My portfolio on Nuxt 3 + Nuxt UI (Pro)
Make sure to install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
npm run dev
Auto deployed by main branch.
Some of this todo is migrated from legacy Nuxt2 version.
- Create a specific page for every project/interface
- Create a blog to explain the steps of each project
- Move to i18n instead of hardcoded text
- Create a Logo
- Customize Nuxt loading page
- Make a better error/not found page
- Add proper favicons (to increase Lighthouse Audit score on PWA)
- Add more themes than just light/dark theme
- Add custom themes (add the ability to user modify the theme on-the-fly)
- Add a toggle to show different information to different industries
- Add CSS regression tests (BackstopJS, BrowserStack or Helpscout Barista?)
- Add Vue code tests
- Generate Lighthouse badges from Github Actions and update the correct files in repository
- Add Nuxt Storybook to documentation system
- Add CSS to mock IE users :)
- Migrate to latest Nuxt
- Add micro animations to entire portfolio - [Using Nuxt UI]
- Move CSS to SASS instead of Stylus (stylus seems to be deprecated or, at least, stagnated) - [Using Nuxt UI]
- Use newly created Logo as link to back Home - [Using Nuxt UI]
- Add an interactable animation on the Main page (home) - [Using Nuxt UI]
- Add a switch to change themes - [Using Nuxt UI -- But hidden for now]
You can see here:
Deployed at: