule) | New LabelingRule object. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelplacement/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelplacement/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3aeba9861697 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelplacement/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: LabelPlacement Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelplacement/ +--- + +**Summary:** Label placement specifies how labels are placed relatively to feature's geometry. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.LabelPlacement + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clones this instance. | + + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelplacement) | A clone of this instance. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelalignment/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelalignment/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dfce6f23bdb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelalignment/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: LineLabelAlignment Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelalignment/ +--- + +Specifies how the label is aligned with the line. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.LineLabelAlignment + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CURVED | The label follows the shape of the line. | +| HORIZONTAL | No alignment. The label is horizontal. | +| PARALLEL | The label is parallel to the line. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelplacement/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelplacement/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..72b60ae472bd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelplacement/ @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +--- +title: LineLabelPlacement Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelplacement/ +--- + +**Summary:** Line label placement places labels along line. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.LineLabelPlacement + +**Inheritance:** LabelPlacement + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LineLabelPlacement()](#LineLabelPlacement__1) | Creates new instance. | +| [LineLabelPlacement(other)](#LineLabelPlacement_other_2) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| alignment | [LineLabelAlignment](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelalignment) | r/w | Specifies how the label is aligned with the linear path. Default is [LineLabelAlignment.PARALLEL](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelalignment/). | +| max_angle_delta | double | r/w | When used with [LineLabelAlignment.CURVED](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelalignment/) sets the maximum angle in degrees between two
subsequent characters in a curved label. Default is 25. | +| offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | The offset from the linear path.
Positive values offset to the left of the line, negative to the right. Default is 0. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clones this instance. | + + +### Constructor: LineLabelPlacement() {#LineLabelPlacement__1} + + +``` + LineLabelPlacement() +``` + +Creates new instance. + +### Constructor: LineLabelPlacement(other) {#LineLabelPlacement_other_2} + + +``` + LineLabelPlacement(other) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [LineLabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelplacement) | The other [LineLabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/linelabelplacement/) to copy data from. | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelplacement) | A clone of this instance. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/multipartmode/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/multipartmode/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..74dc99ae9398 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/multipartmode/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: MultipartMode Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/multipartmode/ +--- + +Specifies how labels are rendered for features that contain multipart geometries. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.MultipartMode + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| ALL | Places a label near each part of the geometry as long as there is space near the part. | +| ANY | Places one label for the whole geometry. | +| LARGEST | Places a label for the largest part of the geometry as long as there is space for the label. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c223d075370d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: NullLabeling Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/ +--- + +**Summary:** The [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/) skips labeling of a geometry it is applied to. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.NullLabeling + +**Inheritance:** Labeling + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| instance [static] | [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling) | r | Gets an instance of [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/). | +| null [static] | [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling) | r | Gets an instance of [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/pointlabelplacement/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/pointlabelplacement/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f036aef46534 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/pointlabelplacement/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +title: PointLabelPlacement Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/pointlabelplacement/ +--- + +**Summary:** Points label placement places labels near geometries centers. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.PointLabelPlacement + +**Inheritance:** LabelPlacement + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PointLabelPlacement()](#PointLabelPlacement__1) | Creates new instance. | +| [PointLabelPlacement(other)](#PointLabelPlacement_other_2) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| horizontal_anchor_point | [HorizontalAnchor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/horizontalanchor/) | r/w | Specifies which side of a label will be aligned horizontally with the point location. | +| horizontal_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies horizontal offset from a point location to the labels anchor point. | +| rotation | double | r/w | Specifies rotation of label in degrees. | +| vertical_anchor_point | [VerticalAnchor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/verticalanchor/) | r/w | Specifies which side of a label will be aligned vertically with the point location. | +| vertical_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies vertical offset from a point location to the labels anchor point. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clones this instance. | + + +### Constructor: PointLabelPlacement() {#PointLabelPlacement__1} + + +``` + PointLabelPlacement() +``` + +Creates new instance. + +### Constructor: PointLabelPlacement(other) {#PointLabelPlacement_other_2} + + +``` + PointLabelPlacement(other) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [PointLabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/pointlabelplacement) | The other [PointLabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/pointlabelplacement/) to copy data from. | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelplacement) | A clone of this instance. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/rulebasedlabeling/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/rulebasedlabeling/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ce5ed7b59408 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/rulebasedlabeling/ @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +--- +title: RuleBasedLabeling Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/rulebasedlabeling/ +--- + +**Summary:** Applies a labeling to feature according to user-defined rules. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.RuleBasedLabeling + +**Inheritance:** Labeling + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RuleBasedLabeling()](#RuleBasedLabeling__1) | Initializes a new instance of the RuleBasedLabeling class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| null [static] | [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling) | r | Gets an instance of [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/). | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(rule)](#add_rule_1) | Adds a rule. | +| [add_else_rule(labeling)](#add_else_rule_labeling_2) | Adds a labeling that will be applied to features that don't match any filtering rule. | + + +### Constructor: RuleBasedLabeling() {#RuleBasedLabeling__1} + + +``` + RuleBasedLabeling() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the RuleBasedLabeling class + +### Method: add(rule) {#add_rule_1} + + +``` + add(rule) +``` + +Adds a rule. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| rule | [LabelingRule](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelingrule) | Rule to add. | + +### Method: add_else_rule(labeling) {#add_else_rule_labeling_2} + + +``` + add_else_rule(labeling) +``` + +Adds a labeling that will be applied to features that don't match any filtering rule. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling) | A labeling. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f4cfcea69bd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/ @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +--- +title: SimpleLabeling Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/ +--- + +**Summary:** A simple labeling places label on every feature. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.labelings](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.labelings.SimpleLabeling + +**Inheritance:** Labeling + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SimpleLabeling()](#SimpleLabeling__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) class. | +| [SimpleLabeling(label_attribute)](#SimpleLabeling_label_attribute_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) class. | +| [SimpleLabeling(other)](#SimpleLabeling_other_3) | Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| font_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Determines color of text. | +| font_family | string | r/w | Font family to use to render text. The default is system dependent value. | +| font_size | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Size of the text. | +| font_style | [FontStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/fontstyle) | r/w | Style to apply to text. | +| halo_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Color of the halo (stroke) around text. | +| halo_size | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Size of the halo (stroke) around text. | +| label_attribute | string | r/w | Attribute name to use as a source of labels. Ignored if [None](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) is set.
Either [SimpleLabeling.label_attribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) or [None](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) must be set before rendering;
InvalidOperationException is thrown otherwise. | +| multipart_mode | [MultipartMode](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/multipartmode) | r/w | Specifies rendering behavior for multipart geometries. Default is [MultipartMode.ALL](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/multipartmode/). | +| null [static] | [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling) | r | Gets an instance of [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/). | +| placement | [LabelPlacement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labelplacement) | r/w | Label placement specifies how labels are placed relatively to feature's geometries. | +| priority | int | r/w | Indicates priority of this label in case if it overlaps with another label. The label with lower priority is not rendered.
Default is 1000. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clones this instance. | + + +### Constructor: SimpleLabeling() {#SimpleLabeling__1} + + +``` + SimpleLabeling() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) class. + +### Constructor: SimpleLabeling(label_attribute) {#SimpleLabeling_label_attribute_2} + + +``` + SimpleLabeling(label_attribute) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| label_attribute | string | Attribute name to use as a source of labels. | + +### Constructor: SimpleLabeling(other) {#SimpleLabeling_other_3} + + +``` + SimpleLabeling(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [SimpleLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling) | The other [SimpleLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling/) to copy data from. | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SimpleLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/simplelabeling) | A clone of this instance. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f6e66f530568 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.rendering.sld +type: docs +weight: 750 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SldImportOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/sldimportoptions/) | Options for the import of Styled Layer Descriptor file (Sld). | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/sldimportoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/sldimportoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2be5f0e278fb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/sldimportoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: SldImportOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/sldimportoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for the import of Styled Layer Descriptor file (Sld). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.sld](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.sld.SldImportOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SldImportOptions()](#SldImportOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the SldImportOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| load_internet_resources | bool | r/w | Determines whether Aspose.GIS is allowed to load sources from Internet.
If set to , schemas with absolute URIs that does not start with 'file://' would not be loaded.
Default is . | + + +### Constructor: SldImportOptions() {#SldImportOptions__1} + + +``` + SldImportOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SldImportOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c8bc95a8a181 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers +type: docs +weight: 760 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeometryGenerator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/geometrygenerator/) | Decorate a symbolizer to modify feature's geometry before rendering. | +| [LayeredSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/layeredsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer that renders several other symbolizers. | +| [MarkerCluster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster/) | Marker cluster symbolizer. | +| [MarkerLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline/) | Marker line symbolizer. | +| [MarkerPatternFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill/) | Marker pattern fill symbolizer. | +| [MixedGeometrySymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/mixedgeometrysymbolizer/) | Applies correct symbolizer to a feature geometry according to its geometry type. | +| [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) | The NullSymbolizer draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +| [RasterImageMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/) | This symbolizer renders a provided raster image. | +| [Rule](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rule/) | A user-defined rule for [RuleBasedSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rulebasedsymbolizer/). | +| [RuleBasedSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rulebasedsymbolizer/) | Applies a symbolizer to feature geometries according to user-defined rules. | +| [SimpleFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplefill/) | Simple polygon symbolizer. | +| [SimpleLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simpleline/) | Simple line symbolizer. | +| [SimpleMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker/) | Simple point symbolizer. | +| [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | The abstract root class for the symbolizers that render vector features. | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [HorizontalAnchor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/horizontalanchor/) | Specifies side to be aligned horizontally. | +| [MarkerShapeType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markershapetype/) | A shape type of the marker. | +| [RenderingOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder/) | Determines the rendering order. | +| [VerticalAnchor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/verticalanchor/) | Specifies side to be aligned vertically. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/geometrygenerator/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/geometrygenerator/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4a9bf777e60d --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/geometrygenerator/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: GeometryGenerator Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/geometrygenerator/ +--- + +**Summary:** Decorate a symbolizer to modify feature's geometry before rendering. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.GeometryGenerator + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeometryGenerator()](#GeometryGenerator__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GeometryGenerator class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | r/w | Specifies a symbolizer to apply to the modified geometry.
Default is . | + + +### Constructor: GeometryGenerator() {#GeometryGenerator__1} + + +``` + GeometryGenerator() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GeometryGenerator class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/horizontalanchor/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/horizontalanchor/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cc835ad779a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/horizontalanchor/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: HorizontalAnchor Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/horizontalanchor/ +--- + +Specifies side to be aligned horizontally. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.HorizontalAnchor + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CENTER | Specifies that centers will be aligned. | +| LEFT | Specifies that left sides will be aligned. | +| RIGHT | Specifies that right sides will be aligned. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/layeredsymbolizer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/layeredsymbolizer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..60d999b9affb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/layeredsymbolizer/ @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +--- +title: LayeredSymbolizer Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/layeredsymbolizer/ +--- + +**Summary:** A symbolizer that renders several other symbolizers. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.LayeredSymbolizer + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LayeredSymbolizer()](#LayeredSymbolizer__1) | Creates new instance. | +| [LayeredSymbolizer(rendering_order)](#LayeredSymbolizer_rendering_order_2) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +| rendering_order | [RenderingOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder) | r/w | Determines the rendering order.

  • [RenderingOrder.BY_FEATURES](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder/) -
    render all symbolizers for the feature, then proceed to the next feature.

  • [RenderingOrder.BY_LAYERS](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder/) -
    render all features with the symbolizer, then proceed to the next symbolizer.

| +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(symbolizer)](#add_symbolizer_1) | Adds the specified symbolizer. | + + +### Constructor: LayeredSymbolizer() {#LayeredSymbolizer__1} + + +``` + LayeredSymbolizer() +``` + +Creates new instance. + +### Constructor: LayeredSymbolizer(rendering_order) {#LayeredSymbolizer_rendering_order_2} + + +``` + LayeredSymbolizer(rendering_order) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| rendering_order | [RenderingOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder) | Determines the rendering order.

  • [RenderingOrder.BY_FEATURES](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder/) -
    render feature with all symbolizers, then proceed to the next feature.

  • [RenderingOrder.BY_LAYERS](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder/) -
    render all features with a symbolizer, then proceed with drawing features to the next symbolizer.

| + +### Method: add(symbolizer) {#add_symbolizer_1} + + +``` + add(symbolizer) +``` + +Adds the specified symbolizer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | The symbolizer to add. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f3980a8a9e93 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +title: MarkerCluster Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster/ +--- + +**Summary:** Marker cluster symbolizer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.MarkerCluster + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MarkerCluster(distance)](#MarkerCluster_distance_1) | Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerCluster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster/) class. | +| [MarkerCluster(other)](#MarkerCluster_other_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerCluster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| marker | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | r/w | Specifies the marker symbolizer in the cluster center. | +| nested_marker | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | r/w | Specifies the marker symbolizer for nested cluster points. The default is [VectorSymbolizer.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/). | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | + + +### Constructor: MarkerCluster(distance) {#MarkerCluster_distance_1} + + +``` + MarkerCluster(distance) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerCluster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| distance | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | Specifies the distance that collects the nearest points. | + +### Constructor: MarkerCluster(other) {#MarkerCluster_other_2} + + +``` + MarkerCluster(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerCluster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [MarkerCluster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster) | The other [MarkerCluster](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markercluster/) to copy data from. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cbedc4367744 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +--- +title: MarkerLine Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline/ +--- + +**Summary:** Marker line symbolizer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.MarkerLine + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MarkerLine()](#MarkerLine__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline/) class. | +| [MarkerLine(other)](#MarkerLine_other_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| interval | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the interval between markers along the line. | +| marker | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | r/w | Specifies the marker symbolizer along the line. | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +| offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies offset from the original line.
For positive distance the offset will be at the left side of the input line (relative to the line direction).
For a negative distance it will be at the right side. | +| offset_along_line | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the offset along the line for the first marker. | +| rotate_markers | bool | r/w | Specifies whether markers should be rotated along the line. | + + +### Constructor: MarkerLine() {#MarkerLine__1} + + +``` + MarkerLine() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline/) class. + +### Constructor: MarkerLine(other) {#MarkerLine_other_2} + + +``` + MarkerLine(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [MarkerLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline) | The other [MarkerLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerline/) to copy data from. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..efb369f58ec4 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +--- +title: MarkerPatternFill Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill/ +--- + +**Summary:** Marker pattern fill symbolizer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.MarkerPatternFill + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MarkerPatternFill()](#MarkerPatternFill__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerPatternFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill/) class. | +| [MarkerPatternFill(other)](#MarkerPatternFill_other_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerPatternFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| horizontal_displacement | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the horizontal offset for markers in even horizontal line. | +| horizontal_interval | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the horizontal interval between markers. | +| marker | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | r/w | Specifies the marker symbolizer for filling. | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +| vertical_displacement | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the vertical offset for markers in even vertical line. | +| vertical_interval | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the vertical interval between markers. | + + +### Constructor: MarkerPatternFill() {#MarkerPatternFill__1} + + +``` + MarkerPatternFill() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerPatternFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill/) class. + +### Constructor: MarkerPatternFill(other) {#MarkerPatternFill_other_2} + + +``` + MarkerPatternFill(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [MarkerPatternFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [MarkerPatternFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill) | The other [MarkerPatternFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markerpatternfill/) to copy data from. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markershapetype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markershapetype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6c3c501d08ba --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markershapetype/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: MarkerShapeType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 160 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markershapetype/ +--- + +A shape type of the marker. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.MarkerShapeType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CIRCLE | Circle shape. | +| CROSS | Cross shape. | +| SQUARE | Square shape. | +| STAR | Star shape. | +| TRIANGLE | Triangle shape. | +| X | 'X' letter shape. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/mixedgeometrysymbolizer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/mixedgeometrysymbolizer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e8dc2ad5c3d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/mixedgeometrysymbolizer/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +--- +title: MixedGeometrySymbolizer Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/mixedgeometrysymbolizer/ +--- + +**Summary:** Applies correct symbolizer to a feature geometry according to its geometry type. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.MixedGeometrySymbolizer + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [MixedGeometrySymbolizer()](#MixedGeometrySymbolizer__1) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| line_symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | r/w | Specifies a symbolizer to use for line geometries in the layer. | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +| point_symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | r/w | Specifies a symbolizer to use for point geometries in the layer. | +| polygon_symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | r/w | Specifies a symbolizer to use for polygon geometries in the layer. | + + +### Constructor: MixedGeometrySymbolizer() {#MixedGeometrySymbolizer__1} + + +``` + MixedGeometrySymbolizer() +``` + +Creates new instance. + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bba17ac4d769 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: NullVectorSymbolizer Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/ +--- + +**Summary:** The NullSymbolizer draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.NullVectorSymbolizer + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| instance [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | Gets an instance of NullSymbolizer. | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dbd7c7d16e60 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/ @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +--- +title: RasterImageMarker Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/ +--- + +**Summary:** This symbolizer renders a provided raster image. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.RasterImageMarker + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterImageMarker(image_path)](#RasterImageMarker_image_path_1) | Initializes a new instance of the [RasterImageMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/) class. | +| [RasterImageMarker(image_path)](#RasterImageMarker_image_path_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [RasterImageMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/) class. | +| [RasterImageMarker(other)](#RasterImageMarker_other_3) | Initializes a new instance of the [RasterImageMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the height of the marker. | +| horizontal_anchor_point | [HorizontalAnchor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/horizontalanchor) | r/w | specifies which side of a marker shape will be aligned horizontally with the point location. | +| horizontal_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies horizontal offset from a point location to the shape anchor point. | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +| opacity | double | r/w | Opacity of the layer. Default value is 1.0. | +| rotation | double | r/w | Specifies the rotation of the symbol about its center point, in decimal degrees.
Positive values indicate rotation in the clockwise direction, negative values indicate counter-clockwise rotation. | +| vertical_anchor_point | [VerticalAnchor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/verticalanchor) | r/w | Specifies which side of a marker shape will be aligned vertically with the point location. | +| vertical_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies vertical offset from a point location to the shape anchor point. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the width of the marker. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clones this instance. | + + +### Constructor: RasterImageMarker(image_path) {#RasterImageMarker_image_path_1} + + +``` + RasterImageMarker(image_path) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [RasterImageMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| image_path | string | Path to the file. | + +### Constructor: RasterImageMarker(image_path) {#RasterImageMarker_image_path_2} + + +``` + RasterImageMarker(image_path) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [RasterImageMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| image_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +### Constructor: RasterImageMarker(other) {#RasterImageMarker_other_3} + + +``` + RasterImageMarker(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [RasterImageMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [RasterImageMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker) | The other [RasterImageMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker/) to copy data from. | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterImageMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rasterimagemarker) | A clone of this instance. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..46e7df41e008 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: RenderingOrder Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 170 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/renderingorder/ +--- + +Determines the rendering order. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.RenderingOrder + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BY_FEATURES | Render feature with all symbolizers, then proceed to the next feature. | +| BY_LAYERS | Render all features with a symbolizer, then proceed with drawing features to the next symbolizer. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rule/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rule/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0d277fc740d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rule/ @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: Rule Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rule/ +--- + +**Summary:** A user-defined rule for [RuleBasedSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rulebasedsymbolizer/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.Rule + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| is_else_rule | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this rule is "else-rule". | +| is_filter_rule | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this rule is "filter-rule". | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | r | Symbolizer to apply to the feature. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_else_rule(symbolizer)](#create_else_rule_symbolizer_1) | Creates new rule that applies a symbolizer to feature whenever it doesn't match any filter rule. | + + +### Method: create_else_rule(symbolizer) [static] {#create_else_rule_symbolizer_1} + + +``` + create_else_rule(symbolizer) +``` + +Creates new rule that applies a symbolizer to feature whenever it doesn't match any filter rule. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | Symbolizer to apply. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Rule](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rule) | New Rule object. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rulebasedsymbolizer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rulebasedsymbolizer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f94641dd3f7f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rulebasedsymbolizer/ @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +--- +title: RuleBasedSymbolizer Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rulebasedsymbolizer/ +--- + +**Summary:** Applies a symbolizer to feature geometries according to user-defined rules. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.RuleBasedSymbolizer + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RuleBasedSymbolizer()](#RuleBasedSymbolizer__1) | Initializes a new instance of the RuleBasedSymbolizer class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(rule)](#add_rule_1) | Adds a rule. | +| [add_else_rule(symbolizer)](#add_else_rule_symbolizer_2) | Adds a symbolizer that will be applied to features that don't match any filtering rule. | + + +### Constructor: RuleBasedSymbolizer() {#RuleBasedSymbolizer__1} + + +``` + RuleBasedSymbolizer() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the RuleBasedSymbolizer class + +### Method: add(rule) {#add_rule_1} + + +``` + add(rule) +``` + +Adds a rule. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| rule | [Rule](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/rule) | Rule to add. | + +### Method: add_else_rule(symbolizer) {#add_else_rule_symbolizer_2} + + +``` + add_else_rule(symbolizer) +``` + +Adds a symbolizer that will be applied to features that don't match any filtering rule. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer) | A symbolizer. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplefill/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplefill/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cfd144ccba88 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplefill/ @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +--- +title: SimpleFill Class +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplefill/ +--- + +**Summary:** Simple polygon symbolizer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.SimpleFill + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SimpleFill()](#SimpleFill__1) | Creates new instance. | +| [SimpleFill(other)](#SimpleFill_other_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplefill/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| fill_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the color and transparency for filling. | +| fill_style | [FillStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/fillstyle) | r/w | Specifies the fill style. | +| horizontal_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies horizontal offset from a point location to the rendered shape. | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +| stroke_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the color and transparency given to the line. | +| stroke_dash_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the distance from the start of a line to the beginning of a dash pattern. | +| stroke_dash_pattern | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | r/w | Specifies an array of distances that specifies the lengths of alternating dashes and spaces
in dashed lines. | +| stroke_line_join | [LineJoin](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/linejoin) | r/w | Determines how lines are rendered at intersection of line segments. | +| stroke_style | [StrokeStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/strokestyle) | r/w | Specifies how the symbol lines should be drawn. | +| stroke_width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the width of the line. | +| vertical_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies vertical offset from a polygon location to the rendered shape. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clones this instance. | + + +### Constructor: SimpleFill() {#SimpleFill__1} + + +``` + SimpleFill() +``` + +Creates new instance. + +### Constructor: SimpleFill(other) {#SimpleFill_other_2} + + +``` + SimpleFill(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplefill/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [SimpleFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplefill) | The other [SimpleFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplefill/) to copy data from. | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SimpleFill](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplefill) | A clone of this instance. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simpleline/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simpleline/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5f6e7fcf6f72 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simpleline/ @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +--- +title: SimpleLine Class +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simpleline/ +--- + +**Summary:** Simple line symbolizer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.SimpleLine + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SimpleLine()](#SimpleLine__1) | Creates new instance. | +| [SimpleLine(other)](#SimpleLine_other_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simpleline/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| cap_style | [CapStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/capstyle) | r/w | Specifies how lines are rendered at their ends. | +| color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the color and transparency given to the line. | +| dash_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the distance from the start of a line to the beginning of a dash pattern. | +| dash_pattern | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | r/w | Specifies an array of distances that specifies the lengths of alternating dashes and spaces
in dashed lines. | +| line_join | [LineJoin](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/linejoin) | r/w | Determines how lines are rendered at intersection of line segments. | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +| offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies offset from the original line.
For positive distance the offset will be at the left side of the input line (relative to the line direction).
For a negative distance it will be at the right side. | +| style | [StrokeStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/strokestyle) | r/w | Specifies how the symbol lines should be drawn. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the width of the line. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clones this instance. | + + +### Constructor: SimpleLine() {#SimpleLine__1} + + +``` + SimpleLine() +``` + +Creates new instance. + +### Constructor: SimpleLine(other) {#SimpleLine_other_2} + + +``` + SimpleLine(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simpleline/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [SimpleLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simpleline) | The other [SimpleLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simpleline/) to copy data from. | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SimpleLine](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simpleline) | A clone of this instance. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..aeafcfad58ba --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker/ @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +--- +title: SimpleMarker Class +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker/ +--- + +**Summary:** Simple point symbolizer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.SimpleMarker + +**Inheritance:** VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SimpleMarker()](#SimpleMarker__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker/) class. | +| [SimpleMarker(other)](#SimpleMarker_other_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| fill_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the color and transparency for filling. | +| horizontal_anchor_point | [HorizontalAnchor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/horizontalanchor) | r/w | Specifies which side of a marker shape will be aligned horizontally with the point location. | +| horizontal_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies horizontal offset from a point location to the shape anchor point. | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | +| rotation | double | r/w | Specifies the rotation of the symbol about its center point, in decimal degrees.
Positive values indicate rotation in the clockwise direction, negative values indicate counter-clockwise rotation. | +| shape_type | [MarkerShapeType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/markershapetype) | r/w | Specifies the shape of the marker. | +| size | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the size of the marker. | +| stroke_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Specifies the color and transparency given to the line. | +| stroke_dash_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the distance from the start of a line to the beginning of a dash pattern. | +| stroke_dash_pattern | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | r/w | Specifies an array of distances that specifies the lengths of alternating dashes and spaces
in dashed lines. | +| stroke_line_join | [LineJoin](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/linejoin) | r/w | Determines how lines are rendered at intersection of line segments. | +| stroke_style | [StrokeStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/strokestyle) | r/w | Specifies how the symbol lines should be drawn. | +| stroke_width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies the width of the line. | +| vertical_anchor_point | [VerticalAnchor](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/verticalanchor) | r/w | Specifies which side of a marker shape will be aligned vertically with the point location. | +| vertical_offset | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies vertical offset from a point location to the shape anchor point. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clones this instance. | + + +### Constructor: SimpleMarker() {#SimpleMarker__1} + + +``` + SimpleMarker() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker/) class. + +### Constructor: SimpleMarker(other) {#SimpleMarker_other_2} + + +``` + SimpleMarker(other) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [SimpleMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [SimpleMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker) | The other [SimpleMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker/) to copy data from. | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SimpleMarker](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/simplemarker) | A clone of this instance. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8fe00b06db06 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: VectorSymbolizer Class +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/ +--- + +**Summary:** The abstract root class for the symbolizers that render vector features. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.VectorSymbolizer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| null [static] | [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer) | r | The [NullVectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/nullvectorsymbolizer/) draws nothing and effectively skips rendering of a geometry it is applied to. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/verticalanchor/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/verticalanchor/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8dac384da82c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/verticalanchor/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: VerticalAnchor Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 180 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/verticalanchor/ +--- + +Specifies side to be aligned vertically. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers.VerticalAnchor + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BOTTOM | Specifies that bottom sides will be aligned | +| CENTER | Specifies that centers will be aligned. | +| TOP | Specifies that top sides will be aligned. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6f4e493e4cfd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.rendering +type: docs +weight: 670 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) | Map is a collection of layers that can be rendered on top of each other via [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/). | +| [MapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/maplayer/) | A MapLayeris a base class for layers inside the [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/). | +| [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/) | A number that indicates a render measurement. | +| [RasterMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermaplayer/) | A layer inside [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) that represents a raster layer data. | +| [RasterMapResampling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermapresampling/) | This class describes how to resample a raster layer when rendering a map. | +| [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/) | A base class for renderers. | +| [Renderers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderers/) | Renderers for all supported formats. | +| [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) | A layer inside [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) that represents a vector layer data. | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [CapStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/capstyle/) | Specifies how lines are rendered at their ends. | +| [FillStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/fillstyle/) | Specifies a filling pattern. | +| [LineJoin](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/linejoin/) | Determines how lines are rendered at intersections of line segments. | +| [StrokeStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/strokestyle/) | Specifies a stroke style. | +| [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/unit/) | A unit of measurement. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/capstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/capstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..85d3eb483f6a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/capstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: CapStyle Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 410 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/capstyle/ +--- + +Specifies how lines are rendered at their ends. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.CapStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BUTT | Sharp square edge. | +| ROUND | Rounded edge. | +| SQUARE | Slightly elongated square edge. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/fillstyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/fillstyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7c5400fd905f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/fillstyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: FillStyle Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 420 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/fillstyle/ +--- + +Specifies a filling pattern. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.FillStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BACKWARD_DIAGONAL_HATCH | A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper right to lower left. | +| CROSS_HATCH | A pattern of horizontal and vertical lines that cross. | +| DIAGONAL_CROSS_HATCH | A pattern of crisscross diagonal lines. | +| FORWARD_DIAGONAL_HATCH | A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper left to lower right. | +| HORIZONTAL_HATCH | A pattern of horizontal lines. | +| NONE | Do not fill. | +| SOLID | Solid fill. | +| VERTICAL_HATCH | A pattern of vertical lines. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/linejoin/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/linejoin/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..81139eac0fdf --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/linejoin/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: LineJoin Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 450 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/linejoin/ +--- + +Determines how lines are rendered at intersections of line segments. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.LineJoin + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BEVEL | Diagonal corner. | +| MITER | Sharp corner. | +| ROUND | Rounded corner. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..248c546b7587 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/ @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +--- +title: Map Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/ +--- + +**Summary:** Map is a collection of layers that can be rendered on top of each other via [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.Map + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Map()](#Map__1) | Creates new instance of the Map class. | +| [Map(width, height)](#Map_width_height_2) | Creates new instance of the Map class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| background_color | System.Drawing.Color | r/w | Background color of the map. Defaults to . | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | r/w | Specifies bounds of map to render.
If set to , extent is calculated during rendering to include all geometries in all layers. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Visual height of the map. | +| padding | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Specifies padding to add to the extent. | +| resolution | double | r/w | Resolution to be used to render this map and to convert between [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/). Defaults to 96. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | [Map.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) of the map. | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r/w | Visual width of the map. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(features_sequence)](#add_features_sequence_1) | Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. | +| [add(features_sequence, symbolizer)](#add_features_sequence_symbolizer_2) | Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. | +| [add(features_sequence, symbolizer, labeling)](#add_features_sequence_symbolizer_labeling_3) | Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. | +| [add(layer, colorizer, keep_open)](#add_layer_colorizer_keep_open_4) | Creates a [RasterMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermaplayer/) with default colorizer and adds it to the map. | +| [add(layer, keep_open)](#add_layer_keep_open_5) | Creates a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) with default symbolizer and adds it to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. | +| [add(layer, symbolizer, keep_open)](#add_layer_symbolizer_keep_open_6) | Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. | +| [add(layer, symbolizer, labeling, default_reference_system, keep_open)](#add_layer_symbolizer_labeling_default_reference_system_keep_open_7) | Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. | +| [add(layer, symbolizer, labeling, keep_open)](#add_layer_symbolizer_labeling_keep_open_8) | Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. | +| [add(map_layer)](#add_map_layer_9) | Adds a layer to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. | +| [render(output_path, renderer)](#render_output_path_renderer_10) | Renders map into a file. | +| [render(output_path, renderer)](#render_output_path_renderer_11) | Renders map into a file. | + + +### Constructor: Map() {#Map__1} + + +``` + Map() +``` + +Creates new instance of the Map class. + +### Constructor: Map(width, height) {#Map_width_height_2} + + +``` + Map(width, height) +``` + +Creates new instance of the Map class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| width | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | Width of the map. | +| height | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | Height of the map. | + +### Method: add(features_sequence) {#add_features_sequence_1} + + +``` + add(features_sequence) +``` + +Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| features_sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | A features sequence to represent by [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/). | + +### Method: add(features_sequence, symbolizer) {#add_features_sequence_symbolizer_2} + + +``` + add(features_sequence, symbolizer) +``` + +Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| features_sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | A features sequence to represent by [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/). | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | + +### Method: add(features_sequence, symbolizer, labeling) {#add_features_sequence_symbolizer_labeling_3} + + +``` + add(features_sequence, symbolizer, labeling) +``` + +Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| features_sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | A features sequence to represent by [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/). | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/) | Labeling to use to label features in layer. If , [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/) will be used. | + +### Method: add(layer, colorizer, keep_open) {#add_layer_colorizer_keep_open_4} + + +``` + add(layer, colorizer, keep_open) +``` + +Creates a [RasterMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermaplayer/) with default colorizer and adds it to the map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | A vector layer to represent by [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | +| colorizer | [RasterColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/rastercolorizer/) | A colorizer to use for rendering. If , default colorizer is used. | +| keep_open | bool | to leave the raster layer open after the [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) object is disposed;
to dispose the layer. | + +### Method: add(layer, keep_open) {#add_layer_keep_open_5} + + +``` + add(layer, keep_open) +``` + +Creates a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) with default symbolizer and adds it to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A vector layer to represent by [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/). | +| keep_open | bool | to leave the vector layer open after the [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) object is disposed;
to dispose the layer. | + +### Method: add(layer, symbolizer, keep_open) {#add_layer_symbolizer_keep_open_6} + + +``` + add(layer, symbolizer, keep_open) +``` + +Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A vector layer to represent by [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/). | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | +| keep_open | bool | to leave the vector layer open after the [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) object is disposed;
to dispose the layer. | + +### Method: add(layer, symbolizer, labeling, default_reference_system, keep_open) {#add_layer_symbolizer_labeling_default_reference_system_keep_open_7} + + +``` + add(layer, symbolizer, labeling, default_reference_system, keep_open) +``` + +Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A vector layer to represent by [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/). | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/) | Labeling to use to label features in layer. If , default [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/) will be used. | +| default_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Specifies a value for a source spatial reference (layer\sequence) if that is missing. Default null will be used. | +| keep_open | bool | to leave the layer open after the [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) object is disposed; otherwise, . | + +### Method: add(layer, symbolizer, labeling, keep_open) {#add_layer_symbolizer_labeling_keep_open_8} + + +``` + add(layer, symbolizer, labeling, keep_open) +``` + +Creates and adds a [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A vector layer to represent by [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/). | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | A symbolizer to use for rendering. If , default symbolizer is used. | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/) | Labeling to use to label features in layer. If , default [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/) will be used. | +| keep_open | bool | to leave the layer open after the [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) object is disposed; otherwise, . | + +### Method: add(map_layer) {#add_map_layer_9} + + +``` + add(map_layer) +``` + +Adds a layer to the map. Layers are rendered in addition order. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map_layer | [MapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/maplayer) | The layer to be added. | + +### Method: render(output_path, renderer) {#render_output_path_renderer_10} + + +``` + render(output_path, renderer) +``` + +Renders map into a file. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | string | Path to the output file. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer) | Renderer to use. | + +### Method: render(output_path, renderer) {#render_output_path_renderer_11} + + +``` + render(output_path, renderer) +``` + +Renders map into a file. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output file. | +| renderer | [Renderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer) | Renderer to use. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/maplayer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/maplayer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..84201905df14 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/maplayer/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: MapLayer Class +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/maplayer/ +--- + +**Summary:** A MapLayeris a base class for layers inside the [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.MapLayer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| opacity | double | r/w | Opacity of the layer. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..efd7eda653c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/ @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +--- +title: Measurement Class +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement/ +--- + +**Summary:** A number that indicates a render measurement. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.Measurement + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Measurement()](#Measurement__1) | Initializes a new instance of the Measurement class | +| [Measurement(value, unit)](#Measurement_value_unit_2) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r | A unit of measurement. | +| value | double | r | A number that indicates the length of the measurement. | +| zero [static] | [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | r | A measurement of zero length. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [inches(value)](#inches_value_1) | Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in inches. | +| [map_units(value)](#map_units_value_2) | Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in maps Spatial Reference units. | +| [meters_on_earth(value)](#meters_on_earth_value_3) | Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in meters on the Earth. | +| [millimeters(value)](#millimeters_value_4) | Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in millimeters. | +| [pixels(value)](#pixels_value_5) | Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in pixels. | +| [points(value)](#points_value_6) | Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in points. | + + +### Constructor: Measurement() {#Measurement__1} + + +``` + Measurement() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the Measurement class + +### Constructor: Measurement(value, unit) {#Measurement_value_unit_2} + + +``` + Measurement(value, unit) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | A number that indicates the length of the measurement. | +| unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | A unit of measurement. | + +### Method: inches(value) [static] {#inches_value_1} + + +``` + inches(value) +``` + +Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in inches. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | Number of inches. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | New instance of Measurement class. | + + +### Method: map_units(value) [static] {#map_units_value_2} + + +``` + map_units(value) +``` + +Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in maps Spatial Reference units. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | Number of units. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | New instance of Measurement class. | + + +### Method: meters_on_earth(value) [static] {#meters_on_earth_value_3} + + +``` + meters_on_earth(value) +``` + +Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in meters on the Earth. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | Number of meters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | New instance of Measurement class. | + + +### Method: millimeters(value) [static] {#millimeters_value_4} + + +``` + millimeters(value) +``` + +Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in millimeters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | Number of millimeters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | New instance of Measurement class. | + + +### Method: pixels(value) [static] {#pixels_value_5} + + +``` + pixels(value) +``` + +Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in pixels. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | Number of pixels. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | New instance of Measurement class. | + + +### Method: points(value) [static] {#points_value_6} + + +``` + points(value) +``` + +Returns a new instance of Measurement that represents length in points. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | Number of points. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Measurement](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/measurement) | New instance of Measurement class. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermaplayer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermaplayer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bcb7d44754d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermaplayer/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: RasterMapLayer Class +type: docs +weight: 250 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermaplayer/ +--- + +**Summary:** A layer inside [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) that represents a raster layer data. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.RasterMapLayer + +**Inheritance:** MapLayer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterMapLayer(layer, colorizer, keep_open)](#RasterMapLayer_layer_colorizer_keep_open_1) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| colorizer | [RasterColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/rastercolorizer/) | r/w | Colorizer to use to render cells of the raster. | +| opacity | double | r/w | Opacity of the layer. | +| resampling | [RasterMapResampling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermapresampling) | r/w | Specifies warp options of the layer on a map. | + + +### Constructor: RasterMapLayer(layer, colorizer, keep_open) {#RasterMapLayer_layer_colorizer_keep_open_1} + + +``` + RasterMapLayer(layer, colorizer, keep_open) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | Raster layer. | +| colorizer | [RasterColorizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.colorizers/rastercolorizer/) | Symbolizer to use to render layer. If , default colorizer will be used. | +| keep_open | bool | to leave the layer open after the [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) object is disposed; otherwise, . | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermapresampling/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermapresampling/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b9c34703e9f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermapresampling/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: RasterMapResampling Class +type: docs +weight: 260 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/rastermapresampling/ +--- + +**Summary:** This class describes how to resample a raster layer when rendering a map. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.RasterMapResampling + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterMapResampling()](#RasterMapResampling__1) | Initializes a new instance of the RasterMapResampling class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| height | int | r/w | Specifies raster height on a map in pixels and columns.
If the value is set to 0, the height is automatically computed. The default value is "0". | +| width | int | r/w | Specifies raster width on a map in pixels and columns.
If the value is set to 0, the width is automatically computed. The default value is "0". | + + +### Constructor: RasterMapResampling() {#RasterMapResampling__1} + + +``` + RasterMapResampling() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the RasterMapResampling class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3576b14ac5b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +title: Renderer Class +type: docs +weight: 270 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderer/ +--- + +**Summary:** A base class for renderers. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.Renderer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [render(map, output_path)](#render_map_output_path_1) | Renders map. | +| [render(map, output_path)](#render_map_output_path_2) | Renders map. | + + +### Method: render(map, output_path) {#render_map_output_path_1} + + +``` + render(map, output_path) +``` + +Renders map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map | [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map) | Map to render. | +| output_path | string | Path to the output file. | + +### Method: render(map, output_path) {#render_map_output_path_2} + + +``` + render(map, output_path) +``` + +Renders map. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| map | [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map) | Map to render. | +| output_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output file. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderers/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderers/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f8ae38dea873 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderers/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Renderers Class +type: docs +weight: 280 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/renderers/ +--- + +**Summary:** Renderers for all supported formats. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.Renderers + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bmp [static] | [BmpRenderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.bmp/bmprenderer/) | r | A renderer that renders into the BMP format. | +| jpeg [static] | [JpegRenderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.jpeg/jpegrenderer/) | r | A renderer that renders into the JPEG format. | +| png [static] | [PngRenderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.png/pngrenderer/) | r | A renderer that renders into the PNG format. | +| svg [static] | [SvgRenderer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.formats.svg/svgrenderer/) | r | A renderer that renders into the SVG format. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/strokestyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/strokestyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..65ddc49e7b54 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/strokestyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- +title: StrokeStyle Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 500 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/strokestyle/ +--- + +Specifies a stroke style. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.StrokeStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| CUSTOM | Custom dash pattern line. | +| DASH | Specifies a dash line. | +| DASH_DOT | Specifies alternate dots and dashes . | +| DASH_DOT_DOT | Specifies a dash-dot-dot line. | +| DOT | Specifies a dotted line. | +| NONE | Specifies, that no line should be drawn. | +| SOLID | Specifies a plain line. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/unit/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/unit/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d52d34fb0cd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/unit/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Unit Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 510 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/unit/ +--- + +A unit of measurement. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.Unit + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| INCHES | Specifies inches. One inch is 25.4 millimeters. | +| MAP_UNITS | Specifies Spatial Reference specific map units. | +| METERS_ON_EARTH | Specifies a length in actual meters on the Earth regardless what is the [Map.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/). | +| MILLIMETERS | Specifies millimeters. | +| PIXELS | Specifies pixels. | +| POINTS | Specifies points. There are 72 points in inch. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..44cf14b78b66 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/ @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +--- +title: VectorMapLayer Class +type: docs +weight: 390 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/ +--- + +**Summary:** A layer inside [Map](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/map/) that represents a vector layer data. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.rendering](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.rendering.VectorMapLayer + +**Inheritance:** MapLayer + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorMapLayer(features_sequence)](#VectorMapLayer_features_sequence_1) | Creates new instance with default symbolizer. | +| [VectorMapLayer(features_sequence, symbolizer)](#VectorMapLayer_features_sequence_symbolizer_2) | Creates new instance with default symbolizer. | +| [VectorMapLayer(features_sequence, symbolizer, labeling, default_reference_system)](#VectorMapLayer_features_sequence_symbolizer_labeling_default_reference_system_3) | Creates new instance with default symbolizer. | +| [VectorMapLayer(layer, keep_open)](#VectorMapLayer_layer_keep_open_4) | Creates new instance with default symbolizer. | +| [VectorMapLayer(layer, symbolizer, keep_open)](#VectorMapLayer_layer_symbolizer_keep_open_5) | Creates new instance. | +| [VectorMapLayer(layer, symbolizer, labeling, default_reference_system, keep_open)](#VectorMapLayer_layer_symbolizer_labeling_default_reference_system_keep_open_6) | Creates new instance. | +| [VectorMapLayer(layer, symbolizer, labeling, keep_open)](#VectorMapLayer_layer_symbolizer_labeling_keep_open_7) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| features_sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | r | The features sequence represented by this VectorMapLayer. | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/) | r/w | Specifies warp options of the map layer. | +| opacity | double | r/w | Opacity of the layer. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | r/w | Symbolizer to use to render features of the layer. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [import_sld(path, options)](#import_sld_path_options_1) | Imports style from Styled Layer Descriptor file located at the specified path. | +| [import_sld(path, options)](#import_sld_path_options_2) | Imports style from Styled Layer Descriptor file located at the specified path. | +| [import_sld_from_string(sld, options)](#import_sld_from_string_sld_options_3) | Imports style from the specified Styled Layer Descriptor string. | + + +### Constructor: VectorMapLayer(features_sequence) {#VectorMapLayer_features_sequence_1} + + +``` + VectorMapLayer(features_sequence) +``` + +Creates new instance with default symbolizer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| features_sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features sequence. | + +### Constructor: VectorMapLayer(features_sequence, symbolizer) {#VectorMapLayer_features_sequence_symbolizer_2} + + +``` + VectorMapLayer(features_sequence, symbolizer) +``` + +Creates new instance with default symbolizer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| features_sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features sequence. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | Symbolizer to use to render layer. If , default symbolizer will be used. | + +### Constructor: VectorMapLayer(features_sequence, symbolizer, labeling, default_reference_system) {#VectorMapLayer_features_sequence_symbolizer_labeling_default_reference_system_3} + + +``` + VectorMapLayer(features_sequence, symbolizer, labeling, default_reference_system) +``` + +Creates new instance with default symbolizer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| features_sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features sequence. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | Symbolizer to use to render layer. If , default symbolizer will be used. | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/) | Labeling to use to label features in layer. If , default [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/) will be used. | +| default_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Specifies a value for a source spatial reference (layer\sequence) if that is missing. Default null will be used. | + +### Constructor: VectorMapLayer(layer, keep_open) {#VectorMapLayer_layer_keep_open_4} + + +``` + VectorMapLayer(layer, keep_open) +``` + +Creates new instance with default symbolizer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | Vector layer. | +| keep_open | bool | to leave the layer open after the [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) object is disposed; otherwise, . | + +### Constructor: VectorMapLayer(layer, symbolizer, keep_open) {#VectorMapLayer_layer_symbolizer_keep_open_5} + + +``` + VectorMapLayer(layer, symbolizer, keep_open) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | Vector layer. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | Symbolizer to use to render layer. If , default symbolizer will be used. | +| keep_open | bool | to leave the layer open after the [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) object is disposed; otherwise, . | + +### Constructor: VectorMapLayer(layer, symbolizer, labeling, default_reference_system, keep_open) {#VectorMapLayer_layer_symbolizer_labeling_default_reference_system_keep_open_6} + + +``` + VectorMapLayer(layer, symbolizer, labeling, default_reference_system, keep_open) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | Vector layer. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | Symbolizer to use to render layer. If , default symbolizer will be used. | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/) | Labeling to use to label features in layer. If , default [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/) will be used. | +| default_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Specifies a value for a source spatial reference (layer\sequence) if that is missing. Default null will be used. | +| keep_open | bool | to leave the layer open after the [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) object is disposed; otherwise, . | + +### Constructor: VectorMapLayer(layer, symbolizer, labeling, keep_open) {#VectorMapLayer_layer_symbolizer_labeling_keep_open_7} + + +``` + VectorMapLayer(layer, symbolizer, labeling, keep_open) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | Vector layer. | +| symbolizer | [VectorSymbolizer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.symbolizers/vectorsymbolizer/) | Symbolizer to use to render layer. If , default symbolizer will be used. | +| labeling | [Labeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/labeling/) | Labeling to use to label features in layer. If , default [NullLabeling](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.labelings/nulllabeling/) will be used. | +| keep_open | bool | to leave the layer open after the [VectorMapLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering/vectormaplayer/) object is disposed; otherwise, . | + +### Method: import_sld(path, options) {#import_sld_path_options_1} + + +``` + import_sld(path, options) +``` + +Imports style from Styled Layer Descriptor file located at the specified path. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the Styled Layer Descriptor file. | +| options | [SldImportOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/sldimportoptions/) | Import options. | + +### Method: import_sld(path, options) {#import_sld_path_options_2} + + +``` + import_sld(path, options) +``` + +Imports style from Styled Layer Descriptor file located at the specified path. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the Styled Layer Descriptor file. | +| options | [SldImportOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/sldimportoptions/) | Import options. | + +### Method: import_sld_from_string(sld, options) {#import_sld_from_string_sld_options_3} + + +``` + import_sld_from_string(sld, options) +``` + +Imports style from the specified Styled Layer Descriptor string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| sld | string | Styled Layer Descriptor. | +| options | [SldImportOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.rendering.sld/sldimportoptions/) | Import options. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..479a8fa9a2d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis.spatialreferencing +type: docs +weight: 770 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) | An axis describes one dimension of SRS. | +| [BursaWolfParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/) | Class that contains parameters of Bursa-Wolf formula to transform to another datum. | +| [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/) | Compound SRS unites two underlying SRS, none of which can be compound. | +| [Ellipsoid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid/) | Ellipsoid represents an ellipsoid, which approximates earth. | +| [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem/) | Geocentric SRS is 3 dimensional cartesian SRS with origin at earth center. | +| [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystemparameters/) | Parameters to create geocentric SRS.
Parameters have reasonable defaults, so you will have to assign only some of them.
If you assign to any parameter, a default value will be used. | +| [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum/) | Geographic datum relates longitude and latitude to particular place on earth. | +| [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem/) | A Geographic SRS is an SRS that is based on longitude and latitude.
A Geographic SRS can be two dimensional or three dimensional.
If geographic SRS is three dimensional, then it is actually a compound SRS of two dimensional SRS and vertical SRS. | +| [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystemparameters/) | Parameters to create geographic SRS.
Parameters have reasonable defaults, so you will have to assign only some of them.
If you assign to any parameter, a default value will be used. | +| [IdentifiableObject](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/) | Represents an object that might have EPSG code and name. | +| [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/) | Represents an identifier - a reference to external description of an object.
If you create a SRS from WKT, [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/) corresponds to "AUTHORITY" keyword. | +| [LocalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum/) | Indicates method used for measurements in local spatial reference system. | +| [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/) | Local SRS related coordinates to some object, not earth. | +| [PrimeMeridian](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian/) | PrimeMeridian represents a meridian at which longitude is defined to be 0. | +| [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/) | Projected SRS is a result of application a projection to geographic SRS.
A projected SRS can be two dimensional or three dimensional.
If projected SRS is three dimensional, then it is actually a compound SRS of two dimensional projected SRS and one dimensional vertical SRS. | +| [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/) | Parameters to create projected SRS. Some of parameters have defaults.
Some parameters have reasonable defaults, so you don't have to assign only them.
If you assign to those parameters, a default value will be used.
[ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters.projection_method_name](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/) and [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters.base](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/) don't have defaults -
you have to assign some non value to this properties. | +| [Projection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projection/) | Represents a projection method with parameters, that transforms (longitude, latitude) to (x, y). | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system maps coordinates to places on Earth.
There are different types of SRS, see [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/).
What's more, if type of SRS is [SpatialReferenceSystemType.GEOGRAPHIC](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/) or
[SpatialReferenceSystemType.PROJECTED](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/), SRS can be compound or single, see [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_compound](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). | +| [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation/) | Spatial reference system transformation transforms geometries from source spatial reference system to target spatial reference system. | +| [TransformationException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/transformationexception/) | Transformation exception is thrown when error occurs during transformation of coordinate or during transformation creation. | +| [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) | Represent measurement unit. | +| [VerticalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticaldatum/) | Indicates method used for vertical measurements. | +| [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem/) | Vertical SRS is a one dimensional SRS that describes height coordinates. | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [AxisDirection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axisdirection/) | Axis direction defines direction at which axis is pointing. | +| [GeocentricAxisesOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricaxisesorder/) | Represents order of axises in geocentric SRS. | +| [GeographicAxisesOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicaxisesorder/) | Represents order of axises in geographic SRS. | +| [ParameterType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/parametertype/) | Determines type of parameter in [Projection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projection/). | +| [ProjectedAxisesOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedaxisesorder/) | Represents order of axises in geographic SRS. | +| [SpatialReferenceSystemType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/) | Represents type of spatial reference system. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..982e1ad06a30 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: Axis Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/ +--- + +**Summary:** An axis describes one dimension of SRS. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.Axis + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Axis(name, direction)](#Axis_name_direction_1) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| direction | [AxisDirection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axisdirection) | r | Direction of this axis. | +| is_east_west_axis | bool | r | Detects if direction of axis is East or West. | +| is_north_south_axis | bool | r | Detects if direction of axis is North or South. | +| is_other_axis | bool | r | Detects if this axis direction is Other. | +| is_up_down_axis | bool | r | Detects if direction of axis is Up or Down. | +| name | string | r | Name of this axis. | + + +### Constructor: Axis(name, direction) {#Axis_name_direction_1} + + +``` + Axis(name, direction) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the axis. | +| direction | [AxisDirection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axisdirection) | Direction of the axis. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f88b5d440bcd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/ @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +--- +title: BursaWolfParameters Class +type: docs +weight: 20 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/ +--- + +**Summary:** Class that contains parameters of Bursa-Wolf formula to transform to another datum. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.BursaWolfParameters + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [BursaWolfParameters(dx, dy, dz)](#BursaWolfParameters_dx_dy_dz_1) | Creates new instance of [BursaWolfParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/). | +| [BursaWolfParameters(dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz, scale)](#BursaWolfParameters_dx_dy_dz_rx_ry_rz_scale_2) | Creates new instance of [BursaWolfParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/). | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| dx | double | r | Dx in meters. | +| dy | double | r | Dy in meters. | +| dz | double | r | Dz in meters. | +| is_null | bool | r | Determine whether this instance is [BursaWolfParameters.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/). | +| null [static] | [BursaWolfParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters) | r | Special value, indicating that parameters are unknown. | +| rx | double | r | Rx in seconds. | +| ry | double | r | Ry in seconds. | +| rz | double | r | Rz in seconds. | +| scale | double | r | Scale in parts per million. | + + +### Constructor: BursaWolfParameters(dx, dy, dz) {#BursaWolfParameters_dx_dy_dz_1} + + +``` + BursaWolfParameters(dx, dy, dz) +``` + +Creates new instance of [BursaWolfParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dx | double | Dx in meters. | +| dy | double | Dy in meters. | +| dz | double | Dz in meters. | + +### Constructor: BursaWolfParameters(dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz, scale) {#BursaWolfParameters_dx_dy_dz_rx_ry_rz_scale_2} + + +``` + BursaWolfParameters(dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz, scale) +``` + +Creates new instance of [BursaWolfParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dx | double | Dx in meters. | +| dy | double | Dy in meters. | +| dz | double | Dz in meters. | +| rx | double | Rx in seconds. | +| ry | double | Ry in seconds. | +| rz | double | Rz in seconds. | +| scale | double | Scale in parts per million. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7c1d3e9f355c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/ @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +--- +title: CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem Class +type: docs +weight: 30 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/ +--- + +**Summary:** Compound SRS unites two underlying SRS, none of which can be compound. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem + +**Inheritance:** SpatialReferenceSystem + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| as_compound | [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem) | r | Return this. | +| as_geocentric | [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_geographic | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | Return geographic representation of this SRS. If this compound SRS indeed represents a geographic SRS, the result will
be three dimensional geographic SRS (with longitude, latitude, height dimensions). Otherwise an exception will be thrown. | +| as_local | [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_projected | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | Return projected representation of this SRS. If this compound SRS indeed represents a projected SRS, the result will
be three dimensional projected SRS (with X, Y, height dimensions). Otherwise an exception will be thrown. | +| as_vertical | [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| dimensions_count | int | r | Number of dimensions. For compound SRS this is sum of number of dimensions of underlying SRS. | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| etrs89 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 (EPSG:4258) spatial reference system. | +| etrs_89_lambert_azimuthal_equal_area [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 / ETRS Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035) spatial reference system. | +| etrs_89_lambert_conformal_conic [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 / Lambert Conformal Conic (EPSG:3034) spatial reference system. | +| geographic_datum | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r | Return geographic datum of this SRS.
If both [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem.head](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/) and [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem.tail](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/) have geographic datum - return geographic datum of head. | +| has_geographic_datum | bool | r | Compound SRS have geographic datum if any of underlying SRS have geographic datum. | +| has_prime_meridian | bool | r | Compound SRS has prime meridian if any of underlying SRS have prime meridian. | +| head | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | r | First underlying SRS. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| is_compound | bool | r | Returns . | +| is_single | bool | r | Returns whether this SRS is single (not a union of two SRS). | +| is_valid | bool | r | Same as , but don't return error message. | +| nad83 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | NAD 83 (EPSG:4269) spatial reference system. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | +| osgb36 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | OSGB 36 (EPSG:4277) spatial reference system. | +| osgb_36_british_national_grid [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | OSGB 36 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700) spatial reference system. | +| prime_meridian | [PrimeMeridian](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian) | r | Return prime meridian of this SRS.
If both [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem.head](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/) and [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem.tail](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/) have prime meridian - return prime meridian of head. | +| tail | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | r | Second underlying SRS. | +| type | [SpatialReferenceSystemType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype) | r | Type of this Compound SRS. Can be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.GEOGRAPHIC](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/) if
this Compound SRS is combination of geographic and vertical SRS, or [SpatialReferenceSystemType.PROJECTED](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/) if
this Compound SRS is combination of projected and vertical SRS. | +| web_mercator [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) spatial reference system. | +| wgs72 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | WGS 72 (EPSG:4322) spatial reference system. | +| wgs84 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) spatial reference system. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier)](#create_compound_name_head_tail_identifier_1) | Create compound SRS. | +| [create_from_epsg(epsg)](#create_from_epsg_epsg_2) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. | +| [create_from_wkt(wkt)](#create_from_wkt_wkt_3) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. | +| [create_geocentric(parameters, identifier)](#create_geocentric_parameters_identifier_4) | Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_geographic(parameters, identifier)](#create_geographic_parameters_identifier_5) | Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier)](#create_local_name_datum_unit_axises_identifier_6) | Create local Spatial Reference System. | +| [create_projected(parameters, identifier)](#create_projected_parameters_identifier_7) | Create projected SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_transformation_to(target_srs)](#create_transformation_to_target_srs_8) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| [create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier)](#create_vertical_name_vertical_datum_vertical_unit_vertical_axis_identifier_9) | Create vertical SRS. | +| [export_to_wkt()](#export_to_wkt__10) | Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string.
The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named "WKT1". | +| [get_axis(dimension)](#get_axis_dimension_11) | Get [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) that describes dimension. | +| [get_unit(dimension)](#get_unit_dimension_12) | Get [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) of dimension. | +| [is_equivalent(other)](#is_equivalent_other_13) | Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). | +| [is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](#is_equivalent_srs1_srs2_14) | Determines if two SRS are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). | +| [try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value)](#try_create_from_epsg_epsg_value_15) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. | +| [try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value)](#try_create_from_wkt_wkt_value_16) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. | +| [try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value)](#try_create_transformation_to_target_srs_value_17) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| [validate(error_message)](#validate_error_message_18) | Determine if this SRS is valid. See for validity description. | + + +### Method: create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier) [static] {#create_compound_name_head_tail_identifier_1} + + +``` + create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier) +``` + +Create compound SRS. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of new SRS. | +| head | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Head SRS of new SRS. | +| tail | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Tail SRS of new SRS. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem) | New Compound SRS. | + + +### Method: create_from_epsg(epsg) [static] {#create_from_epsg_epsg_2} + + +``` + create_from_epsg(epsg) +``` + +Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg | int | EPSG code of the spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | A new spatial reference system with the specified EPSG code. | + + +### Method: create_from_wkt(wkt) [static] {#create_from_wkt_wkt_3} + + +``` + create_from_wkt(wkt) +``` + +Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | WKT string. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | New SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: create_geocentric(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_geocentric_parameters_identifier_4} + + +``` + create_geocentric(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem) | New Geocentric SRS. | + + +### Method: create_geographic(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_geographic_parameters_identifier_5} + + +``` + create_geographic(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | New Geographic SRS. | + + +### Method: create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier) [static] {#create_local_name_datum_unit_axises_identifier_6} + + +``` + create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier) +``` + +Create local Spatial Reference System. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of Spatial Reference System. | +| datum | [LocalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum) | Datum to be used in SRS. | +| unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit to be used in SRS. | +| axises | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection | Axises to be used in SRS. Must be non empty | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem) | New Local Spatial Reference System. | + + +### Method: create_projected(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_projected_parameters_identifier_7} + + +``` + create_projected(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create projected SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | New Projected SRS. | + + +### Method: create_transformation_to(target_srs) {#create_transformation_to_target_srs_8} + + +``` + create_transformation_to(target_srs) +``` + +Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation) | Transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier) [static] {#create_vertical_name_vertical_datum_vertical_unit_vertical_axis_identifier_9} + + +``` + create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier) +``` + +Create vertical SRS. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of SRS. If . | +| vertical_datum | [VerticalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticaldatum) | Datum to be used in SRS. | +| vertical_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit to be used in SRS. If , [Unit.meter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) will be used. | +| vertical_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | Axis with "up" or "down" direction, to be used in SRS. If , axis with up direction will be used. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem) | New Vertical SRS. | + + +### Method: export_to_wkt() {#export_to_wkt__10} + + +``` + export_to_wkt() +``` + +Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string.
The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named "WKT1". + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | WKT representation of this SRS. | + + +### Method: get_axis(dimension) {#get_axis_dimension_11} + + +``` + get_axis(dimension) +``` + +Get [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) that describes dimension. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | int | Number of dimension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | Axis that describes dimension. | + + +### Method: get_unit(dimension) {#get_unit_dimension_12} + + +``` + get_unit(dimension) +``` + +Get [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) of dimension. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | int | Number of dimension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit of dimension. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(other) {#is_equivalent_other_13} + + +``` + is_equivalent(other) +``` + +Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Other SRS. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(srs1, srs2) [static] {#is_equivalent_srs1_srs2_14} + + +``` + is_equivalent(srs1, srs2) +``` + +Determines if two SRS are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| srs1 | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | First SRS. | +| srs2 | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Second SRS. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether two SRS are equivalent. | + + +### Method: try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value) [static] {#try_create_from_epsg_epsg_value_15} + + +``` + try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value) +``` + +Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg | int | EPSG code of the spatial reference system. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystem[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | When this methods returns , contains a SRS with the specified EPSG code; otherwise,
contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if specified EPSG code is known and SRS was created; otherwise. | + + +### Method: try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value) [static] {#try_create_from_wkt_wkt_value_16} + + +``` + try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value) +``` + +Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | WKT string. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystem[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | When this methods returns , contains an SRS created from WKT; otherwise,
contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if SRS was successfully created; otherwise. | + + +### Method: try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value) {#try_create_transformation_to_target_srs_value_17} + + +``` + try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value) +``` + +Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation) | When this methods returns , contains a transformation; otherwise, contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: validate(error_message) {#validate_error_message_18} + + +``` + validate(error_message) +``` + +Determine if this SRS is valid. See for validity description. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| error_message | String | Description of invalidity (if result is ) | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | If this SRS is valid - , otherwise - . | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..90d32323da30 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid/ @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +--- +title: Ellipsoid Class +type: docs +weight: 40 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid/ +--- + +**Summary:** Ellipsoid represents an ellipsoid, which approximates earth. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.Ellipsoid + +**Inheritance:** IdentifiableObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Ellipsoid(name, semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening, identifier)](#Ellipsoid_name_semi_major_axis_inverse_flattening_identifier_1) | Creates new Ellipsoid. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| airy [static] | [Ellipsoid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid) | r | Airy ellipsoid. | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| grs80 [static] | [Ellipsoid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid) | r | GRS 1980 Ellipsoid. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| inverse_flattening | double | r | Inverse flattening of ellipsoid. 0 if this is a sphere. | +| is_sphere | bool | r | Detects whether this ellipsoid is a sphere. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Detects whether ellipsoid is valid: its semi major axis is more then 0 and inverse flattening is positive or equal to 0. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | +| semi_major_axis | double | r | Semi major axis of ellipsoid. | +| semi_minor_axis | double | r | Semi minor axis of ellipsoid. Equals to semi major axis if this is a sphere. | +| wgs72 [static] | [Ellipsoid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid) | r | WGS 72 Ellipsoid. | +| wgs84 [static] | [Ellipsoid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid) | r | WGS 84 Ellipsoid. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [is_equivalent(ellipsoid1, ellipsoid2)](#is_equivalent_ellipsoid1_ellipsoid2_1) | Determines if two ellipsoids are equivalent.
If ellipsoid A is equivalent to ellipsoid B, then they have same semi major axis and inverse flattening. | +| [is_equivalent(other)](#is_equivalent_other_2) | Determines if two ellipsoids are equivalent.
If ellipsoid A is equivalent to ellipsoid B, then they have same semi major axis and inverse flattening. | + + +### Constructor: Ellipsoid(name, semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening, identifier) {#Ellipsoid_name_semi_major_axis_inverse_flattening_identifier_1} + + +``` + Ellipsoid(name, semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening, identifier) +``` + +Creates new Ellipsoid. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the ellipsoid. | +| semi_major_axis | double | Semi major axis of ellipsoid. | +| inverse_flattening | double | Inverse flattening of ellipsoid. Should be 0 to create a spheroid. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier of the ellipsoid. | + +### Method: is_equivalent(ellipsoid1, ellipsoid2) [static] {#is_equivalent_ellipsoid1_ellipsoid2_1} + + +``` + is_equivalent(ellipsoid1, ellipsoid2) +``` + +Determines if two ellipsoids are equivalent.
If ellipsoid A is equivalent to ellipsoid B, then they have same semi major axis and inverse flattening. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| ellipsoid1 | [Ellipsoid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid) | First ellipsoid. | +| ellipsoid2 | [Ellipsoid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid) | Second ellipsoid. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether two ellipsoids are equivalent. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(other) {#is_equivalent_other_2} + + +``` + is_equivalent(other) +``` + +Determines if two ellipsoids are equivalent.
If ellipsoid A is equivalent to ellipsoid B, then they have same semi major axis and inverse flattening. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [Ellipsoid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid) | Other ellipsoid. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether two ellipsoids are equivalent. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fa3a2439e108 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem/ @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +--- +title: GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem/ +--- + +**Summary:** Geocentric SRS is 3 dimensional cartesian SRS with origin at earth center. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem + +**Inheritance:** SpatialReferenceSystem + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| as_compound | [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_compound](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_geocentric | [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem) | r | Return this. | +| as_geographic | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_local | [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_projected | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_vertical | [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| axises_order | [GeocentricAxisesOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricaxisesorder) | r | Order of axises in this SRS.
If this SRS is not valid and has wrong axises directions, [GeocentricAxisesOrder.INVALID](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricaxisesorder/) is returned. | +| dimensions_count | int | r | Return 3, since geocentric SRS is always three dimensional. | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| etrs89 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 (EPSG:4258) spatial reference system. | +| etrs_89_lambert_azimuthal_equal_area [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 / ETRS Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035) spatial reference system. | +| etrs_89_lambert_conformal_conic [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 / Lambert Conformal Conic (EPSG:3034) spatial reference system. | +| geographic_datum | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r | Return geographic datum of this SRS. | +| has_geographic_datum | bool | r | Return , since geocentric SRS always have geographic datum. | +| has_prime_meridian | bool | r | Return , since geocentric SRS always have prime meridian. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| is_compound | bool | r | Returns whether this SRS is compound (a union of two SRS).
Following combinations of SRS in compound SRS are considered valid:
Geographic SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.GEOGRAPHIC](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/).
Projected SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.PROJECTED](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/).
If combination of SRSs differs, type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.UNKNOWN](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/). | +| is_single | bool | r | Returns whether this SRS is single (not a union of two SRS). | +| is_valid | bool | r | Same as , but don't return error message. | +| linear_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r | Unit, used in this SRS. | +| nad83 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | NAD 83 (EPSG:4269) spatial reference system. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | +| osgb36 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | OSGB 36 (EPSG:4277) spatial reference system. | +| osgb_36_british_national_grid [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | OSGB 36 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700) spatial reference system. | +| prime_meridian | [PrimeMeridian](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian) | r | Return prime meridian of this SRS. | +| type | [SpatialReferenceSystemType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype) | r | Return [SpatialReferenceSystemType.GEOCENTRIC](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/). | +| web_mercator [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) spatial reference system. | +| wgs72 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | WGS 72 (EPSG:4322) spatial reference system. | +| wgs84 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) spatial reference system. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier)](#create_compound_name_head_tail_identifier_1) | Create compound SRS. | +| [create_from_epsg(epsg)](#create_from_epsg_epsg_2) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. | +| [create_from_wkt(wkt)](#create_from_wkt_wkt_3) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. | +| [create_geocentric(parameters, identifier)](#create_geocentric_parameters_identifier_4) | Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_geographic(parameters, identifier)](#create_geographic_parameters_identifier_5) | Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier)](#create_local_name_datum_unit_axises_identifier_6) | Create local Spatial Reference System. | +| [create_projected(parameters, identifier)](#create_projected_parameters_identifier_7) | Create projected SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_transformation_to(target_srs)](#create_transformation_to_target_srs_8) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| [create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier)](#create_vertical_name_vertical_datum_vertical_unit_vertical_axis_identifier_9) | Create vertical SRS. | +| [export_to_wkt()](#export_to_wkt__10) | Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string.
The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named "WKT1". | +| [get_axis(dimension)](#get_axis_dimension_11) | Get [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) that describes dimension. | +| [get_unit(dimension)](#get_unit_dimension_12) | Get [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) of dimension. | +| [is_equivalent(other)](#is_equivalent_other_13) | Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). | +| [is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](#is_equivalent_srs1_srs2_14) | Determines if two SRS are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). | +| [try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value)](#try_create_from_epsg_epsg_value_15) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. | +| [try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value)](#try_create_from_wkt_wkt_value_16) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. | +| [try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value)](#try_create_transformation_to_target_srs_value_17) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| [validate(error_message)](#validate_error_message_18) | Determine if this SRS is valid. See for validity description. | + + +### Method: create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier) [static] {#create_compound_name_head_tail_identifier_1} + + +``` + create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier) +``` + +Create compound SRS. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of new SRS. | +| head | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Head SRS of new SRS. | +| tail | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Tail SRS of new SRS. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem) | New Compound SRS. | + + +### Method: create_from_epsg(epsg) [static] {#create_from_epsg_epsg_2} + + +``` + create_from_epsg(epsg) +``` + +Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg | int | EPSG code of the spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | A new spatial reference system with the specified EPSG code. | + + +### Method: create_from_wkt(wkt) [static] {#create_from_wkt_wkt_3} + + +``` + create_from_wkt(wkt) +``` + +Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | WKT string. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | New SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: create_geocentric(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_geocentric_parameters_identifier_4} + + +``` + create_geocentric(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem) | New Geocentric SRS. | + + +### Method: create_geographic(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_geographic_parameters_identifier_5} + + +``` + create_geographic(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | New Geographic SRS. | + + +### Method: create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier) [static] {#create_local_name_datum_unit_axises_identifier_6} + + +``` + create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier) +``` + +Create local Spatial Reference System. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of Spatial Reference System. | +| datum | [LocalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum) | Datum to be used in SRS. | +| unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit to be used in SRS. | +| axises | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection | Axises to be used in SRS. Must be non empty | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem) | New Local Spatial Reference System. | + + +### Method: create_projected(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_projected_parameters_identifier_7} + + +``` + create_projected(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create projected SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | New Projected SRS. | + + +### Method: create_transformation_to(target_srs) {#create_transformation_to_target_srs_8} + + +``` + create_transformation_to(target_srs) +``` + +Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation) | Transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier) [static] {#create_vertical_name_vertical_datum_vertical_unit_vertical_axis_identifier_9} + + +``` + create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier) +``` + +Create vertical SRS. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of SRS. If . | +| vertical_datum | [VerticalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticaldatum) | Datum to be used in SRS. | +| vertical_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit to be used in SRS. If , [Unit.meter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) will be used. | +| vertical_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | Axis with "up" or "down" direction, to be used in SRS. If , axis with up direction will be used. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem) | New Vertical SRS. | + + +### Method: export_to_wkt() {#export_to_wkt__10} + + +``` + export_to_wkt() +``` + +Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string.
The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named "WKT1". + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | WKT representation of this SRS. | + + +### Method: get_axis(dimension) {#get_axis_dimension_11} + + +``` + get_axis(dimension) +``` + +Get [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) that describes dimension. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | int | Number of dimension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | Axis that describes dimension. | + + +### Method: get_unit(dimension) {#get_unit_dimension_12} + + +``` + get_unit(dimension) +``` + +Get [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) of dimension. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | int | Number of dimension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit of dimension. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(other) {#is_equivalent_other_13} + + +``` + is_equivalent(other) +``` + +Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Other SRS. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(srs1, srs2) [static] {#is_equivalent_srs1_srs2_14} + + +``` + is_equivalent(srs1, srs2) +``` + +Determines if two SRS are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| srs1 | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | First SRS. | +| srs2 | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Second SRS. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether two SRS are equivalent. | + + +### Method: try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value) [static] {#try_create_from_epsg_epsg_value_15} + + +``` + try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value) +``` + +Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg | int | EPSG code of the spatial reference system. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystem[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | When this methods returns , contains a SRS with the specified EPSG code; otherwise,
contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if specified EPSG code is known and SRS was created; otherwise. | + + +### Method: try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value) [static] {#try_create_from_wkt_wkt_value_16} + + +``` + try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value) +``` + +Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | WKT string. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystem[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | When this methods returns , contains an SRS created from WKT; otherwise,
contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if SRS was successfully created; otherwise. | + + +### Method: try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value) {#try_create_transformation_to_target_srs_value_17} + + +``` + try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value) +``` + +Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation) | When this methods returns , contains a transformation; otherwise, contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: validate(error_message) {#validate_error_message_18} + + +``` + validate(error_message) +``` + +Determine if this SRS is valid. See for validity description. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| error_message | String | Description of invalidity (if result is ) | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | If this SRS is valid - , otherwise - . | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystemparameters/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystemparameters/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..24398eaf63dd --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystemparameters/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +--- +title: GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters Class +type: docs +weight: 60 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystemparameters/ +--- + +**Summary:** Parameters to create geocentric SRS.
Parameters have reasonable defaults, so you will have to assign only some of them.
If you assign to any parameter, a default value will be used. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters()](#GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| axises_order | [GeocentricAxisesOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricaxisesorder) | r/w | Order of axises. Defaults to [GeocentricAxisesOrder.XYZ](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricaxisesorder/). | +| datum | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r/w | Datum of geocentric SRS. Default is [GeographicDatum.wgs84](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum/). | +| linear_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r/w | Units to be used in this SRS. Defaults to [Unit.meter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/). | +| name | string | r/w | Name of geocentric SRS. Default is "Unnamed". | +| prime_meridian | [PrimeMeridian](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian) | r/w | Prime meridian of this SRS. Default is [PrimeMeridian.greenwich](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian/). | +| x_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | r/w | Axis of geocentric SRS that describes 'X' dimension (axis that points at prime meridian). | +| y_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | r/w | Axis of geocentric SRS that describes 'Y' dimension (axis that points to the left or to the right of X axis on equatorial plane).
Defaults to axis with [AxisDirection.EAST](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axisdirection/) direction. | +| z_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | r/w | Axis of geocentric SRS that describes 'Z' dimension (axis that points to the north or south pole).
Defaults to axis with [AxisDirection.NORTH](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axisdirection/) direction. | + + +### Constructor: GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters() {#GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters__1} + + +``` + GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b038fed10b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum/ @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +--- +title: GeographicDatum Class +type: docs +weight: 70 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum/ +--- + +**Summary:** Geographic datum relates longitude and latitude to particular place on earth. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.GeographicDatum + +**Inheritance:** IdentifiableObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicDatum(name, ellipsoid, to_wgs_84_parameters, identifier)](#GeographicDatum_name_ellipsoid_to_wgs_84_parameters_identifier_1) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| ellipsoid | [Ellipsoid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid) | r | Ellipsoid, used in this datum to approximate Earth. | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| etrs89 [static] | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r | ETRS 89 datum. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| nad83 [static] | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r | NAD 83 datum. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | +| osgb36 [static] | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r | OSGB 1936 datum. | +| to_wgs_84_parameters | [BursaWolfParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters) | r | BursaWolfParamters that can be used to transform coordinates in this datum to coordinates in WGS84 datum. | +| wgs72 [static] | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r | WGS 72 datum. | +| wgs84 [static] | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r | WGS 84 datum. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [is_equivalent(datum1, datum2)](#is_equivalent_datum1_datum2_1) | Determines if two datums are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent datums match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent datums can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). | +| [is_equivalent(other)](#is_equivalent_other_2) | Determines if two datums are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent datums match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent datums can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). | + + +### Constructor: GeographicDatum(name, ellipsoid, to_wgs_84_parameters, identifier) {#GeographicDatum_name_ellipsoid_to_wgs_84_parameters_identifier_1} + + +``` + GeographicDatum(name, ellipsoid, to_wgs_84_parameters, identifier) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of this datum. | +| ellipsoid | [Ellipsoid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/ellipsoid) | Ellipsoid of this datum. Can't be null. | +| to_wgs_84_parameters | [BursaWolfParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters) | Parameters, that can be given to bursa wolf formula, to convert coordinates in this datum to coordinates in WGS84 datum.
If this datum is close to WGS84 and no transformation needed, pass bursa wolf parameters with all values set to 0.
If null, ToWgs84 will be set to [BursaWolfParameters.is_null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/bursawolfparameters/) parameters. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier of this datum. | + +### Method: is_equivalent(datum1, datum2) [static] {#is_equivalent_datum1_datum2_1} + + +``` + is_equivalent(datum1, datum2) +``` + +Determines if two datums are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent datums match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent datums can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| datum1 | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | First datum. | +| datum2 | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | Second datum. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether two datums are equivalent. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(other) {#is_equivalent_other_2} + + +``` + is_equivalent(other) +``` + +Determines if two datums are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent datums match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent datums can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | Other datum. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether two datums are equivalent. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..de0a4b425c02 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem/ @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +--- +title: GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem Class +type: docs +weight: 80 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem/ +--- + +**Summary:** A Geographic SRS is an SRS that is based on longitude and latitude.
A Geographic SRS can be two dimensional or three dimensional.
If geographic SRS is three dimensional, then it is actually a compound SRS of two dimensional SRS and vertical SRS. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem + +**Inheritance:** SpatialReferenceSystem + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| angular_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r | Unit, used for angular dimensions, in this SRS. | +| as_compound | [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_compound](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_geocentric | [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_geographic | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this. | +| as_local | [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_projected | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_vertical | [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| axises_order | [GeographicAxisesOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicaxisesorder) | r | Order of axises in this SRS.
If this SRS is not valid and has wrong axises directions, [GeographicAxisesOrder.INVALID](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicaxisesorder/) is returned. | +| dimensions_count | int | r | Returns dimensions count in this SRS. For geographic SRS this can be:
two - if this is single geographic SRS.
three - if this is compound SRS, which consists of single, two dimensional, geographic SRS and vertical SRS, that adds third dimension. | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| etrs89 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 (EPSG:4258) spatial reference system. | +| etrs_89_lambert_azimuthal_equal_area [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 / ETRS Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035) spatial reference system. | +| etrs_89_lambert_conformal_conic [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 / Lambert Conformal Conic (EPSG:3034) spatial reference system. | +| geographic_datum | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r | Returns geographic datum of this SRS. | +| has_geographic_datum | bool | r | Returns , since geographic SRS always have prime meridian. | +| has_prime_meridian | bool | r | Returns , since geographic SRS always have prime meridian. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| is_compound | bool | r | Returns whether this SRS is compound (a union of two SRS).
Following combinations of SRS in compound SRS are considered valid:
Geographic SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.GEOGRAPHIC](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/).
Projected SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.PROJECTED](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/).
If combination of SRSs differs, type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.UNKNOWN](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/). | +| is_single | bool | r | Returns whether this SRS is single (not a union of two SRS). | +| is_valid | bool | r | Same as , but don't return error message. | +| nad83 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | NAD 83 (EPSG:4269) spatial reference system. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | +| osgb36 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | OSGB 36 (EPSG:4277) spatial reference system. | +| osgb_36_british_national_grid [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | OSGB 36 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700) spatial reference system. | +| prime_meridian | [PrimeMeridian](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian) | r | Returns prime meridian of this SRS. | +| type | [SpatialReferenceSystemType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype) | r | Returns [SpatialReferenceSystemType.GEOGRAPHIC](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/). | +| web_mercator [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) spatial reference system. | +| wgs72 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | WGS 72 (EPSG:4322) spatial reference system. | +| wgs84 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) spatial reference system. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier)](#create_compound_name_head_tail_identifier_1) | Create compound SRS. | +| [create_from_epsg(epsg)](#create_from_epsg_epsg_2) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. | +| [create_from_wkt(wkt)](#create_from_wkt_wkt_3) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. | +| [create_geocentric(parameters, identifier)](#create_geocentric_parameters_identifier_4) | Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_geographic(parameters, identifier)](#create_geographic_parameters_identifier_5) | Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier)](#create_local_name_datum_unit_axises_identifier_6) | Create local Spatial Reference System. | +| [create_projected(parameters, identifier)](#create_projected_parameters_identifier_7) | Create projected SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_transformation_to(target_srs)](#create_transformation_to_target_srs_8) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| [create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier)](#create_vertical_name_vertical_datum_vertical_unit_vertical_axis_identifier_9) | Create vertical SRS. | +| [export_to_wkt()](#export_to_wkt__10) | Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string.
The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named "WKT1". | +| [get_axis(dimension)](#get_axis_dimension_11) | Get [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) that describes dimension. | +| [get_unit(dimension)](#get_unit_dimension_12) | Get [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) of dimension. | +| [is_equivalent(other)](#is_equivalent_other_13) | Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). | +| [is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](#is_equivalent_srs1_srs2_14) | Determines if two SRS are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). | +| [try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value)](#try_create_from_epsg_epsg_value_15) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. | +| [try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value)](#try_create_from_wkt_wkt_value_16) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. | +| [try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value)](#try_create_transformation_to_target_srs_value_17) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| [validate(error_message)](#validate_error_message_18) | Determine if this SRS is valid. | + + +### Method: create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier) [static] {#create_compound_name_head_tail_identifier_1} + + +``` + create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier) +``` + +Create compound SRS. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of new SRS. | +| head | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Head SRS of new SRS. | +| tail | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Tail SRS of new SRS. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem) | New Compound SRS. | + + +### Method: create_from_epsg(epsg) [static] {#create_from_epsg_epsg_2} + + +``` + create_from_epsg(epsg) +``` + +Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg | int | EPSG code of the spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | A new spatial reference system with the specified EPSG code. | + + +### Method: create_from_wkt(wkt) [static] {#create_from_wkt_wkt_3} + + +``` + create_from_wkt(wkt) +``` + +Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | WKT string. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | New SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: create_geocentric(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_geocentric_parameters_identifier_4} + + +``` + create_geocentric(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem) | New Geocentric SRS. | + + +### Method: create_geographic(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_geographic_parameters_identifier_5} + + +``` + create_geographic(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | New Geographic SRS. | + + +### Method: create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier) [static] {#create_local_name_datum_unit_axises_identifier_6} + + +``` + create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier) +``` + +Create local Spatial Reference System. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of Spatial Reference System. | +| datum | [LocalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum) | Datum to be used in SRS. | +| unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit to be used in SRS. | +| axises | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection | Axises to be used in SRS. Must be non empty | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem) | New Local Spatial Reference System. | + + +### Method: create_projected(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_projected_parameters_identifier_7} + + +``` + create_projected(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create projected SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | New Projected SRS. | + + +### Method: create_transformation_to(target_srs) {#create_transformation_to_target_srs_8} + + +``` + create_transformation_to(target_srs) +``` + +Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation) | Transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier) [static] {#create_vertical_name_vertical_datum_vertical_unit_vertical_axis_identifier_9} + + +``` + create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier) +``` + +Create vertical SRS. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of SRS. If . | +| vertical_datum | [VerticalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticaldatum) | Datum to be used in SRS. | +| vertical_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit to be used in SRS. If , [Unit.meter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) will be used. | +| vertical_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | Axis with "up" or "down" direction, to be used in SRS. If , axis with up direction will be used. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem) | New Vertical SRS. | + + +### Method: export_to_wkt() {#export_to_wkt__10} + + +``` + export_to_wkt() +``` + +Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string.
The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named "WKT1". + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | WKT representation of this SRS. | + + +### Method: get_axis(dimension) {#get_axis_dimension_11} + + +``` + get_axis(dimension) +``` + +Get [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) that describes dimension. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | int | Number of dimension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | Axis that describes dimension. | + + +### Method: get_unit(dimension) {#get_unit_dimension_12} + + +``` + get_unit(dimension) +``` + +Get [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) of dimension. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | int | Number of dimension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit of dimension. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(other) {#is_equivalent_other_13} + + +``` + is_equivalent(other) +``` + +Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Other SRS. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(srs1, srs2) [static] {#is_equivalent_srs1_srs2_14} + + +``` + is_equivalent(srs1, srs2) +``` + +Determines if two SRS are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| srs1 | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | First SRS. | +| srs2 | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Second SRS. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether two SRS are equivalent. | + + +### Method: try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value) [static] {#try_create_from_epsg_epsg_value_15} + + +``` + try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value) +``` + +Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg | int | EPSG code of the spatial reference system. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystem[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | When this methods returns , contains a SRS with the specified EPSG code; otherwise,
contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if specified EPSG code is known and SRS was created; otherwise. | + + +### Method: try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value) [static] {#try_create_from_wkt_wkt_value_16} + + +``` + try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value) +``` + +Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | WKT string. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystem[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | When this methods returns , contains an SRS created from WKT; otherwise,
contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if SRS was successfully created; otherwise. | + + +### Method: try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value) {#try_create_transformation_to_target_srs_value_17} + + +``` + try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value) +``` + +Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation) | When this methods returns , contains a transformation; otherwise, contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: validate(error_message) {#validate_error_message_18} + + +``` + validate(error_message) +``` + +Determine if this SRS is valid. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| error_message | String | If method return , then this is description of invalidity. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if SRS is valid, otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystemparameters/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystemparameters/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2f489c8db489 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystemparameters/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters Class +type: docs +weight: 90 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystemparameters/ +--- + +**Summary:** Parameters to create geographic SRS.
Parameters have reasonable defaults, so you will have to assign only some of them.
If you assign to any parameter, a default value will be used. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters()](#GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters__1) | Initializes a new instance of the GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| angular_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r/w | Units to be used in this SRS. Default is [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/). | +| axises_order | [GeographicAxisesOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicaxisesorder) | r/w | Order of axises. Defaults to [GeographicAxisesOrder.LONGITUDE_LATITUDE](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicaxisesorder/). | +| datum | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r/w | Datum of geographic SRS. Default is [GeographicDatum.wgs84](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum/). | +| latitude_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | r/w | Axis that describes latitude. Defaults is axis with north direction. | +| longitude_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | r/w | Axis that describes longitude. Default is axis with east direction. | +| name | string | r/w | Name of geographic SRS. Default is "Unnamed". | +| prime_meridian | [PrimeMeridian](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian) | r/w | Prime meridian of this SRS. Default is [PrimeMeridian.greenwich](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian/). | + + +### Constructor: GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters() {#GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters__1} + + +``` + GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f9df41d7d621 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +--- +title: IdentifiableObject Class +type: docs +weight: 100 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/ +--- + +**Summary:** Represents an object that might have EPSG code and name. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.IdentifiableObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0a9b48f6ce40 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/ @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +--- +title: Identifier Class +type: docs +weight: 110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/ +--- + +**Summary:** Represents an identifier - a reference to external description of an object.
If you create a SRS from WKT, [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/) corresponds to "AUTHORITY" keyword. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.Identifier + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Identifier(authority_name, authority_unique_identifier)](#Identifier_authority_name_authority_unique_identifier_1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| authority_name | string | r | A name of authority, which gave an [Identifier.authority_unique_identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/). | +| authority_unique_identifier | string | r | A unique way to represent an object within a [Identifier.authority_name](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/). | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [epsg(epsg_code)](#epsg_epsg_code_1) | Creates new Identifier that represents EPSG identifier with code . | +| [get_epsg_code()](#get_epsg_code__2) | If this object represents a valid EPSG identifier (e.g. - authority name is "EPSG" and authority unique identifier is integer) -
return it. Otherwise - return -1. | + + +### Constructor: Identifier(authority_name, authority_unique_identifier) {#Identifier_authority_name_authority_unique_identifier_1} + + +``` + Identifier(authority_name, authority_unique_identifier) +``` + +Create new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| authority_name | string | [Identifier.authority_name](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/). | +| authority_unique_identifier | string | [Identifier.authority_unique_identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/). | + +### Method: epsg(epsg_code) [static] {#epsg_epsg_code_1} + + +``` + epsg(epsg_code) +``` + +Creates new Identifier that represents EPSG identifier with code . + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg_code | int | Epsg code. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | New identifier with [Identifier.authority_name](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/) "EPSG" and [Identifier.authority_unique_identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier/) .
If is less then 0 - return ; | + + +### Method: get_epsg_code() {#get_epsg_code__2} + + +``` + get_epsg_code() +``` + +If this object represents a valid EPSG identifier (e.g. - authority name is "EPSG" and authority unique identifier is integer) -
return it. Otherwise - return -1. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | EPSG identifier represented by this object. If this object doesn't represent an EPSG identifier - return -1. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5eb95d5c3e85 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +--- +title: LocalDatum Class +type: docs +weight: 120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum/ +--- + +**Summary:** Indicates method used for measurements in local spatial reference system. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.LocalDatum + +**Inheritance:** IdentifiableObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [LocalDatum(name, datum_type, identifier)](#LocalDatum_name_datum_type_identifier_1) | Create new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| datum_type | int | r | An integer number, indicating measurement method that had been used. | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | + + +### Constructor: LocalDatum(name, datum_type, identifier) {#LocalDatum_name_datum_type_identifier_1} + + +``` + LocalDatum(name, datum_type, identifier) +``` + +Create new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | name of datum. | +| datum_type | int | integer number, representing type of datum. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | identifier of datum. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..84ce91e0f07c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/ @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +--- +title: LocalSpatialReferenceSystem Class +type: docs +weight: 130 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/ +--- + +**Summary:** Local SRS related coordinates to some object, not earth. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.LocalSpatialReferenceSystem + +**Inheritance:** SpatialReferenceSystem + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| as_compound | [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_compound](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_geocentric | [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_geographic | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_local | [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem) | r | Return this. | +| as_projected | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_vertical | [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| dimensions_count | int | r | Number of dimensions in this SRS. | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| etrs89 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 (EPSG:4258) spatial reference system. | +| etrs_89_lambert_azimuthal_equal_area [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 / ETRS Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035) spatial reference system. | +| etrs_89_lambert_conformal_conic [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 / Lambert Conformal Conic (EPSG:3034) spatial reference system. | +| geographic_datum | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r | Throws InvalidOperationException, since Local SRS doesn't have geographic datum. | +| has_geographic_datum | bool | r | Returns , since Local SRS doesn't have geographic datum. | +| has_prime_meridian | bool | r | Returns , since Local SRS doesn't have prime meridian. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| is_compound | bool | r | Returns whether this SRS is compound (a union of two SRS).
Following combinations of SRS in compound SRS are considered valid:
Geographic SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.GEOGRAPHIC](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/).
Projected SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.PROJECTED](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/).
If combination of SRSs differs, type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.UNKNOWN](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/). | +| is_single | bool | r | Returns whether this SRS is single (not a union of two SRS). | +| is_valid | bool | r | Same as , but don't return error message. | +| local_datum | [LocalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum) | r | Datum, that describes measurements method. | +| nad83 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | NAD 83 (EPSG:4269) spatial reference system. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | +| osgb36 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | OSGB 36 (EPSG:4277) spatial reference system. | +| osgb_36_british_national_grid [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | OSGB 36 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700) spatial reference system. | +| prime_meridian | [PrimeMeridian](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian) | r | Throws InvalidOperationException, since Local SRS doesn't have prime meridian. | +| type | [SpatialReferenceSystemType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype) | r | Return [SpatialReferenceSystemType.LOCAL](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/). | +| unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r | Unit of this SRS. | +| web_mercator [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) spatial reference system. | +| wgs72 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | WGS 72 (EPSG:4322) spatial reference system. | +| wgs84 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) spatial reference system. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier)](#create_compound_name_head_tail_identifier_1) | Create compound SRS. | +| [create_from_epsg(epsg)](#create_from_epsg_epsg_2) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. | +| [create_from_wkt(wkt)](#create_from_wkt_wkt_3) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. | +| [create_geocentric(parameters, identifier)](#create_geocentric_parameters_identifier_4) | Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_geographic(parameters, identifier)](#create_geographic_parameters_identifier_5) | Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier)](#create_local_name_datum_unit_axises_identifier_6) | Create local Spatial Reference System. | +| [create_projected(parameters, identifier)](#create_projected_parameters_identifier_7) | Create projected SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_transformation_to(target_srs)](#create_transformation_to_target_srs_8) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| [create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier)](#create_vertical_name_vertical_datum_vertical_unit_vertical_axis_identifier_9) | Create vertical SRS. | +| [export_to_wkt()](#export_to_wkt__10) | Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string.
The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named "WKT1". | +| [get_axis(dimension)](#get_axis_dimension_11) | Get [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) that describes dimension. | +| [get_unit(dimension)](#get_unit_dimension_12) | Get [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem.unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/) of dimension. | +| [is_equivalent(other)](#is_equivalent_other_13) | Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). | +| [is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](#is_equivalent_srs1_srs2_14) | Determines if two SRS are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). | +| [try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value)](#try_create_from_epsg_epsg_value_15) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. | +| [try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value)](#try_create_from_wkt_wkt_value_16) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. | +| [try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value)](#try_create_transformation_to_target_srs_value_17) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| [validate(error_message)](#validate_error_message_18) | Determine if this SRS is valid. See for validity description. | + + +### Method: create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier) [static] {#create_compound_name_head_tail_identifier_1} + + +``` + create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier) +``` + +Create compound SRS. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of new SRS. | +| head | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Head SRS of new SRS. | +| tail | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Tail SRS of new SRS. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem) | New Compound SRS. | + + +### Method: create_from_epsg(epsg) [static] {#create_from_epsg_epsg_2} + + +``` + create_from_epsg(epsg) +``` + +Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg | int | EPSG code of the spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | A new spatial reference system with the specified EPSG code. | + + +### Method: create_from_wkt(wkt) [static] {#create_from_wkt_wkt_3} + + +``` + create_from_wkt(wkt) +``` + +Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | WKT string. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | New SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: create_geocentric(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_geocentric_parameters_identifier_4} + + +``` + create_geocentric(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem) | New Geocentric SRS. | + + +### Method: create_geographic(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_geographic_parameters_identifier_5} + + +``` + create_geographic(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | New Geographic SRS. | + + +### Method: create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier) [static] {#create_local_name_datum_unit_axises_identifier_6} + + +``` + create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier) +``` + +Create local Spatial Reference System. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of Spatial Reference System. | +| datum | [LocalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum) | Datum to be used in SRS. | +| unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit to be used in SRS. | +| axises | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection | Axises to be used in SRS. Must be non empty | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem) | New Local Spatial Reference System. | + + +### Method: create_projected(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_projected_parameters_identifier_7} + + +``` + create_projected(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create projected SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | New Projected SRS. | + + +### Method: create_transformation_to(target_srs) {#create_transformation_to_target_srs_8} + + +``` + create_transformation_to(target_srs) +``` + +Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation) | Transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier) [static] {#create_vertical_name_vertical_datum_vertical_unit_vertical_axis_identifier_9} + + +``` + create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier) +``` + +Create vertical SRS. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of SRS. If . | +| vertical_datum | [VerticalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticaldatum) | Datum to be used in SRS. | +| vertical_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit to be used in SRS. If , [Unit.meter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) will be used. | +| vertical_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | Axis with "up" or "down" direction, to be used in SRS. If , axis with up direction will be used. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem) | New Vertical SRS. | + + +### Method: export_to_wkt() {#export_to_wkt__10} + + +``` + export_to_wkt() +``` + +Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string.
The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named "WKT1". + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | WKT representation of this SRS. | + + +### Method: get_axis(dimension) {#get_axis_dimension_11} + + +``` + get_axis(dimension) +``` + +Get [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) that describes dimension. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | int | Number of dimension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | Axis that describes dimension. | + + +### Method: get_unit(dimension) {#get_unit_dimension_12} + + +``` + get_unit(dimension) +``` + +Get [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem.unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/) of dimension. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | int | Number of dimension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit of dimension. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(other) {#is_equivalent_other_13} + + +``` + is_equivalent(other) +``` + +Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Other SRS. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(srs1, srs2) [static] {#is_equivalent_srs1_srs2_14} + + +``` + is_equivalent(srs1, srs2) +``` + +Determines if two SRS are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| srs1 | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | First SRS. | +| srs2 | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Second SRS. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether two SRS are equivalent. | + + +### Method: try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value) [static] {#try_create_from_epsg_epsg_value_15} + + +``` + try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value) +``` + +Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg | int | EPSG code of the spatial reference system. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystem[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | When this methods returns , contains a SRS with the specified EPSG code; otherwise,
contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if specified EPSG code is known and SRS was created; otherwise. | + + +### Method: try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value) [static] {#try_create_from_wkt_wkt_value_16} + + +``` + try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value) +``` + +Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | WKT string. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystem[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | When this methods returns , contains an SRS created from WKT; otherwise,
contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if SRS was successfully created; otherwise. | + + +### Method: try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value) {#try_create_transformation_to_target_srs_value_17} + + +``` + try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value) +``` + +Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation) | When this methods returns , contains a transformation; otherwise, contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: validate(error_message) {#validate_error_message_18} + + +``` + validate(error_message) +``` + +Determine if this SRS is valid. See for validity description. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| error_message | String | Description of invalidity (if result is ) | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | If this SRS is valid - , otherwise - . | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2dff8ad626ab --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: PrimeMeridian Class +type: docs +weight: 140 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian/ +--- + +**Summary:** PrimeMeridian represents a meridian at which longitude is defined to be 0. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.PrimeMeridian + +**Inheritance:** IdentifiableObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [PrimeMeridian(name, longitude, identifier)](#PrimeMeridian_name_longitude_identifier_1) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| greenwich [static] | [PrimeMeridian](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian) | r | Greenwich meridian. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| longitude | double | r | Distance from Greenwich meridian to prime meridian in degrees. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | + + +### Constructor: PrimeMeridian(name, longitude, identifier) {#PrimeMeridian_name_longitude_identifier_1} + + +``` + PrimeMeridian(name, longitude, identifier) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of this prime meridian. | +| longitude | double | Longitude of prime meridian relative to Greenwich in degrees. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier of prime meridian. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3278559bfadb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/ @@ -0,0 +1,483 @@ +--- +title: ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem Class +type: docs +weight: 150 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/ +--- + +**Summary:** Projected SRS is a result of application a projection to geographic SRS.
A projected SRS can be two dimensional or three dimensional.
If projected SRS is three dimensional, then it is actually a compound SRS of two dimensional projected SRS and one dimensional vertical SRS. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem + +**Inheritance:** SpatialReferenceSystem + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| angular_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r | Unit, that is used for angular values in this SRS and for angular parameters of [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem.projection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/).
Matches angular unit of [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem.base](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/). | +| as_compound | [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_compound](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_geocentric | [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_geographic | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_local | [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| as_projected | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | Return this. | +| as_vertical | [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem) | r | Returns this SRS converted to [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem/).
Use [SpatialReferenceSystem.type](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to find out if conversion is possible. | +| axises_order | [ProjectedAxisesOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedaxisesorder) | r | Order of axises in this SRS.
If this SRS is not valid and has wrong axises directions, [ProjectedAxisesOrder.INVALID](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedaxisesorder/) is returned. | +| base | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | Geographic SRS to which [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem.projection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/) was applied to get this SRS. | +| dimensions_count | int | r | Returns dimensions count in this SRS. For projected SRS this can be:
two - if this is single projected SRS.
three - if this is compound SRS, which consists of single, two dimensional, projected SRS and vertical SRS, that adds third dimension. | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| etrs89 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 (EPSG:4258) spatial reference system. | +| etrs_89_lambert_azimuthal_equal_area [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 / ETRS Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035) spatial reference system. | +| etrs_89_lambert_conformal_conic [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | ETRS 89 / Lambert Conformal Conic (EPSG:3034) spatial reference system. | +| geographic_datum | [GeographicDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicdatum) | r | Returns geographic datum of this SRS. | +| has_geographic_datum | bool | r | Returns true, since projected SRS always have prime meridian. | +| has_prime_meridian | bool | r | Returns true, since projected SRS always have prime meridian. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| is_compound | bool | r | Returns whether this SRS is compound (a union of two SRS).
Following combinations of SRS in compound SRS are considered valid:
Geographic SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.GEOGRAPHIC](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/).
Projected SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.PROJECTED](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/).
If combination of SRSs differs, type of compound SRS will be [SpatialReferenceSystemType.UNKNOWN](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/). | +| is_single | bool | r | Returns whether this SRS is single (not a union of two SRS). | +| is_valid | bool | r | Same as , but don't return error message. | +| linear_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r | Unit, that is used for linear dimensions in this SRS and for linear parameters of [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem.projection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/). | +| nad83 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | NAD 83 (EPSG:4269) spatial reference system. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | +| osgb36 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | OSGB 36 (EPSG:4277) spatial reference system. | +| osgb_36_british_national_grid [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | OSGB 36 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700) spatial reference system. | +| prime_meridian | [PrimeMeridian](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/primemeridian) | r | Returns prime meridian of this SRS. | +| projection | [Projection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projection) | r | Projection, that was applied to [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem.base](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem/) to get this SRS. | +| type | [SpatialReferenceSystemType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype) | r | Returns [SpatialReferenceSystemType.PROJECTED](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtype/). | +| web_mercator [static] | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | r | Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) spatial reference system. | +| wgs72 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | WGS 72 (EPSG:4322) spatial reference system. | +| wgs84 [static] | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r | WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) spatial reference system. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier)](#create_compound_name_head_tail_identifier_1) | Create compound SRS. | +| [create_from_epsg(epsg)](#create_from_epsg_epsg_2) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. | +| [create_from_wkt(wkt)](#create_from_wkt_wkt_3) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. | +| [create_geocentric(parameters, identifier)](#create_geocentric_parameters_identifier_4) | Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_geographic(parameters, identifier)](#create_geographic_parameters_identifier_5) | Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier)](#create_local_name_datum_unit_axises_identifier_6) | Create local Spatial Reference System. | +| [create_projected(parameters, identifier)](#create_projected_parameters_identifier_7) | Create projected SRS from custom parameters. | +| [create_transformation_to(target_srs)](#create_transformation_to_target_srs_8) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| [create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier)](#create_vertical_name_vertical_datum_vertical_unit_vertical_axis_identifier_9) | Create vertical SRS. | +| [export_to_wkt()](#export_to_wkt__10) | Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string.
The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named "WKT1". | +| [get_axis(dimension)](#get_axis_dimension_11) | Get [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) that describes dimension. | +| [get_unit(dimension)](#get_unit_dimension_12) | Get [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) of dimension. | +| [is_equivalent(other)](#is_equivalent_other_13) | Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). | +| [is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](#is_equivalent_srs1_srs2_14) | Determines if two SRS are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). | +| [try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value)](#try_create_from_epsg_epsg_value_15) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. | +| [try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value)](#try_create_from_wkt_wkt_value_16) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. | +| [try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value)](#try_create_transformation_to_target_srs_value_17) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| [validate(error_message)](#validate_error_message_18) | Determine if this SRS is valid. | + + +### Method: create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier) [static] {#create_compound_name_head_tail_identifier_1} + + +``` + create_compound(name, head, tail, identifier) +``` + +Create compound SRS. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of new SRS. | +| head | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Head SRS of new SRS. | +| tail | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Tail SRS of new SRS. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/compoundspatialreferencesystem) | New Compound SRS. | + + +### Method: create_from_epsg(epsg) [static] {#create_from_epsg_epsg_2} + + +``` + create_from_epsg(epsg) +``` + +Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg | int | EPSG code of the spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | A new spatial reference system with the specified EPSG code. | + + +### Method: create_from_wkt(wkt) [static] {#create_from_wkt_wkt_3} + + +``` + create_from_wkt(wkt) +``` + +Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | WKT string. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | New SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: create_geocentric(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_geocentric_parameters_identifier_4} + + +``` + create_geocentric(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geocentricspatialreferencesystem) | New Geocentric SRS. | + + +### Method: create_geographic(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_geographic_parameters_identifier_5} + + +``` + create_geographic(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | New Geographic SRS. | + + +### Method: create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier) [static] {#create_local_name_datum_unit_axises_identifier_6} + + +``` + create_local(name, datum, unit, axises, identifier) +``` + +Create local Spatial Reference System. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of Spatial Reference System. | +| datum | [LocalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localdatum) | Datum to be used in SRS. | +| unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit to be used in SRS. | +| axises | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection | Axises to be used in SRS. Must be non empty | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [LocalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/localspatialreferencesystem) | New Local Spatial Reference System. | + + +### Method: create_projected(parameters, identifier) [static] {#create_projected_parameters_identifier_7} + + +``` + create_projected(parameters, identifier) +``` + +Create projected SRS from custom parameters. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameters | [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters) | Parameters to create from. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystem) | New Projected SRS. | + + +### Method: create_transformation_to(target_srs) {#create_transformation_to_target_srs_8} + + +``` + create_transformation_to(target_srs) +``` + +Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation) | Transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier) [static] {#create_vertical_name_vertical_datum_vertical_unit_vertical_axis_identifier_9} + + +``` + create_vertical(name, vertical_datum, vertical_unit, vertical_axis, identifier) +``` + +Create vertical SRS. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of SRS. If . | +| vertical_datum | [VerticalDatum](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticaldatum) | Datum to be used in SRS. | +| vertical_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit to be used in SRS. If , [Unit.meter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) will be used. | +| vertical_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | Axis with "up" or "down" direction, to be used in SRS. If , axis with up direction will be used. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | Identifier, that will be attached to SRS. Attaching an Identifier will not modify other SRS parameters.
Its up to you to ensure consistency of identifier and SRS parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/verticalspatialreferencesystem) | New Vertical SRS. | + + +### Method: export_to_wkt() {#export_to_wkt__10} + + +``` + export_to_wkt() +``` + +Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string.
The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named "WKT1". + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | WKT representation of this SRS. | + + +### Method: get_axis(dimension) {#get_axis_dimension_11} + + +``` + get_axis(dimension) +``` + +Get [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis/) that describes dimension. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | int | Number of dimension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | Axis that describes dimension. | + + +### Method: get_unit(dimension) {#get_unit_dimension_12} + + +``` + get_unit(dimension) +``` + +Get [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/) of dimension. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| dimension | int | Number of dimension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | Unit of dimension. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(other) {#is_equivalent_other_13} + + +``` + is_equivalent(other) +``` + +Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. [SpatialReferenceSystem.is_equivalent(srs1, srs2)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| other | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Other SRS. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. | + + +### Method: is_equivalent(srs1, srs2) [static] {#is_equivalent_srs1_srs2_14} + + +``` + is_equivalent(srs1, srs2) +``` + +Determines if two SRS are equivalent.
Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth.
Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example [](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifiableobject/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| srs1 | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | First SRS. | +| srs2 | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Second SRS. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | bool value, indicating whether two SRS are equivalent. | + + +### Method: try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value) [static] {#try_create_from_epsg_epsg_value_15} + + +``` + try_create_from_epsg(epsg, value) +``` + +Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| epsg | int | EPSG code of the spatial reference system. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystem[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | When this methods returns , contains a SRS with the specified EPSG code; otherwise,
contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if specified EPSG code is known and SRS was created; otherwise. | + + +### Method: try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value) [static] {#try_create_from_wkt_wkt_value_16} + + +``` + try_create_from_wkt(wkt, value) +``` + +Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| wkt | string | WKT string. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystem[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | When this methods returns , contains an SRS created from WKT; otherwise,
contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if SRS was successfully created; otherwise. | + + +### Method: try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value) {#try_create_transformation_to_target_srs_value_17} + + +``` + try_create_transformation_to(target_srs, value) +``` + +Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem) | Another SpatialReferenceSystem. | +| value | [SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystemtransformation) | When this methods returns , contains a transformation; otherwise, contains . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem. | + + +### Method: validate(error_message) {#validate_error_message_18} + + +``` + validate(error_message) +``` + +Determine if this SRS is valid. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| error_message | String | If method return , then this is description of invalidity. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if SRS is valid, otherwise. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..236d61d04a28 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/ @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters Class +type: docs +weight: 160 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/ +--- + +**Summary:** Parameters to create projected SRS. Some of parameters have defaults.
Some parameters have reasonable defaults, so you don't have to assign only them.
If you assign to those parameters, a default value will be used.
[ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters.projection_method_name](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/) and [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters.base](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/) don't have defaults -
you have to assign some non value to this properties. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters()](#ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters__1) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| axises_order | [ProjectedAxisesOrder](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedaxisesorder) | r/w | Order of axises. Defaults to [ProjectedAxisesOrder.XY](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedaxisesorder/). | +| base | [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem) | r/w | Base geographic SRS (SRS to which projection is applied).
You MUST set this property to not value in order to create valid SRS,
this property does not have any default. | +| linear_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r/w | Units to be used in this SRS. Default is [Unit.meter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit/). | +| name | string | r/w | Name of projected SRS. Default is "Unnamed". | +| projection_method_identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r/w | Identifier of projection method. There is no default value, you might set this parameter to not value,
if you want attach identifier to projection. If you do so - its up to you to ensure that identifier in consistent projection method
name (projection method name will not change when you set this property). | +| projection_method_name | string | r/w | Name of projection method. There is no default and you MUST set this parameter to not value, since
projected SRS with no projection name is useless. | +| x_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | r/w | Axis that describes X (horizontal) dimension. Defaults to axis with east direction. | +| y_axis | [Axis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/axis) | r/w | Axis that describes Y (vertical) dimension. Defaults to axis with north direction. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add_projection_parameter(parameter_name, value)](#add_projection_parameter_parameter_name_value_1) | Adds projection parameter to this SRS. If parameter with such name already was added - update it. | +| [get_projection_parameter(parameter_name)](#get_projection_parameter_parameter_name_2) | Gets projection parameter with specified name. | + + +### Constructor: ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters() {#ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters__1} + + +``` + ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters() +``` + +Creates new instance. + +### Method: add_projection_parameter(parameter_name, value) {#add_projection_parameter_parameter_name_value_1} + + +``` + add_projection_parameter(parameter_name, value) +``` + +Adds projection parameter to this SRS. If parameter with such name already was added - update it. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameter_name | string | Name of projection parameter. | +| value | double | Value of parameter. Unit of value should be in [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters.linear_unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/)
or [GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem.angular_unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/geographicspatialreferencesystem/) of [ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters.base](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projectedspatialreferencesystemparameters/). | + +### Method: get_projection_parameter(parameter_name) {#get_projection_parameter_parameter_name_2} + + +``` + get_projection_parameter(parameter_name) +``` + +Gets projection parameter with specified name. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| parameter_name | string | Name of parameter. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| double | Projection parameter value. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projection/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projection/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..61a0da150297 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projection/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: Projection Class +type: docs +weight: 170 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/projection/ +--- + +**Summary:** Represents a projection method with parameters, that transforms (longitude, latitude) to (x, y). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis.spatialreferencing](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.spatialreferencing.Projection + +**Inheritance:** IdentifiableObject + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| angular_parameters_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r | Unit that is used for angular parameters. | +| epsg_code | int | r | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. | +| identifier | [Identifier](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/identifier) | r | Identifier of this identifiable object. | +| linear_parameters_unit | [Unit](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/unit) | r | Unit that is used for linear parameters. | +| name | string | r | Name of this object. | +| parameters_names | System.Collections.Generic.IList | r | Gets an enumerable collection of names of parameters given to this projection | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_parameter_value(name, type)](#get_parameter_value_name_type_1) | Gets parameter with specified name of this projection. | +| [is_equivalent(other)](#is_equivalent_other_2) | Determines is two projections are equivalent. Equivalent projections map (longitude, latitude) to (x, y) in the
same way. | +| [try_get_parameter_value(name, type)](#try_get_parameter_value_name_type_3) | Gets parameter with specified name of this projection. If there are no such parameter - returns . | + + +### Method: get_parameter_value(name, type) {#get_parameter_value_name_type_1} + + +``` + get_parameter_value(name, type) +``` + +Gets parameter with specified name of this projection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of parameter. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..984c7140e078 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: aspose.gis +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/ +--- + + + + +## **Classes** +| **Class** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) | An AbstractPath is a base class for classes that specify a unique location in an environment similar to a filesystem,
like a local filesystem, a remote file storage or a ZIP archive, among others. | +| [AttributesConverterActions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/attributesconverteractions/) | Optional actions with attributes of the destination layer. | +| [ConversionOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/conversionoptions/) | Options for converting data between formats. | +| [DatabaseDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriver/) | A driver for a specific database based format. | +| [DatabaseDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriveroptions/) | Options for a [DatabaseDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriver/). | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/) | A dataset is the collection of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) instances. | +| [Driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driver/) | A base class for drivers to GIS data. | +| [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/) | Options for a [Driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driver/). | +| [Drivers](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/drivers/) | Drivers for all supported formats. | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/) | A two-dimensional spatial bounding box. | +| [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/) | A geographic feature composed of a geometry and user-defined attributes. | +| [FeatureAttribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/) | An attribute of a [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/). | +| [FeatureAttributeCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattributecollection/) | A [FeatureAttributeCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattributecollection/) defines what attributes are available for a [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/). | +| [FeatureStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featurestyle/) | The abstract root class of the feature styles hierarchy. | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence/) | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence/) represents a set of vector features. | +| [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver/) | A driver for a specific file based format. | +| [GeoConvert](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/geoconvert/) | Converts coordinates to/from the different formats. | +| [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) | The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during GIS data processing. | +| [IAttributesConverter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/iattributesconverter/) | A custom converter for layer attributes. | +| [IFeatureStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/ifeaturestyle/) | The interface root class of the feature styles hierarchy. | +| [License](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/license/) | Provides methods to license the component. | +| [Metered](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/metered/) | Provides methods to set metered key. | +| [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) are used to format common numeric types in text. | +| [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) specifies a number of significant digits in a coordinate. | +| [RasterDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriver/) | A driver for a specific raster based format. | +| [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions/) | Options for a [RasterDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriver/). | +| [SavingOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/savingoptions/) | Options for saving [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence/) to file. | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) | Represents a vector layer.
A vector layer is a collection of geographic features, stored in a file. | +## **Enumerations** +| **Enumeration** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [AttributeDataType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype/) | The data type of a feature attribute. | +| [AutoIds](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/autoids/) | Auto-generate ids. | +| [PointFormats](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/pointformats/) | [PointFormats](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/pointformats/) are used to convert coordinates in text. | +| [SpatialReferenceSystemMode](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode/) | Specifies a mode of Spatial Reference System (SRS) writing in database
if it's an unknown SRS. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7625da9eb627 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/ @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +--- +title: AbstractPath Class +type: docs +weight: 10 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/ +--- + +**Summary:** An AbstractPath is a base class for classes that specify a unique location in an environment similar to a filesystem,
like a local filesystem, a remote file storage or a ZIP archive, among others. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.AbstractPath + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| location | string | r | Gets a string representation of the location of this AbstractPath. | +| separator | char | r | Gets a separator character used to separate directory levels of the [AbstractPath.location](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) string. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [combine(location)](#combine_location_1) | Combines this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) with specified path components. | +| delete() | Deletes a file pointed to by this path. | +| [from_local_path(path)](#from_local_path_path_2) | Creates an [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) that represents a location on the local filesystem. | +| [from_stream(stream)](#from_stream_stream_3) | Creates an [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) from a stream. | +| [get_extension()](#get_extension__4) | Returns the extension of this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/). | +| [get_file_name()](#get_file_name__5) | Returns the file name and extension of this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/). | +| [get_file_name_without_extension()](#get_file_name_without_extension__6) | Returns the file name of this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) without the extension. | +| [is_file()](#is_file__7) | Gets a value indicating whether this path points to an existing file that can be opened for reading. | +| [list_directory()](#list_directory__8) | Returns paths located inside this AbstractPath, if it's a directory. | +| [open(access)](#open_access_9) | Opens this AbstractPath as a file. | +| [with_extension(new_extension)](#with_extension_new_extension_10) | Returns a new [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) with the file extension changed to the specified value. | + + +### Method: combine(location) {#combine_location_1} + + +``` + combine(location) +``` + +Combines this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) with specified path components. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| location | string | A path component to append to this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/). | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | A new [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) pointing to a [AbstractPath.location](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) that is a combination of locations of this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) and
the argument. | + + +### Method: from_local_path(path) [static] {#from_local_path_path_2} + + +``` + from_local_path(path) +``` + +Creates an [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) that represents a location on the local filesystem. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | A path on the local filesystem, like "C:\\file.shp" or "D:\\directory\\". | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | An [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) that represents the location defined by the . | + + +### Method: from_stream(stream) [static] {#from_stream_stream_3} + + +``` + from_stream(stream) +``` + +Creates an [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) from a stream. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | A stream to create an [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) from. Aspose.GIS does not dispose the stream. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | An instance of [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) with the specified stream as its content. | + + +### Method: get_extension() {#get_extension__4} + + +``` + get_extension() +``` + +Returns the extension of this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/). + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The extension of this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) (including the period ".") or
an empty string if the [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) has no extension. | + + +### Method: get_file_name() {#get_file_name__5} + + +``` + get_file_name() +``` + +Returns the file name and extension of this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/). + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The characters after the last [AbstractPath.separator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) character in the [AbstractPath.location](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/). If the
last character is the [AbstractPath.separator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) character, an empty string is returned. If there is no
[AbstractPath.separator](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) characters in the [AbstractPath.location](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/), the [AbstractPath.location](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) itself
is returned. | + + +### Method: get_file_name_without_extension() {#get_file_name_without_extension__6} + + +``` + get_file_name_without_extension() +``` + +Returns the file name of this [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) without the extension. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | The string returned by [AbstractPath.get_file_name()](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) minus the last period and all characters following it. | + + +### Method: is_file() {#is_file__7} + + +``` + is_file() +``` + +Gets a value indicating whether this path points to an existing file that can be opened for reading. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if location points to a file; otherwise. | + + +### Method: list_directory() {#list_directory__8} + + +``` + list_directory() +``` + +Returns paths located inside this AbstractPath, if it's a directory. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable | Paths located inside this AbstractPath. | + + +### Method: open(access) {#open_access_9} + + +``` + open(access) +``` + +Opens this AbstractPath as a file. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| access | System.IO.FileAccess | Specifies a subset of operations that can be performed on a stream. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| _io.BufferedRandom | A stream opened with the specified FileAccess. | + + +### Method: with_extension(new_extension) {#with_extension_new_extension_10} + + +``` + with_extension(new_extension) +``` + +Returns a new [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/) with the file extension changed to the specified value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| new_extension | string | A new extension. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | A new [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath/), that points to a file in the same directory, but with a new extension. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..37889a1353c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: AttributeDataType Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 4250 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype/ +--- + +The data type of a feature attribute. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.AttributeDataType + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| BOOLEAN | Boolean (true/false) value. | +| DATE | Date value. | +| DATE_TIME | Date and time value. | +| DOUBLE | Double-precision real number. | +| GUID | A globally unique identifier (GUID). | +| INTEGER | 32-bit integer. | +| LONG | 64-bit integer. | +| STRING | String value. | +| TIME | Time value. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/attributesconverteractions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/attributesconverteractions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4979c83be705 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/attributesconverteractions/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: AttributesConverterActions Class +type: docs +weight: 50 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/attributesconverteractions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Optional actions with attributes of the destination layer. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.AttributesConverterActions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [AttributesConverterActions()](#AttributesConverterActions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the AttributesConverterActions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| exclude | bool | r/w | Sets to exclude the attribute from the destination layer. The initial value is . | + + +### Constructor: AttributesConverterActions() {#AttributesConverterActions__1} + + +``` + AttributesConverterActions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the AttributesConverterActions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/autoids/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/autoids/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8c604451cf5e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/autoids/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: AutoIds Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 4260 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/autoids/ +--- + +Auto-generate ids. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.AutoIds + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| GUID | Generate Guid Ids. | +| NONE | Hide Auto Ids. | +| NUMBER | Increment Number Ids. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/conversionoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/conversionoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..91ca0e6f037c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/conversionoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: ConversionOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 370 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/conversionoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for converting data between formats. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.ConversionOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [ConversionOptions()](#ConversionOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the ConversionOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| attributes_converter | [IAttributesConverter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/iattributesconverter) | r/w | A custom converter for attributes. It allows us to rename or exclude destination attributes.
If not , it is called for each attribute of the source layer and is expected to change it if necessary. | +| destination_driver_options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | r/w | Driver-specific options for the destination layer. | +| destination_spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Spatial reference system to assign to destination layer. | +| source_driver_options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | r/w | Driver-specific options for the source layer. | + + +### Constructor: ConversionOptions() {#ConversionOptions__1} + + +``` + ConversionOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the ConversionOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b2445bc8a77e --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +--- +title: DatabaseDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 530 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for a specific database based format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.DatabaseDriver + +**Inheritance:** Driver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriveroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriveroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a8ec6c7c7401 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriveroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: DatabaseDriverOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 540 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriveroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for a [DatabaseDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/databasedriver/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.DatabaseDriverOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| spatial_reference_system_mode | [SpatialReferenceSystemMode](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode) | r/w | Determines how the unknown geometries' SRS for the database should be handle when they are added to the layer.
The default value is [SpatialReferenceSystemMode.THROW_EXCEPTION](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode/). | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..687dde21433f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/ @@ -0,0 +1,529 @@ +--- +title: Dataset Class +type: docs +weight: 580 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/ +--- + +**Summary:** A dataset is the collection of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) instances. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.Dataset + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this dataset can create vector layers. | +| can_remove_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this dataset can remove vector layers. | +| driver | [Driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driver) | r | Gets the [Dataset.driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/) that instantiated this dataset. | +| layers_count | int | r | Gets the number of layers in this dataset. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create(path, driver)](#create_path_driver_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create(path, driver)](#create_path_driver_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create(path, driver, options)](#create_path_driver_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create(path, driver, options)](#create_path_driver_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer()](#create_layer__5) | Creates a new vector layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(name, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_name_options_spatial_reference_system_6) | Creates a new vector layer with specified name and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(name, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_name_spatial_reference_system_7) | Creates a new vector layer with specified name and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_options_spatial_reference_system_8) | Creates a new vector layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_spatial_reference_system_9) | Creates a new vector layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(name, options, spatial_reference_system)](#edit_layer_name_options_spatial_reference_system_10) | Opens the layer with specified name for editing. | +| [edit_layer_at(index, options, spatial_reference_system)](#edit_layer_at_index_options_spatial_reference_system_11) | Opens the layer with specified name for editing. | +| [get_layer_name(index)](#get_layer_name_index_12) | Gets the name of the layer at specified index. | +| [has_layer_with_name(name)](#has_layer_with_name_name_13) | Check has current dataset a layer with specific name | +| [open(path, driver)](#open_path_driver_14) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open(path, driver)](#open_path_driver_15) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open(path, driver, options)](#open_path_driver_options_16) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open(path, driver, options)](#open_path_driver_options_17) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(name, options)](#open_layer_name_options_18) | Opens the layer with specified name for reading. | +| [open_layer_at(index, options)](#open_layer_at_index_options_19) | Opens the layer at specified index for reading. | +| [remove_layer(name)](#remove_layer_name_20) | Removes the vector layer with specified name. | +| [remove_layer_at(index)](#remove_layer_at_index_21) | Removes the vector layer at specified index. | +| [rename_layer(current_name, new_name)](#rename_layer_current_name_new_name_22) | Rename layer in dataset | + + +### Method: create(path, driver) [static] {#create_path_driver_1} + + +``` + create(path, driver) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create(path, driver) [static] {#create_path_driver_2} + + +``` + create(path, driver) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create(path, driver, options) [static] {#create_path_driver_options_3} + + +``` + create(path, driver, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create(path, driver, options) [static] {#create_path_driver_options_4} + + +``` + create(path, driver, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer() {#create_layer__5} + + +``` + create_layer() +``` + +Creates a new vector layer and opens it for appending. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) opened for writing. | + + +### Method: create_layer(name, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_name_options_spatial_reference_system_6} + + +``` + create_layer(name, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a new vector layer with specified name and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the layer. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Open options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system of the new layer. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) opened for writing. | + + +### Method: create_layer(name, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_name_spatial_reference_system_7} + + +``` + create_layer(name, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a new vector layer with specified name and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the layer. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system of the new layer. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) opened for writing. | + + +### Method: create_layer(options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_options_spatial_reference_system_8} + + +``` + create_layer(options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a new vector layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Open options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system of the new layer. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) opened for writing. | + + +### Method: create_layer(spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_spatial_reference_system_9} + + +``` + create_layer(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates a new vector layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system of the new layer. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) opened for writing. | + + +### Method: edit_layer(name, options, spatial_reference_system) {#edit_layer_name_options_spatial_reference_system_10} + + +``` + edit_layer(name, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Opens the layer with specified name for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the layer to edit. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Open options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system for new geometries. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | The layer opened for editing. | + + +### Method: edit_layer_at(index, options, spatial_reference_system) {#edit_layer_at_index_options_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + edit_layer_at(index, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Opens the layer with specified name for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the layer to edit. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Open options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system for new geometries. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | The layer opened for editing. | + + +### Method: get_layer_name(index) {#get_layer_name_index_12} + + +``` + get_layer_name(index) +``` + +Gets the name of the layer at specified index. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the layer. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Name of the layer. | + + +### Method: has_layer_with_name(name) {#has_layer_with_name_name_13} + + +``` + has_layer_with_name(name) +``` + +Check has current dataset a layer with specific name + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the layer | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | , if dataset has layer with this name; otherwise, | + + +### Method: open(path, driver) [static] {#open_path_driver_14} + + +``` + open(path, driver) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open(path, driver) [static] {#open_path_driver_15} + + +``` + open(path, driver) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open(path, driver, options) [static] {#open_path_driver_options_16} + + +``` + open(path, driver, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open(path, driver, options) [static] {#open_path_driver_options_17} + + +``` + open(path, driver, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(name, options) {#open_layer_name_options_18} + + +``` + open_layer(name, options) +``` + +Opens the layer with specified name for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the layer to open. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Open options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | The layer opened for reading. | + + +### Method: open_layer_at(index, options) {#open_layer_at_index_options_19} + + +``` + open_layer_at(index, options) +``` + +Opens the layer at specified index for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the layer to open. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Open options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | The layer opened for reading. | + + +### Method: remove_layer(name) {#remove_layer_name_20} + + +``` + remove_layer(name) +``` + +Removes the vector layer with specified name. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the layer | + +### Method: remove_layer_at(index) {#remove_layer_at_index_21} + + +``` + remove_layer_at(index) +``` + +Removes the vector layer at specified index. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the layer | + +### Method: rename_layer(current_name, new_name) {#rename_layer_current_name_new_name_22} + + +``` + rename_layer(current_name, new_name) +``` + +Rename layer in dataset + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| current_name | string | Current name of the layer | +| new_name | string | New name for the layer | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/driver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/driver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c055e877ab0c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/driver/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: Driver Class +type: docs +weight: 610 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/driver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A base class for drivers to GIS data. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.Driver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..065fe225d4fc --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: DriverOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 620 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for a [Driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driver/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/drivers/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/drivers/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f5a969e02f5c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/drivers/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: Drivers Class +type: docs +weight: 630 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/drivers/ +--- + +**Summary:** Drivers for all supported formats. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.Drivers + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| bmp_w [static] | [BmpWDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.bmpw/bmpwdriver/) | r | A driver for the BmpW raster format. | +| csv [static] | [CsvDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.csv/csvdriver/) | r | A driver for the CSV format. | +| esri_ascii [static] | [EsriAsciiDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esriascii/esriasciidriver/) | r | A driver for the Esri AscII raster format. | +| esri_json [static] | [EsriJsonDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.esrijson/esrijsondriver/) | r | A driver for the EsriJson format. | +| file_gdb [static] | [FileGdbDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.filegdb/filegdbdriver/) | r | A driver for the ESRI File Geodatabase format. | +| gdal [static] | [GdalDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gdal/gdaldriver/) | r | A driver for the GDAL format. | +| geo_json [static] | [GeoJsonDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojson/geojsondriver/) | r | A driver for the GeoJSON format. | +| geo_json_seq [static] | [GeoJsonSeqDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geojsonseq/geojsonseqdriver/) | r | A driver for the GeoJsonSeq: sequence of GeoJSON features. | +| geo_tiff [static] | [GeoTiffDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.geotiff/geotiffdriver/) | r | A driver for the GeoTIFF or TIFF raster format. | +| gml [static] | [GmlDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gml/gmldriver/) | r | A driver for the GML format. | +| gpx [static] | [GpxDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.gpx/gpxdriver/) | r | A driver for the GPX format. | +| in_file [static] | [InFileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.infile/infiledriver/) | r | A driver for work with data and save changes in file on HDD. | +| in_memory [static] | [InMemoryDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.inmemory/inmemorydriver/) | r | A driver for work with data in memory. | +| jpeg_w [static] | [JpegWDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.jpegw/jpegwdriver/) | r | A driver for the JpegW raster format. | +| kml [static] | [KmlDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.kml/kmldriver/) | r | A driver for the KML format. | +| map_info_interchange [static] | [MapInfoInterchangeDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfointerchange/mapinfointerchangedriver/) | r | A driver for the MapInfo Interchange Format. | +| map_info_tab [static] | [MapInfoTabDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.mapinfotab/mapinfotabdriver/) | r | A driver for the MapInfo Tab format. | +| osm_xml [static] | [OsmXmlDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.osmxml/osmxmldriver/) | r | A driver for the OSM XML format. | +| png_w [static] | [PngWDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.pngw/pngwdriver/) | r | A driver for the PngW raster format. | +| post_gis [static] | [PostGisDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.postgis/postgisdriver/) | r | A driver for the PostGIS database. | +| shapefile [static] | [ShapefileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.shapefile/shapefiledriver/) | r | A driver for the Shapefile format. | +| sql_server [static] | [SqlServerDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.sqlserver/sqlserverdriver/) | r | A driver for the SQL Server database. | +| tiff_w [static] | [TiffWDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.tiffw/tiffwdriver/) | r | A driver for the TiffW raster format. | +| topo_json [static] | [TopoJsonDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.topojson/topojsondriver/) | r | A driver for the TopoJSON format. | +| world_raster [static] | [WorldRasterDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.worldfile/worldrasterdriver/) | r | A driver for raster.formats with world file | +| xyz_tiles [static] | [XyzTilesDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.formats.xyztile/xyztilesdriver/) | r | A driver for the tiled web map like OpenStreetMaps, Google Maps, etc. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..921d5453d3a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/ @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +--- +title: Extent Class +type: docs +weight: 800 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/extent/ +--- + +**Summary:** A two-dimensional spatial bounding box. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.Extent + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent()](#Extent__1) | Creates new instance. | +| [Extent(srs)](#Extent_srs_2) | Creates new instance. | +| [Extent(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, srs)](#Extent_x_min_y_min_x_max_y_max_srs_3) | Creates new instance. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| center | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/) | r | Center of the extent. | +| height | double | r | Height of the extent. | +| is_valid | bool | r | Determines whether this [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/) is valid. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) associated with this extent.
Can be if [Extent.spatial_reference_system](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/) is unknown.
Use Aspose.Gis.Extent.GetTransformed(Aspose.Gis.SpatialReferencing.SpatialReferenceSystem)
in order to transform extent between difference spatial reference systems. | +| width | double | r | Width of the extent. | +| x_max | double | r/w | Maximum value of the X coordinate. | +| x_min | double | r/w | Minimum value of the X coordinate. | +| y_max | double | r/w | Maximum value of the Y coordinate. | +| y_min | double | r/w | Minimum value of the Y coordinate. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [clone()](#clone__1) | Clones this instance. | +| [contains(extent)](#contains_extent_2) | Determines whether this extent contains the argument. | +| [contains(geometry)](#contains_geometry_3) | Determines whether this extent contains the argument. | +| [contains(x, y)](#contains_x_y_4) | Determines whether this extent contains a coordinate defined by the arguments. | +| [get_transformed(target_srs)](#get_transformed_target_srs_5) | Returns new extent in specified [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) that contains this extent. | +| [grow(extent)](#grow_extent_6) | Grows this extent so it includes the argument. | +| [grow(x, y)](#grow_x_y_7) | Grows this extent so it includes the specified point. | +| [grow_x(value)](#grow_x_value_8) | Grows this extent along the X axis so it includes the specified value. | +| [grow_y(value)](#grow_y_value_9) | Grows this extent along the Y axis so it includes the specified value. | +| [intersects(extent)](#intersects_extent_10) | Determines whether this extent intersects with the argument. | +| [intersects(geometry)](#intersects_geometry_11) | Determines whether this extent intersects with the argument. | +| normalize() | Swaps [Extent.x_min](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/) with [Extent.x_max](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/) if [Extent.width](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/) is negative and
[Extent.y_min](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/) with [Extent.y_max](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/) if [Extent.height](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent/) is negative. | +| [to_polygon()](#to_polygon__12) | Converts this extent to a rectangular polygon that represents it. | + + +### Constructor: Extent() {#Extent__1} + + +``` + Extent() +``` + +Creates new instance. + +### Constructor: Extent(srs) {#Extent_srs_2} + + +``` + Extent(srs) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) associated with this extent.
Can be to indicate that SRS is unknown. | + +### Constructor: Extent(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, srs) {#Extent_x_min_y_min_x_max_y_max_srs_3} + + +``` + Extent(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, srs) +``` + +Creates new instance. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x_min | double | Minimum X value. | +| y_min | double | Minimum Y value. | +| x_max | double | Maximum X value. | +| y_max | double | Maximum Y value. | +| srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) associated with this extent.
Can be to indicate that SRS is unknown. | + +### Method: clone() {#clone__1} + + +``` + clone() +``` + +Clones this instance. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Clone of this instance. | + + +### Method: contains(extent) {#contains_extent_2} + + +``` + contains(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this extent contains the argument. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Another extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Value, indicating whether this extent contains the argument. | + + +### Method: contains(geometry) {#contains_geometry_3} + + +``` + contains(geometry) +``` + +Determines whether this extent contains the argument. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | A geometry to test for containment. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Value, indicating whether this extent contains the argument. | + + +### Method: contains(x, y) {#contains_x_y_4} + + +``` + contains(x, y) +``` + +Determines whether this extent contains a coordinate defined by the arguments. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | X of the coordinate. | +| y | double | Y of the coordinate. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Value, indicating whether coordinate is inside bounding box. | + + +### Method: get_transformed(target_srs) {#get_transformed_target_srs_5} + + +``` + get_transformed(target_srs) +``` + +Returns new extent in specified [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) that contains this extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| target_srs | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) to transform to. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | The result of transformation this extent to the specified SRS. | + + +### Method: grow(extent) {#grow_extent_6} + + +``` + grow(extent) +``` + +Grows this extent so it includes the argument. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Other extent. | + +### Method: grow(x, y) {#grow_x_y_7} + + +``` + grow(x, y) +``` + +Grows this extent so it includes the specified point. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | X coordinate to include. | +| y | double | Y coordinate to include. | + +### Method: grow_x(value) {#grow_x_value_8} + + +``` + grow_x(value) +``` + +Grows this extent along the X axis so it includes the specified value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | Value to include. | + +### Method: grow_y(value) {#grow_y_value_9} + + +``` + grow_y(value) +``` + +Grows this extent along the Y axis so it includes the specified value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| value | double | Value to include. | + +### Method: intersects(extent) {#intersects_extent_10} + + +``` + intersects(extent) +``` + +Determines whether this extent intersects with the argument. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Another extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Value, indicating whether this extent intersects with the argument. | + + +### Method: intersects(geometry) {#intersects_geometry_11} + + +``` + intersects(geometry) +``` + +Determines whether this extent intersects with the argument. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | A geometry to test for intersection | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Value, indicating whether this extent intersects with the argument. | + + +### Method: to_polygon() {#to_polygon__12} + + +``` + to_polygon() +``` + +Converts this extent to a rectangular polygon that represents it. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) | A rectangular [Polygon](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/polygon/) that represents this extent. For invalid extents
an empty polygon is returned. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6b1836a23cfb --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/ @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +--- +title: Feature Class +type: docs +weight: 810 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/feature/ +--- + +**Summary:** A geographic feature composed of a geometry and user-defined attributes. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.Feature + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | r/w | Gets or sets geometry of the feature.
Cannot be , use [Geometry.null](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) to indicate missing geometry. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [copy_values(input_feature)](#copy_values_input_feature_1) | Copies values of attributes from another feature. | +| [get_value(attribute_name)](#get_value_attribute_name_2) | Gets the value of an attribute. | +| [get_value_or_default(attribute_name, default_value)](#get_value_or_default_attribute_name_default_value_3) | Gets the value of an attribute, or [FeatureAttribute.default_value](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/) if the value is unset or null. | +| [get_values(values, default_value)](#get_values_values_default_value_4) | Returns the values for all the attributes in an array. | +| [get_values(values_count, default_value)](#get_values_values_count_default_value_5) | Returns the values for all the attributes in an array. | +| [get_values_dump(default_value)](#get_values_dump_default_value_6) | Returns the values for all the attributes in an array.
Consider to use Aspose.Gis.Feature.GetValues(int,System.Object) method to avoid additional memory allocation. | +| [get_values_list(attribute_name, separator, count)](#get_values_list_attribute_name_separator_count_7) | Gets the values list. Non-generic analog of List T GetValuesList | +| [is_value_null(attribute_name)](#is_value_null_attribute_name_8) | Determines whether the specified attribute has been explicitly set to null value. | +| [is_value_set(attribute_name)](#is_value_set_attribute_name_9) | Checks if the attribute value is set in this feature. | +| [set_value(attribute_name, value)](#set_value_attribute_name_value_10) | Sets the value. Non-generic analog of void SetValue (string attributeName, T value) | +| [set_value_null(attribute_name)](#set_value_null_attribute_name_11) | Sets value of the attribute to null. | +| [set_values(values)](#set_values_values_12) | Sets new values for all of the attributes.
Also consider to use [Feature.copy_values(input_feature)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/) method to streamline setting values in one call. | +| [unset_value(attribute_name)](#unset_value_attribute_name_13) | Removes the attribute value from this feature. | + + +### Method: copy_values(input_feature) {#copy_values_input_feature_1} + + +``` + copy_values(input_feature) +``` + +Copies values of attributes from another feature. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| input_feature | [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature) | The feature to copy values from. | + +### Method: get_value(attribute_name) {#get_value_attribute_name_2} + + +``` + get_value(attribute_name) +``` + +Gets the value of an attribute. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Name of the attribute. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| object | Value of the attribute. | + + +### Method: get_value_or_default(attribute_name, default_value) {#get_value_or_default_attribute_name_default_value_3} + + +``` + get_value_or_default(attribute_name, default_value) +``` + +Gets the value of an attribute, or [FeatureAttribute.default_value](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/) if the value is unset or null. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Name of the attribute. | +| default_value | object | The value to return if the attribute value is missing. Default value is . | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| object | Value of the attribute. | + + +### Method: get_values(values, default_value) {#get_values_values_default_value_4} + + +``` + get_values(values, default_value) +``` + +Returns the values for all the attributes in an array. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| values | object | | +| default_value | object | The value to return if the attribute value is missing (unset). Default value is .
Consider to use '.Value' for separating 'unset' and '' values. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | A number of attributes copied. | + + +### Method: get_values(values_count, default_value) {#get_values_values_count_default_value_5} + + +``` + get_values(values_count, default_value) +``` + +Returns the values for all the attributes in an array. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| values_count | int | The values count. | +| default_value | object | The value to return if the attribute value is missing (unset). Default value is .
Consider to use '.Value' for separating 'unset' and '' values. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| object | A number of attributes copied. | + + +### Method: get_values_dump(default_value) {#get_values_dump_default_value_6} + + +``` + get_values_dump(default_value) +``` + +Returns the values for all the attributes in an array.
Consider to use Aspose.Gis.Feature.GetValues(int,System.Object) method to avoid additional memory allocation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| default_value | object | The value to return if the attribute value is missing (unset). Default value is .
Consider to use '.Value' for separating 'unset' and '' values. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| object | A new array into which to copy the attributes values. | + + +### Method: get_values_list(attribute_name, separator, count) {#get_values_list_attribute_name_separator_count_7} + + +``` + get_values_list(attribute_name, separator, count) +``` + +Gets the values list. Non-generic analog of List T GetValuesList + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Name of the attribute. | +| separator | string | A string which is used to separate attribute name and index value of sequence. | +| count | int | Count of values to return (missed value fill as null) | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| object | List of values of the attributes which names different by sequence index value. | + + +### Method: is_value_null(attribute_name) {#is_value_null_attribute_name_8} + + +``` + is_value_null(attribute_name) +``` + +Determines whether the specified attribute has been explicitly set to null value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Name of the attribute. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if the attribute value is null; otherwise, . | + + +### Method: is_value_set(attribute_name) {#is_value_set_attribute_name_9} + + +``` + is_value_set(attribute_name) +``` + +Checks if the attribute value is set in this feature. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Name of the attribute. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if value for the specified attribute is set; otherwise, . | + + +### Method: set_value(attribute_name, value) {#set_value_attribute_name_value_10} + + +``` + set_value(attribute_name, value) +``` + +Sets the value. Non-generic analog of void SetValue (string attributeName, T value) + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | The name of the attribute. | +| value | object | The value of the attribute. | + +### Method: set_value_null(attribute_name) {#set_value_null_attribute_name_11} + + +``` + set_value_null(attribute_name) +``` + +Sets value of the attribute to null. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | The name of the attribute. | + +### Method: set_values(values) {#set_values_values_12} + + +``` + set_values(values) +``` + +Sets new values for all of the attributes.
Also consider to use [Feature.copy_values(input_feature)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/) method to streamline setting values in one call. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| values | object | The array of new values. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | The number of attribute values set. | + + +### Method: unset_value(attribute_name) {#unset_value_attribute_name_13} + + +``` + unset_value(attribute_name) +``` + +Removes the attribute value from this feature. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Name of the attribute. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a055d252972a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/ @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +--- +title: FeatureAttribute Class +type: docs +weight: 820 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/ +--- + +**Summary:** An attribute of a [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.FeatureAttribute + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [FeatureAttribute(name, data_type)](#FeatureAttribute_name_data_type_1) | Initializes a new instance of the [FeatureAttribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/) class. | +| [FeatureAttribute(name, data_type, can_be_null)](#FeatureAttribute_name_data_type_can_be_null_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [FeatureAttribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/) class. | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_be_null | bool | r/w | Gets a value indicating whether this instance can be null. | +| can_be_unset | bool | r/w | Gets or sets a value indicating whether value for this attribute can be omitted. | +| data_type | [AttributeDataType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype) | r/w | Gets the data type of the attribute. | +| default_value | object | r/w | Gets or sets a value for the attribute, that indicates missing data. | +| has_custom_default_value | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether the pre-defined default value for this attribute was overridden with a custom value. | +| is_locked | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this attribute is locked. | +| name | string | r/w | Gets the name of the attribute. | +| precision | Nullable | r/w | Gets or sets maximum number of decimal digits to store. | +| type_name | string | r/w | The type name of the attribute. | +| width | Nullable | r/w | Gets or sets maximum allowed width of character representation of the attribute. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| lock() | Locks this attribute. | + + +### Constructor: FeatureAttribute(name, data_type) {#FeatureAttribute_name_data_type_1} + + +``` + FeatureAttribute(name, data_type) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [FeatureAttribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | The name of the attribute. | +| data_type | [AttributeDataType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype) | The data type of the attribute. | + +### Constructor: FeatureAttribute(name, data_type, can_be_null) {#FeatureAttribute_name_data_type_can_be_null_2} + + +``` + FeatureAttribute(name, data_type, can_be_null) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [FeatureAttribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | The name of the attribute. | +| data_type | [AttributeDataType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/attributedatatype) | The data type of the attribute. | +| can_be_null | bool | if this instance can be null; otherwise, . | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattributecollection/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattributecollection/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..11ed21124113 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattributecollection/ @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +--- +title: FeatureAttributeCollection Class +type: docs +weight: 830 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/featureattributecollection/ +--- + +**Summary:** A [FeatureAttributeCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattributecollection/) defines what attributes are available for a [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.FeatureAttributeCollection + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of attributes in a [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/). | +| is_locked | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this attribute collection is locked. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(attribute)](#add_attribute_1) | Adds an attribute to the collection. | +| [contains(name)](#contains_name_2) | Determines whether the attribute collection contains an attribute with the specified name. | +| [index_of(name)](#index_of_name_3) | Searches for the attribute and returns the its zero-based index. | +| lock() | Locks this attribute collection to prevent further modifications. | +| [remove(index)](#remove_index_4) | Removes the attribute from the collection. | +| [remove(name)](#remove_name_5) | Removes the attribute from the collection. | + + +### Method: add(attribute) {#add_attribute_1} + + +``` + add(attribute) +``` + +Adds an attribute to the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute | [FeatureAttribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute) | The attribute to add. | + +### Method: contains(name) {#contains_name_2} + + +``` + contains(name) +``` + +Determines whether the attribute collection contains an attribute with the specified name. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the attribute. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | if the attribute collection contains and attribute with the specified name; otherwise, . | + + +### Method: index_of(name) {#index_of_name_3} + + +``` + index_of(name) +``` + +Searches for the attribute and returns the its zero-based index. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the attribute. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| int | The zero-based index of the attribute within the collection, if found; otherwise, –1. | + + +### Method: remove(index) {#remove_index_4} + + +``` + remove(index) +``` + +Removes the attribute from the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | Index of the attribute. | + +### Method: remove(name) {#remove_name_5} + + +``` + remove(name) +``` + +Removes the attribute from the collection. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| name | string | Name of the attribute. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..db9122193882 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence/ @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +--- +title: FeaturesSequence Class +type: docs +weight: 850 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence/ +--- + +**Summary:** [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence/) represents a set of vector features. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.FeaturesSequence + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| attributes | [FeatureAttributeCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattributecollection) | r | Gets the collection of custom attributes for features in this [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets spatial reference system of this features sequence. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__1) | Gets a spatial extent of this layer. | +| [save_to(destination_path, destination_driver)](#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_2) | Saves features sequence to layer. | +| [save_to(destination_path, destination_driver)](#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_3) | Saves features sequence to layer. | +| [save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options)](#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_options_4) | Saves features sequence to layer. | +| [save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options)](#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_options_5) | Saves features sequence to layer. | +| [split_to()](#split_to__6) | Split features by geometry type. | +| [where_greater(attribute_name, value)](#where_greater_attribute_name_value_7) | Selects features with attribute value greater than the provided value. | +| [where_greater_or_equal(attribute_name, value)](#where_greater_or_equal_attribute_name_value_8) | Selects features with attribute value greater or equal to the provided value. | +| [where_intersects(extent)](#where_intersects_extent_9) | Filters features based on the extent. | +| [where_intersects(geometry)](#where_intersects_geometry_10) | Filters features based on the provided geometry. | +| [where_intersects(sequence)](#where_intersects_sequence_11) | Filters features based on the union of all geometries in other features sequence. | +| [where_not_null(attribute_name)](#where_not_null_attribute_name_12) | Selects features with attribute not equal to null. | +| [where_null(attribute_name)](#where_null_attribute_name_13) | Selects features with attribute equal to null. | +| [where_set(attribute_name)](#where_set_attribute_name_14) | Selects features with attribute set. | +| [where_unset(attribute_name)](#where_unset_attribute_name_15) | Selects features where specified attribute is not set. | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__1} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Gets a spatial extent of this layer. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A spatial extent of this layer. | + + +### Method: save_to(destination_path, destination_driver) {#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_2} + + +``` + save_to(destination_path, destination_driver) +``` + +Saves features sequence to layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| destination_path | string | Path to the output layer. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the output layer. | + +### Method: save_to(destination_path, destination_driver) {#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_3} + + +``` + save_to(destination_path, destination_driver) +``` + +Saves features sequence to layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| destination_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output layer. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the output layer. | + +### Method: save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options) {#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_options_4} + + +``` + save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options) +``` + +Saves features sequence to layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| destination_path | string | Path to the output layer. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the output layer. | +| options | [SavingOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/savingoptions) | Options for the saving procedure. | + +### Method: save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options) {#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_options_5} + + +``` + save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options) +``` + +Saves features sequence to layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| destination_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output layer. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the output layer. | +| options | [SavingOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/savingoptions) | Options for the saving procedure. | + +### Method: split_to() {#split_to__6} + + +``` + split_to() +``` + +Split features by geometry type. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | Layers with the same type of geometry. | + + +### Method: where_greater(attribute_name, value) {#where_greater_attribute_name_value_7} + + +``` + where_greater(attribute_name, value) +``` + +Selects features with attribute value greater than the provided value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | +| value | object | Value to compare against. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with attribute value greater than the provided value. | + + +### Method: where_greater_or_equal(attribute_name, value) {#where_greater_or_equal_attribute_name_value_8} + + +``` + where_greater_or_equal(attribute_name, value) +``` + +Selects features with attribute value greater or equal to the provided value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | +| value | object | Value to compare against. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with attribute value greater or equal to the provided value. | + + +### Method: where_intersects(extent) {#where_intersects_extent_9} + + +``` + where_intersects(extent) +``` + +Filters features based on the extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Filter extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features that intersect with the provided geometry. | + + +### Method: where_intersects(geometry) {#where_intersects_geometry_10} + + +``` + where_intersects(geometry) +``` + +Filters features based on the provided geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | Filter geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features that intersect with the provided geometry. | + + +### Method: where_intersects(sequence) {#where_intersects_sequence_11} + + +``` + where_intersects(sequence) +``` + +Filters features based on the union of all geometries in other features sequence. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Other features sequence. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features that intersect with the union of all geometries in other features sequence. | + + +### Method: where_not_null(attribute_name) {#where_not_null_attribute_name_12} + + +``` + where_not_null(attribute_name) +``` + +Selects features with attribute not equal to null. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with attribute value not equal to null. | + + +### Method: where_null(attribute_name) {#where_null_attribute_name_13} + + +``` + where_null(attribute_name) +``` + +Selects features with attribute equal to null. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with attribute value equal to null. | + + +### Method: where_set(attribute_name) {#where_set_attribute_name_14} + + +``` + where_set(attribute_name) +``` + +Selects features with attribute set. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with set attribute value. | + + +### Method: where_unset(attribute_name) {#where_unset_attribute_name_15} + + +``` + where_unset(attribute_name) +``` + +Selects features where specified attribute is not set. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with unset attribute value. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featurestyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featurestyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dcac891edf79 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/featurestyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +--- +title: FeatureStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 840 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/featurestyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** The abstract root class of the feature styles hierarchy. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.FeatureStyle + +**Inheritance:** IFeatureStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| null [static] | [IFeatureStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/ifeaturestyle) | r | Gets an instance of null style. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..007808905836 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,574 @@ +--- +title: FileDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 860 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for a specific file based format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.FileDriver + +**Inheritance:** Driver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_create_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets. | +| can_create_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers. | +| can_open_datasets | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets. | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_1) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path)](#create_dataset_path_2) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_3) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_dataset(path, options)](#create_dataset_path_options_4) | Creates a dataset. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_5) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path)](#create_layer_path_6) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_7) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options)](#create_layer_path_options_8) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_9) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_10) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_11) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system)](#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_12) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_13) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [edit_layer(path, options)](#edit_layer_path_options_14) | Opens a layer for editing. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_15) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path)](#open_dataset_path_16) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_17) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_dataset(path, options)](#open_dataset_path_options_18) | Opens the dataset. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_19) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_20) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_21) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_22) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system)](#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_23) | Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_1} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path) {#create_dataset_path_2} + + +``` + create_dataset(path) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_3} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_dataset(path, options) {#create_dataset_path_options_4} + + +``` + create_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Creates a dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_5} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path) {#create_layer_path_6} + + +``` + create_layer(path) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_7} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options) {#create_layer_path_options_8} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_9} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_options_spatial_reference_system_10} + + +``` + create_layer(path, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_11} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) {#create_layer_path_spatial_reference_system_12} + + +``` + create_layer(path, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_13} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: edit_layer(path, options) {#edit_layer_path_options_14} + + +``` + edit_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens a layer for editing. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_15} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path) {#open_dataset_path_16} + + +``` + open_dataset(path) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_17} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_dataset(path, options) {#open_dataset_path_options_18} + + +``` + open_dataset(path, options) +``` + +Opens the dataset. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the dataset. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset) | An instance of [Dataset](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/dataset/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_19} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_20} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_21} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_22} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) {#supports_spatial_reference_system_spatial_reference_system_23} + + +``` + supports_spatial_reference_system(spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | Boolean value, indicating whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver.
is considered supported by any driver. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/geoconvert/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/geoconvert/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c017fe2d91bc --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/geoconvert/ @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +--- +title: GeoConvert Class +type: docs +weight: 1120 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/geoconvert/ +--- + +**Summary:** Converts coordinates to/from the different formats. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.GeoConvert + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [as_point_text(latitude, longitude, format)](#as_point_text_latitude_longitude_format_1) | Returns the calculated position as a string in the specified format. | +| [as_point_text(point, format)](#as_point_text_point_format_2) | Returns the calculated position as a string in the specified format. | +| [parse_point_text(text)](#parse_point_text_text_3) | Converts the string that contains сoordinates to IPoint object. | +| [try_parse_point_text(text, point)](#try_parse_point_text_text_point_4) | Converts the string that contains сoordinates to IPoint object. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed. | + + +### Method: as_point_text(latitude, longitude, format) [static] {#as_point_text_latitude_longitude_format_1} + + +``` + as_point_text(latitude, longitude, format) +``` + +Returns the calculated position as a string in the specified format. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| latitude | double | Position latitude. | +| longitude | double | Position longitude. | +| format | [PointFormats](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/pointformats) | Format of the result. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Position as string. | + + +### Method: as_point_text(point, format) [static] {#as_point_text_point_format_2} + + +``` + as_point_text(point, format) +``` + +Returns the calculated position as a string in the specified format. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/) | IPoint object. | +| format | [PointFormats](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/pointformats) | Format of the result. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| string | Position as string. | + + +### Method: parse_point_text(text) [static] {#parse_point_text_text_3} + + +``` + parse_point_text(text) +``` + +Converts the string that contains сoordinates to IPoint object. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | A string that contains coordinates to convert.
The string should contain both coordinate latitude and longitude.
Coordinates should be separated by whitespace, by comma or by semicolon. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/) | IPoint object with coordinates that are equivalent to the input string. | + + +### Method: try_parse_point_text(text, point) [static] {#try_parse_point_text_text_point_4} + + +``` + try_parse_point_text(text, point) +``` + +Converts the string that contains сoordinates to IPoint object. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| text | string | A string that contains coordinates to convert.
The string should contain both coordinate latitude and longitude.
Coordinates should be separated by whitespace, by comma or by semicolon. | +| point | [IPoint[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/) | When this method returns, contains the IPoint object with parsed coordinates, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| bool | True if text was parsed successfully, otherwise False. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..96fbe3e2ce10 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: GisException Class +type: docs +weight: 1330 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/ +--- + +**Summary:** The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during GIS data processing. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.GisException + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [GisException()](#GisException__1) | Initializes a new instance of the [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) class. | +| [GisException(message)](#GisException_message_2) | Initializes a new instance of the [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) class. | + + +### Constructor: GisException() {#GisException__1} + + +``` + GisException() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) class. + +### Constructor: GisException(message) {#GisException_message_2} + + +``` + GisException(message) +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) class. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| message | string | The message that describes the error. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/iattributesconverter/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/iattributesconverter/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d1d05bdc966f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/iattributesconverter/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +title: IAttributesConverter Class +type: docs +weight: 1420 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/iattributesconverter/ +--- + +**Summary:** A custom converter for layer attributes. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.IAttributesConverter + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [modify_attribute(attribute, actions)](#modify_attribute_attribute_actions_1) | Adjusts a [FeatureAttribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/) as necessary for the target layer. | + + +### Method: modify_attribute(attribute, actions) {#modify_attribute_attribute_actions_1} + + +``` + modify_attribute(attribute, actions) +``` + +Adjusts a [FeatureAttribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute/) as necessary for the target layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute | [FeatureAttribute](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattribute) | A copy of an attribute of the source layer. | +| actions | [AttributesConverterActions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/attributesconverteractions) | Specifies optional actions with attributes of the destination layer.
For example, allows us to exclude our attribute. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/ifeaturestyle/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/ifeaturestyle/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..db566584f605 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/ifeaturestyle/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +title: IFeatureStyle Class +type: docs +weight: 1510 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/ifeaturestyle/ +--- + +**Summary:** The interface root class of the feature styles hierarchy. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.IFeatureStyle + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/license/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/license/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..23555a0b7b97 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/license/ @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +--- +title: License Class +type: docs +weight: 2110 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/license/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provides methods to license the component. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.License + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [License()](#License__1) | Initializes a new instance of this class. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| set_license(license_name) | | +| [set_license(stream)](#set_license_stream_1) | Licenses the component. | + + +### Constructor: License() {#License__1} + + +``` + License() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of this class. + +### Method: set_license(stream) {#set_license_stream_1} + + +``` + set_license(stream) +``` + +Licenses the component. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| stream | _io.BufferedRandom | A stream that contains the license. | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/metered/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/metered/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..45b554872fc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/metered/ @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +--- +title: Metered Class +type: docs +weight: 2500 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/metered/ +--- + +**Summary:** Provides methods to set metered key. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.Metered + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [get_consumption_credit()](#get_consumption_credit__1) | Gets consumption credit | +| [get_consumption_quantity()](#get_consumption_quantity__2) | Gets consumption file size | +| reset_metered_key() | Removes previously setup license | +| [set_metered_key(public_key, private_key)](#set_metered_key_public_key_private_key_3) | Sets metered public and private key | + + +### Method: get_consumption_credit() [static] {#get_consumption_credit__1} + + +``` + get_consumption_credit() +``` + +Gets consumption credit + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| decimal | consumption quantity | + + +### Method: get_consumption_quantity() [static] {#get_consumption_quantity__2} + + +``` + get_consumption_quantity() +``` + +Gets consumption file size + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| decimal | consumption quantity | + + +### Method: set_metered_key(public_key, private_key) [static] {#set_metered_key_public_key_private_key_3} + + +``` + set_metered_key(public_key, private_key) +``` + +Sets metered public and private key + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| public_key | string | public key | +| private_key | string | private key | + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..21d0c75b389c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +--- +title: NumericFormat Class +type: docs +weight: 2710 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/ +--- + +**Summary:** [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat/) are used to format common numeric types in text. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.NumericFormat + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| round_trip [static] | [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | r | Converts and attempts to ensure that a numeric value that is converted to
a string is parsed back into the same numeric value. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [flat(significant_digits)](#flat_significant_digits_1) | Converts a number to a fixed-point text without a scientific notation. | +| [general(precision)](#general_precision_2) | Converts a number to the more compact of either fixed-point or scientific notation,
depending on the type of the number and whether a precision specifier is present. Recommended to use. | + + +### Method: flat(significant_digits) [static] {#flat_significant_digits_1} + + +``` + flat(significant_digits) +``` + +Converts a number to a fixed-point text without a scientific notation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| significant_digits | int | Number of significant digits. The maximum available precision is "308" | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | The Rounding Precision Specifier. | + + +### Method: general(precision) [static] {#general_precision_2} + + +``` + general(precision) +``` + +Converts a number to the more compact of either fixed-point or scientific notation,
depending on the type of the number and whether a precision specifier is present. Recommended to use. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| precision | int | The precision defines the maximum number of significant digits that can appear in the result string.
If the precision is zero, the value "15" is used. The maximum available precision is "17". | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [NumericFormat](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/numericformat) | The General Format Specifier. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/pointformats/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/pointformats/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3c7699d904a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/pointformats/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: PointFormats Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 4710 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/pointformats/ +--- + +[PointFormats](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/pointformats/) are used to convert coordinates in text. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.PointFormats + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| DECIMAL_DEGREES | Decimal Degrees (DD) format. | +| DEGREE_DECIMAL_MINUTES | Degree Decimal Minutes (DDM) format. | +| DEGREE_MINUTES_SECONDS | Degree Minutes Seconds (DMS) format. | +| GEO_REF | World Geographic Reference System. | +| MGRS | Military Grid Reference System with WGS 84 datum. | +| USNG | United States National Grid with WGS 84 datum. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..eac6717b9015 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/ @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +--- +title: PrecisionModel Class +type: docs +weight: 3040 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/ +--- + +**Summary:** [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) specifies a number of significant digits in a coordinate. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.PrecisionModel + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| exact [static] | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r | Returns an exact precision model.
According to exact precision model all digits in a double value are significant. | +| is_exact | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this precision model is exact. | +| is_rounding | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this precision model is rounding. | +| significant_digits | int | r | Gets a number of significant digits in a precision model if it is rounding. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [rounding(significant_digits)](#rounding_significant_digits_1) | Returns a rounding precision model.
According to rounding precision model only a limited number of digits are significant. | + + +### Method: rounding(significant_digits) [static] {#rounding_significant_digits_1} + + +``` + rounding(significant_digits) +``` + +Returns a rounding precision model.
According to rounding precision model only a limited number of digits are significant. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| significant_digits | int | Number of significant digits. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | Rounding Precision model. | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriver/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriver/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e79cc6946bf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriver/ @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +--- +title: RasterDriver Class +type: docs +weight: 3250 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriver/ +--- + +**Summary:** A driver for a specific raster based format. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.RasterDriver + +**Inheritance:** Driver + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| can_open_layers | bool | r | Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open raster layers. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_1) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path)](#open_layer_path_2) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_3) | Opens the layer for reading. | +| [open_layer(path, options)](#open_layer_path_options_4) | Opens the layer for reading. | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_1} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path) {#open_layer_path_2} + + +``` + open_layer(path) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_3} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + +### Method: open_layer(path, options) {#open_layer_path_options_4} + + +``` + open_layer(path, options) +``` + +Opens the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| options | [RasterDriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/) | An instance of [RasterLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.raster/rasterlayer/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0d2d56bf2ca7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: RasterDriverOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 3260 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriveroptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for a [RasterDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/rasterdriver/). + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.RasterDriverOptions + +**Inheritance:** DriverOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| close_linear_ring | bool | r/w | Determines if close a unclosed [GeometryType.LINEAR_RING](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| create_midpoints | bool | r/w | Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points | bool | r/w | Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| delete_near_points_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.delete_near_points](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| linearization_tolerance | double | r/w | A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries. | +| m_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to M coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| simplify_segments | bool | r/w | Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to . | +| simplify_segments_distance | double | r/w | Determines distance for [DriverOptions.simplify_segments](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions/). Defaults to . | +| validate_geometries_on_write | bool | r/w | Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer.
If set to , [Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is called for each
geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails ([Geometry.is_valid](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometry/) is ), [GisException](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/gisexception/) is thrown. | +| write_polygons_as_lines | bool | r/w | Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to . | +| xy_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to X and Y coordinates
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | +| z_precision_model | [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel) | r/w | A [PrecisionModel](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/) that will be applied to Z coordinate
when geometries are added to the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) or when they are read from the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/).
The default value is [PrecisionModel.exact](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/precisionmodel/). | + + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/savingoptions/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/savingoptions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..89d796b550d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/savingoptions/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: SavingOptions Class +type: docs +weight: 3430 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/savingoptions/ +--- + +**Summary:** Options for saving [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence/) to file. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.SavingOptions + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Constructors** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [SavingOptions()](#SavingOptions__1) | Initializes a new instance of the SavingOptions class | +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| attributes_converter | [IAttributesConverter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/iattributesconverter) | r/w | A custom converter for attributes.
If not , it is called for each attribute of the source layer and is expected to change it if necessary. | +| driver_options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | r/w | Driver-specific options for the output layer. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r/w | Driver-specific options for the output layer. | + + +### Constructor: SavingOptions() {#SavingOptions__1} + + +``` + SavingOptions() +``` + +Initializes a new instance of the SavingOptions class + diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c2183a2079ea --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: SpatialReferenceSystemMode Enumeration +type: docs +weight: 4760 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/spatialreferencesystemmode/ +--- + +Specifies a mode of Spatial Reference System (SRS) writing in database
if it's an unknown SRS. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.SpatialReferenceSystemMode + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Members** +| **Member name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| SETUP_TO_ZERO | Setup the SRID of a geometry to 'zero' if it's an unknown SRS for the database. | +| THROW_EXCEPTION | Throw exceptions if it's an unknown SRS for the database. | +| WRITE_IN_SYSTEM_TABLE | Write SRS info in system table if it's an unknown SRS for the database. | diff --git a/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3be6d8e9db34 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/sites/aspose/gis/english/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/ @@ -0,0 +1,1017 @@ +--- +title: VectorLayer Class +type: docs +weight: 3900 +url: /python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/ +--- + +**Summary:** Represents a vector layer.
A vector layer is a collection of geographic features, stored in a file. + +**Module:** [aspose.gis](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/) + +**Full Name:** aspose.gis.VectorLayer + +**Inheritance:** FeaturesSequence + +**Aspose.PSD Version:** 24.12.0 + +## **Properties** +| **Name** | **Type** | **Access** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | :- | :- | +| attributes | [FeatureAttributeCollection](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featureattributecollection) | r | Gets the collection of custom attributes for features in this [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | +| count | int | r | Gets the number of features in this layer. | +| driver | [Driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driver) | r | Gets the [VectorLayer.driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) that instantiated this layer. | +| geometry_type | [GeometryType](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/geometrytype/) | r | Gets the type of the geometry for the layer. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | r | Gets spatial reference system of this features sequence. | +## **Methods** +| **Name** | **Description** | +| :- | :- | +| [add(feature)](#add_feature_1) | Adds a new feature to the layer, if supported by the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/)'s [VectorLayer.driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | +| [add(feature, style)](#add_feature_style_2) | Adds a new feature with the specified style to the layer, if supported by the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/)'s [VectorLayer.driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | +| [as_in_memory()](#as_in_memory__3) | Create a layer clon as the InMemory format. | +| [construct_feature()](#construct_feature__4) | Creates (but does not add to the layer) a new feature with attributes matching the collection of attributes of this layer.
When done with setting data for the feature, use [VectorLayer.add(feature)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) to add the feature to the layer. | +| [convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver)](#convert_source_path_source_driver_destination_path_destination_driver_5) | Convert a layer to a different format. | +| [convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver)](#convert_source_path_source_driver_destination_path_destination_driver_6) | Convert a layer to a different format. | +| [convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver, options)](#convert_source_path_source_driver_destination_path_destination_driver_options_7) | Convert a layer to a different format. | +| [convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver, options)](#convert_source_path_source_driver_destination_path_destination_driver_options_8) | Convert a layer to a different format. | +| [copy_attributes(features_sequence)](#copy_attributes_features_sequence_9) | Copies attributes of other [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) to this one. | +| [copy_attributes(features_sequence, converter)](#copy_attributes_features_sequence_converter_10) | Copies attributes of other [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) to this one. | +| [create(path, driver)](#create_path_driver_11) | Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create(path, driver)](#create_path_driver_12) | Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create(path, driver, options)](#create_path_driver_options_13) | Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create(path, driver, options)](#create_path_driver_options_14) | Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. | +| [create(path, driver, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_path_driver_options_spatial_reference_system_15) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create(path, driver, options, spatial_reference_system)](#create_path_driver_options_spatial_reference_system_16) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create(path, driver, spatial_reference_system)](#create_path_driver_spatial_reference_system_17) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [create(path, driver, spatial_reference_system)](#create_path_driver_spatial_reference_system_18) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. | +| [get_extent()](#get_extent__19) | Gets a spatial extent of this layer. | +| [join(layer, options)](#join_layer_options_20) | Joins a layer to the current layer. | +| [join_by_geometry(layer, options)](#join_by_geometry_layer_options_21) | Joins a layer to the current layer by geometry. | +| [nearest_to(point)](#nearest_to_point_22) | Gets the nearest feature to the provided point. | +| [nearest_to(x, y)](#nearest_to_x_y_23) | Gets the nearest feature to the provided coordinate. | +| [open(path, driver)](#open_path_driver_24) | Open the layer for reading. | +| [open(path, driver)](#open_path_driver_25) | Open the layer for reading. | +| [open(path, driver, options)](#open_path_driver_options_26) | Open the layer for reading. | +| [open(path, driver, options)](#open_path_driver_options_27) | Open the layer for reading. | +| [remove_at(index)](#remove_at_index_28) | Remove the [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/) at the specified index. | +| [replace_at(index, feature)](#replace_at_index_feature_29) | Replace the [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/) at the specified index. | +| [save_to(destination_path, destination_driver)](#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_30) | Saves features sequence to layer. | +| [save_to(destination_path, destination_driver)](#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_31) | Saves features sequence to layer. | +| [save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options)](#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_options_32) | Saves features sequence to layer. | +| [save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options)](#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_options_33) | Saves features sequence to layer. | +| [split_to()](#split_to__34) | Split features by geometry type. | +| [use_attributes_index(index_path, attribute_name, force_rebuild)](#use_attributes_index_index_path_attribute_name_force_rebuild_35) | Loads attribute index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like Aspose.Gis.FeaturesSequence.WhereGreater``1(string,``0).
If index does not exist creates it first. Use to force index recreation. | +| [use_attributes_index(index_path, attribute_name, force_rebuild)](#use_attributes_index_index_path_attribute_name_force_rebuild_36) | Loads attribute index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like Aspose.Gis.FeaturesSequence.WhereGreater``1(string,``0).
If index does not exist creates it first. Use to force index recreation. | +| [use_spatial_index(index_path, force_rebuild)](#use_spatial_index_index_path_force_rebuild_37) | Loads spatial index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like Aspose.Gis.FeaturesSequence.WhereIntersects(Aspose.Gis.Geometries.IGeometry)
and Aspose.Gis.VectorLayer.NearestTo(float,float).
If index does not exist creates it first. Use to force index recreation. | +| [use_spatial_index(index_path, force_rebuild)](#use_spatial_index_index_path_force_rebuild_38) | Loads spatial index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like Aspose.Gis.FeaturesSequence.WhereIntersects(Aspose.Gis.Geometries.IGeometry)
and Aspose.Gis.VectorLayer.NearestTo(float,float).
If index does not exist creates it first. Use to force index recreation. | +| [where_greater(attribute_name, value)](#where_greater_attribute_name_value_39) | Selects features with attribute value greater than the provided value. | +| [where_greater_or_equal(attribute_name, value)](#where_greater_or_equal_attribute_name_value_40) | Selects features with attribute value greater or equal to the provided value. | +| [where_intersects(extent)](#where_intersects_extent_41) | Filters features based on the extent. | +| [where_intersects(geometry)](#where_intersects_geometry_42) | Filters features based on the provided geometry. | +| [where_intersects(sequence)](#where_intersects_sequence_43) | Filters features based on the union of all geometries in other features sequence. | +| [where_not_null(attribute_name)](#where_not_null_attribute_name_44) | Selects features with attribute not equal to null. | +| [where_null(attribute_name)](#where_null_attribute_name_45) | Selects features with attribute equal to null. | +| [where_set(attribute_name)](#where_set_attribute_name_46) | Selects features with attribute set. | +| [where_unset(attribute_name)](#where_unset_attribute_name_47) | Selects features where specified attribute is not set. | + + +### Method: add(feature) {#add_feature_1} + + +``` + add(feature) +``` + +Adds a new feature to the layer, if supported by the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/)'s [VectorLayer.driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| feature | [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature) | The feature to add. | + +### Method: add(feature, style) {#add_feature_style_2} + + +``` + add(feature, style) +``` + +Adds a new feature with the specified style to the layer, if supported by the [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/)'s [VectorLayer.driver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| feature | [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature) | The feature to add. | +| style | [IFeatureStyle](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/ifeaturestyle) | The feature style. Use to indicate missing style. | + +### Method: as_in_memory() {#as_in_memory__3} + + +``` + as_in_memory() +``` + +Create a layer clon as the InMemory format. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | The InMemory Layer. | + + +### Method: construct_feature() {#construct_feature__4} + + +``` + construct_feature() +``` + +Creates (but does not add to the layer) a new feature with attributes matching the collection of attributes of this layer.
When done with setting data for the feature, use [VectorLayer.add(feature)](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) to add the feature to the layer. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature) | A new feature. | + + +### Method: convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver) [static] {#convert_source_path_source_driver_destination_path_destination_driver_5} + + +``` + convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver) +``` + +Convert a layer to a different format. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| source_path | string | Path to the layer that will be converted. | +| source_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the source layer. | +| destination_path | string | Path to the layer that will created as a result of conversion. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the destination layer. | + +### Method: convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver) [static] {#convert_source_path_source_driver_destination_path_destination_driver_6} + + +``` + convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver) +``` + +Convert a layer to a different format. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| source_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the layer that will be converted. | +| source_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the source layer. | +| destination_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the layer that will created as a result of conversion. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the destination layer. | + +### Method: convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver, options) [static] {#convert_source_path_source_driver_destination_path_destination_driver_options_7} + + +``` + convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver, options) +``` + +Convert a layer to a different format. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| source_path | string | Path to the layer that will be converted. | +| source_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the source layer. | +| destination_path | string | Path to the layer that will created as a result of conversion. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the destination layer. | +| options | [ConversionOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/conversionoptions) | Options for the conversion procedure. | + +### Method: convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver, options) [static] {#convert_source_path_source_driver_destination_path_destination_driver_options_8} + + +``` + convert(source_path, source_driver, destination_path, destination_driver, options) +``` + +Convert a layer to a different format. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| source_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the layer that will be converted. | +| source_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the source layer. | +| destination_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the layer that will created as a result of conversion. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the destination layer. | +| options | [ConversionOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/conversionoptions) | Options for the conversion procedure. | + +### Method: copy_attributes(features_sequence) {#copy_attributes_features_sequence_9} + + +``` + copy_attributes(features_sequence) +``` + +Copies attributes of other [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) to this one. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| features_sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | The features sequence to copy attributes from. | + +### Method: copy_attributes(features_sequence, converter) {#copy_attributes_features_sequence_converter_10} + + +``` + copy_attributes(features_sequence, converter) +``` + +Copies attributes of other [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/) to this one. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| features_sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | The features sequence to copy attributes from. | +| converter | [IAttributesConverter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/iattributesconverter) | An instance of custom [IAttributesConverter](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/iattributesconverter/) that will process the attributes one by one. | + +### Method: create(path, driver) [static] {#create_path_driver_11} + + +``` + create(path, driver) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A write-only layer. | + + +### Method: create(path, driver) [static] {#create_path_driver_12} + + +``` + create(path, driver) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A write-only layer. | + + +### Method: create(path, driver, options) [static] {#create_path_driver_options_13} + + +``` + create(path, driver, options) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A write-only layer. | + + +### Method: create(path, driver, options) [static] {#create_path_driver_options_14} + + +``` + create(path, driver, options) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A write-only layer. | + + +### Method: create(path, driver, options, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#create_path_driver_options_spatial_reference_system_15} + + +``` + create(path, driver, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create(path, driver, options, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#create_path_driver_options_spatial_reference_system_16} + + +``` + create(path, driver, options, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create(path, driver, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#create_path_driver_spatial_reference_system_17} + + +``` + create(path, driver, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: create(path, driver, spatial_reference_system) [static] {#create_path_driver_spatial_reference_system_18} + + +``` + create(path, driver, spatial_reference_system) +``` + +Creates the layer and opens it for appending. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| spatial_reference_system | [SpatialReferenceSystem](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.spatialreferencing/spatialreferencesystem/) | Spatial reference system. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | An instance of [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer/). | + + +### Method: get_extent() {#get_extent__19} + + +``` + get_extent() +``` + +Gets a spatial extent of this layer. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | A spatial extent of this layer. | + + +### Method: join(layer, options) {#join_layer_options_20} + + +``` + join(layer, options) +``` + +Joins a layer to the current layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A layer to join. | +| options | [JoinOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinoptions/) | Join parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A new layer as a result of join two layers. | + + +### Method: join_by_geometry(layer, options) {#join_by_geometry_layer_options_21} + + +``` + join_by_geometry(layer, options) +``` + +Joins a layer to the current layer by geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| layer | [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A layer to join. | +| options | [JoinByGeometryOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.relationship.joins/joinbygeometryoptions/) | Join parameters. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A new layer as a result of join two layers. | + + +### Method: nearest_to(point) {#nearest_to_point_22} + + +``` + nearest_to(point) +``` + +Gets the nearest feature to the provided point. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| point | [IPoint](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/ipoint/) | The point. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature) | The nearest feature to the provided point. | + + +### Method: nearest_to(x, y) {#nearest_to_x_y_23} + + +``` + nearest_to(x, y) +``` + +Gets the nearest feature to the provided coordinate. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| x | double | X of the coordinate. | +| y | double | Y of the coordinate. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature) | The nearest feature to the provided coordinate. | + + +### Method: open(path, driver) [static] {#open_path_driver_24} + + +``` + open(path, driver) +``` + +Open the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A read-only layer. | + + +### Method: open(path, driver) [static] {#open_path_driver_25} + + +``` + open(path, driver) +``` + +Open the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A read-only layer. | + + +### Method: open(path, driver, options) [static] {#open_path_driver_options_26} + + +``` + open(path, driver, options) +``` + +Open the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | string | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A read-only layer. | + + +### Method: open(path, driver, options) [static] {#open_path_driver_options_27} + + +``` + open(path, driver, options) +``` + +Open the layer for reading. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the file. | +| driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | Driver to use. | +| options | [DriverOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/driveroptions) | Driver-specific options. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | A read-only layer. | + + +### Method: remove_at(index) {#remove_at_index_28} + + +``` + remove_at(index) +``` + +Remove the [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/) at the specified index. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | The index of the feature. | + +### Method: replace_at(index, feature) {#replace_at_index_feature_29} + + +``` + replace_at(index, feature) +``` + +Replace the [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature/) at the specified index. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index | int | The index of the feature. | +| feature | [Feature](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/feature) | The feature to set. | + +### Method: save_to(destination_path, destination_driver) {#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_30} + + +``` + save_to(destination_path, destination_driver) +``` + +Saves features sequence to layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| destination_path | string | Path to the output layer. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the output layer. | + +### Method: save_to(destination_path, destination_driver) {#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_31} + + +``` + save_to(destination_path, destination_driver) +``` + +Saves features sequence to layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| destination_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output layer. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the output layer. | + +### Method: save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options) {#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_options_32} + + +``` + save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options) +``` + +Saves features sequence to layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| destination_path | string | Path to the output layer. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the output layer. | +| options | [SavingOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/savingoptions) | Options for the saving procedure. | + +### Method: save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options) {#save_to_destination_path_destination_driver_options_33} + + +``` + save_to(destination_path, destination_driver, options) +``` + +Saves features sequence to layer. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| destination_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the output layer. | +| destination_driver | [FileDriver](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/filedriver) | The format driver for the output layer. | +| options | [SavingOptions](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/savingoptions) | Options for the saving procedure. | + +### Method: split_to() {#split_to__34} + + +``` + split_to() +``` + +Split features by geometry type. + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [VectorLayer[]](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/vectorlayer) | Layers with the same type of geometry. | + + +### Method: use_attributes_index(index_path, attribute_name, force_rebuild) {#use_attributes_index_index_path_attribute_name_force_rebuild_35} + + +``` + use_attributes_index(index_path, attribute_name, force_rebuild) +``` + +Loads attribute index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like Aspose.Gis.FeaturesSequence.WhereGreater``1(string,``0).
If index does not exist creates it first. Use to force index recreation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index_path | string | Path to the index file. | +| attribute_name | string | Name of the attribute to build index on. | +| force_rebuild | bool | Whether to recreate index even if it already exists. | + +### Method: use_attributes_index(index_path, attribute_name, force_rebuild) {#use_attributes_index_index_path_attribute_name_force_rebuild_36} + + +``` + use_attributes_index(index_path, attribute_name, force_rebuild) +``` + +Loads attribute index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like Aspose.Gis.FeaturesSequence.WhereGreater``1(string,``0).
If index does not exist creates it first. Use to force index recreation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the index file. | +| attribute_name | string | Name of the attribute to build index on. | +| force_rebuild | bool | Whether to recreate index even if it already exists. | + +### Method: use_spatial_index(index_path, force_rebuild) {#use_spatial_index_index_path_force_rebuild_37} + + +``` + use_spatial_index(index_path, force_rebuild) +``` + +Loads spatial index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like Aspose.Gis.FeaturesSequence.WhereIntersects(Aspose.Gis.Geometries.IGeometry)
and Aspose.Gis.VectorLayer.NearestTo(float,float).
If index does not exist creates it first. Use to force index recreation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index_path | string | Path to the index file. | +| force_rebuild | bool | Whether to recreate index even if it already exists. | + +### Method: use_spatial_index(index_path, force_rebuild) {#use_spatial_index_index_path_force_rebuild_38} + + +``` + use_spatial_index(index_path, force_rebuild) +``` + +Loads spatial index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like Aspose.Gis.FeaturesSequence.WhereIntersects(Aspose.Gis.Geometries.IGeometry)
and Aspose.Gis.VectorLayer.NearestTo(float,float).
If index does not exist creates it first. Use to force index recreation. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| index_path | [AbstractPath](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/abstractpath) | Path to the index file. | +| force_rebuild | bool | Whether to recreate index even if it already exists. | + +### Method: where_greater(attribute_name, value) {#where_greater_attribute_name_value_39} + + +``` + where_greater(attribute_name, value) +``` + +Selects features with attribute value greater than the provided value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | +| value | object | Value to compare against. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with attribute value greater than the provided value. | + + +### Method: where_greater_or_equal(attribute_name, value) {#where_greater_or_equal_attribute_name_value_40} + + +``` + where_greater_or_equal(attribute_name, value) +``` + +Selects features with attribute value greater or equal to the provided value. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | +| value | object | Value to compare against. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with attribute value greater or equal to the provided value. | + + +### Method: where_intersects(extent) {#where_intersects_extent_41} + + +``` + where_intersects(extent) +``` + +Filters features based on the extent. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| extent | [Extent](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/extent) | Filter extent. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features that intersect with the provided geometry. | + + +### Method: where_intersects(geometry) {#where_intersects_geometry_42} + + +``` + where_intersects(geometry) +``` + +Filters features based on the provided geometry. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| geometry | [IGeometry](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis.geometries/igeometry/) | Filter geometry. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features that intersect with the provided geometry. | + + +### Method: where_intersects(sequence) {#where_intersects_sequence_43} + + +``` + where_intersects(sequence) +``` + +Filters features based on the union of all geometries in other features sequence. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| sequence | [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Other features sequence. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features that intersect with the union of all geometries in other features sequence. | + + +### Method: where_not_null(attribute_name) {#where_not_null_attribute_name_44} + + +``` + where_not_null(attribute_name) +``` + +Selects features with attribute not equal to null. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with attribute value not equal to null. | + + +### Method: where_null(attribute_name) {#where_null_attribute_name_45} + + +``` + where_null(attribute_name) +``` + +Selects features with attribute equal to null. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with attribute value equal to null. | + + +### Method: where_set(attribute_name) {#where_set_attribute_name_46} + + +``` + where_set(attribute_name) +``` + +Selects features with attribute set. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with set attribute value. | + + +### Method: where_unset(attribute_name) {#where_unset_attribute_name_47} + + +``` + where_unset(attribute_name) +``` + +Selects features where specified attribute is not set. + +**Parameters:** + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| :- | :- | :- | +| attribute_name | string | Attribute to filter by. | + +**Returns** + +| Type | Description | +| :- | :- | +| [FeaturesSequence](/psd/python-net/aspose.gis/featuressequence) | Features with unset attribute value. | + +