diff --git a/website_generator/.gitignore b/website_generator/.gitignore
index 918acc0..d2d367d 100644
--- a/website_generator/.gitignore
+++ b/website_generator/.gitignore
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
# History files
diff --git a/website_generator/website_source/index.Rmd b/website_generator/website_source/index.Rmd
index 986271a..56c3d21 100644
--- a/website_generator/website_source/index.Rmd
+++ b/website_generator/website_source/index.Rmd
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ DT::datatable(nassa_table_print,
diff --git a/website_generator/website_source/selectKeyword.js b/website_generator/website_source/selectKeyword.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73f0d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website_generator/website_source/selectKeyword.js
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ // Verify the table ID by logging it
+ //console.log('Table ID:', '#nassa_table_container_table');
+ // DataTable instance using the correct ID
+ var table = $('#nassa_table_container_table').DataTable();
+ // Check if the table is correctly initialized
+ //if (table) {
+ // console.log('DataTable initialized successfully.');
+ //} else {
+ // console.log('Failed to initialize DataTable.');
+ //}
+ const searchInput = document.querySelector('#nassa_table_container input[type="search"]');
+ const keywordColumnIndex = 6; // Assuming "Keywords" is the 7th column (0-indexed)
+ const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true });
+ // Add click event listener to each badge
+ $(document).on('click', '.badge', function() {
+ var keyword = $(this).data('keyword');
+ //console.log('Badge clicked, keyword:', keyword); // Debugging output
+ // Apply the search filter with the keyword
+ if (keyword) {
+ //table.columns().search(keyword).draw();
+ // Select the search input within the nassa_table_container
+ // Check if the search input exists
+ if (searchInput) {
+ // Set the value to your desired string
+ searchInput.value = keyword;
+ // Apply a custom search to the "Keywords" column
+ table.column(keywordColumnIndex).search(function(data, type) {
+ // Check if the data in the "Keywords" column contains the exact keyword
+ const regex = new RegExp(`(^|,\\s*)${searchTerm}(,|$)`, 'i');
+ return regex.test(data);
+ });
+ // Trigger the input event to apply the search filter immediately
+ searchInput.dispatchEvent(event);
+ table.draw(); // Redraw the table to apply the custom filter
+ //console.log('✔️ Search input value has been set successfully!');
+ } else {
+ //console.error('❗ Search input not found within the specified container.');
+ }
+ searchInput.value = ''
+ }
+ });
+ // Optional: Add a button to reset the search filter
+ //$('.legend').append('');
+ // Reset the search filter when 'Show All' is clicked
+ $(document).on('click', '#resetFilter', function() {
+ //console.log('Reset button clicked.'); // Debugging output
+ searchInput.value = ''
+ searchInput.dispatchEvent(event);
+ //table.search('').draw();
+ });
+ });
\ No newline at end of file